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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1965, p. 5

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Canadian. Club Agreest To Host Dist. Meeting ' The executive of the Can- adian Club of West Durhamn htd a business meeting at the home of Mrs. Clinton Barrett. Jane Street. Mrs. E. Samuel, ,the president, canducted the "eeting. One «Lfiie main questions for dîscu Iron w as the Theatre Night Iffbe held in Marcb. 'The' pictune "The Finest Hours" is available for four Snights from Sunday, March 21I to Wednesday, Marcb 24. Tt was decided ta seîl tickets at the pnice of $1Q.00 good for any one of the four nights. Funther arrangements were ta be made by Mr. Russell Best for procuring the tickets. New Cartwright Centennial Project The president reported that there is a new, slightly dif- ferent banner available for, Canadian Clubs, and also the new Canadian flag cao be.' pracured from the national headquarters. The decision on this was left until the next meeting. The. secretary, Mrs. Barrett,, was instructed ta write ta Mr. Eric Morse, national director, saying that the Bowmanville Club wauld be hasts for the district canference in May.! Mrs. Teeple was appointedý convener for this meeting. After some discussion on future speakers, the meeting was adjourned. Pickering Pas for Speaks About Birds At S. Courtice H&S Souith Courti *ce H-ome and starling and writing a papet School Association beld their an it. There are at leasi Il2 February menting reccntly knowvn types of starlings ir when Rev. Charles Long, Pas- the world. tor of the Communit 'v Baptist Mr. Archie Campbell intrc- Church, Pickering Beach was duced Rev. Long ana Mrs. the gucst speaker. Carnet Goyne thanked him Rev. Long is a mnember of for a most interesting dis- the African Evangclical FcI- course. loïr.ship and ME-nt ten years in The Bob-o-Links Quartet Chibidi, Malawi, Afrira, j-p consisting of Mr. Murray Os- turning to Canada in 1962. borne. lead; Mr. Bob Lear, During the last five vears bass: Mr. Bob Tale, tenor; Mr. there, Rev. Long was Princi- Don Fleming, baritone, were pal of the Chibidi Bible Insti- introduced by Mrs. Don Met- tute. caif and entertained with sev- Ornitbology is a hobby of eral numrbers. Rev. Long's and while in' Af- President Mrs. Archie Camp- rica he collected ovcr 2000 bell introduced Mr. Willian specimens of various species Fard, Cobourg, an Inspector of birds and bas donated many %vîth the Northumberland to museumns, witli at least 45b Durham Healtb Unit, wbo gave specimens to tbe Royal On. a description of Hepatitis, how tario Museum. il is transmitted and its pre- There are over 6,800 known vention. species of birds in the world Room Counit was won b stated Rev. Long and mnany Mrs. Lush and the $2.00 prize 4eyet to be di;scoverr'd, es. and pennant wcre awarded. pécially in South America. Members of the Nominating The birds of Africa bave m-ore- Cnmmrittee are Mrs. Archie brilliant plumage and different Campbell, Mrs. Art Paats, and ornamentation than their Mrs. MVurray Osborne. iorthern cousins. Tbie Marcb meeting will Among the number of beau- feature a speaker and filrm tiful birds displa-yed nnd des- from tbe Bell Telephone Co. cribed by Rcv,. Long were - weaver birds. xhidab-birds. mouse-birds, barbets, doves, O IU R bee eatcrs, arioles. ,shrikes, thrusbes wbich have mud nests, and are the coscst re1aiivesý1 MRS. J. WHITNEY BOYD of aur robins: woodpeckers'TedabofreyJseh whicb