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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1965, p. 10

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~c. -'. ~ The Canadian Statesman. Eowmanvllle, Mar. 17, 1965 Annual Meeting ToId wFarm Union Members Mi Organize March on Otfai SuportngPari! y Price.s JonDolmer. presîdent of mnoce than cfficiency, was: credit. .ýÂhe Ontario Farmers' Union, inecessamy. In 1963 broiler Lest fal t the coi --told the annuel banquet o! the 'growcrs produced four million hcld in Oillia, a ri ,.:=hm County Union in Mill-!birds more than the previous wvhich originatcd in1 Sbekon Wedncsday, Marcn !yeam, but received no more was passed that a l-Oth, that since 1951 farm pric- 'moncy. This means they had :should be made on C1 .iocs have declined by 13 per ýgiven the consumer four mil- 'support o! pamity price '17 e n t. ilion birds free, he said. The march will mec During that camne period,. For an investiment of $38,000 help of the national :'tood costs ta the consumer n a dairy famm, in Duffeminiend has been assured beve incmeased by 12 per cent. County in 1963, when reccipts moral support of %veste] ý This means, he said. that! and expenses were tallied, and ers. Four hundrcd -somewherc along the line f ive per cent dcducted, the 'Of Quebec are .elso pomeone hed picked up 25 per'the labor income per year per 'to help. .cent. farm was $540. Lloyd Hasson of .'Perhape il 'tas the big chain, For a $44.000 investmcot in Springs, president af x tores. Nowadays meat peck- a beef and hog farm, the labor 'the four locals inI Z,.ers werce t the rrcy of the income was $634. This work- >said that in order te di ±b-,ugc chains, he said. cd oui to $10 or $12 a weck..oitcasfamsmi -Since 1946 Canada heas lost Mr. Dolmer told off an essoci- 'selves become politicia 1,000 farmers. Farn wives ation which reccntly approach- ,told that the reasont +ore alsa working off ed the Minister of Reform erroment gave for be, They do this flot because they Institutions, saying that pris- solved fmom their pro -wish to but because thcv have oners should bc given a better $ uhe o h .Z found it necessary. lhe told the ' deal1. that Hazen Argue, w] ..gatheringet St. Andrew's Unit- i Siîîce the minimum wagc the recommendation,i ý ed Chumch hall, set the rate et $1.25 an hour, !e-elected. Farmeme have been told theY this association suggested that j He pedicted that rnust expand: they must pro- 'inmetes should be given one- iwouid be an election duce more cheeply: thev must :fifth of the amount, 25e an ý long. The prospect ofe - be more efficient. hour. This would emount to election' gave fammex! Mr. Dolmer told or e hroiler $10 a %vcck. If this wes donc ipower now than they producer who had Barcd the prisoner with no invest- jhave for some time to Ro~ck hiens poducing 150 eggs1 ment, with free clothes, food England, hie said,r e ycar. He became more iand housing, would be ge tting iPerity prices only ette] efficient, hed bis hens leying as much as the fermer. .had e farmers' union 250 eggs e yean, and it put hlm The fermer hecs bed ample 1.ears, end she wast right out o! production. credit made aveilable to bimi country in free EuropE Better prices, something. . . perhaps even too much SO. Theme weme, Mm. Hassi 'four kinds of bones, wùs ~lwh o left ail the work t( ANN UAL MEIEING neels, awboneskiw of thewho knocked everythir tbebeck bories, who got uni COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, load and did the wr are Il those present PORT PERRY, of the fourth variety. Ken Sinclair, county will be beld nt the bospital on 'ton, ected as chairman. head table guests weri Sinclair, Howard Qu Tuesday Evening, March 23r esdnofteDha lU reidntof Agriculure at 8:30 p.m. Mmc. Quantrill; Lewis W Bowmanviile, pesd The public are cordially invited te attend tbis !local 78; Mmc. Rocs W( meetngso tat heymay ha directly informed IMiilbmook, director foi meetng,50 Ila t1ey emand Keîth Harperc about the management and general operation of iSprings. our hospital, and judge for themselves the merits !Mrs. Lawrence Winsl of wbat they read and bear from others. Millbmook, accompanied piano by hem husband Refreshments will be served. 