The Orono j<Vsitrjwith Mrs. Charles 57!OdMothers Dayý, Stin- .av. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Wodtd daugbters Gail and Sandra of Lakefield: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Galbraith and Mrs. SJas Snell of Toronto; Mrs. Geo. Buy The BEST Spring Footwea r We xPeiI nationally advertised brands *NATURALIZERS *HUSH PUPPIES for men, wnmpn and ehildren *SAVAGE SHOES for the entire famiIy lncluding Children's Orthnpedic Shoea by Savage *DACK and SCOTT-McHALE *SISMAN and (GRER WORK BOOTS Aimn ful i) ne of TENNIS AND RUNNING SHOES Ait sizrx in ~PpuIar Price Range - at - Lloyd EVUS .Shoes 49 King ,Street West BOWMANVILLE You cari t te i a booS b", -e cOe-, ' price-tag on a RS reeaoré '- l the whoc uîîyle'ue S' pricer) lovw. .ertai', . BI' takp a gzruu în look at thue high pr ýed fiaures yrt.,gpt vn a Studebakprý steeibov-t e~a..... CI ass A 11d a sti t'a . acc0o ,, And aluii zed îLstDroû,u ig. 4 - ig " ons îterîc's &:t'. a oinii. y . News Crowther and sons Charles Robinson, M"r andi Mr.s. Wmn. and Jamie. Georze Vse of Riobinson and toget*h(-r attend-ý Newcastle andr)Miýss Lyndia rd the dedication service at Singer of Osha%&a. Kencial United Cburcb on Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rîrch Sunday. May 2nd. left en Monday for Carîvale,' Mrs. Tom McRoberts spent .Manitoba, ta attend thb wrd - the iveckend with ber daugh-: ding of bis granddaughter. ter aur) son-in-lawv Mr, and, Mr,;. Ken Chamberlain, Osha- Mr5z. Wm. Scymotir alten 11) week ' un MemonîilHospital. BowmTanville. is convalrscing with ber nepbew, Mn. Haroîld Seymour. Mrs. Scy-mouir anr) other relatives in Toronto and district. Mr. and Mis. M. J1. TambIvur wore Sundav guesis of inn sistor and hrroiher-iu-law,, Mn.' and Mrs. John Leisbman, of Osbhawva. Mn. anr) Mrs. C. V. Wilson and Iamily attended thp hap- tism of Chrîstopher Michael Wilson. son of Mn.,aar) Mrs. Jack B. WilFon of Bowman- ville at St. George's Anglican Church. Newcastle. on Sun- day. Mav 2nd. The rector, Rev. D. R. Dewdney officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Harold) Lunn of Aramanda, Michigan, vijsit- or) bis brothens Perc and George and called on Mr' '. Emma Lunn at Belleville Hos- pital. Mr. and) Mis-. .1. Russell Ormiston of Enniskillen i xslted Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown on Saturda. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hîîtiton and sons have moved into their new house on Main Street S. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hod-snn of Ajax visited bis aunit, Mrs. D. G. Hooper on Sunday. Mrî. and Mrs. Charles Johis, Bowrnanvil]e: Mr. and) Mri' Loren7o Truli, Mr. and Mrs,, Harold Salter of Hampton spenti a daY with Mrs. Cha.v Wood recently-. Mrsý. Floirence Rvir and dpughtvr Jane left hv 'planr on Fridayv for their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls nf Stackville visited M.andrlMrs. Carl Billings;. Mn. and Mrv. Fiancis Hall of Agincoîînt visited rs c. Cecil The partncrs of DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS and MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS & CO. Chartered Acnuntarit ânnounce the merging of their practires w~hidi wiII henceforth he carried on under the name of DELOITTE, PLENDER., HASKINS & SELLS Montr4p Oshawa WhithY Toroido Hamilton Windsor Winnipeg Reginn Calgary Edmonton Prince George Vancouver .1 n i M\i- .C. Stoltt f rToronto is vîisitire.