r'r ,*- *~ -. '- r -T- - ~.. .y 12 The Canadian Statearnan, Bowinanville, April 21, 1 Pro pose New Lev Coverîng High Sci For, Equitable Ai Port Hope:- A new systeni the investigation were t] 20r levying high sehool costs sorte means would be diffl on the muncipalities of the ered ta allow the municipE D>urham County District High ties n the east haif of1 S chool Area was proposed at area ta escape fromn paying a meeting in the Port Hope higher amount per pupil th Town Hall Tuesday. Ithoee in the western half. Plepresentatives of most of was noted iast year that tht lhe councils affected attended is a much SlOWer expansion the meeting called by t:he population in the eastern e counâcils of Hope Township of the area, and rapid expa and Port Hope ta discuss high s'On in the western end w sdiool costa resuit in consîderable hi For bou on yeT Reveschool construction in t R. C. Everson of Port Hopefure and Councillor Weston Banis- With the construction in t. ter of Hope Township have near future at Courtice Hi, Jointly investi.gated h i gh School of a technical wi ohool costs, student popula- similar to that at Port Ho tion, and predicted expansion High Sehool now serving t: I the area. Their appoint- entire area, some feit that it inents to, investigate the mat- an opportune time ta aplit t, ter were prompted by their area into two high scho two councils noting that in- areas. Each would havei creasing population in the own technical win.g, plus ad west of the area, caused pri- quate academic space fer pr marily by an overflow from sent needs. It was feit thi the city of Oshawa into Dar- fomi the time of such a spi Iirgton Townshuip, resuited in the west erea would have higher coots over the entire foliIow a bigger constructi( ares. The hopes in leunching prOgram than the east are but since the population w; in that area it would be on fair that the cost be borne t west area residents. - 50-50 Levy Suggested f##ff 1i~MF:ToI The idea of a split bas al ~êWMEA~ ~parently been abandoned,, least until after ail municipal Sties make a decision on la! #et" ME1FTuesday's proposai. >V1Y/M&~%7 c~~' Reeve Everson and Cour cidlor Banister introduced proposai for levies based c 50 per cent assessment an 50 per cent on the nuniberc students residing in the muni cipality. There was littie commen on the proposai, representa tives expressing the desire t take the proposai back ta thel councils for a decision befor, commenting on it. Using the 1965 levy as ai I I example, the proposaI liste( the actual levies in cost pei à pupil, compared ta what the; would be under the proposec system. The following lis shows eaclh municipality, fol. , , lowed by the 1965 ievy anÉ fil the Proposed system levy pei pupil: Millbrook, $212.28 " Terms uP to 10 years a No brokerage fees " No hidden charges e AfforL can b. prepaid at any " No bonuses ime without notice or penaty For a FREE brochure on SUPER/OR mottgages, write phone or visit tha SUPER/OR office nearest you THE REALTY DIVISION 0F SUPRgO CRDIT 17 Simcoe St. OSHAWA 725-6541 Delly to 5:30 p.m.; Friday to 8.00 p.m.g Other evenings by appointment. 31 SUPERIOR offices to serve you 963 day with Mr. and Mrs. P!arve gravel, delivered anywhere in' ' ' e Hoinian, Welcome.I the township-: Fred Neison &Nuenlg M oI MrI n M on I e os t. Kee Ot,90;N rses Seli in the eveing r.M %l 'and family went to Stirling 1 a vers iw p. ComJfcil FSonk Lt., Kyenet., L0ck or, Mis. R. Fowier, Mr.Î S y steCm over Sunday with the Car- field, Ont., 85c, Thompýson Ae r of ee r.A lises.Thereglarmonhlymet- ownhipSchol reare e-Crushed Stone & Gravel Ltd., S called ta wisb her well. She Bob o .1, Henderson was a week- jing of Manvers Municipal luesting starage space for Bobcaygeon, Ont., 82c. No o ~ was presented with gifla on Council for the month of April school records. Balance O! action was taken on the above 1n aK l bath occasions an.d birthday Lindgsaf i Glmrs twas held at Bethany on April 1963-1964 Winter Work sub- tenders.g cakes highlighted the events. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.Moore6th, with ail members present sidy, $516.09. 1964 Financiai The foilowing tenders were o! Hamilton were weekend ad Reeve Lewis McGill pro. Statement of the Ganaraska received for the supplying o! A successful Bake Sale was On Thursday evening Mrs. eguests o! Mr. and Mrs. C. H. sîding. Region Conservation Au thor-1000e.ysof2 rvlhld b teBwanieJueAnwr clr ih Lane.! The minutes o! the March ity, and the ievy for 1965 for delivered anywhere in the Nurses Association on Thurs- ber parents, Mi. end Mrs. C. lo a i nMr. and Mrs. G. Van Londen'meeting were read and ap. anvers Township in the township: Fred Neo & Sons day atron etClifferestWisn and family, Bowmanvilie, t proved on motion o Deputy o! $338.0 United Ltd., Keene, Tho.,I85rs, 38 Km tended church service bore,iiReeve Porter and Councillor Cunties o! N. & D., 1965 levy son Crushed Stone & Gravel leaner,3 ig Street East. Mr. Albert James, op" that $275.43; Dalntn 28.O udy n vstd atr Hesi.Crid Manvers Township in the Ltd., Bobcaygeon, Ont, 70c; Mis. D'avid Peters was the ton, Que., and Mr. Ur lO 5 298.46; South Cavan, $294.01, wr tM.P osees amount o! $26,5 10.06. County Clifford Flls Pnypol vnr ae.Es nuQewr 0V'atM.P.Hltees The following communica- of Victoria, debenture levy re Ont., 67c. There was a wide assort- Fridey visitors with their aii- $316.38; Ciar-ke, $341.45, $339-- Easter visitors at Mrs. 'tions were received and read: V.C.HA.B 1965 levy in the e tne !CfodFii eto eiiu on a-anM.adMs fr th 1 omnviie 376,Bugrie's were Mr.L ounties Engineer, enclosrng arnount of $9,139.58. Dept. o! for the suppiying o! the 2" ing, cookies, cakes, pies, can- Wilson. g 343.02; Newcastle, $379.16, Hunking, Erwin and Jackie prices of County contracts tha[ (Ont.> Agriculture re grants gravel was accepted on mo- dy, bread andi roils. Those Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bush. han $359.13; Hope, $393.38,' $365.- Bracey, Mr. and Mrs. A. are avaîlabie ta the minor for Communîty Centres. Live- tion of Councillors Payne and who a'ssisted Mrs. Peters in ehl and Ruth, Niagara Falls, It 93; Port Hope, $414.45, $376.43. Meadows, Debbie and Donnie municipalities if they wish to stock Commissioner of Ontario Heas]ip. Çarried. selling were Mrs. Tom Reh- Mis. Charles Pilch, Vivian iere Provincial statistics showod Bracey, Mr. R. Hunking, Mr. take advantage o! them. Pe. re Warble Fiy Program. C.P. Moved by Payne, secondedîder Mrs. Bronek Wolnik, Mrs.ad ico Trtospnth Of that from 1956 ta 1964 the and Mrs. V. Huiatt and famiiy, tition from Bruno Carchidi re R., re Pontypool signal cost,,by Strong. that the county blJ. C.* Alîdread and Mrs. A. B. weekend with their parents, nd population in West Durham Mr. and Mrs. E. Bracoy and road in Janetville dump area; and severai accounts.1 requested to put on a hard top S'quair. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson. a-increa'sed by 3,540, while in family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cor- a letter concerning a welfare cold mix on the five miles of _________ vill East Durham the increase was nelius and family, ail o! Osha-cs nPtroog* ~ o Moved by Payne, secondedMr gh case9in.Peroeebtdofigures wa. of'by Strong, thatheRa u-rdcosutdin16adiM. end Mrs. Kenneth Hop- ory90 rjctdfgrsw. ihar usiof 50f60rhp. aver nedn attend the three- to look after the new approach BAS kins were weekend guests cent of the high school stu- and Mrs. George Lowes, Port day School for Municipal Rad Contys on frGom theasiths Kneh at ih the dents in the are- lives in West Hope. ___ nedet t e edin!cre) are.jO ensa r.Ci-adadHahr tCo igh Durhami in 1964, by 1971 65.22 At Mr. George Stapietn's- G - ueprinte nthoho ocsn(eGo esi Mr.MayhHrte, ih ing per cent will live in the wes- Miss Dorothy Stapleton o! 1965. Carried.J On motion o! Councillors f ord Wilson ceiebrated her town Richard returned with ____trn _____-ort _ope uide Kinstonahomipoande aStrong, n theonfoi-anebirthdayipandMrs.n, K. fC.