are black and wbite TBovdeR.R. o rb Oroo, o the nortb but are a brillia'ntByRR orhOo c green-in the tropics: swallows cirred in Merorial Hospital, to Capetown for the wint<'r 165 bhr ls ea. I the African honey-guide wbich tbough not in good heiath, is said ta lead persans te _nests deatb came unexpeetedly to of wild becs; pygmy kingfish- ber family, relatives and ers which eat -rasshoppers; friends. the rufus necked nightjar like Arleay was the eldest dau-1 cur wbip-poar-wrill; cukoos gbte'r of the late Mr. and Mrs. which lay their eggs in other James G. Cochrane. She was birdis nests to be hatched and harn and lived ber entire lifel reared; the hoa-poe birds witb in Clarke Township. On <their long curved buis and the Marah 22, 1922, she was mar- violet býcked starîîng. ried ta, J. Wbitney Boyd and Rev.'l1ong is making a spe-, spent bher entire married lîfe rial s-t dy of the violet backed' in the Kendal, Starkville and Kirby comrnunities. Her in- terest and devotion centred in 'her family and home. Surviving, besides ber hus-ý NFW lEr(TRICSVSTr&/15 an, aeber f amily, William' WE MLST L ARN, Ross and Arlene (Mrs. Robert 7/S OS - Stepbenson), of Newcastle, MAXE HISBowmanville, Hamilton of IOrîllia, Marrion (Mrs. Ervin CONCERN iBrooks), Bowmanville, and 'N .~) Neil of Oshawa; twe sisters, Mrs. H artwell Lowery (Katie) and Mrs. Lyall Lowery (Ber- - ~ tha). Also 17 grandcblîdren mourn ber passing. Her bro- predeceased her in The funeral service on Feb. 9tb at 2 p.m., from the Morris Funeral Home ta, the Lang Cbape]. Orono, was eonducted b'. tbe Rev. Basil Long, Orono. * * .~ ~ Palîbearers we re Messoes. ~u I [d l.] k Lall Lowery, Milton Boyd, Cbarles Cooper, Milton Cor- nish, Evan Quantrill and WM. ýA.' 'eid. 16 TEMPERANCE ST-. The xany beautiful floral 9 èp FCUë c l tributes reflected the love and respect of those who knew 0 her. Thousands of businesses throughout Canada have used IDB loans ta expand or inodernize their facilities. Il you have plans for your business and require financing, caui in and diseuss your needs with us. affINDUS TRIAL D0E VEL OPMEN T BA NK 25 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA TON.ONT.: 250 Unversity Avenue - Telephione: 368-1145 . I i il. d a v uI t r 2 in g' e, ù~ L>~~ classes serv!ng lunch for S0e. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilll., Teb. 24, 19653 in Use lng Units are invited to Maple Grave on Thursday, March SH WS games. The children wer tI I 8th as guests at their Even- iwell-behaved group and they ing Meeting. We have five1 enjoyed the entertajnment car an drver avilale nd The annual card party was 1 prizes and treats. They were those wisbing transport'ation held at the school on Friday. served lunch of sandwiches, cangetin ouc wih Ms.Feb. 19. There were il tables Icookies and chocolate milk. Carl Down or Mrs. Douglas of 500 and six tables of euchre The adults also enjoyed a Oke. in play with prize winners asl bountiful lunch and prizes Mrs. Murray Osborne gave Iollows: 500-High lady. Mrs. 