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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1965, p. 11

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- ~... '.... 1 The Canadian Statesmnan, ]Eowmanvfle, Aprfl 21, 1985 i SPECIAL LOW * ON NATIONAL BI At Your Local Druggist's - T iKLEENEX Facial Tissue î PEPTO BESMAL for uipset Soa IÇ~ITÇIIW ALITICEDTIr uwu 116 ulllr6 uI 1I ULF 1I ,- U ()..... BANTRONAn nid in help you stop smoking, lt'> Aqua Velva Silicone sugg. îist 79c 691 1SLIM - M IN I ------ --- - ----- 6.%s 0 OJ~' Kidney Pis....------ TASAX- A QU VELVA ---..-- ------- ---- .o. Baby's Own Soap. j> WATCH FOR THIS AD EAC 80 WMAN VILLEN jJACKSGN'S DEUG STORE 1JGHNKSG SALEX McGREGOR. DRUGS TIRV 9, LOVELL STUTT? -- gnt entetaied 18cu clenpox. Tue balance 20leet. 'Theresuit cf the ts V 11F their wives at the annual were mumps, scarlet feven, lu-'is cousid.zred along with 'lLadies' Night.A wonderfullfectiaus hepatîtis sud German 'symptoms sud behaviour oh-' 'inr, great ententalumentmnessies. ýsenved by Parents, teacher or' admuch dancing was enjoy-1 Three nsbîd animais were nurse, wbich might indicate! ed by al. Newcastle membern1eponted by the Depatment-Ivisuial diff iculty. Childnen.i attcndiug wene: Mn. sud Mns. two canine sud one bovine. with stispected eye trouble are. E ilhench, Mn. sud Mns. These mcre iu Clarke, Darling-;.neferi'ed to the fam-ily phys- AiS ryM.ann Mns. Alex 'One nabies vaccine 'vas dis-, Audionietry A NDS *'~ Quiniiey, Mr. sud Mrs. Robent ment fonue peiscu. tests cumpleted diurng Marcb' ShaeradMn. sud Mrs.ý Tuberculosis 'vere made tip o? the follow- mur. -Fn - at 4I~ r.cand rs. Orval Stinsonported, al]of these beiug in- lu the elementany scbools,, su ad family, Chesle.v, visited 1atv.Thene were noad 209 hegininens, 216 grade hv, ivith Mn. saud Mrs. AlbentIjmissions to saniatoriuim sud 164 grade seven. sud 209 oth-; <III Pea, ce sud fsm:ýlY on Satur- 'twvo dischanges durnug the ers: 419 stîîdents in the Portý day. month. At the four negular Ilope sud Clarke H-igh Scbools: ajI Mi.s. Oliver Hubharýiid, Osha- monthly chest clinics sudonue 45 nefenrals sud 9 sdtîlts lun 200's 4 Mrs. Chas. Gilkes this week. 1212 pensons received a chest,'doctor. 16 1I WMiss Faye Rudman, Belle- x-ra. Eighteeu ncew hearng de-: iville, sud Mn. Don Rudman, A cliuir is hcld annuahiy at fect.s were discovered sud 28 41i Toronto, joinedi their family, the Golden Plougli Lodge'cefrts found previously, con- I ~ Mr. and Mrs, Norman Rudman 1 when sîl residents sud cm-t tinued bt be abuormal. Retest' sugg. ist 1.25 1 *13 41 for the East.en weekecd. apîcyces a re x-raycd. This showed that seven defeets had Frîends o? Mn. George Chard :rcllnic is arnged becauise of beeni ronrected sud therefore a sugg fis 713 59C 411 %viiihie pleased to know he the possibilitv or reactivation normal test was obtained. sug. Ist7,, jwas able to be home ou Baster lof tuberculosis lu the olden Santation <ISuuday to euîoy Easten dinneri penson - especially lu the men. Inspections in genenal sanli- suigg. Iist wth hi3 f9 1 y This iitherefore au