i -~-~-- , - -*,- - e-------. .* ~-t..........- Th aain ttsnn.BwavleArl2. 9!4S.vation ArmnY was celled tIn-1 1 _ appointed convenor of this , 9 Te andin taasan ~wmnvlI, prl ~.to being to leal with the dit- D ý v . -es project. East~ern 'aUs ficulties af this period. I hop,'e tii g W r s.FloEn hebsns et thatin ur scon cenurywe'ing a social hour was enjoyed. maintain what has been ac- and a delicious lunch was P o e d mpisedinte aTS n ser'ved by Mrs. Goulah, Mrs P o ee. ~ Cap t. Fraser Outlines S.erAe complihedin the ays, nd sented wt GfParrv and Mrs. Egan Riet FrTaiigA\ad thtleahead," Captain Fraserrmul11cr. o r i saDr.n G.ncluin.Mntercna rdM History in Classification D.O.BITUanARYctNe ffcir The Opportunity Saleed al immediate past president oftBT A YýyteOdro h the club, moved a vote offTby therig rderdeof.MrtheCWEa. ternr.Jea \iLobbcwereriniT iiharUited thanks ta Captain Fraser forJTeareiRng, p hnre tasien.rs. C...bazaaIrs. WShe vil. E OREH iOB S n Tniy Sh UnRom iCurTmAfrthm. hîs outstanding classification J.heareeting, wasthreat asPsitb Ra.P.nd c caGOG .COB una colRosrcn 1igo h'WmisHs~ t a 1k. President-Elect Don theme' etiguofe Ctai rsietRn nnounced vs rait success. Pioed uiir ~hta~~t~ T alk a R ota y C lu M eet Morris, who presided at theYO 5Lge held in St. that the annual CW.L Dio- The death off George H. fdromotthis annuaRLeventaemmerino e e Captin H Fraer F okeser Slvaton Amofr. Srikenatinal spcc ofMtheSalv- lucheo meeing n th ah-day Oenig, Ariln0. O he-in Lkefeld n SudayMayM ilyev Ontliooccured StaaTnannngAwars fo Re o f f h ca l o fe x p r e s s e d b i s p e sn a l ih a el H e a h e 2 d v c e o fs f o a e i î g f r t h ath eh e M ) c rem i l H a p ' Thoe e aln ,' e ~ r o philas*ophy of the Salvation ed in Winnipeg for threc Captain Fraser spoke othis annual event for WorthyelHeeanth 2n vie- Army during bis excellent years. ffollowed by thi-ce years Salvation Army today, ani prcato ate pae.president, thanked Mrs. Rand Hîvae oit'sCm a, Banvl e hsa ati-n ema ton. wa classification talk given at the in Kenora, Ont. Afterlxards explained that not ail the pe<- Guests present at the lun- for her wonderfful work dur- munin Dnnerwer dicuHed.' ad luncheon meeting off the Bow- Cap*ain Fraser rcturned tü, pie wearing its uniform ar( cheon meeting were Ken Des- ing her twa terms as presi- Mrs. Leo Goulah moved that' ocon in failing health for MViss Madlyn Wilcox. asitdhV ' nianville Rotar-y Club held at the west for two years in ffL, time -workers. "Salvation- Marteau, C a oou r g, Ceci] dent, and presented her withl the proceeds bc donatcd to- sonne time. by Miss Velma Gay, aPs the Flying Dutchmen Motor Saskatchewan, and then spent ss ea the jîniform to ,c~ Brown, Whitby, G or don gifts off jewellery, a black caîfwrsa rpforteGae H v oio ue2tMtn Hotel on Friday. a year in Scarbor-ough before .ins.adasm epni Monksman. R.oss Dobhin, C. handhag, and matching gloves.17 and Grade 8 pupils off t.1a3 i indsay. Ontario. the Those in charge off theSl Twa past presidrrnts (if the coming to Bowmanvilic. bilities in their frre time foi Donald Munro, ail off Peter- The treasurer, Mrs. Bert Joseph's Separate school. This :-on of the late Mr. George H. of i-lme Baking were rs club, Dr. Keith, Billett and Captain Fraser remindcd the wvhich i hev reccive nonne- borough, P. W. Manuel, Merv Payne. submitted a satisfactory was secooded by Mr 1s. pavnle Coomnbs and Hattie Coomhbs. Elsie Alldread. P.M.:Mr. g Rex Walters, received 13 years Rotarians