_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I L a ie s' M a jo r B o w lin g L e g eBI W ' Ini MemorimCad o ak Cards of ThanksNoietCedtr Auction Sales Business With two weeks ieft in the Enid Tennant-..26oTedynghA rl Cad fTaks 1N tc o rdtr!regular schedule, the Ladies' Onie 1tcher......25Wt rsdn ia ATHGATE-In eoy fI wish te thank vron o The fml of the aeir NTCTO REIRSy MjrLgu isticla n ch .. ea la t and granfthr remembering me in any wayiEdna May Mcbaugh lin wish, Ail persons having dlaimsLI ST C SAE three teani race, and ail three rge thgate, who died1during my stay in Toronte to express their appreciation agai nst the Estate of CHARLES GARAGE and Service Station won last Monday night. Dunn Ta tnig hc ia ln eeiid p -Lovi giy rernembered by i Rodney Irwin. 16-1 * brs for their expressions of of the Township of Darlington Ooo-EeyTus,73 iD chase if satisfactory. Steady tain their two point lead ever June Baker .. 841.rw ic radetM Ann, on ndboy. 6- and acts of kindness in the County of Durham, Re- Seing Horses, Cae, Swine, AnnineratansDonal vasndn hebiotesos.ofthirtiedGooyer mpoyees, Sheep. etc. J. A. Reîd year-reund business. Licensed runner-up Baker, 2-1 winners Dot Brooks 27 470Lran Alncdueda BATTAMS-In loving memory friends and relatives who sent mother. Special thanks to Dr. died on or about the 25th day & on, Sales Managers. _t mechanic aalbe hn vrWsmn rosmd oi oi...2 36 neetn uz of aur dear mother and grand- cards and fruit, and te those Smith, Rev. Romeril, Enniskii- of March, 1965, are herebv 23351.161 te naninontion nW i egy Hye ... ~ 450 Attereua eeig mother, Mary G. Battams, who who visited me while in hos- len U.C.W., nurses and staff notified to send particulars The complete dispersai cf- single point out of second. Ena Etcher.2 00 usa ihMr ~rl assed away April l9th, 1.963. pital. Special thanks te the Of Oshawa General Hospital thereof to the undersigned Holstein and Durham miik atdHyeswthicansLo Wgt eLtt l kewthenwekokewursshoeth sugicaoflor.andNorhcuth&u mittFu& sSmctor oruhe-xectorifccitfatcaoes adhsockr td Hynessawther cancs LfatWigh 21 4249 HuhesdChstoncokth th'~tmorredmnth u Maeor. 1.*eal oe 61 hsi saeo refrtectl fM.Lwec .dashed when they dropped a Key Beauprie ..2 10 pnoigGop sne _______ _______ be so Mr.LdabypulcBauriG. teConnie Wemnz 1 / 05 h sssatCbnseMr ______ ______ l9 1-1* ra Hme 1-1*th ad a no ay, aftherCann will b odb ulc11 ret eupsieit.holie Ptfed.17 427TmSnpolhtene The sorrow the day weuld aihdyo a, 95 fe edtc evc 0OiePtil brigMysicee hans e ev Sncret tans e eitîeswhich date the Executor wilJ auction at te Durham Sales heSforlthem bv th ForineMcaiassdnteDgncd re hnsteho v sit- friestand n erenieadistribute the assets of thé Arena on Thursday evening, i Cash Prices for Dead walleped tail-end Bickell 3-0,ShreBikl 15 471fgwhhhdbenbut For the call wassudden, the Dugnsand deceascd amongitthe per-sanprili22binsconjunctionidwithasendaCrippthe prarmpStoc22whnlenjE. Etcherwcdg1eanO.CEtch-eAilr 2S0ocamehiGeE.up.cAtrthisemeeting,- allso0 shock severe, ed with me and sent cards. A Motors, Ladies' Aid, Worrien's e 2-1 te leave both clubs ail Oi 4-3-2,svribde eepeef To part with one we ioved special thanks te Dr. Hubbard Institute, Foresters, L.O.B.A. sons entitled thereto, having their weekly iivestock auction.1 BURRETT FUR FARM even in peints. JOyce Amn 727-3,ed enipaer'bdgst readoniy t hedaims cf J. A. Reid and Sons, sales man- JyeAmn se dear. and nurses and staff of Surg- Legion and Ladies' uiarwhhnoceasbn receîv- agers. 