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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1965, p. 3

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ri ~ -~ ~.* 4 CFRB Now Using 'Mur' ,For On-t he -S pot News N O N , ~grams designed for the bt Ia~it I..~,terment off the community. He E'LV aflis ieMI. G ov also stated that as Kiwanis s V a service club its members, shouhd support and serve Ki- Deta ls O jectveswaflis ideas. Refferring ta the ife off Christ. the speaker ne- During Visit Here found in serv-ng others. Each individuel in a Kiwanis; A iner eetng o1ivng f te GodenRul InClulb is a part off that club's ~ dinermeeingoflvn f h odnRl success. Lieutenant Governon J e Bo4~aville Kiwanis Club ýall rehationships. 3. To pro- 'Saywell said that he believes hýeld a eteFhying Dutchman 1mate the adoption and appli- that the Kiwanisý organization Motor Hotel lest week Steph- cation off highen social, business ýgives each member an oppon- Sen Saywell, Lieutenant Gov- and proffessional standards. îtunîty ta stnehch bis soul in erner off Kiwanis 6B Division, 4. To develop by precept and helping the cammunity. mnade his offical visit ta the'exemple a more intelligent, bI conclusion the speaker club. laggrossive and serviceable citi- ,told the local Kiwanians that The Lieutenant Governori zenship. 5. To provide through each persan passes something was introduced by PresidentiKiwenis Clubs a practicel:from bis own liffe ino the John Brownlee. Mn. Seywelmeans ta ffonm enduring lives off othens. Ron Brooks, a gave an inspining address on,. enshps, ta render altruist- past president. moved e vote "Kiwanis end Its Mening".! ic service, and ta build bette",oftak a iueatGv He emphasizod thet as 1965 is communities. ý6. To co-oper- oernor Seywelh for bis excellent the Golden Anniverseary off ate in creeting and meintaining ieddress. President Browniee Kiwanis International this us thet sound public opinion and 'elso expressed bis personal ap- an ideal lime ta put the ob- high idealîsm, whîch makes1precietion ta the Lieutenantl jectives off Kiwenis imb action asbe ,oicreeof ih-'Governor. Ho then outlinecl these im- ýeou,-noss, justice. patriotism, Guests present et the dinner potant Kiwanis objectives: and goodwili. meeting were the following 1. To give primecy ta the bu- Lieutenant Governon SaY- members off the Oshawa-West- inan and spirituel rather then welh also paraphrased the mount Kiwenis Club: Presi- '1 the materialistic velues off famous advice off the latej dent Don Ormiston, Fred Don- lie. 2. Ta encourage the daily President John F. Kennedy by rshem, Mac Barreht, B. Moone _____________________saying: "Ask nat whal Kiwanis and Jim Hepburn, a member b cen do for you, but ask your- off tbe Oshawa Kiwanis Club I ~ self what you cen do for Ken Smythe, wbo accom- SKiwanis". peîed Lieutenant Governor He referred ta Kiwanis pro- Saywell._____ There is nothing now ta block the Canada Pension Plan f rom going mbt effect next January. Through the long and stormy ses- sion il passed during thbe lest session off the House off Commons roost people became fam- ilier in part with the plan. Emphasis was placed on the angles whicb appeared most eye-catching such as cash benefits, the 10- year inherval before the plan beomes oper- atîve and the amount off workers and em- phoyers must cantnibute. There are, bow- ever, other points in the plan which have nat received as much publicily. In view off the fact then that the plan applies ta vir- tually every employed aduit, self or other- wise, bore in Bowmanvilie as eisewhere it appeans appropniale ta iist some off these points. We bave seen an excellent summary off the plan and we borrow from it some off the condensed facts. Briefly, howevor, it may be well to recap the major clauses, iLe. con- tributions