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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1965, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman, gowmnanville. Feb. 17, 1983 cal one. for on that memoe- entsanmd ernotlonally diaturb- or, that Canada Io on the rond i abe10 h aos rpe dpol.Ith ,Mr pa-t, eoigarpbi.WD!e otS o sIce s senting the nobility and the er, that one of the reasons for have seen recent indications i________________ ' >c rk common people of En land, emotionally disturbed people of this ini the press in theý Report from Q ueens P r aa t ileo he griated on- Pres, prorhradio aoand h yboRle;e ocf Russe I tsborne b Ale Carrthers M. ~Magna Carta. The Magna great emphasis on the delres- M. E. W.Sopha (udRurse Carte, Mr-. Speaker, consisted sing things of life.1 Which symbols are being re- by Aex C rruhers M.PP.0f some 63 articles, but of the' r.SPeker, our society to- moved? Spositive rgt it gatd the dy is a queer mixtuec r Cruhr: îisD Mr. A. Carruthers (Dur- your office. Indeed, sir, a% a ed member oi the farming!two gseatest were habeas cor-_go<xI and ba.: and thersu rhtl hm ): pha e te r. t u n -ty the ver yo f t e uahities 0f comu t Mr. thempson, the u ry.a n l yi g htf un ancme tDt euora dheofmn r. A. V W lk r (O h- tio o rigemo ria l ticnin tsystRyacmss- deed a pleasure for me once fession. you are exemplifyingý the hon. 'member for Dove" juy- I adth ighe of tra -lk cm a ednyttenx-E of joining in this very import- impartiaflty and understand-, leader of the Opposition. I h an at a rl e idL ntefotpg fawa): The young Lîberals a t r Bedr &nt debate. ing and tolerance. would like on behaif of te the ana haenand tul beotir newspapers. 1 be leve,! watfthEQucnermnve f4IhII ie en ogatl-etiens t0ftDurhonty ta erthe keystone of British ad ; a nMr.iSpea eta CanaaOur Mr: Carruthers: Whether The Annual Durham County brieliy ta the meetingotlnMcMconPrHpe A- you my sincere congratula- Seaker xed cnrtl-etedt h o.mmbrworid freedom. The Parlia- aSearad or if w e llw ur tiis is to be our destîny, fu- Meeting of Eastern Breeders ing some of the achiee nttraeDegts, e e- fions on the very fine and ef- tiens to the mover and the our sincere congratulations ment summaned 50 years later o hs hnswhc t d r.Sear. wit shoel. utl corpda eb. ls hedTon iof the rztopcsfo h awesannsiln:Cra ficient marnner in which you seconder of the adclress in re- and wish for him many years ion6 eaitdtatfcthosepathaingwhcom cndMr lSeakr, ta thpole fHl tOonOtro uselftrber areconducting the affairs of p]y ta the Speech from the Of continued success then inc9u5c a ue otfaCtfor- thenwepart hfein a ITon, !ody made n h on n fte rset Thon.Bahths hn gn-hghofiehenw smons for the first time. thi hl.uiy this country, te this Canada'fETabyrnoGegeCr leader of the Opposition.te l. of ours, thta osttt Ona sborne, President of astern Dr. R. G. Smiiey, thsi s-m vie Hatin out HaiIt is înterestîng ta note thatl h vns0 een a" oacyisacnttfoaBreeders Inc., chaired the ant Manager, gave a cmlt ersnaîe r .B Severai hon. members:iHe nde Montfrtws a' h ve n tad ofnrecente s monrelvi 0fthse eat, ttadas aeaVrrpr ftesie urnl rwBwhniOt ar, Sim' on 1 ~~no sme Utmeeting adas aeavr eoto h ie hear. hde mdeunpecdenedh15 dated rlco hepsbtcomprehensive report on pro-. in service at EasternBrdes Mr. Crruters: ay ~ French nableman. His mar- tory. A great stafesman, a rather the most efficient, thc!gress of business during theanacmanehitakwh inalkindness ta him. andinaghe ihta he oking sstandea aria,1damgt most truly democratic sYstem past year. Mr. Osborne gave 1 thc showing of slides o eea in al i th inhritnceof a esatewarriar, has passed ta his rc-; of gaverniment Yet ev'olved, a a very camplete accaunting Of :0f the sires. afriendly manner as ane of frOm his grandsnother 1n ward; and with bis passîngl system 0f government httergrsmaeb Eastern Mifr1rihoBac mny constituents that 1 do take England, placed himn in a very we have witnesscd the end Of. enjoys many advantages overi Breeders during the past year, Sprio ftePrtHp 1 I ..'