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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1965, p. 5

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from 10:30 to 11:30 &.m.*, the Evening StUdy Group frain P0*ý'iuck'uppe Precdes :00 to 10:00 m eachWed Nest Ieton A further opportunity is Potluck upper Pecedes ndesdevnig.R:v. Henry B esOntc t. Jobhn's Vesfry Meeting kuluntheMssioneta Fair March, to be held each even- ,jhe congregatian of St. OKulu will be thie Missionernie was held in Orono ark. 1 hI s t Jhn s Angrlican Church at- Mr. C. Evans has been Ca- Candy canes, oranges and alby a visit of all parishiones. tàde their annual Vestry ordinator for the A.W.M. n!ift was presented ta each'eetd o 95 hihWa-B r.GatTopo __ ting on. M ondav evenin!Y. our liarish . and lie w uld oei child by Santa t the Chr-ist- dencM r. for 1965:.CEvans; Wre - y M . G a t T o p f1Uowing ot deliclous pot- happy to pass on ta any group 1 mas party and concert. ThedeM.Rb.LEan;ec Miss Karen Campbell of iaksu i or individuel the up-to-dates chidren af the Primary De- torils Warden, Mr. Earl P. H. Nestietan has brouglit honor T'lie* ctor, the Rev. K. j. information he has gathered. partment p artr a ye d thte Anderson, Deputy Warden, ta lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. )Fram pton oee h ety h udeCm iteCrsmsSoyadgint Mr. Clinton Hennng; Treas- Grant Campbell, ta lier teach- m~eeting wit ~Messs.Phllp tGruds omt, WaCrolmandSorandegainSer- trer, Mr. B. L. Burk; Con- er, Mr. Ni Bailey andCtota lies idance, in the work a ad Maindonald, A LeGresleyan vice in the church o Sunday. ve(>wnfaycesmenè,,r. e.shoCrwih e extended a hearty wel- R. Spry, have been doing con- Dec. 20. Thle children attend ndr.n; ay rnem'berstand Shol fÉmet alprsetwh adsie e w o r k on the a Fam.ily Service with o, rtHry .Sutn n Mrs. Mature, Oshweken, ~come otdespîte testorrm gondplanting hdg and, parents each Sunday morning k aym be rk Roni C, Alernae e On., e out theet o th weather. Thle Rector in h1ýs renewing the grounds as far at 9:45 before leaving for their W'mmes r .BtisOnt. ct Pient afthen a~a.nd Mrs. L. Lucas. Envelape taieAs sction of Athe On- report expressed i gratitude as psil ni h eoa lse nSna col h Secretary,Mis yrlHa; ulSoetsfrmdn197 for cver 100 years of founda- tions on the outside of the teachers attended Teacher Parochial Tribunal, Rector, tian works laid in St. John's. church are completed. The Training Course during the Wardens, F. L. Hooper, H. D. sponsors and judges this pro- He offered prayers and askedý committee wisih ta express Past season. Sto n r.H up-jc in Ontario Public Schools, for standing, silent prayers their thanks toi Mr. J. Wads- Mrs. Harry Sutton thanked Sutton Mr and Mrs. H. Hmph fo toe ase n urn tû wrh,1rey; Great Chapter, Waa-dens I r.Lm fortios pase o duîn te. orh.Mr. Ian S.mith, Mr. ail organizations and families Lay Members ta Synod, Dep- Thompson (local representa- past year and for the family Charles Stewart and Mr. Wrn. who lied donated in any wý1yutY Warden., Treasurer, Sides- tive af the Women's Agricul- of Mr. Edwin Wood who pas- Edrnondson for donations aita the Altar Guild, especiallymnCnvoChfaMi-urlSceesgveapzet ed away Sn d a b, fo es rss a d a atr H res P a k g sions Committee, Mr. Lionel a Grade VII or VIII Cartwright Hetane halnse who gras-, seeds. ing and Christmas time. Any- Parker;, Parish Co-ordînator A. student at Blackstock Fai r haed