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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1965, p. 13

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£'etters &4o Js4e &Iùor F.O. Box 817, Bowmanville, Ont., De Fedit. 12, 1964 In! the past three weeks we bave noticed the United Ch 's new Sunday School CuWiculum. Fîrst does net be eve in X> Bible as wlly God (vealed word. Second. thr they consider tie firs ll chapters of Ienes yth, thus deny- . God the power ta create, of course the first prom- ve f a Saviur, and the . e ntinec sin, which we bae aUl inherîted fram aur parents. Three, they water clown or omit ail mysteries they cannot understand in the flesh or reason out in a material way. Today, atanement is the subject for a brief considera- tion. What does il mean? The reconciliation between God and man effected by Christ': death. burial and resurrectian. The mosi of the Bock of Levil.icus il RWven over ta various aspects of the atone- ment, offerings cf bulîs, sheep, goats, lurtie doves, meal and ail, for sin, peace, burnt, trespasa and passaver offerings. Everyone of these animals or produets convey a very deep meaning and show some facet of ou r Lord': sacrifice for us on Calvary's cross. Christ our passover is sacrifice for us: 1 Cor, 5:7; compare this with Exodus 12 in Hebrews 9:12, neither by the blood of goals and calves, but by Mis own blond He entered in once mbinthe Holy Place, having obtained em- ai redemption for us. V 13, for if the blood oi bulls and goats, and the ashes of an heifer spriniding the unclean, sanctitieth ta the purifying of the flesh; V 14, how rnuch more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit ofiered himself without spot ta God, purgé your conscience from dead works ta serve the living God?? Again in 1 Peter 1:18, for as much as ve know ye are flot redeemed with cor- ruptible things- - - V 19, but with the preclous blood of Christ, as a lamb withaut blemish and without spot. 1 John 1:7 B. And the biood of Jésus Christ EiS Son cleanseth us from al sin. 1 John 2:2, and He is the propitiation (sacrifice) for aur sin: and flot for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world (man- kind). The United Church is not alone in the omission of thp blood (Christ's sacrifice) from their teaching. The Anglican Church some time aga took the hymns oui cf their hymn book that men- tioned the blood and the Roman Catholic Churcb for centuries has omnitted thé prec.ious bleod of Christ as the only means of reconcili- atlen te God. May 1 in love warn yoti from Hebrews 10:29, Oh how much sorer punîshment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who bath trodden under foot the Son cf God and bath counted the blood cf the covenant, (promise) wherewith He was sanctified (set aparitat God) an unholy thing, and bath done despite until the spirit of grace? Yours sincerely, George A. Meeks. February is Decorating Month! USE FASHIONABLE SOFT COLORS 0F SUPER KEM - TONE Qt. AND MATCHING KEM $ Qt. -GLO $10.65 As the dusi ettled, lie asked fine reoleagues te pick up the phone and The operator answered immediately. ofi his startled dial Operator. "Now that, gentlenmen," he said triumphantly, * * * AIM TO BE HEARD If folks semetimes have difficulty hearing you over the lelephane. il may require cnly a siight twist cf the wrist ta make your vcice came in leud and clear. Seeing televîsion perfemmers ialk or sing over microphones that may be located 18 inches from the mouih or suspended ovemhead eut of sight may give uq the impression that we can do the same wilh the lelephone. We may caelessly talk with the telephone transmilter held anywheme from beneath the chîn te above the nase. ,Bu the telephone is net a broadcasting rievice, Il là an instrument designed for personai - and private- conversation. It ha: been engineemed te operate mosl efficiently when you speak directly mbt the mnouthpiece - wilh youm lips about an inch a way. You need speak only in normal toes ta ho heard cleamly. . - if you hold the telephone directiy in front of yeur mouth and speak inte the trans- Mîtter. v Fia g Proclamation Reproductions Available ~4~L ~LIZAMl1i TI-IE SECOND. wri~ Gmaes o, Go, oii*ww Uwtiu,1(masoe<.