12 The Canadian Stateosman, ownianvil1e, April 28, 1983 Canada geme adducks held a BIU l fIdnle lvd.,Trot, h W laurveby*le, E R grounds in the south. C p1. 4 w r,4 h u f 1Ii ed I S .M ch e s o pt ,? M . R. S e e. is w f IThey reported it ta be very Cartwright c oi uiniIi NORMAN JAMES ARMOURiApril 18. He ws7 esepeeesdhm F i n e F o o d F e a t u r e s cool fo~~rca mping but m n of Cartwright Township for payment, the re raining;Tuesd:'y, April 20, 19q65 forlbanker, had live n T r noa d b r ~ w s r orL Arrangements are now n-Cuc w hlet1pmonaon $1070 prvd -mnJmsAmuof8ir35yr. erway te hold the Bowman ,April 6th ni theTwhp Roads bis also were inspected L e g io n L a d ie N ig h t villeDistrict Club Ahei Hall with ail me..bers.pres- land approved in amnount of' i e i nL a i sN g tField Day on Saturday, May enxi210.1oLhih$,0 Ies ast year and we are ex- ing procedure by-law was giv- tie and snowploughing re- OAV I B E J ýW 1*t 2 0 0 A tt e d ïn gpecting it wilI be bigger and en first and -second readings quired lest month. W ith 2 0 0 tt e dingbetter this year. We urge al and changed in sorne small Mr. Stewart Thompson was *~ri fn4 CbnsesadAssistants of eal.Asgeto ehv present and sat in on the JuayoEdperounzt amc i(Pl\-forner liali , in a hcstra fron Oshawa prvid- Packs wishing te participate two regular monthly meetings balance of the meeting by in-LII I Juted one ean nte larecirif low. while and green. by the music until quitting time. the May meeting of the Scout- it stands confirmis the first1something should he done re-C 0 LS -TdSehnntrciizAuxiiary. \xhrni evervone i-oted Ladie& ers Club, May 4th, 8 p.m., et iuesday o! each month as garding the flooded boundary fored, orthe fnki- obhe per-a wa rvie À h i . 1965. ai the Legion, a Lions Centre, Bowmanville. regular meeting date. road. The subject of a park 4 IN T.W apekerattheViy Dnnr _ a oragetc machlie drssrea sashr.The Boy Scouts Apple Day Deputations te counicil are'a h otenedof theý se rer. eiynta nler-aa ie r place, a asuh enr, will be held in the Bowman- to be in order of ppia meitboundary was discussed and thisreprte. Mnta ahpra-andalherplae, a-ýovenr poinmen tion. Ted. just a mental aber- spoon. inscribed -Legion '6".ille District on Friday even- and after that in order- of now that Manvers Township raio. Edsnne:wht eve achle ecvd napo OBJTUARY :.ng, May 7th and on Saturday, their appearance, and rnay be is no longer interested, Council tat ig). priate gift- a bottle openier. May 8th. The purpose is nt imited to 10 minutes or aýwondered if it were Wise te AT -Ti ahristesnaino h Two undred gu'ests enjoyeri President Keith wveconed MRKS. IILLIAM . A. NORTH only to sel] apples, we must reasonable length of time tocontirue or nt. w h a ki g f ne dîn er in hea l gitests an d ex p lain e d mtl c sell S co u tin g n t th e sam e tim e. p rese n t th eir cases. A lso , a Ill T h e su b je t of th e n ew a - 1 u d ~ u i e s o o h r w s e i l w s u-ac in fnedine i terea-son for Ladies' Nigt -- to M rs. Williami A. Northi of Courteous, wel gro om ed requests or complaints must be nex to he ce inkbas dis Legi annHal L nais.