2 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Mar. 10, 19653I I O tro~ ar P vlo dence tof &sb .h*No in _______Onario________Fair_______ Party t »hla'ttarul'- April for the winners o ah group in the Marathon Bridge. C L M any Viitors resentadoption of her report wasiHg cmrried. For Fist nn ver ar lr. Mason, Chairman t' by Liz Kozub ported that birs. Thompson Teeîn uht eo and Mra. McMurter are aist- froin Clark. High liiù we ing her by obtaining volun- but here is a rundon . O f ent co tai Chu chteers for the Gift Shop durin the latest in hockey cto 0f P nt c st l Ch r hFebruary, March, April ang Last Mnanc"ol' A fine crowd was present work more untringly: . 6in thered in the afternoon ser- lia la .Sletr met, and played to a ls2- to hear the participants in give more sacrificially, an d'vice. Several ministers were Layettes Convenor, reported score. Scoring for tKillr the National W M IC. Day at osuyGdswr oeprsn n xrse hi that four complete layettes fathfully She concluded her1 goiod wishes for the chureli's and one partial one are on Arno.ld Wallace. Th1 ln the. Pentecostal Cliurch. Mr'- message bv reminding the spiritual growth. Rev. George band. She told the meet' n g hinga Lorraine Alin, the Women's iadies of the W.M.C. Motto- Leno, a former pastor of the thtti.Slaio ry aisTerry Walton. Missionary Councîl leader,,i Women Moved With Com- churcli, sp>ke lriefly. Pastor tHomete Slaue n wr Ldons Tucsday aftcrnoon sa cutlined the program for the passion". and the W.M.C. Abr-ahaniKudra welcorned the aHlaette and wiî soon hveitonr'sLllps 1n"c ye.ar 1965. Mrs. AbrahainScope. "Ye shall be witnesses' visiting pastors vwhiah. in- tradyetMre.a Moris, oned akn aglr"bate Kuragvete hllng Ou toMe - in Jerusalem, in cluded Rev. Earl Young, Rev. Ni .Slvsersmoin o a cloe 2-1 game alo Th the ladies that were present. Judea, in Samaria, the utter- Nicolas Syblock, Rev. anid M's Stue adop mtion f oradLOhossaswr a Her text was chosen fromf most part of the earth."' Fin- lira. George Smith. Rev. and thewasdcptino ed rpotndRicarso and Earl i be the Gospel of St. John. chapter ally, the W.M.C. Purpose for Mrs. George CarroI, and the itws aMid dick. Bob Bcst picke u 9 and verse 4: -1 must work 1965 is to b. "Workers ta- district Preshyter, Rev. How- Ms Sylvester spoke of the feteMnlr.Wa the works of Him that sent ,gether with God." ard Ker~r. aaets aewaymn'snleftheg>o as.l Me, while it is day; the nightý The Pentecostal congrega-, Rev. Dr. Charles A. Ratz church organizations and do- Tuesdayatron cometh, when no inan cao tien celebrated their f irst an- ýwas the featured speaker at verv pleatheed ta haveforith work." The message was cap-;nîversarv in the new buildingialI tlhree services. Hiis force- ney She suggested that the tioned "This is the Hour."l on MVarch 7th. Three services1 fui presentation of thic "Old members of the Women's Hos-Jonnarpe- Mrs. Kudra challenged thej were held that day. Many Curriculum" t h r file d the pitl uxliryalo dnae "imliity aterh. ladies to - 1. love God mnore: visitors from different parts hearts of those who were pre- layette. J.Tofotmvc h thebl-t it h bem a sincerelv (a re-dedication);'of the Province of Ontario!sent to hear bim. , r'- t.eT.uxiciary mesve ta aprîng and summer. Tet 2. te live more devotedly; 3., were present in the servicesý A sumptuous repast a lyet.Ti was thsuiir ecoed y i ovl Cak.grl oai ta pray more fcrvently; 4. toland were given a special wel-iserved to the rfaiiy guests ila.ette.nhoslms ecgesond thloee faheirns eei witnes,;s more boldly; 5. toi corne. A capacitv crowd ga-lpresent. i car.e leHghs n the order in whiich teywr lirs. Mason moved that a presented. Group I