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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1965, p. 13

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1 - ý T L à- -^ m - ouk lu Ar&m hleA MAPLE GROVE * EU~ U ii ru ~ ~W ~U.C.W. ladies pleese noteý Mr. and Mr.n.Gordon BeecIh a n e W W *W U* W w V' change of night for meetinghave returned haine aftea froni April ISUto teZnd. at' pleamant holiday spent in R p.rn., in Christian Education!Florida. Mrs. E. Ashton and M s Ja e E Rih rs dtrHall.1 Mrs. Reta Rodrnan, Odiîawa,1 Congratulations te Mr. Tinwho spent thie lime Mr. and McGuirk, 15 year old son ofiMrs. Beech were away wîth Mr. end Mrs. Lhnvd Kinz vof Toronto. -werp supper guests vof son .lamie of Neiacastle. Qpent Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuirk.ithe forle' granddaughters, 'jodviIle called on friendF in Mrs. Chas. Wood on Tuesday Suinday with Mrs. Charles en winning first place in the1 Misses Janice and Bonnie EL-ono i;,çt eek before they of last week. Wood. Public Speaking contest heldBeech, have returned te their; rve to<,hessalon near Sault Mrs. E. M. Pndmore. mother Mr. John Gardon of North at BrockviUe on Sundav Ap- home in Oshawa. ite maf .of Mriz. Brure Mrrcer, rely Carolina. U.S.A., who was'n]i lth. Next plaire wil] be M W. and Mrs. H. Cooney, Mrs .Iias. T. Millrr is a passed away in Liv erpol, visiting relatives ini the Orono King Edward Hotel on May;Miffes Sandra and Linda and patient in the Oshawa Hospital England. - Kendal district, is a patient l4th. This will be the finais.jMaster Honnie Conneyv vsited adMr Miller is staying at Mrs. Wm. Stuti is a patient in the Memorial Hospital.'Mrs. Olive Moffati. Bornan-: the former's mother. Mrs. th otel Genvisha. Oshawa. in the Memorial Hospital. Bowmanville. ville, accompanied rs. M- Banh Cooney, at Green Mr. and Mrs Neil Wood oif Bowmanville. Please send anv neWs items. Guirk and son. Mrs. Blanchi rsNrig oei rn J akefield, Mrs. Jas. Snell of Mlrs. George Crowther andl lvi ry room, No. '128, Memorial1 Gould accompanied them ais tosN o usng omei.en J___ _ ospital by Monday eveningifar as Kingston whereshl tn Mn Sander. CalsGen for the next couple o! weeksIvisjted her brother and wife, h andwerSunChales G er isoouueewI.M r. and Mrs. Walter Alexan- get ihtprdule and yer. and husband, Mr. and Mrs. C ON Eonnto.PY ate riMspet theweMcGu irtor-James Mri nd:iy At Orono UJnited Church on her son and wjfe, Mr. and!:Bowmanville. Sunday received by Profession Mrs. T. McGuirk and family.i of Faith wvere: Mr. Donaldl Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman.ý Mr. and Mi,%. Wni. (Jake) Bleett Mr Knneh Bewetaccompanied by his sister and, Laird were SundaY evening 55 KING ST. E. rnan Eddy, Mr. James Hutton, Towlleste and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. H TLMiss Margaret Mitchell, r., 1 brkotrn.dw ie M rln orme rýToronto. O~POîTEBOW ANVLLERobert Reid, Mrs. Robert Ros-iMrs. E. R. Freeman, St. Cath-_ý The short course on -Cater-, seau, Mr. Frederick Saman,, armnes. on Wednesday, April 7.1 ing ta Crowds," sponsored by MrFred erik ama, r. j: Bruce Lark, daughter1 tihe Womens Institute, wiil be~ EA STER SPEC IA LISFrdag.o Krista, Mrs. Julian Magele,I held in Ohristian Education Those received by Letter fiAllan and Amnanda. Toq'onta,IHall on Thursday, April 22nd,î Transfer were: Mr. and Mrs.;Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mills,I fromn 10 arn. te 4 p.n. Pot' D erekz Barnett, Kedron United I daughter Debbie, O s h a w al luck inrevyo wl 1 lb LO NEYS co.,lp.Chuch:Mr. and Mrs. Da*vidi were Saturday visiters- with corne. C oshnson . KobPrtsesb their aunt and uncle, Mr. and: The rnother's.