nVSMELT - CASSIE Cassie. aiso sisters of the! On ~bride. were the littie fawer' OnFridav evening inl St. girls, dressed in white lace Paul's Anglican Church, Beth- over yellow taffeta, and carry- any. Rev. Regînald Rose heard ing nosegays of yellow and th'a marriage vows o f Miss white 'mnums. Ogria Cassie. daughter of Mr. Mr. Meivin Srnelt %,as Mr a is Cassie, and groom.sman for his 1-other àci:ielVessonC of Mr. and and the ushers were twi bro- Mlas Smneit, all Of thers of the grorm, Messrs. .B-thay.Mrs. Reginald. Rose; Bobby and Billy Smelt. [payd hewedding music. Fouio-eving t h e wedding Given in marriage bY ber! ceremony, a reception was .lather, the bride was lovelv held in the Parish Hall. Re- In her floor length gown Of ceiving. the bride's mother, white satin with empire Mrs. Cassie, wore a blue waistline, lace bodice, and flowered dress with matching long lily pointed sceves. Her' jacket, white bat, black ac- ixoulder length veil of lace, cessories and corsage of pink trimmed nylon net. wa;î roses. Mrs. Smelt, mother of caught to a erown of seed the groom. also received and pearis. Sihe carried a bouquet, wore a blue dress with match- of red sweetheart roses and ing coat, blue feather bat, and white 'mums. black accessories. Her corsage The matron of honor was was of red roses. ?Ars. Sandra Davis of Pontv- As thie couple left on their pool, and bridesmaid wa-- hrr wedding trip the bride was sister, Miss Reta Cassie. Both wearing ber travelling en- were dressed in pink peau desemble o! a blue linen suit soie and satin with matching witb natehîng blue hat, black headbands. Tbey earried bou- accessories and topcoat, and quets of pink ro ses and white corsage of red roses. On their These rnembers of the Bowmanville Drama Workshop took part 'tunms. returo Mr. and Mrs. Smelti in the Waltz of the Toreadors produced here ]ast weekend. They Sheia Cssi an Juie wll ivein etbny.are, from lef t to right, Connie Gavey, Helen Nelles, Mary Kerr, ENNISKILLEN MTr. and Mrs. Fred TrewinIDlownsview. w e re Sunday and Earle. Blackstock, Mr.: visitors at Mr. and Mrs. A. L.' Marvin Nesbitt, Nestieton,' Wearn's. Mrs. C. B. Wagg, were Sunday visitors v&"ithUxbridge. is spending a few Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin. ' days with Mr. and Mrs. Mir. and Mrs. Geo. Irw in Wearn. were recent visitors at the; Deepest sympathy is ex- home of Misses Louise and'lended to the famîly of the Marjorie Mlntosh. Whitby. late Mrs. Jack Yellowlees. Little Miss Susan Slemon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Red- celebrated her 2 year birtn- Iknapp and Mrs. Wm. Chester, day on Sunday with her par-!Oshawa. were Sunday visitors ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sie-i at Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Peth- rnon of Haydon. at ber grand-! ick's. truother's, Mrs. F. Toms. Miss Rubv Virtue, Toront1o,ý Sorry to learn of the -sud- spent the weekend with Mr.1 den passing of Mrs. Elgin and Mrs. R. Virtue. Taylor. We extend our sn Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, cè-1sympathy to Mr. Taylor Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. affd famnily.; Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. A Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wrav, Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stairi- and family. Bowmanville, and 'ton, Mr. and Mrs. H. McGili, i'tle Miss Donna Lamb wercMr. and Mrs. J. Kinsman and visitors et Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lisa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Lamb's. Gilwcre Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt:gulests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith ettended the funcral of Mrs. MeGi]'], on the occasion of Mr. Brunt's uncle, the ]ate Wilmot and Mrs. Roy McGill's 3711h Marks, Lindsay. Sympathy to wcdding annîversary. Con- Mrs. Bruni. . g.ratulations. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormisfi Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tur- accompanicd Mr. and Mrs. wV. ner. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bowman on Sundav Io Orono: Frank Dorland were Sundayi and had tea with Mr. and. tea gucets of Miss Elsie Oke Mrs. J. D. Brown. and Mr. Albert Oke. Mr. and Mi-s. Donald Wcarn Mrs. Alice Thonpson. Hay- and family, Scarbornugh, Mr. don. Mrs. E. Page were Mon- and Mrs. E. Pettifer a nd Ros-, dayv visitors of Mrs. F. Toms. Misses Phyllis and Marilyn, Marshall, Masters George and' Murray Marshall, M a p 1 el S ~Grove, were Sunday eveningý RED CR Sdinner guests at Mr. and Mrs.: IS ALWAYS THERE C. Averyv's.i Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill.i WITH YOUR HELP Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton wcre Sunday tea guests at Mr, and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey's,! BLIT TONGHT Bowmanvîlle. BLITZ ONIGHT Recent callers nt Mrs. F.1 Toms' were Mrs. Argue. Mrs. Bailey,_Mrs. Larmer and Mrs.ý MARDI GRAS FRUIT PIE 1 ready baked 9" pie sheli <use pie crust mix) 1 tin Canada Choice canned peaches 1itin Canada Choice eanned fruit cocktail 1 in Canada Choice canned cherries 1 tin Canada Choice canned pears 1 pkg. Instant vanilla pudding ~Ahipped cream from osai can Make pie sheli and cool. Make instant vanilla pud- ding. Cool slightly and jpour enough ta caver bot- "tom cf pie sbell. Cool in retrigecater but do not chili. Lay 4 pieces o! string accoss top cf pie sheli te divide pie sheli inoa8 equal sections. Drain each tin o! fruit. In one section, care!ully place enough peach halves (hollows down) to ccvec tbe one xedge. Cacefully speon fruit cocktail. cherries and pears -- in that order - one inoa ach successive section. Repeat proceduce for the other bal! o! the pie. Li!t up strings. Chili pie in ce!rigerator.»Cut pie in sections, a diffecent fruit in eacb section. Just before serving, garnisb each section with wbipped crea m. SORRY .. WE WILLB CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY MARCH lSth FOR RENOVATIONS OPEN AGAIN TUESDAY FOR REGULAR BUSINESS * Corne In and See Our Large Selection of I ~~~rCARDS AND GIFTS RICKABY'S LTD.1 Iris Campbe Sylvia TuckE Setting Was St. Joseph's Church 1The Caadan Statesmui,BewmanvMle, Mar. 10, 1085 'Bell Plans Changes ln Direct Dialling For Distance Catis iDirect distance dialing were pleaseÉi b have Dr. and (IDD) wil bc introduced ini Mrs. R. M. Freeman, Cather-, this area within two years, ine, Jane and Ami of Toronto,1 J. W. Lowry, Bell Telephone with themn morning and even-1manager in Oshawa, said last ing. Dr. and Mrs. Freeman week. spent Saturday night and Sun-! Wxth "DDD" said Mr. Low- day with the Harold Best fam- ry, a person in this area will ily. be able to dial severai num- On Saturday. March 6, the, bers and connect directly with marriage of Ronald Asbby and! people In ail major centres in Mary Linton of Cobourg was i Canada and the United States. solemnized at the home of' Details of specific function- Ron's parents, Mr. and Mrs., ing have not been worked out Wm. Ashby. The ceremony1 yet, said Mr. Lowry. was performed by Dr. R. M.ý Other centres that will re- Freeman of Toronto. ecive "DDD" are Whitby, A card party was held in Ajax - Pickering, Blackstock, the school last Wednesdayl Oshawa, Brooklin, Port Perry evenîng, March 3rd, with seveni and Hampton. tables played. Prize winners' "Regular station-to-station were Truman Austin and Eric rates will aiyplv on DDD Gray. As usual refreshmentsi caills," said Mr. Lowrv. "Al ql1, Barry Cowling, John Amesbury, Doreen Kitney,, were brought by players, and: other long distance calis such et, Robert Sheridan, Doug Oke and Ruther Hoffman. i served by ladier of the UCW. as person-to-persoL calîs and _____ ___Photo by Rehder~ Archie Ford is spending thisý those macle from hotels or _________ _____ ___ _______________week in Montreal to take extral coin telephones will continue training for bis work witb the, to be compieted by the oper- railroad. Wbile there he ex- ator.