<>au~me. ~ I4fl..@flffKUIAIMS ~ 0V lie CcMM.,A'ISA1.Tii.NMNDIS.. q~êAdA1owI4o~< fl451 Pmsnui's SWAIL coMa o~, ~i4OM 1141 SAMI MAY 1% AWVW~fl oKoen~G~ 4t l , mý%r dm ir d. W'dudu 4.nt4m h(a i, àqWtM&dm a àt»NW aaJa, ba. m .q MM m.' mak W4 Ae J"m q ,WMeca~ ~~ aw "j4w. ad m, m nàL GOD $%vLrmf ,qEL iRIS lsu?.s<oussIDEU.atTo1tAs Ae dTow u >mowm am,sU muA wtft ou qs&tt a reeg Wckx &se SeNmvt,*Wrpe t SudJ &*udg. PV ON 9s.lawm iwUa P7'ý*Wk jAmaImuto@. per fi ùmnr1h. w çda .eJ YMLvRab" 4aL à": itp~ *Nm" md*uAn m "fdw f« P"&u sac d did k"Aportme M mtq.Lfiu.dlr tà~màt v an h' ý à kqanoe..Pal #jtv.wdaaSe t f1t R(ea f PW. Pam soemn uwsace,1r tqrOg pvNmi de r-111-am 1~qm a ~' pe~.aaàaLiat a mi Ka e 7i~i~&U~I !,ve.-wm.ufw nd (DIEU SAUVE ]4^iRM1N. 13earing the signature of Her Majesby Elizabeth 11, this is an ment., -, reproduced on fine parchment, in full colour, measuringi exact reproduction of bhe original illuminated vellurn of the Royal 24" x 191/W". Ttiis aVailable from the Queen's Printer, Ottawa, ati Proclamation cf the NationalFlagof Canada. This historical rincu- $1.00 per ccpy. duel. A .evey righi, chrv- santhemnurn was the floral of- HA M PTO Nfering fr the day. One hunictred and sixty-four held Pl. Smcoe Street Church, coconanad cup cakes. by M'r. and Mrs. Clarencei dollars was callected fer the Oshawa, recently. Mrs. A. L. Sunday, Feb. 14th- We ni-;[ Nicrhols for dinner and the ai-,1 March-ioa Dimnes Campaign. Blanchard, Mrs. L. Clemens tended church for the firsiternocu. The Hampton Ladies' Service and Mi-s. F. Payne aitended lime as a Brownie Pack, with -___ Club wish ta thank aII who the sessions ail day. Mrs. Kil- a good attendance. conbribuled. The icy con- lens, Mrs. Catto and Mrs. Mes-j Deepesi sympathy k cex- dition slowed the canvass but suers alsoataiended the even- bended le Mr. Staples and fam- il is now complele. in esin.iy, who have been living ia On Thursday, 68 or 70 pupils Mr. and Mrs. Otta Pfieffer, M.Rogers' hause. Mrs. and 15 mothers accompanied Whitby, visited Mrs. Luther Staples passed away very sud- by iheir teachers Mrs. Nara Allin and tami!Y. idenly on Sunday memning. In- Hornick and Miss Janice Mr. Frank BIlunt and Mr. temment took place in Nova. Beech, went by bus te Bo,,%- Jim Blunt, Bawmanvi]le; Mr. Scotia. manville. They vîsited the, and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth and'- _ Bowmanville Public Librarv familv Pickering, visiled Mms.E where the Libramian, Mrs. M. J. D.'iHegamth on Sunday. WESZLEY VILLE Hutchinson, tack great pain. Mr. and Mrs. Len Player' te interest the pupils and 'and boys, Bowmanviile, weri Thal ramn effectually ean-I mothers in the wanderfuliSunday dinner guests wilh celled aCtivitieS on Wednes- pleasure ta be abtaine.d from Mm. and Mrs. Sid Kersey. day for schoal buses could net reading good books. This lave Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon, run and mosi sehools were of good eading, if developed 1 Scamba rough, visited on Sabur- cîosed. The usual meeting cf . . early, grows lhrough the years 1 day wibh Mr. and Mrs. John the U.C.W. was not held until and educational opportunities Lycn and family. the foliowing day. neyer cease. They then visit- We are pleased la kncw bhat At that meeting heid in the ed the Post Office where Post- Mr. and Mrs. Tam Wray are churoh hall, there weme 21 master George Vice carefully: able to be in their ewn hem ladies present, with the presi- '................ explained the intricacies of the agaîn. Mrs. Wray stayed with dent Mrs. Gkeorge Tuiford ia mailing system. their daughber and husband, ciharge. Atter the opening On Sunday moraing the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keane, prayer, the .group fer the Junior Public School Choir, Oshawa, while Mm. Wray was mnonth led by Mrs. Archie sang in Harmony United in hospibal, aad Mr. Wray was Ford conducted the devolions Church, accompanied by their aise there for awhile ater and the pragram. Wîth sorip- leader Mr. Ross Melcaif. Their leaving hospital. uernbyMsFodth teachers, Mrs. Nora Homick We are also pteased ta hearber ead by Mm. Ford, a tef and Miss Janice Beech were ihat