'eedsrbue yGro us a repart on the Preshyterial K. Squair: low lady, Mrs. A. Bare Annual Meeting held in Osh- Prout; bigh man, Howard are awa recentîy. Cryderman; low man, Ken The lunch committee who Mo Mrs. Ron Bickle gave ber Bragg: most 8 Hearts, Mrs. capably handled both parties Trepsurer's Report and Mrs. Gerald Brown. Euchre: High were Mrs. G. Riekard, Mrs. L H1-erman Sweetman, of the lady, Margaret Lee: low lady, Ayre, Mrs. E. Lovekin, Mrt. Literature Committee, told us J. Alldread: high man, Reg. Bill Bragg and Mrs. W. Ru. of the new books in aur Lib- Brock; low maxn, Chas. Gilkes. Idell. rary. Most lone hands, Mrs. Walkey.l----« Temeeting closed with aIl Mr. M. Rabb was convenori repeating th,ý Mbzpah Bene- for the evening assisted v tlroegh diction. A deliciaus lunch was Mrs. A. Wood, Gardon Barrie! served by the Committee, Mrs. and'Ross Lane. R 1 HI. Sweetman. Mrs. C. Elliott and Mrs. D. Oke. While the adults were en-,0 C O9 joying an evening of cards Yurhl15es80mcl1 OBITUARY iaooPaMr. Rosi7ae, 'Mlu r so may Gardon Barrie and Mrs A. MRS.'HENRY GORR Rabb were in charge of team Mrs. Henry Godd died at the gms igbwigcoî South Haven Nursing Home, oie, musical chairs. and card' Newcastle, on Wednesday, Feb. 171h, 1965, after an illness of' seven years. She was in ber: Make Your Job, Your Home, Your Conimunity 84th ye'ar. I Th fomer da eblen, heA Safer Place In Which To Live! xvas barn in Kilaloe, Ont., in; 1881. She maî-ried Henry Gai-r in Killalae et 3 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE 1898. She spent most af life in Pembrake and Oshawa. WEEKEND FIRSI AID COURSE She was a member of Col- lege Park Seventh-Day Ad-' For Those 15 Years and Over ventist Church. _______ _____She is survived by ber hus-! rea th mnuts o ar îstband, Henry, four daughters,r TWO-DAY COURSE: rea th mnuts o or lstMrs. John Hartrig (Annie) meeting, the cayrrespondence, a nd Mrs. Rabt. Frood (Agnes)SaE and roll caîl. of South River, Ont.; Mrs.: o u d y e . 2 t The Chairman of the Ca- Marshall Langille (Ethel) of and ordinating committee for aur North Bay and Mrs. Reginald falBazaar, Mrs. Eber Snow- Fcrneybaugh (Florence) of jE den, gave us a report an their Oshawa; four sons, Arthur, SuflaGy, Feb. 28th 196,5 plans ta date, a- d Wilfred of Pembroke, Wil- Mrs. Carnet Goyne, aur lard of Hampton, and Lloyd.: Time: 8:30 arn. to 5:30 p.m. Secretary of Supply, gave us a Twenty grandchildren also mast enthusiastie repart of ber survive. trip ta the Overseas Depat ini Mrs. Gorr rested at the BADMINTON HALL, BOWMANVILLE Toronta, and of their desper- Mcbntosh - Anderson Funeral. ate need for dlean nylons. We Home, Oshawa, for service in! are asked ta save aur used, the chapel on Friday, Feb. 19- Cost Nil - clathing and she alsa told of at 2 p.m. Eider Edward Mil- the way aur clothes are fumi- ner and Pastor E. E. Duncani QUALIFIED FIRST AID INSTRUCTORS gated before shipment. af Callege Park Seventb-Dav; A quilting is ta be held on;Adventist Cburch canducted' Films - Lectures - Practical Application Wednesday, March l7th, with the service. Interment was in two of the Sunday School Mouint Jawn Cemeterv. To recognize Canada's Centennial in 1967, Cartwright Township decided te construct an addition ta one of its buildings on the fair grounds at Blackstock and also do considerable renavating. The work is almost completed and has converted the structure into a small but most useful natural ice skating rink, complete with dressbng room and snack bar. The ice surface is also used for three sheets of curling. Upper photo shows the interior of the rink and the second picture shows Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy who look after the project, doing business at the snack bar. i YlN Ma pIe Leaf Circle The Febritary meeting of Tyrone U.C.W. was beld. atH i s L tM e in the home of Mrs. L. Annis,ý ident Mrs. P. Werry poesided.1 1Mrs. J. C. Cook led in the Bef ore Disbanding worsrhip period themne, "Fruits of the spirit are