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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1965, p. 6

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i - - - - l - m i o o Th~e Canadien Statesmnan, Bowmanville, May 12, 1985 and Mrs. F. Osmond. Vir- IJ M est. 4th C. Forrester; Boys. TamM1yyi, J. Caen, a!BlnPeelg e~ r ginia, Tracey, and B. Adams, K E NA LG.AIlin, P. Ohard, N. Allun,1 Allin, J. Hawke: ByIshm Mr. d Mrs. E. R. Thompson, B. MacDonald. Wersma, Terry GraaGrirdynatw R otarianswmHear R eports MR-!Eight teams have been in :Oshawa. Shot Putt - Girls, M. Mur-Ir 1Ticars nbn .a ar"ra M.ilmsn ekr;M.bowling competition in New-. David Lofthouse of Oshawa i hy W. Partner, R. Hender-1 220 Yd. Dash-GilNaterfcsxieebn ly Hampton, '.%r. L. R. Thop!ate the past winter, two visited hi5 aunt, Miss C. W.'son, C. Nixon; Boys, G. Allun, Simpson SpS.nga son Toono; r.D. . fomKenal thee ro OrnoStewart.i N. AllUn. F. Hendry, C. Duvall.F{awke: Boys. IdsoWesa.dne. ewreqie iap soToot; r D .frmKedl tre rmOrn ý.;Jav'elin - Girls, C. Nixon, Terry Graham-. Boblke. pitda h unu fsu Thompson, Valerie and Deb-land three freim Newcastle.! Miss Marion McKelvey spent W. Partner, C. McCracken, J O f 3 F iresid e /I'le etin g s ~ ~~bie, East Beach, Bownanville. Bowling is now campleted for ,a couple of days at home with Po l;B4s40 A, »Yd. Dash ~il.. et hub O3 i e iSMr. Jim Graham and boys tesao adabnue a ak Hendry, C. Duval. N. Ailin, Simpson, S. Taibn;]os i h lak tdns BwavleMran r.held at the Northway Res- meeVut-Bys aIsoWesa The case study approach The second problem on theliad been one of arbitration, Roy rhm wr dy taurant an Monday eveningý Donald, R. Raynard. ýTerr,% Graham, Bruc oet em h eto e wes used at the three fireside agenda, the difficulties of aland deait wýit*h contracts, un-I Moer*s Day callers at Mr. Then tghe awas er emae Intermnediate i Mile - Boy s,Tm GryTusa at bc-o raeetings of local Rtarians merchant wb-ich had arisen ions, andl management, but' and Mrs. L. Graham's. Ti ihs crn emws. 0Y.Ds ilA Bruce Roberts. me nCutca~oo lheld recently ta give Voca- because of the competition of specifically with a man who Mrs. Martin and Delbert the Kendalites, consisting of le 60 rsday at- thelsSA..A. tional service tbe vitality it discount bouses, was alse dis- had been disxnissed forab visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fer-Din Langstaff, t Therssa SParkt, L. Vancer Spa, ruiLa n wo ile-By. intac etatCHS had in the early days of Ro- cussed at each fireside meet- senteeism atter one warning. guson and Wilmaa, Enniskil-len. Lantaffe, Bethampson ndr Mile - Boys, C. Rogerson, Earl Cobbledick. tary, Bob Stevens, Directoring. the panel reported. 1 Arbîtrators like te give alon Friday. KlaLgthYMece. RthsIrwinnd B. Haïck,C.obldkR'Hg Jump - Gil.Nny Chairman of the Vocational, The opinion of those pre- bit to eacb side, and exerciseî Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mar- AlaLnsaf hs in Ng I E WSu JGod. C obeik :Hg oAn aeo .Service Committee, stated at sent was that the merchant their own judgment. When it Utn and Mrss W. Martin were aards fram Kendal were Si d Ds irs . m pson. Jo-Ann teBawmanvîlle Rotary Club should not run down another was faund necessary ta warn dinner guests of Mrs. Georgc Be Langmsfor aver 7trip, by Elizabeth Kozub SctL Vne pri rs,Bil Ha.Garr ic- tuheonmeeting held at theibusiness man, nor should he a man, the