çz~r LI-'rson l iThe Messengers and Ex- jatrno and saw a filmof Phone 623-3303 Trnidad. shown bv Mrs. I I Romeril, after which they1 Jwent ta their separate rooms. TPhe Explorers had a devo- Mr and Mrs. AI Elliott and Mrsý. Morley V a n s tao n e, tional period led by Mrs. D.4 St 'nt Wh'tby, were daughter Miss Barbara Van- f DIrel in which Eleanor l iekncvisitors 1with Mrs. stone and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Wright and Graham Duff' EWlott's~ rents, Mr. and Mrs. James were weekend guests took part and aIl sang thel - A.J arke, town. with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ander- offeratorv hymn. Nancv Dor- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks and son. Kingston. reli conducted a questionaire l Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rundle Mr. -lartlev Lewis and Mr.,on the film and their former' returned on Mondav morninil and Mrs. Sirin Dave, al o tdiso Trinidad.. Chiefj u...... ....., (' from a pleasant thre-week the University of Rochester, Explorer Bob Swain closedr, niotor holiday in Florida. wcre weekend guests with Mr. the meeting with the Explorer '~P ""~ A and Bawmanvil]e spent the King St. West. Sirin andf the two leaders attended.f weekend with his brother and Sudha Dave are from Bombay, 'Phere were 19 Messengers' ' sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. India. :and the two leaders presen. N'~orman James, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Hoar, The Messenger hymn was ~ Mr. and Mrs. Melville La- Barbara and Tom, WillowdaleI sung and prayer repeated 1r r thangue of Omemee wcre visi- wr'Sna usswt r ElizabethThmsnod the ,f tors on Sunday with their son ;Hoars parents, Mr. and Mrs.Bbetry Atrthcosg anddauhtr-i-la, r. ndE. V. Hoar, King St. East. Mr.eeries, two games were Mrs. Ray Lathangue and John. and Mrs. C. V. Hoar leave next played, supervised by Mrs.1 i Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Snidier ,ekend for a holiday in Roy McLaughlin. and son Brock, were Sunday Acapulco, Mexico. Fourteen persons from this f guests of Mrs. Snide' sister Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd, area went to Toronto on a and brother-in-law, Mr. and and family, Jane Street, were 1 hartered bus, commencing nt "'lf'. Mrs. T. Peacock of Gooderham. Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Orono, M'onday evening, and r;.~.H1? ' '~ Sunay uess wth r. ndMrs. John Morisette of Osha-,Saw "One Hundred and Ten '1." Mrs MurayTige ad fm- aiind spent amost enjoyable jin the Shade" at O'Keefel ~ ~ I ily, Murardvieawere m- afternoon cruising around On- Centre. and Mrs. Chas. Cassin anitan by 'plane. The scenir MMr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- sons Dan and Patrick of Bol- winter landscape in Muskoka; low and Mr. and Mrs. Harry:I r, fffff~,f ton. was particularly beautiful frorn! Van Camp left Frîday on a:~fjfI Mrs. John M. James and the sky. rnotor trip, and Mr. and Mrs. ' jfifr1 Master Ricky Jlames lwvre Sun- Rrv. E. K. Norman of St. CalsSihlf audyfrlIfl day guests with the formei*'s John's, Newfoundland, was a by bus for Florida. son and daughter-in-law. Mr guesýt of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. There was a gond attend- Dogs, boats, beautiful models like Virgrna Martin, and Mrs. John E. James* Macflougal, Chu rch Street,' ance of ladies from here crctae n l h eetpout o prs Toronto. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mac- (Anglican and United). as'cascotgsada th ne strousfrspt, Dougal attended the ISth anni- well as Nestieton and CIesaI recreation, travel and camping will be seen at the l ver sary service in St. Paul'sirea and Cadmus. at theï 1965 Canadian National Sportsmen's Show in the Coli- Unitea Church, Ajax, on Sun-, Worlds Day of Prayer service seum, Toronto, March 12 to 20. New attractions thisi dav morning when their ne-lin Cadmus, Friday p.m., and ya nld coai oîhnrcn ryons phlewRev. Norman, was the heard an excellent ad dress y eainld aco tedlpnsrcngG yhu s, Bowm nv e guest speaker. Mrs. Ashmore on "What Doitthe world's fastest car, a duck calling contest andI We wou]d be mnst grateful! the Lord Require of Thee?"i others. if vou would be kind enough!Msds. Roy' Phare, Jim Fali Pentecostal ta 'ph one in items concerning iand Jim Gray sang 'He's 0 gotN V LL .Your weekend guests, or trav-lthe Whole World in His NWO NI L els, for this column. Former Hands." Mrs. Norman Rohrer l Uresidents subscribing ta The presided. Mrs. Ken Gray was Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farrowi Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade andI Staesanscn hecoum organist, and ladies fnom all of Downsview were calIers ati boys were supper guests, Sun- for famir namies. It meansI the churches led parts of this Mrs. R. Farrow's last week. daI with Mr. and Mrs. Harry, 75 Liberty trert, ot ra elt hmt edfn srie r.CaleWtr niae Pasar:Re. A Kura B.h.newq of their relatives, friends; Thene was a gond attend- Bruce were supper guestsi Women's Insiut will meet or former neighbors. Just dia! an. at the euchre party1 with Mr. and Mrs. R . Bruce, Wednesday, Maroh 17, at the Phone 623-5100 3-3.303. spnoe1yteW I nF-hs uday. 1home of Mrs. Frank Gilmer Ivn hoghthy night. Winnecs were:* Miss Ruth Gordon has been'at 2:30 p.m.1 SUNDAY SERVICES fo the s week hbenladies' hig'h, Mrs. Ed. Harris: boarding here wifih Mr. ani The Quarterly O f f i c i a Iý SUNDY SRVIES or hey oparcd tk astheebigsecond. Mrs. Frank Bailey: Mrs. Wallace Boughen, w'hileý Board of Newtonville Charge baly cmpaed o te bg'ýgents' high, Stanford Van1 the ronds; ta the north are inimet in the Sunday School 9:5 a.. Har Gery tor a oupe o weksago, Camp; second. Bui Mahaffv: bad condition. :Hall, here, on Monday, March 9:55 .m. ear "errythe suncst sign that Spcing is door prize, Mrs. Roy Taylor-. Two Units of the U.C.W. tst, at 8:15 p.m. The follow-ý almnst here is the beautiful i Sincere syrnpathy ls (cX» hcldi a quilting at thie home of, ing members wene present: Sunilday!chin dSplain lchal s ops. oetended Mrs. Ernest Larmer.Mrq. Clinton Brnwn on Wed- !C. Farrow, C. M. Jones, J.~ Sundy Shool di-layin lcalshop. Sme-and famihy on the sudden, nesday afternoon, r a i S i n g Kimbaîl, S. Lancaster, Mrs. J. thing ne.w, if onîy a lipstick dIthOf her sister-in-law mnev for their yeacly alla- Elliott, W. Boughen, Rev. R. il .m.Il "Feedîn in the latest shade, does seem Mrs. Elgin Taylor, Solina, on!rtos C. White, A. Thompson, R. 1 .iI.Freon ta peck one up after the long!f Saturday. Messrs. Rov Smith and Tup-i Mercer, Mrs. M. Luxon, L. from Fiar winier. (Editor's note: 1 donrt Sunday gucýsts of Mrs. Chas. per Johnston were supper, Falls, Miss C. Stewart, G. think it would do a thing foriVenning Linda and Wayne, guests on Wednesday with Mr.! Cathcact, E. Robinson, M. 7 p.m. "God's me)., were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Guni- and Mrs. W. J. .Hancock, in1 Robinson, M'rs. James Stark, Evacuation Scheme" MTr. and Mrs. Gerald Cox, ter, Laura Jo and SIot Port Peterborough. Mrs. John Stark. (a ropetc mssge or Orono, entertained with a din- Arthur. Mn. and Mrs. Deed Mcs. Gor'don Turnex', Mr.s., Mrs. J. Elliott was electedf (a rnpeti mesag fo aner party Saturday evening onILittie and Sandra, Whitby, Wannamakpr and Christy, cf as thie Recording Steward o f troubled wnrld) the occasion of the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Gary Venning1 Trenton, wece visitors on' the charge. The chairmen of ani iversary of his parents, Mr.f and Penny, Port Percy* , and4Tesday with Mrs. Raymond the Stewards Boards are as Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Cox, King i