Mr. Lew Cryderman ld e Ii nw n 3hcpe i1 aisa present. ýthe hospital on Monday and Corinthians was used and1 Mm. and Mrs. Harry Apple-. wilI be spending a short lime *reditatîoa given by Mms. KenO ton nd r. ad Ms. Jhn wit hissonand augter-n- in rs. Perey Snell waslO ton nd m. nd rs.Joh wih hs sn ad dughem-n- in charge cf the sbudy bockl Kilgour, Whibby, visited on1 law, Mr. and Mrs. Merv Cmy- 'God and His Purpose", andi R Sunday wilh Mr. and Mrs. i derrnan, Oshawa. used the srnall group method. Ralph Ballard. Mm. and Mrs. Bill Page, So- te discuss the questions deal -1a Miss Mary Peters visitedj lina, visibed Mm. and Mrs. Emm n wt Ae enngo h with Mrs. Kennelh Werry over ýLuke on Sunday evening. n wihtemangote thp weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes story of the Gardlen af Eden, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davies, and Mrs. Annie Hawes, Whib- and ils lesson for us. Bowmanville, visited Mr. andiby. visited on Suaday with Mr. Mrs. Ford intreduced Lhei ,Mrs. Harold Salier. and Mrs. Ron Luke. aew book on Brazîl which liac Mrs. John Balson spent the lMr. and Mms. J. H. Aber- an illustration ai Rie De Ji- iweekend with Dr. and Mrs. nethy, Bowmaaville; Mm. Dick neîra's famous p atlb e r inhe d 1 ETRC NTI 1 Keith Bilieti, Bowmanvil]e,1 Melcalf, Tomante; Mm. and Mrs streets on ils caver. With a, 1 ETR CNSR and on Saturday evening ai- 'Gien Metcaîf and Grant, Osha-. large map, with a flip charixlsieSngeUi teaded the Masonic banquet, wa, were Sunday visibers with of panypitdifra xlsv igeU andprgrm.Mm. and Mrs. Roy Meicaîf an dplien, pictures, and data, pre- r makes every Rambler body Mrs. Bert Burrows spent the Mm. Ross Meicaîf. senbed in dialogue fcrmn led1 single unit. A rugged Rambl weekend in Kingston visiling, Mr. and Mms. John Carrigan by Mrs. Ford and replies giv ment a lot longer, a lot bette he sister, Mms. Keith Branton and Douglas visibed on Sndyen 1w Mesdames Clarence SudyNichai .s, Murray Payne and mlsiitsrde and iamily and hem mother .evening with Mm. and Mms. Jim mlsi l tie 'Mrs. Annie Phiihips. Woodley and Mr. Clarence Howard Payne, a clear under- Mr. and Mms. Rudy Jammner Woodley, Tymone. standing was given of the sizej 2. NO RATTLES and Clint, Port Perî-y, called Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brenton, cf ihe ccuatyd ils lack o at the Bummcws home on Sun- 'Dean and Dwayne, and M..,, racial discrimination, the Ire-: Ratlesands ntuetion day aitemnoon, and were sup- Edithi Brenlon, Selby, visiteâi mendous contrasi between thei ntfn-otscntuto pem guesîs wilh Mm. and Mms. 'an Sundav with Mr. and Mrs rich and peor, and ils greatý side body is f rep of rattleq an( Fritz Jammer. Overton Meunbenay. need of help fmom us tl help1 ont from conventional body. Mm. and Mms. Russell Ormn- On Monday cf last week Mr. bhemn help themselves. Mms.! ision. Enniskillen, recentîy and MArs. Merwin Mounîjoyý Ken Dinner sang one of their 1 3 BETTER RUSTPR( called nt the Presceti home. spent the day in Port Hope. native hymns an eeae t On Satuirday visiiors wiih Mrs. Thea Slemon, Enniskil.Iih almmes.ann. Exclusive DrepDp R Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescoli 1iIen, visiled Mms. T. S. Mount- Duing the business bhe past1 poe aand Mm. A. L. Prescoit werF,: loy. one eveaing recentîy. pnd sca van a1sneisitouto Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hemphill, Mm. and Mrs. Russell Mount- paadfrtecmn ob. bsrspofn ehd Mm. and Mrs. berne Hemphili Joy, Blackstock, recenbly visit- A new office has been madel dipped ta its roofline seven s andi David, Etohicoke, and Mr. ed Mrs. T. S. Mountjay. for the U.C.W., archivistin Io t seal off every nook and cra and Mms. Edgar Prescoti, En-' On Sunday, Mm. and Mr,. order ta keep a record off im-î field.Ar Reynolds, Debbie, Steve portant events cf il-s history'. 4. BETTER PAINT 1Sunday visitors with Mrm:and Jane were evening dia- Mrs. E. Barrowclough was ap- and Mrs. A. W. Prescott were uer guesîs sith Mr. and Mr, peinled for the local U.C.W.