managemneUt FgusnOshawa,<on ettyThmponPhartrplerot, L.,Vaner Sri, .er;By'à diso, -ervGrs, Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel1 make disparaging rernarks siould have at once given the day. with handicap: Alta Langstaff,, Hi there, t.rack fans! The ae, . ercer;. Boys, B. TDiseus J-AGrl.S nern en Friday. ;about him. Tbey ail agreed union the factso! ofhe case in, Ms. Wayne Blackburn re inigh single with handicap, and news for this week is veryl Mather.DrlaLna A Tree Years Perfect At- that discount bouses do pre- the early stages o! tbe mat-!turned on Sunday to Hamilton Heen2ou0ux ithbig av vry horGsrplasebeaL.D e 1iSarLacastr Bx tendance Pin was presented sent a problem, but it is Up ter, wa.s the concensus ofiafter spendinga ekR erage. After dining and pre- with me. The following areý11skerC crk;B, . Betur I Taarr. E ER A IKE bey, tbc Attendance Chair- their patronage by additional The belief was ex'pressed Vbat. Mrs. George Tabb, May. !Bwavlet ol ee edls usa nG. Dent, D. Gallello, J. Ma-, Long Jurnp - GisNac mnan. The birthdays of Keith services to customers and by if thils had actually been donc. Sbirley and Lily visited Mrs The Wildcats, Kendal's oth-i Wednesday. ther.C. Simpson, Sharon Tmln Jackson, a past president of revaimping their own program. the management would have ' Mabe Cowling, Salem, or er team, consisting af Helen! Junior Division 440 Yd. Dash - Girls,C. Julia Hawke: oy. ds the club, and Bob Stevens Those at the firesides be- been able to take a strong SaturMay Couraux, Dot Mercer, Darathy, 0 d ah-Grs .JhsoL areM a-Wesa oadSaitn celbraed y hei fe-Ilieved that a merchant faced stand when it was tound îm-1 Mr. Victor Smith spent bhe Turansky, Mary Law, Grace Pat0,0 . Rthe-rrd, R. Don, S. Mercery, BMc-TWerv ram, ar - ih wre taeras.b herfe witb problemrs because of dis- perative ta tire the man. weekend witb his parents in Manders and Dora Youngman, Henderson, J. Powell; Boys,I Best, C. Rogerson. R. GÏood*lardson. Ininrduin bcthe counit houses sbould spend Walter DeGeer tbanked Mr.: -Toronto. wettîootTusafrGA I nrdcgth hWmore money for advertising Stevens and tbc panel mem- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, a shopping sprée and celebra- . Alin, M. Burtis, B. Mac- C. Cobbledick. Triple Jurnp - GirsSaon niembrs o a paele etokep his store's nome be- bers for tihe interesting re-jRonald and Ray visited Mr. tion, topping it off witb a din: onld1N A1n High Jump - Girls, M. Bur- Tamblvîî. Julia Hawe Gi VcDr. Keit mn ho rleot- an fre thc public. Thcy aiso ports, and President John !and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Ennis-Iner at the Savarin. The Ken- 220 Yd. Dash - Girls, W tis. S. Mercer, C. Sweep, S.!Allun: Boys, Tcrry rhr, eDr onteithee fiworeormt-i agreed that such a mercbant Bain aise expressed apprccia- killen, on Suniday. Idalites went ta Peterborough Partner, J. Rutherford, R: Gilbart; Boys, B. Best, F.l Gàrry Richardson.Hwr an~ hld during bc wek be-should scrutinize his own tien. Mr. and Mrs. George Ber-1 Friday night te celebrate. ýHenderson, M. Murphy; By alc.3dR eladP tpeoSeeWteson inshldt, r te wek be-buis sf, the Bcptnyo uss rsn tteRtrt trim and family, Taunton, Mr., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mercer of G. Allin, M. Burtis, N. Allin, Joncs. Shot Putt - Girls J-An businessMr. tebcn Rotarya B MacDonald. Long Jump - Girls, L. Par-, Cameron. Sharon Tmln metnsa