taken part ir St. John' 'The Praperty Committee, one wishing ta, serve on the W.M., C. Evanis; Praperty for the best essay on 'Ho in 1964, especial]y the War- Mr, J. H. Living, Mr. F. L. Chancel or Altar Guild please CamlJ. Living; Vestry ClerkOrSholCHoaePati den, r.HarvD.Sutton andý Hooper. -Mr. R. Jolimson andi get ntul ithteRco. Mrs. F. A. Diling the Fair Program". out af Mr. Earl AnrloMts. Sut- Mrs. F. Dilling, repart the Thle women's organizations AdiayBad il 'bve ton and the Altar Guild. andi work on the outside of the had been busy, working and plus Elect d : .aimlunnov, Mr. B. L. Burk \vho had filled ý church, painting and replacing stdig~lV~' n par uMs. R. Spr, M i ELati- a new position of treasurer! bricks, recapping buttresses, ticular places. The Ladies men, Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston, f . t c s a so very capably, and ail offi-iwhich is being done by Mr. Guild had held teas, ser- Mr.D..H.Gbn, r.L cers and organizatians. Mr. Boy Anger, must now wait ved dinners and catered ta Ditc. W . EdondsoMr. L,' H. Sutton responded to this till Spring. Plans are under- weddings. They have purchas- Appointed: Mr. Don Childs, o H tflanks from the rector on be- wav ta ped and upholster the ed a new carpet for the sanc- Mr. E. Archer, Mr. Ron John- Id SP Joh's.arrange plumbing and cup- They lid presented the War- Knight, Mrs, Hughi McDonad; Mr. B. L. Burli presentedl boards in the Vestry for the- dens with a generaus dona- Honoramy Member, Mrs. W.S e v cN . end explained his financial' Chancel Guild. The Rectory tion ta thie Rectory kitchen H. Densem; Ail presidents ai report, together with the audi- kitchen hias been remodelled. and donated $100 ta the Ang- thie organizations or their ap- h oe's Msinr tor's .ertificate. He further: Four boys from the Choir lican World Mission. pointd epresentative. Counil i te B soavll presented thie budget, which had attended the Diocesan Thle four ladies' graups met AuiorMess E ad ecloftaChurchis panninge wa cetdfor 1965. Mr., Choir Scliool in Whitby dur- an.d viewed a film ai the 'An- son end R. L. Copeland, Sec- h nulNainlWMC Robt. Evans moved a vote ofl ing August. These boys wereglcnC grs'hdinT- eayo Avso Br, Day on Feb. 2lst at 11 a.m. appreciation fram the Vestry. assisted by the Advîsorv onto, after a dessert tea. This Mrs. F. Dilling; Organist and to Mr. Burk on his splendid' Board and choir. led ta an entliusiastic discus- Choir Leader, Mr. Clhu Ev- The purpose ai this special rene ort'ans. were aiso ex-l A substantial donation was sion and question period fo- ans; Caetaker, Mr. Josephi service is thee-fold: 1. To teddt r.J. Hlenning received from the Ladies' 1owing, which was greatly en- Sheehan. acquaint the wliale Churcli and Mrs. K. Jones for typmg -Guild to assist with the rena- joyed, as members of thie Jonsiîe rmaywitli the purposes and pro- tleanulrpot.vation af thie Rectory kitchen. Guildettes, the Guild and two financial encumbrance, but gram ai the W.M.C. 2. To Mrs. F. Dilling, secr'etary of. They now are generously pre- W.A. groups becanemuelitseOgn amite wh enlist new members. 