e7 ~ v -' The Orono Mrs. James E. Richard. Mr. andl 'vr- . LCri- off Sti-eot, Ocotin. t) SPRING SPECIALS WINDOW BLINDS 36"l x 70" CELLULOSE .......each $1.39 COTTON ............ each $2.25 4~Ahite Latex Paint .............$3.95 gallk Weave Tex, Ready Pasted Wallpaper 69c single roll SEE THE NEW VINYL, WALL COVERINGI FOR EVERY ROOM. Stili some good bargains in Paints and Wallpaper ABER NETHY'S PAINT AND WALLPAPER 33 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLI flydble m fm lo wore mmd Grdu S#Wpy (era 1 McGregor Hardware Limited 59 KING ST. W. PHONE 623-5211 DENHERTOG'S DISCOUNT STORE 27 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMiýANVIILLE (South of Kinîg Taxi> OPEN! THURS. m FR.-m SAT. ONLY! Specials This Week MEN'S WORK PANT, Rceg.$S..25 MEN'S WORK SHIRT Reg. $.9 MEN'S DRESS SOCK. Reg. $1.25 MEN'S DRESS SHIRT Reg. $1.50 BOYS" PANTS Reg. !$1.98 - . BOYS' DRESS SLACi ,Reg. --------. BOYS'fPIRTS SReg. $ -s rS NOW $1,88 ýNOM' 88C rs NOW $3.88 NOW $1,59 KNOW $2.88 NoW $1,88 LADIES' STRETCH SLACKS Reg. 9.1.99 NOW LADIES' COTTON SLACKS (Reg. $3.9981 -----1--- NOW GIRLS' SLACKS Reg. $2.98 1 1-- ------ NOW' $4.39 $2,99 $1,88 CLEARANCE 0F MATERNITY GOODS SUITS - TOPS - SKIRTS - SLACKS W/e have îuany, nîany more bargains* Corne in and brnwse arntind' Port Cred;i wore ziiP cîý,z off Mr. and Mr . Archie W atý ei r rAilhipr and sn-in-i-aw and son Larry of Waterdo ,r- a13 Dnl Long spenL Eastec Monday with1 ond 'Ai oxet he Easter and Mcs. Alex Watson. wPek riMt'. and Mrs. Milton Bii Mr. and M:s S. Mathers and ýýpent Good Friday with daughinr Pitsy and hec chumn and Mrs. A. Ccuess off OshaBeverip.y.,Trinnant ;penI Easter Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mot weekend wiîh relatives in shed and ffamily off Sime Wilbmcffoc. Mc. and Mrs. Jim Lamba Easlec visitons with MIrs. Karen off Ottawa spent1 Charles Wood vece Mr. and Easter weekend xith M~ Mr,;. Neil Wood., Gail and San- Thocoton Wilson. (Ira off LakffifýIç: Mrs. George The C.G.I.T. heîd a supr Crnwthec and son Jamie, Mc. meeting at the home off and Mcs. J. Visser. Docothy and Mrs. H. E. Milîson and G;eor!7e off Newcastle. Easter Monda y, ffolowed Mcs. Raymond Chapmnan the Bible Study~ taken by Ri and Mcs. ErneFi Bcxson are B. E. Long. enjoying a 10)-day holiday in Mc. and Mrs. Phil Longa Bermuda, son Todd off Oshawa visit Gacry Pattmîson, son off Mc. Rev. and Mcs. Basil E. Lo and Mrsq. Laverne Patierson is on Eastec Sunday. a patient in the Oshawa Hos- Mrs. Luther Bacrabal i pital. Mr. Cecil Graham are bc Congratulations to NMc. and patients in the Memocial H( Mrs. Ralph Gcecnwood, the pila!, Bowmanvilîe. former Miss Diana Beverley Mc. and Mis. H. Luxtona Dunseith off Kirby, on their childcen off Bowmanviîle we marriage at Newtonviîîe. Rev. Eastec Sunday' dinner grue! R. C. White offficiated. Mc. off Mr. and Mis. Haccy Mcc and Mrs. Greenwood are now Mcs. Charles Wood vîsit living in a duplex on Mill Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks ai )n IE corne. Linda and Janct Sharp and Union was v erv ,plca-sed xiti- About 25 fî'orn tlii. conlgre- BeIth and Barbar~a Ashton the recent canvass off Manver-s galion attended Gond Friday, spent a ffew dayvs with Mc.';Townsqhip. Appcoximately 400 seervice at Morri.sh and several and Mcq. L. Ashtnn. namnes wece signed on thoe cac li.ads off Suinday' school Mrs. A. Thompson, . M. petitin and about $~40f0 in people attrnded the .township -loyd Thoinpson, Mr. and Mcs. casqh was cecpived to assist in Suinda" 'V chnO'i night aI Cat-.