. -7. .. . '~rr ~ -- .-~ --..,- 7- '7-., .7 ~77 ~ ~ ~ ~' ,7-*~7.*~-* .. .7.. . . -.-7-.--......... ~ '*7 7.'~.'-.., O *7~ ~'*'~ Honor1 by Ed Yonngman No doubt, Art Blanchard, Reeve of Darlington Township and Warden of the United Ceunties of Northumberland and Durham, and Mrs. Blanch- ard, will long remember the ceniplimentary banquet held in their honour, during the ev- ening of May th, in Maple Grove United Church Hall. Over 250 guests assembled to pay tribute te this well known Wairden--A. L. couple, and -in the tinie-hon- oured rural tradition, enjoy seme knife and fork hospital- ity together. It was interesi- ing to note that the guests represented an excellent cross- section of the citizenry of the United Ceunties. Chairman Harold Muir got things rolling by having Rev. C. Catto say grace and the audience drink a toast te the Queen and then sing God Save the Queen; the latter leaves this reporter a bit confused. Drink a toast te the Queen- Yes. Sing God Save the Queen-Yes, but the two te- gether-No. We didn't need any coaxing te fasten the feed bag on. It was, in every way. a splendid banquet, from the lovely flor- al arrangements te the pie a la mode. The U.C.W. of Maple Grove, the caterers. are te be highly complîmented. every- - - - - - -t-i-- - - -s-top-. Blanchardi The program consisted of 4toasts , male vocal quarte,, a guest speaker and two pre- sentations. Ross Stevens proposed a toast te the Government of Canada and the respense was given in masterly fashior, by Russell Honey. M.P. for Dur- ham. Reg. McCann, pinch-hitting for A. Wartman, proposed a toast te the Government of M.P.P. for Durham, ably re- sponding. Gordon Honey proposed a toast te the United Onmties of Northumberland and Durham, respondedto by Warden Art Blanchard who used the op- portunity to introduce, te the audience, those members cf the Counties' Council who were present. He aise gave a brief resume cf the activities Red Shield Fund Drive % rznabxnt Needs HeIp!1 VOLUME 111 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. WEflNEflAv. MAY 12. 1O;.m in- o-- - -. ~ ~..-,.~,, .uc Fr r opy NUMBER 19 Warden and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard ,CarkeCornes Second BHS Wîns Af hletic -Trop, ýTuesday ut Court ice Hi c.,,our Schools, Participa f <Courtice Hi1gh Schoni Prin- ýHigh School Principal William- -CiPal James Speers welcomed IDrown was the starter. the s-tudents of Bowmanville,: The over-alI Championship ~own High School te the Inter- Sclioci with a total cf 273 School Track- and Field Meet points, (boys 180, girls Q.3). beld in the Courtice High ýClarke High School carne sec- School grounds on Tuesday. ond with 194 points, (boys 89, There was keen cempetition girls 105). Courtice Higi In ail the events, anid the pro- 'coo1astir it.7 gram proved exciting for both I points. (boys 105, girls 65),1 participants and the large iand Millbrook High School -crpwd of s ectators. Millbrookl <TURN TO PAGE TWO) !scfýmbe I mpresses ~,ogo Missionary With His Sincerity Miss Muriel Stevens, Reg.,. The past is past! The last, who is a United Church Mis-fur years have done nothingý ienary at Meerbeke in the!ibut destroy, now that is past.'1 Congo, in a letter te her par-lForget and work together, al ents. Deputy-Reeve and Mrs. races and people. Children' Ross Stevens, gave an interest- learn discipline above ahl, and ing account cf the officiaiý instead cf having the world, opening on Stinday, May 2nd,'caîî us savages, let a Congo- of a new church and the cen-i lese be a person that is thought, tral hospital building at Ime,, cf as a gentie man. Cono. Now. if only people can' President Tsehombe cf the'ear iO yes, he said several' Rgpublie cf the Cogwstimes that he had more pleas-1 t pres nt and gave an excellentur atbigaed etat d ! is Stvn rtceremony than any other be-1 thl&#e was imrpressed by hisceause the Church, the Christ-i sincerity. She stated that after;infih i h n hope fori seeing him and hearing himlth e Con~go. If people l'ove each; t speak she did not know how!other, truly, there can be nol anyone could be against him. Ikiliings and fighting. 