-Pber cousin Mrs-s. Fred Tanib1l n. were Mother's Day g lheïr son Mnr.Jac k 1B Mcc. Wilson and sou MccF . O.Cowauî or spenf a few days M, brother Mn. Chas. Coc friends last week. 1Mr. aur) Mrs. N. S. cf Coiborne wibb ber law Mr. Chas. Hottuni wh lie Mrs. Hutton patient in Memonial1 Bowmanîville. Mn. and Mns. Russ Honne cf Wbitbv vis mothei, Mrs. Fred Tan Sa turda y. Mr. aund Mrs. Froc aurd Donna cf Enfield Mrs. L. Samis. Mrs. Russell Vîrfu Lornet Phare cf Tyror G' McCoy, Bowm wPvee ncent supper gi Mirs. D. G. Hooper and Mclloberts. A Mothen and D banquet xvas lbeir)on iniiite main halcf Unifer) Churcb for m i f the C.G.I.T., Explor .ý 1ess c e rs. BASE UT.NE guests of Wilson, i Chnis., open and MeNally and sons was a H-osptal, ýCIl Van ted ber blyn on ISamis, i Visiter) Nornit J. Scott le, Ms e; Mcc. The Honourable W. G. Davis, Minister of Educa- 'tanville, tioli for the Province of Ontario, announced recent] y uess ocf the appointment of Norman J. Scott, B.S.A.. M.Sc.,: Mrs. T. P.Ag., of Willowdale to the Board of Governors, -I University of Guelph. Mr. Scott, who is well known TFuesdav here as manager and owner of Brookdale-Kingsway Orono Nurseries from 1939, until he sold ta the firm's new nembers owners in 1959, has recently been opcrating The esadCanadian Ilorticultural Consulting Compan ' yli Ton- nt.The best wishes of his many friends here wil go with him in this new and chalIenging ro!e. le11 arîI his a nd Rve-Friei csh ip Club, le > twindaugluters of M -. and MM cs. Fred W rught.- f cliMn. aun) Mrs. Athur H aid s iexi e tn Paalz, Fhe11Ezer, ;IF gucsts cf- t4'hcinr daugýhtPcs Nettie aur)d_ 1 iae At .Beach Cttg 1 Mr. arir)M Mcc. K. BiekVli aur) Dale. Saîult Ste. Marie.T I spet leen wekncl~~î'heFnienr)ship Club ch f tage at BOaiileBahnu tLeskard aun) while ureM riiiiiy Uniter) Chîîcch met, in Friday, Jîîne 41h, Th'is lisv- anr) Mns. Fred Wrigtb i'ie~bc 'bircb hl!ou Friday af- tation xvas aice.pted ,wýith bh e m trrnaoni May 7-th, wifb about tbanks. Gifis cf luwes c ce 50 present. given lun those baving birtlî- Mr. aur) Mis. ArthurBaie Th, Vworsbip service wasdays close at band: Mrs. E. W. spent the weekend with herledr by Rev. and Mrs. W. K. Foley., Mrs. Niua Clarke sari parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Houslander on the theme "Gor) Mr. R. Robins. Aiso remem- Bancroft. Newington. lu Nature"', using spring-time bener) were two niembers whîo On MoîîdiY aflernoun Mrs. lîvmns anr) seniptuire roading. were absent on account o f ut- Rex Fwierwas uest~ IVrs. Hotîslander gav-e a bnief ness, Mrs. S. Ruîidle and /i-. bonon ai a lunebeon iield af nueditafion on the thome. Rex'. E. B. Moses. the liome cf Mc.s. A. Bannes. Mn. Houislander tlIr a story A happy sing-song foilowcd, She was presenfer) with many mcm th, life cf Joan Fabre, led by Mrs. Ted Morris .wth lovelyvguits, fokens cf respect'the great Frenîch naturalist, Mrs. Albert Cote af tbe piano. anr) affection on the occasion who devoter) bis life tb a studv lucluder) were the club's cfbe-hith)y. cf tbe wondros of the insect em on Countt Youîc Mr. andur)ins. H. Wilson an wocld* aur) aiso wirote 10,Many Blessings- aur) 'Mini son Todd, 1Mc. anduriMs. Bill volunmes on tbe subjeci.. Hymn Eyes- Have Seen bbe Glur'.