Miss Dianne Fralick, Scugog. ] Bruce. iolw:Nwovle .Fc St. East, Bowmanville. Guests! Mr. and Mrs. Noel Mortoni The Easter Burnn, must row; Kendal, C. Gay; Shiloh, Farnily Night Service included Mc. and Mrs. Jack'.and boys, Os'hawa, were Sun-1 have came extra eacrly this"E Robinson; Central Treasur- Bible Theme: "The Art ýWylie, London, Ont.; Mr. andiday suppen guests of Mc. Royiv\ear, as we understand he haq1 Pr, C. M. Jones. The newhy of Soul-Wnning" -s. Alan Greville, Oakville; Ferguson. Mc. and Mrs. BlIH, 'been seen alrcady at Mr.Ryelte traurofSlh Mr. and Mrs. Don Cox, Downs-1 Fergusan and Aa.,HaîF's. The latter was thleBoard is Ross Todd. vicw: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rog- Mr1 n r.EmrAce, uk inro h 1 footl On motion it was agreed "You îrp neyer a strangeresDnMlsan M.an Whtb, nd is rly i chocolate rabbit at Garrod's that the Central Treasucer he owiavite Mcs. Lionel Baker of Oshawa.lArcher, Peterborough, were: VaiE.ty Store.I should pa5' for the Manse fuel atýhe ownanvlle They presented flowers and. Sund.iay dinner guests of Mn.! The World' Day Of Prayer'bilI, any *ajaunt in excess of' P eostal Churh"1 gifts to their parents and en- and Mrs. Wihbert -Aier. service was observed here oni $200. It was also decided, on joyed a happy evening with Mr. and Mrs. Tomi DeMille1 Fridav af:ernoon, with a gond'1 motion, that the same systern then. land KeTrn, Oshawa, visitediattendance. U.C.W. Pres. Mrs.!a hto tIryassol ----Mran s.Stan Rh n:Wo rsdd n was as- ýbe adoped regarding the min- family, Sunday. sisted bv Mesdames F. Hen-!ister's vacation for t'he month Mr. and Mrs. RIn'y MeLaugh-1 dersnn, R. Bcst, D. Vinkle, . Alof August and that- the sum TRIN TY U ITE CHU CH in visited their mothers Sun-I Wade, T. Henderson and Rev.!fo $50 be paid for pulpit sup- in Bowmanville Hospital, and iwell enntributed a 17oca I solo,1 The -main items for thre' Minister - Rev. Wrn. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Mrs. McLaughlin in Oshawa I accompanied hy Mrs. F. Gil- budget, which wece accepted,l îHospital. mer. were as follows: Salary $4250,1 Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Mr. and Mrs. Wilf. B3rownî Rev. R. C. White attended, travel $600, total $48590. Mini:1 radDebbie, Courtice, visiteia meeting of the Homne Misq_ mu m salary and car allow- Mn. and Mrs. Bob Bnyans and' sio Board at Bellevile on ance foc thie Pres. M. & M. SUND Y, M RCH l4th 196 fa ily, Sund y. W ednesday. and the Intede-'$400, Church Extension $334,! Mr. and Mrs. Harold SwainInominational Convention ontotal $7134. il a.ni. - Moning Worshipvisited Mr. and Mrs. Franki Christian Partnecsh ip. at Osh- Ec rauerrpre n Powrs.1,idsv, undv. awa, on nhursdav stressed the nie of an in- "WhyMr. Jack Swain and Miss, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong if crease of subscribers and suh- "W yArt Thou Cast Down?" Nincy Martin, Oshawa, visited 1 Toronto wene F'iday visitons scpin.O oini a Mr. Weir Swain and Rev. and! here. et Mr. MacDonald ' ,decided that each treasurenI SUNDAYSCHOOLMrs. Milton Snesn Tor-i The Hall Committee hell should send out to each poten- r SNA COLonto, Saturday., another card pacty F'riday~ tial siîbscriber a staternient of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert WerrY 1Pvening, when 17 tables w 'epersanal givings, preferablyý Pý- Junior, Intermediate and Senior - 9-30 a.m. I and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Swain1 in play, winners being Jhn in the month of April. vîsited Mr. and Mcs. Wilfred!Camnpbeîîj Marilyn Trim. Mrs.ý A Centennial Committe< Prinîary and Kindergarten - 11:20 ar..'Powers, Lindsay.,'Phursday. IAcey Farrow, Maurice O'Nill, was e pa olos o h Beginners - 11:00 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lac- IMrs. Kay Bal, each of whomf 1967 July Centennial of Cor- mer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lar- 1 ccceived'a 6 qt. basket Of ap-1 federation service, from each mer. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lar-1 pIes. appointment the cammittele mer attended the funecal ofi Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane shaîl be the chairman of the îý1i..E. Taylor in Bowman-. pe- th- weenfiiaml! _e ads oa.1Pesdnt1 ________________________________________ heApnl metng ilIbe Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle, from 1dim. Davis replied for held in the Hall. commencin z spent the weekend at Lind- i both Angels' goals. A cleanlyll ~wî tha pot luck dinner atr say, with Mr. and Mrs. Char- pîayed tilt with each team 1 1h2:30l.This will be the annual! ence Gilmer and family. picking up three minor siný eei z wien ail reports M . and M rs. Raymond1hin rp . W t ol n a R H BOieMR NA IAOn hehaîf of he Rotary prieat the Golden Plough 1f cem atl ewst ad o r i (hv t6n Refrme Ch ur~ao Club of Bowmanvlle. Mc. Lodge, recentl'ce 0fAt]eastfromSndy Chisia R f rm d huc m, Thiesburger ofIvrane The Lake Shore Group helditplayof wl»sat çowed a film entitled -Timeý a dance in Community ,Hale _________ sart Scug g Steet, Bowm nvile IOut for Fu," showing somef Saturday night. of thie work beîng donc for' Mrs. Wallace Boughen, Mcs.' Rev. john C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister Crippled Children. He aloHugh Stapleton, Mns. Jack f PONTYP O Teepoe 2503asked that the pink envehopes;Kimbaîl and Mrs. Milton i Telephne 62-5023which wîll be coming in the l Kimbaîl wene amang those at- Several from here attended' mail be retucned with a con-'tending thie tea and showen in the funeral of Mrs. Howard WORSHIPSERVICES itribution ta this most worthyhonor ýf Miss Joy Cooper of Bowns la Oshawa on Satur- I caus. Ms. alpi LamerOshawa, held at Mrs. George I day. Deceased and ber hus- expcessed the thanks f the Kimball's home in Newcastle! band deceased)rcsided i 9:00 am Dutch gathening to Mr. Thiesbucgen. on Sunda y afternnon.tiscmuiy oeyar Mrs. Mervyn Graham gave Mr. and Mrs. Ted Boughen ago. We cxtend aur sympathy. 11:00 a.rn. - English the Current Events. The mot-f and daughters, Orono, Mr. and. Anothen Euchre sponsored 7:30 p.rn. - English in. The more you use your Mrs. Adam Stec and family, hy tthe local U.C.W. was held talents, the more talents vo u Elizabethville, wece Sunday li the school on Fniday even- ProClaiîning the WhoI. Counsel of God will have. was ably respond- visitors at Mns. A. Bougien's. ing with a good attendance. cd to by Mrs. Roy Taylor.j Mrs. Arnold Wade with Mn. i Pize winners were Mrs. R. J 1 Mrs. W. W. Van Camp told and Mcs. F. Gilmer attendcd Payne, Murray Brown, Gord., some Irish, jokes, and Mrs. W. the Newtonville -Blue Angels Fallis and John Evans. "Bac ToGodHou" BoadasiArcher read two numbers, an' hockey game in Port Hope,ý Chamber of Commerce hcld' "Bc T odlou"Bracataccount o a play given inISunday afternoon. a well attended meeting oni Blackstock impersonating the' Mr. and Mrs. Joe JillisenîThursday cvening with a good CKLB Oshawa - Sunday. March l4th. at 9:15 p.m. 5O9th anniversary of W. 1. at i were Sunday supper guests 1attcndance. Stoney Creek, and "Tw-o with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall L.O.L. 82 heId its monthly iMonkeys." and, Charlene. mneeting on Wednesday evea- BLÀCKSTOCK m A Speciais Good Undi March 13 De F o r f a s p l a s n t eli f f u s e tS U G . I S T 6 9 stomach, edgy nerves take .. . SUPER SPECIAL Beromo Seltzer 5'5ci MOD SS- --- ------- -12-1 sugg. lst 5'c 2 for 89c POLY-VI-SOL by Mead's 30 c.c. sugg. lIst 3.60 2.88 STERI/SOL --. -Mouth Antlseptic mu. list 1.00 87c BRADOSOL LOZENGES sugg. list 1.00 88C POLY.COLOR - - m. list 1.95 1.791 DELSEY Bathroom Tissue twîn pack 2 rons 27c Ice Blue AQUA VELVA 4-oz. sugg. lit 90e 79c SLIM.MINT GUM 1.98 value 1.79, 3.98 value 3.69 CONTAC i"C"-f- - - -I0'a sugg. lust 1.49 1.27 TECNIQUE Color.Tone-.. .