- C. H *S. N E S pets t ecshown tbrougb the C. H. S. NEWS i~~ump, that maze of tracks and LmnJieRcp By Esther Rosevear ;very well. i u colswitches. wo asb e o uceR c On Friday, February lgth, The dantssi u col1Mrs. Vannatto wohsbe the Courtice boys' basketball are practising bard. to make convalescing at her idaugbter's, Relieve s Arthritic teams played at Bowmanville thrres"senttin f"PedlarsMrs. L. Ougbtred, had to re - and beat Bowmanville in al Pors"sucsfl turn to Bowmanville hospital & iineumiatic P i tregms feth ae atTbursday another storm ]ast week. P i a dance was held featuring tbe blew our way but not bard It seemns rather early for If you suffer rheumnatie, arthxtlm o euritis pain. try this simple inexpeive "Countdowns". Tbis samelenougb because we bad to sit the complete spring thaw, but "meti, at tbouaids are uslng. Get a e group will be entertaining at[in class and watcb the sn0w roads, even the black top, are of RU-EX Compound, a 2 weeks up our Prom, March 26, so be sure land ramn and sleet come clown breaking up in many places today. Mix it with a quart of water. W thejuiceof 5lernons. It's eagylNo trouble@* to attend. al day! On Friday the weatb- and already tractors bave been a1i and pleaant. Take only 3tablespooniuW At Ajax, last Tuesday, tbe'er stili wasn't very good as in demand to belp cars out of2 times a day. Oten within 48 hours - Boys' Senior Basketball team1 some of tbe buses arrived late ' tbe mud on some roads. Ifethe paidont uav? eeandiyou came home after making a vie- at school. ýeral robins are in the ncigb- de not feei better, return the empty cmntu torious effort led by Douc' At Students' Council we are bourbood. somne rmay bave been usa and RU-EX wiil con tyou nothing. Yon tare the sole judge as RU-EX in sola ea Peeling with 32 points. Thé discussing the possibility ofî in the district ail winter but aony back guarantee. Over 8 million eme score was 77-33 for Courtice.'presenting awards eacb yearisurely the kildeer, here on used. At ail drug counters Adrom UAd., The Junior and Bantam teams to a Junior and Senior boy or Friday, is a newcomer. Z1Be ry oot were not up to their par even girl who shows tbe most tbough tbe.y were cbeered on isebool spirit and participation: by our Cheerleaders. ýin scbool activities. Our hockey teamn played a: Don't forget to attend the,- M ARCH SPECIALS 14-12 win at Millbrook, Feb. ! dance this Friday nigbt, Marcb: 24. 1 tbink the goalies on16th. Some lucky person will' on both teams weren't feelingxvin tickets to the Prom. r a aiu .~ BROWN'S ., Mrs. Shirley Watson under- law visited in Toronto n r'went surgery ai. Memorial Wednesdav with their aunt,ý Hospital last werk lîaving Mrs. A. W. McLeod, who a comne up to bpr mothers from celehraling lirr R8tb birty. ' i ., O F F Goose Bay, Labrador, Io be Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughesý attended by ber local dnctor. visîtcd with Mi. and Mrs. H. ALL REGULAR PRICES ' We wish ber a specdy recov- Soden, Osaca, on Sunday. ery. Recent visitors with Mr. and See our new styling for '65 Mcs. Amelia Lancaster bas Mlrs. R. Simpson were Mr. and: been confined to MemorialMrs. Erie Balkind, George-' We also do manicuring Complete --- 2 Hospital for a couple of weeks. On We hope she wîll soon be bet- Mrs. Gwen Hughes and Mr. aUU ter also and able to return ta TomT Simpson attended the, A D Y E U Y S O ber home again. Leadership Day at Memorialj IGS.E POE6330 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stcph- Park, Bowmaniville, on Satur-! 71 KN T .POE6330 enson and family, Mr. and dlay, sponsored by the District! Mrs. Ross Boyd and familylHeadquarters for Seouters atl__________________________ Mrs. George Stephenson,vii:Cbug The day was from ed at Dundas on Sunday, the::9 a.m. until 9 p.m. and bath' occasion being Mrs. J. Hillier'-sledrwce ubipesd'( 9th birtbday and Mr. andWith the belp and guidancel' ri Gl.eaners G/znucUle Mrs. Hilliers 60tb Wedding:that they received. I ry"' Annivecsary. Congratulationsý Miss Elizabeth Kozujh en1ter-ý tabt t o ie epe tained a few friends on Sun- Gld ha te o atm ateocso en e DEFINITIONS AVERAGE MAN ~ . .. ily are back to sehool foîîow- seventeenth birthday. ing the recent mass removal - - - 1. A person whn doesn't want mueh, and usually gets a littie o! tonsils and adenoids. less than that. Mrs. T. Wilson accompaied W s Y IL by ber sisters and sister-in- E L Y I E 2. One who thinks he lsn't. . . . ....There were 62 at Sunday and fear the effects of war, sebool on the first Sunday iný 3. The fellow gets mad when you refer te, him as the average which the Americans missed. Marcb, witb George Tufford! man, I ~ . ..Because of tbis the Americans. in charge. Assistant teachers1 are more likely to start a war1Mr. and Mrs. Allan Clarke, Cpi. and Mrs. Philip Trofimuk are shown ini the above photo as they eut tbrouc'b lack of fear than tbe!Mrs. A. Thorndyke and Ber-* .