important tinnumbened 262 includng' o1* 9 Oirfrindsan neghbr3part o h preveution pro- I2 complaints, in respect to manville this week, are:- M.', mmunization age disposaI, animais and 'c sugg. ist 98e 79C 411 Dan Biennardi, Mn. George, There wene 22 office aud fowî, pnivate mwater supplyan Chard, Mn. John Dav is, Mns.,scbool clinics. Al these, 10 vermîn. Two hundred sud 1.9 ~ Y 41JKathleen Demitru, Mns. Ban. eilîdren rompletcd the initial'eighty-foîîr interviews ee tigg. liist1. .7 bans Glkes, Mn. Ronald La-îsenies cf Quad vaccine, and 54 lhad in tile inspectons' areas CohMrs. Adele Panker, ;received a reinforciug dose,,sud iu central office. These Mr.l Com etRnh r.Mrt!hl 0 eevda enoe eei diint h npc UGG. LIST 79c7 3c Seymour, Mrs. Jane Shaw sud iug dose of Triad. There wert, lions. 'IMiss Em-ma Heuderson. 22 smallpox vaccinations sud Anîal inspection o? sehooils S, Igg ist Sic 4111 nciîîlin Bob Waltoil is '40 ne-vaccinations. was completed with 34 inspec- 4 7c sugg.n a Easter holiday in Public Health Nursinir tions being made. j.Jamaîca. He plans t0 relax The numben o? public hcalth Meat Inspection lug ist 90C7 ane'e njoy the wvanm air sudinursiug visits to familles iu Of 722 animais iuspected hy sug 79c sunshine for about 12 dsys. March was 785 sud the par- a veterinanian, 10 were cou'- 4111 Some ofhIe local Guides ýents cf 327 cblîdren were lu-idemned, being ateclv% 4'~I 68 'lieworking ou their Gold Cord,iberviewked at child health con-lsud swine. Iu addition, 17: 4'N' 6c VR le 4 9 are mnaking camp iu the Irwin ferences. The attendance at portions were condemned. ICohvilî Onchards from now 112 prenatal classes was 86.. General Remarks ;H ~EEK ntil Thunsday dinner time, sund 158 matcnnity patients Mrs. Elizabeth Loukes, who M E KHea ding the one camp iq tvere visited iu hospital. had cannîed a public health jSusan Cany îbrareSholIllt er n ursing district lu the Camp- VEWCASTLE i Glenda Johuston., Joan Kim- ' Statistical studies h a ve belîford area since 1963, ieft biand Karen Lee Parker. lshowu that 2! per cent of early in March aqg ler husband N'S DEUG STORE 1 Head of a second camp is jchildrnuo? school age have is uow statioued in London, SBevenly Rickard, and with ber sanie eye difficulty. Ontario. RNOqare Judy Powell. Elizabeth Vision testing is doue bv An Arps Confeenuce he.ld lu ORONO Pearce and Debbie Darling. IHealth Unit staff as part cf Toronto March 30 and 31 was "11, PHR MARl CY Head o? the third camp is the regular health service il abtended by the Medical Of > 1Eleanor McCracken sud with schoois. lu March, 1775 child- ' ficer of Health, senior staff ,~,~ ~~ ,, ~ .4 her are Kathy Loveki. Janice ren received visual acuity 1 personnel sud bwo inembers Ilà6- ALRickard and Frances Hor. 