- sugg. it P2.00 1.89 ALBERTO V05HAIR SPRAY ---- - -.-- - --- - -----D-z. size plus 7-ex. ize 4.87 value 2.69 T O B RAS 51.50 VALUE HAIR DRESSING by REVLON 89c Twin.Pack contains Two 75c tubes Head& hou.dersSUGG. LIST 1.19 HNE aNdRUSHMO hATRA oulders1.041 ft DEODORANTS e siert F or2-oz. twi pack 2.50. value TWIN PACK SPECIALS Save money - buy both the famous Desert Flower Creani and New Roll-On Deodorant twin-packs. All day protection - saf e 1 for your clothes because it's famous Desert Flower quality. 518 SUGG. LIST 79. SCHICKSPECIAL Stainless Steel Blades 69C 15 OR MORE SHAVES WITH JUST ONE BLADE. GIANT SIZE PE-PSDENT69c VALUE DENTAL CREAM with IRIUM 5 For The Whitest Teeth 36's SUGG. LIST 1.00 .4SP RGUMSPECIAL For Sore Throatc PAIN RELIEF IN CHEWING GUM FORM 8 New Mentholatum M.P.O. 4.way medicated ACHING BACK?. Pile Remedy Faulty eliluination can aeyulvr 1. Relieves pain fast .3. Eases irritating itch ish and listiess. Get quick, effective, 2. Shrinks hemorroids 4. Fights infection overnight relief with the help of No Odor Won't Stain & M.P.O. Suppositories 1.49 2.50 DR. CHASE'S LPU M.P1.19ent1.98u K & L PULLS 69C ALEX M'cGREGOR 5 KING ST. W. - - PHONF ~7~7O~ w. -- ~ *DRUGS e Dogs, Boats, and Dolphins - - 1 lng wlt~h a gond attendance. Millbrook. The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvffle, Mar. in, 196~5 The highlight of the evenig Mrs. Wilbert Wo (Mayl was the presentation of an Stewart) of Millbrook has Haonrary Lfe Certificate in been a patient in hospital re- present. The meeting openedt The president. Mrs. Blake. Brother Ernest Lane. The centiy. Iwith the Scout Mothers' pray-1 then announced that the presentation was made by an- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Whit-' er and promise. ýChinese Auction would take ather Honorary Lif e Member, mee o*f Brooklin were Sundayl Minutes were read and ap- place and the articles for auc. Wor. Bro. George Chaxnian. visitoqs at the Paynes. Theyiproved and the Treasurer gave!tion were placed on display. Congratulations were extend- have soki their home ina report an the bank balance.lThese articles included such ed to Bra. Ln yteWr rolnrcnl and have The sewing convener reportedithings a aro arns Master Wor. Bro. P. Beggs purohased another in Oshawa.,six scarves made and 30 ta e,' a s b actpora ird cange. and other members of the made.bewn raktfraircge lodge. Three members were, a bottie of homemade jam, a chosn t vist te LO.B.. a ^A portion of 'Focus an.piggy bank and a pair of rub- chenetmvisi theLO.B.A. at otA was read. It spoke off er gloves. Many more items thelinexbameetn adsilS cotU55 rý!he"n look of Scouts" in-,were put on the block for fast evening this spring.uîj A cludnig long pants, Indiansidisposai. The pennies were to larn hat xiicion and Eskimos. A suggestion has1dropped into the jar fast and Cry s to lnaKns t Mr.rFIoIU A cto been made to include thel furiously as each mme Crs si igtnHospital f physically handicapped withitried ta out bid her neighbour due to a recent car accident. . hJa rv, new badges and merits for this: before the whistle blew. Mr. Ozwald Mitchell oflAt M eeingI division. A social half hour was spent Ballyduff has returned home' A short discussion was heldýwhile the hostess served caf- alter undergoing surgery iný The March meeting of the on the activities of the packs fee. Next manth the meeting Mrpi. adMr.JonH Cub and Scout Mothers wasland traops each mother wvasIis ta have a guest who w i! Mr. nd Ms. Jhn orner held at the home of Mrs. Kellyl assaciated with. The meetinglanswer any questions on anj- and family have moved toiBiggs with ine members'closed with hte Mispab. Imal husbandry. PRESCRIPTIONS 1. D. A. REMEDIES 5 KING ST. W.