- Donald Thompson. Mc. and the March to OttawaR which ton the samne night. Mis. Roland Thompson wpee\wil] take place next week. Andew7 McColf. whose Mon- entectained on Saturdav nighit Sevecal present sianified theic, treal kîndergactpin hae holi- at Mr. and Mrs. Franik Os-: intention off attending to hack dayv; beffore Eas.;er. spenit the mond's. Poxmanville. their pcntest against present iveek and w'eekend Aith his Mcs. K. Cowliîng aîid Dale condit ions. A dainty' lunch' grandparents, Mr. and Mirs. BIackbur'î visited Mcs. 'Mabel m'as "t-rved a; the conclusion H. Reeve. Sister Beverle-.- and Coxving. Salem, on Monday. off the meeting. 1P mother were with him. also 11r. and Mrs. J. Potts. Man- One of oiic older and most, Mr. D. McColl. for the week-1 and Billie, and 'Mrs. W. Mac- cespected citizens returned to end. !tin called on Mr. and Mcs. bis home in the village re-> Weekend visitors :iicIuded Ton Smith. StouffffxiEe. on centlyîn the person off Mc.: Bill Bar-rowelough, home !rcom Sunda ' . Lou Williamson. Lou hiad, Kempiville; Nola Holdaway Mc. anîd Mrs. Le.s' je Giahani spent *the xinter month.s with; from Toronto: Bonnie Austin wece Easser Sunda 'v dinner ffriends at Hampton. Prior ta'- fi-on, Agincourt. Paul Austin guie,;s off Mc. and is Jimi coming home he had spent a ffom Oshawa; TracY~ and D- G a and saf- ox'nn horitlimne with Mc. and Mcs. anne Emnblv ffrom Newvcastle ville. Lloyd Fallis ai BaUlyduff. wN-*t.h Murray' Paynes. and Ste- M:r. John .iune.ý. hvhga Alarg-e congcregation were yen Garrison froni Brantfford. hioliday-, visi!ed "Ir. Elmer piesent foc Easter church sec- ,t the samne bouse. Wacd, Tor-onto). and Mr. and vices on Sîînday mocning. The Sunday school ehildren MrS. Lou Healheringîioi of Mir. and Mrs. Elgin Budd off enoyed a crokinole party :n Angus. M:.leîeig' icehv ensedn the chuirch hial! on Mondav' came home with hirn foc a ffexx' days at iheir home here. night o! this week. witb seven xisit wxith the Jis famiil,.. Mc. and Mcs. Fred Young- tables played and some aduits The flowers placed in the mani and familv spent the - free to look affier the s;coccs.,chuirch on Sunday- wece in holida.y weekend at their coi- Winnecs were Phiîlip Nichols, memocv of f Mcs. Edna Me- tage. Harold Austin. Lewis Thorn- Laughlin. Weekeid visitors iiiItdedi dyke and Tract' Embi'.. Phil- M is ses Je;an and Bi'-die Mr. and Mis. Leonard McNeil hip is an expert, winning every Rertrim spent the weekend off Milton and Mc. and Mcs. 1 game. i wîth relatives at Wmndwr. Ralph Sharpe of Toront. MAPLE GROVE e w s Guides' and Brownies' meet-'spent the holidav w!th hpr N e w s i~~ng was held on Tuesday ev- parents, Mr. and Mrs.H ening, April l.3th. The "fly- Cooney. Mrs. Coonev return- up" ceremonv was held when ed home with them for a visit. IS, Eullor the following Brownie girls Mr. Harold Cooney (Sonny), flew up to Guides. Pamn Spar- Toronto, spent the weekend at row. Parnela Chute, Carol home. .s~on Chris. nt 0hawa on Mon- Cross, Margaret Comber: Bet- Mrs. Ted Hoar, Mi&szes Di- o%%n Miss Ev'elyn Harris. Toronto,, Gordenier walked up. castle, Miss Debbie Hoar, Tor-, Mr. spent the Easter weekend with 1 Sympathy ocf this communi- onto. were Monday visitors;: her parents. Mr. and Mrs.!t\- is extended to the follow- on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bob irch Lawrence Harris. Îng bereaved families. 