edeeo nw rganization, and bis profit Armistrong, Sault ,Ste. Marie.1family, Oshawa, were Sunday week with bier father, Mr.' Girls 440 X'd. Dash - M. kaer C. se, S. Gibat, P. Gasýi] lln, D rlaLnatr Idvda nurnenesdf meetngsis a dvelp kow-margin, as well as study bis J. Omer Brault, H awkesburv .vistor t Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Fred Warren. Partner, J. Rutherford, R.PaJner:B~s, B.Bs. . o'. eCh'abrc. ra ledge and tbc opportunity for 0 rr ad aebc n. ois atJh i- HndrsnM.M oasJ.Card. D. Gallello. :Tamblv-n. ldso .ie-m,;r eto n ftemn Svc hogpronlprlwn pgam admieteOtMSeHtJh SnS )Wedncsday the ladies quiît- i IneroM urph3. Discus - Girls, S. Mercer, ry Richardsýon.seicsw promfrau sric tn a bru hes n ar -,th necessary adjustients. baiais, AI R e, and John usin ss ireciory I iled th Dresden plate quilt for! Boys 440 Yd. Dash - G. AI- S. Gilbart, J. Campbell, P.ý Javelin - irs, J - n ~ cinsi ah h m c o s tiieto a d by h a ing te The thrd case discussedisler, ail f Oshawa. Kes--, views cf others. the_____________________________' penny sale in aur new1 lin, M. Burtis, B. MacDonald, Partner; Boys, D. Galcllo, J.! Cameron, Sharon Tmln h ye n mut fii The pael told of the dis- church kitchen and found it 'B. Post. Chard, B. Lanc, R. Neal. ! Gail Allun. Julia Ha)k:Bxs uac bs itdt hi c'ic on nbch three cases on h I ~ L ~ A~.tccoun~anilc y vcry convenient. A crib quilt.ý Girls 60 Yd. Dash - W. Part- Triple Jump - Girls, A. M.* Garrv Richardson, Ids ir-pr the agenda at cach firesideD ~ MIE VY~ RAY J. DILLINGwas also put up and was donc ner, J. Rutherford, J. Poweil, Scott, S. Gilbart, P. Hardy, S. ma, Bob Parks. BruceMre.tclrrqieet.Yuwi meeting. One wai hcld at B *barteredW Accountan ltr Telaisvc ihR.Hnesn vercer; Boys, P. Joncs, D.ý Pole Vault - Bcy.Gr~ idu rayadwligt Mi.Stevens' bouse, onc et Mr.CareedAconcn ach other over whîch ancý Boys 880 Yd. Dash - M.:Gallello, T. Chard, G. Forget. Rîehardson, d s oWisadsusyrinrncned Spees' ad an et r. Se- b Nel Ricardsand ic c-opeatio wit a btter93 Church Street i was going ta win the prctty Burtis, B. Post. B. MacDonald, Javelin - Girls, S. Mercer, anUi-yorovzo. snon's home. The first was Kathy Twist turnout et this next session. 1-23-1- D-se pae-n.-.Aln C urp-P-ary E zb that of a firn' losing a valued Asalrenmerc ii peaking of music, thc mu'-' LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Wednesday evcning the UC.' Boys 'Mile - B. MacDonald, Boys, C. Cobbledick, D. GaI- emplyce ta another compeny. partant events must be i-e- sic dcpartment is l>uy pre-, brce Acutn W. hcld their meeting in thec1B. Post, N. Allun. 1dbl, J. Chard, R. Neal. Itwssaid that the groulos ported this week we are paring for its May Festival! Trustee in Bankruptey cburch kitchen with Mrs. 1 -igh Junfip - Girls, C. Nix- Shot PLItt - Girls, C. Swcep,! et hes fiesie eetngsbe-foredte iscss achasprogran bMay lOtb. Tbe Suite 205W 725-9953 Elliott prcsiding. Mrs. Cath-1 on, C. Coatham, D. Todd, W. S. Gilbart, S. Mercer, L. Van- lieved that tbc management briefly as possible. Home Ecnnic F as hion Osbawa Shoppin~g Centre cart is ta purchase bbe swet- I Partoci-; Boys. N. Allun, G. dcer Spruit; Boys, B. Bcst, B.