~ exception ta some of the re- influci-tial position in the a ra o i wspesntthems nig ndp e.s-an pakgesstadteb grilf n office, reiedthepat 2 hi bthsLeisaur. ls dciie ero i Eg an cera Inhim ah w erc a- Suerdsrefnhei marks that are made abouIt court life of that day. At this fied those qualities of char ai he sst emsin te wred. any sof tthe mp ortntapec on thficafiworkdonctheo L I T Eam concerned, Mr. Speaker, history, a1uigS av n hj rvde sie nintemnrh t-af the business. In 1964 Mr. ithat office. over the support that the hon. cniticai periads down thraugh fa n teghi npr-slti onr nosteObrerpre htae Charles Graccy, SalsMn teiethancenturies. in the dai-k benefifs of an institution pec- 125,000 first services were per- leader of the Opposition is r-tecnuis e witness day, of aur cvlzta. ubroi ateBiîhCm amdb atr reesager of Eastern Bedr, ceiving from the hon. rmcm- the tics that bind the French cspake ta theularmeeting on artishfapîc i CIECTEastrnC AL *Vs bers of bis own graup. They and Engish people. ! hr ae be mn owat f aina n nd this figure represents a'ntifld Frnn ihYu'fT cerfainly seem te be leaning Th-irefare if was of i-r- things said about this great stifution which has evolvedlincrease af almost 1,00 caws Head, "Wil fairbcming i inalBietinLnL wud sinfiahs.oiman and there wiil be manv over a period of 1,000 yea;s, over 1963. mr ifci amk suggest that he shouid fake c1nea eid more in the days that lie an institution whose unique DrMa MLc; Mnaeifbelvg po- some af fhem oufta the waod- wnathesftureinino y of hmea-ahead but I believe onc of th qualities are fthc envy of less of Eastern Breeders, spake Gracey painted out thal mn F ~~shed- ainrssi sa c- finest tributes alopeared in. fortunafe people. An hon. member: Andsueothaiiyoftes'-ncfth weeklies in the Mr. Speaker, I wouid like fre-s could impravo hi' Oi i. A0? G O E S w hai th:da iighf :utoferai provinces te co-operate c u f of u h m he a a hifr e he a d BJ U R com e by applying no W I county o Duvharn TTheCan-ltewinge statei tfme t- G OSwe ot M.Ram) i Icm'eda hs iiM.Cu-hl asn og hthis countryut, the Right Ho on- The det f rs.A .cr eeeetdfrtecm thn sh oud at ias di pe k re h Mîn s - o dvil of eterniy n o a nw ourable V sinn uMs d sey .i ll cc red a t e ho e 0 r in ier of D ir e tor, M. Rusl caf hi a f0thepoic osedmbation (Mhe anvs o thele. ihthaf isiguof tevicrdebisospee haest nigtt, h e duheMs irOsbordctonte- his partedhe prany c cui-akn wtte-hhdeg. flevsthtande Cu. o tdhkeae' , H.A.pton, on Sundarry, ecasfe nt:Sc Ale Carut er, M P.P sho ld c konth (h eme ct faI thmed teaching f i s- tr. hourchill, M n S eakr , g theath sacq u t y, hi vews i th re- e rd 1 1 .Seawas ihAeric lurlRepesla e nai e MfM . esw r. A. O.ed Daoryml,______________ co-member for Nipissing (Mr. tory and fthe importance af vicforious as lie was in life, specf fa the monarchy. 'her 86th year. ýBowmanvii]e, Ontariaoio g * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lee aevryfn o-Tray) and the type of litera- fhat subject in moulding the se be was victarious over 0f course, constitutional, agtro h1aeToa eeaes e erHm 6T M E A C T tributions ta this Lcgislature ture that young man is read- attitudes and the character of'death. Belaw that illustration snanarchy is net the only BokS.adMr asalta;FacsJsNwate in those two speeches. ing. those who wiil assume fthc re- are thle words whicb werc ex- form of democrafic a er c0k thSrmer Mary Barock Ross StensJs, BNwEnvl L OGiMy congratulations, also, to If is sîgnificant, Mr. Soeak- spansibilities of tamonrow. presscd by fhe hon. Prime ment. The principal alterna-îa one amnoOt usl sooNwafe I'~.