'tests, using equipment which'of the Board of lHealth. DYflLE» bKUUWW 3 1 tA (FULL SLI(E) BONELESS ROUND STEAK BOTTOM POT ROASI lb 73 c MUNLL55 KUMP UR1 POINT SIRLOIN ROAST BONELESS TOP ROUND STEAK ROAST lb8ie3c ROUND STEAK MINCED BURNS WIENERS BEEF LIVER COLD CUTS VAC SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY SLICED, SKINLESS SX BRAND BEEF BOLOGNA ALR MEAT ro49c 6-ozPkg23c 173c pkg 49C f39< r 6 9c JAFFA, F3-R EATrNG, EXTRA LARGE SIZE, FINESI QtJALITY ORANGES dozen 45 9c FINEST QUALITY BANNAS 2N25c MPi*ioem I4 thi. Ad Geed Thee gêm NICOig uNSwGo e rd Saturday. April 24th. 110. ONI NÇ3l e e 29C Ri 'h m DTÉ%bi 't I I ~~~~~ UVI " Mm I %d o lors with Mr. and Mr.RotMr.Sihscuntelt 4. - ~~~~~~~~~~On Gond Friday, a joint awa, spent Easter wee-kend.and Debbie. and Mrs. Otto Melf and Mr.RsMe tcl.j r.Jî carna D.o <1k. /VeuicadZ.i~~service aws held at aptfllwith ber grandparents Mr. and Pfeiffer, Whtb, visiter:. . n Mrs. M etl iierinMout~'nr1HmMrh j Mn. Bruce TilisonEditor Phono 9874213 the Rev. Catto in charge. Eas-! Misses Wendy and Mary Mr. and Mirs. A. R. Baker, ville. 'i ritn n r.Fal - sd Miss Jean Baker, Eldad,ýdays with their grandmnother,iQtebec xvcre recent visitors Joy attended the tunerlIstmnllHoial sagalovely solo: "O BlessediMrs. Geo. Armour. Mrs. Ar-ýwith their aunt, Mrs. J. D. Wednesday of Mrs. Wm.M- r n r.J m1i Cross." Mr. Ross Metcalf sang mour and Miss Bertha ArmourýHogarth. Laughlin. Ohwwr udyeei e jiq cIe Jerr>' C orr in g I- ere UCW M embe r "Wf evoutLrd?",en thýesswere r. ad). .Hogarth were: Mr. sud Lindsav, Mr. and Mrs. ejr.Asi arn Il uifIexpression and feel- Cornish and family, Tyrone.ers.Br isiorth PMr j h SMr. and Mr. ar tpedne uet i M.a ing. The chiIdren's story was On Sunday afternoon MM. BruceHogart, Pic er- l als ud Mr. BandMs r n rs .Wlsn Hear They So on bea ryClover," and the and Mrs. Harvey Balson, Osh-LB mnvile, Mr. nd WilCOx:!RUSely isi td Mr.anktc.TrnovstdM~nM~ For Special Talent' Show 504 Easter Eggs4, serelcio. Taunton, visited Mrs. JohflI ' ~r rnkadJim'r. M. Mountjoy visitdM.wr 1 n aserSuda, heBaso ad rogh hr !ndMesr. rak nd RtdMrq. Ed Strnug anda-gct ih M~ NPNcRstle--Unit 3 of the . young people recently con- beautiful plant.But mnil. tended "Cornz a Poppin'" k' TIO S p o n so reci b y ecreatio n ~ heditsrnonthly m e Ohd. received their first Misses Brenda and IHeather R emýSM Mrd Kcs . apnd sptatreeJil church on MondaycveningoHamptontwihBtheirograndpar.ed Mr. and Mrs. Sid Kersey on[cdwt e aet nPrypecuo .dyatron Newcstl-Bi~andexctingIn~ tothxn upnew~av~tn to 4 aclue, ad te mnt trillHamptohn1 mebersmtmers et t te hoe o ens Mr an Mr. Frnk al-Fridy. ound anebrughthomih.rbeOr partisnrporein news was recently reported b'y keep people, and the town, exciting part of the report present. Assistant group lead- Mrs.1 Sarah Billett. On Tueq., lard at Columbus. Mr. and Mis. Ken PoolerBarry and Dean, whohdfrtunsscoleae. the Newcastle Rccreation Com- active. The following report was that Uncle Jerry, of the er Mrs. Wilma Scott conduct- Apri] 20th. Hampton U.C.W. Mr. and Mrq. Bill Harrison. and family, Oshawa, wcreispeilt two weeks wviththr- __ ed he eetng Th bsinssmet at the home of Mrs. MargPort Perrv, visited Mr. and Sunday evening supper guestsýgrandparents. mittee. The people forminglwell proves the work they do,!I"Uncle Jerry's Club" seen Ol olowd rsbSduesinesrsndMr. o Wisiar ts omtp epbs r-athe asfinrtpu n i for j y ETVoun'ngs iilibe