start on Jan. 1, 1966; ail employed persans belween the ages off 18 and 69, earning aven $600 must contribute, if self- empioyed, $800 a year; that the maximum beneffit wihl be $104.17, and Lhat the old age socurily beneffits off $75 a month are in addi- tion la the Canada Pension. Contributions perhaps shouid be more eiaborately explained. They are based on eannings avec $600 but not ovor $5,000 per yeer for bcth employed and self-employed persans. An employee must pay 1.8 per cent off sucb earnings and bis employer must meke an oquai contribution. A self-employed persan must pay 3.6 per cent off such oarn- Summary of Canada Pension Plan ciently severe ho prevent hlm from noguiarly pursuing any substantially gainful occupa- tion. His pension would be $25 plus 75 per cent off the retinement pension accumulaterd by the contributor, plus $25 for each de- pendent child up ta four, plus $12.50 for eacb dependent child in excess off four. A dependent child must be under age 18, or age 25 if attending school or university. In 1968, subjeclta a minimum period off contribution, widows' pensions, disabled widowers' pensions, arpbans' beneffits and lump sum death benefits cen become pay- able. If 'a contributor dies and leaves a widow who is et least age 35 or bas depend- cnt children or is disablod, the basic widows pensions wouid be $25 plus 371,2 per cent off the retirement pension accumulated by the contributor. If the widow is under 45, bas no dependent children and is flot dis- abled, this pension will be reduced by 1/20 for each month that she is younger than 45. It becomes zeo if she is 35 and under. It could be said that the pension is aimed at discouraging empioyment after the age off 65. Thene is, for instance, an earnings test clause. At ages off 65 ta 69 inclusive, the relirement benefit would be peid in a re- duced amount if the recipient earns aven $900 per year from employment or self-em- ployment. For exemple, if a participant con- tributes for 10 years et average earnings off $4,000 and then reaches age 65 and retires, his pension would be 25 per cent off $4,000 or $1,000 per year. If he subsequenthy ho- came empioyed and earned over $900 per year, bis pension would reduce. If hoe erned Prevent elothes ry Cleaners C/hucUe DEFINITIONS - DIET ori peniod of stanvation pnecedlng a gain of five ds. lhing to take the stanch oui. of you. 4hing most women keep putting off while they keep g it on. ES CARE HINT: Contagion - Germs cannot live ln freshly cleaned . . have them drycleaned now before storlng. PLAN TO TAKE THE KIDDIES TO ROTARY FIREWORKS DISPLAY High School Grounds - May 24th .1W. LIME PEAR SALAD Refreshing flavour for springtime meals 1 tin Canada Choice canned pears 1 pint cottage cheese 2 cups cole slaw 2 pkgs. lime gelatin 1/4 cup chopped walnuts (Serves average family) Drain pears and set the juice aside. Fi centre of 6 pear halves with cottage cheese and sprinkle with chopped wahiuts. Carefully place the filled pear halves face down in a loaf shape mould, arranging them. neatly. Caver with layer ot cottage cheese. In a separate bowl, dissolve one package of gelatin in one cup of hot liquid, using pear juice, with balance of water. Pour gelatin into mould slowly, keeping the pear halves in place at battom of mould. When slightly set, place the cole -slaw in the mould and pour in the second package of dissolved gelatin (one cup of water) up to the rim of the mould. Chili thor- oughly. Unmould Rnd garnish with remnaining pear halves filled with cottage cheese and wal- nuts. 