16-1 PoeLn Distance Gladys Ells and June Baker Shirley Bioel242021 ickv oelSale e -Always remembered and ical Floor in Memorial Hos- for get-well cards, letters, ed. Zenith 66550 (no charge to you) te for high single honors at Ena Etcher 249-23. oi oiNi, e od ouyMr sadly missed by son Bruce, pital. gifts and visits while in Osha- DATED at Minden, Ontario, Auction sale of Durham, Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 351-C-65 306 apiece, other top efforts 219-220, StellaBrn24-VnadPtr ikas n daughter-in-iaw Doris a n d Stanley Goble. 16-l* wa General Hospital. Special this l4th day of April, 1965, 'Hereford and Holstein milk- 4-tf going te Dot Brooks 291, H-el- 213, Dot Brooks21-5,Mlyclotr'bdetaKnoy grandchildren Judy, Kevin thanks te Doctors Sproull and byDnl . c .. L rs and springers, grass cattie, e Piper 290, Connie Wiseman Horstnsan 202-0,BniendPlpJaes and Brian. 161* Ma kehieprtny Andrews, nurses and staff cf b DnldJ.Fan BA, L.. veal caîves, swine, balcd hay, C s on theSpo 265 and Barb Buttonshaw 261. Terry 2(Y2.222, LnaBkr M.adMs .Hge n te express my sincere thanks Third Floor F., Rev. Swann Midn naiSc t r or , Cashnee ier ful Dot Brooks rolled up a 716 210-203, HelenDun2-28faiyviedoSndywt mATIory f -Idar eteroi e. taff,. aise hte kndreand d Hewa ordesieton.of the said Estate. 16-3 lime of modern farm equip-Stc who passed away one year whe remembered me in any I 1.* NOTICE TO CREDITORS Te nroew, fr.iturest pp pi.folwdb neEchr74 orse 12,Jn ae oe Th1popry-f1r Care Telephone colleet 263-2721 Joyce Almond 686, Shirley 306, Gladys El's36 ee isWed isnset. ago in England, and of a dear Way. while a patient in Me-1 AND OTHERS Breckcnridge, Lot 13, Con. 4, MagwllFu am ikl65,HenPpr58ier20 u, 1 aa onhp f mile and June Baker's 649. Connie Wiseman 6,EenrPleCmblcot passed away in 1947, aise in Again I thank you. thank our many friends who HENRY HEIGHTON, late of south of Millbrook, selling' TYRONE League members are re- Dadson 219, BetyPpr25 Eng1and. Hazel Joncs. 16-1 attended our Gift Shop Tea, the Town of Bowmanvilie, in without reserve on Saturday, Licence No. 389-C-65 minded that the schedule Ada Richards 22,MrKig ESLSC NT Go okyu ad ehdhelping te make it the success the County of Durham, Retir- April 24. Furniture salete4-tf doesn't end until April 26th. 202, Donna Preso20,Dn odtec oirt ha , 1e a 1 wouîd like te thank ail it was. The winncrs of the cd Policeman, dcceased, who fcomneby machny ale. anquon wl7ngtehatesheld Robbie 200 5 Pr He eased your pain, and my friends and relatives for lucky draw were as foliows: died at the Town of Bowman Polan e attend thinesiprant. banquet on May , Helen 202,bie200 H broke our hearts; cards and fiowers received place stting of Shelley china, ville afomesaid on or about the Plntvttn*hsimotn afleu. Lo .luy let Helen Piper know by the Shirley Fowler20 Jyc Although we smîle and' seem during myt ecent illness, with Miss Barbara Heoey; Shelley hdaofanry195 auctien. Illness forces owner . end cf April at the latest. Tennant 228,DoenPr k I* * carefree, special appreciation te Mr. cp and saucers, Mrs. Jean THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.o.t eie em ah akLV lr, old feather Averages Sellers 245, PeggyHyes20 Nobody misses you more Taylor and Rcv. Remeril, Dr. Cockburn, Mms. Verna Bryant, 16 CH. 408, SEC. 52. Reid, auctioneer: Lawrence ticks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Beth. Doris joli................. 243 225, Shirley Devs23 in UTIL ITN EVC ta e yodand staff of Poir Mrs. Audrey Young, Mrs. Carol Creditors and others having Harris, cîerk. 