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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1965, p. 5

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Gideons Present New Testaments to Hospital ~urharn County Progressive the eovernment to bring the- ~nservativy - Association Ex- pension to the presenit level. as WU1V . shl odye- well as many other pieces of s efllfgMIl 8th at The Acres. legislation that have been im- - ih3-à1embers in attend- proved by contributions from anmce. A'mong the varlous ce- n-embers of the- Progressive Ports brought in from ilthe Conservative pariy. Standing Committees. was one - _____ from the Committee on Ar- rangements for the- Annual OBITUARY Meeting. who announced thai, they had decided on a date of April 7, 1965, in tht- Port Hope C. REGINALD LOVEKIN Hiigh School. and had sccured Mr. Erik Nielsen, M.P., as Caec eiadLvkn guest speaker for that even- a mnember of one of the ing. A motion was made giv- ýpioneer families of the New- ing the committee fuIl power castle art-a. dîed Marh r, to make aTT final arrangements. 1965, at MemoriamHopiîtal. A Committet- was appointed r Bowmanviiie, f o 110o w i n g a to bring in a new slate of i lengthv illness. Mr. Lovekini officers for the coming year was in bis 7 Ist year.i and as this will also be a nom- , A son of the late Frederick' ination meeting, to arrange for Baldwin Lovekin eand Annie tth is egtie Mcd. Hwad(Heard) Lovekin. the deceas- At ths tie Mr Howrd ied was bocn and raised :>n the Gibson asked to be relieved of'rfamiix' homestead. Lot 35, his duties as treasurer of the .Clackîe Township. Ht- was the association. His resignation fiftiî generation of tht- family was accepted with regret and îto opecat- tht- farm which a hearty vote of appreciationý Was ccodedhimfort'- was a Crown grant to the- wasaccrde hi fo th vasL famiiy in 1797 and originally arnount of work and t ime he, consisted of 2,000 acres. has given the organization. Alex Carruthers.M. P. P. A graduate of tht- Ontario spoke briefly, bringing thei Agricuitural C o 1l e g e at group up-to-date on Provincial Guelph, Mr. Lovekin was em- Legîslature and Garnet B. ployed for a number of vears Rickard tht-n spoke. pointingîn Toronto by tht- FederaÏif.-C nut how the Liberal party con-Department of Agriculture as tinues to criticize the ength, senior inspeotor of processed nf time the- Conservative party foods. Ht- was a fiî-m believer On Sunday afternoon, there was a special cere- son. Bet-. John C. Verbi apent in the flag debate bujt that the- legisiation under:mony at the Memorial Hospital when members of the mant-ille Ministerial As., neyer mentions the- Iength of wohich he worked was design- Oshawa Camp of Gideons presented 125 editions of the Pîesidcnt of the Hospita time taken by Conservativesed to regulate flot curb the New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs foi- tise Iion of the gif t. Hospital in tht- debate urging tht- Oid n'ooessors. On bis retirementb th pains rid tR.B Wlksadesdenw c imnofh in 1960 the processors withbyteptes.PedetR B.Wlnsa reed n a chian fd __________________whom he worked tendered the small group in the hospital lobby tel]ing themn McMurieî- receiving