Gy Ontario Economies and Development Minister, Stanley J. Randali, left, and letter of thanks be sent to Green and Going," nlue -5" -'Provincial Premier John Robarts discuss the $5,000,000 Ontario Centennial pro-I Trinity United Churcli in co- aT lNion.Gk £L etters gŽo cm e caior ject at a special showing of the 13-foot model in Toronto this week. The 50,- tetin 5with the use of t, TPe r ogenon 9an,1~ DISCUSSES TOBACCO tîhe estimated stocks on hand only ereates higlier prices for 00s arfotuidn wilou ve50niiuaehbtsotelhec-auxiliary's annual member- CaSuals," saw DianeKiba, Part Burwell, Ontario, will be about 12 to 13 month our best custamers, the export tural, historical and economie story of the province te Fair visitors when Expo '67 ship tea in January, and that Viki Schnieder. Diane] tl February 29th, 1965 isupply. This is net excessive, buyers, and daca little ta in- opens its doors to the world in 1967. a contribution b. sent ta the and Stella Malkiewiezmoe Dear Sir:- as a normal stockpile is con- crease prices te Vthe domestic ___janitar for bis work in thfs these cool, casual fashin o M.y suggestion that the To- ýsidered ta be 18 ta 20 months companies as this year 's mar-p , regard. This was seconded by sp.ring. Group 3, IlStreein bacca Board should aim at aisupply. ket clearltr proves. s Mbi i jlra. V. H. Storey, and car- Shout," included ShirlyMr minimum of 172 millionI If our estimated domestic' One of thic most serious ac- r1>( 'fl l l f f i red unanîmausly. (er, Patsy Hardy, RutSh- pounds of leaf for 1965, cal- consumrption is 130 million cusations levelled against tue e n EWIn a daEUlu b olira. W. Wallis, Co-Conven- ron and Heather Beat Gou cula'ted on an estimated av- pounds, plus an estimated 48 old tobacco association in 1956 or with lira. E. J. Rundle of 1, "Patriotic Partners fun erage yield of 1,800 pounids per million pounids forx expert, we by the Combines Investigating f O w I Itue Library Cart, reported that Doris Todd, Jean WebJa acre, bas reccived consider- should aim at producing 178 Committee, was that it was ( ~ j T T I D " 5 ~ the rounds of the wards have Taiblyn and AretteJrg- able criticism. May 1 please million pounds of leaf. If w. limiting Uic expansion of ex- B ee EEJ I o f B ib le S, tu dyJ j been made witb tue cart evcry son at their fashionbetn have space to, explain my subtract the 6 million pounds port trade by excludîng new, Thursday afternoon. She said these lovely ensemble.Ls position? usually produced in Quebec growers and cutting acreage. thiat several paper back books of ail, Group 5, "EvenigPs My policy is based on one and the Maritimes we bave The present board fa heading In an inspiring address on thanks to the-se ladies for theii-IChrist, but were eye witoesses had been donated, and a sub- tels," the models, CalheFr simple faci, that wc Ontario left 17î2 million pounds esti- in thbe same direction by seri- the Bible, given at the dinner excellent caterng was movediof His majesty.' scription to the Readers Digest ren, Linda Harris, CarlG] farmers must bc willing te mated production for Ontario, ously limiting production. A meeting of the Bowmanville by Mr. Bradley. The leader of, Mr. Firnie remînded bis' was received from a donor bank and CherylCotm grow sufficient tobacco ta without increasing stocks or policy of refusing te graw Men's Canadian Club in St. tbe siog sang was Harry V-.1ilîteners that Paul in bis who wfshed ta remain anany- fashioned a wonderful ait supply ihe domcstic needs of expanding exports. It is quit. sufficient tobacco for the do- Snday 'schoros lrast Wec rd eran cutt w tll-h . esha taedth all ock.A ptien . ls o Liven"of eta no wearh our