~.:LAi the fwa new hon. members, er, that in their racial beck- May I suggest, Mr. Speaker, -Minister of this province in tive is the republie. Everyiand attended school there. O who, for the firsf time, have i graunids and the ridings whilch that if is fime we decided tendering a tribufe ta that nation must have a head Of Januaî-y 1sf, 1896, she married faken their seats in this Legis- Jthey represent. the bon. mem- wbat kind of a Canada we great man, and I wauid once state. If he is a president he1Albenî Alexander Wills who W A Y ! RiverdaIe (Mr. Renwick) and Lawrence) and the n m morews u ogCndeste lktreeadrdhem info owrs.Ifhehav esfeot E i lithehon. embe for indso"-l'er fe Nickl Bet (Mr De- e bSirerWinston woChurchilistonihurhhllperforms fils hc rdutiese 1 Sandwich (Mr. Thrasher). We,ý mers), as moyen and seconder want fhcm ta have a rever- dead and the lights of the bofh president and prime:va n eaeta tCl an abi ul dest c crtainly hope that their so-, of the Speech fram the ence for the past, a reverence World have tcmporanily gone minster-he is ve ea f arsorne, G raft a e Coug- adabgbl oe ojourn in this assembiv wil be Throne, rprset biclh appears te be increas- ouf. Tliey wili flame an again, political a the an d o minist ryAhoswfe and Couhrgh.,ic lua C encas Ld use arifiialy. hats aplesat ad ar rat ouningracs o ti ngly lacking in the socicty of but witli sadness when anc wielder of vasqt and time-con- intcrests centrcd around her' why your breeding o on. 1 nation. This fet ps-vides me today. realizes that the Churchillian suning authority.a home and famii. She wasa Also, my ogaultos with a theme for the fcw History isoeys memory,!era bas passcd and a new age Saine people sec more inamember of the AnglicanPo t H p operative cen meke such 1Mr.Seket the hon. Min-I!fhoughts I wish ta express. land withauf it wc are as pea- lis in the making. He was a president than a sovereign. Pihuch valuable bulis available ister w&ithouf Portfolio (Mr. :The Speech 1fro m thel pesree ih h osa a woflidbs destiny I must fell you that, for air Sei uvvdh uasn Gomme) for bis promotion ta! Thronc, Mr. Speaker, was iiot mremory or ainnesia; wiVhouf in the impact he made an the country, I cao only sec iess., and anc daughter, John of are pleased (o anuc teiein fa at such Iow cost. The Cabinet rank. He bnings ta a 20,000-word document or iweaebtpyilajctwodetar.Ifw wrefhveaPrei Toronto, Allen af Wicklow and best blood Unes c ail thaf office expenience, dignityiluILme of generalities, bit accupying space; withouf if His prodigiaus strength lay dent wifbouf executive pow-Ms WlrdSac Elcî A D (l E IIEfE tt and greaf ability. i rather it was a concise, coim- w antkowwow rin bis outsfanding abiiity ta ers, 1 presurne if would be hisi0 apo.As uîîîgfI V ~ I W ~ E V bred aeasner s Last.iy, Mr. Speaker-, may Ti prehlensive oufline of a pro- where we bave came from or lead and fa inspire. To bis dufy fa supervise thec primelare 14 grandchildren and Il your telephone. . extend my congratulations to! gramsme dcsigned ta meef the wc are dirccfing aur tenacity of purpase and will minister. If thev were of the'gra-etdcidrn the hon. member for Hastings 1 needs of a rapidly developing course. Hisfory mey nef telli ta survive, the free world saine pas-ty, tfhcn what would grAmothendchildreora rb 'HWEcest (Mr. Stherc o highofice of1 cad etily -u where we ai-e going, but if owes ifs life. May bis great be gained? Or, if of different[lutcs, evidence of the estccm in 2 N elson S. o m n il PH NE1 letin eth hghofic oiflects the busincsslike 'quali- does provide fthc mosf relieble1 and noble seul rcsf in peace. parties, what then would not1which thec deceased was heid, (FORMERLY CNDA ANR Dcputy Speaker of fhis House.,ý tics of the hon. Prime Minis- guide. A few days ega, Mn. Spek- be lest? qow could we keepiwas anc from the Beehive Re- SMn. Speaker, you have been ter of this pravince (Mr. Ro- I might point ouf et this er, the hon. member for York an elecfed president free from1bekah Lodge, Bowmanville. FCOY 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. a madel for me duning my harts) and bis goveroiment. fime two facts relatives ta the South (Mn. MacDonald) was partisanship? Haw could he, The funcral service was held short period in this LegisIa-ý Several han. members: Hear. teaching of hisfary in our cie- spcaking in the Debafe an the be certain te pcrsanify what fram the Morris Fuocral Ail the popular ana e n aeil r o turc-a model o! toleranej hear. mentary sc.hois. The first is Throne Speech. He is record- is best in the national chair- Chapel, Bowmanviile, on Wed- aveilbat ti oain and imparfiality-and I know ,Mr. Cai'rufhcrs: If is of bis- i atet atfli present fîme Cen- cd an page 136 of 1-ansard of acter? By wbaf means could'ncsday' Febnuary 3rd, and was, PORT PERRY lhi:tyou will fulill the dutiesl torical significance and of bis- ainhsoyis oiily bcing Jani.ary 29, 1965, as saying: we secune in the office of pre-cadtdbyRX.Crlso ifmtonc crin Il f hi ofic wththediniy trialimortnc, r.Spcak- taught in Grades 7 and 8; sec- The esscntialiy negative sident flic proper represent~ta a of Hampton UnitCharesdFo aîîowrace, o ntc setct thtvsed h ecigo rts eo naii commands. .er, that this asscmbly ~od h ccigo nfs oec neIlincantnest tien offlic founding races? Chuch.Intrmen wacii Y U k o n in~'Mr.nSpeaker, in participa t - i con e eonistory as been elimiafd with the dynamic, aggressivc r. So ha W ic s mbls S . ccrs emcfcy, obo rg62 -721! the elmenyayosehohenoe of Qebecbas ceafedan are being removcd? Palîbearers wcrc Messrs. BO AN LL- wifb a sense of pivilege and cf flic first Parliament in Programme. imbalance in flic relationship Mr. Carruthens: I tald theýLyle Brack, Ray Brock, Wiliie o great sense of rcsonibiiy England by Simon de Mont- There arc those who wilI cf the f wo central provinces bon. member. iBrock, Pcrcy Gibson, Jack PORT HOPE - - * - 8528 as member for that scenic and; fot in the yar 1265. say: W y teach British is- and theïr criicl impact n (C ntinued nexf week) D cw and Cliffard Kecler. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #5 w7 3 3 lýprogressive area of Ont aria It was a warm sunny after- tory? As-e wc nof an inde- the reshaping of Confedera- -knawn as Durham couoty.1 noon in June-the hon. mcm- pendent nation and na langer tien. Blessed by' Divine Providence; ber for Armourdale (Mr. Car- a colon.y? Why persist in try- Mn. Speaker, I cantradict' g~*....::.*«:.:.:::%... wifh varied and productivel tan) statcd if was a stanmy ing ta maIntain a colonial -that statement most emphatî- Centrai Ontario i soil. a wcll-balanced and ini-- day, but I suggesf, Mn. Spcak- stetus in a self-governing na- caliy, and Iarni sure aIl bon * ..........:::::::::::.:::::* * ** dustniai hIe, pioneered byien, thaf il was quitc cloudv tien such as Canada? Mn. members will agrcc witb me * ..*.. .. Cattie Breeding United Empire Loyelisf s and! and nough in the morning but Speaker, baw wrong cen we thaf the policy foliowed by .~«:.:::::::%::..w,» _ flic B e d i g h sons and daughters of the j cleared up in the aftennoon. be? British history is fth c only this government has been . .~ w >......~.-.::::::::~* :: A * British Ises, tod y if countsý It was just 50 y ars prier ta subjecf that is tauglt in every positive and constructive in *~c~... ::::::::::::..:~.*. .~~ 1among ifs citizes families' 1265 thaf a grup of angryl leading country of flic world ifs interprovinciai relation-. w.>,.,**. Association whs nety sebdeiarn ahrd ntesaltoaicuin usaad-hp..... bii aycutre fte saros nyedmiwy hruhtth rsie n 5on oe hon. membes: Hear,~~. : "Be te C tte 1 world, and who ave rought! be fw cn flic owns of W ind- waY or ano f er, B itain as hear! t a that ar a m any new skills so n and Staines on the is- lid a pow erful effect on ev- M r. C rruthers: This fact ,**<~~:::~. *-**- .. .- .~...*, -..,.../ . ,. for ettr Lvin' an ne cuturf. oric Thanies River. Thene ery section cf flic globe. For 1 fhink, is particularly evident for Bette Living" Among those citizens, mey they awaited flie arnival of an yclars, London was the comn- in the cordial relefionsbip : *. *e C «* I say, MT-. Speaker, wc have' equaily angry King John. mnercial and finencial centre bcfween the goveroment of ~*~ .- hed a new and higily respect-' The occasion was a bistoni- Of fthc wonld, and for much this province and the gavenn- ~ .. cf the wonid today tibis still ment of Qucbec and particu- :.. is flic case. From flic British laniy, Mr. Speaker, is if cvi- Empire bas evoived the mod-, dent in the tordial relation- cmn Commonwealth, in flic ship enferfained bcfwen lich deveiopmcnf of whicb this leaders of those f wo govr X Durh m C unty Co-pera ive country Canada, bas pleyed. ments. If is most evident in D u r h a m C o u n t y C o - o p e r a ti v ea l cd! g part. t act th et flic government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..M_ _ Misgret fmil ofnato fth pravince, alter secur- ltoday anc inthemirconsditions te protect the af m o der n stetesmanship. intenest of flic people, remain !Wîfhin ifs boundanies peoplc d within flic federel pension gresp and an understanding lingual nation? 