'Mmc. Kennetb Werry o' nian ville accompanied b: ____________________________________Otto Bregg, entertained yod I1 selections. If YOU ARE PLANNING ON REPLACING 'Giroup 4 of St. Ari OR ADDING TO YOUR EXISTING FARM U.C.W. catered for thei under the direction o EQUIPMENT, YOU CÂN'T AFFORD Donald Spicer.-Examint Lr45 I~rTÎ!rflM 1'Junior Farmi NewRoundi The Big9est Annual Farmn Implement Sale SOON i Eastern Ontario! M.J,. PHD SALES Au SERVIE lst ANNUAL SPRING IOVER SALE STARTS I *oe12 NOO1 AND THEY MUST SE SOLD 1 GERÂLD ROGERS M. J. REMO SALES AuD SERCE COBOURG 372-2139 3 MILES NORTH 0F COBOURGI ON ONTARIO ST. AT DALE ROAD, 4 MILES EAST 0F DALE. The Corporation of the Township of Darlington NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington at its regular Council Meeting to be held on Thursday, the l8th day of Marcb, 1965, at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Hamp- ton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime thereafter will con- sider passing a by-law to widen, divert and im- prove the Baseline Road (the original Road Allowance between Concession 1 and the Broken Front Concession) and to expropriate certain lands in Lots 16 and 17, Concession 1 and Lot 17 in the Broken Front Concession required for the aforesaid road. The proposed and plan sbowing the lands affected may be seen in the offices of the Township Clerk in the Township Hall. The Council will hear in person, or by bis or her counsel, agent or solicitor, any person wbo dlaims that bis or ber lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-lawv and who applies to ho heard. DATED this lSth day of February, 1965. MARY NIDDERY, Acting Clerk. liY Wm. J. Teinlinse On Seturday evening emongst 125 of the mosi ;tcnted people at Dt 'County Junior Farmers' nUai Banquet et Maple iCh n nch. SThe banquet chaîmmar, Marie Tamblyn, who is the imnmediate past preý o!. aur club, kepi the mi alive. She wes assiste such people as Pet Knox Tled in a eai rocking and îng sing sang; our own 'tet, Margaret Shaci ýMarion Buttery, Lynn E (who aiso edded e little by playing a few selectic that golden trumpet of a nd Jim Coombes (Whoi j leaves an audience fmowr iOur guest speaker wi eralli took her shoes ofl told us, with the aid ofs the beauty and mystery ti found in that profound cuniaus country ef Aous where theY lived for years. The guet speaki man and wîfe teern o! sI cers, Mm. and Mme. Sut, Who rîow live in Prince ward County, represente 'me and everyone they ai meel true, down-to-earth, eers of the new gener that some people sey is ic The banquet had ils mente of sincerity as dis] ced in Marie Tamnblyn's sr 'just before she handec 'gevrl to newly electedF dent Don Weish and ai the enswer that wes give ,Mr. J. Knox ta the toast tI parents. There were representa from Northumberland, P bonough, Victoria, and bath aur representativeç igovernment, also the Del ment cf Agriculture. A. O. Daîrymple, as oni: could, climaxed the cve with the induction of new cens as follows: President, Welsh: Ist Vice, Gary Jefi 2nd Vice, Jim Cryderman: mretary, Ken Knox; Treast !Mary Ruth Osborne: Pmess porter. Bill Tomlinson; Coi f Director, Pet Knox. Directors : Clarke --T' Tom] inson, Dick Rutherf Linda Greenwood. Cartwr iKcith Baker, Jîm Bý David Few. Hope-Ruth 3 vin, Kathryn McHelm,J IBaughen. Manvers - R Heaslip, Dianne Smith. Il ington-Jim Coombes, Rickand, Margaret Shec ton. That brings ta an end oId year and now on witlh new. The Nomîhumberl 'Junior Farmers are haviî Joint meeting with the CaL Federation o! Agriculture. meeting will be in the fq cof a pael discussion. The tapic will be on pi .lems3 pertaining to howe club cen help the other sionger and better unc standing