3. To th dioy Board, prcendsent in techrlian ar oser in Chiristian Fellowship. nat making any special re-acitenersintem- hiem report, which pointed LIo dens with a new carpet for An Oriental Tea and a val- cammendation et the present sionary challenge that faces the work Of several new coin-'the chancel and aisies of the entine Tea were thie higli ie r tdigte ed AeCucitdy rniteessetup t adiniter 'huch.spots of the Guildettes' season af a new organ for St. John's, The Pentecostal Aseble te îdifferent needs of the Mr. C. Evans reported as' in w'hich they tooliad catered _________ UCnd isd sigaed Fli.s c~Wieh.Organist and Choir Leader,lta banquts baptismal tea and 2lst as tlie day in which the The Parish and Worid Mis- and was sorrv ta have lost a cdemonstration. They had Mel' ' i adies will lie ecognized for sion Committee. whose oh- Mr. John Philips wha hadcontributed $150 for the edu- Me o ia osit l hfadi huns i ep jects are: (1) the inspiration mox'ed away. He explained a cation of Rev. Okulu's famiyR pr Home Mission workers, and end education of mnembers re-,system of medallions ta be $150 ta, Parish Missionac eKy those engaged on the Foreign garding God's mission in the worn bv the young people who counit, $50.00 ta assist with Fields in the interests of mis- world; (2) ouitreach ta pen- prove to be able ta earn them. padding thie churcli kneelers. For week ai Feb. 8-14 inclusive sionary work. The ladies ai le in the parish: (3) autreae1î He asked for maie volunteers The wornen af the After- Admissions - -------. - 60 the Bowmanville Pentecostal geyond the parish. This corn- fou' the choir, bass and tenor. noon and Evening Branches Births-5 male, 2 female 7 Churcli will lie displaying mittee is planning a 'Mission' Mrs. Betties prcsented a de- had met their pledges in full. Discliarges ----- .96 their handcraft and other pro- ta be fiel*d in our church duir- taiied report on the Sunday These two graups of Mission- Major aperations ------------3 ý jects they worked at during irig Lent. Mr. Lionel Parker' Sehool. A special Easter ser- minded wormen liad contribut- Minor operatians-,,---- 16 thie yeam 1964. iscanvenor of the Avery vice xvas hcld in the churcli ed approximately one third rf Emergency treatments-- 31 Mrs. Charles Albin is the Memnber Visitation and tlipvwhen the pupils presented thie Mission Budget of St. Visiting hours: 3-8 p.m. daîly Women's Missianary Council plan to get thîs visitation their Lenten offering boxes. John's in 1964. Bales ai cloth- leader. Thie theme of the en- completed before the -Mission. In JUne each pupil received a ing, toys, quilts and Christ- tire service will be: "Workems ta be held the iast week of certificate of promotion ta.mas gifts were made or con- N ST TO Together Witli God". Mrs. Mareli, when Rex.- Henux' 4'he ,,next cl'Q' Ill iil' a r)i.'tributed and sent ta Diocesani N S L T ArhmKdawlberng - ~~~~~~~headquarters for distribution ArhmKdawl ebîg * ~ V-* in Narthern Canada's Mission Diane Vander Heul spent in the missionary message R =Sochools and Mission. A large' several days with Suzannean challenge. box was sent to a former Wilson while bier mother Mrs. The Assembly Sunday Sehool IS Y UR DETIN churcli member naw residing Hermanus Vander Heul was hopes ta have Mm. Lyle IS OURDIEINGin Moosonee for lier chinrehys in h'ispitaî. Trimble and lis Eskimo wife TOO FAST TO BE SAFE? distribution ta tihe Indians me- Mm. and Mrs. Lawrence minister ta themn on Mission- siding in that area. The wo- McLauglilin, Ottawa, spent thie amy Sunday, Feb. 2lst. 