14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, May 12, 1085 IniflLzz______ DEA DLI NE FOR (LASSIFIED. Births CANFIELD-JiIl, Jackie and Jainet are happy ta annaunceý the arrivai of their baby brother, Paul George, on Fni- day, May 7, 1965, at the Osha- wa General Hospital. Proud parents, George and Ruth. 19-1- GEDDES-Jahn andi Karen (nee Barabali) wish ta an- nounce the bith o! a daugh- ter, Shelley Lynne on Friday, Apnil 23, 1965, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile. 19-1* GORHAM-Ron and Rota (nec Qibson) are very happy ta announce the safe arrival o! a baby daughter, Lorri Avril Jayne, 5 lbs. 3 ozs., on Thurs- day, Apnil 29th, 1965, at the Oshawa General Hospital, a wee sister for Karen, Rod and Grog. Our deepest thanks ta Lorri's aunt and oncle, Ralph andi Muriel Melanson andi Nana and Grandpa, Mn. and Mrs. Laverne Souch. 19-1 JOSE-Francis and Erla are happy ta announce the arrival of their chosen baby son, Gar- don Francis, a brother for Paye. 1- PEARCE-Doug and Wanita annaunce the arrivai of their son William Douglas, a broth- er for Amnne, May 9, 1965, at Branson Hospital, Wîllowdale, Ont. 19-1 SPENCER - Garth and Mar- garet Spencer, Burlmngton, are happy ta announce the birth of their daugbter Laurel Eliza- beth, 6 lbs., on Tuesday, May 4, 1965. First grancichilci for Mns. M. Edwards and great,- grandchilci for Mr. and Mrs. Aricles for SalI RIDING lawn mower, Phone 263-2413. 75 BUSHEL manure sprea No. Il. Phone 263-2623.1 WATER for sale andi delivei Call Cli!! Petbick 263-2131 .3 STEEL fom iand stops garage pit. Phono 263-25. W ATER for sale and ddouvei 24 boum service. Caîl 623-5' 2! 800 BAGS Sebago potat( Phono Bethany 72 r 41 afte P.m.__ 1__ SIX-piece dinette suite, r electric washing machi Phono 263-2081.---- l DRIED corn, $57 per ton, Fi Browvîew Farm. Cal Brown, 623-2523.1 SENA'IOR Dunlop strawbeý plants, $2 per hundred. Manning, Kendal, 1! "ACE" electrie washing r chine, practically new. C from Friday, 623-7295. 1i '49 INTERNATIONAL %4t two cookstoves, ane with burner; two tires and whe( 6.70xl5 size. Phone 263-20 19. 500 BUSHELS Rodney oa grown froni second generat registered seed, 82c bush Moreland Farm, telepho 263-2778. 1É KAISER aluminuni siding 20 year guarantec - adds resale value. Windows, doc awnings. Lamne AllUn, 1 Prn St., Bowmanville. hE USED washer parts, 1/ h mators. Complote lino Beatty, Thon andi Crosley a pliances. Paddy's Marki Hanmpton, 263-2241. 12. R. B Clak. 1.1*INSULATION, blowing met _______od, with rock wool. Wor mansbip guarantecti. F r WALKER-Mr. anti Mrs. Doug estimates. Harry L. Waé Walker are happy ta announco Phono Ncwtonville 786-225E the arrivai of their daughter, j8 Judy Vouma, 8 lbs. 3 ozs., bomn 38 et Memorial Hospital, Bow-1 SPRING plants, annual ai manville, on Tuesday, Ma perennial, fu varîety veg 4th, 1965. A sisten for Dean.talsnifoes;pioa 19.1* anti cemetcry arangenienl _______________________Mrs. Williams, 81 Hunt StreE Deaths 118- BOUNSALL, Annie - At Me- late Mrs. Gibson will be sol marial Hospital, Bowmanville, privatoly at hem residcnc on Monday, May 10, 1965, Clarevilla Apts., Newcast] Annie Cox, widow a! the late King St., betwecn 7 anti Gus Bounsaîl, in hem 89th year, p.m. on May 13, 14, 15. 