theï him a testimonial dinner and of the- Gideons' work and the great comfort hospitalized ion. QUiers in the r' oup1 prespnted hlm with a cegister- patients have received over a great many years from Owen, W. (G. Echâl W. .ISTE HER @ cdJersey caif. Since his re- the- testaments. The books were presented to Mrs. S. Henkclman, J. R. Rndnce in Newcastle. iîîG.0MeMurter, chairman of the Hospital Boai-sPule Star .Iodnad Ris keen onteres il)i agli.i Relations committec, by Gideons' treasurer AI Niehol- culture, was evideoced b>' the _ fact that he was in demnand !as a .udge of apples at falR c ve 2 - ar S vie P qu ifisthrocîghout the district.' Ho also served as a judge of e ev 5 e r S r ie P a u honey prodLCctS ai tht- Royal To pnlitic-s a stauneh Lib- trai, Mr. Loveicin loved an argument. Dttring his lire- time he served for a number of year. on tht- Newcastle Village Council. i-e was a former member of Durham Lodge, A.F.&A.M., Newcastle, ' 55t whicb was founded by bis Gordo Sin lair great-grandfather, James P Go do in lar Loekn H al so a mem- m ber of SI. George's Anglican - Churcli, Newcastle, Newcas-1 fit- Lions Club. tht- Durham Club of Toronto, and tht- rrn United Empire Loyalis-t Club "K LU of Toronto. bis wife, tht- foirmer Helenl INFRMnv Eu Beatrix Coulson. and two sons y James P. Lovekin, head of tht- bRnme people dsagree wth bistary department ai Cedar- iînc", not many miss htsI brat- Coleagiate Itîstitute. of tice daiy ssault on injustice, Scarborougli, and Erie Rien-l .jypocrisy 1id anything eise ard Lovekiii. Baî-îister, or' that comes?into the sites of his Newcastle. Also scrviviog are news blwiderbuss. Like the a sister. Mus. Ma), Robinson bout basebail umpire, Sinclair 'of Newcastle, aoid six grand- cais 'cm as he sees 'em and ch ildren. Ht- was predecea.sed If toes are trod oni . . . wt-i, .bY Iwon brothers, James and that' s hfe. The comment you Fredorick Baldwin Lovekin. hear most about Sinclair is "I Mr. Lovekiiî rested ai tht- con't afford to miss himi be. Morris Funeral Chape], Bow- cause 1 nover know what he's inanville. and tht- iargely at- going ta do next." He's heard tended funerai service was et 11:50 arn. and 5:50 p.m. bt-Id in St. George's Anglican (as if you didn't know) - and Chureh, Newcastle, et 2 p.m., wlt hi 'et' B Pesoai"et March 6th. Interment was in 11:45 a.m. and "Show Susi- Bowmaiîviîîe Cemeter>'. Rt-v. nees at :45 .m.D. R. Dewdney. rector of St. George's Chu reb, condcîcted ________________ tht- serv-ice-. Mariy beautiful floral tri- atbutes and hospi ta] donations ttested to tht- esteem in C= which tht- deceased was held.ý Palîbearers w e re Messrs. dA 9 0 !Chas. Gilkes, Les. Reid, Fred At te conclusion of W.I-. Brown's annîîiaI Case showv on Fridcl*\v ai, lir towýn Couch, Douglas Cunningham, hall, Mr. Brown, rîght, was honored by the' companiv for bis 25 vents of scrx-ice W ) Ed. Milison and Water Piers-ý as a J. 1. Case Co. dealeri Sales Promotion Manager bClmLcal\ presonted a ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION m. specialplaque to mark the ex ent. i MA * Most thuoderstorms gener- at n h aMie RCH PECA !Mayor Hobbs Draws Winners at On j Institute's Kopper Karnival PERMANENTS ,~IJ 011cr good