'I Ifrequently dangerous job for<The Canadimn Statesman, EowmnanvMfe, MJay 12, 1983 you and ail you hold dear, fort Godssak ge of bi bak."troller duties. Mr. Pierson Finally, Corumissioner Mce-Isaid tht the appaintment off Clelian expressed the opinionMr. Barrett results fromn the that while there cao be no Irapid expansion by GM one argument about the proprietry Canada in Oshawa and in the S e il protection off civil rights, soc- ese West and Windsor. In ieyas a h right to bel MrBarrett has been di- ema e t The isan pinon atseem"slOldsmobile-Pontiac Assembly i 1t go beyond the matter off'Division, Central Office, De- Reg. $8.0 crime for gain into the field trait. He had previausly serv- SPECIAL. *0 off treason and subversion - ed as plant comptrolher for the $ an area where the RCMIP men B.O.P. and Central Foundry Reg. $10.06 must often feel that tbey are divison.'$ i unjuslly cbarged with beîng:1SEIL-80 the enomy rather than the' He is a nativ-e off Toheda, SECA protector off societv. , Ohia, and a graduate off Ohioi University. He first joined General Matons Corporation in Raby's I 1941. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Scout Motherwill make their home in ..idesn 'Discuss Hike Every man carries with him 1 0 IGS.E O ver Easter __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ "MAR" (Mobile Automatic blocks away fromn the fire. ings. Thus the maximum annual contribution $1,500, his pension would reduce by $300j A large number of Scouts' tRepeater) is a new two- Th "MAR' allowed CFRB list- will initially be $79.20 from an employer, ($1 for each $2 earned over $900). For each fttnde the outng in Ac- freueny rdiosysem hic eersta earfortheselesmatched by his employer. For a self-em- $1 he earned over $1,500 his pension would 'tian in Toronto last month. enables radio newsmnen tau the exploding cans right at !Apgatcle TePt- make direct voice reports ithe scene as weîî as an on- ployed persan earning $5,000 or more, the reduce by $1. If he earned $2,200 (or $700 Apaencaed'hPa- ...... wherever they are: i n crowds, the-scene interview wîth the annual contribution will be $158.40. In 10 in excess of $1,500), the total pension would finders" was prcsented each' subway stations, buildings, presiding deputy fire chief. years from naw the pension, based on aver- disappear. At age 70, bis pension would jafternoon and cvening with a cast of 1,500 and choir of 350 *LI forests, fields, or other loca- This new Mobile Automnatic age earnings of $300 per month would be $75 revert ta $1,000 without regard for other boys. , tions previously considered Repeater system is also ue a *luberai imosbebodatlctosbCR'sssesttnCA per month. If earnings were $350, the pension earnings. Io applying the earnings test, other Asuei rgam a 'detMncesblt feui-i otel h ags Eng- wouldi be $87.50. If earnings were $400, the pensions, interest and dividends do flot count bogtt h etn n mentanc for broadcasting a quai- ish-speaking radio station in pension would be $100. The initial maximum as earnings. parts of this book were read.1 The ob icn le uoai e that city. pension at 25 per cent of $5,000 per year Private pension plans are in fia way Oneothe rto n s ry avhin The obie Atomaie e-:would be $104.17 per month. The basic earn- affected by the Canada Pension plan. How- iwas this: Id watc on a pa he c ncetwaginersco-ings-r-,elated pension is 25 per cent of the ever, it is likely the level off pension con-! As the Pathfinders draws to pariment of Canada's largest' A L R V average earnings on which contributions are templated by the combination of Canada a close the Troop spends its 'radio station, CFRB in Toron- mae esinPa adO1Ae euiy eeîsfinal evening in camp gatil-1 ew B u ova! a "MA "was hende elop- The rany f iends f Mrs The plan also includes beniefits for dis- wil cause employers and employees alike ta noon s d artJhe h at tions and the Department ofta hear that she had the mis-! ability and death. Early in 1970, subject ta review their private plans ta determine how 'of ail Scouts, bath young and PATE KING "Pr."~ Transport. fortune ta slio in her homne a minimum period of contribution, disability they should ho adjusted so that the total aid. The complete watch. Btwa ftebywo 10 iewels Waterpron. It enables a radio newsman and break a banc in her leg. pensions become payable. A contributor cost off pensions does nat became oneraus ta BuIt atou t eby h 5tainless steel case ita take a low-power band- She is daing nicely in Mem- .... ..intaSo? $@If.wiridung. Tels' mel carried transmîtter right on 1 oanal Hospital and hopes ta must be sufferîng from a disabilîty suffi- either the employer or bis employees.1 Scouting is an Idcal. Its date locatceion ad have its signal -et--cast-n ---,course a Star. Where colar, * ca dup on hs ans ar or two. We ail wish her a race or creed wiil findi no bar. then be automatically trans- speedy recovery. Mr. and Here is a Way off Life. Why :mitted ta the base station via Mrs. Groen had just returned ~U stand Outside? No boy has the h-oe mobile unit in 'home tram a visit ta their B ufds M o el ale n ruip i need to knock. The daor is the car. This permits him ta native land, Holl*and. oe ie drive the news car as near' The following ladies off thei The meeting closed wîth the the scene as possible, leave it W. I. attended tihe District 1 Sou Mohei Mzph. uP unattended but set fr"auto- 1Annual at Newtonvile on, meeting W t ot h Crago. e om thenwal ino th d r r. C.MilisMrs. S. S. Moi'- give a first- ýtan, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mrs.I 1 . U .,had rpor totheradio sta- L. C. White, Mrs. H. Bradley '-tion's listeners. ýMrs. W. H. Brown, and Mrs. y' pp int Ne 1 When case, crown and crystal are intact. Radio Station CFRD ati- ed it.s latest "brainchild" when Ca.Genam WETFEL W TCESon o is ewme rshd T h.Fe mRSl. e nd off Mr. "Gro%%ing tîp is lk build- ed b the Initermi-ediate girls;: needs in the Sunday School.1 WEST IEL WATHESone f is nwsme ruhed oi redR. Seveis ae srryta inga, amodel airpiane." and the, Nancx'McRoberts N o rmia but painted out that un ors mp ole f r a rduto Blv the scene of a bad fire in an, learn that hie is under thel speaker began canstructing al Bragg, Judy Sellers, Joanne teaching rini Sunday Schoal prd' fBlv aerosol can factory last month. doctar's care, but j'S samewhat' model befare the children and iBromell, Marilyn Rabinsonicascudfltrpaeth1n ~ ea -- -r--1.9 eiletafcwa tpe improved at tîme off wrîting. invited them ta tell hlm what'and Wendy Anderson. :fluence off the home during: <tCO1LT At Baptismal Service last was wrong. This was the! Mr. White chose as his ser-! the full week. Rev. White' The appaintment of Tylerý COMPETESunday the following cbildren novel way thbe Rex'.wDuncani mon, "God in the Home of said it is the responsibjlity af-H. Barrett as camptroller off #S were baptized: Kevin Doug-1 White, M.A., B.D., Field Se-IMoses'. He stressed the fac< arns o e tatVeseGent'ral Motors off Canada,! las, -son of Mr. and Mrs. JohnI retary off the Christian Educa-i that the home was the mast'teachings are carried out in!Limited, was announced this: ~M A R R S (Ted) White, anld Bannie Lee,j tion Çommittee, Bay of Quinte ý important onai f etngbceiewe v .E irove-, JEWELLERY . die Bdake. the chioidren at St. Paul's emphasizing the fact that ail niversar-v service was in! rett's appointment is effective 39Kn ~ .Fire Automobile and Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton United Church Sunday School ebildren needed the atma- charge 'of Mr. M. L.- Beaton,ý immediately. 