ý 623 -3303S UA T I Show wdll be hcld on the pre. W. J. H. COGGINS 'er and warm dress thet is oui-. Allin, B. Ma.cDonald. Lane, B. Haick. D. Gallello. faced with this problem The Students' Council met c1idy Mylt.Th breedAcutn allocation for the bale, ta be in Long Jump - Girls, C. Coe- 80Y.Ds -ByC I houd ivesigae bc po-lest Tbursday aternoon ta Art and Industriel Arts ds Second Floor 'by May 15. Miss Stewart turn-: th'am, J. Rutherford, C. Nixon, Rogerson, R. Gcod, B. Haick, e'mcfbenefîts ofrdb discuss several im po r t ant pleys will be open bath nights' New Librery Building cd in the $45.50 which bad W. Partncr: Boys, G. Allun, T. Stark. i.UN A E te koth r c m an. O c the fmaters.Ani g tein w a b t 7:30 p.m. Cor. King & Tempernce Sts.ibeen received fr n bth c "M akei D. Dent, B. M acDonald, P. Senior J value its own program, andî queto fSeletions ThePie- al, ehv amsae Phone 623-3612 Believe Tee". Bis wbich bad Nesbitt. 60 - . ash - Grs s . E work out a compromise that executive f t1 VALE, FThEDLANDER- - accumulatcd wcre paid, ex- Discus - Girls, C. Nixon, Camneron and S. Tamblyn, 2nd' would please bbc emplcyce in sident reminded the repre- fri AdeyHyeou irs AE RELNE cept aur shere towerd bbc iW. Partner, C. McCracken, J. Gail Allin, 3rd J. Hewke. qetoadke i. sentatives that tbc electionsl vîce-prereyident ap chirmn & COMP tANY parsonege mettress, for whicb ýRutberford, Boys G. Allin, 880 Yd. Dash - Boys, IdsoOfc eiee Iuet ho e n kemplo e hm iS be s e d t n te yencoura ne ud bc A t ecaexp es e Ad - 1,Yf c are red A cu t nts w c did n t know bw m uc .iN . A lln, F. H endry. W iersm a, B ruce R oberts, T im 6 3 5 8 2 5 planning ta leave bbc firm bas adnoia no r e woid ikn e th a nexpre be p, LiesdTrss Field Day is bcing beld on the , Triple Jump -Girls, lsb, W. Gray.- possiI ble candi- peite abb aypol:in Bankruptcy R C spcil uaiictinthn idates. lb cen not be empb'asiz- wohaehepd e 5 aih 11.n OE 28771prkbi- o bcoo N'P-t-,-- .Nxn n .10 d ah- ilS ls possible that bis dissatisfac-I denuh iatasoicigtst 1~during ber tci-m of af- _ Osbawa,_OntarioJu 1l. Oan ad cw1 tion because of lack af recog.- t gh cnmntitdsevefice. They arc as follwsbovlea-nticuddhs Lin deentBakerervWcLSOýN -& BURROWS 'ycar. Somne plans for lunch,, nitin ws e bb rot o bb, an sice bc tudnts Co n BkeIrwin Clcl, Chartered Accauntants etc., were discussed. Then-- Ne.49!euo trouble, it was believcd. ciî's primary p pose ià te Henry Dykstra, Tîna Hughes,14Kigt.Es.shwO.grm asncageoJuyr nem Those et the meetings had 1 pi-avide a romteetr-Susan Luxtan, Linda Master-1I14ain t EastOsaw, ant . grmwb n hgae bboBbl I amFiie als touht ha l woldbecurricular activities faorayu f, Du ils ihr1 Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Ireadîn.Ms enr tpe %vise te re-plan the man's job!it is yaur , Wolfe Kerekes, Daisy n.Ms.Lnr Gal- ýti urresponsibility toerfe.Edonctrws C1.!onlette isusiokogte with tbe originel firm, give chose a capable and telented Résider and Ohristie Tighe. PhEdoned7Bu-7o5srevA.utonfe the discnan bc/ pein Td Independence, it was reperbed. te Mi-. Austin for bis belpil HALL, PERKIN &CO. 1fbc"odadbcWy Ib was aise felt that thisi Perhaýps yau know 901me the janitcrs fer their co-op-! Chartered Accountants l stiv"fian-t.Jdyba mrpioyee's future, should he' Prornising student wha might eration, Van Belle Gardens Kingr Street - Newcastle also preparcd questionsan 4 - remain in bbc firm, shauld bc meke a fine candidate for cf- woln b eho terfna8-20an\5o Wa b ndA cniee.fice - get et him, nominabe fountain, and Specialty Paper!361/ King St. E. - Oshawa Cburcb teaches", the questions ~ NTE bible that hc ight become ia ndaoeales U-frterkn ito ae upervisor wibbin e few yearsi port bis campaign. Nommea- end finelly Audrey wouldý 2-53 en se yMs tpeo ths hol b idiaeàteýtien foi-ms may be obtaincd et lîke te tnkDniMc Williami C. Hall. B.Cornn., C.A., and the enswers by Mrs. Fos-' ~~~his ~~'h sh ud h n i ae a b coffice anytim e this week. rs an d el eror David G . Perkin, C A. ter. lb sounded m ucb like ur I. : a îî. , O t idW alter ___ FOOD ASTER 1Then, it was decided that the love'ly bouquet of flowersî - -cfcbs of former years.