- auxiliary of, s9 9 :rIRbrtRssaMrs. Cecil Milis and family. the Guides and Brownies areý CHOCO TES oxthminster United, Oshîawa.,, ____________________________________ Mrs. William Tamblyn, New-i Mr. and Mrs. C. P. SwalJow i holding a bake sale and rum-, castle United Church. we.Sna callers on M.Iae sale this month. Parcels,! (TAKS 1 fl Inendd fr Ist eek Russell Perkins and Miss Mar-' cen be left with Mrs A. Sol Cam eras OP BLACK 7 c ,Mr ndMr.Jack Coupar grtPrîq iTrra April 4th. 1LACKSTOCK 09 Mr. anxd Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Tlhe annuel Dulhan, CountvOrr Venning iq a patient in 3 5mm. C am era i 0O 5 visited Mr. and Mrs. Everett-ShorVhorn Banquet was held Western Hoptl Trno, Cryderman at Solina. inteRceto Cetei hr esudrobrvin 2 ONLY and Wed o ong SutBa sokon Tus ,Alril and tests. visited Mr.- and Mrs. E. Adam- Rth Catering was done byl Mr. and Mrs. Artihur Ruston sonBlackstock U.C.W. The guests and boys, Port Credit, werej W rs ac e O P. Mf 5rs. Elizabeth janle Gilbari, at the head table were intrio- Sunday guests of r.R od Laed1es' or Men's 195 1 gywile Pviiig attehome girn an oprtvni t~e ek1L-augÈln o Mrssedàaan! vir her son, Mr. Ross Gilbar briefly. George Carson intro- Oshawa Hospital on Mondayî tof Orono on Thursday, Apriilfduced the speaker for thelmorning. 6OMP. Stat. Funerteelnd inte0mon1 . a1 evening, the Rev. John Rom-' 6 pce . unainl edsintteent wa inToronto on Monday, April eril of Courtîce, who took as, Silver Weddlngr Kitchen bol Set Sth. ' his ssbject, Family Life in~ lStra eeig pi _________________Set___6_9___3_ Belated xcongxatulations tîvi the Present. Willi am Siater. On965 ethraye Pnish aprl nrs. Fred Bowen who recent- thanked the speaker. A trio1lastkM.ndM.Wel "TeHbe"Blydsvrleace wekr. anterine b1 le n x rgla) i e rlebrated her 81sf birthday,ý from Bowmnenvi'lle, kxiown as!Pac e ntrie b nthe home oif Miss AIma' TeHbe" lydsvrltheir relatives and friends on' K l e e rg lr atson. lively selections during the' the occasion oif their 25th> ____________________________________ Mrs. Cecit Robinson with eeig Peprsdn i h Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Gu~s Wilson vif Durham Club, David Beat.h,I MISSCLAROL OMP A~ Rhh une. visited Mr. andi Mrg.icalled on the otiher guess ThP gulests were rece.ived jtý MISSCLAIOL CMP.$1.85 $ .46 A. Sharp or Ennîskillen on B3ill Stitherland, presideni vif the drfor bv Mes. Fred Craw-, SIL AN SIVER OMP $195Sunday. the Ontario Shorthorn Club.lfordi and Mrs. George Cnaw- SILK ND SLVERC MP. 1.95Mr. Lavirax Harness has rr- had een to a meeting f the! ford (mother of the bride).' txrned home from St. Josephs Royal Winter Pair commitfee! Janire Crawford a.nd Oheryl' LOVING CARE COMP. $1.95 Hospital, Peferborough. ýand brought information <olRahmi were in charge oif the ____________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bal, .John! the new judging rules. Bill! guest book. and Barbara oif Aylmer, spent1 EIIiott, secretarv vof the On-, Aften an enjoyable evenixg, th e weekend with Mr. Neil F. tariei Shorthern Association,' vf games and a Short programi, 100 Ff. RRit C '1,33 Porter and attended fixe fun- and E. H. Stoltz, editor of the Mr. John Venning acting as W A X 2 45 eral of .r. Porters boh Sherthorn New's, both brought MC., esoorted the bride and, MQr. Jim Oliver in Bobcaygeon messages of encouragement groom to two decorated chairs! P A PER 2100 Ft. Rolis Cornp. 