'Ple Losing -weight too quickly (an he harmfu i. men took part in the Wold's weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Pentecostal Churcli was fav- It ran lead to viccration of the stamach and ao Prayer, Arc1deacon-,Harmy McLauglilin and Mrs. ored ta have Rev. Donald Mac- ery, and Diocesan Women'sJas. Farder. Donald speak ta thie group deveiopment of gai] stones within a short time. Confemences. Thle Little Helo-' Mr. and Mrs. Norman War- assembled on Family Niglit eeare other Possible complications, particu- e rs had been treated ta 'a' mington, Scambomo, brauglit last Wednesday. The Mac- mas party. JSunday witli Mr. and Mrs. ceptably in sng an4. music. If you are overweight you will be healthier 'leJno uiir I Grant Thampson and family. Pastar Abrahiam Kudra at- Ifyou reduce. But, You 'vould be wise to con-. tle Helpers, Churcli Boys, Ms. Hugli Taylor, Lindsay, tended a mîd-winter conven- A suit Your physician at Ieast once before dieting League and thie A.Y.P.A. are! vsted Sunday with Mm. and tion in Ottawa ecently. Rev. ta get his professional protective advice. a most thriving group o r.BueHalaias r .B rifnadRv .D a ~younig people. Their leaders and Mms. Norman Irvine ai Honsînger weme the special BB are a dedicated group of peo- Bowmanville. speakers for the three day ple, wîth theiir interests at Mm. and Mrs. Maurice Samn- convention. Thle daily pro- heat. achgrup n trn aselîs, Sharon and Wendy ai gram of intemesting themes in- YOL'R DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when YO m her ehgou inund o has Petemborougli and Mr. and Mms. cluded Evangelism Workshops; * need a medicine. Pick up Your Prescription if ~ nttru lde n Jas. McMullen and Carl of "Gifts of thie Spimit", and two * shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptî'y tions and expanded in tcir lyufvstd hegr'smpim, ntya th without extra charge. A great many people en - ork, worship and edification Ballyufvstdtegrs ypsus Uiyo h frChrist and His Churcli Parns m n r.Lren Spirit", Unity i the Faith" * trust us with their Prescriptions. May we com- foThe AglicanMW.ldaMissin Hyland Pound yours PariAgi canorid Mis'irepart M. and Mrs. Donald Tliomp- r L Â poitedup urAin isInson had as Sunday guests, Mr. îI band Mrs. Josephi Bradbumn, Fis ona n T ~volst endy by interest, y Joan, Mro and Ray and Mm. B nk PHONE 623-3361A A group, the Parish and World avd Ms and G ai LnaB n M n g r Mission Com. have a Prayer avd ndGMl B JURY L fl~JII BFeUowship Wednesday a.m.!Mrsondere Gnt ai m nd ea __Y & VELsnwreget o r nSpek tB R -IIE E CASH TODAY Mrs. Neil Bailey, Blackstock,& P 2 KIG ST E. OR OD APLIANES at a first bîthday party for e 2KIN ST E.BOWMANVILLE FROD PLINE their son Howard. Mms. Shirley Gîles, Toronto, PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS _ througb Mrs. Charles Smith was first woman bank manager in STATESMAN lhostess for thie February meet- Canada, who was appointed in C P C ---------------------------14-oz., sugg. ist 1.40 dowed; exploit ta the full 99C Ms. Howard Lee gaciously tliese gifts; ta full development 99C tlanked Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. oi aur ci'aacters. Wamen D IT N - ---24's, sugg. ist 1.25 " McLauglilin for thie deliciaus will become recognized for lunh and thie hostess for the their preparatian and wil :TtENX sug1. i21 4111p19sant clrn8ivini.~ 111>SOM NEX 0 tblet, sgg. ist1.50Mr.and tmnooCrFnlaymast likely be chosen becaus î'.MAGNOLAX b WAMPOLE 20-oz.. sugg. ist 1.50 i~ 9 4 the village ta a recently pur- pare for it. ape omeon he outskrt Be yourself, do not emulate Dftfhlfl CEI9CftTh~e aAna Meeting aifahers; educate men and wo-, BROMO S LLILLII . -Fanily siz, ugg. fist1.0 Nestîcton Presbyterian Church men that we are people. Take 'Iwas leld on Wednesday even- a greater responsibility i LEO IC HAV --------- --------- -oz, sig. Et 150in Encouraging reports wr play, work and cammunity. 