that the Salvation muncration. Captain 1r 'Cyemn i le.adfiaca eat r.Seatad carricd. :In 1916 he marricd the former Edna Anderson, PastGrn Pefc tednePis h rn sceertn t o-stated. Chai-les Elliott, ail off Oshawa. Chisholm, the secretary, readi Mrs. Chisholm., seconded b al Mitchell in Cannington. Matron: Mrs. Millie Egr PerffectheAttendance Pins.isThncArmvttis of ehrakinfr tte Crn- MnsarHnry Mrs.nMahei BagnelielandgMrs. / presentations were made bv ennial this veir. 1 1 h avtinArykoealte f hak o h ig r.Hcr îcs oe lr Art Ribey, thie Attendance foundcd by William Booth. ;qn of thec langest temperance o r- niainsd nto athe ita r.HeanadMs M.Comshr enaneàc egsn Chairman. Di-. Billett's birth-~ itincrani Mthodist evangciist. ganizations in the world. LJITUAJiX Sacred Heart radio program. 'Payne bc appoioted to pur- sident of Bowmanviile district The Millinery Booth a dlay was also celebraterl. -as thc Christian Mission in the; Salvationists are total abstai'i- Mrs. J. C. Nowlan and Mrs. caetedavPie o h o 1vas ehdaslokdatrbyMs A. H. Strike tlId the c Ebast End of London, Enýland, crs. The Army*s work wih MRS. ROBERT 1D. PRESTON W. W. Pari-y were appoînted iaar athe rw zs or eo r 21 yc,ýd n ars. He hO!.ad has ke er by ;Mrs. l, that Captaîn Fraser was horn he .eaid, Plenliolics in th Eas End off altar linen convenors for month !carried. Oslhawa 27 .,ears. ýStephenson, P.M.: Mrs. Mri in Fredericton. New Bruns.;- William Booth harl gotie Loodon was onc off the rra- The death off Mrs. Robert D. Off May. Mrs. John Murphy 1jThehîîaiofN lTh eosr orsan r.Faec iI wiek, in 1931. and jva3s cdu- throu;zh the lî. of Ea-i sinsforthe adoption off th:s Preston. aged 68 years, occur- was namned convenor off the' hr 110o1Nmnaio00 cdeeae was a bakcri- anM. lrn catd n hatciy.Pptrbr-Lonon ad atewa d ulr u1 red suddenly at her residence, Country Store booth for the, ..omilte, l'cs. Pa ic. i-e- liv trade. He gave that trade so, .M cuad orn tcto, wercWed- pood taLohedon. ranidIe] u aur woked or edlr_ Mns.BethTePoey.M1 Mi ohanTootweehe his wife that he had ffound bis. 'Inour work îin the necdy R.R. 3, Bowmanville, on ________ - rtne omîngthe racrsePctcî Peplead.wrkdurin te ecodel i Ms ethPring and Ms ia Tesces'fre a attended the Salvation Armiv destiny. the speaker ;air] He places off society we sec the nesday. April 21, 1965. DU1ROf oenrs. thiyam ac: Pes, seopae ad. was e Soydeli e ering ch rgeof n Training Establishment. tIe that the mission foundc- rrsults ofriover indulgence in, A daughterofthlaeDrc ryr.MialcnraMti- offthCanada Lt.'. the sale off coats and drse.hèesafn rpbighr Speaking off Cartain Fra.!ed h Gencral Bootb grew be- alcobol anr]drruigr,' Captainjand Mrs. Levi Brunt the for- .ccou Vice-PrMdnl1t. Mvrfrl ers. uMi isrtre ncharge offtne cou- \esLuoraof' Canada s--.. bot _____ ai Murhy: Scetrs, Mrs.1 orm %e n Jîne 2. 1962. ren's encareftio herMs. hd rzgnpste.Mr ser's years off service with theryond expectationFlrae ri-nr u. ela cc u_______wer etin e "Io 1878 tiis Chri5taf .~ok'ofteSavto rysiEnniskîî]en and attended AuJlILIG .7. C.Nowlan: 'rcastirc*n, Mrný.. lw ahrnofth Helen Carden, Mrs. Ade eso oird i espo s io became tlbp alvatuo)n activitics for- vrin2 peoffle mzhool there. In 1922 she mar- RCAYrdAconat IenJa.' ac onîlo DgîcnCuci.M.ComIMri. .. n Ms ay tetr î lNetc ulig il Armny. and m1ltiit ladties 'The Sals'ation Armv gives! Cried Robent D. Preston 3er93 ari.. an amme ofte rneWî].ad qi-tazns os were adopter],,xith uîofornis, worniçoequal oPpotuoitic1 jpredecea.sed ber in June, 1960.1 233861 enSteeMs-cenT ot. M s'. 