ý Rambler's exclusive1 Mr. Pete Kessier, Mr. and MrF. Herb Rogers. Bowmaaville. Refreshmeals provided by theý Enamel resist wear and tear, Jacob Kessier and Amny, Bol- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Abbott group were Brazilian style- ton, Ont. and Mark, Bowmanville, were fresh fruit salad, cookies withi .BTE ET E 1On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bill, Sunday nighl supper guests cocoanut and brazil nul tep-BTER WAT! Harrison and Kim, Port er Iwith Mr. and Mms. Wilired pîng, and of cours_ý coffee. We introduced exclus visiled Mr. and Mms. G. Aà- ISmale. bocals girls have receivedý .cock and Harry. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- guifs ihis year imom etiher' 1961. Durable, washable vi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilbur, JaY, Blackstack; Mr. and Mms. couatries whidh have pmoved' years langer than traditional Susan, Briani, Bradley, Wayne Harold Salter and Miss Mary întemesting. Marie Austin had' and Sherri, Oshawa, viqited ou Petcrs werp recent dinner ane sent te hem from Japani 6. BETTER WINTER1 Sunday wilh Mm. and Mrs. gulests with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil wiltheut explanabion of ils abe'Walr- Marry Palmer. Sirmon. enigin, but an article in a e-' ailrsWahr On Monday evening of last Several from Hampton at- cent paper shows pictures cfý Double Door Seals givey week Mr. and Mrq. Sleeman,1 tended the Masonic banquet similar doîls and says theyl against wind and weaîher, c Oshawa, visibed Mm. and Mrs. and progratn in Bowmanville were fimai made by wood-1 Carrick. on Sabumday evening. !tumners cf the narih eastern 7, BETTER BRAKES On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs;.,Mr. and Mrs. Franklain provinces, 160 yeams age. They EcuieDul a Cheatham. cf Oshawa, were Truli, Oshawa; Mr. and Mms. have new beceme world famn-ExlsvDobeSe evening dinner guesis with L. Hindmaa and Mrs. Gcod- eus and called Kokeshi dolîs. introduced in 1 962, are grad Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carrick. murphy, Maple Grave; Rev. There was ne doubi about, manufacturers. Front and rei Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cav- and Mrs. Fred Reed, Sunder- Sandra Payne's git rom Aus-, eriy, Sherri and Brent, Osha- land, were ecent visiters with t ralia, il was a purse made of' ta provide superior stappiri wa, were Monday evening dia- Mm. and Mm:. Lorenzo Truli. fur-kangaro fur. dmgd h te tl pr ner guests wiih Mm. and Mms. Brownle News There weme 52 ai Suaday daa , eohr8tlop Kenneth Caverly. Our meeting on Wednesday, school on Sunday morning, Mr. and Mms. b. Brandon, Feb. 101h vas cancelled due with G eor ge Tufford iný Lindsay, were recent guesta la the ice slorm. Icharge and Barbara Dinner wîth Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Saiurday. Feb. l3ih-We had1 playing the opening hymn. Caveriy. a Brownie skating pamîy en The intermediate beys led in, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter an ice pend in Hindman's the ciosing prayer. There is and daughters, Toronto, visiied:field. Af ter an heur an 1 9 a great deai of flu in the coin- on Sunday wilh Mr. and Mms. hall oi skating *"Packie"' munity but those who werp 'Ted Chant. Sherry Chant explained a abe to be ai ohumch heard Mr. and Mrs. Dave Butler couple cf culdoor games ta the with inierest an accounit of and family, Oshawa: Mr. and girls.I the work of the Bible Societ.Mms. .im Bell, Oshawa: Mr. la the first ane a version of lhroughout the wemld, anld t>Rmbepasadm and Mm:. Beb Leathman, Ux- **Hare and Hounds", the Mares especiaily the need for Chris- uualt obe at n u bridge. weme recent visilars 1dbt a trail of paper and cioth tian libealure in the caun- with Mr. and Mms. Hugh scraps through the fields, tries aaw becoming lilerate, Coulits. which the hounds had te fol- and being flooded with comn- Mr. and Mm:. Arthur Martin, 10w. Ia the second game they munist beaching. Ttle speaker & U E Bowmanvi e vre Saturday were divided mbt their groups was Rev. Rudd of Peterbor- M QU E F ok f .%tarlings are lak-I ing over at many cf the local' feeders, marvy more Iian la' the earliem par.t of tihe winler.