1Mc .Johnson and family, Courtice;, Mr. Jule Luxton off Bowmî.n- Cecil North in the loss of his and on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs.: wa. ville is spending the Easter mother: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Arthur Belîman, Mrs. Don, tto- holidays with hier gra ndpar- Thompson in the loss of his'Hannah. Bowmanville, and roe, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Merc-; uncle: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie r.Nra Moe wee and er.Collacutt in the los of his visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. thd r. Jh eradK itr-nlwMrs.Cecil Col- C. Collacutt. the Mr JhnBenad eon of -ctt h- tene hefn Miss Carole Greenham, Ry-1 grs. the Twin Oaks Motel passedJ erson. Toronto. spent the' away at Memorial Hospital,ý eral on Monday. .wee kend with hier parents,1 per Bowmanville, on April l2th.! Miss Jane Noble entertain-iMr. and Mrs. Charles Green-f Mr. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- ed a number of lier girl ham on terv. friends for lier 12th hirthdav Mr.adMs . .G]ak bv Congratulations to Mr. and o atra, pillt, hnMisses Anne and Donna Gil-' ev. Mrs. Lycett, the former'a vern enjovable time was eri- bank, Mlasters Bill and David Miss Betty Branch, on their joe i.Gilbank. Ocono, Mr. and Mrs. and marriage at the Orono United Congaratulations to Mýr, andýe1 JcsnBom vil'; ted Church on Saturday, April 17,1Mrs. Chris Botelho (nee Don-iwere Sundav evening supper ong 196,5. RPv. Basil E. Long na Holtby) on their recent get ihMr n r.H oficatd.marriage. G. Freeman. and. Miss Sandra Mercer, nurse- Ladies of the community *Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bleeks.ý oth Kigsto, sent leae ceembr th U..W'Ottawa. spent the weekend' otin-training atKnspet meeting on Thursdav evening , wt e aens r n IO-the Eastern weekend with bier, April 22nd, at 8 p.m. in the Mrs. W. H. Brown and brother dpaeM.andMr.Rs Christian Education Centre., ai.O atra vnn ece. Ail ladies welcome. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bushel], Miss re Miss Bni aiadMiss M.adMs ar ett es tsBarbara S BaIlf shaand Mr. anid Mrs. Hei arry PttitRuth Bushell, Niagara Falls, ter are spending their EoteOshaa acoMr.and MbytheirvtmiyMrs. C. Pilen, Ma2ýter Victor, tdcation with the latter's grand-1 and daughter Ganifr' ett MSs Vi\v;"a'I Pich, Toronto, i n~ ennier, aplevisited with their sister and an parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grove. daughter Mcs. Donald hzanMr. and Mcs. W. H. I McCallum of Oshawa, at Pomn- Brockrnan and son Paul, Osh - hsnd pano Beach, Florida. awa. daughiter Mr. and Mrs.! Mc. and Mrs. Rcoppin Mc. Fred Saunders off Ne~w- Philip Lococo, Toronto, ai- an bys Torot, i itedhe tonville. father of abr cdd a friy gtcgParns r and Mrs. Fred (Mrs Bi Foud),passed held at The Voyageur Res- Stevens, and also took in away at his residence on April'taurant. on the occasion off Mr. '"Cornz-A-Poppiný' one night., 13th. Interment in Pine Huils and Mcs. H. Pcttit's 42nd \vý,ed- M i opng ooti Ce .ey, Scarborough. ding annivcrsarv, and also pnighsEtehodas Mrs. Thornton Wilson and Mrs. H. Pettit's 'birthdav. spcn di g abis easter hoida. bier daughter Mrs. Jim Lamb Mrs. Bill Armstrong and and Mrs. Fred Stevens.1 Sun-ý spent Monday in Toronto'family, Mi.ss Debbie DeBoard, daxý, April llth, Mr. and Mrs.' visiting Miss Viola Gilfillan, Collingwood, visited vith the Fred Stev'ens were visitors Miss V. Tourjee and Miss E. formers brother-in-law and:with their cousins, Mr. and Tourjee. sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ivison Munday, Bow-1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Earl Spry and famil.v. avle Aon wihotr Chamberlain off Oshawa