*lt. a Sa"thanks foi- vour patience TMaple Grove died April î7th ! Scouts will do a great deal peetdi rtn n in usdadcuclmnind*rinse and spndy2 pudsocite n3 1 sponsored by Brandi î178 nilhrougliout tlie past vear.' 196.5, in Oshawva General Hos- towards this aimn. ed, and no new business may that the interior should be the Royal Canpcdian Legion. Toast to tie Legion was pro- pital a few da,,s after she telleitodcdate oro cleaned and painted. minutes. With1»sprt oosyutnws ;rhev~ictuRls wecre prepared and posed bv Jim Wod\wad, Zone ind broke ler hip. She was îI pm Road y-laws 1118 and 119 W- u e Ia hl h th r la s si ri g êerved hy the folks from Hav- Commander, who outlinied. in 87- I BITUARY The first deputation wasifor q supplementary roads ex- one, o-d don Who aren't happy if the.brief. some of the projecis Born in North Hampton- I Messrs. Dorreil and Wright, penditure of $5.000 and re- - dnrlo'ganpuiswt pnoe vthe Legzio,nont- shire. England, she came to MIRS. GEO. ALBERT RUITER -rpresenting the Board Of appointing the Road Super-;p COMPACT-Ony1/2wde-vilitlos the varietiv of ri('h fare nffer- ablv , rack ýndi field foi- theiCaniada a., a child and settled Eucation, present ta discuss itnetto liîs post at the r ed. Thry w'-re ~utably tliank- YOuin, people ef oui- onty Toronto. Sie moved ta The death of Mrs. George with counicil the financing of revised salary were respective-! anywhere. Faitpan e edsaconero. d hy Don Morris. Bill Baie proposeri a toastiMaple Grove Il years ago. Abr Ruiter, aged 66 years, the new addition to the Cen- ]y approved by giving them rninssee!u s lis At the liead table were. ta tie ladies. and presented a A member of the United occurred suddenly at Memorial tral Public School. They stat-Ithird readings, Tiev are to indestructible ~-iYresirient or Brandi 178, Kith bouquet of beautiful rose5z to Churiý(1, sei uv db Hospital, Bowmanville, on ed that the Board of Educa j be forwarded to the district È'.r~gison, and wife Joan: jim Joan Fer-gisco. \ývho reptied to lier ;on Cecil of Maple *rv;Tuesday, April 13, 1965. tion suggested a short terrn D.HO, office for approval. lVndward, Zone Commander thEi- toaSt. one daugliter. Mrs. T. David-i A daughter aof Edward C. debenture issue. and counicil A renewal of the formeî' sH-vfBetty: Laurence Gnd- Bill Nilpatriî-k conduicted Hasori (Amie Victoria) of Cadîl- aeWaaaBaCadIe adBad !Eulto a ire agreement with Prt e PRA L daed, President ot Lions, and -dnpxy'hwich a dozen ladies'lac Ave N., Osliawa: six Jate Lottie Laugton, the form- hoped to keep from this meth-wa redsiedad eldINTL TON RQ RD wife Ida: John Bain, Presiderif A ith luck-; oumibers wer c îdcide adfu 't-'er Elsie Paries was born atcd o!fiainperrnwihhecrotesa.C- Dooh ihrs rsdn fment xas fast paced, and tail- Fnea sricswere con- Cndi 96»nApl22ashr athietoclared received. ra n e a eue hr vrteei n n Auxiiiary and husband Roi,: or-made to suit thie an i jedcted Wednesday. Aprl 1tý918. shte married George AI- make application to the On- Th rpsdnwbi(igladan.R l mayor flan Hobs ndwicas Ted Rust, Ventriloquist. put at t p.m. bx' Rev. r. ih R uler 2hopr1de6a.ed trma Munical Board forate b rapws ead ndw bild ri.Riso ag u rcsos er:Byron Bui r hietiis two dummies. Kyle tiliCin the chape] of the Mclntosh-1e nand no16. oma ppoal loigdatbcawwsiorea nddeedI of Kinsmn and iMrs. Ruier had esided i lfor tndersMfosthRuiterconadw reJidedRepniforndtendersthfor theiisaidn Fon-n amia1nHodecision reacied.i the de Jim Colliss, President of Ki-'thpir pices. Paul Brothers, Bm-î,.a] a in Park Lawn ad eoemvnghrhd Teseoddptto layed