country, plus a minimum possible w. mi'ght expert mestic market and normal ex- Sna colrosls e- t as te piano accompa- scripture wag given by Ccd. ok'"h il oLv, p t o, I aven m - for aur normal expert max-- mare than the 48 million port needs could leadta n nesday evening, George Fir- nist.Th spaesid mhtia-pbihe bybeCnrS-tendteneesnrep- oanie aatepaie h is ie-Peie Tlyh patker Biem the l- p t the ibrath yCacr -t ible frlthe on aprsrgmns ket. We must also maintain pounds if it was available. open acreage system, just asnaeToraontois on. boek the irs trre-i îorosdcngthegrA.ytat teblek. te w rscetypo te YryCats e siefrl t eaanohrhn a rcquired stockpile of pro- Our average export for the arbitrated grade prices led to acteyer eut onae.eb s tuspeakei r ducha tere"On. cook.judge a book bys oneo cessed Icaf for aging. If we past three years bas been the open auction. Both open P"esidet W. H. rowobookEirnieisua Tb nks Mist s. Wst don't grow this tobacco same- above this figure. We export- auctian and open acreage was prosdd ecmdtelretra a m nent Prbas by- the people who read f t, andi1Tak lQt r one cisc will, either in some ed 51 '2' million pounds from recommended ta the P ravin- tresîewlof meesd theaetein Say, h r hab eh number of times it is trans- S heuser and aIl the gilwo cibher province oi, country. the 1961 crop and 55 million cial Government by tue Stin- turnatef moremers a thefr ctie n Sn 3y cbol war lated. The Bible has beenlSupport helped behind stage. Dominion Bureau of Statis- pounds fxom the 1963 crop. son Inquiry Committe.. Lai gcues.HeaisNncdhat te for mare thn 5 yearsot.translated ino more languages Wednesday afternoo, h tics and our ocluboarLadies NighthtDianereRpoverdath Church, Tarantey oanyoaaloerIbaok aIn 1965rabookCamera65Cluberaldlaumeeting ticsandaurownboad re XV miht aveexpetedthe0f ur igh utyon obacowill b. held at the United "Since 1951 he bas attendedita cod rv ht-same amount from the 1962 which means camnpe fitg Churcli Hall, Maple Grave, an St. John's Presbyterian Church it is still the world's best sedi- c m sondcen thei pcmn 1. Wc riec about 1,3( mil- crap but the baard preferred against subsidized importa, as Wednesday evening, April 7tli. and is presently representative e. Last year 1,50,00J0,000 copiescneig hru lion pounids of leaf for domes- ta maintain grades and prices ail otîher cominedities in Cati- WnyBao le ii eredr n edrow ere soîci. T1gS rlance, "Lepricon Lep" h WnyBaotenn eredradlaeofaBiblei ag Se viceth ew'ibte os, îl tic use in 1965. by pracessing 25 milliGn ada must do, wouîd b. even aId daugbter et Mr. and Mrs. Class there.. H. was alsa sec-1 he speaker said that flic b thîs Frhidathy, are 12h 2. We cari reasonablv ex- pounds. Our experts bave mare serious. Murdochi Beaten, entertained rptary of East Toronta Pres- St. James version lias the mest! eii rdy a Pect ta export 48 million been steadily climbiog under By aiming at a production the club by ber playing et bytcry's Committee on Christ- beautiful Eoglish that can b.! In Winnipeg, financial aid Prices: singles 50c, coupls7e pounds minimum from gibis the auctien system and oft 172 million pounds or 40% two violin solos. This talented ian Education, and is now a, read anywhere." TIi. Bibleiwas given to a mat afler an and wil'l be as u.sual frm80 yca~s ropif e podue i. houd cntiue e cimbif e ut ase eta rlafvel biliyaung musician's interpreta- member of the Missions Cam-cotains the written revela-, explosion bal. ripped tiraugh te 11:30 pm. The dressi cs 3. Our stockpile, before the prodîîce sufficient tobacco. if yield of 1,800 pounds per- acre, tion of two selectiens tram tic milIe, " Mr. Sturrock said. ýtien et God's Will te mat. For bis home. In Saskatchewan, 1965 crop will be available for W>? do net eux- experts xill wc cannot b. accused et at- Purcell Suite, delighted the "Mx-. Fernie came ta CanadaUtiise who scek God tlhe Biblebaspital bills fer a lung r.