until March 31st 15 *o OFF Q! ALL REGULAR PRICES See our new styling for '65 W. also do manicuring Complete -----i125 WANDA'S BEAUTY SHOP 71 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-3801 hy IMrs. T. K. Stewart The- Koppeî' Karnival. whic was ht-Id March llth. is a annual t-vent sponsored b tht- Womt-iVs Tstitute. It is unitedi effort of al inembe. and is made a great suece. b>' the work of the convenoi and their committees. T'i ,weather w-as fine and the al tendance lai-ge. Mus. Morlex- Fîîntoff %%- the ticket corvenur foi- 196.* Mrs. Ivisoti Muîîday, Ilie gif convenor, lbad. with bei- corn ! mittee. ai'ranged a x-ei-y tastu fcîi anîd eye-catclîing dispia of pri-ze-s. At tht- home bakin' !a hics, (con1vered hl'v \N11-t ouci, : - bnoh \M r z. ch Chas. Downey. the hlome bak- Crag-o: bath in\vp. Mrs . ed goods were soon bought un. Thomp. on: cilu. Mrý- Aiheri n Mrs. Stanleyv Cor-den. the caio bY dy convenor. hiad a large as-Pc'arcr: kn:ives Muý a sortment of bags and boxes cuti and saL1ce:, Mr s. PaîtI rs of candy for those with a yen Laprade: tc'a e . r C. s L for .,weet,,. Wlh olace natk and servi- rS The tea roorn, tnder thv cttes Nî - .P. Iaima:cake ie convenorship of Mrs. [larold Plate, Shirlev Willianis: table- t- Sumnersford, featured the In- cloth. Nr-s. W. .\danis: aitni- stîtute colors of blue and gold. IL11n ake 'plate. M r. Cook: 1SA touch of Spring was seen 'in luncheon sei. Nariene G ra.v the vellow da ffudils, eauli Aprnn. NIrs Rlr:bottie mnall table having a singl,,e varnier, RaY Good : cup and bloo i in a bud vase. The saucer, Nlrs. Il. Coxcan : towel largce tea table featured a and v\ ash cloth. NMu: W. 11. (-entrte bouquet of daffodils, Brow\n: babv's ouitfi*,, M i s. flanked bv bluie and gold Shred: doi]> Y s Pat Peter- candles. BIie and gold eloth:s son: gi oueries,. Mr >s F. flundlc: covered the tables. plOw case-..i P. Flintoîf: Pouring tea throughouit 111,-sa 1boa 1. Mrý. stace>% cake: afternooli werr Mrs. W.Mii« Plate, J îîdx R ond: bat h towel., ligan. Durhamn Wosi DistrictNIMrs. J_ Jackson: cri b hlankct. President. M 1rs. 1. MundaV, M rs G. Gordon: ha's blan- District Secretary - Trvasurer. ket. Mrs. Jean .-hn'r roc- and Mrs. M. Emerson. Central cries, Larrv Vrsna. bath towel. Area Ciiraior for Tweerlsmii'M r nwNhcr: *abv's nitfit.' Historiej.. Nr- Rath Nhrphv: night- Mayori Ivan Hnhbs xx as pr- pae.Nrs . Jotîon.-: cake.v sent for the closing of thepae vr.Jhiýn e o,, Karivl nth evnigad(1 S. Grace Couc(.h: lic,1t. Mr.;. xvith the flip of Mr. ;Walter, nîcl iekar: apron, ar-S Rutherford, assistantAgiclJncBabh:arnMr.S ture Representative. made the draw\ for the prizes. Mrs. Mel- Va-e. i: . Poliaid: ba:h ville Wizernaîî. Pre:ý1dent of tflwe. NI:s I Henrv: cup the Bowmanville Women*s T-a saucer. Mur Peterson: stitute. welcomed the vrowcivae.Joan Whili: babv out-, cathered. and i nt ro duLicedifit. Dar-la Loerv: eup and Mayor Hobbs and Mr. Ruther- saucer. M urs. Milligan: pillow ford. cases. MNrs. Bot-' Fogg: play A list of the pri e w'îîneîx'suit. N- .Nanrc* ýCoimer:- follows. with a lisi als, of, bathî-ooms-et, Johii Luffmaî;; uinclaimcd toumber-ý. Unclairn-ýcake plaie. . Maug Perri.