-bHopkaynsrstK.em HtoinspendmtoEaenterst weeke pe omasea -PrtHoe uie. instnhom fr heEaterS n oton f aye ndlowi gaccounts are to be e etinedseverai ladies at with his gnprns. Mh oias li esito Trnorter, a special meeting ils paid: Road Account, Voucher- is MisAli Nsit fToo-ta be heid in about 10 days tii No. 4. $2,236.17; Chas. Morton, NEtThe TTP ta with hlem sister Anne. U ~fînalize plans for the Ponty- dog control mîleage, $27.30; >oi ONVLLEJJ Miss Joan Walkey with W pool Community Centre under Geo. Vizino, weifare account,* its friends at Port Arthur. the Centenniai pmogmam. Mr., $48.00; Bradiey's Store, wel- le- Mr. Cocil Williams o! Port Mr. and Mms. S. J. LancasterlfNeil Richards - Kathy Twist A. oeto ob oL Ae flaeacun,$0.8 iyo re- opewasa reentvistorat ad Drela atMr.Carollmeeting. Pontypool Chamber Peterbomough, weifare charge-' iat Mr. George Stapleton's. Nichols', Wesleyvilie. Undoubtedly the most im- o! Commerce to have final back, $38.93; Citv o! Toronto, M lit Mis. George Smith o! New- Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Burley portant matter ta be reported plans ready for meeting.-Car-:weifar hgebk,$42; ta castle with Mr. and Mrs. wîth Mr. and Mrs. Don Vînkie this week is the Sping Prom ried. F re chargeback. $242 [on George Stapleton, Mr. and in Peterborough at Mr. Earl (April 30). Up until now On motion o! Payne and J Blackt & Co., typewriter F R IU E C . LD asdaghero!Pot op, ati- Mi. and Mrs. C. M. Jones sold. Unless this event can Heaslip, the Road Comttee Printing, re sale of Burn a, Magrs. fLauritaHpeto andMcEwths. niy fewtickes hae ben cluenn, ec.,3$879;ilson&Wil- PRICES SLASHED FOR APRIL jly ed ta Kingston a week ago with Mr. and Mrs. Camman gain the popular support o! andSprnedn os,543;Wlo by where they visited Miss Camnish and family, Orono. the sehool it wiîî most assur- are to prepare specifications son, re sale o! Burn house, Dorothy Stapleton and other Mrs. Giimor-Smith of Baw- ediy ho drapped in succeeding fard weed spreers.foCa red Ld., $w3ed4sraynand warCoe EX A M P LE S friends. manville; Mr. and Mrs. p. . years. It is u to the stu-adwe pae.Crid Ldwe pa n abe Mrs. R. C. White was admit- Rowe, Janetvilie, at Mr. Frank dents to show their school Mcved by Strong, seconded spray mns., $90.00; R. J. Dilii-1 3-PC E. BEDROOM SUITE P- ted ta Memorial Hospital on Gilmem's. spirit. Phease, if you have any by Porter, that a request bo ing, municipal auditing, $425;1 Reduced from $279.95 ta at hrdy Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade and intnto!o buying a ticket, made ta the Rural Hydro Of- Municipal Worid Ltd., sup- l 'i Mr. and Mis. Earl Walkey boys at Mr. Harîy Wade's. give your form representative fice at Bowmanvilie to make plies, assessing, dog tags, dog'1 tt motored ta, Montreal for the Messrs. Phil Gilmer, on the money or notice of your a survey o! the street lighting licences, etc., $82.15; James, Easter weekend. and Bob Robinson, John Quan- intention, on Monday. AI- l Pontypool and to make a Wiliis, ropairs to twp. warbie *i 9 9 9 0 n- Mrs. Lakin and daughters trihi, Andy Murphy, Bihl Wade, though tickets may be purchas- report ta the Council o! any fly sprayer, $30.41; Cities Serv- 1 a of Oshawa visited her mteCaleTiLui tpe da h ori l biu changes they deem advisable. lice Oil Co., me Pontypool Fîmei 3-PC E. DAVEN PORT SUITE n Mis. Bourgerie, bore, on Fni- ton and Grant Wade, ail mem- that the Students' Council Crid lArea, $73.22; Mangan Hard-i id day, before leaving ta spond bers o! the Newtonville hockey must have somo idea o! the Moved by Payne, seconded ware, re Pontypool Fire ATea,! Reduced to of Eastor holidays in Nassau. team, attended the annual number coming. Ail recent by Heaslip that the gravel 52c; T. White, re Pontypoolý i- Guests were present from Mercantile League banquet in graduates and students fromn tenders received ho opened. IFire licence, $2.00; Walter Newcastle, Zion, Kendai and Port Hope, Saturday evoning. Courtice and Clarke are invit- Cared. 