The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, May 12, 196.5 Darlington Council Presents Warden with New Camera Outfit ;hip 'an I )bs.! e Pe Oa VO I up T oUIVR cesatUIs o Stirlng Mass teani, in the * *, WUV5hVI~I1964 Player's 200. A new car, the Griffith, will 1963 attended Carroll Shelby's The Oak Cup Trophy Race CuP Trophy Races on May 'after which hie took ta the Association a nd Canadian î5th at Mosport Park. This track in earnest. ýAutomobile Sports Clubs model, origînally a TVR, made Regional event), organized by in England, bas been fittedi Since then, Dr. Ashwell hasth Oakvlle-Tralalgar Light wih FrdV- egie hih won many trophies in camrpe-'Caer Club, opens the 1965 rac- wtrnsordtVa8fui 271 hrse- titioni and in 1964 received a in eso t Masport. The power. The Oak Cup entry ispcal Goo So rthe manshxp oxra- race prior to the Player's the 56th such model to camelfaward fromtheCar le a-200, it is expected ta attract off the Griffith assembly line. flarLgt a;Cu, a good entry list of high Behind the wheel of the! Another unusual entry in calibre cars. Mosport entry will be Doctorithe Oak Cup event will be a:ý This spectacular r ac in g Thomas Ashwell of Smiths Porsche 904, which is making:event caunts toward the Per- Falls, Ontario, a graduate of i ts third appearance at a Can- formance Competition Award the University of Toronto. The "adan race. This German- !loffered by a group of Ontaria doctar was bitten by the sparts ýbuit car is the fastest under'Clubs who have jaîned togeth- car "bug" in 1960 when he 12 litre car in the world, with er and established a fund of became the awner af a Jaguar la top speed of 155 mph. This $1,100.00 ta be presented ta XK 150. In 1962 he graduat- i s the samne type of car which drivers showing themselves ta ed tan a Jaguar XKE and in1 was driven by Hugh Dibly, a be the most consistent during the 1085 eaien. InsdUoI an award of $500.0e1-Win iii presented by the oIlaa Electronic Euipm axa.- pany for Fôrmula Ve. Cojj- petition, over the season. As an additional attraction the Rootes' Golden Mile eaJ ership will be sponsoring match race for the very f Hiliman Imps, d v b calibre Canadian ra. com p an y is also a e Sunbeam Tiger b course car. The weekend of May 14. at Mosport, promises ta one of the big weekends o the 1965 season. A two-dîty period jam-packed with ex- citement and thrills, it is art event that every auto racing THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLI NOTICE Duùring the Testimonial Dihiner for Reeve A. L. Blanchard, here with the gift, and flanked by, from lef t ta right, Townst warden of the United Counties, one of the highlights was the pre- Clerk Walter Rundle, Councîllor Mrs. Bert Budai, Councillor Cz Sentation of anew camera outfit ta Warden Blanchard. He is shownI Down, Deputy-Reeve Harold Muir and Councillor Richard Gil Higli officiais from variaus levels of government attended the Rickard,' former reeve of Darlington, who ivas the first warde Blanchard testimonial dinner on Saturday at Maple Grave when f rom Darlinglon ta be elected, Rev. Charles Catto, pastor of t] M. Mclntyre Hood of the editorial staff of The Oshawa TirneswsH-ampton United Churcli circuit, Mr. Hood, Russell C. Honev, M.] the guest speaker. This photo shows, from left tanight, Carnet B.j and AlexCarruthers,_M.P.P. MOTOR HOTEL RESTAURANT HIGHWAY 401 - BOWMANVILLE NOW OPEN FROM 7 A.M. UNTIL MIDNIGHT (Effective Friday, May l4th) .We invite you to drop in after shopping or the show and enjoy anc of aur specials. DUTCH BOY SANDWICH ..- Crispy French Stick loaded with HIam, Chieese, Lettuce and Mayonnaise. - or - SUPER TULIP SUNDAE ..