19. bclovcd mother o! Mrs. H. L. BLONDE conibination 21"TI Godidard (Noîl) of Bownian-raianreodpyr,$0 ville. Resteti at the North-_ramo nbdsrec; ord player,$1 cott and Smith Funcral Home.bo kbeids $50; ouhbe 1 Funerai service was helti at $18;, hl' arrb,$ 2:30 o'clock Wednesday after- baby carniage, $10; bassinetti naon. Intonment Bownianville $12; doîl carniage, $10. Phor Cenietcry. 19-1 987-4372 after 5. 19- OFFICE Equipment - TypE CRYDEMAN-t Memnial tens, atiders, cashiers, dupt' CRYDRMA -At emoialcators, choque writens, file Hospital, Bowmanville, onl fumniture. We boy, soU, rn Sunday, May 9, 1965, Helen service. Largest stock, bucigi Wilbur Cryderman, in ber ternis. New and useci. Law 67tb ycar, daughtcr o! Ida overhead, low pices. Bi' Margaret Crydermnan anti th"- Hamilton, R a gl1an (Nant' late Arthur Crydennian, sistor Oshawa). 28-1 nf r p. n ±4t.VO, Vi **Lf* t- VU, DCdLÂ iL (deccaseci) andi Byron. Serv- ice was held in the Marris! Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville i on Tuesday at 3 o'clock. Inter ment Bowmanville Cemctlery. 19-1 GIBSON, Ellen Eva-Ai marial Hospital, Bowmas on Tbursday, May 6, Elien Eva Gibson, widc the late Wmn. H. Gibsoi dean mother o! Harold, lace, Newcastle; Herbent, inanville; Donothy (Mrs. H utton) of Brampton an late Charles o! Oshaw hem 9lst ycar. Rested E Nortbcutt anti Smith Ft Home, Bowmanville, noon, Saturday, May 8th, ta St. George's Ari Church, Newcastle, for s at 3 p.m. Intennient George's Cemetery. MITCHELL, Flamenco T.] On Sunday, May 9, 19E hrresidence, 225 Rossel Rd., Toronto, widow of!. N. Mitchell. Mother of G. A. Adanison and Mrs. Gallie. A family serviCe hled on Monday, May 10, SPROULE, Nanman Jamg Kendal-at Memonial Hos Bowmanville, an Monday, 10, 1965, Narman Spmoule bandi o! the late Ella Ten dear brother o! Selina Virtue), Tomonto; Flo (NMrs. William Greenw lKendal-, Ethel (Mrs. W. Bi o! Burketon, in his 82nd ]Rcsting at the Barlow Fu JHome, Orono, for servie 'T'busday, May 13 at 2 Interment Orono Cemete, WILSON-At Memonual 1, l.Bowmanville, oui1 dy,May Il, 1965, Dar<ý hWilson, agoti 60 yeans, bel husband o! Beatrice L.b land, R.R. 2, Orono. Rt nt the Morris Funeral Ch Bowmanville. Service in chapel on Tbursdaya o'clock. Interment 0 r Cemetery. i __ Flowers FLQWER SHO: 43 King St. W. FNERAL ARRANGEME HO0SPITAL ARRANGEMI WEDDING BOUQUETI Coamtes and 04 M2-7141 Alter ««» 623-2184 W. send Flowemn by Win anywher-e~L~ U. Me- anville, 11965, 0oW of n andi 1,Wal- LAWSON love seat, coniplete !y rebuilt and ecavene i i nylon freize, colon olci rosi $100. Also dunette suite, lin. ed oak, including china cal: inet, table with centre leaf four chairs, patideci in pink leathenette, $90. TelephonE 623-2968. 19-1 TV TOWERS $50 up OSHAWA c. m TV SUPPLY LTD. nd the 361 Gibbon St. fiai 728-8181 va, in Day or Ng- Bl esPo at the Ngt BiLasPo luneral SAYmtrse,40-t: until SAYmtrsefronr , thon $39.95; Soaly continental bec iglican with heati board $65.00, IC ervice year goarantoc; sandwich cot< It St. for the cottage, froni $24.50; 4. 19-1 tira w er chcst, unpainted $16.95. Tratie-in becis and mat- tresses, chesterfieltis andi tele- illey-. vision; '59 Pontiac handtop, nc )65, at rust. Murphy Fumniture, 4' ýl ilKing W., Phone 623-3781. f Mrs._________9- A. E. .e was CEDAR TREES 11965. FOR HEDGES, ETC. 191 WHITE BIRCH les, o! Ail Sizes - Nice Clusters )spital, , May Rails - Fence Posts rinnt, and Poles (Mms. Ail Lengths orence good), Caîl SMITH ryan) Newtonville 786-2283 Collect 1year. moeral 16-4 ce on p.m. MAY IS rBEDDING MONTH -AT - Has- Tue.- R UTHERFORD'S cos- loved FURNITURE mdore- O hw esting O h w hapel, CONTINENTAL BEDS ,n the opeefm a! 2 Cope.ta ono $28.88 19-i - ROLLAWAY COTS Sprlng-tllled, f rom )p - $19.88 r IBUNK BEDS Complote, tram ENTS $54.88 ENTS SERTA - SEALY - SIMONS irs Spring-filled MATTRESSES troua $24.87 FURNITURE LTD. 'A 156 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ý 1 : ky 1 ATTENTAONSI-JK- -----Xga-rage. A s ki n g -81 <'00- oadeds wtl tt i ngiany aicla- SE rK CON RO ER Bow Bgg Fr"Deadstock Service Have Us Check Ternis. boatiswit a inig aea &OR MACH. Brwn osF. *HgotCs rcsfrDa orCrfr5 Rooineti brick building on Divideti basenrient. Storms anti Top Quality Prie Sed orn 275ShemanN. Hmilon nd ripledFar Stckmain street with store on main semeens, fruit cellar anti other Ilighest Yieids ln 1964 Prd edCon 25SeraN-Hmitn adCrpldFrmSok Smm rDiig floor anti living quartiers up extras. Only anc left at LI-9-6594_ 1 BURRETT FUR FARM u mrDing staîrs. Onîy $2,000 down. $16.394 less $500 Wintcr Works Recommended Vaficties ___________ i -- -- - 1-8Bonus. Chp anC e i - -- Phono Long Distance Engine Tune-up NEWTONVILLE, 8 oomeci Want a new home built this GUARANTEED PUI'PY Atrazine & Atraoil ~Nanted to Rent th 66550 (no charge ta YOU) Brakes - Exhaust Systenu brick home, completely ren smn.Cm ntdy W RAE O IES Dep. Ani. Lc. o.35165 Battiery - Ignition System ovtt. AI'oe on- bave six lots roady for buildi- Dealer 'FOUR-rooni apartnient. Phone ___________ 4-tfTie veniences. Extra lot inclutiet. ing on Prospect Street. Those CUSTOM 623-5755. 1ires Any offer considercd. homes will be built by Osha- GERALD BROWNI TWO.--mo pmtetna Cash on the Spot Alil Work Dane bv ie ius-Cîy~.Wo rdc ayu SEED CLE NINGJ C l62-53Sehool. Write Past!for Dead or Crlp pied Farun Lcead eha!uDonald MonntJoy 623-3614 seiiain fyuatnw Fertilizers Cail 621252 Office Box 582, B w nanvillo. Stock. Piked up promptly. Gu1elin - 633 15'Po ete Urgently Requred 1O L P R O E 17319-1 Telephone coiiect 263-2721 1 u Wersae Or2no3149 orspFORlng RushES Roorns for Rent Pino Tuning 'Margwill Fur FarmI Mr&. 1.IJorgenson -997-4491 List Todayv Ceresmore Farrns ILARGE bedroom, centrallyPIANC Tuning A rtbh u r TYROSE 85 King uwmanville Lamne C. Duf 723-2728, Evenings: 7f Ilocateti: abstainer. Telephone;Collison. Phone 623-3900.,., Licence No. 389-C-65 Phone 623-3134 Roum Daviduon - Bethany 3r3iP. Kowai e 58i J23710or 623-5811 623-3939. 19-1' 8a i -ti 19-11 19-1 19-1 la-tg 1 -Jouu% Tuesday, 4:30 P;mi-ï-ý', e Articles for Sale Help Wanted ' Cars f or Sale ktoom and Board !Real Estate for Sale IReal Estate for Sale Real Estate fo6r Sal1i 26"-. GUERNEY gas stove.PhnFEAEhpwatdApl '52 CHEV., body in good con- \Vanted a D!FIVE-room house, 34 George NINE acres, $400 -an ar 19-1 623-5710. -.-____ 19-1 South Haven Nursing Home, dition. 132 M 5 Orono, best ROO ad oad antdYor ' S. St., Bowmanville. Cash or Maple Grave, near Highwa3 ader MIXED dry hardwood. Will Newcastle. '634 BoffeA. NE, 1and boadDl TaJ terms. Apply at above ad- No. 2. Phone 623-2147. 18-: 19-1delver Phoe BacktockMAL, bicklyers hl 6 yl. stnd-one gentleman. Telephone RLeal Estate J.LU rs. 73FURr unaoi 623-5988. __Ponelackt9-1MALE______________________i____s.17 3 986-4737. ____ 19-1 Cail L. J. Boisvert, Newton- adcneriarnt, 16235988 '9--1299 Simcoe St. S. - sawa 1- meiate ossessigon. ,A re 2-tf two kitehen sinks, $5. Phone TRUCK driver, -chauffeur's '59 METEO-R Montcal-m,two- de i ybouse, dvied inagaprtc ELETTEBO 91 î-623-5056. _____19.1* 'licence required. Telephone door hardtop, AI condition. ILbaby-st chilre- - Lhue iiddioarg bic i57. UTILITY trailer,-two Whe- __ftr__pm. 1 Phone Orono 1649. 19-1* owfl home while mote ments bninging a revenue rof 135 Acres, close ta Newton- W. Frank.RealEste*. 19-1 equipped with necessary lights, ATIM amunc driv- - works: five-day week. Caîl $410 'monthly. Large land- ville-, fair buildings, 67 acres re,$40. Phone 623-2308. 19-1 Pr-TIME bua ncer1 e 16 HEEL 2d.bad 2326.-_ -1 scaped lot, located in a good workable, g oo d s t re a m.LIJE i76. _____ er i godco -fatte. nter3-31.Y19r-top, atMr.Eai,pow3r5te0r.-MOUNTJOY Backhoe Service area. Full price $33,000. 1$20,000 - $3,000 down.17 br S.Bomnil 756.f ROTiO-TeniL ER ngoh o-aaae hn 2321-n.Ms .Lar,6350._Trenches, drains, foundations Mem-bers Oshawa and District I 3 Bedroom bouse with extra17 hrh t.BomniI 9-tf. ition, engine7overhau.e 19-ast PU MBE fr thBuiness manor-- and septic tanks dug and Real Estate Board ilot in Newcastle. $10,5001- 623-3393 oes smmr, 25 78-166 1-1tuntyfo te rgh mn.1953 PLYMOUTH, excellent backfilled. Caîl 986-4737. 19-1I $3,000 down. Member Oshawa and District er 6 NEW Holland manure spread-GolPlbigad etngbdv good running order, ___1- ____ 19-1 er, 125 bushel capacity, P.T.O. 1987-4223......19-1 g___tirs, $5._Bll___ 2 0 Acres with large river, on1 Real Estate Board -e Wilbert Bresett, caîl 728-0624.FUL time waitresses, dis-Ooo irs,7. BiSHrad, RP tools work better.ac cr 35 Highway. 10Ar tc am on dish Oroo906.A19rePrsinoshkrs, awskn8vs, T. D _______19_2____her ad jito.ApyPuin hasswkiv, JckR ar A large number of good blouse, barn. Orono area. Ex- 59 ________ 92wsr n a r pl METEOR Montcalm, 4-dr., scissers, plane irons, chiscîs. REALTOR'bidn lots. Ail prices. ieln au t$450-$,0 .9-1 KEYS eut automatically, whilevoyageur Restaurant, Wav- V8 automatic, radio, good con- F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St.. Bow- building Steen. vaue at $14,500 - Lsting4,Ooa roï yau wait, at McMullen Hard- eniley Rd., Bowmanville_ 17-3 dition: $800 or best offer. manville. 184*71S.EBwanil eNe Lsig on G. ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman-, AVONCO6SMETilCS Phone 623-7032. 191 ---_-AND-- ----I 623-25031 Money ta Loan on M( Acres ncar Orono with 175ville. 3-tf bas apening in the AIRd6 B--L1ýAoe Payne, Excavating, 75ea Fine earnin_________ Wconci '55 BEL ARsd6 2-door, ao, Dragline, Cellars, BUILDING LOT on Prospect First Mortgages apple orchard. Good bouse ýrBUYING or selling furniture enings, conveni72-966 radio; 65,000 miles. Mechani- Trenching, Trucking. Gravel - St., Bowmanville. 45' x 137', Vera Krishko 30Acdbres $2ith00modem bn R. ai appliances, cali Elmer, 1 or. hn 2996 caîîy' excellent, needs body Pit run or crushed. 34 stane de- $3,000. Newtonville 786-240130Arswtmoenb- 9-t Hampton: business 263-2294 -1. work. Phone 623-3583. 19-1* liver"d. Newtonville 786-2512. JANE STREET. Attractive 1ga]ow.Lag hke hos naresidence 263-2695. 6-tf TWO part time clerks ta work 63 BUICK LeSabre 4-dr. 17-4: 3 bedroom brick bungalow. j ecsl -9736 with roam for 4,000 chickcns. ma- n grcerystor. Wrte - Separate dîning raom, living __l19-1Near Bowmanville. $24,000 - ,ail STRAWBERRY plants (Red ngceyso.WrtAd- automatic, power equippedAý 1R omwt irpae udor$ 0 on cot aairadSakevertiser 622, c/o Canadian îow mileage, radio, whitewall .'..' 'e oudor 16,00 'wn $2.50 per 100. K. Reitsma, Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- tires. $300 down, take over patio, large finished rec. raom. 350 Acre stock farm, New- ton Phone 1177, Onono. 182 anville. 19-1 pyet.Cl 623-2816 after Hea ing L 21,ER 0. Terms. tov-l re.Goad brc où 18-2* 1 M _____ _ _- fe-Plm i & hAsking$21,800. Ire brHc BOOKKEEPER with typing,,8 p.m. 19_1 1LBRTIT NEAR CON- bouse, large barn, second bouse ýes, Nigr rn hmcl ui iei asbe rt 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville CESSION. Storcy and a haif E for help. Estate sale. Terrifie Adetsr 2,cohome with anc bedroom on RA7 value. Only $48,000 - Terms. 95. SPRAY MATERIAL Avrie 2,coCndinFrR n R I E F C first floor and two up. Large E 2Arener apeGa, 1-4* for Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow-1 living roam, plusres separate rove ________ 19-1THREE-room apantment aai iing r Spacipus sprt 5ts, Orchard - Grain - Vegetabies avle 9ial oc1 hn 2-1 PLUMBING & HEATING dn graom. Saiu kitch-'- partly waaded land. Good io We SrysWOA t ive in, prepare191Poe6354 en. $13,500. Terms.1 TTTtA'UYws dse; oote 191Phn 2334 CROOKED CREEK. Three; 120 Acres with 9 moomn brick Terms. >ne JIM WRGHT bousework. For elderly gentle- ORCHARD for ent, 45 well iP.O. Box 1599 bedroom home on 2 acres of bouse, 4 piece bath and ail 10 Acre lots near Taunton 9-1 HILLCREST ORCHARD man. Phone C. T. Miller, pruned ti-ees. Phone Orono 178 Ontario St., Bowmanviie land in the village. Sehool on furnace. Large barn withi and Maple Grave. $5,500 - - Mill St. South Newcastle Orono 169. _ 19-1 3 r 19).182bs anj$,0 o . ta 19-8 ---__ _ ___ y82 edge of propcrty. Asking bydro and water,buhad$,0don )rA QUALIFIED pat-time mus- SMALL apatment, immediate Contract Carpentry $7.500. Easy terms. goad strcam. Beautiful loca- 156 Acre Dairy Farip.,near nc aeo orad i uevsrfrNewcastle possession; esn:l.Poe EAI - CBNT NEWTONVILLE. Vcry a-to overlooking Lake Scugog. Oshawa, 10 roomn brick and mc aeo orad Public Sehool. Apply, stating 623-2330. 19.1 * DON SPENCER tractive bungalow on large lot Asking only $25,000 or offers. stucco hoose, barn 401 x 115'. 8-2 LATEX hourly rate expected, ta Mr. THREE-beýdroo sei-etah-onedteofthevilag. Alaerts.streamn. HOUSEPAINT Ed. Barchard. 192c os nBw avlp83311 canveniences. Asking $12,000. COMMUTER'S FARM; 70 $69,000 - Ternis. REoTRfnrenqie, hn 2-41 9I1- Terms. 'acres witb 10 rooni bouse, 4- 75 Acres scenie Lake Scugog Elp 5for4 ai S le 10Acrirew farm near Orono. Ipiece bath and ail furnace, farm, ahl gooci land, good iep- 5$o aitSl 4,500 - $5,000 per annum.1 APARTMENT,-opstairs, thrce TANKy ew 3 bedroom bun- large bank barn, near Black- buildings with four bcdroom etu gl.orqs of Moorgard Accomodation can bc ar- rooms, furnisbed or unfrnsh S PTC AN glo incloded. Ail con- stock. Sclling for the price of bouse, batbroom.Askng ý_f adreccive anc extra can nanged. Apply South Haven i.d etd hn 2-99 eine. Pitd brs os!Ol 1,0 n 2,0.Ak rk R E! iu1in7Hm,-4waslc after 5- p.m.__ 19-1 Streani. This is a good sale- terms. Bowmanvilie - Liberty St. ce Ofer ood til ay_____- THREE-room apartment withý WHITEWASHING STABLES able prapcrty and will nat $70 per manth carnies prin-IRanch bungalow with attach- de, OTHER MOORE PAINTS AT WOMAN qualified ta mnake bath~, ao main street, Orono BRTTOVIKIS last long. Only $35,000 with cipal and interest for this 6 cd double garage. 2 batbraoms. 6. REDUCED PRICES custorn drapes, work ta be Private entrance, hcavy wir-BE T OM KN $12.000 down. roarni I '-storey home; beauti-irec. room aLd bar. Lot 76' x t!don-, at home. Write Adver- ing. Available about dune îst. ý Phone Newtonviiie 786-2552 100 Acre farm ini Newton- fully decoratcd; 4-piece bath 1200'. $155 507-Ternis. -_t McMVULLEN tiser 624, c/o The Canadian Phone 11815.19* Cali Colleet 41-tf Iville area. House in good and ail fumnace. $1,500 down. Courtice - Exceptionaîîy ndStatesman, P.O. Box 190, TR omsl-cnandcondition witb 3-piece bath. oncnrPr en.Cî fine brick 3 bedroom ranch e- HARDWJARE Bwavic 19-1 apartment irn Bowmanville, Free Glass Tumbler, Good barmn. Only asking now bungalow, lot 105' x 160', nec- ts, hon 62-548 YUNG wamn fr bby-near Shopping Centre, private it17,0 îh$,0 on $65 per month carnies prnieation roomn, covered patio, ts' 36 King St. E. Bowmanivile sitting andi light housekceping; entrance; immediate possession. $2.50) GAS PURCHASE 'ýWiIf HAWKE, Orono 1 R 12 pal, intcrcst and taxes on this12,0 ens arraflged. et ____ 19-1 fu11 time. Please state age, Phone 623-5796. 19-1' 'e ISEL hib 6-14 oey crom hm,2 Lake Scugog - 3 bedroorn - _____ _- exeine and references. THR EE moins on - ontarîojBud's Fina Products Estelle LEASK, 623-5919 pîcce bath and 1 piece bah $5a,50 Trni s.egdlt )dU E R C O SCanadian Saes ,P.O. Box Street, lieated, upstaims. Pas- 149 Liberty St. S. 623-5063 -1~ large lot; near Blackstack. Bawmanville - East Beach, cItr oe25 Disl3-190, Bowmanv-ille.-- 1- session May 15. Newly decor- 103-tfwih8romhoe bedrooni cottage. $1,80o e, -nter. Modehe250 Dieelg3.$60_______ 19 well decorated, modemn kitch- $800 ciown. '~point hitch; Inter. B275 Diesel, WANTED - Man for steady ]y. Phone 623-2147. 18-2 JonF De ih n and 3 piece bath. Barns, StrenLk Trclo ._j with 3-point hiteh; Inter. 