by the general p lic: a progrem that couIc leaked et by Durhem.1 J meeting will be held in Bm]l on. Tuesday. March 23, 8]p ~in the Agricultumel Cei Well, sec you ail oan. --10 zt:c- t,,nln,, cp nr nacfu sis--witn -ve--p--ntas the main was a Ommctor or Bowman- rer IMma. Waltes,-Eiizabetvi!le. mai sRe-, Ms. Jim trk iatteethe Chloramphinicol of the forum. There wcre also Svi Lionsislub. S rvce B e r.Ji tr teet hendsinjectable -'n rojetiva, are two daughters. Mrs.: unty.1hockey game in Bet alIur-. necal planning, pamlamen ai- pro-j Kcnneth Kelly (Dorothy) and Save timne and moneywith the Mesame 1e00ono t .roa.-$6.95 cr o norganization.Spedn ['erry Midgets played. Roiosn, 00 .c lk Sfaprd utis o th Service.t<, StrEatRecommended for the treai- A resolution from Oxfor~d, BowmaAvisteeffcient are fiofe p-dressing yers!afld Jim Stark attended al niaentcWhte oritssppnu- Couv rin g m u ic1sIaluandgrandchildrc .n. .and broadcasting. Mer- 'showcx' for Miss J. Cooper et mnaO neîishpig Poica atoiist s Also sumvving are e sister, ceeec conomic inhibitor chemicaisMr.Jh Hpp ofSca John Mrs. George Kimbail's homne, fvr ec esn a roin w s. nto o ppf.,oand aa-te Truck bulk spreaders aiph Newcastle. t es' a roiimNteoi. n a ut )arl- The Circuit Board meetingsj ebiotic Injectable ;read. Directors believed tetMrs. Seward Tyler of Maple a*800Opound "Lely" spreaders Don was held at Newtonviile on 120 ex. $10 further study should be donc Gmove. ckle- Monday evening lest week' ',on tihis Io sec if "economi«c Mn euiu lrlti -o ultp pedr ckle-Monda ev C. Whiat ee Specifically for plg scours inhibitor chemicals" arc aveUl-,butes from a large circie of with Rev. R.C.Wie n and caif diarrhea. able fins cuitnemc 1the charge. Mrs. John Stark W35 Iec. lsu îsually sufficient. M.Biiin hira f tivsend oganaiona ttest el- *SuTs gLbrtre i the appeinted delegate for thîs? r ilAln himnolie n raiain tet olTsigLbrtre land charge fer the Oshawa Presby- Io &cal the FAMIE (Farmers Alliedled te the esteem in which thew rîg a tery. Also, a committce for' r Ijcal Meat Enterprises) committee!deceased was beid. a FarmnAdvisory Service unty each appointment was selecte- 20 e.c. 50 C.C. for Durham outlined the posi-: The funeral service was The cd called the Canada Centen-. $3.50 $7.50 tion cf this organizetion. At heid from the Morris Funeral, form niai Committee and consisting- the present time in Durham Chapel, Bowmanviiie, on Set-'E of the chaîrman of the Church ,County there is $80.000 invest- umday morning, March 6ou,, ait FERTII ZED rob- Board, the president of the' Prescriptions 'cd in shames and debentures. 11 o'clock. Rcv, W. K. Hous-' E. E each U.C.W. and the superintendent I.D.A. Remedies The govcmnment of Ontario lander, minister of Trinityl WE VIC r; a of the Sunday School. AIhas announced that a Royal United Church. Bowmanville, dem- Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell l Miex. incirOgor Commission Inquiry will in- conducted the service and in- Ca a n usr s pub- and family werc Sunday even-1 vestigate the present position terment wes in Bowmanville i be ing dinner guests with Mr. and o AT tammesCTeey a a in Id sre i ie Thi Mr. KithCasell Pot Hpe.1iu1g>, meeting of the Ontario Fed-' Palibeamers were Dr. TedPOTH E ght- Mr. and Mmm. Sid Hallowell !rton o! Agriculture hcld Mann, Messrs. Stewart Mc-: OTHP ~..,an Nnc set atrdy it 5KBISt W 63.79 laint week a resolutr>n wasiTavish, George White, Bill' (2 miles at on No. 2 Highway) Phone 885-4803 rtre. Mm. and Mrs. Andy Gray, paszed as gfore agi ae akCtradHg Barrie. of ats n gand COPA-l Kelly, C(afermier onede- Champion Beef Showman Oeativ tBarie).wm Mr. Rari Nowak,Bowman» ville, Mr. Ron Brooks, Bowj;Manvers Twp. Council1 manville, Mr. Gordon Chant.1 Hamupton, were appointed vot-ý Earl Argue was appointed !construction of a COmmunity ing delegates to the annuai!Chairman of the Soldiers Me-CeteithPotpoP rk meeting of the Poultry Pro- imorial Committee by Manversetei h onyiro