16-1 any. Phone 7 r 13 colleet. Athousand temorrows we Perry Hospital. Clmnslaims Egainst the above 28-tf Dot Brooks ................. 228 Adanms 211, BarbBtosaw CnutaMebre h fenydwould haveAnete_______ .161Asian Gladys Barron, estate are required te send STOCKERîf SALEh Peggy Haynes.............. 219 261, Shirley Bicl23,L- Ifol owudhv WHampton. 16-1 particularsHald fuil proof June Baker.................. 213 lian Smith 200,CcieowrOs wa&D tit Tbeyou live; I A sincere thanks te my ptmef tetheandefusigned f 0F 500 HEAD and young cews due in two Helen Dunn ................ 210 203, Donna Herd20,Pa4 T ewith us, the same old friends and neighbours for hroteheudsin o3 or threc weeks. Phone Ralph Olive Pafed ............. 210 Marjorrison 228 DyeKn el saeBcr aythlveyfoesgitads We. would like te express or before the lOth day cf May, Durhanm - Hereford - Angus5 Davis,2328.hre ikl.....----080. Wd eou, eae tshend let ers uringmyst ay in our sincere thanks te cvery- 1965, after which the assets of Yea-eld, two-year-olds, grass 6-24 16-tf ShilyBeei2323 today. Mderstwhaneorl Hosital. Sptai one who sent mother cards the estate will be distributed eows, service buils, selling todanssy.u boh, Gd knwsHtankiteaD . rgsn, als and flowers, te ahl the nurses having regard te the dlaims whut reserve on-------- tis lyu tu, Gd n rss an sta rf, a n ie e. nd staff on Medicai Floor, that have then been eceived. MO NDAY, APR. 26' Oneina mllonder m th r M. Housander. ýad Dr. Anfossi, for their DATED at Bowmanville, On-I I On ad lin, a mte kindness whiic she was je Me- tario, this 6th day of April,, Sale to commence promptly ai adfather arc you. } Mrs. Percy Hayward, 1 p.m., at the Dea Gdtae. mssge161 meniai Hospital, and te ail 1965. D ah ovtkmsae16-1,'who remembered her with Lawrence C. Masen, Esq., Q.C.,, DURHAM COUNTY M Atid eli hem hw wemiss I would like te take this cards on her 89th bithday Barrister, etc., SlsAea rn An ithem our ove. tives, f e an ihbr e u al. ox29,Plan to attend this important -Adly ised b auhte. dives en cand flowcrs rut* F. G. Smith and family. 'Bowmanviile, Ontario, 'auction where buyem and seller thýal ise duhem, oetnityte akrsa-rwhen1 she was homr. e. hk 0Kig treaWsshI1.II ' beIl W *s.. and son-in-law Alice and Allun and cards te me xvhile a 16-lf Jit. orCyilBcrdedach Sonr , Tenashr.' Rowe and famiiy. 16.1* patient in Memorial Hospital. ___ dministrator. 1.5.-Rid Sn, anaer ________A special thanks te Drs. Siem- Wfc would sincerely like telI "FOR QUALITV ---- SHREDIn îoing mmoryon, Mikios and Rundle, Rev.ithank our friends, relatives SLC SDCR" i~CINS L A REDI n 27, 1961. awy , M r s eerCook. 16-1 , a d ea mS ErE siEierCorT * U LU 1: 0 p.m. T he S Es e o of a dear wife and mother, urnEer for isg si. ,an and neighbours for being 50o - SEE - '.1 ?A if Mms Evret Kig.thoughtful in the bass of ouri SaLurday, M.Jay 1 U Your life was love and labor, We wish te express our sin-smah n:at fknnss M YU~ ~f Fred J. BirdI You oe fr or am ceme thanks and appreciation A special thanks to Dr, Rundlc 1?h MILES WEST 0F te av ruc tfr lo te our friends, neighboris and nui-ses and staff of Medical Broki Yo gveyurbet o al fcustomers for the lovely cards, 'Floor, Morris Funeral Chapel O RSA E LOT 28, CON. 6 us, flowers and for their visits !and Rev. K. J. Frampten, and SALESinn rÏý i N i i dht o re coî a m thrwhie Mr. Renet was in the also m ny thanks te the! LIMITED #-ic iig roi sie de. hospit aI. Special than ks gees Lais Axîar eBomnchcsterficld and two chairs, -lays remembcred by bus- te Dr. McKenzie for looking'ville Legion for their kindeess. E mi cQucn, rco en RCAVicoInstaTlsle' band Robert, daughter and lafter him se well. The Ruiter Famiîy. 