'Frank, weîfare acct. ren., $ 9 9 nt Sbiloh at the Good Friday Two o! these members were ed ta attend. For your $2.50 Moved by Payne, seconded $30.00; Pemcy Beggs, wel!are a- service, hore, under auspices fortunate enough to receive we offer you the music o! the by Heasiip, that the gravel ýacet. ent, $20.00; Ivan Kellett Many More Cbesterfields and Bedroom Suites o of aur U.Ç.W. Pros. Mrs. awards, as weli as beionging orchestras, a buffet lunch and tenders recoived be opened.ifdump caretaker, $41.66.ta hosFrmAltReue Pres r Wood presided for the open- to the !irst place team-Goalie fine decorations. Let's see a Carrîed., On motion of Porter and i tCos rmAla eue rcs 'e îng exorcises assisted by Rev. Bill Wade, the prizo for hav- big turnout. The foilowing tenders were Heasiip, the meeting adjourn- Budget Accounts Weleonied No Outside Financing R. C. Wite wh introuced ig fewes goalsscoredagecei Nod-Forbrthemesuppiyingr of'ed-orttheMayp4ynho1965,o at 41:309656 Ki1:30St.6 E.n 6t3-38083-308wmananiill R. C. Wite whointrodced ing,0wesegoalsardredoaginst N"trasbie! mesage frm 10 0 ýn the guest speaker, Rev. J. A. him, with a dazzling 3.25 av- the Screech Owi Executive. Ocuyado!"crsep..Crid d Ramjit o! Canton. His stirîng orage, and Chuck Trim, who The second instalîment o! the w message was an inspiration ta picked up 42 points and fin- Scîeecb Owl payment is due y aIl his listeners, as was also ished in second place in the April 27. Students may leave d the appropriate vocal duet by scoring race, was awaîded the their 75c at the table ln the ,t Mrs. Vinkie and Murs. M. Gamney Harris Memorial Tro- main hall. f- Jones. Local ladies sorved phy as the league's most valu- On the sports scene: A di ligbt refreshments in the Sun- able player. Congratulations number a! students are par- r day School hall at the close ta botb these boys, and ta the ticipating in track and field , o! the service. team as a whole. practice after school. We -Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Hay- Mis. S. Rawe witb Mr. and wish tbem the best o! luck at I oe n b e t t wood o! Orillia spent the Mis. E. Rowe weme dnner the tri-sehool and C.O.S.S.A. weokend bore with Rev. White guests with Mm. and Mrs. Fred meets. Secondiy, lists hav and Calvin. Rowe and family, Sunday, in been taken off the bulletin The Hall Commîttee beld a Port Hope, afteu attonding board in preparation for the card party on Thusday oven- service at St. Paul's Pîesby- inter-mural badminton sched-1 ing when 13 tables were in terian Church, where Debbie ule which should commence a m an interested in features, play, winners as foliows: High Rowe was a soloist. noxt week. lady, Mrs. H. Gardon; high Mm. and Mrs. Hugh Staple- Ls odyrpr ad gent, Phlip Harness; draws, ton, Mrs. Bihl Wade, Mus. C. wem stributy ert aes Jim Howard, Tom Horsburgh. Farrow, Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. dents. We trust the iesults sty i g p e f raca n Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton R. Tîim, Mis. F. Henderson, weme satis!actomy but if they and Mis. John Scott and fam- George Stapleton and Dorothy stl iet mnv. Let's ~. 1 l .j< home for a dinner party on the special service at Shiloh,1 wee k.m adwrk einn Fîiday in honor o! Mr. Nom- Sunday afternoon, dedicating, ________de_____ i y 0 man Scatt's 8th bithday. tbe new Hammond organ. 