ý;: ed prizes mav be obta inedc cap and sauce.:. Mac>- Ra-' from Mrs. 1. Munday. Scugog shotte: tow-c se'., Bob Hiendr 'v: Street. quilit. Mrs. McRobbie: wa]let. Paul Leprade: Barbie doli, List of Articles and Winners Mary R.a.hotte: babv doli, Hot dog cooker. Mrs. G.' Mrs. Reynolds: white blanket,! Buttery, place mats, Mrs. Mrs. McFadgen: lowels and: Ballantyne: foot s t ool1. M r_, wash dlotfh .Mr;ý. Lý Clemens: Lewins: berry spoon. Mrs pillou, cases -. I~ Vcsna. Lewinýs: soap and lotion, M r s l10Dom) -P: :c %\1r-, Couveries; men's socks, Mrs. Wood, Pat Stapies, Mrs. Nlc- Receive an Extra $10.00 tape Paste Wax1.bti Receive an extra S2.00 tape RioyalI Goid E GGSlarge or med. EGGS do%. Tordhaook Venturas Frozen Limas pk2. gtced Tablefli. BOLOGNA i2;. jfonservatives HoId Executive Meeting P.E.i. Con. No. i Grade POTATOES ]Receive an extra IGA Orange iretoe TEA BAGS Kellogg£ SPECIAL "K"' Receive an extra Granuated SUGAR Minute Rce pli'; I3AKERY DEPARTMENT Hospitalil LEMON MERINGUE PIE ea. 5 5c Hospitality pkg. or IZ T'he Canadlan Statesmnan, Bowmanvile, Mar. 17, 1985 MLADE BONE R ENIOVE D sf CROSS UT RIB R IgtOc HORI RIB ROAST 4 Friesh GROUND CHUCK IGA AX PPER 0 SLICED SIDE BACON r n -raqrvnle Cod IGA APPLESAU(E 3lz-41c F2sh0& 55 h.b kz StinV morn IGA Peanut Butter 2 jars; 69C IGA COFFEE IA îwhite or pink save l:î t -"7* 3 3 A Royal (,olcl CHEESE SLICES- IGA ANDES cg .9c2 h g 49 1rat toff IGA(ANIE rc29r hgs 9cINSTANT COFFEE l3ra rid llalihu, 1 20o.pkg. 5 *1 pk1~. <il Iii - 1(1 ~Staunless Vie off pi bts 5 SCHICK BLADES-- JUICY - EASY TO PEEL, JAFFA ORANGES iii b t'6OItape pkq. of 60 i1i 0r. pkq. <i.tltape 5 ib. b.q 14 o:. Produer.of! I.A. Can. No. 1 grade CAULIFLOWER- Prndutre of I .S.A. D'ANJOU PEARS (,(OD SIZE yo y%% hîto hF - a. 2 (a.No. 1 gr Bowmanville IGA Foodliner - BOWMAN VILLE- B 991 lb. 55C lb. 55c 59C 59C j9C 11h. ha& 71C 53c [)ni jar 1.39 kr. of 5 49c 89C ?9c rade t- f.. meetng w PO TYPfflT nId friend Mr. Robert Hallbran -~~~ j ~~ h e ld i n th e C e m m u n it y H a ll ~. Is f o t n o i n v e y g d tThursdav evening. -March Il. sccssulEu(he ashralth.lie is spending the with rs. W HuI presding held n Bai dffShoni w-itcni onthis with his neph- Ouh rs.eeting o pene wîî-hel iFrîldax Sholnc-w Mr. Cliff 01vrr of Toronto. Ourmeeingopeed ith-1 ridycvening. rz winners P-ide of Pontypool L.O.B.A. few moments of silence aid wr Mrs. Lloyd Brown, Reeve 131 heîd a wrll attended meditation in memnory of onu Lewis MoGili. Paul Joncs and reting on WuEinesday ex-en- v deceased members. Mu11rs. E. Kcith Strong. mng. Taylor and Mrs. J. Yc'llowlcees. Sort-\ to learoi that NiI. Jack Mus. llarluv Vait Wipringeri Hymn 156, 0 Master lot mc' NolleIt of Millbrook. sustaincd s in Ros Memrorial Hospital walk with Thee. was sunig. serious injur 'v to a hand rec in Lindcsa.