shown in out-, ward actions." The commit-, Maple Leaf Cîrcle No. 143, panions, a large number of tee chairman, treasurer andý Companions of the Forest wbom had been in the Circle .secretairies gave their reporti A.O.F. of Canada bas been* in for many years,deidtar- 1and Mis. Werry and Mrs. P.' existence in Bowmanville dan e c~a~ i gtro t Vaneyk gave reports of thel since January 1908. g Presbyterial beld on Feb. 11ltb On February l8tb, 1965, the be known as the Maple Leaf in Simncoe St. Cbhurcb. Osh- Circle was disbanded at ts Club. The officers are as fol-1 awa. Mrs. R. Glaspeil intro-: final meeting. Witb Chiefi lOws: 1rsdnNneCl duced the study of Brazili Companion Calmer in the mer, Vice-President Audreyl tihe geographical as- chair, the Companions follow- Bate, Secretary-Trea s u r e rj pects of tihe country, ts pea- ed the ritual for the last time. Rose Dickinson, Chaplain AI-l pie, produce and develop-1 It was agreed by all present me Perfect.1 ment, while Mrs. A. Hamil-ý that tihe badges of office beî Tbe meeting cam e ta a closel ton related the raie the chur-1 given as a memento ta thoselin tbe usual manner, and all: ches had played and t.he ris-. currently holding office. A present enjoyed a late pot' ing tide of social unrest. ývote was taken and the Cam-11uck supper. ______ World Day of Prayer ser- vice will be h.idinTronelI~ Cburch, Friday, March 5tb, atr l n S r i e o A speedy recovery ta Rer'. Gibbs who had bis appendi Fi-rst B r h a removed in Bowmanv ille Hs Mr. Walter Parks Jr. has A trust hoe'l b e flng be-n ew Church tresn hoe'îtb tih ee'lu.g e- ter, and anyone eLse on the Sunday, March 7itb is the'year 1939. They expressed sick list. date the Bowmanville Pente- their good wishes ta the pastor: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harmer costal Cburch bas chosen foriand the congregation. and Mi. and Mrs. W. Jewallits Anniversary Services. The' returnesd home after a tbreelmembers of the Pentecostal weeks' holiday in Jamaica. Assembly will celebrate tbeir E EIl'r Sonry to report our Junior first anniversary in the beau-1, EBENEZER L teacher, Miss Pat Knox, is il.tîful new building. Thiere willý Mrs. R. Glaspeil is teaching at be tbree services planned for "Praying Hands" was the present. that memorable day: 11 arn. - theme of the Devotional pre-, Mr.andMrs Dugls Mi-2:30 - and 7 p.nî. sented by Mrs. Eber Snow-' Mr. an Mrs.Doutle Mden at the Evening Uniti 1er spent a week at Stowe.ý Dr. Charles A. Ratz, 'eleng Te tryo th Memaeteeatng.Teso- fte Vemot siig DBibln'Da o e ColtegEer 11painting of the "Praying1 GlnnMilr taedwhM b enteofeaturie sp ee a aî nd' astod ad andMrs E.A. irte. tbree services. Special singing Snowden also read several Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and talent from the Bible College verses by Helen Steiner Rice.i Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahnuýwill accompany Dr. Ratz and Mrs. Murray Osborne andý visited Mrs. Doreen Smîley on will be participating in the'Mrs. Ron Bickle very capablyý Sunday. L as t Wednesýday, programme planned for that presented the Study Book oni Mrs. W. Park, Mis. G. Brad- day. rzlgin ufato B_ý leMrs. W. e Rahm anit d Ms A Camplimentary Anniver- zil., the work of the mission- Mrs.W. ahmvisied rs.sary Buffet Supper will be aries there, in the manner ofl Smiley in Joseph Brant Hoxs- served tas aut-of-town guests.Mrs, Biekle askîng questions,, pital, Burlington. and vîsiting dignitaries' Mrs . as a member of a U.C.W. and' Tyrone