219 KING ST. E. radio, end tables, pictures,-t tayoecnIsli son-in-law Daisy and Lerne' Mr. and Mrs. Renelt, 1.* BW AVLE Mclr lcresove, ec-MSehw e-otlngscinsrece pt Hlaynes and grandchildren. Otto's Restaurant. 16-1* 16-1_____________ trie refrigerator, electrie dlock, ehoà3-otlnscinsrthsupo 16.* _____ - Authorize'i Dealer for Quebec coaI steve, new, oneM 20 feet, depending on the height required. Sa My incre hans t ai Co ingEvets amber ars Wood cook steve. Quebec heat- easy that anl inexperienced householder con RIMAR nia frends, neighbors cand Rs,- Sti-aeati- 23356a nw-ooes las fence a yard in an evening, yet urnbelievabIy MEIVORIALS fîowers and fruit and those 'Oct. 23 for Guildettes Faîl Tea s Terins Cash. CLIFF PETHICK,M sturdy and rigid. 15 feet = 58 ins. hSsaiIed ig:idadDsicie who visited me while in hos- and Bazaar. 16-1 NOTE: Sales* on our 1965 Auctioneer. 16-2. M height. nuinients -FIt arerspi tai, aiso special thanks te ______rebrakngal Fla Mrkr"Dr. Slemen, nurses and staff' St. John's Parish Hall Juniraberds . a.resubm eav ail -_sle_____nt 1ri PID in desib for any need of' Memeriai Hospital who Au xiliary Rummage Sale, Sat- rhe r.. esut el hvAction s ale, h udimeet h >255 2 lc St. S., Oshawa 1looked aftei me se well. Thank udaApil2th it 3p.. the l et seC fa n cattee. ed nrin ed S.PiE ILEt 1gs ~!P3-108 -728-6627,yen se much. ---__ ______12 in the arca, most are 10w 'Byren Nesbitt, Lot 35, Con. 5, i Gor-don A. Martin. 161 Trinity "Forsythia Tea"' and milcage, local trades. Darlingten Township, ýý, mile Amazingly easy to instal . because 'Speed Fence' is PRE-CUPKASEBE adPE OfieEenns Ve extend sincere thanks 13 5 p Desserts, casseroles, 1964 Chev. Impala Pulastio t13 ..o h r-rae odWl ieln4f evSwet SP FLE UAIT t al urfrensneghor 1sàad, etc. 16-2, iStray, Apnil 24: Livestock MOUMNT AD ndreaivs hoset ie 2D . aratop '-Pu-ebred Holstein cow 3 finish. See 'Speed Fence' now at: MAKRS rs, cards and fruit and thosel Euchre Party at Tyrone V-8, automatc transmis- ýyears, caîf at side; Grade Hol- kA D CT Le - eâo.ir m opia.Aiso pca hnsa p.m. hrPie. Ad- brakes and steering, other Holstein cew, caîf at '-ide D( E ontaiF'entetedoctors, nurses and staff inisson 50c. 16-tf. extras. Light bine vh Molly Holstein heifr rs ia SAFOD o Memoial Hospital Whe o n- ogttednea matching trini. One owner, 6 wecks; Molly Holstein beifer, PR BROS. LTD. loe after her se wl.TakSln al audy pi immaculate. 'fresh 7 weeks; 2 HolsteinM N4x you s much. 24 HlStraA'lcows, calves at aide; Holstein- Mr. ad Mr. Je _______124.___________Oche1963 Chev dueAugust; HolsteinP R SCIN1 and Mr. o. Jiîs n. ;Eem on w1c me-111 I heifer, due in Sept.; Holstein ML R C S S B E T T R V N I L 5 Deaù 1 wuldlikete tank Dance at Tyrene H Sat, - StationWao hiepn,1m.;1pgs woud lke e t ank MY urday, April 24, $3.00 perI 6 cyl., automatic transmis- heab ou 1 enl, Y15 shme.; l îg, - A L P I E U J C O P O I C A A E A rlatives, neighbors, friends !couple. Music by Irish eov-. sion. Real good condition. 