1'.bogonrt. nla 16,Osaa.a d eV-. Jsi a-,PM:Ms V epie oi rvd INDOI V/O ALLV ads nd623-3t861cao]stts M wfe a a________________ - n Heor s, Mr1. aalmember off the 0F ema Gr. es ayr, P.MadMs o amj~ua~ecvr ýaantthe evils off the dav- triionr]Salvatiui Arrny Offi- r.Prso hdrsie-t MHenryRIHL WAERkWllcs nd M r~. W. 2VH a as im e lVman GcardP.M.. were //EAED ROMS RE' apin ~j Fraser otentioncil cor inManitoba hefore oîR.R.3, Bowmianville for 25 & CO. Prrin d tm rClu ofof thaof taicentaan fuilre.Cai usfo N O G Q E A àc A T ~ i C e recen t article on G neral na niage. O u r h osp ital sup e ars. B ef fore com in g to Iis C a &eed C O n anP a er etî în prr înl"94Mns s e 'la cau tab e w re M s. lor-detios William Booth ptîblishec] irinteodenîsare svomen, and resided at Enniskiilen, and at O728-7527oppin Centre be t.lest i], hseih-ag f h ~~~1th Radr'EDget.whîc1tt we bave a oibrofflar aMrePrst72a8as-7h5aShppn7CnteHe is survived by his wifeeceNitutPM: rs A .YoU te ReaerpDiesact'ont. s.lage tirne Mr. and Mrs. Preston -..-Cs ta Presiclent (2owlcs ar]lle lagtrGldsFyeSie, r.RseAgr liv/NSin SakofcthwagrECa',werk ehabaccoam-a-Thter Saadationce Nors ten- Pear o taier greap khe accoun Theo nialvaio rmsspr-îvdinSsatwnfor a LEONARD JAMES BROOKS the opw exccut., ,and aller d -. aodWodad FayMs elen Cr ouoxaMse L CRc plished in helping thc unfar- itu8.1 aod social wnrk makes tny period. She was a Chartered Accountant ýon the ncsv pncciclent to take ToMs.Hrolad tWoonsBir d o Jlrtb eeoru a tunpte in the slums off F.g- na distinctiono of class, colorýn, ember off Trînity United Trustee in Bankruptcy the ch-air. Mr. Cowulcs thank - aTrontoand offonsille:ala rLola FMreeman landl, and talc] off hi,- rier- or cecd. These cannot lieCburcb, Bowmanvilie. Suite 205W 725-9953 er]Ille iimbmhcîs for honorin aand hd Jack fB Wmavle ooad- __ _ Mrs.Ll Femn mination Ia overcome ail oh- hbarriers foi- membersbhp or. Tihe deceased's chef inter-1 Oshtawa Shopping Centre hr îý election io off BowmganillJck stce ýservice in the army. Across ets centred around er ho mne WM . J. . CO G N office. and asked for ficr con- M o m si sî~ieca o Churc, Bowmanville came Io Canada, ani-it firsi are represente].' Captaîn Fra- health permitter] she taok an Second Floor Mrs. Chîs2hotun PAur] ,r iv oe brother Elwaod Off' Tilling. Loyd Peel,Kla AN came ta Bowmanville 81 yasSi ri.Ho mentianer] that'active part in community af- New Library Buildig eean wene appoitrco-LdavOn.Hwsped-esadlo-eSel.Le Salvtion Army matuer] Sp akîn off bis wn b ck- any e rijo ab tle b o w or KngYAL e, F R LANDE R î.ýv nrs frye o spta l B1, o r ed fr m te M rrs F n n l hc he d c ae a e a g o , C a p ta n F r a s e r t l c] th e a l a re u o te d in s p i -itu a l a - ' fa i - S e a t c l r h b y C r i g & T m e a c t . s e ~fr t e - o p ta o - c e a se r] b y tw o b r o th e rs , J a m e s l W o o d w a rd a o c] W a rr e nW o - Rotaians. He said that as thei jectivs. "vas gardening aond she spent Phone 623-3612 Ig PBanquet Io bclie hin in St.laoc] Stanley, ward. n ra c - Rel E at Salvation Army m.torcphseaainglifohismoon aSut- The funerallserviceworvasnEvidenceTeoffnthelesteeicinwKlngviStnEeBof the lst sp dta rnany counitries crounci Captaîn IFraser said îng there among the beautîful & COMPANY wihteC.,i aeig hpl omnicon M'ere hchthe many heauifu lra ffcRaiee Iprouahoutthe world. btbs abrwa agli- Plants aod flowers resulting Chartered