39iKibiStit." were in Gait on Fniday last Anniversary on Sunday. ýsphere off a good Christian, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L,,' Mr. Barrett will report di-, BowtnanvilIe attending the funeral of their He poinited out in his ui-hm. urode by ovrans and choir d t Mr Persn nd il Low Rates on Farm and lfriend, Mrs. Reid Miller. Mr. ing ta the youngsters just~ understanding and a Godly wîth the Junior Choir occupy- 1be responsihie for al__cnrnp- aWhn cret'n hapyhap~S. Rural Properties Morton w'as one off the pall- wshat tibeir parents were try- influence. He mentioned theýing the choir loft and render- &Whn smet;nghapy hppes - MORTGAGE FUNDS r bearers. On Saturday they ing ta do for themn at home, new curriculum and hnw it îng special anthemrs. The Rex'. JU*s Bulovo Watch Time" AVAILABLE were guests at the Morton- in good food, proper clothing had become a great help inH.A TunrBA.crc Contact Pet.roff wed'ding in Cobourg, and a good education, finally the teaohing ot present day pastcsr, assisted in the seiviN,, * 4 ~ . A. LEN HOOEY The groome is a nephew off Mr. showing them tihat they could_______ 36LbryS.N 2-24 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jennings, other words spiritual pow-ern t e r nt L n !Ee ilseta couple o and u:erive t: powe romneeddin he F o t in days last week with lier sis- lar attendance at Suinday ýý by C. J. Harris limne i the history of law on- ter and husband, Mir. and Mrs. school and chureh. Thtpbicatiue oariorenetlftilete' C. Milîs and family. D. Alex McGregor, Sunday! hie police, states RCMP Coin- worid," Commissioner Mc-' i '________________ Correction on the report of Schaol Superin tendent, was missioner George B. McC1el-. Clellan said in a Toronto the bowling banquet last in charge off the service and lan, is contributing ta the in-l' speec-h, "Mien those ut us week. It shauld have reai in his remarks thanked thel crease in crime, is mnak ing it' whom you have retained tu ONTARIC>Maple Grove Mens Teari, teachers and oticrs for theiri mre difficut for he policelpî'tect you were more in need OT IODurham, accampaniod by their faitbful work during the past! to do the job for which they o te backing and support ot iwives and friends, attended aj year. Scripture les.sons wVere are paid, is makingî it more th e courts, the logal profes- banquet at Enni.skillen. read by Rodney Iiangis, difficult ta attract good men' sion. the teacbing profession' The Departnient of Highways, Ontario, invites' Guests witû Mr. and Ms. Ai leen MQuarrie and Peter' inot police work. and, above al, the gneral Don rook andfamiy Werry. Collection was reýceix'-! "There bas neveî' been a'pubîîc. But thore bas hardly, sumite qottinsfrm ntrete prtesDo SndaBwrooks adfamily on eir-1been a time when police have, sunittd uoaton fomiteesedpatis or Suda er s folows:Th ir Ibeen subjected ta mare criti- mon;bother rs dt -Bok,1 KEDRON 1csm, more abuse, or more GRASS MOWING ON HIGHWAY No. 401 an . e,, frustration than at presont.ý 1Mibs Edith Brooks, Mr. and For the Christian FamilviS rn Two exaniples off barmful f rom Ritson Road easterly Mrs. Art Brooks and famnily, Da-1 public attitudes were cited by Mr. and Mrs. J. Kean and waysevie, K eron rc the commissioner. Oner con- Road Interchange;famâlY, ail off BowmanviIle; wsoefaig'credtoectzn h e to the Courtice Ra necag; M.adMs onBrooksz Che nwyfre Junilo, c ra lgcredts iizswhr. Mi' an MrshoohnTb ne-frme d Jireo rf'fuse ta help the police he- and family, Detroit: Miss. r.airiinder tedrction 0 cause the, don't want ta gel this includes mowing froin the shoulder of the iVabel Brooks, Toronto. andMrsyGrnt ]untr sng nvolved. or don't xvant ta br a irifi n 'mNew Zea - 'nTe re Bt h round'botbered --as lit the case off road to the fence fine and excludes the mnedian. land; Mr.s. Haroald Servage l w at ami' and daugohter Heather Caîl The Sacrament off Baptisrn FULIL NE 0F..