* Mounds of delicious Chocolate Ice Cream. Marshmallow, topped with Whipped Cream and Chocolate Chips. -or - Order of your choice from o ur a la carte menu. RIG(1ER &BETTEIC Bowmanvîlle Rotary Clubs Spectacular FIREWORKS DISPLAY BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS M@NDAY, MAY 2d4th B.T..S BAND IN ATTENDANCE ENTERTAINMENT JUDO WRESTLING & GYMNASTIC DISPLAY Tickets ai'ailabie f rani ail local Rotarians Burketon - A. Ribey Orono - M. Martin Tyrone - W. Thieshurger 11, FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY i Toronto Dominion Bank Spotlîghts Eskimo Art As Centennili Pro ject The Toronto-Dominion Bank 'devclopment of the collection' Mr .Lambert explained that will undertake as a Centen- lover the next two years and In developing the Eskmio Art niai Project the establishment lits first showing to be held in 'concept as a Centennial Pro- !of the world's finest and most! Toronto - Dominion Centre Jeci, the bank became con-! comprehensive collection of, when the new muli-millian uývinced that -some of the spec- Eskimo Art, the annual con- !dollar complex is opened on tacular pages stili to be wnit- ference of> the Indian-Eskimo Jul3r 1, 1967. Later, il will be! ten in Canada's history would Association of Canada was told exhibitedt throughout Canada concern the Far North, whose last week. and niay aiso be sent abroad. lvast areas stili rernain virtual-, Annouincing the project, "l'le collection will be 1V' untouched and where major, Allen T. Lambert, Pi-esidenitselected by an indepen dent! developments are now begin-! of the Toronto-Dominion Bank Advisory Committee under ning 10 corne imb being. said: "The collection is a the co-chairmanship of C. S., 'Although fewv Canadians, means of focussing attention Band and M. F. Fehelev. Oth- realize it, nearli' twvohirds of; on ihe people an oprui er 'nembers of t he Cornmittee the entire country remains un-, ties in the Canadian North, are: Professor George Swinton, developed. The vast north-ý wherc, we feel, significant I Winnipeg, Mrs. Aima Houston,! ]and is one of the last large!I developmenls can be expected Otta\wa: W. T. Larmour, Otta- undcx'eloped regians of the within the next 100 vcar7. wa; Martin Baldwin, Toronto: \vorld and its development in' Eskimo Art lias capturcd th Walter C. Koerner, Vancou ver: the future presents Canadians' imagination of people ail over A. K. Cupples, Toronto, and withi a real challenge. Canada and around the world. N. A. White, Toronto". 'AlreadN, the Canadian Gov- We think it is appropniate 10 lMr. Lambert said: "The De- ernment and some major cam-. use this medium ta focus dra- pariment of Northern Affairs panies have taken the initial- matically the attention of'and a iîumber of Canadia. i ve, through construction of Cainadians on tomorrow's fron- 'Art authorities have alreadN7development roads and r'ail- tier-the Canadian North. cxpressed interest ii and sup- wvav hunes, aud the lauinching 'Prsen plns ahifortheport for the proposed collection o ' major' îniniing and oul ex- _____aid the l-ludson's 1B3J Con- ploî'atioiî and development. pan v lias offered ils co-opera- Tlhis is on]l'v the beginning. GET CASH TODAY 1 ioni". 'ln addition to establishing, FOR OLD APPLIANC.S 1lie pointed out that "Tii-' an Eskinio Art Collection, the' Centeninial iýs an occa-Lsioni for' Bank's Ceîiteinnia Project is througb îîut oiil'v lhonouring the~- past, designed to broaden and ac- STATESMAN but fui- looking alicad lu the c(elerate thîe knowledge and ap- CLASSIFIEI)S future. 'l'lie Eskimo lias a'preciatinii of' Canadians of thie w~ord for the latter - 'Muîa rtn ' o' (rtii and its poten- Telephone 693-3303 moit ....liai'. Oshawa Wholesale's Earnings and Sales .oOContinue to Advance Trhe Oshawa Wholesale Lirn- ouîlook lor growth in sales ited reports la sharehalders a and profils continue ta be fav- 1'net profit increase of 35.69 per'arable.___ cent and a sales rise ai 27.44 per cent in the first 12 weeks iended Apnil 17. f)j Net profit was $320,165, compared wilh $235,955 far the same periad Iast year Earnings per share for the I2 week period wvere 27.40 cents MI PAUI W on 1,168,496 outstanding com- bined Class A and Commýon TOT'M01Ia/ shares, campared with 20.49: M4fàvdLCYaVf ,cents on 1 ,151.396 outslanding M//P/G -shares last year. KE <T0 ISales were $27,996,211, com- N4W V pared with $21,968,115 last' year. " ~ In the last full fiscal year, ended January 23, 1965, Osha- ' wa reported profits af $1,557- 132, an increase of 32.8 per~ cent, and sales of $106,867,754,I an increase of 20.4 per cent. In the first 12 weeks three & e M i Fond City market were