1.29g. cive rowal epres' igly and eagerly partici. 44A social evening was enjoyed p~ate in cetn e hl ~iiia 9 in whicl h gathering visited lenges." > QU V LV --- ---8-oz., sugg. Iist 1.25 1.0 with Rev. M. Swann wla 'Phe speaker was thaked by levsat thie end ai the manth Rhoda Anderson and was in- fft tIfETCke ne chrge troduced by Shirley Colîss. j~ VIU UIP UJ ---12', sgg.Iis Si j39c 1 A double wedding was Miss Hilda Maymick af Nomth Isolemnized in the Presby- Toronto Club brouglit greet- WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH wEEK terian Churcli on Saturday ings from the National Coun- evening, Februamy l3th. Rev. cil af B. & P. Wamen's Clubs. BOWMNVILE NWCATLEFred Swann united in mar- Thie Februamy meeting wil BOWRNVILE NE CASTE nage Victor Wayne Malcolm lie leld in St. Andrew' iiiv~w'OREg and Joan Onita Endicatt and Churcl when Miss BetI Pow- >l' *JAiiiOvN. uanou STORE JOHNSGN'lOfS DERUG STG 44Allen John Haines and Brenda ell, aNwcsl Girl Guide, > . ALEX NcCREGOE, DEUGS ORONO 44Hunter, aunt aith Malcolnts, Fe 8 at :30 p.m.Dinra > JURY & LOVELL suTI1 tT'? PRÀI NACY 4 couples wiîî live in Nestleton this district wWl be held atl L. iltthe hause recently vacated the Oshawa Golf Club, Feli. ià_A_-_-A by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Finlay 121, at 1 p.m., when several of h..- ~ - =-. ~ .- - _~ *.__- and am ly. jour members wM Utend, __J Stude rrio A Ess a 1 eiglit entries 1 en winner. .1In Decembe vited ta read1 annual meetir society at Lind judged winne entries at the the four coui ough, Victoria eumberland anc - This past w~ .Thompson meci rKaren lias woi Prize. She v. lier essay at tl evention ai thE -tion ai the ý -ciety at the Kî otel, Toronto, ai t1Fmiends extg r tions ta Karen aio age is nowa ior Student at fSchool. riLad )eciaI bxtSui i and Churdli ministers ta new zeal in the work ai thie gospel and *new, faith in the Lord wlom tliey were called ta proclaim the gospel message ta tAie caunt- less myriads in this world.; 'Phe convention was deemed a! fine success. Plans are underway ta cele- brate the iirst anniversary o th ewly erected Pentecostal Churcli. 'Ple services ai a special speaker will lie pracur- ed. Plans are also being made to have special vocal tal-i ent ta participate in these coming Anniversary Services. 'Plree services are planned on March 7ti. A sumptuous buf- Effective Feb. 17. 18, 19 MIX'EM & MA' IGA GREEN BEANS c IGA WAX BEANS IGA CHOICE PEAS g tetsupper will be prepared by' The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Feb. 17, 1963 I fl f the social carnntttee for those DE I aut ai tawn. 'Phe Bowman- ville Pentecastal AssemblyA wa desirs ta become acquainted B E THA N e ard entsas possible. Pastor Herb Neals, who lias been a work. She said a new group Kudra las stated that thie patient for several weeks at wauld be started in thie Man- townsfolk are cordially invited Civic Hospital, Peterboroughi, vers Station amea. Mrs. Ryley iy ta tAis gala occasion. retumned ta Ails home heme and Mrs. Nael Wood will at- 'Plursday. tend a scliool for leaders at Karen wa hs lrd hr ele spend Mms. Thomas Jennings read OBT AR henxtsxweeks. the minutes and correspondâ r, Karen was in- Gregory Montgomery who newihncud.altr lier essay at the STANLEY BULPIT lias been in hospital thmee from thie Provincial Presidentý îg a abve n aiingAie'~~montAis with a fractured hip, Mrs. L. 