and Hampton Tyros; Allen Rout îs the social con lMrs. Osborne replying as a played hockey on Saturday atývenei, for the occasion. An in-imember of the United Church! Hampton, score 2-1 for Hiamp- teresting menu is prepared and'Board of Information. ton. Tyrone scorer was Boyd consists of salads, pickles, As guests we had the Ac-, Jewell. Thanks to Haiupton;sliced tomatoes and cheese, as- custi - Chords, a quartet from, for refreshments. sorted cold cuts (ham, turkey,.:the Sweet Adelines Chapter in and beef), large choice of jel-iOshawa. They were Pat Wag-1 ]y moulds: assorted fancyýgler, Marg Moffat, Jean Me-! cakes and beverage. ýKenna and Rita Boneham. The Byng Avenue Pente- They sang four sparkling num-! costal Young People presented bers for us "Me Too," "White' an interesting hour-long prog-!Cliffs of Dover," "Them There~ ramme of singing and musice Eyes", and for an encore "Wob- 1 at the Family Night Service. bly Walk." They were most, Rev. George Carrol ministered enjoyed and were thanked by> a Bible Message ta the splen-:Mrs. Osborne. did congregation in attend-! The business session was * Iance. conducted by Mrs. Douglas iThe Pentecostal Church was Oke, reminding us of the delighted ta bave in their World Day of Prayer at Ebe- midst Rev. and Mrs. Charles nezer on Friday, March 5th at Harris. These m i n i s t e r s 2:30. Mrs. L. W. Herbert, wife brought a word of gneeting ta Iof Rev. L. W. Herbent of Kingý the Assembly. Rev. and Mns.,Street United Church will beý Harris founded the Pen -cestal the speaker. i Church in Bowmanville in the. Mrs. Bruce Down, isecretary, FRESHR PORK LOIN SALE! LOIN ROASI Of PORK YORK WAX or GREEN BEANS cult- 4 1-oz. 69e ROSE PURE JAMS Raspberry -Strowberry3 -.89 VEGETABLE OIL Crisco LARGE SIZE BRYLCREEM SUCCESS LIQUID WAX HERSHEY BARS Milk or aimo, chocolate BRU N' rI S ERVEJL ROLLS whN* - i te r l.. yct 1l 5 Fruit punch- orange orange and pineapple 3 8o 1 . Campbell's STomato Soup 431:35 DETERGENT k îng 99c' SRoyal Guest 7c~ IGA COFFEE bab Bordens - 1varieties3 CREAM CHEESE 3 JI Green Giant frozen SFancy Peas & Niblets pol 49c'!, . . . . . .. . . . . ...a............. 53e JA FFA large i3 for $s.ORANGESI'z6 LReceive an extra $10.00 Bonus tape with Grainulated li:coff SUGARb. Nesties Quik Instant Coffee Maxwell House 6-Z Receive an extra $6.00 Bonus tape witli vIGA wihite or pink Table Syrup Facelle Tissue 4, Receive an extra $4,00 Bonus tape witli ~Heinz lancy Kraft Cracker Barrai Tomato 4Boz Mild Cheese ~ To atoJ uce 1 - wanson beef iurkey or chi .Evaparaf.d ~~~tl ~CrainMl2 Frozen Pies a C a r n a i o n il k 2 lins P ark loin c ntre eut r hehive Chops.- Roasts CornSyrp . McQualdes beef or pork1 Macaroni or Catellil MEAT PIES Y, 2-1b. Ontario cet grade Spaghetti pk. Spy Apples Receive an extra $2.00 Bonus tape with ~ AntJemmaMidi Nylons aci s PanTabie Mix q:Con. No. i grade CokeHa ~CARROTS 1 CoopacHa Produce of Mexico Can. No. 1 Grade Con. No. 1 grade 'Ccooking Onions '-" TOMATOES 'fli B.C. flnest fancy red DELICIOUS APPLES 6 for 3 9c Produce of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 grade bunehes FRESH TOP CARROTS 2 for29c I.G.A. BONÛS TAPE GIFT 0F THE MONTH- (j off jar c. o01 400 cut sach ony picg. pkg. of à pair 3-1b. bug 1cz. DELICIOUS- EASY TO PEEL Produce of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 CRISP CELERY Jumbo size stalk Bowmanvillle IGA Foodlinelr 50 WMAN VILLE 38-oz. size 89C bbnAIKI #KI CEnile n^l 1 r H.,

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