opene:d and anc IGA market dnubled______________ in sîze. The campan.v's ex- 2-2172C G GS 'pansion program is p roceed - -2MI-n5 G L jing en scheduie, Ray D. Wolfe, P;ç#ideiitreport5» ançi tùç 50ec I NOTICE OF APPLICATION ta the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bawmanvjlle for approval of two by-laws ta regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Bowmanville intends ta apply ta The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant ta the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of by-law 1933 passed on the 5th day of April, 1965 and by-law 1936 passed on the 3rd day of May, 1965. A copy of each by-law set out below tagether with an explanation of the purpose and effect of each by-law. Any persan intcrested may, within fourtecn (14) days after the 12th day of May 1965, send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk of i Town of Bowmanville notice of his objection i approval of the said by-laws together with statement of the grounds of such nb.jection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approvi of the saîd by-law but befare doing sa it ma, Rppoint a time and place when anv abjection tý the by-law will be considered. Nýotice of an, hearing that may be held xviII be given only t( persans who have filed ani objIection. The last date for filing abjections will bt May 27, 1965. DATED at the Towni of Bawmanville thi: îlth day of May, 1965. .Jack L. Reid, Clerk Town of BowmanviUlp. A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 1587 WHEREAS: The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville passed a Zoning B-Law No. 1587 on the second day of Augusi, 1955 which xvas duly approved hy Order of the Ontario Municipal Board, AND WHEREAS By-Law 1587 bas been amended by By-Laws Numbqnred 1612, 1700, 1835 and 1916, passed on the 3rd day of .July 1956, and on the lOth day of September 1959, and on the 3Oth day of January 1962, and on the 6th day of July 1964, respectively, which, with the exception of the latter were duly approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. AND WHEREAS it is desirable ta further amend the said Zoning By-Law 1587. NOW THEREFORE The Counci] of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bowmanville pursuant ta the Planning Act. R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 296, Section 30 and amendments thereto, HEREBY ENACT- that By-Law 1587 as amended bc, further amendP-' as follows: 1. By deleting Section 9 Paragraph (A)-1 aýi Substituting therefore the following: "Single and two family dwellings and duplex or double duplex apartment bouses and multifamil' dwellings except in the built up sections of lbe Town where a maximum of 3 suite apartme.s only are permitted." Read a First and Second lime ihis Sth day of Apnil A.D. 1965. Read a Third tîme and Final]y passed this 5ti day of April A.D. 1965. Sd. "Ivan M. Hobbs", Mayor Sd. "Jack L. Reid", Clerk. EXPLANATION 0F THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW Ki- 1'))n E * «fIl 0%r.-- f...*AIK .A ,.. B 9- NO. IY3rOFiTHEUTOWN The original zoning by-law permits the erection and use of buildings as multiple family dwellings and apartment houses, without reser- xation, in res idential zones. The Planning Board has recommended and the Council agrees that there should be some limitation put on the establishment of apartments and multi-family dwellings in residential zones 1P OFBWMANVILLE and the proposed amendment ta theZjin Law introduces the restriction that th sh b only 3 suite apartments peimitted n uitu sections of the Town. DATED this 3rd day of May, 1965. Jack L. Reid, Clerk, Town of Bowmanville. BY-LAW NO. 1936 A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW No. 1587 WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville passed a Zoning By-Law Number 1587 on the 2nd day of August 1955, which was duly approved by Order of The On- tario Municipal Board. AND WHEREAS by-la\\, 1587 has been amended by by-laws numbered 1612, 1700, 1825, 1835, 1888, 1916 and 1933, ail of which save by-laws 1916 and 1933 have been duly approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. AND