* the witness ta a crime who 'i was, adniinis;tered to four 111- wsreu tanttteslif *v be- Those interested are requsested to conitact: 13 Alet; o hmlrint bvTex. irfe d 3l PI N r aîý ad oftnd ai, Ihe ple u il. :dMis. RvToppluii dx'r vi~ W'eiE' lftii itieriiWi ioLe1It aidIOShl iedwr Ireb 'the s jul \ s 511 Jim a C i ~l c nda io f NI f r. iand Interloi- & V\ierir i e G'lu e*hý concerned T HE DEPARTMENT 0F H IGHWAYS Y y, î n ta-t . . ~ ~ EA EL hoc i1r1.whu o\uf~ DISTRICT OFFICE, 1Nlr. MOlM~ 'ir t Vr. aud Ms. Rouiald- G. Nt)r- VARNISHES rieed their elp - a:s un Ille I yens. man: Wendv Darlene Lewis, c'ase off the xorniarî xvho, r- c/oMr D P ColisDitrit ngnerMr-. and Mis. Ihiild Cooney daughter off Mr. and Mrs. RZFNSE portiug tmat ber house had c/oMr.D. . Cllis, istictEngnee, Sunday visitors with!Richard .Lewis and Darreiî, ýbeen îansacked, told the pol- Port Hope, their daugbter and busband Eugene Van Der Walker, son! ice. "if Y'ou are coming iii Mr. and Mrs. Micky Dowsonlaf Mr. and Mrs. Eldon E. Vaný uniform, please Lise the harkFImes lt and ttened he cristnjng!Dc Waler.WALLPAPER door." lees ecr no laer tan FidayMay 1st,1965 of their grandon Paul Dow- A stor'i for the chîldiren, en-- FULL PRICE RANGE Evert more damr4g:nilcta _____________________son._____!_____bled "Bett r Foundationzs socretv is thr cornmon practice - Mr, Vctor Eltin..eer, - rrad b~v Mrs, 1B111 Rosnak ' ' off publictzsng and g-iamorizin:. ~etoo, S xasa onday On Sundav Mr. and Mrs-ý' the' crimna , nterco itor with bus sister.-in-law: Clarence Werry attended t-he ROLLER KITS Montreal lailbreak off suspect- lomyo and brotber-1n-law, Mr. and!service in Beaverton Ujnted IBRUSHES ed drug smuggler Lucien Ri- n Ms. C. Rus.sell. Cburch where Joan Marie yard. Bv rontrast, the rom- ~II.adMs.L .Wh Jebson. .-voungest diaughter nf CE N Smis.s'oneIr commented, therp teMr. and Mrs. Maurice Jebson,GLS was almost no public notice off 'eî'e Suinday dinner guests - hGtLff2-ea-ldCn with Itheir daughter and bus- wasbapize. a F URNITURE CO. LTD. band, Mr. and Nlr-s. Met Rd- On Saturda-y Mr. and Mrs. stable Ame *v of the RCMP. hg xx rd ad aiiy Ohaa. Lisle Noble xvere guestq et the xx ho xa shot and killed on a jiuae OLESA D A RA ESM .a lan Suuweîi, weddiiîg ut Miss Lorraine WINDOW BLINDS N,-wýtoiiîîdlaiid street while isltdt OLESA D A RA ESM-ý llnSodea ,Piiiînel andc M!. . Jick sý uer t ielt endeavùtïiinýot aie ono more1 STARTIIG T $6.95 pîîedb; , lier sitt'i jil 'ld ;11 - pi uer"xx 'ia bd e-.apt-il !iT lubaîîd, Mr. and Mis. 1t<e, 'Miîy Bonu ie Da le \xx'a *t lîu tiou jelibtenia.rv jvar Vi>îxa i.itd iespecia' -.pealtei'alIllie mtt E.-Li F~1 ilepolice " ýâ1dCom-n - Be Prepared For The S mm r ujupe, o.siî- uwh.i., CeONTACT hu iii ue x r oginri ~u m e r uta.\. a cdw 1 i g t e vu n e ai lof th e C O N A C T P A P R S i ci Y e lnh , w r ai n t e eq CHAIRS, CHAISETTES & LOUNGES ,i home- off- Mis.. Lis] Noble, un BRING VOUR cf unie. Tbe.y. know what thex 'r . . . . . . . . . . ý , . . . . . . . . . . f? - 1 - . mmý TVc1 Jv nccci ,ng ni ne b Scout Mothers was held etf the home off Mrs. Shirley Gor- dio. The President. Mrs. Blake, I openerd the meeting witb the prayex' and promise. Minutesý xvere read and approvedi. The' treasurer reaci the bank bal- 1. A sho ance. Sewing convenai- rer- potind r ported that the four boits of oe material for scarx'es had js arrived. 3 oe The mathers present taikcd puttinl about the Easter weekend bikP off Ist Troop and the differeot comments from their sons wben tbey came home. 'COH ive advantagos mako wetric erior heating system completely dean ric heating can't create dust, dirt, film or sooL gentie, even hoat )m or zone temperature contra!. No clraughA chilis, no suddon blasts of hot air. Iow cost tout Ontario users prove that in homes to Hydro standards, electric heating cost > t operate than other heating systemns. extra space iros no bulky fuel burning equipment quiet A~nd electric huating isso quiet FOR PUR114ER INFORMATION rak youp hydro

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