ak a y ducers Association to be held !Township Counicil at the mee t-_ tw de1e ht h c. on March 31. ing 'held in Bethany recently. gation will core to the Ari and ail me ber o co n meeCuil i cong of 1%nfor. Reeve Lewis McGill piresid d metng o anvers nshp were pesent.mation a s to the costf the pro posed project, and the BETHNY Accounts a m o u n t i ni g Io1 amount of grant that could be WO-MEN'S INSTITUTE $3,691.97 were passed for pay- secured under the Commun- * ~~Mr. Keith Harrison, instal- mn.E .Se n .V t ete c.Tepasi lation officer of the Bell Tele- 1Shea were re-appointed as fi erAtalw T e psu ind **~~ ". phone Company in .Peterbor-.lWarble Fly Inspectors for the thul e adccl wil be skied :c ough, was guest speaker at the'township for the coming year.!to give consideration to accept- - Wrmen's Institute meeting Cucleiedtaalter îng this Proposai as the Man- ovninheld Mondav night in theibe sent to R. H. Davidson, vr onhpCetnilpo Durhatm, United Church Suda SchooliLivestock Commissioner, 'ht1jejt. eHltiniall. several untreated ctl ae amarch Mr. Harrison spoke on "The corne into the mncpît Council instructed the Town- History Of COmmunications'pýeach year after May 24th, and shpCek, R. Davidson, te and gve aprologue o that a solution to this advise the Secretary of the es.morrow. hwig drawings roblem must fondith Deive the and pictures of progress made numnber of warble flis are t omte uionh eComte that the municipal. since primitive times, Mr.!Ibe reduced. ity ofl Manvers intendsrto; use d f te Harrison told of the first' A report was received from connection with the Centennial rnfr-Morse telegraph invented by'the Workmen's Compensation rnsPoam farmersd Samnuel Morse in 1832. Twen-iBoard that it had paid $712.6 expected I~y-siy years later the first to Manvers residents inheRod19*64fo 16 telegraph cabh, was installedýThe balance of the 1964 Road was given three readings and f n facross the Atlantic ocean. InSbsd pa ens$285.. passed. The amount set for ourae o176Aeadr rha eISuasidrecei e rmthe Depar50.73maintenance was $32,000, and Jealwith187 Aleandr Grham ellwas e' 15,000 was designated for con- inveted he frsttelephone mnent of Highways. srcin and 878saw he irstCenral A delegation from the Ponty- ias eOffice built in Hamilton, Ont.'ol re apeed bfe the gov- ~~~~~~In 193) the Trans-Canada Tl-ýoIae perdbfr phone Syslem was opened to council i nur rerin GE CAHTfT 'msofthe general public. The firstigrants available in connection DAPINE ~mise f *~Tansistr wasdeveioed inwith the Centennial Program. trug hot mase : Trailsith e r asBelledintrog wo nae .................. .....C]Labora.tories. A itete- Colin Richardson, the uele-1 wa lt Don Rickard, of Bowmanville, a first year student at the Ontario Agricul- ýpoe al was placed acrossgati0n's spokesrnanstated thal STATESMAN the goup as cntaced aCLASSIFIEIDS t thre tralCollgeUnivrsiy ofGueph ad sn ofMr.and rs.Garnet B. Rickard' "Radio and'Television are aIl ýbuilder to oi%,ain plans and in- Teehn'6330 ibefore was declared grand champion beef showman at the 1965 College Royal. He js the outcome ojf the teleph one! formation about costs for623-th0 systern One of the micro wav an erl.v shown with his well fitted shorthorn heifer, receiving congratulations 0f R. R. towers in the -Buffalo.Toronto. .s moret HayofGelph, representing the Quaker Oats Company. Montreal system is located just! corne. __ ___ ___ __ Photo courtesy Ontario Dept. ofAgriculture west of Bethany." ýLiqu.. Fertilizer P o e received___ Mr. Harrison discussed thee ýr having A new space missiles, satellites, ifor 35__ Tel-Star, etc., and the cornm r ft b e n C r r p Hyd lestroficabIes onntCornadCrops e to do a vuo M a k ew w n tinuDE sible by a new Electronic Cen- During the past four years many corn growers tra! Office. He predicted tele- throughout this area have used "Na-Churs" Liquld Fertilixer sh onsI . I.dF ,. :Phones becoming smaller andý 10-20-10 at planting time wlth their corn. The resuîts have,, ,, one sad maller, a far cry from the, ottnîg nrae f 5t 6bseamr e so.m.