a hi mso snd loe ollclwtio n On Saturday, Al5ril 24th at day,. Misses Doreen sud Joan'son, Oakvil]e, spent thewe- tikepbytr-nthe effor rtut ,intf o u i il wBE V onSnat hssowa n a m letor.u- ai., C.G.T.. Baiquet in the' We are pleased to kuow thatKillenq, Montreal, spcnt sev-ln with Mrs. Hele Wtr Sa a g ATTENDS ST. PAUL'S to join lu the activities and 'guest of honor. It is also re-' It was announced that theHampton C.E. Wing. Mr. Herbert Bradley recovered eral davs wîth their cousins,'and Miss Nancy Johns. Miss Isabel Allen attended make it ail worthwhile. ported proudly by the commit-, Easter Thank Offering meet- 1 tarting Stinday, April 25th well fol]owing an operation.1 the Killens' girls. Mrs. Dickinson and MsE r F.ster Sunday evening service; The regular meeting Wasitee, that a numnber of winnersing would bc held Wednesday'church service at Hamptonand has been able tr visit hiS A family party for the Kil- Trevail, Oshawa, Mrs. lh ai St. Pauls United Churich, held last Wednesday eveningifrom this show, will appear!cvening, April 21st, with Mrs. wilî commence at 9 arn. Day-parents Mr. and Mrs. Lorne lens family was held aitIhe Thomson and girls, Broki, Rownianville, Ont. iu the Council Chambers of nt a later date on the *'Uncle 'M. C. Fishier of Fenelon Falls light Saving Time. 'Bradlev in Toronto General home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben spent Friday atternoonr it the Community Hall.1 Jerry Programme". as guest speaker. The Social The Eastei- Sundav service' Hospital. Killens on Saturday evening. iMrF. Elmer Wilbur. The main oi forth ev- I was decided to make thisand Sunshine convenors gavp was; conducted by Rev. Mr.; Mr. Sam Dewell and Mr.! On Sunday afternoon, Mr.ý Good Friday visitors ihOn5Ye -- topierpr focopruiyaaial n Iihi eprs iehnrdCat.Hms14 1 adPryDwlvsie nFin r. e iln -std r n r.Hrl etCahToateigCashh rpotfrmopotuiy vilbl o i d eprs.FfehuoedCtt.Hyu li 60sn Pry eelviiedo F- u Ms BnKiîusvsiedM. u Ms HrldSlti the special committee of Mar-1talented youngsters in New- sdforEstreg wr0ol 2 wr sd. The Scripture'day with Mr. Jack Baker at Mr. Merick Fostr, sd a- snd Miss Mary Peters reG A A TE For M A pliacesgaret Brereton, Tracy Embley!castle, Bowmanville, Clarke by the U.C.W. 'reading was part of Luke 24.the Newcastle Rest Home and tended the Easter service ai M r. and Mrs. Hilton Ptr N ET E T Fo ldA place ndGrdnGarrod, who have1 and Darlington Townships. A The groupinchreo-i The children's story was 'Re-'Ms A. E. Billett visited Mrs. Wellingtoi Uuited Chtircil. aud Mr. Ralph PetensTr thruKhbeen explorng the idea and advertisement in tbis papen ducted the worship service, member Life," and the sermon Wm. Wilbur, sîro in Newcastle Mn. aud Mrs. Jim Simpson, onto; Mr. and Mrs. Kcith et tru possibilîties for some sort of will bell you where 10 apply, the theme of which was, "The was on, "The Rlond to Em- Rcst Home. Phiiladelphia, U.S.At.. visited crs. Oshawa; Mr. WillTalr_____ S A TES M AN family entertainment, and and what to say when makin Meaning of the Cross". Every- MaIus.' On Thursday Mrs. S. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke, onisud Master David Andec n C LA S58I F 1IED S1 came up with the idea of a application to appear on this one joined lu sînging portions Mrs. Jas. Smales, Oshawa, IBowmanville, Mrs. Lawrence ýSaturday evening. Mr. snd1'Bowmanville. Phon 623-3303 1Talent Show. It was decided show, dated for Friday, June;o? favorite Easter hymns. Mns. sang a most heautiful solo, Malcolm n sd Miss Gail Mal<ýMrs. Donald Stainton. Tyroie,, Miss Mary Petrrs set_ Uncle Jerry was reaîîy in- ture, and Mrs. Kay Powell pIe," accompanied by Mr. Ross Dr. McCullough, at the homeýhome on Saturdsy evening. Mrs. Hilton Peters, in ToM t teetdi oighere frgave the meditation. Mrs. Meteaif. of Mrs A E Billeti. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lukel Rccently Mr. and Mrs. a-m NEWC STL BOYSCO TS'thishowandhe fels a Wlma c-ot rad a Eater The choir sang an sut hem,' Miss Ginger Bal.qon çpent & visited Mr. sud Mrs. Don old Salter visited Mr. sadMr children's show should produce 1poem,1 followed by a prayer "Crs heLr s Risencouple of days with Miss Me-'Jonah. Taunton, ou Ssturday Robi. Fursey, Oshawa. TR IlhSrn-nua rattlntad'esn ls1ed by Mrs. Lesnick. Today," with Mr. Lewis TruIllody Cook, Zion. evcening. Ou Easter Sunday, Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Wh1 lltsponseingAib s showgreats.talent aud ersonaities.very aby taking the solo part Mr. and M rs. Stan Pingle,ýM r. sd M s. Ron Luke sd ock spe t E ster w( e eu 1BHamptonsoring thisunshoand rs. VelenamavBarnes, inRmHa isited ber parents, Mr.!withitheir parents at Cado POP BOTTLE DRIVE ýthe Recreation Committee wil charge o! the study period on 1o mtnseyfruaead aiy omyvle O bc accomplishing a two-fold Brazil, gave an intenestingit have r.Kint Caverlyýand Mns. Art Reynolds an!d d rIs. Elmer Hawes, Whit- aud Oraugeville. Starting 9:30 arn. SAT., APRIL 24 purpose, giving worthwhile account of the first Easter that as choir leader and Mr. Doug-'1famihv, Mr. aud Mrs. Harold 'by 1 On Saturday, Mr. su Ms lA fDE A talent a cac to bc seenan missionanies Betty Lou sud las Dewell as organist; both!Wilkins and family, werel -Mr. sd Mrs, Arthur Guný-! Hosken Smillh and Mn.sdrIc~fE I f 7had-n-roiiu-xelet enn;îtsnseucuaa- pable sud so xilliug t ase Sunday dinner guests ning, Toronto, Mr. sud Mrs. Mr.s. Glen Smith atted th dedicat atheir time auextalentstatthVernanold Balson's. L.nINSURANC family entertainment for aIl, pius, Brazil.decaetertmadtlnsaiheHod o'.L. Taylor, Torouto; Bey, sud Austin-Sniith wcdding atiob so gruerously. The large bas- Ou Easter Suuday, Mr. aud Mrs. Harold Stainton, Oshawva;,caygeon. Sa the way, do't fonget this Mrs. Kay Powell thiej con- ýket of flowerF lu the churchIMrs. John Carrigan and Doug Mrs. Ethel Snowvden, Oshawa;' Mr. sud Mrs. HoskenSit 1Rng t.EBw n'Il PRCAAINSturday nîght is Father sud ducted coutests, prizes beiug iwas placed there lu loviug,!las, Mr. sud Mrs. A. W. Pros:- nsd Mrs. Francis John- weut, to Markham on 1rdvPoo6356 Sow it e fob r rthe dhocke y ioy s, w u M r s. r la Joean d ch m em or y of M rs. Tendu