\" Koicîîko. Karen aur) Julie -)6. OLord cf Heaven aur) Games were player) b\' those Anu ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 weeMoh;sDy usîsEarlb aur) Sea' vas repeater) lu interester), followed )ix e- uf f'beii parents, Mr. and Mrs. unison as a pra.veon luclosing. fresbments secved by the C. Wilson. Mis. C.- Ives, chairman 0f' ladies cf Croup Il of theIfi. Mcr. A]b4. .-JamEs;. Rishop- t bbcoîunniîîe. mu.. ii. Rrad!cy express ton, Que., vas a Tuesdsay cal- brnefhu siiess session. The-cd the fbanks of buer club ]et- xitb bis aont, Mrs. C. gcoip \,vas veny kiudly inviter) membhers o these ladies. Th'le Wîk-ou. by Mcs. W'. Fi. Carlton inlu bi) meeting dloser) with a bcp- thein Jutîe meeingaIlier rot-:diction by cur pastur. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Hear Financial Statement The mneptîn2 cf tbe Womnenis Newcastlep, for the rose SF111 Hospital Atîxiliary, helr) in the 10 ber wbeu s3he vas in bus- Board Room i Memonial Hos - pital, andi that Mcs. Toms bar) donateci a beatutiftul baud knit- pifai on Fcidlay afternooni, 1was led jacket aur) hutnet set iu openr) wutb the Auxiliary'sbe auxiliary. A letten cf Prayer sair) lu unison by the tbanks was 'ivdfi-on, Rce members. The president, Mrs. Willatt. a long time menihen 'f ci h ospilal staff, for bite %V. M\. Rudeli. v ho presir)ed, flowprs givrn bu hlm on bis weleomcr) a iexv uiember, Mrs. birtbday. L. Hiurson. Mcs. C. G. Morris MrsCaian dove) ie adop- acIer) as reco-ding secretary in r.Cla o the absence of Mrs. J. J. Cor)- toorlieu'1 report. This vas dahee.seconder) b.' Mcc. Allan B. dabec.Sylv'ester, aur) tanner). , ý\ sIl foi\ - i r Ar jau 1a siatemnrt Ivas rrhy Mr.s. R.. Gy. Coii, the treasurer. Mrs. ('owio. also tlir the meeting that tho donationsý recîvr) at, the H-ospibal Firntdav Party amoutto61 A5.0.5She ar)c- ed that expenses mvpccr 041 ,o thb.rn et proccocis verc M10-64, Mr-S. RudelI stater) i MsNý 121h willhe Hospital Day, ani sair) that Ibis yepar lettens hiv heen Sent fu'um the iHospit;; Board tru the tbhree Higl Scbools n Ihe aiea unforminý the-ni that the Hospîtai Aid mînistratorn, Bernard Holdetr and others will ho glar in g( Tie lollouvtn.71letier from studerutF rv ohospiilclres Hosputal Boar'd Chairman aur) different aspects of bos- Gilenholmp Hughles 10 pitai wvork. al ýh u"f"""a zrs. Wpsin if awkrr inox cd members: *YOI ir a nnounlie-tuiilheioînsicpr) ment that the Women's Hos - Tis as sei acoder) by Mprs. pitaI Auxilîar 'v s prepared r) i, 10 coiddhyMS contribuite $3.000) tovwards the '.IVîtrter. the immediale furnishings of th1e Maternitv pas) president, and carrier). Department sq a mnatter o f Mrs J. ONeill, co-convenon 1-uch ,Pleasuine bu thetilospita i or the iVa-aton Bridge. re- 133arai.prt that fixe gnoupls. hIlre, "Suci a Conîtribution bc aof ladies wiý-th 14 couples eaub, S))eaks thîe x ta lity and interes and two inixed groups \withIi 1( ni te axllr Those o s oplseach. bar) taken part -~ho attender) the Hptal in the Marathon Bridge. Pro- Birthday' Party sawý% at first cedsfo hSPý.etaILI- band bo\w strung and meaning- e to $380.50, wbich less ex- 1111 id ake ociation, and 1 penses made a profit of $366.,52. \Vojlr lk-rintake <btis oppor- Special appi-euialtiouî i o thei iunity uf rougi atilatitng you on, work of ber, co-convenor, Mrs. that ,uccessful occasion. E. V. Hoar, and of lirr kind. "The p resentationi of Pas), uess