reply of the DepI o! w uwans. and wife Shirlev'. .oin nnd Shiri"'- kept ftic audience Cenr' ad bfrToionto hd Th ecn dptainwas Planning. By-law No. 1116 ' cleaner thanan'oerwsr tis nteo Living. Padre of Brandli 178. in ;itchvs xvtî, their home- ]ived in Clarke Township and jalso by appointment, that of appa inting Jas. I awrenc co *0 R <.L. and %vite Lily; Bilt Kil- spuo, linnioroms 'ýongs. Tihe at Providence. Her chue! in-IClanence Savinac of Viewlake Nestleton as Cartwright BuId cohs pndye ss fiin patrck. Ciairman o! special latter tiree make up tîeiî' own iîst centred around herwith Mr. Ord, his solicitor, a!Ogfsetrwa ie hdmn clothes.Si a~et~ nd wife Kav. was atei'ial. h'. c on a farin alt . S ouun ews home and family. ýFulton, McQuarrie, Hill and edg ad paed Tereedyu Prsiet<ili proposed aiMai-vs. Ontarin, and ai,(, ac- h deceased was a m be Ord of Lindsay. They noti-metn finally adjonri edon toaýs1ith Queci. Gaiewsqnaînied wvith Dtrhami Cotno- of St. John's Anglican Church.1fied counicil titat a certain the day folio, ng ts (' pronounced bv Padre Joh ndtys rand nid main, Bllv Mills, TieMai meeting o! Bow-1 She was also a member o! the f ence that had been construet- menceent.om . thon on. went thie feed hag._at Orvet Sellick, and his or- manville and District B oy Seno Citizens Club. :ed by Mr. Capstick of View- <t\j ONLY 83/4 GAL.WS AE hc a - ----Scouts l;CouInCil was verv we&l Surviving are four daugh- 'lake and Lindsay obstructed t- ttende-d. ever'.' V 'egistered ters and two sons, Eileen (Mirs. free passage aiong a road al -! Y7 Pie be saved and sdoe gi. da o oe -î A group ~~in aten ance.g a new Com- (M rs. M urray Bate), W allace, ýOrdl warned that coun il would ' r Y o r ! . . A py and cottages w e e s p l f w t r i r Il L fl M j ~miltces wei'e formed, these Edith (Mrs. Robert Hilditch) fnot want ta get invoived inForSYSIC atedac, 'pesnatv Re.Her>,CusoVealwac t ak cîgg M. A t t e n t io n._________________ie Camping and Water adJn, I fBwmnil.legal litigation;~: t a :ro n SaeyCommittees. Mr'. Luth- As uvvn eie e rather, rvte mte. TALENED Y UNGSERS ici'Wcsi vil lie the Chair- father, are three brothers and, Counicil advised Mn. Savina S T AT E SM AN* 6 ta 1 year u~ ag inc1si~eil maii for Campiog and Mr., two sisters, Harold Panes,, and Mr. Ord that the township CLASS FIEDS 6 B n w4 r s o f ge e w c ti %e l , k e V fîke P u k th e C h a irm a i, lo rT ed P a n e s, M s. B rt H u n t soIicito rs w o u ld n o ti : v th e rn P h o n e 6 2 3 -3 3 0 3 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]3oi-nn%,lle Necaste..Clake ng nd oatig saso nerIyandMrs. Wm. Wade o! Court- matter. bc hrd pessd teshap up The tuneral service was heid ent was Messrs, Miller and T~A~ EI~r 5 1oi, 'Fis e son.~ b froni the Morris Funeral Chap- Radcliffe o! the volunteer fine A TA EN T SH O WFhe]siHillres HeghtsSeaelBowmanville, on Thursday. department witli regards te Scouts Trnnp lîeld a weekend ýApril 1.th, and was cOnductedâ two matters; the first, a re- 1 t 1 tn'tu, 'i wiII be held in Newc(astle on camp althe Provincial Park 'by Hev. K. J. Frampton o! St.paeetuntfrtewate Sal tltet Beach near Picton John's Anglican Church. In-!tanker. This was left to the M ost a uct rs sa e FRIDAY JUNE 4th, 1965nntle April loti weekend tern-ent was in Hampton ca te ncagwt repo -te a v rs' succ ss- Ce m e er; very suitable ead