- A t c . n oe n sfirst cumbersome wall Phones. been usadn.Ieae o15t26bhl mrprg who didThe new modemn dial phonesý acre have been obtalned. h oris dId will be replaced by a pushý These grewers found that by uig"aCuW S r Lbutton system. Already picture, Liqid Fertilizer In the row wlth the si t ng "N-Chur Ing and s telephones are being manufacr hycudgttercr wyt atrsat h der the in tu a o t m n t o tured and have been shown, hycuI e hi enaa eafse tr.Tefe HeU"'~ J "~ ' at the World's Fair. Direct: that new a fertiliser wax available that could be used rlght it te be A continucus drive te eradi-1awa, Whitby, Ajax, Bowman-iservice. Previously, when Ifl lcng distance dialing through In the row wlth the seed gav'e thein a deeper, stronger root rdrc ate contamiination on power ville, Aurora, Newmarket,1sulators wcre being cleanediarea codes has been perfected srcue hsgvsyuasatwlhrsisi nrae line insulators i'ý being speed- Richmond Hl, Bapo:th ie a ohI Oter-cHlBrmtn!h power lnshdt eand will soon be in common rcueThsgv y atr wi eul nInesd5 OeMr ily and effectively carried out Woodbridge, Toronto Town-I taken out of service thiis de-!use."' ield, and more profitpear. rMr-by Ontario Hydro lune forces ship, Oakville and Geoiýge-' priving customers of powe'r. In conclusion Mr. Harrison' Another big factor In using the "Na-Churs" Liqui uanril, i MeroToronto and nearby ton here leeae2,Oih inemen were sent said 'We are living in a chang-' Fertiliser Program ilm that It speeds Up planting; Important e, aid- municipalities of Central Re- voit transmission lines, wa.%h-! scrambling up wooden poî world; things happening Snso vnsi ieadlbuls ok h T upde ,,adgion. ing down the power Uine in- or steel tower structures to:,fast, it is amost breath-tkn ansi ieadlbuls ek h T upds TTo c lhe at'tack has been ac- sulators in a regular program. clean insulators on the site bY;in comparison with 100 ycars ail the work, and there's ne heavy lifting. Ment important nt of celerated greatly in recent Ilhey aiso cruise along and manual methodeF or sometimes ago. W'e must becomne educat- cf ail, the lquld fertiliser lm right in the row with the roo our yeas-s by the adoption of mod- wash down the power line, replacin.g insulators wit.h newýed to change; ýve must under- e, lmeaeyaalae enUceenedit ,Du-ern equipment which enables conductors on transmission ones. This was costly and. stand the reason for it and' e ThImeiateurse, lu som w en th at farinee r. hav ef Cold the Carnniission's linemnen teo unes of higher voltages like time-consuming work. make it work for us."Thsofcuel mtin ta ar r av slow of d'ih o eryfv ie hs ln h adnrE~ Only Air And Water The speaker was introduced' dreamed about fer a long time. Cern growers wh hav et the as fast as before. A jet Stream pressway, on Yonge Street. The oniy drawback that:and thankcd by Mrs. Thomas used it are really pleased wlth their resuits, and today many cfar n ea aeri Noalnid yo N.2Hydro work forces have ex.'Jenniiigs, convener of Cana-,aeuigI neeyar.Teatosn-cecr rw f ~ blown under high pressure te Highway and No. 7 Highwav precd i prtnteda nutisR]~~peie~care using " n eea-cre. LiqudFrtilsan-er P orngo by Mrs. astrasfomer four mdr rc nuaoýMrs. Harry ye prsdd ýd with power line insulators. This tions and at high tension1 washing tînits that are on'for the meeting and announced' The application rate recommended lm 5 te 7 gallons work is carried out on live1 cable .iunctions. Their attackIsteady cîeaning patrols in that the Girls 4-H club would In the row at plantinir time, dependlng on plant population. ndrew's power lnes without service is against the grime on in½ Centrai Region is from ap-,be commcncing a new unit Adt dinner interruption to customners. ýsulators from factories. ýe- prelhensive motorists and pro- next week with seventeen Ad iial material can be used as a