visit- Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton cousins they visited Mr. and ed lier mother, Mrs. Tom Mc- entertained th eic grandchild - Mrs. Fred Wood, Bowman-: Roberts and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. ren on Saturda.v. Mr. and ville, and his brother and! Mc. and Mrs. Arthur Tamb- Mrs. Morley Burgess wece wife, Mr. and Mrs. Howardý Sunday- supper guests with lyn off Cambray, Mr. and Mrs. their co)uîins, Mr. and Mrs. S Wood,' Temagami: and also Percy Tamblyn off Newcastle S. Morton. spent one evening with Mr.' visited Mrs. Fred Tamblyn.' and Mrs. Hacry Jose, New- Mr. and Mr.;. Arînld Dowý7- castle. Miss Susan Balil is spending son and son Paul, Windso, Mse odRsel rp hler Easter vacation with Mr. M'pie Child Rss entrTo- and Mrs. A. Cruess at Oshawa. Pe hlrnsCnrTr Bales will be packed for HAYDON ontois paentsM.adMs Overseas Relief in the main wt i aetM.adMs -hal ofOron UitedChuch .C.. Apil eetng -asC. Russell, brotiher and sisters.1 halloffOroo UitedChuch .C.. Apil eetng vas Mc. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow on Max' 3rd at 2 p,.m. Please held on Wedne.,da,\,ex'eng xisited bier mother, Mrs. Fred: send in, beffoce noon, vour at the home or Mcs. W. Black,- Ashton, who is in a nursing good, dlean discarded clothing humn and Mrs. K. Cnwline.-' hm nBahAeTcno for ail ages, also nylons. The presideni opened the oneSunachAeToot, Thank you for above news7 meeting with singing hyrnu Mc. ndM.D.idPcrd ijtems sent in to Room 128, ý16. afier which the Lord's C-grv lera*rs e a iMemorial Hospital, Bowman-'Prayer was repeated. M.rs.ikad ndLdPoter *ville. Chiristensen gave the devo- Pcrd, wede suppr guost las tionl. iicuuig i~iiii O. ednesday wit.h Mr. and Mcs. Secret.aryv-treasurer'.s and card C. Milîs and ffamily. On Sun-: WESLEY VILLE f com'mittee reports were given.' a r. onMc*a n Thak-oucadswere reRd. boVs, Maple Grove, Mc. andi Easter music was the theme Meeting was in charge off Mcs.; Mrs. Chester Milîs and daugh-, Soff the programme presented Chiristensen. Mrs. Cow'in5g 1ei Debbie, Mr. Bruce Milîs,ý by the April grouLp off the gave a reading. and a very in-i hxaad MssBed U.C.W. at the meeting held ai' teresting ta1k on thie 'Ex-c Stewar-t, ion, with Mr. andý th e churoh here on Wedne.q- Bank" was given by Mrs. R. Mrs. C. Milîs and family. day, April 14. Mcs. T. Wilsonl Sim.pson off Enffield. Meeting Mrc. and Mrs. Jim .Hîenrxý told of. the value off music inidlosed with the benediction.ý,and family spent Eastec w(eek-i worship and announced that Mrsq. Potts conducted a con-,:end visiting hiec brother, Mr.ý f, the Easter story would be test while lunch was beîngand Mrs. Jim Smith and fam-ý read fcom Mark's gospel with pcepared. ily; her sister, Mr. and Mcs., illustration in the singing of, Th ece x a good atteîîdantl R*. Kimberley and family: his', hy),mn.s. Mrs. Reeve, Mrs. Kenat the F.astprer chrch secx'icetparents, Mr. and Mrs. John; Ashby and Mrs. Darke ceadion Sundav affternoon. The la-, Hency. Golden Valley scripture portions and gave aý dies' choir sang Iwo ant.hems.ý Mr. and Mcs. Bruce Davis briet accounit of the hvmn'"Have You Been to Calvarv "and f'amily, Toronto, epei the writecs, Isaac Wetts. 'Mrs.ý and "He Livo-s." C.hildren*-sý weekend with hec parents, Mc., Cecil Alexander, Chas. Wes- story Was "The Ll~~ and and Mrs. Mcl Holmes. Miss ley and Henry Francis Lyte. Rev. DuIganl'smlessag-e Was Lorraine Holmes is spending Hymns were wcitten simply "That I Ma ' Know Him." this week with hier sister, in the early days so that those, 9unday' school session at l5 Mrs. Bruce Davis, Toronto. without f o r mai education' minutes to 2 o'clock, and the, _________ might understand themn. Mrs. church service at 3 p.m. D.S.T.