'Privers, announcing lsay, laving been ifio smeilaeadaetagtudW.. plans for thie current year. r out ai elght time, Stanley Bulpit ai 27 wîth tAie aid ai crutches. 'Plie financial repart nated thie district level, in Pearl Street, Belleville, died Mrs. Alban Sisson is a patient success ai the ecent sale of inties: Peterbor- at lis home, February 8th, in Civic Hospital, Peterbor- home bakmng. lDurham-North- 1965. He was in lis 72nd year. oughi. Hem many iiends are Plans weme made ta cater for BomdatMaocaeraso.i wishing 1er a speedy recov- the Anglican Churcli Deanery soen Mfrse. Lamesa K e ry. meeting, also ta hld another eived word that son oft aide late Ca hKars Women's Institute sale ai home bakîng next )n tAie Provincial BulpîtAandstniecoate Cliarles. will e reading Bulpt. He lad lived in Belle- M s dio ct a oti e Ontario Con- ville most ai is lufe and was lostess for the meeting ai the A short course in "Creative e Women's Sec- retired from tAe Caniadian Bethany Womens Institute on Cookery" will e held in the Agriultural Sa- National Railways whee le Mnday evening. As pogram United Curcli Sunday Sclol :ing Edward Ho- had woked for a number ai cnvener for citizenshinp and hall at Bethany, February 24tix n Feruar 24t., she led a panel dis- from 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m. Miss n Fbrury 4th yers.cussion an "Bicultumalism". Mary Lau Gilland, home ecan- ýend congratula- Surviving are bis wiie, the Assisting on the panel were omist fram thie Extensiori who at 13 yeams former Gladys Wright, six Mrs. Gordon Chase and Mrs. Brandi, Home Economics Serv- aGrade IX Hon- daugîters, Mrs. William (Man- Glenn Preston, representing ice af the Ontario Dept. of Cartwright Higli delean) Argent, Mrs. Frank twa Frenchi and Canadian Agriculture, will conduct the ___________(Grace) Smith, Mms. Bert families. Mrs. William Phil- course. Quick tricks wvith' (Rose) Palmer, Mrs. Ronald lips gave a readîng "The Magic familiar foods; a nexv look at (Hazel) Scott, Mrs. James Word" and conducted a guess- seasonings and accompani- (Linda) McRobert, Mrs. How- ing contest which was won by ments: little ways ai putting, les ard (June) Bmohm: five sons Mrs. Clarence Rowan. fun into food, will be present.._ Reginald. James, Leonar d 'Plie roll caîl was responded ed. A cordial invitation to tVCGarry and Cary. all of Belle-! ta wîth "'A Frenchi Phrase", attend is extended ta all M ville. Mrs. Scott gave camments on wamnen in the comimunity. W M C Alsa surviving are three the progmam motta "What wc Lunch was served by the asisters, Mrs. Richard (Lola) wish ta do, we think we can hostess assisted by Mrs. Gar- tapley and Mrs. George do; but wlien we don't wish a don Chase, Mms. Wmn. Phillips, ind a(y (Evelyn) Wright, bath ai Bow- thing, it becames impossible". Mrs. Glenn Preston. Mmm. manville, and Mrs. Roy Mrs. H-arry Ryley chaimed Hamry Ryley expressed the 'Ptlng 'Ie(Helen) Clarke ai Belleville, thie business session, also me- thanks ai the memibers ta Mrs. Tithng. Theand 15 grandehiîdmen. partin.g on the 4-H Girls' Club Scott and her group. econo y I ' i no MILVI SHRYADPR MN ,JR A Bowmanville IGA Foodlîiner - 10 WMAN VILLE a --q

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