l Sr.,'cott sud M r. A. L. Prescott, son , Solina, w ert rece t visit-lafterroon to p sy tlhir re c ts_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ withBoby Or sd Jimy Mns Magare Ruman Luch bv Mn. sud Mrs. Clifford Ter- visited Mr. sud Mrs.Jao By resolution of. the Village Cotuncil Whittaker of the Oshawa Gen- was served san sca ienl.slrsd ascl ierl.'Kse ndAmy, Bolton. _______________________________________________ DA LI HT S VI G IM rals as guests. - was cun.ioyed by aPil. The lovrlv pot of hyacinths Mn. sud Mrs. Herbent Pres- DA LG T S V N I Ewas Dlaced on the pulpit by coutt sud fsmily, Maple Grove, g ___ Mn. Hanny Adcock. ýmade up the complete familylii/ wilI commence in Newcastle onSc u o t e L rv The Ilhree lovely pot-, of part-;,, su lu spite o? the un-1 S cout ottie rive aster ilires,,,r, laken to seasonable suow, it wass;a veryj S N A , ADDIL 2 t church by Mn. Sam Dewe!ll. in happy Easter for this cnîpple.À luviug memonx of his %vife Ou' Good Friday Mrs. Rudvý at 12:01 a.m. Nf IV1'I Vers. Jammer and Clint, Port, Perrv, SOn Wedniesdav sftiruroou o? speut the day with Mr. audi Pleae tun yor clcks nd wtche aliadast week, Mrs. Roland Thomp-IMrs. Burrows sud vwith Mn. PIca e tu n ~ o n d ok a d ach s hc d Newcastle - Once again, the ai 987-435 1 ll assuirr vou of sou w,,as,;hostss foi' a dehlight- and Ivrs. Jammer. Betrnb SanardTine n ct.24Newcastle Boy Scouts ask the s pick-up. fui afternoon tiea, when thei On Saturday night Mr.nsud suportofthevilag sd sr-bottles werp most kindly don- live Pt thp lower end cf the Mns. Erie Phillips, Oshawa. CHoICE QUALITY, .EMSYE ~ , '*tf n121 ..rounding aries in this, theiri'ated, sud these were well ap ilge-_____,orlooir r adMs Bros f.p Villaae. The NewtaorleonourrM.eand Mrs. Burr ws '.&ere ____ Villae ofNewcatle. be searching the entire vil-ibottles, helped add to their fromn ber fniends ;o regret Mn. sud Mrs. Roy Wilson aud, AP C R make their efforts a littie camp. Each year they attempt moviug fnom the village. day dinuer guests with Mn.: ___________________________________---casier, they ask those Who ý't o break past year's record for Miss Kanen Thompsou, R.N.sud Mrs. Graham Dallas and' ish to donate thein bottles, 10 the most botiles collccted. M. 5mai Hospital, Toronto,! family. ~P.f -lc themn outside thein door.ý See the date, elsewhene nu speni Easter wý,cckeud Pt her' Mn. snd Mrs. Jark Carter.ý Ifyou have ton many to carry Ibtis page in the Scout ad, circle home. Toronuto, attended a wedding Up from your cellar yourself. lit ou Your caleudan, sud iu 1 Mrs. Elsie , îten. Bow- ou1 Saturday sud left Christine 5-- A t et i n or are afnaid of being misscd,,the next, few days get youunmanvihle, a dean friend cf thiq'and Csndare with their grand-1 SA ME bue 1 ýjust s cal to the Scoutmaste,1colPýtion ready. reporter, pased teny rfhr rntsu Mran.d Ms. CLA K'S TALENTED YOUNGSTERS i uely. Interment look place Chant, aud campe for the girls'DL -b14 years of age inclusive, in Mr,-. T. S. Mnuntjoy enjoyvd Mr. sud Mrq. larolci Hamh- AP ,ny utfy PEm Bowînanyîille, Ncewcastle, Clarke //(f-fJr/Jienids Mr. sud Mns. HannyDave Kernohan, Whitby, werp, and Darlington Townships. 