tin lending Fh o boue for Presidents' Pins was pairu. the special wind-up party, %vas larlv thoughtfil. and a won- expresseu'l bv Mrs5. O'Neill. Shp derfl ofgivnr, omeas-ed that a letter hr ,ent in derfuol wav oif iîn theme yRickabvs Limiter) for the co- hundredsý of bours which have opecation civen to the 'Maci- bren contrihutori hv 1these thon Bridge throuzhnuîj the ruetmFiers Io the au'xiliarv *s season. cause. Mrs. O'Neill aisu ihanjker), -Plaý, Mýz 111In) UI cm-the Marathon Bridge Commit- plete, memben-sh-ip the board's tee memnhers for their unfaîl- aIPPreciation of your efforts, îng assistance. She moved the and assure tbem that uwe are adoption of ber report. This most aPPr'eCiqtiv'e Of your von- w as seconder) by Mrs. Hoar, tiinng intcrsi and generosi- anr) carrier). iv.- Mis. Rtideil said it made President Rudeifli expresser) thle auxiliary feel good ta re- the gratitude of the auxiliary ceive sucb a lovelîy compl- members ta Mrs. O'Neill and mentary letter. Mrs. Hoar. the Marathon Bridge co-convenors, for The Corresponding Secretary their wonderfîîlwok.She Mrr. R. R. Callan, also read aspoke of the suUcess of thon' letter froni Mrs. L. W. Dip- efforts, and ir)so emphasized pell tbanking the auxiliary forithe fact that the Marathon the presentation of hier PastîBnidge is a great public re-_ PreFident's Pin. Mrs. Dippelilations project also. The presi- v rote that she regrets being>dent also thanker) Mrs. lioar unable ta attend the auxiliary-'s for lending ber b1o use meetings at present. but hOPesifor the special wind-up bridge that eventualty sire wîll be party. able Io do so. Mrs. Duncvan Smith, C'hair- Mrý;. tallaiî also repoirtedi mari of thc Bi'.'ing Committc, tbat a note of thanks had been stt" ha! rrturos from the received from Mrs. A. Toms, sale of t.he auxillaryzs Cook RAY GIBB'S SALES & SERVICE , Q1 tfnM! (t P C" l i a a 3'ta' rdas. rd e1tTo. -"a,xrar'nl'-ac 'c~ .a'e'a~a.o~.. vou get n a '65 Sîîieobaker anid yo,.11 see ý6i)v it s , e i;î- ca .:ea iroîake a GRAHAM'S GARAGE Haydon 1tooks during the rnonth RudeU showe-d the members a ýThe Canadian Statetnan, Eown anvflle, May 12, 1963 amnounted to $13.73. She moved fetchinz littie hat Easter fav-' the adoption ot her report, ors made h.% the Guielph Hos-ý This Nvas seconded by Mrs. pital Auxiliary. holme Hughes, and carried. Ford, Scarborough, thanking Earl Thompson. and cairried. Mrs. Rudeli, the president, her on behaif of the auxiUlai MIrs. W. Wallis, co-uhairmnan reo-inded the auxiliary mem- for offering to donate to the Mrs. Allan B. Sylvester, the of the Librarv Cart with Mrs. bers of the Regional'Confer- organi7ation the proceeds froni Lay ette Chairman reported E. J. Rundie, reported that ence to be held in Lindsay on a book puiblication collertion that financial donations from Mrs. Roy Spry had donated a Friday, May 7th, and told thern of lier verses, and also outline the auixiliarv inembers had en- nunînber'of pocket novels. Dr. of arrangements for transpor- to Mrs. Ford ihie rncessary ar- abled hier to complete tA*O H.- C.