ý ______________________the final dance of the school she was presented with atet!b' ~ ~ ~ ~ Oi rt etn sas ob ý,car. . entitled "The Lest formeal. ChiroPr- - l d 1( nt le -ki cs ails thile Blast," would be beld this ý 'G. ED WIN- MAN N, D. -C, ouse-cleaning is cari-ied ouf. for Tucsdev cvening, beginning 'fie hrpatrSaturday Pvnigapresrn- sSlc. au hc' rne et 8 p.m. Music will be pro- ýtation a held in thrrneSeilySlced-VleCek rne 0' e Sake vided by thet fine local band,,HA DON15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St..Hl o h clwds i. j pcal Rick and bbc Iguanes. Let'sl ':hone 623-Mr509 -gnd Mrs. Palpb Greenwood..* i'~~nr~~nr w lst dance. A special we -' was eld at the o re o t M rs.~ e a l, t a e d t beM s e cn a is ge c r wd e t tu e t s h s . C Wk i e m stana o f f c e r : ont m ir r orwb a tc i v a b e o a u b f uion , a n frian Courbice and Clerke. Wedne&day évening. Pxrcsi- D nfa 1< adlbm mne. h A sflfl co7m_____o_____dentMm._ô________ theevcning was spent in dancing, lu M deAtsmwasil ometîe heigt suenetingMrs. atta ofee h R.WM RDL, .ta rmusic suppied by M. and' W W o a s dntrs w i n e t a ehte meetn g bv e rà adinThet verses75 King St. E. B awm nville Mis. ames Lowery. Mi. and. Milk is the "most" at Courbice by selling ribben.s, "FlOrn lthat dwell belowlO 9 a.m. ta 6p.m: dafly t eoenwoo re CmaDTR ingA_ necutit icus c! a g1-oed âtrtce tain smatasta dfApprvedn. RÔi1Ied SaturdPhe nd ay There was a geod attendance' HR I OS pcal ee bartostn gbit ecvrfo h asWSra adapoe.Rl Rs hnc Newcastle 987-4261 eat church Sunday anne OR - Lean and - invasion'of Bownianvilies.ceall a nswered with aurlD. .-. ATRA, .DS. Christian Famîily Day, SeveitDaly dnt tatocuredonTus-mohe'schristian naine. 1 R .F ATA.DDS.ifermerly knewn as MV.otbers Tne It aiy! day, ocurd n u s M. C. Garrard gave ae1 Office !Day. Mr. Lcn Falls assistcd KO LLED H OLD ERTner____ Keep your femily happy i We had bbc occasion last splendid devotional on t'he 75 Ki<g St. E. Bewrnanvillc Mn. White witb the servicel and hatyb ragn week te attend anc cf inter- Power cf Influence, takeni Office Heurs: trom the icefletfebbdy.* C"da for thaeLave oal regla dlier o G stng muic apreiafonfrm rôers.9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily Mrs. G. Caf bcart gave R O U N D C H U C K "- l fres Mne reulrdeivr c len classes, conducbed by Phil Mrs. C. Garrardtek vr'CsdSaud ndudy story 'Ged in bbc Home of - F~ Ras Dairy top.quality Dawson. Thetotpie, The bhe prograni in the absence! Telephone Office 623-54599 Moses". A baptismal service - 'Weibz. Unfoitunatcly thce at. of Mrs. Alfred Gari-erd, whicb DR. E. W. SISSON 'was aise hcld. Thase being milk! tendance w'as rether <iap- consisted of a reading on psy-, L.D.S., D.D.S. ýbaptizcd were: Bnian Chai-les, ETBY ae1e oord1l.Pg pointing, but we teed that chîatry-y Mrs. Joncs. Mrs. Office in bis home thesonofMi-. and Mrs. Brucý e STFEATURE S4!AVUNGS'1-1. Pgs PHIONE 623-5444 such an amnbibicus progrem Olesen tepe-rccorded aur tun-! 