1 [ pW.P9v~I Mr. and Mis. Jim Kendall, On Suniday ovening 28 mem-VL E Toronto, were visitais on Fmi- bers o! the Henderson family STARKVIL day with Mis. A. Boughon. gatbeîed at the Acres Restau- Mm. and Mis. J. Kimbali rant for a dinner iiarty in ban- Mm. end Mis. Grant Sylves- and family attended the or o! the 5th Wedding Anni- tom andi famiiy, Sarnia, weme "-... Stringer - Cooper wedding in versamy o! Mr. and Mrs. Gea. weekend guests with her par- Harmony Chuîch, Satuîday. Henderson, Port Hope. Fol- ents, Mm. and Mrs. Jins Stark. Flowers in the chureh on Iowing the banquet, felicita- Ms .L rm etn Sunday morning were in me- tions and speeches, the paty Ms .L rm etn maryo! ho ateMm.Fre repiîe tatbehom o!Mr.ville, was a Sunday guest with moryof te lte M. Fed rpaied th hom of M uMr and Mrs. Gordon Trim. Saunders who passèd away an and Mis. Moreton Henderson Tuesday bore at the famnily o! Moîrish where they were Misses Normma and Bouiab home. Sympatby is extended favored wth a cail from Mr. Hallowell, Toronto, spent the ta Mis. Saundeus and the fam- Russell C. Honey, M.P., who weekend at Mr. Liew Halia-> ihy. also paid bis respects to the well's. Mr. and Mis. Vie Snyder of guests o! honor. Those attend- Mm. and Mis. J. Bothwell, I Bowmanville with Mr. and ing included Mr. and Mrs. Bow'manville, at Mr. Russol Mrs. Bey. Henderson and Bey. Hendemson and family, Savery's. Elaine weîe Fîiday evoning Mr. and Mis. Cocul Hendoîson Mm. John Stone, 0roo, visitais at Mi. F. Henderson's. and famly of Bowmanville, spent Sunday art Mis.7F. Mr. and Mis. Ross Brown Mm. and Mis. F. Hendoîson Stone's and attended the Eas- and famlly spent the weekend and !amnily, Mr. and Mrs. Arn- tom service at Shiioh. at Mm. Harvey Tay1or's, Bruce- aid Wade and Grant, Mr. andi Mis. I. Plum, Toronto, and field. Mrs. T. Henderson and fam- Mr. Roy McKay, Bronte, wemo Mr. andi Mrs. S. A. Rowe ily, Newtonvilie, and Mm. and EasteY visitais with their br- were dinner guosts on Satur- Mrs. M. Henderson and ifallmili,teMuAturMKy W45 ul 4r QkaUaùWau tatromn Revised CLASSIFI ED ADVERTISIN G RATES EFFECTIVE MARCH 3rd, 1965 EDITION FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. 5c per word. Minimum $1.00 25e additional for Box Numbers or replies directed to this office COMING EVENTS, NOTICES, CARDS 0F THANKS $1.50 per insertion, 25 words or less Over 25 words, 5c a word BIRTHS, MARRIAGESI, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS $1.75 per insertion, 50 words or less. Over 50 words, 5c a word IN MEMORIAMS $1.50 plus 10e per lin. for verse PAY CASH AND SAVE The above rates are for cash sales paid by Thursday of the week in which the advertisement appears. Otherwise a bookkeeping charge of 25e will be added. D.adlin. for Clasifi.d is Tu«day- 4:30 p.mn. "M~P THIS FOR REFERENCE - - ,,i s .t ring 'UnRe weken I Cocu Pendl*àeton_and Mis. ;- Mms. M. Falls, Peterborough. Stewar assett, Toot;M. at Mr. Len Falls', Sunday, and Mus. Aldricb Bassett O! and attended service at Shi-ý Detroit. lo. Vie Mis. Jean Cochrane and' Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yl, Gordy o! Newcastle, were Oshawa. were Sunday guests Monday ýsupper guests at Mr. with Mr. and Mms. Ewart A. Wade's. Robinson. Open Houso for interested Mr. and Mis. Rass Halho-' Massey - Ferguson customers wel Bowmanviie, at Mm.ý was beld at Mu. S.J. Lan- Morlev Robinson's. castor's on Tuesday night. Sunday dinner guests witb, Mus. A. Dobson after tbe Eas- tom service weme Mrs. R. Low- KLJ.DAL oery, Miss J. Duthie, Miss M.1 Glenney, Toronto, Mr. andf 1A surprise snowstorm camne Mms. Ed. Rutîbven, Zion, Mr.j on Saturday last, making East- and Mms. Clifford Fonk and! or Sunday rather cool and not Tanya. a very suitable day foi new Shiloh U.C.W. met at Mrs, spring clothes. We wore glad Dobson's home on Wednesdayý ta se0 such a good attendance evening last week, witi- a fine'ý at cburcb. Thore was a Com- attendance. Thb e presudent,: munion Service and Ann andi Mrs. Jiru Stark was in charge.i Reid Foster became members The message "Goci and Huis o! oui cbumch on profession o! World" was given by Mrs. faith and Mm. and Mis. Nich- Dobson, and the treasurem'sý ails were transfermed from report was givon