1bmed March 4; 45 Hy-Line and COE O URSHWROMTOAYAN Stafford Brothers f'or carda, flawers, gifts and crs. Sponsored by the D.A.R. Here is your holiday Leg-hern hiens, 300 bales bay, ECN REQUIREMENTS. . WEAR LIMITED visits while in Toronto Gen- A 16-11, transportation. 150 .bales straw, quantity oats. eroluHestial.huraday Implements-Ford tracter, Ai RESNWFR A s EI te Mrs. Edna Baker, Everettl Monster Bingo, TM ORDERScoNOWiFOR MAY ldillDELIdiRY Kng, Ladies' Legion Auix- , night at 8 o'clock, spensored 192 Rmblr onitDabr lw Box 133 ihiary, Ladies' Major Bowling by the Junior Chamber of'4-r.draulic; single plow, rubber- &là Dundas St. E. Wlb League and everyone who Commerce, Red Barn, North .-r tired wagon, hydmaulic 1-way __________________________6__ sie, cutomi rai.hiler, scuffler, 1952 ~ton Phone Whltby helped my husband Sonny Oshaa.S4otf ,6c.utomatctasi- i1i lifOhawk 8-3552 1an d daughter Carol. DacEnailn Hlwihbakadrdti.GMC tr-uck, hay rack, 3 2 ft. Mrs. Nyhi Sheehan. _161* April 24, featuring Bob Adams ecsasap uooie ladder, 4 section harrows with and lue iverBeys Adms- stretcher, rote-tiller, nearly AWA T sien $1.00. Dancing 8:30 te 12. I 1961 Olds. 4-Dr. ne;5scinbrws it : jackpot. and two jackpots at> 16' higb, witb adjoining e- ~ fir. resistant qualities. okfesadgitn iolpre GOLDEN YELLOW S250. Door prizes. Next 1 eelySp cils tien 24' x 30' x 9' higb.-fie Lt.f Monday. 8 p.m.. Red Barmn, vee.A The building is located in; BOX 0F EIGHT fcêrafitlhl yet criacto ~tSCi.tS5 ayo o ~ a mU a ml aOshawa. ___ 46-tf' 1958 CHEV. 4-DR. Lot 27. Concession V. on the'Il te Decro-tile in just int.Sily ee akn an pacM - M _-P- - 6 cyl., custorn radio -. $425 County Road just north of 12" x 12" PANELS $5,09 BANU E M DUS District Cerebral Palsy Parent 1957 PONTIAC 4-DR. Orono on the new Township CVR oS.F.-ONYadn aroundioners. idelfr icen ni abooso Council are sponsoring ai 6 cyl., automatic ------- 37 Yard located next te theCàOV R 8 .FT ON Yedbncru oi Penny Fair at Simcoe Hall* P lngs*s*course, but aise perfecfrdcato fetl aîaypa- qu~~~~~A~~~ip~~~ Plans, s~~~pecifications and -- ** zodnec Fo acetus o pnesrm avur, Gym nasiumn, 387 Simncoe South, CONVENIENT tedrfrsmyb btaie - . lb. ILFc April 24 frki 2 p.m. to 8 ON-THE..SPOT LOW..COSTtnrfrorthe Consuctingnred r oe de n et.eFor anith k.Exeenfotrbliwal __________________________H___ om e a 16ndafe-1 FNNIG nadaf ter Wednesday, Aprili e r m il aies hle n ~~ No, i Table ~~Service Station 21 165 ten-edbllsi e This tUle is terrifie ... comne in and feel CWtesueltyu mgnto u id <POTAIGES SPINACHNew York City Open froni 7 a.M. quired. W o d ruciI until 12 midnight A certified cheque for 1017oi* uv CHARTERED BUS 24-HOUR cempany each tender. s aa Wo A 100% Performance Bond- SEKH TOWING SERVICE will as erqîe s 1.49 21S 39C Fi Phone 623-3401 Lowest or any tender not!CUTC HPIGCNR \VorldAf tcr Heurs 623-2083 Te1cetd ILMTD. SHOP AND SAVE AT 'May 2lst - May 24 Member of bath N.A.L. -Mr. M. L. Rosa, 728-1611 7U8-1617 and O.M.L. Road Superintendent, M D Y S R A ' 5 FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 000Township of Clarke,- -- - - - -Â U. CONTACT:Omeno, Ontarie. w7KngS..FOOD IZTRAVEL SERVICE' Bilu n ReesAcÎtaLt. A L N 14Dan Kearney ,Wmitby, Ontario. 623354 M A K ET DELVER Te. 23- 285Jery Kan _ ~ ~ .,5A L O N -T H N A I T BU LD NJ [ ri, The Canadim Stateman, lôwmanffle, AmB 21, SM -- . ýA>ý 41- - --, ,