Â, ~ their wedding cake at the reception following their marriage in St. Joseph's Russians. The Russians wijllrniee Best were in charge o!. Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday morning. February 27, 1965 neyer do anything to start an-' classes, and four cegular teacb-I at 11:30 o'clock. Formerly Miss Marie Joan Bruton, the bride is the daughter of oteoldwr utdNoTr:i hrg !ohes uh Mr. Clifford Bruton of Orono and the lette Mrs. -Bruton. The bridegroom is the fargeitstear still xan - Nchynapnd the ioseingCOHEtAE IT sionstsandstîi wat Cm- ~mnand he ntemedateSome Shampoos contain aikalis that can damage fabric dyeu. son of Mr. Wm. Trofimuk of Mayerthorpe, Alta., and the late Mrs. Trofimuk. ýmunism. No Cûmmunist enun- girls led in the closing prayer. Cp.and Mrs. Trofimuk are residing in Vancouver, B.C. Stu Iry bas yet grown enougb food Rev. Mr. Cargo was home! Take these clothes to your local drycleaner lmmedlately. Cpi.to feed its people and they tram bis bolidays in Flocida' __Photo hy Astor Sui fa]] back an Western wbeat. ta take charge o! the eveningl REBEKAH - ODD FELLOWS RUMMAGE SALE On the Cuban situation, the service which included a sec-1 ýHear Herbert A. Mowat ,,peaker had Io say; wben Vice cf induction for the new, Friday, March l2th - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ______________________Pres. Kennedy tank action, al- member of session, Mrs. Hazel' though risking war, ta stop Tufford. After the mont o the formation of nuecear bases cbarnging services, the congre- I'yiriciClU (ief ram which al the large cities gatian was giad ta bave Mr. /#CF sr-W. MA. cf Eastern U.S.A. and Canada Cargo back ta lcad in the 5K.M..- 'D u rh m C l b M eb erscould have beco devastated, regular way. Trhose present at th'e securit'y and life cif the Sun day _ se hool__and chucch _____________________________ U.S A. was threatened. Tbe Encounter Great Hazards rîhtcfslfdeene i .o QoigSic Winston Church- AR V D ' g us in tbe world. It is the' strongest force and the bard- est to change and reverts to the custom o! tbe tnibes." by Aleen Aked As,_ocîation, an assariale of St. Mr. Mawat concluded bis Mc. and Mrs. Eacl Masters It pcaved quite a feat 1o ai- writcr of articles on inter- between vanquished and vie- and~~~ faiy omnilM.tend the meeting on Friday national. zocial and religions toc always leaves humiliation. ýand Mrs. H. J. MeGill, Mre. inFb 2 !Toot aflairs - bis subjece "The Age The Peace o! God cantains the James Arthur Wecry weceiDra County Club at the of Sbaring." sixth Commandment "Thou Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Women's Art Association, 23 shait oct kili." Victar and van- Ralph Virtue. being the Prince Arthur St. Atter spend- Mr, Mawa* said the Un ited quished bath are guilty of this. casion o! littie Judy'stidngsval us(wt reNain, boereras The U.N. rejeets violence and birthday. criiits) digging ont Thursdav-s -.gned il] 1942, was, an educa- ihcnetue easise formidiable snow (plus the tienal3 instrun.nt for the ad-v,'ith cos enu sessasions Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGilllsnowplough's addition) on x'anr vancement at world peace and toodl and machinery, thus mcv- and boys were Sunday callers drive and car, you discovered sccurityv; their hope and pur- i ng closer ta the Peace of at Mr. and Mrs. Orville "old faitbful"' encased in ice.1pase th e peace of mani and 1-11 IN THE POPULAR Luon. Pterorogh. noter oucor ore rvig tmatly be paceo! od.ForGod. Man doesn't unidecstand Lun's.Peerbrogh. ;Aothr huror or trin tiatey he eae o Gd. orthis Peace o! God yet, peace - Sympatby is extended to ta get un!niendly taxi offices 2,000 years. since Christ the which cornes with a sound, Mrs. Clarence Avery Sr. andita even answer - conditions .so Prince of P.-ace and also the method o! living. The United Clarence Avery who bas been, ed. Mucb, much later, success Church bas praeticed disunity which separate men: the chal- ( R O SS & O LIV E in bospitai fer some time. :'at last! A slippery. slitbering - a great Christian failure. lenge requires self sacrifice. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin dri-'e %with a masi apprehen- The basic laxv cf lite, wich Quating from Pope Paul "In attended the funeral oftei- e taxi driver an St. Clair embodiesý evecv, Christian vir- Peace everything cao be gain- 'cosi, Ms.Isaele docwn Avenue Road. Cars.o u stela flv:teed. To War evecything can bePA T R I îdsy n ada.'ing every - wbîcb - way, like Peace cf God cao nnlv be 't'P AT R Mc.day an Mrsd. lu os boomerang buses on the Mid- achiev'ed thrnugh the Love o! 'rin the quest.Ion and an- J Mc.andMrs Sadyway! Haw ta open the taxiCc.TeUtdNainpa- swer period that fallowed, one j .Mr.and rs. andyMoore,doar on arrivai and scale tbe ticed lbc principle cf sbaring - learned that China had 700AT HI Purple Hill. wece Saturday : icy five foot cli!! o! the c irb- the , 'haves" witb the "have million people - was more fer- dinner guests o! Mrs. F. Toms 1side? Mission achicved! an fos': spreadinz thsý gond wordtile than Canada as the tcee Mc. and Mrs. Jee Lake, in [made it but everynne wvas late! cf peace among the disuited'înewet4W mleLurbe .company with Mr. and Mrs.:Mrs. W. T. Willacd having'nations. north than that nortb of Ed- 'Wallace Griffin, Heather and 1spent twa boucs in a Bloor St. "This age is most dynamîic jmenton. The U.S.A. had fnund PRICE EC Dale, visited Mcr. and Mcs.1car caming from Annette St., - a most unique age! For the it impossible to defeat China 'Llewellyn, St. Catharines. On gav'e a somewbat breatbless ce- tirst time in the world, iOn'CO- by boycott. This had placed 1,heir way home Mc. and Mrs1poct of those members wbe tions for our owo satetY cao the U.S.A. in a position cf be- Consists of STEMWARE: Pilsner, Griffin called ta visit theic'were ill. destcoy us. We are net quali-'ing somewbat on a bock, from cousin. Mrs. Matt Smiley, at: O. J. Hejîderson as prog- fied ta deal witb tbese great whicb it would like ta extri-. Cordial, Wine, Champagne, Cocktail, Joseph Brant Hospital. Bur- ramme convener, introduced inîventions. Russia bas the cate itself without losing face. lington. the soloist Miss Beverly Ham- equî>yalent c! 40 billien tons South Vietnam, Formosa and Dessert Dish or Sherbet. .Mrs. F. Toms iccompaniedinett, a graduate o! Oakwood cf TNT in ber atomie POwer," Cuba are similar bocks. !Mc. Ross Steele ând Mr. and CI. and soloist a! their scbool cantinued Mr. Mowat. "The J. P. Lovekin tbanked Mr. - - Also - i Mrs. Russell Steele to, thelchoir. Miss Hamnett, aecom- numbeir one prcblem is aboli-,Mowat and Miss Hamnett;.. MakeF'uneral Home to payýpanied by Mcs. W. L. McNeil tien a! war and recanciliatien "The audience bad shown their their respects ta a cousinlonce again at the piano, sang O! thiose in confliet. A world'appreciation by cemîng out on - Tumblers, Juice, Old Fashion I Mrs. Haines. Lindsay. "Love Has Wings," "The Silver cormmunity' dees not exist. Ca- sucb a terrible night." Mr. and Mcs. John Horten-iSwan," "The Second Minuet", nacians in the army and air Mrs. 0. J. Henclerson was and Highball sen. Mc. and Mcs. O. C. Ash- and "WbY Have You Stolen force bave given several years hostess in charge o! the re- ton and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. My Delight?"' tryîng te get peace. The late fresbment heur, assisted by M jTed McLaughlin, Columbus, Herbert A. Mowat. the Dag Hammersboldt was trying'Group four. Mrs. Ewart Pal-> MML ER were Sunday dinner guest.s of speaker, was introduced by Mr. -toc universal multilateral dis-. lard and Miss Tueker Couch Mc. and Mrs. John Sieman. Henderson as a member o! the armament and said: "You must'paured tea and co!fee. Pres. Manday evening, twenty National Executive of the have courage to trust; ta trust Stonebouse tbanked the ladies. OEY IT S O Solina 4-H members and lead- United Nations in Canada qince anyne yu take a risk and it Te last meeting o! the winter' locker ta learn the different ada Israel Association and a The Russians suffered enemyat the Woman's Art Associa- 29KN STE.6354 t cuts of beef, speaker for the CaxadM Clubs action in their own country ; tion. i ________________________________________ Weclbnq Cast of the Drama Workshop's Waltz Of thE Torea-dors PLKMAUiUIIb Offer good until March 3lst 27 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE