~7 -- -r -.- r -r .-' r r- ~ .-, - . eý' Cut Cake to, Mark l5th Kinsmen Club Birthday p M Fo unde r clubrk 151hI by Ed Youngman Weaial wish Bowman- ville Kinsmen Club rnany happy' returns on its f if- teenth birrthday; ceiebrated in royal style at the Fiying Dutchmcrn, April 2th, with a bang up cinner, and trim- mings, including a large birthday cake, the bottom fier of which bore the nurn- ber 45 ta indicate the age of the organization, and the top tier 15, to indicate the age of the Bowmanviile Club. The highlight of the Attends irth duy evening was a rousing wel- corne ta the founder of the organization, Hai Rogers, of Hamilton, Ontario, who con- ceived the idea, and institut- ed the first Club in a small Chinese restaurant in Harnil- ton on February 20, 1920. (TURN TO PAGE TWO! VOLUME 111 16 Paes B OWMANVIL.T.FOfNTARIO. WIi'flMInAv APPlirT iogi 1la_ £v a;U J»" T viikq vl- *t U"% - N-' vvriiFN inJPf1 ,£rI1L I 19tiàU I wv e t \nnv IN IVII14.i i lu Introduce New Organ ai' Shiloh S It was a real honiecoming at the Flying Dutchman the foundingc on Tuesday evening when Bowmanville Kinsmen Club the f irst cuti celebrated its 15th birthday. Top Kin officiais, includ- memento of th ing founder Hal Rogers, were present ta mark the Past Governor event as were many former. Kinsmen members. A or Frank Guy iffecia1 birthday cake had been prepared. honoring Founder Hal >ot1hthe club's hirthday and the 45th anniversary of, Club Jack La (Council Approves Purchase of Kinsmen clubs. Founder Roge and was presented with the kii be event. Photo shows, from ieft )r Irvine "Jake" Brown; Deputy y; Club President, Byron "Duke' Rog-ers and Charter President inde r. 0f' 2.61 Acres for Pa rk Purposes, West of Lord, Elgin Pu bIic School AI the meeting of Bowman- c'xcept Councillor Ken Hooper plîcation bc made for the ap-, ville Town Council held on who was out of town on bus.- proval or the Minister of Muniî- Monday evening it was dccid- i mess. 'cipal Affairs or. the town to ed to purchase some land froni Councillor GI1 e n h o 1 m e scîl Lots IF, 19 and 20 On; Wilfrid Carruthers, near Lord;Hughes, seconded by Council- Third Street, which were con-, Elgin Schonl, for park purpos- ']or Paul Chant, mov'ed that: veyed tri the town in accord- es. Ail mernhr'vs of counicil the town be authorized ta pro- ance with Section 20 of thr wvere present at the meeting, ceed with the purchase of 2.61 Planning Act, for not Iess than> -~~ acres west of Lord Elgin$9,900, and that the Town r 'School, bounded by FourthClerk be authorized to avr Home f rom Street and the northern lim-' tise for tenders for these lots. its )f the sehlool property, from The motion w'as carried. Mr. Carruthers for $18,000 sub-: A letter from G. W. Arthurs Cyrprus Mjnst r the approval of the inforrncd council that in 196-, -It was also moved that ap-' (TURN TO PAGE TWO> 'LAC:.. P7or 04 rire LOSS pi IDZ i$41,,600 in Townshîpý Pire Chief Tom G. Lyle the local firemcn responded' has submitted the Bowman- atreohraam one foi I ville Fire Department report a truck on 401 Highway, andý -.for 1964 to Couneillor Wesley under mutual aid one in New- Fice, chairman of the Fire castle and ane in Clarkeý Department Committec, who Township. has commcnded Fire Chief Lyle, Deputy Fire Chief Jamesl Hayman, and ail the firemen Youths -Fin for their excellent service I U and.c-operation. ~ I i The report statcd that there ýeaad ao V were 40 ala.rrns in Bowrnan- I ville during the year, and the lasic Ba fire Ioss amounted toa approxi-n P mately $17,825. The firel i'asi a alarmis in the town includedi I those for two dwelIing,ý, eight Tvo local youths receivcd Ptc Gry ayor vehicles, 13 grass, two chim- qilte a joit on Friday whiie ncy, three garages or sheds,' %valling aiong the banks of 14r. and Mrs. Albert Naylorone motel (fatality), four o the Hoey Bride.k o t>f Newcastle were overjoyed commercial builIdings, anclo h oe rde parents recently when they'drowning, and ftve false. They noticed somnething in met their son Private Gary The Bowmanville Fire D e creek. that turned out Naylor, R.C.A.S.C-, at the air- partmcnt also responded ta 39 to bc a premnatureiy bora port in Trenton. He had just;alarms in Darlington Town- miale baby that somneone had airrived home after spending a'ýship: four dwellings, one v'ehj-' piaccd in a plastic bag and year in Cyprus with the UN. dle, 18 grass, four ehimney! evidentiy had dropped into1 Sace-keeping force. Gary will space heaters, five barns ori the fast fiowing crcek. M e a 15-day leave at home sheds, two haystack or bush.' The boys notified their and then probably will be as- one trce plantation, and four! parents wtho contacted police. signed ta other duties, the de- false. Fire loss in the Town-! They are investigating the tails of whjch are not available ship wvas about $41,600. possibility of an iliegai abor- at the moment. It was alsc> rcported__thatl Lion. Happy $1,000 Surprise Phone Cai 'Glenn Richards, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Richards, High St., .on Mondsy night really appreciated the f ast service provided by the Bell Tele- 1 hobie for whom he works. Shortly af ter ten o'ciock he received a phone cal] f rom CiSmen Club's birlhday party, informing hirn that his Kin Investment ticket numnber 83 had been drawn by His Warship Mayor Ivan Hobbs. His prize wsas $1,00I. The cheque 'vas presented by Kmn Founder Hal Rogers. lef t. Draw chair- man Roy Woodward is at right. Another similar 13-week investment program w .1i be launcl3ed shortly. ers made nife as a ta right, Iý()n - A rwia, -eRo Brunt; ARwnavle oay Club <elegation at- tof the, tended tbe meeting of Bowmanville Town Council on Monday evening. This wvas the sccond time i six months that a deputation of local Rotarians had appear.èd before council ini connection with i their club's 'park projcct. However their intention E ] , regarding 'it had changed considerably since i October Sth. Rota ry Requests CentenniliGrant To Develop Park * On the* first Monday in October Ian Smith, Chairman o *f tbe Rotary Civic and Park Commit- tee, told council that theloa Rotary Club had purcbased .17 acres of ]and, east of Simpson Avenue and' north of the Base Line, planned to develnp this property as a park, and cventually give it to the town. This week t le Rotary delegation informed council that the club cannot afford the cost of purchase ($17,000) and the developmnent sinîul- tanousyand asked council if the town could o btain a Centennial Grant for this purpose. TURN TO PAGE TWO> Rotarians Play Host To Sons and Daughters The Bowmanville Rotar*y, and their 'young guests enjoy- Club's annual Fathers, Sosed the banquet. The baffling and Daughter- Night held at yet fascinating pragra.m pre- the Flying Dutchmnan Motor sented by a Toronto magician, !Hotel last Wednesday evening Chris Sheridan, provided ex- proved to be ane of the bestý cellent entertainmient. Bal- ever held by this organization. 1 bans and chocolate bars were President Elect Don M or ris1 dis tributed to the youngsters. was in charge of arrangemnents' ______________ for he succes-aful event. More than 100 RotariansiTO DATE anc1 ÉPteces WRONG COAT - One of the 'aid sweats' who attended the Vimy Night dinner at the Legion an April 101h is now the proud possessor of a different avercoat than he wore ta the party. Unfortunately, the vet who owned the one he took in error doesn't like the one left there. Sa, please check in your closet if you were there and return that wrong coat ta the Legion . . . or it's pack drill. On the double! I t t WINS AGAIN Dorothy Vivian of Tyrone has done il again. She's won cars, money and ai] sorts of contest prizes over the past few years and last weck received word that another prize is coming her way. This lime, she was one of 10 firsl prize winners on "Wh 'v I like baking with Keiiogg's." Her prize is a lelevision, radio, stereo combination set, worth severai hundred dollars. Tt 1 t CAN'T FOOL 'EM We have found over the years Ihat Statesman readers don't let us gel away w.ilh any errors in facts published in the weekiy issues. Last week, a picture of Ernie Rehder at the helm of an aid McLaughlin car was published. The piclure caption said the bouse in the background was no longer with lus, having been removed ta make wav for the CPR tracks. One phone call from Howard Cowle and a brief note from L. C. MVason set us straight. The house was moved ta 38 Church St. where it stili stands, in good condition. t tj j. t. j