460 tae mn consomers inlTW-bedrom frnise-- ot-RALTO chieken bouse, implement 100' x 230'wihsnyba. Bowmanville. Permanent con- ' rpO. secis îl i gooi nepir bshot-000 $l,00 wisn.ybah VGas Tractor, with fast nection with large manu- tage, beated, Lake Ontario; .rfChfgBomniie 4Frn t n d stra ni. Fdronage Of Village0 hoe,00f ourberom 0;hich T 5Crwlrwih acurr.Only reliable bust- coset Bwavi M' iy SEPTIC TANK P.O. Box 1226 7AHgwyna lcktc.btroi albaecoet ci fs rves; eruonMoe 1rconsidcred. Write Rwcnveniences. May ta Novem- ISALAINI Phn 2335 Priccd at only $3 1,500 withsholadcrsradfm !d, fast reverse;gh Dept. E-l40l 31, 4005 ber ]ease, $100 a month. INTLA ONPoe6395 shlan acs rdfom '2085, with 3-pint hitch; Ailis- le623-pt E14-11,405 oris Chai Richelieu St., St. Henry, Mont-62-09 o Toronto Hampton 263-2270 250 Acre farm with good'trns golf course. Hor'e bamn 40' x _1 eqimersCfuiteofna.__ 9I1 16.4* vnecsi os.Eclet frontage near Lake Scugag. Full price $14,500eith tern~ ___- -BACHELOR apt., fomnisheci ild einges.il oem E conULIG OSlib 2'6'wih5ar lvlwn -1eupet MEN or wonien, if you can beated, central; free CA EN R tobacco landi. Asking $29,000. Priceci at only $675 each with Newcastle Moast ne* n find 50 good costomers in aniteeiso cra. d RJY. eri.ternis. bedroom brick ngîo. t l USED MACHINE.i.iYourconxrnunieia. neadltTemy yewlso SItentinl 2-bselPOyour how casilyyoo can iakehw only pefered. Availablei REPAIRS -, ALTERATIONS1 100 Acres with olti log SUIvIMER COTTAGES av- , 6' x 179', utility cd. Asking ýs nntioa Sprea-MastcrPTO y$600 nionthly Jou n mth e l c/o Canadriateadten iT ATI TIPOARDS 85 . sking $7,500. Ternis..ailable variaus locations andianly $15,2D0 - Terng. lsrar;r.621, Ist. Wraia te derser ADDILT ITIUPOS bousAe. Arr ihb pnices, al with ternis. BUY Bownianville - Sunset Roaà. -atr T;est Ail Canadian enterprs PO o 9,Bwanil., cefn wt arn, NWfrSme esn One year aid brick 3 bedronm lw New Idea tractor spreader; the direct selling field. Write P*GORD FLAXMN1be, ousedrive heci;9 roi bungalow. $16,350 - N.H.A. il Ncw Hoiiand tatrsrae;frdtisac catalogue. I~- 9t cd home. Asking $11,000. BUYING or SELLING terris. h Case tractor spreadcr. Famulex, 1600 Deloinier 623-3244 Ternis. CONSULT H. KEITH LTD. Bawmianville - Frederîck 1841 A cio als1.9-R1 100 Acre fanm with bouse, Realtors (Toronto) lAve. - 3 Bedroom ranch bun- SPTO Sceder; Cockshutt, 15- iMniel NTCTT 8 Mselnos t alslarge barn, drive shedi, etc:.846 galow, lot 751 x 175', numerous n 1 iclaeuS.Pu' i u;John Deere, ail three on NIH Chorcb, Wilson Rd. N., Osha-' CUSTOM Excellent view. Asking $18,000 Cail Local Rep: 8649 extras, Bawmanville's finest i Te, Trubb-"'-r" with $300 In or Evenlngs 263-2298 residential area. Act fast on a, i ubrCLL1AJNNG MLAN wa (opposite Powers), 1:30o LAND3CLEARIown 19-1 thîs ane at only $22,900 t-I ~~~p.ni, May 15, 1965. Auctian-Haeyuladcaedoai 100 Acre fanm with good $5,900 down. IMassey 3-furrow plow, 3-point GOOD STARTING WAGE cer, Mr. Cliff Pethick. Ï9-1stbiHae , rushnde., bofhav" buildings. Cammuting distance 1 th;Fr -urwplow; FULLlbuset. y ev froni Oshawa. Asking $25,0. Plr o ,J. al Hanipton - 1 acre land with f, htch;For 3FUrLo BENEFITS 1 duty Brush-Hog Rotary Cutter Tenisterstnewbrik lnonJru. ik Massey 2-furrow trail plwi Fa WEEKLT eY istnwbik ombn l asee3fr1w riFpowr interview Picase For information 10 Acres with beautiful