1 th e nI lIE ca r The Extended Medical Plan and Major Medical is $115.00 for a Family of Brnitishi history before wei l the racial groups mak- l m cen readiy undersfand flie"ngUp fît get oino and $57.50 for a Single Member up te age 65. developinent of aur awn in- hpavepipayed important raies The Surgical and Major Medical Package is $60.00 for a Family and $30.00 stifufians., in flic development af Canada. Here is 1965's look of luxury! Chevelles lithe, light for you. New, thicker bcd onsmk terd xr I would suggest, Mr. Speek- b Ic h discovery end explora-1 unes invite you to look and look again. Slide behind quiet, too, And you'Il enoytewyCveespacca for a Single Member. er. thet if flic verioua depant-Ition of this country, fthc ______________________________ ments of educafion across thîslFrencli and flic Englisb played the whee ... there's more luxury with curved sideglass size makes traffic handinabee.,prkgfigr nation could find a commani leding raIes and together, fo tstshudrromrtnwfbisndotl tip easy! SEND THIS.COUPON T0 ground in whicb ta, embady1 on more than anc occasion,1 o oso hudrrosatnwfbisadsfl MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS DUHAheUT fi positive and factuel lis-1tbey have profected aur bon-1 textured vinyls on the foam-cushioned seats. Chevel1le's new poweris xiig. rmte10h INCLUDE * * . CO-OPERATIVEtory of Canada, based on flic ers from would-be invaders Hi-Thrift Six, with its a-aigwy n rs contrCOOPRTIEibutio)n made by ail rac-I But ech and every raciaÏl Now drive Cheveile. Right away, you'll thrill to hOw efficiency, ta the 350-hpTroFr 8 *Ambulance Charges. OronoOnSRIESfal uîy tiston tidonmore: indupstreldeornen to fa fi; s th a road can be, with Chevelle's redesigned and See what you'Il like atapieyullie. ChlI Specia Drug. ?~, Or ______ Ontario________ ingua cois naion ptha n'to- omrceadopflc ats lattenin bums fth c flage, privieges, and i-' building of ur a teries of! ei e r n nd r a u p n i n p ' 5 . . a o r C ev oe e l rs n w Naegether. scienýces; and thouGands ai " Laboratory Services. Addresa ____________ We have for toc long putý their sons and deughters lie, the emphasis on those things1 buried in every clime, having " Appliances and Therapy._____ thaf divide us. If unity is ta fouglit ta meinfain the solif- Yau wil b undr Do bligtionbe accomplished, flot only thel da nity cf this cou ntry. Tou_________________noobligation _ sdhli but fthc press, radio i I would suggest thet what and television must play an equaiity meens, and what d ivl l6m ThIB is the only county-based organization serving the Unitecd Counities important part. Too offen equality sliould mean--end it c&/ eI, these media stress flic sensa- is nat racial nor is if lingual- MO of Durham and Northumberland. fional and flic differences. As is flic equal opportunity for C4VtLTC4VLIcqvnCAANcarr the bon. meniber for Scarbor- al rvnealCndas IL G. MO IFTA, 5Sm -Mu '., Oroo 163J ougli West (Mr. S. Lewis) was to oproincesthe Canadians, Authorized Chevelle Dealer in Bowmanville: »S. ALTO DORELL.Blacstoc 9864995speaking this affternoon I lis-, bave, bath physica]ly and cul- MIS. DALTON DORIELL. Dlackstoek 986.4995tened w t b a great deal of at- tu -ally, ta making Canada the COURTICEB Ah i I 1 L f UBO M N L E GERAL> SHACKLETONd - Hampton 263-2744 i f ention. I do net think lie got 'strongest, the nobiesf, af ail Phone 728-6206 R. VVW . MUIC. . Hhoe 2LSf &M,.RoitrERT <CRATER Oranno.16-r-1 DAV1D WIL,,%N Blaeksok $8-493 ta flicroot of fthc probien. as i the self-governin urn atfi o n a esr oseBnsao h R-Vntwr ahSna.Cekyu oa itn ini emotionally disturbeýt par-' There are signa, Mr. Speak-i

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