- iecated because et thes as sale, wil bc redued te fitteen decline. tempting te short the market- audience. trem Scotland ai the age ot bas the aoswer that He is Sav- moval were paid for a mat There's not a weekgesb or sixteen mnonths supply. By :ro fuxther substantiate tue A variation ot the 1,800 pound Second Vice - President, 14 witi bis family. In 1918 he Iereign, Creatar and Pravi- whose short residence did net without sevex-al walts a the end ot December tbis year minimum need et 172 million yicld per acre in 1965 cauld Cordon Bradley on behaîf of started wr atteTlr1 ec.1nWnsramtwi adwoesics en eund pounds let nie point out that raise or lawer flic 172 million the club, thanked fie younglBiscuit Company, Toronte. Ths 'Read any book and you will 12,000r anwo a woe u tca e 14,00 set we produced and sold in On- pounids somewat, but we violiniat for tbe great pleasure'firm was absorbed by Chris- see Iliat il deals specially with just sunk bis entire resaurcesi From1200t14 tarie an average of 173 mil- must accept some risk if we she had given ils members and tie's some years agu. Since'tinie and plae TeBi tra.buy i ts a smewenf ye Asoay12sts are eun S' 'lion paunds during the entîre expeet te survive in world their guests. President Brown 1955 Mr. Firnie bas been dam-Ideals not only witi time b ut th. iaeed fo aI ta ils od w evereds inya sin12 da0t r'seven vears et auctian selling campetition.also expressed lis personal ap- cstic and expert distributiontvith eternity, aod ils mes sage hfaicord ta oliwilh certain the remins isletfiKaTg Ia pounid. if wc exelude thieý Lyal Tait, Direclor, the members fiat she bad. rcc- ofthflu firm," Vice - Presidentý The benefits of Bible study bylaws - and the necessary Service at 140 Merton I-ct 137milionpouidsprouce Zoe 4 enly eenaccaimd wenshe Sturrock ýtatedý wr tesdb r Firnie. finances were forthcoming. Toronto 7, Ontario, wlir l Slast year. During the Iast played in a concert' lb Eaton's Mr. Firmie tbiti Ce club fliat H, reEveaen einra c h obav e tw otnatii42I m o imbs veTwo gs ar foui years (again cxcluding Auditorium, Toronto. h. bad decîdcd ta speak on theix- knawledge of th. Bible. pol "' the 1964 drap) we praduced The deliciaus dinnex- was th. Book cf Books because ofjHe xeminded bis bearers thaticomman: thcy arc all wara-'ceoedfl-tm coigu and sald over 188 million K 89ll tte prepared and served by teteipotneo1he ibe M iu lbh Bible, Western puîees,an hrasitcehedrse oow pounds. average while flic Ladies Evenîng Croup of St. people tcday. "Wc should ask civilization would be much came tram money raised by mailing lest keys. Man r camparues stockpile was only5 Andrew's W.M.S. A vote cf aurselves ta tbink cf th. Bible,:poorer. "Without flie Bible the sale cf kcy tags. sti11 attacbed ta keesae aumntd by aot -tS o and cf wbaî makes iltich book there cao le ne truc and îaat-' This week tic War Ampa sucb as rabbit fete, t1 -la manths supplv by processed 1 ofthîe Ontario Hydro Coaking that il la," b. declared. ing peace," lie asscrted. Key Tag Services launches ils clavera or nail clipper. leaf eld y flc bord uder FROMPAGEONEI Schoal. Her informative dem- "Toniglit I would like te -Marly troubles and prob-. 