1 An excerpt from ber letter "He asked every person:1t foiiows: "President Tschombe there, R.C. and Protestant, of- d sure knows how to speak, ficial or lav, te pray daily foi-* what to sav, and .iust seems !î,tegvrmn fiii se natural and sincere. He wasiand citizens. an heur earIv, ind is evidentlyý-. _ always Pari'>. His whole taik was on the n2ed for xvork, dis _____ean tooetherness. Surprise Doi Twirlers \Vin Three Firsts At Kawartha Rotary PL, Fi rewo rks For May As the mnernorable May cornes closer, th of firevorks is gr growing in intensity. This is a reniindi Bo'.vmn,iile Rotary wilJ 1w stag-ing a. Co fireworks dlspiay on day evening, May2 the liigh Schoolg where young and o have an opportunity ing a great show coinpetent supervisiol While Bowmnanvil by-law forbidding the fireworks by individu zens, police are lirgin ents te exereise ever caution if they aIIeu chiidren te purchase works. To prevent acq that have ail too freq caused loss of eyesig other injuries te yeu: the use of fireivorks definiteiy be under sI centrol of an aduit. Incidentally, ticket now on sale froin au tarian for the big d or they niay be obtali night of the show. Fi the event, there ivill uisplay of judo and nastics. The Ontario ing School boys ban( previde nmusic. On3OthBirtl-day Four 0O YStili in Bcwmnanville Lionsi sary of their inception with an excellent. roast provided by Enniskillen Over $1O,0OO Donated by COF for Cancer Research' riginal Lions observed the 30th anniver- of their Club on Monday beef dinner and trimmîn's One hundredi and forlY Six persons were presýent hy t the Lions Centre, including guests cf members, hy ~and many Lions from ether centres. At the head table were, Pi-es. Laurence Goddard, îghBudMoses, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Herb Goddard mem- her of International Council, Charter members Alex McGregor, Jim Mari-, Everett Hoar, Stu James. With the presentation cf a chieque for $500 here $500 amount was concluded. Photo shows, left to right, With ai their fun, laughter. Cowling, Dr. R. E. Dinniwell, this week, the Canadian Order cf Foresters, for the Bre. Len Barker, Court Oshawa 501, Oshawa; Sister e and badinage, the members Joe O'Neill. Members J.iehstodisoletv f$100frCacrHln.'hree r. E did net forget members who Brown, Wmn. .1. Bagneil, Ted:first tiehstppedit bjciv f 1,00 o acrH nTwining, Court Caln, Oshawa; B O.0.E ----__had passed on since the Club's Chant, Em Crawford, Lyall Research. This donation, along with donations to local Cooke, Director of Public Relations, Canadian Order 25th Anniversary; and se the Crabb, George L. Davidge, Ev- cancer- units in communities where C.O.F. Courts are of Foresters, Brantford; Sister Jean Devitt, President asebyobserved a period of erett Hoar, Alan Knight, Bert locatedbig the grand total that the C.O.F. has Kingsway District Council; Bro. E. DeHart, Court an epectful silence to the mem-jMortlock, Jim Marr, Roy Nich dbig ory of four deceased members ols, Vern Ott and Mauricie raised for cancer during an eight year period to over Whitby 1443; Sister Marion Macnab, Court Venture - Bill Oliver, Aubrey Smîth,, Breslin. $300,000. This information was revealed following a