trout REALTOR galow. Barn 14' x 20'. Only .w1 LIVESTOCK SALESý Cali 623-5126 ýstreani. Pond. Asking $4,500.!and GENERAL INSURANCE$100 Tens Phon 62-337e * urha ContySaleAreaj 1-1*i 1Taunton Road East -- Severi COWAN PhoIne 6232373 at rham- Cor u Ss7A0mna DAIRY FARM, 150 acres, as Real Estate Board $1,000 - $2,000 down. CaIM N O MTRHTLSlveg s, e, tSiet. A. TER G a o H oîsten ttie hin0cmy.52 King St. W. 623-24531 Bownanville - King St. E., EQUIMEN CO MOTR HTEL 19-1 CSen se, Ctc . . RidcfUPH LSTElNG a tgin cae.Mit6hachi 2 storey 5 bedroam horaç with Phono 6235689vl1e'GRtEY IRON FOUNDRY - & Son, Sales Managers. l-tf!ýSave Dollars! Have your chcst- Asking $40,000. Ternis. Obw.Lvl eroi3pe ah aua ieae i134 King St. E. 191 RQURES---- rfildand chairs shw.me-upholst-3pc. ahnaualfielae __ h~" cttl, wo nee tt ampes DAIRY FARM, 236 acres as brick bungalow locatcd near,4 car garage, 43%, acre lot. ______0II Ie sw, ee. elmca gaing concern with 55 head G.M. south plant. This is a'!$26,000. Ternis. MOULDERSrr.r al tractars, baler, full line of tknt h oe of Hllastein cattle. Foul une vemy well kept home. Owner! P.SIDE FLOOR a ahnmpoet of BugtTrm rage fîew machinemy. Excellent would trade on Bowmanville Cî 2339 tfREtind Staples Estate, Lot 1WHVTE BROS. UPHOLSTERY buildings. Asking $65,000. home. Asking $13,500. i Aftem 9 p.m.: -SIXTEEN weIl starteci young 1 HEAVY FLOOR and 17, Con. 12, Manvers, one mile 1102 King WV. Phone 2-22Tri.Js itc! Tî -e-KnHei 623-5055 dis hn 2324. 1- east af Highway 35 ta Fleet- 37-tf 6355 0 500 DeKALB puietfive Coremakers woodi Sebool, then U. mile.--- __ - Bowmanvile Homes: nooni bungalow on spaciaus lot Jack Whiteman - 623-381S Sweeks aid. Phone 263-2619. Fuily Experîenced north, Wednestiay, May l9th. » JACK BURGESS 3 Bedmooni bungalow with is just the place ta stant yourPa e - 19-1 $2.22 - $2.41 per houn Ternis cash. Sale at 1 a'clock.i alI modemn conveniences. Bar- family. Situateti on a spaciausPaYe - 623-3077 tEËVEN g ood-pigs;-manume, Sd W Ted Jackson, Ted Spenceley. OIL BURNERS - FURNACES beque in back yard. Asking lot near sehool. Tastef ully iHoward Forder - 655.3853 > delivemeci. Phone 23-2008ork auctianeers. 19-i CLEANED $11 ,400. Ternis. idecorateti throughout. Only !Joe Barnoski - 723-5787 Phone 623-2008.__ $11,000. Ternis arrangeci. Cal i bCopr6z.3, 19-1_ Brown Boggs Fdry. amslAcin;aeo PHN HMTO1 19-1 0 ORregistereti Holstein heif- & MACH. CO. Fn si.Ac o aen HN APO modemn conveniences. Gar- Building lot in North Ward du7n c. ni e. 275 Sherman N. - Hamilton ltwo tractons, baler. full une of26-25 age. Asking $9,800 with oniyonaqitset. prnM rggs Orono 36 r 1. 19-i* 1 LI 9-6594 fa1qinet untr $1,500 down. Special, $2,500. Boy now! ________s -1OLD Hnfr uî !19-8 etc., the estate of the late Bert Mail Address :1---- --- -0fQuinney, selling 1totr-PO ox53 omnii 7 Roometi brick home, ail Older bungalow on Liberty: MORTGAGES are my bus- bneeding age, R. T. Curneîîy,,I SKILLED HELP serve on Saturtiay, May 22, atmoe cnvinesAta-Stetouh This home basli mess; unlimited fonds avail- Wel#-corme_'753-233. 9-rhCanadian Canners Limited bi1lae rsidnce t 5,4Conl YCETVn Tp&XGr DE-eigaag.Nie en o e i o utnheaigpcsai.Fis niscn ot 1