at hand. Vvith UNCLE .JERRX of Uncle Jerry's Clubî, -f ut('amp and alttlougi the'! Pailbearer's weî'e Messrs.,The other matter was the fine thle best features for of Hnoui. I\veaherwas not the best i'. Jim Marshal, David Snowden,ldepartment's objection to the! IV WRN TV as Gîîest o oor neyer ioterfeî-ed witi their P-hil Latimer', Hugh Rogers,icîerk*s report ai' the lasiý A comlete rogran ofwinnig talnt ~P1~rormme. The leader's ad- ýRudv Nikschke, ail Of Bo)w-lcouncilymeeting, where coni A ch ow wiil peo ar ofwnn a ltur cleit was a little cbillv at manville, and Frank Harrisimembers arally chastized the: 1 heir high-priced 1uxury i o e s i s hwwl pero uueluil nigit. one '.ent as far to ad- oOf Shawa. ýfire departnîient for not. pre- mit lie was cold, (Tired btood). Among the many beautiful'senting their budget for 1965 Jerry Show" in Buffalo. On the Easter weekend, floral tributes, evidence of'as ;s required by by-law. I ~~~~~Scouts o! the Ist Bowmnan-th esteern in which the de-I ccrigbaecrks'- Jneetd esn o pl n rtn, ville Tî'oop went on a raving!ceased was held, were thosel Accrigt h lr' S o do ive. Inteestd peson to ppl in ritng, camp. Thev fottowed Cotton's froni the Bowmanviile Pire port in the press, many people Crc ot Iis oreiàet, et 71 npoyees cnsIdered that; the lire dept. thrides ndten camne back Goodyear, Memorial Park As-lia stat ng ale t a d a e t : ,~ C -n' koo tiî il so ice in Dep., ept 273 E p n e over tw h ei r budgetair BOX a~~~~~~~~~~on the Bow.man'.itîe Creek. Isociation, Tartan Club, Brown s ca ;wîh wa a'x c p o r l x r o e BX17NE C STLE 1 bTeY did Pioneering prajeets Bed&Ml rvr o rm the truth, having actu adcampedi aloog lie .vay. 647. and Branch 178,R ally a surplus of $1,230..56 on, no Jter flian Saturday, May tb, 1965. Tbey reported seeiîig a few :Canadian Legmon. Roa hand yaercloncin the os-o Ai etresi~ii b aknwidgd.plentr 0fPlaces wer heiratepayers o! Cartwright do! . l di m -priced. Ai beaver bheacnwldgd..os .s, e re e , ;d-____- appreciate the service the vol-' .beaver had eut, trees for their! OBITUA»RY unteer lire department render, ____________________________________ d ams.TbeY also observed thie and the efficiency in whici IDA SYLVIA MeCCULLOCU they aperate. Howeven, since. coming under the municipal' Ida S.ylvia McCull9ch who'corporatîon last sumrmer, they, liad been in failing health the are baund by certain rules that, past few years died at the ýare written into the establish. i Glen Cedars Nursing Home,lîng by-law requiring annuall East Whitby Township, Aprillreporting and budgeting or 22. the municipal fundb supplieu. Bor'n in Darlington Town- Walter Pope, chartered ac-' ship sic was the daugliter o!f, nat nimncia ui the ]ate John andi Susan Me-to atPp and mu bciplle, for Culloch. Except for 20 yearsithe Township presented theý - ii Tor'onta she spent ber en-iannual report and the 1964 tire life in the Oshawa area. audit o! accounits. Taxes re- A music teacher, she was org- Iceivable are $¶40,531.97 which anist and choir leader at the sosaai imliices former Columbus Presbyterian inowtaxeaunco llecteci reaset Church. She was a member[1964. Expendituî'es amounteci of a' he United Church. ýta $185,678.94 whiie receipts' and attne rseaddnhi$882 for the last year. Sohool. In 1916 she marriedi' Alter a short deliberation. Hector teggs w'ho survives. ýcouncil voted to increase 1965 Mrs. Reggs attended ponty- iaudit. fec ta $625 andi Mr. Pope & Pool United Ohurch andi baci declared bis intention of re- Ever wondered why you htave ta pay tlrugh the ineant for the largecabur-hoetatoes _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ __ fr 48 ar s. -1er ho eîn e ci expressedta hlm fothe a - most manufacturers figure that things lke map light.s, the high-priced fie Op on ? 