65cC on SnaArl4h P4b VE Sndv, prl49h for Shorthorn breeders. i at the front oif the hall, be-' A ver, successful ONO.: side the table decorated iný GET CASH TODAT Family Dance was held in pînk and white, silver candle-;j 14-oz. FOR OLD APPLIANCES Blackst.ock Recreation Centrel sticks and pink candles, and' with Laxioin 7 througb on Friday night. Winners vf wed'dingc cake. w1here he' H a r pr y oiip 1.9 f7 STATESINAN Ih spot dances were Susan, brought back eherished mem- H ai S ra Conp $.4 N eS:: o3 Thompson and Kathy Gunter oiso l tmsadod ellemination dance, John Lr,8 mer and Donnxa Swaxxî. Danc-! Dear Clara ad W-o,.: A few ing was enjoyed to the music; of your relatives and friends of Prentice's Orchestra,.!have gat.hered this. evening to - Ganies were enjoypd -ntil.i4elp--celehpate>wxth -%ou th;s all had arrived for the April1 very .happyv and mem orable meeting oif the ONO. Club ati occasion, voun vr Wed'ding Ruby Van Camps home, 211 Annivensai.y. members attendîng. Minutes! At the completion oft this were read and approved. No"-i 25 years vif married ie. the ma Van Campvif the Fair day musI recail to bath oif you Committee neported that a. a host of happy mernories vif watenmelon contest is ta beldrearns you made corne true. sponsored at the fair this year. No doubt your joys have beeîi Plans for the Institute Ban-i intermingled wif h a few sor- quet were stated by that con-! rows strewn aoglf' ah venor, Eheen cLaug lin bt vour thoughtfulness, your, Treasurer' s report showed al helpÏulness and you.n under- bills paid and a balance oif standing of each other have $156.99. Moved that the club helped Io cast the shadlows donate the cheese for the aside, and bîing a silver lining lunch at the panel discussion, ta even the darkest clouds. for Cancer al, Port Perr.i There are also happy mem-! FolIowing a discussion it was vries in oi,îharsthtti decided that each memberlcanot rase. andii s5 wishing to make uise vf Portipleasant te recaîl them at such Perr, Hospital Auxiliary cal- a special tirne as this. Mem-1 endars do vi on their owfl. vnsvfgo fne.tef Members wvere asked lv keP and laughter we've shaxed to- linmmdanvforer einersgether will forever remainI who migWt he interested in1 with us. com.xng te the Fair,. A resnxn- W rs htti a as der vof the Cup and Sauce,' Tea benenuspp 1cr th an thrI respndene vf aninviati n roehte n ext 25 yetanstr Ct>mmunion was administered 1 THE STATESIMAN SOnLD Mr. Carlton Mr, Carlton T"1 St. Johnnn n l M30aundBY iTHESE DEALERS: I'm for it! But what are you Suns-iegode- om servi ce will be held; also on W. Reid, Bethany ou ouds ik a oo del or - Go P niday at 10:10 ar..i Johnson Drug Store, Newcastle driving at? family. Where can 1 find Out the United Chunch, service, T. Enwrîght, Newcastle ___ __ e moewill be held al 8 p.m. Good 1 Newcastle Taxi Intrviwer___ moeFriday and Easter Sunday al S. Brown. Newtonville Morgag Inuracefro Inervewe 110 a.m. Holy Communion wl Porters Store, Newtonviile --be administered. C. Pethick, Enniskihlen