L1892, Bowmanville; Bro. Harold Wilson, Court Motor Carl Leslie and Clar-ence Hoc- At least eight of the above rnost successful Eastern Ontario Assembly, he]d in Court 1871, Oshawa. Representative fromn Court Bow- 2 t kitnh. ios"rCe a' (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Oshawa recently, when the draw that prduced the manville was absent at time of taking picture. Queen given, everyone tuckediIre Admission Details 24th of into the good dinner. I ti .I'/i1 he nuise Introductions by Herb God- ~c i! *I>eP radually dard, were made of various 'Local Dacdrs Office F, Lions of rank, he aise readý er that the names of Charter rnerbersj APPLES - Due to some confusion, ail homes L c l Dc o s f i e ,y Club - Pres. Dr. W. H. Birks, lst1 in Bowr.nanviUe.poth ofthe CPR tracks wr en Mon- 'Aubrey J. Smith, 3rd Vice inet contacted by'Boy Scouts on Apple Day last 24th, at Alex McGregor, Sec'y. Chas. weekend. Arrangements have now been made to Spl ew grounds D. Searle, Treasurer Frank complete this house-to-house apple canvass this ld wiîl Jamieson, Lion Tamer Bill hrsa verg of see- Oliver. Tail Twister Stu James., hrdyeeig under Directors W. H. Hill, Percy f t t n. WHISKERS - Cartwright Township's Clerk Vie Save Hos piftai Enfry Time,, ehas ine Malcolm visited The Statesman this morning ceus f R ecove sporting a luihnseofidwikr.Hes Today, May l2th, is Hospital staff te achieve them. ua'l5citi- oeo h e fsd hses -ei Day, and ail doctors' offices The two new fornis, now! ing pa- oneof th citiens prticiatingin the beard grow- lhave been supplied with sup- available ai al doctors' offi-l' r y lt C Ypre ing contest in connection with Blackstock Fair's plies cf two new forms re- ces in the district, are an ini-Blz m, teir toi n Cetennal elebatios tis yar.garding Memorial Hospital forlformation form, and a pre-ad- ie fire- -,- -- . patients. Teeforma '7 missio fo14 The attr Ie f1 nÂ/,hrca e ~cidents h h ons lave been compiled by Ber- in advance. by a patient, or a t ýquetIYBLU BIRS Fom he Enisilln ara cmes nard Holden, the Hospital Ad-ýIpatient's family, will save time Total returns to date for igt rS n W gn ewihtaculeo aebubrdiaestld ministrator. on the arrivai of the patient ai the Saivation Arn»"s Red. nt or near a farmhouse there and are busy getting their Mr. Hodnsaid th t the ehospital. Shield Campaign Indicateý stish o nb A T ravi arn.nTesav nes ne for the summer season. It is the first is te previde patients with hopes that the information re- success.ful. Capt. Herb Fras-. ed Thomas James Callaghan, tirme in many years that blue birds have been skiiled, efficient service te has- garding Memoriai Hospital er advises that canvamsers. ts are 186 Dunadini Street, Orillia, and seen in that area. can hlthe heospit. altetsere ormie nth e will prvbepu eutn fulMorevIn. ýnY Ro- 'Norman Saylor, Wickiow, Ont,. T t the bete sithey ndervn e added that vehewouid apn ewte Moail elen display, bohae2.They were in te e48 fUNITSes; eade ht ewul p lgt cnatAn esdns 'bo th ossino 4sageo 480. __ îAnnteresting historical event look 1these aims and wcrk with hepreciate any suggestions. in the village. rior te ýwagon owned by Dr. Alexand- place Tuesday evening when AI Fletcher turned Il be a ler Stobie, Coîborne. the first sod for a new 48 unit apartment building -"' n L 1 ym- This vehicle had been stolen to be erected on the Hendry property, opposite Returns for Lions 30tn Dirnoay Train- frorn Evert's Body Shop, Ce- te".' -'~' id vii ourg whre i ha beetun Dominion Store. Mr. Fletcher was chosen for udergoîng repairs. n~ation at "Open House' Bowmnanviiie was wii'l re- presented at the Kawartiîa Lakes Twiriing CompetUtion