1965 program t clKy Ky aebe eu-e a levy. Somcwhere flua 188 black tulle hat, was fti. ahi. onstratians were clcarly vis- leave you witb a deaire fa lems are tie result of lack 0f1Tags ta Canadian car ewncrs. tram almoat every cautryo million paundis average was commentator. Mrs. Jute Me- ible ta the man people , n the learn more et tbis greaf book. taiti, and the way fe, have' Two million cf the tiny rep- tic woxld, according t i all disposed of without bild Mu.llen and Mrs Marion Far- large room, and wilth tue help It was inspired by God lm- faill is hrougli knawIedge,icas of licence plates will go Piper, wh las a "doubleam" ingan ctul r ral urpusinaassste wth he odescf a widc ovenhead mirrox- self, and w. sliauld give dem- net ignorance of tbe Bible.i out toawncrs offlihecocrres- iaving lest bath bis bnd here n Caada. nd mllinry beind he tey cold wtch er stp bypleteattetionto it In heýGd so onumbersd tandHepevent-nubduriand vwar.duPerbapawar tic The-se D.B.S. figures are scenes. fbep preparation and cookig First Century A.D., wbcn the sent i Son, Jesus Christ,1 ually ninc million will b. mail- moat surprised recîpien a canclusive proot thal the nor- Femininity la thc kcynolc aot variaus delicieus disies. Jews were being pcrsccuted, into the world te bring all mIa cd. About a third of ail re- a Toronto man wio rcie mal disappearance oft tobacco for hats fIis camning season. Valuable information on Peter wx-ote two Jettera of enclo- si with Him. I recom- cipients will send 60 cents for a set et keys he had leIno! b F'or a Quality Buy onl'fox- coosumrption and export Styles are varied, and range bow ta caok fooda witb a flair couragement te bis nation. mcnd the study et th, BibIe. a pair cf fags tb the Service. !Lake et Baya four ya a cte mnodel usedj must e esimae<j ai a mini- ram small pilboxes through and give mealsa gourmet "In is Second Epistle, Chap- and the application of its, The fags are made witli te arlier. They ad beenise !mum of 172 million poutids many charming end différent touch was given b Miss Reid. ter I. 22nd verse, lie wrote: wisdom ta your lives,"li r.! co-operaflon cf provincial, up by a manti rolling. Chv. - IS 1 for 1965 if we wih fa cen- types, fa, the ncwly popular She also described oven meals* 'For tb. prapbecy came net in Firnie said in dîosing. ýautemobile Iic.nsing bureaux Chev. jtinue aur present exporî and becoming wfde-brimmed ouf lined rotisserie bit, and' aid tîmes by flic will et man, Mx-. Cryderman moved a wbieh give th. Key Tag Serv- Cadillai frade. If we wîsb to expatid picture bats. pesdf.adec ii but boly met of God spake as vote of thanks to Mx-. Firni 1ieaace nfraon n aour expert t actually sbauld Milady will deligît in lie number ot broiling lips. tbey werc moved by thc Holylfor bis outstanding address. 1he numbers and design et u f/ lie more than 172 million choice et superb maferials. Miss Reid preparcd fhree Glost.' In verse 16 efthfle same 1President Brown exprcssed hisa'dOmIng licence plates, making .i,,ut, SEE - pounds. There arc iacy mohairs, rich deliclous diaihes, and a spîcy clapIer b. said: 'Fox- we baveýpex-sonal appreciation te theýit possible fax- replicas ho b. eP iI If flic board decides fa pro- ilîka, liglil weigit Bakus, im- Armenilan relisi. 5h. firàsI t ollowed cuoningly de-iguest speaker, and said that it mailed soan atter fi. licence t( I CTUduce less flan tau"r normal ported andi pfexuxedsta w A . deCar1ge unîc. isedtables wheîî we madeiwas a Lgreat pleasure p ass pl,ýates arc pulrchlas. ! heiv ext-emîyducmna lIusain alîe.waswippc u 'o es cokiscakes, and s0 on b. Icd on FridaY, May 7th. j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tihe uni stripe and candy bx-aid plîl- Miss Reid in an electric mix- that tbey wîll cantribute. Mra. in Lindsay Tic president et af the Corporation of the Township of Darlington box of Baku straw. An en- cx-. The crust was composed