WHEREAS il is desirabie ho further amend the said Zoniug By-Law 1587; NOW THEREFORE the Cotîncil of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville pursuant ta the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chap- ter 296, Section 30. and amendments thereta, HEREBY ENACTS THAT Bv-Law No. 1587 as amended be further amended as follows: 1. By deleting Paragraph (A) of paragraph 7, entitled "General Regulations in all Zones", and substituting therefore the following: (AI) (1) Nothing in this bv-law shahl prevent the use of ans' land as a public park, community park, piayground, road allowance, uor for a\'mu nicipal p urposes. ( ')'lie provisions of luis b '\-Iaw slial tiot appl 'levIote use of' an * vIand or to the erectioni or uise of any building or structure for thie purposes of thie public service by the Corporation of the Town af Bowmanville or by a local board thereof as defined by The Deparf ment of Municipal Affairs Act, any telephone or tlegraph company, any department or commission o! the Government af Ontario or of Canada, including the Hydro Electrîc Power Commission of Ontario, pro\vide-d that where such land, building or struc- ture is located in a residential zone or a commercial zane. (1) No goods, material or equipment shaîl be stared in the open. (2) the lot coverage and yard re P- lations described for such àe shail be complied with, anal (3) any building erected under the authority of this paragraph shall be designed and maintained in general hàrmony with residen- tial and commercial buildings of the type permitted in such zone, and further provided that where such land, building or structure is located in light industry zone, heavy îndustry zone or a rural zone the lot coverage and yard regulations described for such zone shall be complied with. 2. Under the heading "Rural Zone" Paragraph 14(b) minimum yard be deleted and the following substituted ther'efor: (B) "Minimum Yards" 1. Front yard: 40 feet f'or a dwelling and 75 feet for ail other buildings. 2. Side yard: 20 feet for a dwelling and f'or ail other buildings and side yards oft 25 feet except exterior side yards on corner lots 75 fel.. BEAD a fiî'st and second time this 3rd day of May, 1965. READ) a third limne and finally passed titis 3rd day of May, 1965. Sd. "Jvanl M. Hobbs", Mayor Sd. "Jack L. Reid", Cierk. EXPLANATION 0F THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW No. 1936 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Paragraph 1, simply expends the "Public Use" provisions as set out in Paragraph 7 (A) in the original zoning by-law relating. to General Regulations in AIl Zones. The original by-law provided for a use o! land as public or community parks, playground or highway, while the amend- ing by-law now expands this use provision to, include ail purposes of the public service of The Town of Bowmanville, or local Board thereof, telephone or telegraph company or Department or Commission of the Government of Ontario or o! Canada. It is provided that where the land, building or structure concerned is located in a residential or commercial zone there shaîl be no open storage, lot coverage and yard regulations shall be adhered to and any buildings shahl be in general harmony with the other buildings of the zone and that where there are buildings in a light or heavy industî'ial zone or P rural zonr, m m tc VE te ly tc )E the lot coverage and yard regulatiov&jnly shall apply. " Paragraph 2 of by-law 1936 amn4 the mi mumn yard requiremnents in a rural zone so tl~ the front yard for a dwelling remnains at 40 feet while for other buildings it is decreased froo. 100 feet ta 75 feet and the side yard requirement for dwellings remains at 20 feet while for i other buildings the requirement is reduced frbi 100 feet ta 25 feet except on corner lots where the requirement is to be 75 feet. Both amending paragraphs number 1 and 2 of by-law 1936 effect all lands within the Town of Bowmanville. DATED this 3rd day of May, 1965. Jack L. Reid, Clerk, Tn n f 130wmanville. I p BY-LAW NO. 1933 ', /' TICKETS ZW- J ,--,7 a 1 E to a ve iy to iy o )e . 04414À 5