ý Horned larks with Iheirmelal-ý 11<- tinkling tones are heard iný the open fields. IThe Canadian Statesman, Bewmanville, Feb. 17, 19@3 Miff congregatian of George Street RITUARYUnited Church. MORLEY BEBEE Mr. Bebee was a son of the Morley Bebee. .59 of2q7 laie Elmer and Betsy Bebee. Bethune Street, Peterborough, Surviving are three sisters, who operated a horse-drawn ýGladys of Peterborough, Mrs. sidewalk snowplow, died Feb. Curtis McKay (Rita) of Ponty. 5th, 1965, on his way homepoladM.EnoNebt 1r. workhrt. e alh; (Phyliss) of Orillia. and three Mr. ebeeh~rII've ailhisbrothers, Stanley and Blake of life in Peterborough. Peterborough and Maxwell olf H-e was a rnemher of the Oshawa. 1% 4 I PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES " issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years " earn the above indicated- interest payable half-yearly by cheque. " authorized investment for al Ganadian Insurance Companjeat and trust funds. STER LiNMGETR USTSI CORPORATION 372 bay St., Toronito 35 Dunlop St., Barrie 73 Mississge E.,, orilîll n f ail North American cars today, mbler is your best used car buy. Why Rambler? lUCTION it Construction with Uniside ly a slrong, safe, all-welded, )er body stands up ta punish- or. lî's buiît ta lake years and in other cars are raused hy n, But Rambler's uniaue Uni- id squeaks because it's differ- '-frame construction. OFIN G ?u.stvroofing continually im- i nine years ago, is the world's The body cf every Rambler is separate limes in rusîproofing ran ny f rom t ho ravages of rust, three coats of Lustre-Gard rseason after seasan. :R INSULATION sive Fibre glass Roofliners in iinyl covering stays attractive fcloth lining. INSU LATION Eye Heater and exclusive year-in, year-out protection cold and drafts. fty Brakes, a Rambler featurs iually being copied by other ar brakes work independently ng protection, If one set 18 Drates. S. BETTER SEATING Rambler off ers the 'industry's widesî choice of com- fort and seating options. Exclusive reclining seats an'd ad/ustable headrests are sturdily-built to give you maxi- mum seating comfort year afîer year.. 9. BETTER MUFFLER Ra mbler's exclusive Ceramic-Armored Mu/fier, Tai,/pipe and Exhaust System is made of tough galvanized nietal bonded with a long-lasling ceramic, shield ta resist rust and corrosion. 10. BETTER VALUE With so miany built-im exclusive features, Rambler holds ils new car value much longer. Rambler is builtwith a// possible owners in mind-not just the first. In the beginning, when il counits, Rambler is buîlt far better ta fast far langer. 11. HIGH DEMAND Rambler owners are loyal owners. Thatswhy today's used car lots aren't crowded wilh used Ramblers. Rambler owners like the cars they drive. They take good care of them. When you spot a used Rambler, you know Îît's in top condition. The naw 1965 Rambler is a top-qult y car, too. It of fers exclusive construction facturas, it 's p4ckad with so/id valua for your money, andit wlI daliver thousands of miles of trouble-fra, par- formanca-now whan it's new and tater whan It ,becomas a usad car. Ramblar la your basf car buy-naw or usad. The proof is waiting for you right now et your Rembler Dealer s. You 7/ find the model, style, colour and factura: you like et a prie you like. Se. your Rambler Dealer's wide-ranging soection of top-quati/ty cars todéy. rperb Rarnbler serviceaOe availabla Irom Our network of Ramblar Dealers throughout Cana#da STREET, EAST PHONE 623-3356_ MOTOR SALES LTD. I. f - SEE THE LATEST IN... VINYL AND WALL-TEX WALL COVERINGS AND WALLPAPERS AS ER NET HY' WLPER 33 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE _ J ~3LL bINES by John W. Lowry your telephone manager WHAMMO Bownianvillie residents rn» be Interested l l hearlng about a practieal dernonstration that ralsed nmre selentifie eyebrows rerentlv - thoîîgh 1 hope It neyer happens here! A group of profesosrai a major technical instu- tute were holding a conference on ..componeni relia- bhIlty", a niatter of considerable Importance in these space-age days. On@ engineering professer fidgeted while the dIscnuIon rambled on ai Iength ln profound scientlfie ternis. Finaiiy lie Jumped up. grabbed a nearhy tele- phone, and slarnred Il atainst the wal. - - --a -ir- 13 ^WMCL%"MON $8,o25 C'al.

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