B.B. SEASON - It has been drawn ta aur atten- tion that manv youngsters are firing BB guns, air pistais and similar weapons around town. Police advisc that these weapons are lermed "of- fensive" under the criminal code, as is the ammuni- tion for them. A permit must be oblained ta have, carry or f ire them. Without such a permit.' they can be seized. It is aiso illegai ta fire them in town. Parents would be wvll advised ta be on the alert to prevent their children from runninc afoul of the iaw. t _î t jt j WEATHER - Hundreds of golfers w~ho aiw&avs look forward ta Easler weekend as the lime t( break out their clubs for the first wvorkout of thc year, took a beating over last wveekend. Insteat of beautiful green grass. local and neighbourin ' courses wvere covercd with snow spoiling an% ideas of earlY golf ing. However, the weather prob- abiy helped inecast- church attendance. DIRECTORS Bowmanville Chamber of Com merce directors will meet in the Green Room a, the Lions Centre next Wednesdav, April 28th, at 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested vi-l1 be weicome to attend. HOLIDAYS-- For the benefit of ail area mothcv woare suffcring through this weck of muddy Easter holidays for their school-age children, they will return ta school next lUonday, when the1 spring cleaning mnay be started. i EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE S-$6,000 S-$4,300 CRIPPLED CHILDUEN NEED YOUR SUPPORT Shiloh United Church was packed ta overflowing on Sunday afternoon for a very special service. It included the introduction of a new Hammond organ, with>Dr. Keith Spicer, Ottawa, and his sister Mrs. Rice Honeywell, Toronto, asI guest organist and voca-list. Thieir parents, Mr. and Mrs. James' Spicer were raised in that general area of Durham and they too were on hand for the inter- esting event and had a wonderful time renewing acquaintances. 0f special interest was an old photo, taken 50 years ago, of a girls bail team that showed Mrs. Spicer as one of the players.; One of the ladies who was also on the team had thoughtfully brought it to the service. Photo shows, Shi]oh organist Mrs. Llew Hallowell trying out the new instrument with Rev. R. C. White, Dr. Spicer and Mrs. Honeywell standing behind her. Army Given Permission To Hold Blt z Campaîgn i ying i.nin It ea bnîeic Bowmanville Tow~n Couneil, Captain H. Fraser's letter ino-&round the world in thanks- at tne meeting held in theýformed counicil thal Ihe Sal- 1givin'g for 'These 100 Years'," Counicil Chamber on Monday vation Army will be conduct- the% letter staîed. cevening approved the request ing its annual Red Shicld Ap-ý The communication also o0f the Salvation Army ta hold1 peal during the month of May. pointed out that the Salva- a Blitz Canvass in the tawn '"This year there is particular lion Army has had 81 years of on Monday, May lOth in con- significance la this campaignservice in Bowmanville. ex- junction xith the Rcd Shield for funds since the Army ipresscd apprcciation to the Appeal. This 'vas moved by celebrates its Centenary. Thecommunity for generous sup- Councillor E. J. Rundle, soc- Salvation Arrny bocally joins port of its wvork durirîg this onded by' Councillor Maurice with its counterpart in com- entire period. Prout. munities large and small- TURN 10 PAGE TWO) High - Kicking Chorus Line A dds Action to Cornz a Poppin' This group of high-kickers spent many weeks of Poppin' presentation staged recentiy. Their perform.p practising their choreography so their precision would ances brought considerable applause from the thre4. ibe perfect for the Jack & Jill club's annual Cornz a night audiences. CANCI BLITI Monday I bt 7:00 to 8:00 p.'i. Daylight ' Saving Here ýThis Weekenc Spring must certainly be on its way. Not only are the April rains in full swing, but this Saturday night. Daylight Sa'ving Time wiIl officially corne into bcing for the summer months. That means, of course, that ail timepieces shouid be set ahead one hour before e bdon .Saturday. or the -first thing Sunday morning. Those wlîo notice the loss of one hour's slcep may find solace in recalling that they wiII be able ta make up for it i n the fai when the dlocks mnove back again. ÇLits 1 --n i 10e Per Coov NUMBER 19 1 L. m Nite