100 Liberty St. N., Bowrnanvîlle Catbcart; ChristineAnnFEn ' L I I~ body. Sa, e give Phil a lit- a very intcresting. Mrs- 9 ar.. te6 p.. daily Shelly Ann,bthe daugbter of R ose M A R G A R IN E 3 '81c Sl J-b ' 'gLE N A E wLxtm anttgetrt iceHeurs: 6231- 1 -564Dv. einlhe-lre BS..U-av 3! 2o- isHA S MA F $ 4 Sy'pty sexcne t ____Rs.633Vernon Pcacock) Of Elizabeth- ETBU"SvO3c-0 OfFcoz.SiFR Mr8s. l-e Griffin and Mn. 1E. RICHARD LOVEKIN ville andid Margaret (Mn. W. E"IETEDd"ELIT SAlE 18e!30c!h20keOf- Paef - Tu.key 3-eA. G UARANTEED and Mra. AIfred Garrard and B.A.,LL.B. J. Honey. and one son, William'.CAiq aOY ceaie ntesde a- arse oiio f Kendel. Ont son Hervle, 1111 sig i r.LoneGrffn.King St. W. Newcastle wes klled everseas in the GA T i ui EE RGENT 69U TRU T C RTIIC TES ~Poe9743 First World War. Whcn liv-Ei Gn i-ove, nMaleHeurs: 9-5:30 - Wed., Set., 9-1 ing here Mrs. Jackson bad Mro' et is5.$ awa, Miss Dianne Cam.pbell TIE T iKE heneadrin acurhLadiesPRODUCE- i ssued in amoeunts frem $100 Ohva ir udyM: Berristers, Solicitors 'Adednalcuicvik upwrdsfo 3,4 o 5yeas. bsaayvwiresuno! Mu-s.M. Notaries Public e nd since then bas contributed upwad r ,,%4intrs5 pyaeaif- Olesen. W. R. Strikofe,;QmC.M.generousiy ta aur cburcb. The. Golden Tree Ripe California leear]y by ceue.t aal a Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mar- A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 'tnarluswMas t erli' 'Gý ceque.tin, WellaviUle, N.Y., apenti Edward C. Wildman, wPalourmonda t 2rn. authoized nvestnent or athebcweekend witb Mr-. anBALdB;ibinemn i r authrizd inestnentforall 40King St. W. - Bawmnanvill~ Cemetery. Tht many beauti- Candin nsuane ompnis Maivin. Potts and Mrs. W. Telephone 623-5791 'ful floviers bespoke bbc bigb; and trust funds. ' M. and Mrs. Clit! Petbick Mis Mareem n hihsherasd gl raUled at thie Patta home te M0jVtj ag es visit with Mr. and Mrs, cl' ____ ___ frAdri-rn Stzatorna j b i-t Mu rti o Se ur ay S DIE H A IL T N- rO N ip n eend wîbt.bath r e rs ,M ld r zo alarge origin al b u n ch es G ard en F r shla g st ks N . i Ieratn ong. i Phon evi i- 16 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mertin I THE ~~~Mr. and Mrs. Loui Ashtoni First Mortgage F'unds Fosten.Gr6,àni s O I TD~ TS etebcoug, caled n hs'Residence - Farrns Miss Canal Little of Scar- TE R bU oeR~~~MATION I fther, Mxx.Henry Ahton, at Business Properties bruh~brefrbc kGre no s3m2 c CEL 3 'S E L N G T U teRd he atdfaiy 1 - orne r wtMi-. and Mrs. M P E G O Eb V 'IE M pe~ ~ v CORPORATION 1 ~M. and Mrs. Fred Asbton, Toi-.-uald nMrs i-. HcnryKeIT,.BILT, 'Mi-. and Mrs. Bob Carrutb- DIIIT Toront, calld on M. Henyý KEIH A. BL ersand sons celebrated Pat's ý "L R V E H T Aon undteRa aiy Optornetrist and Steven's birtbday by a' on Sun da J* 13 KizlgSt. E omni dinner rs 372 BUT St, 33 Dunlop lit. 73 Mistaseagu m Mr. aid s.Joe ZubkavitcOffi4e . - s:Bemapnvlett b Mix ter Snd r. CORNISH'S RED & W HITEOr n Toat Brre rlIfla- and Joe)hne and' Telephone 623-3252 j M Gi-endmna. wcle on MIon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fi-i.1 With M . and Mrs. George Mrs. Coviuin on Sunday. 9 a., ..tao 5 p. m. Meera Sea eieM- àiMotb *s viisitons with Tbhunsday evenin gs n n yEmyaddub'P A7b awore Mr.l Wed. and Sat. - a -12 ter&a Carol and MaK'rR D W IT N wt01ll

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