ý W ls o n accompanied the The Home and Sehool Club P NT flT hymns and Mrg. Ken As'hbv vwll be held on Wednesda 'v P N Y 0 1 read the part planned for Mrî. evenine, April 28th, ai 8 p.ni. John Walter who was absent. M. Ed. Youingman off Bow- Anoiher Etîchre lield unider In a contesi arranged by Mcs. manville will be the guest U.C.W. auspices was hield at Reeve, members guessed the speaker. the public sehool on Thur.sday names off bylmns played on the Public Sehool iii closed for evening. Pri7e winners wece piano. with Mrs. Harold Bist, Ea sICc holidays. The teach.ect, Mcs. Verdun Lethangue. Mcs.: Jand Mcs. A. 'Phorodyke nain- Mc. Victor Smith, is spending R. J1. Pa ' nc, Mc. Lloyd Brown ing most an d Mrs. P. Hold- the holidav ai his home in and Joiliinnv, Lethangue. away, a close second. A fax'- Toronto. *Mc. Mervin Bowins has re- ourite Easter hyrnn was the Good Fridax- visitors xNith turned home from Civic Hos- answer for roll cail, with Mrs. A. Thom pson werc McI.'pitl. Peterborough, xvhere he iChitthe Lord is Risen To- and Mcs. Walter Bridgett and lias bad several x-rays. Hisq day"name mot ofen. Lannv. E. Beach, Bowmanl- condition is now satisfactorv. dal" namd most fien. xille,.Mcs Jerry'Abbttan, e xindou cngatla FARM HOUSE BANANA CREAM PIE BONELESS ROUND STEAKc ROS 0OF BEEF 78 1b EASY TO CARVE RUMP ROASTS BEEF BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP Roasts Beef SHOPSY'S ALL BEEF ,SA USAG ES MEATY PORK BACK RIBS 1b 16. 89C 15-oz. Tins Lge. 18-oz. Bottie 7 Qc Country Girl 9 APPLE PIE 29 c Richmello SCN OL AUl merchandise sold Values Effective in Bowmanville Until Closing ine, at your Dominion Saturday, April 24, 1965. Store Limited is WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction.M I n 12-oz. Size Avimer Farn v <,f)x.Heinz Cooked i SOP4 Tn,49< SPAGHETTIO <'heer 27e Off Poxt dPred D ETRGEN Siz .LY Merrie England Assorted I'acelle Royale (4 ('olours) pig- JA M S Bathroom Tissuie J)nîno Beau COFFEE Ronger% Pancake S Y RUP lb. 69c rku.69 Kellogg' CORN FLAKES ]Btl 37, APPLE JUICE2 DOG FOD 4TinsAylnier Choice3 'cv i e FOODefTiunks 1 79c Fruit Cocktail ONTARIO No. 1 COOKING ONIONS FLORIDAS FINES RED GRAPEFRUIT ONTARIO GROWN CEE GRADE SPY APPLES "III- ~ylnier Choice SIiced or Halves PEACHES3 Aylnîer Pure Tomato KETCHUP 5 5-lb. Poly Bag Lge. Size 641t. Bsk. 18-oz. Jar 16-oz. Pkg. 48-oz. Tins 15-oz. Tins 39C Tinsz 49c 39c 69C 79C 39C 59C 79C 20-oz. Size 3 C of c FREE PARKING King St. and Simpson Avenue .k '~ The <danadian Statesmait, EcwnaievMle, April 21, 1988 OnIy Dominion givesymo ..ha uawntoes Yoa100o% Satisfaie At DmmltmoalMpemo m.vi u a um auke W t *.siIouMd MWt NO IFS, ANDS OR BS.,. Ad tt ng il ., O.. .Gi. t fflu ommlet ucr.db~,~m"îI ehutDýff'sMMqM@@ etmet. m"wuas.J Red aendBi$» 9usd But VU&. PO&.Lar,ê Poej1,V... ~WM de m ,i.td Dminon wnU replace h oierMbnoo. .tm m'Wh woMAnd omk b~u1 . m ,f~ime cw efotnd your nnme. ,,yo .sghnom . 1c m fS a h im an. * WlnVh nsk dsupowmms.s. . - M~ u~. e mwf bdw-d fS ma omet m On "a14,, on teboitucea swtcji 10 DOMu»op todui.t p b Peutp e Mu lesu »Ou mak n saiCan"d's bt e W AudM U ol? L 9 ldlop et ooemo,.mn &WIaua«' hm ,ooew Mm *0 r w 'I Ou -M -M 0% us M c, MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM AYLMER PRODUCTS (REAM CORN Mixed Vegetables ASST. PEAS PEAS & (ARROIS WAX BEANS c Tins 7 BAKERY FEATURI MM ,-$l