% whcrc she wiIl zz: ~followed hy "Vm Glad 1 ontl- ai Olans Lumber milT. undergo surgery*. Touched Shoulders wilh You- Some of ocîr local (vitizelis Mrs. Sani Manetta is con- read by Mrs. Hilis. were prize winners ai the Nvaloscing ai bomne a stay Mincutes of Febrcîarv mlr- Bingo in Peterborough on Fr1- in a Tor7onto Hospital. ing read and approved. Treas- day evoning. - - urers report given. Roll cail. MIrs- Grald Fiîsk is ili lins- answered. Correspon d o n c. 0,pital where she xvili undergo GET CASH TODlAT was read incuding a letter su g îv. V e ish her speedy, F R O D A P I N E 'from our adopted diacphter, rocover v. hog La hn.Mrs. Ernest Lane is aIso initrog It was moved thI w end Hospital and we are hopilîg bSTTEMA woolleng aa, for blankets. hoar tavoucabie newso. he CLASSIFIEDS IMrs. R. Fraser offered -d hai:ucondition.2-=0 4? S ~~~~home as the depot. Oui- Apt-il We reeotiy hcaî- btor Tlehn 2-3 meeting is the Annual Meei- ing. Assistant group Teadc:- ar sed to bring thecir re- ports. There i lot)b .~Penny Hat Auctoa Pve IF CROUP ATTACKS is asked to bbriog a "Hat Cre- .......... tio.'YOUR CHILD'S BREATHING ~ ~ -On behaif <of our gi-oup. M-. W. Werry proscnioed our soc- (,coup Is one of the svmptoms of a throat i4~-tary-treasurer Mrs. W. Ash- px-obiem. Brcathing Is difficuit and there may . ton with a giffinii approciation he a spasim of the larynx wlth a wherzing for ai her ohtînar an lin-sound. It may occur in acutP larYngitisasrp tiring work she has donc '.)Iul tococcus sor- throat or t-yen diptheria. our group. h wa movd thi ve pnd it is important to. eau a physician. lihile a donation tn the He,'11,1Fulor] .- vaitjng. start a steani vaporizer lfcrc olur n sieerememux' f Ms. ~ j~ child. Until the- vaporizer begins to steaml, tîîrn Taylor and Mis. .1. Yellowlcs. on the- hot water in the- bathroon and expose .- Ms.R. Frasor gave, a reopo-rt your child to the- steani there. For steam usu- - frmteC. cle. aily hrings some quick relief. Our proguam was in eharýc e -ugge, representing the Bow-;of Group 4, on Citizc'îîshin.VU OTO ýNPON Siie sn., and Glenholme Hughes,>with Mus. B. Tink as leader-. -o ee amdOcnPcTOR(ANpHouNescripthon Admnitrto Brnrdbl- Ae sangCief 19Me u. ckofif shopping nearby, or tve wiIi deliver promptiy alBord eprssd ppeiagmaidClet oMe.'d- R.hwithout extra charge. A great manv peopie en- te event. Photo shows Mrs. mto epte aso ii trust us with their prescriptions. 'May ve romi- presentation from Mr. Nichol- and lte Taws offlice land willpudyus phot shw 0.A. intAlbrt 1tak ear oftlieselýes ReierClae han, v A Ten Commaîîdmeoîs w e r c' PHONE 623-3361 R ei m r , l a r e S h a k , V * A q u o te d , in teu s'p e rs e d u i tI l oY, J. C. Verbrugge, Mirs. K. brief comment. Mis. H. Gcrs- M. Hughes. berger. Zion, slîowed picturcs U Y & LO E L Ld lovely arra ' v0f pîcttires and 2 KING sr. .1131%,RAIS 1111,E Mulln, rs.D. Sdshrythe eoloring was beauitifull.! MulMrs. . Taylor. ,We were pieased in havec Mrs. . PR ESCRIP>TIO)N ( ,IIFN1%is ,rs ý M s . T y o .G e i s b e r g e r a n d d a u g h t c ' rM . S c t , h a s W. i n i , . g - PWm I J nclaimed numbers: 11.34, oui guests. Tht'netii .1- S..'rnii RS Ph 1152, 1538, 160,1, 2023, 2044, :ed with "Abide Withe'.," 2104, 2270, 2656, 2691. Califollowed b>v pray-c'. at 108 Scugog Street, or phone ý Lunch was seux cd iniilir 623-3438. lowera. I ~TABLEITE RED or BLUE BRANDFEEFI IGA GINGERALE deposit 4 SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPES FOR FREE Gi MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE",. 1 lé 1 t, 1 > () r F-1 1 q i N R ! solina W. le 1-lh 8 8c

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