1 Mills, Mou;real. rceut. visitons with Mr. adAG AE_________ !On Good Fnidsy ý,Mn. sud Mrs. Ted Chant. A G L C K I Mrs. Sam McReelis. Mn. lHanry, Mn. David DewpIl spi-rt! A A L N S O McReclis and Mn. Bill McRcr- Monday with his cousins, the: LARGE 16-OZ SIZEWb*ao A TALENT SHOW ~~c 't1a t1( d rùnu lis, motored Io Hamilton In Davies nhi]dren, Bowmanville.1Co~ e.2-~Wl will be held in Newcastle on visifMs loreGoala nMonday evenmng of lasl aunt of Mns. McReelis. week, Mns. Luîther Allun at- E J~ 0 FRIAY~JUN 4t, 165noon and evening, volunteers,family, Ches]ey; Mn. and Mrs. bas been x'ery ill all winter. panty for Mns. Minnie Hub- T3 9S wi11h UNCLE JERRY of lJncle Jerry's Club, from the village will canvass W. .1. Hocking sud family, was taken tn the hospital by bard, Oshawa. the anea for your donation t0 'Oakvile; Mr. sud Mns. John ambulance on Friday. She Mn. sud Mrs. Bol? Manfel, MADE FROM FAMOUffl.e- p.e~Sc -SY 4 WBEN TV as Gucst of Honour. the Cancer Blitz. They a.skjSpeers and amily, Caledon; passed awny eanly Satunday Peter, Toonto, Ivîn. sud Mr.12EGRCP 'your support, sud younr help Mrs. Flornce Pearce, Willow- moruing. The funcral was on Otto Pfeiffrn, Whitby, wene2.zsz A complete program of winning talent front in showing the way to yourfdale; Mrs. R. Stinson, Bow- Easter Monday. Decpest sym- Friday visitons with Mrs. Lu-BUE RY c I homne by aid of s porch light n-anville, sud Miss Betty pathy o? the whoîe community'ther Allun.PE this show' will appear on a future 'Uncle iwill also be appreciated. 'Cawken, Port Penny. Mns. goes to the daughter, Miss' Ou Suuday. Mr. sud Mr%. Jerry Show" in Buffalo. i Congratulations to Mrs. H. Pearce neturned home to the Manie Collacott. Cordon Wskely sud family, R ere h eetycele-ivillage followiug the partv Miss Shrni MWihhur. Osh- Mn. sud Mrsý. Richard McLean i A LM I. lnerstd eron t apî ~wrtibrated ber 80t h tdy. AiSunday oveuiug, after spend-i- Ifs the i EAT in theOUflI Intresed ersns oappy i wrtin, amily dinner panty was gîven 'îng the winten witb ber' son N ilR-IH QAIY A ADSF in Orangeville on'Sunday ev- suad family, Mn. and Mrs. Orval j rh UE-IH ULT AAASFETRDBADSERBE stating talent and age to: euing, at the home o? Mn. sud Stinson, Chesley. 1 Norh mberlanudLDurham BOX 147, EWCASTLEMrs. Kenneth Pearce in honor, Mr. and Mrs.Keith Hornuen,He lhR p r Toe woatne rm1Ohwwr usson GoodUntA T no later than Saturday, May 8th, 1965. Newcastle were: Mn. and Mrs. ' Friday eveuiug of Mn. sud'ý Communicable Disease prc ides a standard degree noTAKfU AI Hord Aln, Man.d Mrs. rs. Roh mebeSrer. 1There werp 155 cases report- illumination on a ]etter chart AI] entries wiIl bc acknowledged. Iert n Aun, MR. and Mr. i-,Temeb fso the Bow- eddrn h ot 1 ?<riltrte chant foryoge ber Perc, Rck udEhia-manvîlle Canadian Legion on thbese beîng ned measles sud rhiidren), read nt a distance of _________________________________ beth. Other guests wene: Mn. Studv ih. AnorminA n*.nnt- u_--

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