The Mutual LAe of Canada. Just cali your nearest Mutual The Hi-C members and P%-- J. H. Siemon, Enniskillen CartonLAf of Canada representative. eralothr, enjviyed the fýine-' F. L. Byam, Tyrone _ÇrM o pageant. "The Chancel Lily,"ý H. A. Barron, Hamipton tkeÀ M-t i irl-Lïég-ot-(--do L6 in Nestleton Church Sunday Trull's Store, Courtice ats tuaiLItegot evening . A. E. Ribey, Burketon with my mortgage?i Mr. and Mrs. Walter- WightIH. L. Martyn Store, Blackstock andi girls called an Mr. and:ti.h Bradley, Pontypool inteiewr1; 1Ms. Benson Dunn and Miss, Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono ou Vera Forder in Oshawa, Sun- Wm. Turansky, Kendal 1&4uh heMtual Life vouHünderson Book Store, Oshawa can guarantee that monev will Mr.a andi Mrs. Benson Dunn Mike's Place, Oshawa mi U i T .~ shaw, ad Mis Vra Fr House That Jack Built wiUl be available to help pay the The JYutuaI L ife OderwTorando Miss VeMn.oandR.R. 4, Oshawa balance of vour mortgage if you ASUACCOP Y0FAND , Mrs. Will Farder, Monday. ASSRANE CMPAY O CAADA Mnr. and Mrs. Tom MeIxaffv Bowmanville - shotdd die uefore it is paiu off. KrFF'KATLOiNTIÔtAuSEî. and chiltiren. Oshawa, were Rickaby's Ltd. "Big 20" 'SundaY guests oif Mr. and Mrs.' Franýk's Vaiety Store RepresentatiVe: Bill Mahaffy and boys.- Jack's Smoire Shop IMr. andi Mrs. Steele and son, Gohcen's Handy Store DONALD C. WELSH and Mn. and Mrs. Moss Mina-' Brvson's Smoke Shop 23 Sunset Terrace, Bowîlnanvilîc, Ontario ker. Greenwood. werc visitons, Jury & Lovel Ain Sunday with Mr. andi Mn. Oke's Smoke Shop Phone 623-5641 W. Archer.i The Flying Dutchmnan - ~We are sorry to report MnJ Crystai Dairy - rhp canadian statesman, lowinanvmfe, ATi«f14,1lus8 -18 iPPY MAPLE LEAF TENDER SWEET SKINLESS SHORT SHANK COOKED H.AMS5 CANADA GRADE A OVEN READY 6-10 Ibs Young Turkeys 3 Diamond Brandi WIENERS SOPSY ALL, BEEF Salami Chubs Ideal For Poultry Dressing Sausage Meat Swift's Ever Sweet - Rindiesrs Breakfast Bacon 2-1b. Pkg. 24-oz. Pkg. 7 9 C Stokel'Y Finest IHoiney Pod 15 . 7 FANCY PEAS 4 Tbo: 69c fi r 9 9C Liquid Detergent 22 79c lB. 'b- 39c lb. Pkg. 69C I anitv White - Yellow - Pink TOILET TISSUE 4 klg DO0L E Plineapple-m Grapefruit DRINK YORK FANCY KERNEL CORN lVOrk Fanr Cream Corn J,5 nz-AO, Green or Wax BeanS3TlnsqJ Lumhus Jelir 8 FIa vors If Powder Desserts 6 e or100 MR. A. GALBRAITH, (50 859 Oundris St. W., WHITBY, ONT. MIRS. ROBERT ALLISON, Winncr vof $100 R.R. 4, Bowmanville MIR WrlLIAMlEDIMONDSON iVinne-r vf $100 90 Huant St., Bowmanvillp, i-FRESH 6 14-oz. Tins Tbe Fînest Dono eFaner 49- '7 TOMATO JUICE TMn J37c McLaren .s'cet MIXED PICKLES PRODUCE-- MEXICAN No. 1 RIPE SWEET Cantaloupes 3 ige size 1.00 SOUTH AFRICA SIVEET TASTY Barlinka Grapes'lb. 39c CALIFORNIA GARDEN FRESH New Carrots 3 bunches 39C Louisiana Fresh Mlld GREEN ONIONS 3 bunches 23c Arizona Fresh Green Top RADISH 3 bunches 33c Select your Easter f lowers at Dominion. Hydrangeas, Easter Lilies, mums, mixed pans, cut daffodils and tulips. Attractively Priced. Values Effective in Bowmanville Until Closing Time, Saturday, April 17, 1965. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. King St. and Simpson Avenue 48-oz. Tin 3 ARDMONA FANC SLICED PEACHES 28 oz. tin 39c YORK FROZEN - 4 VARIETIES MEAT PIES $1.0 21t'-r69c RICHMELLO ICE CREAM haif gallon 69C 1400 ý

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