7 of he b s. A d cetc run e eandjprecib ion ntb u st for tbe uabroadloom carpeting, walnut panelling on the cdash of course, the Amias d r m o isît e x j 5v In the dedicated service of al, Salvation Army Surviving. besides hec bus- pre-lentatian ta them andi higs board, adjustable arm rests and fioor consoles simply construction featursta aeRmirteot band, are a son, Pery; threeladvice, whcb over the last' aren't meant for a medium-priced car. standing value in eeyfed workers make no distinction of race or creed. grandehlildren, Dianne (Mrsj.few years has put Cartwright So they save up these features-then they build a Don't vou owe ittoousf10saJSIhwmr' They arealwa s r ady o a sistvicirns of ov.RRIPii Porter), Barbara and10n the position of' being in Thyaeawy eayt sitvitnso o-James; and two great-grand inne o! the heaithiest financial high-priced car around themn-aII at the expense of luxury features a miumpie a a f r o erty, personal tragedy and disaster. Help The ehildren, Katherine'-and Don-! Positions in the province. the rest of their line. They call this "hold-back". We won't find anothecaiket. xctatyu Salatin Amy o gveaidandcomfor whn-na Porter. S-be is aise surviv-1 This concîucied ail personal, cal! it nonsense. Rambler dealer's. Salaton rm t gie idandconfrt he-cd by a brother, William Rusk, visitations, andi counicil then If you're in the market for a larger car, you shauld be ever i. is needed. oi Aooug.h veyflrltr ta tebusiness alc .,%rn>n te ovlyflra ti-from former meetings. First able Io buy one, with ail the trimmings, wi(haut hav A butes, vdneo the esteemn item consiciereci was a rotary ing Io mortgage the famil manor. That's why wem b sd o onEH OU mE Ry yo Hjin which thbe deceased was mower which had been tend- have the Ambassador. It's the medium-priced model Ai Lr u-held, were tiiose front Ponty- ered in February and no de-f Motors. io echd ltrashort' The uneal ervie ws te Iwesttener hatquali- RED SHIELI) A PPEA L hl rmteM ri ura lied :ccording taspecificati:riz' WednedayApril 2lst, andi land Model goa 6065. ]Ron. hairniai - IN-an MN. Hohhs BLIZ Chairinan- J. M. Ja ntes was conducted by Rev. Wm. Councillor Gettins requested to A PRODUC FAEICNMTS(CND N MiiuiObjective - $5.100I 00M N. M YMaN Ist to 3i[st aî'y iftcrmentwas in the Lang Counicil adjourneci for sup-___________________ Tra.tre R . ro--lfl' AY 1 Telephone 623.376l'Vauit, Orono, with buriai l_____________________ Trea ure - . G. Gro p vin Pontyp ol Ce oîeter y. per and return d ta business Contributions maY be ',sent ta Canadjan Imperial Rank of Commerce, PaUerers wcre six' neph.oebucltrat;pm McQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. Bowmanv-ille, or P.O. Box 1")i éW. esr.Eli Beggi.' Generai accountsç were pre- .ame.s Morton, Robert, Ernert,lasnted for payment: the bill o! 217 KING ST ET AST Lyal and Glen Rtisk. , Duif Electrie was ditected for--_________________________________________________