last Saturday in Peterbor- ough. Cindy Kow-1,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal, eompetedl for the first time In the intermediate 10-year- aid ciass and piaced first. Linda Ferrili. dauighter of Mr. and Nrs. Paul Ferrili, won top place In the 8-year- aid Intermediate ciass. Patsy Blake, daughter n, Mr. and Mrm Ernest Biake', enfered the adv'anced Il- year-oid eiass and stood flrst. TO DATE EAS#MSEAL OËJECTIVE - $6,000 . $5,145 ]OUe S reaeb sur igoal . . . . tbat ail Crippird Children may be iooked -ifter! IMany visitors visited Sircoe Hall Crippled Schoi and Treatment Centre last jweek during their "Open House", but one visiter f romn Bowmanville Rotary Club pleasantly surprised the teachers and the executive cf the Parent Council. Rotarv's Crippied Children's Campaign Chairman William Thieshurger on behaif cf local Rotarians prescnted the Centre with a cheque for over $300. It was received with grateful thanks by Mrs, Raiph Campbell. the nonor because fis relatives were eariy settiers here who built the white frame home now eccu- pied by Dr, and Mrs. John Hendry. Incidentally, il will be tomn down. t t t t t REPAIRS - The winter months have taken their toll cf town roads, but there is hope. Tom Stewart and his Works Dept. have the situation weIl in hand with an assist from Bennett Paving of Oshawa. On Wednesday morning, they started the resurfacing operation that should restore most of Bowmanville's pot-holed roads te better condition. t tj.tj.- CLEAN UP- The Chamber of Commerce is dis- tributing window placards this week te mai-k Clean-Up, Paint-Up Week, from May l2th te 24th. Ail citizens, but especially merchants are urged te make an effort te improve the appearance cf their properties during this period, so0 visiters wiii receive a good impression cf this community. 1-t t t t HAPPY 99TH - Word has been received fi-cm Mrs. H-. G. Martyn (nee Mabel Rickard) cf Strat- ford that our old friend W. J. "Billy" Milis cf St. Mary's will celebrate his 99th birthday on May l7th. She advises that Mr. Milîs hepes to visit his Enniskillen birthplace on his birthday. bis many friends in this area wiil be looking forward bo seeing him. i- t t t t WINS LAW CONTEST - Mrs. Ruth F. Wight. holidaying with hem daughter Jean, husband Alan (Jimmy) Williams and their son Dane in Les Angeles, Calif., sends greetings to friends here. and aise encloses a news item. Dane, 16, a grade Il student, was the winner in an essay centest sponsored by the County Bar Assn. There were over 500 entries. Thenie of the essay was '"Uphold the Law, a Citizen's First Duty." More complete details will be published next week. tt t t t HAMPTON - Mrs. Jim Measures, R.R. 1, Hamp- ton, has agreed te take over the Hampton cerres- pondence, starting next week. Citizens of that area are asked to, co-operate by sending or phoning news items te her. lier phone number is 263-2715. t tt t t COFFEE HOUSE - Frem Miss Helen VanDusen cernes a tip that the former church she purchased for a Hobby Centre on Ontario St. may soon be put to use as a Coffee flouse for young people. Many fermer members of Bowmanville Lions Club returned to renew ac. quaintances on Monday evening during the 30th birthday party. Among th.was the Rev. Dr. W. Franklin Banister of Kingston, a former Lions memibeï andi pastor of St. Paul's United Church here. He was guest speker foi~ the ev" tn and was welcomed by Lions President Laurence D. Goddard; ighlt. In the backý ground is the new Canadian flag donated to the club by President Goddard. 1- - - - - - - - - - - m L- - - ý , ý ý ----9 - vvý" INJUO&Prxx. ivltxx IL. 1491.1 1 Il- 0-- f--- lýtT" ff""ý . 1 ,