Jesse Van Neaf. assisted by the Ontario Association IUi: at ts eguar ounil eetng e b hed ~ c*anting hah worn hy Mrs. of chocolat. wa.ter crumbs and lira. Bruce Heavysege, is in Hospifal Auxiliarfes will at- athutra, hl8a y ou c Mting 1963, aI thOn Eleanor Murdoch was formed i mclfed butter, then chilled. charge cf decorations for lb. tend, she said. 5 tte of beige axgatiza petls scat- The filling waa made of Birtbday Party. Mx-s. Harry Jais. moved that Council Chamibers ini the Township Hall at Hamup. tered witli finy pink bead marshmaalîows. miik, whip- lira. R. G. Cowie, lhe freas- iinstead cf holding tue regulark ton at 1:30 p.ni. or anytime thereafter wiîî con- bernies.1 ping cream. tbx-ec lablespeens urer, presctted a satistactcx-y montlily meeting af 1h. localj sider passing a by-law to widen, divert and îlm. Am.ong tle ailler specially oft cremne-de-menthe syrup, a fînancial stalement. lira. R. Wamn's Hospital A'uxiliary th.Baelie oa (te riina Rad beautiful numbers was a dec-p drop of green food Loloring, Callan, thie coxresponding sec- on ils usual day, 1h. tiraI Fr1- priove h aeieRa (h rgnlRa cloche formcd of looed and it is decorahed witl gi-at- retary, rcported that a letter day atternoon cf tue mcnt,1b, Allowance between Concession 1 and the Broken crinkl.d orgatiza i-& shades et cd baking ciiocolat.. a nd cheque liad been sent to tial as thc Regionai Confer- ' Front Concession) and to expropriat. certain bloc trimmed with a whitel Everyone aftending t h e the Ontaric Association of Hos- etc. is set for thlat date, tic lana n ot 16an 1, oncssoni nciLo 1 jand nav blue ribbot: a white; Cookingc School xeceived a pital Auxiliarica.j local meeting be ield on'Frn- ý1 lnsin Lh Botsk6ndont Concession r1qaindfoth17 Baku pi»Ubox wihh a yellow cok book entitled "'Recipes ah lira. Callan's report statcd day afternoot, lMay 30th. Thisa~l in te BokenFrot Cncesionreqiredforthe veil, and wiUih a bow ini trontthie Turn of a Swifch by the that a lether had been received was seconded by lirs. Smith aforesaid road. giiga oc atgld o-Onai Hydro Horne 5cr- from Mlrs. Gwen Gibson, a and carried. goshigi erawned hat of vice." Tiie food prepared by membex-, thanking th. aux- lira. A. L. Hoocy, lb. GifI The proposed by -law and plan showing the Camelîot sf-a'w doted witl iàJ Reid was given away iliary for lie ticwers sent fa Shop Clairman, xeported that I lands affecîcd rnay be seen in the offices of the daisies. caveu-cd with a veil, among the. many prizes in the her whcn aie was a patient in lh. balance on hand on Feb- IIg Township Clerk in the Township Hall. . and topped with a tiny bow; Special Draw. tue hospital. A letter of sym- ruary lI was $473.61. Sales s"' '"'EM U The ounil illhea in ersn, r b hi or and a wide bnimmed powdcx- The prize winters were pathy on behaîf oft1he aux-!during the month arnounted tc TheCoucilwil her n prso, o byhisor blue candy braid and spun lira. Glenholme Hughes. Miss iliary was sent te Miss Velma S496.98, and fthe expensea wer ber counsel, agent or solicitor, any person who sugar straw wîth self shading Ginny Osnind, lirs. Harold Gay, R.N., on the death cf ber $427.04, l.aving a balance etf clainis that his or her lands will b. prejudicially velvet band a single rose. licLaughlin, lirs. Stuart Cati- father rccently. $643.55. lira. Hooey moved 1h. An cxceedingly smarf scar- dîer, lira. Don Austin, Mrs. An invitation tram tic adoption cf h.x- report. This 11 affected by the said by-law and '%'ho applies te jlet picture hat et tcxtured Forbes Heyland. Mrs. Glen Oshawa Women's Hospital was secondcd by lira Fred be heard. straw was siown hy Mrs. La-' Turncy, lira. E. J. Fairey, lirs. Auxilîary