side-dressing; and, of ,f Mrs. Sait Spray Collects ment and chemical industriePerty owers who assume thati members. course, if your cern needm Nitrogen, by ail means follow up er. The major attack by Hydro diesel fume cil from trucksth je streamn washing the' The motto for the meetingý with yeur Nitrogen program. - work forces is on road sait and buses, aiso exhaust greasel contamination off the mesula -"It iço ne thing te itch for, Grain growers, toc. are really Pleased wlth thele Spray that collects on power and oil siicks from apartment tors contains some chemicaIJsomecthing, another thing to r-husýL, i ors ne insulators during winter. buildings, and especially inl solution. Hyr'uescratch for it"', was replied te results. They are finding they can use"N-hr Lul Thshsbecorne more acute itr hest spray ht Ontario Hdoln force,,by Mrs. Ear] Weathcrilt read- Fertilizer in the row at plantint time, and lt reail ta the in recent years with con- drifts up in clouds often as, do their beet to reassure thmýn a poemn "Doing." The roll crep away te a faster start; and, best ef ail, yledlreuu struction of the overbead sec- hiha ot etfo odjta n pa hc apnfcall was answered with the ef 20 to 30 bushels, and more, have been obtained.. l tiens of the Gardiner Epes ways that have been treated ta land on auto bodies cd Iýar c rs. meranuf thr in way, because transmission!Ito remove ice. not harm the finish. As !a rtce r.EeySihFrmr nomto bu N-hr"Lqi fl st nes parallel this main artery. Before the introduction of more convincing gesture the y expressedi thanks for Sunshineý Fertilizer write te: Wlhen insulators become coat- the mobile spray system oflare having signs printed and bed during her recent iles Mr. F. MeLachlan, President, t con- cd with sait or other grime washing power line insulators, placed on the mobile washing Letters of thanks were read "aCus latFo e ýuhmthey frequently arc in wet the work had te be donc in quipmnt to advise that only Gilbans aMM. and Mrs. LeIyi'nden. O Pnt oC. (Canada) Ltd., Grae wathr ad cuse pewr slw. edjus annr tatpure water and air are being Frank Martîchenko for gifte outages. required a far larger work uscd in the jet Stream wash- cent wlien * they lost their, i, Mrs. The nove! idea of using a force to do the task. If also ing overhead power line mn-homes bv ie ete ilb is aise coimbination of air and pure meant interruption of power sulators. __ îlb sdetwater under pressure was the _- - - !sn to the Manvers Cenotapht esidentcommittee, voicing the ap.: eeting answer te Hydro's problem of poa fteWmnsIsi Sspeeding insulator cel anupva ow rs theII V ot Ofl tute fo XWh work. Such a Stream does not Next meeting wl be h atif d roll- conduct electricity. So uine- D Dthe home of Mrs. Harmy Ryiey qur-me anddec hestea roiler Mv arket .Plan fdwlfetreecino Brown square inch on te insulato-sj At a recent meeting of th ecrs have corne forw&ard ' t A lunch of homemade bîîns Sspice of power line conductors of directors of the Durham Fed- a very realîstic plan which ýand cheese was served by Mrs.'F R IIE ons on 27,600 up te23,000 voltages eration of Agriculture, Mr.wl nbetc ocnrijEn WahriMs icn his>, duction of a standard five-ton the Ontario Broiler Grower'si Production through the instLi-1,Jackson, Mrs. Thomas Jen-SE V C Ming). truck equipped with a 700 Association. o utlîi n ed the. tution of marketing qLl McQuaid aRssndrr ho lit- gallon tank and a hydraulic fortbcoming vote on a Broiler Under the British North! Mrs, Ted Spenceley express- f and lift, insulated buckct aise has Marketing Plan. G r o we r sAmerica Act production quo-Ied the thanks of the members slîâes, aided greatiy in rwpecding up' owning buildings, in whichit'as can not be set. Under the to the hostess group. hat is the work. 1boies arc produced, wili plan every grower voill be --rspctve-------- - and-nnp, _ A -A Cever NManyMUtnicipalitieu vt tFer epcieAr- iesdadnon1 i~np

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