-Anfossi had given marîx' tation. She also said that the rangements ta make for such layettes. She also mentioned an comniC books. and children in Regional Chairman, Mrs. A. publication. Thois -was carried. attractive pink jacket and Triniîv United Chuirch Siiday Griffin has promnised te adi- FoIoll e business mnatching bonnet contributed School had made sevoral at- dress a meeting of the Wometi*fs meeting mcrnbcrs of the Wom. by Mrs. A. Toms. tractive scrap book,; and (-on- Hospital Auxiliarv here in the ensi'.lePspital Auixiliary mem- Church groups lu Ille area trihnted themi to the Lihrar *v autimiu. bors attenlded Ille enjoyable have been se co-operative and Cariý Mrs. Wallis,. moved ',he IMrs. Thornpson, sccondcd bv Forsyvthia Tra lheld b.\ Trinity generous in making and donat- adoption ntflier report. This Mrs. Rundle. moved that Mrs. t.nited Chîîrcl W'omen in the ing layettes Mrs. Sylvester w~as seconded by Nlrs. Glen- Hultghes write to Mrs. Marion Sunda.v School Roomrs. said, that now' she would jike___ to ask other womnen's organi- zations. sucb as the Bovman- ville Ladiý's Auixiliarv. the Rebekahs, the Kinettes. Rotarv Anns. Lioniettes. and Womnensý Institutes to make such dona tions. Mrs. E . J. Runidle mioyen Mrs. Sytv"-(ster- ask these or- ganizations In donate layettes. This xvas seconcied by Mrs M George Vice. and carried. Mrs. Sylvester moved the adoptionM of hier report, Mrs. Smith sec- onded this. and il. was carried. Mrs. Eanl Thomipson, Tra '\x Favors Chairmnan. reporte( that 100) attractive tray favors had been donated anonymousl 'v for St. Patrick's Day. Mrs. I Nem, trop - Easy to Peel - Vaiencjas J A FFA3 'SIze Product, of Mexpiro - Cao. No, t Grade %'ine Ripe TOMATOES lb. 29c rrduce, of .S.A. - Ca n. No. 1 (;rade Lge. Stks, CRISP CELERY 2 [or 39c Produce of U .S.A. - ('an. No, 1 Graude Bunch Carrots 2 for 25c SAVE 'RE SE EXTRA TAPES FOR FREL GIFTS OR LATON ME RCHA N 1)1 l CE:RT I FlCA'rCS Reecive ani Extra $10. Tape ap'qir <or Dry fii, HALO SHAMPQO r,,nni Recivr an Extra $r?. Fape COFFEE 13f Rereîr .fl ~ 54.Tane S UGA R ,rrI.!t BLEACH ýec Lxrquct d Tide Detergr-nt G!it ReçiveanFxtsi 2.Tape FI SH & CHIPS Pk. r-nr. No,. 1C I . P.E.I. Potiatocs l. Alpin.x or Beef Steakettes r~. 't I I E r v v i. 1< 3 B c) o for T ins for T'ins for 15 n,. Tins, for f -o. Cut Wax Bea for UCK'S RELISH 4 2 -3 for, 8-ot 5 kz 4m 6kl Bowmanvi'lle IGA Foodliner Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor 1; CHOICE PEAS 8fo Beans & Pork 8 fo Toniato or Ve'getahie 10 l7- Clark's SouUP fo KREENEx7fo Royal Gold - Reg. or Nippy 9-7. Clieese Suices 4 fr Pinaea pple-Gra pe fruit NC DRINKS3 ( I-rks l'aîoî TomatoJuice3 A PPLE SAUCE7 A.i imer ('hoire Fruit Cocktail 4 C;irdpn Path Choler SPECIAI, COMBINATION OFFER! One 1-1b. C('rUa Wrapped __ TABLERITE WIENERS Oe-l.Pk.knls 1LTABLE RITE SAUSAGE FOR 1 6-oz. Vae. Seaied SIierd TABLERITE BOLOGNAM Swift Preiniurn Ready To Serve SMOKED PICNIC39 PORK SHOULDER 39b Royal Giiest Rindies.. 1i-lb. P 7- SLICED SIDE BACON- lb. 59C The '65 Studebaker is a luxury car inside-out... Don't Jet its Iow price fool you! HEINZ SPAGHETTI hTMI tor W hite %olid Pr<k7x SAICO TUNA3fo Mr. I3allards Champion 1.,' ref, Liver &,(Chic ken T5 DOG FOOD3fo I(,A .Tril Str.uwherr'î or Raspherry >24 - Y IGA JAMS uith Ppeein 2Lo IGA CATSUP [lot IDog. Fet, itr h Hot Doz or J3ickatiiii Pink Liqîiid IGA DEÎ ERGENT L'h'te, Pink. Aqua, or yelçtit VHITE SWAN TISSU E «Variîecs- 34c- Range RERR'S CANDIES ý'IVitie Prrire - 6 Varîetifs BISCUITS GA MARGARINE Id South Frozen )RANGE JUICE ptdbae CANADA'S OWN CAR -Sec wour local -Stu iehaker Dealecr 1 v r-ý ]-mz Boilles for 12-19. Jmrý for