Accountants T va leiedt bv adyAri 2tat2pi. ar tiuts «'Itgives me encourage-* ter off Salvation Army par-'from lier expert canie. Lcn1dTrsee Icb e cidd aeann ]. al day, conducthted2 Re. .J.nd rbtermn a nth o-635616359 INrg n ment ta know that the SaIlva_, ents, anc] ber grandparents Mrs. Preston is survived by In Bankruptey 28. Mrs. J. Hgervo ri was rmpon off tedb . s Angi-anviermet aitEr_____ 16 TEMPERANCES. tion Army bas given nationals wcre also Satvationists. "My two daugliters and] five sons, 64 King St, E. 728-7371 28. --_Mr-_s.A.______________________ofSt._ohn'________________mtery lT-in a ntîmber of counîtries, father was ain Anglican. 1le Mrs. G. Anderson (Blanche) ___ Oshawa, Ontario * IdlJaan ndotesmomr the Salvation Arm'y af- off Oshawa, Mrs. Everett Kirk WLSN BROS 9sf1àj1 W.1:à sigbt off thei- own affai rs1ter meeting my mother. Tbey (Ruth), Nova Scotia, Allan off hrerdAcounitants This, has fosterer] the inter- are bath active Salvationists Oshawa, Stuart, Lloyd, Maur- 14KngS a stshAwaOt _____________________________ ___- tdy. ', ice and] Ray, aIl off Bowman-latnn orfering atai servacaini ile1 Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. BEST BLI'! Save 9c! Pork In Tomato Sauce 15-oz. Tins BEST BUY! Save 34c! 2 f ak.. 15u ii or ailngCapai Fiase sad~Also surviving are two sis-' G. Edmod Bui-rows, C.A. * ~~~~that lie was 16 ycars aid when ters and one brother, Mrs. Poe7875 __ 623-5589 i be recciver] the Divine comn- Ettie Page, Enniskillen, Mrs. HLPRI&O RY BOWMANVILLE pulsion tai dedicate his liffe ta Frank McGill (yteTr HArte re KIN A CconatàO K BA.7~ 1 C u o o d io $ T A L ~ ~~~~~~~~te cause of Christ. He talc] onto, and Mr-. Arthur Brunt of King tret A caste BSBU!ae c!SahtioSpgetn 1-o, ESBY!ae1e Clud__ 7Thîs Thursday and Friday, April 29 and 30 found satisfaction and ja oy Tefuea sric a working in teSalvation Tefn -sriews98-20BS U!Sv 0! pget rSahtii-6o. BS U!Sv 4 %'Invitation to a G nih Canada. Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sat- 725-6539 R*R s "I pprciae srvig a urday, Aprîl 24tb, aond was William C.Ha11,91,B.Comm CA at05 ' IR se M a in olr apptinreci ofeiervin s onducted by Rev. W. K. David G. Perikn, C.A.____te lM a garineronioR Stin CloByr BwalvilndmyficerioHouslanden off Trinity United Starrng Yu Bryner Bornanvlle, nd inthis way Churcli. j njj B ______________________________ serve Gar] by îninistering ta o ra 4!Si-ic EST BUY! Save Ie! Monaeh ouc Pa social and spiritual needs i Many beautîfful floral tri- 1'i __pr__ccET UY av le Special Children's Show Saturday 2 p.mi. !thse cornmunity," the speaker butes attester] ta the esteem G. EDWIN MANN. .. , stater]. Offic h dcaedws c iorco M gc B yDiscussing thse bandage Ofoff held.oo s s C K sin, Captain Fraser saîr] that Pallbearers, ail nephews off 15 Elgin St., cor. off Horsey St.,I- Fulllenghý arton ithere is not any hope for per- the deceaser], were Messrs. DhIlone 623-5509 - Fui IegthCaroonfeature in color marient ameodment without a Har-y Preston, Fred Preston, Office Hours: By appointment kk4.I change off heart. but lie cm- Donald MeGill, Carl Brunt, PCAL SE CTD HO E JU Y-BRN D Saturday May i to Tuesday May 4 ~~~greatest sinners can be saved Page._______ R. .RU LLDDS.1 T1 iT ne omlet sowat :3Ir habits. 75 King St. E. Bawmanville I ""THE CARPETBAGGERS" Victorian terras used by thelZMON 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. dailyOUD l George Peppard, Carroll Baker Salvation Army. But what Closer] Saturday and] Sunday R ,dur àeiltiNce better terrn couIc] be user] than On Api-il 6th, Mr. aond Mrs. Office Phone - 623-5790D in Ulo¶?EÏKE C" tIse word 'saver]'? Victims offBer-t den Ouden opened their Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261: ~ Colr F.u 5n3. lmwarelothome for the cmuit e dR.c . ATA, ..STEAK or ROAST-BRNETH and society, are îiteralîy ae Williams and ffarily, who are Office SPECIALLY SELECTED - BONELESS W EEDE OpeingWed, ay fo 8 ay "GLDFNC;R" in ail these ways, aoc] areaso moving not too far fi-rn Port 75 King St. E. Bowmanville; Opein We.,Ma 5 or8 dys"GLDFNGR" saver] in a higher, noe Perry. Zion will certainîy Office Hours: ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ sese. ms them, and ta show ur 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily ,- ________________________________________ I sincerely believe that the appreciation off their stay anc] Closer] Saturday and Sunday RM OSS8 __belffpulness 10 every way pos Telephone: ,Office 623-5459 silacofffee table aoc] DR. E. W. SISSON - ETALÂS RS IC rnatching end step-table, plusi L.D.S., D.D.S. afloral cnrpee were pre-i Office in bis home K E I I sent o them by Mr. Jirn 1100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville !t U U Stainton, Frank Sohil Jr. aoc] Phone 623-5604 RN DC UK5 7 1 nýJoanne den Ouden. The ad- Office Hours: _______________________________________ Int roduct ry VI !edbMsRse ar.t L al H ee gwith 11E a s t e r Kinig St. W. Bowmanvilie I I mIA Lemnon FilIed Buns....45 anBed.....loa5C F i 'Phouglits," afftcn which Rev. Phones : Office 623-5688 _____________________________________ O R A N G E JU IC ECata presented aclearer sum- Res. 623-5553 FROZEN FOODS SpenFa: -b 1mary off chapters 5, 6 andc] E.- RICH- ARD-L-- EKI- Made from Juice of Tree-Ripened Florida Oranges M e~roe~ nnigte Bar-ister - Solicitor .., a Risn Pies 3cKre on... En'o htFeh DlcsFaor meaning. u Thank you, Mn. Kn Phono 987-4633 ppean aii-Pe thatFreh, eliicu FlvorCatto. Hours: 9-5:30 - Wcd., Sat., 9-1 __ Vitamin "C" for the Entire Familyl Nîrs. Gerry Glasptaîl aond STRIKE and STRIKE *,. LsisSA.BrnkNoi Mrs. Nelsons Fice continuer] Barnistrs, SoliSitor1 NEW LARGER 32-OZ. BOTTLE SAVE 10C with the Easter theme in the Notaries Public well1-plaîsned wonship pcriod.! W. R. Strike, Q.C. ,try1luiq fu ther enhancer] by the table A. A. H. Strîke. B.A. l centrepiece, a beautifful Easter Edwrd C Wianges The bake sale project pin-v 40 King St. W. - BowrnvihirNo Ha c ',d ta lbewothwhile. aoc] fin-,-______________623-5791__California ances were boîsterer] consicler-' eepoe 6-59 SPECIAL'---M M379ab Al bale contents t e'addi o ae ta hMaoyigae ALUMINUM IICEBERG LETTUE 5 Summer church services ta Phone 1 r 1If; stat a! 10:30 ar. First Mortgage Funds W N CH I caîl is answei-ed, please give Business PropertiesPOYROLN WEBNT ND R CN4fo39 huave mte] that wthen railsiden1o e -farmsyI DARYesting stox-v on "Tinidar] T- Optoretist PL GR VRE & W H T day," wbich winds uo) oui- 143 King St. E. - Bowrnanville, AD ÀR ,riu y ~ studv on this island. -'Office Haurs: By appoîntment C R IH E HT PHONE 623.5444 ~~~Mav meeting ta lie held on Telephone 623-3252 C N S ' E H T r n PHNE63-44 a1.Pi-agiarn. Mrs, Harr1o.- ~Tues. - Thurs. -9 Fri.ke~4meJiu 9KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Fi-sher, Mrs- F B. Glasnicîl and; Mn.9 a.rn. tas5 p.rn.- PECK'S RED & W ITru Eum* a 0L~ouuo Mrs. Will Hasiuk; Social, Mrs.' Thursday evenings Haa&m,. Mrs. Tom SobiL. Wed. and Sat. - 9 - 12 i