by Mis., Bethany UJnited Church. Ewaît Robinson. A!tem thei We are sorry ta report that1 business discussions the meet-; Mr.R. C. Wbite is in Me- ing was closed with a hynn Imarial Hospital, Bowmanvilip.1 and benediction and lunch' and bope tbat she mnay soon!was served, witb Mrs. Starkf hoe impraved n hea]tb. expmessing appreciatuon o! ahiý Mis. Edith Ferguson <o! ti Mms. Dobson for the evon- fToronto spent the Easter woek-1 ing at' hem home. Mrs. Ross' end with ber mother, Mrs.lTodd invited tho ladies ta Swambrick. meet at ber homo in May. Miss Camai Little and Mm. The Shihoh people were Ron Gay, teachers in Scar- greatly pleased ta have the boraugh anid Brighton, are many friends froni the sur- spending the Easter holîdays rounding districts jin theni at their homes, for the Eastor service at Shi- Visitais w i th Catherine lob Sunday a!teinoon, when' Stewart on Eastem Sunday the new Hammond eiectric were Mr. andi Mis. George aigan was playeci for the first' Lo!thouse and David, also Mr. by Du. Keith Spicer, Ottawa. and Mrs. Bryant Brown and Rov. R. C. White gave the Carnie, message under the caption, Mis. Jerry Byers and Diane "This Moment fias Etomnitvinf spent Sunday witb ber par- It." Tho choir w.as in afttn-, ents Mr. and Mis, W . H. Fost- dance.i or. Bruce Trim o! Starkville! Also attending service were, visited witb Tom Foster. Mi. and Mus. Rice Haneywelî Mr. and Mus. Wm. Hoy, and !amily, Wiilowdale, Mm,.ý Brenda and Lamry visited witb Keith Spicer and chilci, 04-' Mu. andi Mus. ATchie loy on tawa, Mr. and Mis. J. Spicer,' Easter Sunday. Touonto. Mus. Honeywehi A.T. Oui congratulations to the C.M., was soloist. The ladies Shiioh people who had a of the U.C.W. semved rnany~ special qervice o! dedication guests after service and everv- for their new Hammand organ one was happy o the fin e on Easter Sunday. I Esaiter Sunday. On You bet it is! Even though you want a car thaf's built ta last. goes like a hungry cheelah and looks like Miss Universe, yau've still got your budget ta cansider. That's why Rambler American is the car for you. There are 8 models ta choose fram. including the Iowest-priced Canadian-buiît sedan, the iowest- priced Canadian-buit wagon. the lawest-priced Canadian-bujît hardtop and the lowest-priced Canadian-buit convertible. (We think we should consider your budget, toa.) One of them has everything you want-except a big fat price tag. Looks? Take a look. You'll find styling you wouldn't mind paying extra for (if you had ta). Performance? Our all-new 1 55 h.p. Torque Command Six is one engine that deserves some healthy consideration from you (and some healthy respect from any other engine). Its 7 Main Bearing Crankshaft with eight counterweights gives you one there are a pair of snappy sixes at 90 and 1 25 h.p. that just can't seem ta slow down for gas stations. Dependability? Rambler pioneered it. And buiit a reputation around it-the best in the business. Rambler American gives yau sound, honest quality that lasts through thausands of miles of trouble-free driving. Dependability-that's Rambler talk. (Sometimes we think nobody else speaks that language. Not fluently, anyway.) And how about features? Count'em~ safe, strong, rattle-free Single Unit Construction, Uniside, Deep-Dip Rustproofing. Double Safety Brakes, Ceramic-Armoured Muffler. Curved-Glass Side Windows and Options-dozens of them, from autamatic transmission to reclining seatsto headrests. Now that we've told you something about aIl you get in a Rambler American, can we still say that it's the OT iiie swveeest ides yig-adf coming oack. inen Prove it to yourself. I l Oiye Joe*eýS" tpi'jc d t/",afla(laii-buh*lt car. American ~S« the Rambler Amrican, the larer Claauc and the luxujous Ambauador, ail iL your Ramleuli tb'sm McQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. 21'9 KING STREET, EAST PHONE 623- 3356 Il - . -7 -, -- 1 , 1 , 1 , , ", lý rxýý ý ý-y,