la its St. Patrick's Stevens and carried. Iharigue. lira. Faix-cv lookcdj Audrey Osmond, lira. Harvey Day Bridge and Tea was read i lira. J. O'NefIl, Co-Convenor 11 0KIGS.W DATE» Ibis 18th day of February 1963. fctching in a &nood-turban of Cook, Mrs. Les Smaie, Mrs. by Mrs. Gibson. Slie moved lof lie Marathon Bridge witb 0KN T patterned nwhair se'w'n ta Jane De Jaing, lira. Bruce thec adoption cf lier report. lira. E. V. Hoar, reported that ,PH N E MARYNIDDRYgrosgrain ribbon worn on lic Heavysege, lira. Allan Clarke, This was seconded by lirs. $57.67 fron this projcct in Plh MAR NDDEyback cf th. head. Mrs. Mcl Dale, lirs. R. E. Marris, and carried. iFebruary had been turned: Acting Clerk. Mfiss Gwen Reid. Toronto. a Land, Mrs. Trvine Brown and Preaident Ruddil anncuncr'd ovex- te lie treasurer. Mrs. representativ, cf fthe Hydre Ma-s. Harrv Saunder, Mm.tint tic recently ordered '00 'O'Ncill also tld 1h. meeting IL Hume Service, was in diarge Morley Van.tonc. iadditUonal copies af Womn'& lof plans for the apecial bridge' ýRKEI iool News $ ual and everyone je lnvite4I- Thuirsday, et our aay rMr. Wtherspoon. show.rd uaa fidrn on Driver &Z~ty )fshowed thte resuftj« not ~ ing courteous, ar& la&k disrespect for othePNiÏi~Mr. The Glee Club mw for chanlge a goord turnout 'their Thursday preetic. Tht ýis the way it shcuM b. ait ithe tinie. We can't h&ve a~ r Glee Club if you dont give it' your WuîPPOrt. You can sup- r "t It by regular attendance. Yi Drumsa ktWorkshop le PAGE ONE ) 'play. Sylvia Tueker as this eromantic Young woman ap- peared to have stepped frOin ya Renoir painting. She also was -ebullient and charmmng. y In the difficuit Part of Gas- dton, the general's secretary, SBob Sheridan displayed his- etronic ability. At first he was 1seen as a shy and somnewhat naive young rman receiving glimpses of a startling world aafter a particularly sheltered 9boyhood. 1,Mr. Sheridan dePicted every enuance of Gaston's feelings as l e was both fascinated and rappalled by the general's phi- ilosophy. His captivation by Mademoiselle De Ste. Euverte, and bis growing confidence and mastery were vividly portray- 1Sidonia and Estelle, the St. Pe's two young daughters, were pleasingly Played by 1Mary Kerr and Iris Camp- ýbell. Talented Barry Cowling -was most believable as a wise .physician and practical family friend. iHelen Nelles was chi&-"Md attractive as Madame Dupff4t- Fredaine, and Doug Oke was outstanding as a kindly cure, Father Ambrose. In the part of a maid, Connie Gavey was entertaining as she punctiliaus- ]y carried out her duties while bewildered and exasperated by the surprising "goings-on."9 Ruth Hoffrnan was appealing as the new maid. Marjorie Couch was the Stagc Manager, and Mary McGibbon assistant Stage Manager. Set Design, Bob Kerr, Set Construction, JTean Darch. Stage Properties, Wynn Wonnacott, Hand Properties, Edec Cole, Costumes, Mary McGibbon, Make-up, Barbara Bethune, Lighting Jack Darch and Morley Richards, House Manager, Elsie Raikes, Busi- ness Manager, Louise Orme, and Publicity, Margot Samuel. The Bowmanville Drama Workshop Executive for 1964. 65 is as follows: President, Jean Darch; Immediate PMst President, Jean Sheridan; NT1ýe- President, Wynn Wonnacc4t; Recording Secretary, Ba~ Bethune; CorrespoqdÏng Se,1- retary. Inge Rietmulr; Trea's. urer, Helen Nele- Mem>,r -'- ship, John Amesb r; Social, Louise Orme; Prograhi Chair- man, Wynn Wonnacott and Pub]icity, Margot Samuel. PLANNING A HOLIDAY? Make your reservations NOW and avold disappolntment. NO BOOKING CHARGE JURY & LOVELL TRAVEL AGIENCY PHONE 623-3361 Bowmanvile CCOUNTANTS 411111 SEE. J ~'Locke lI TV ~44 DO WMNVILl 4 623-2312 4 *i~4À~ 0 p