k. s- Visited and enjoyed, niot oniY cd ta nemain. guer de sda ofveningC.b the pupils but also b' M n. Frank Stapleton of Ton- guetso! rsC.Hil,. theur two teachers who ac- nt MNr. and Mrs. Bud Thomnp- companied them, Principal on, as. home over bhe son. Richa~rds Landing. called M.rs. Hoy and Junior teacher weekend. on friends un the village, Fnl- Mrs. Rome, Inuidentallvy, these Mn. and Mrs. K-arny Lane of dav. ladies were quite proud o! the Oweni Sourd are spending a Mrs. R. Strnson. Bowrman- remark made to then, bv the feW day-s hene at Mn. C. H. ville.,\vas Wedne.sday supper guide et the Museum,, thai Lane'à. guest, and Mr. and Mrs. Len they wene the best behaved Mn. and Mns. Phil Gilmer. Hooey, Bowmanville, Mn. and gnoup o! ohildnen scen there and family were, et their cot-ý Mrs. J. Canev, Toronto, wene in a long time. This trip was tageeat Lakc Cbemong over TEM ER N C S R ETevening callers of Mn. and-paid ton bv the ehildren the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. F., TEM P RA N C STR ET .rs.Albet Wrghtand the themselves, seUinz Chnistmas'Gilmen were Sunday visitons, cards lest fl. Ms..yntie thene with them. Reid cdf Orono xvas in charge, Mn. and Mns. Wm. Taylorý Mrs. L. Bradie i Hewman- hene et the school during the oM Idsay ca lled atuandayBeon F ~ I D A Y , M A Y 2 8villewas Wednesday supper absence of the other; r r. ilgn n : gucrst o! Mr. and Mrs. M.erv.Nn Mn. and Mrs. F. Hendersonn ice. F k IDY , A Y 8 Gahai ad clle ontheand famnilx' attended the wrest- Mur. and Mns. Owen Gibbs 8:00 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Sam- night. cIls and -Mn. and Mrs. Rssl Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Fan- - CA SH PR IZ E5 -Mountjoy spent thc weekend'm and M?-s. Bea Joncs at- D)r. and %,rs. Alian Noble and banquet o! the Durham TOTAL PROCEEDS IN AID 0F and fanil.v. Scarborough, join- and Northumberland TB and 62.30 CY TI FB OSS E EARC]on and girls for the long the Ontario Hospitali n Ca- e CYS IC FIB OSS ESE RC wekedat the lte scot- bor o hrsarigt ta e o -r e T o o ndGuhomake. i a.rno Wa e ortur ed3303u DONATIONS MAY BE LEFT IN CANS SITUATED AT CENTRAL ber mother. Mrs. Wm. Cob- Hospal.where she udr- SE CE i bldic ofOrono. spent the went surgerv two weeks ago.M C LOCTIOS .. . ORMAYBE ENTTOweektnd with M. and Mrs. Mrs. George Spllen o! Tor- BOW ANVLLEKuNMENCLU Cobbledick. Leaming- no a a visitor with Mrs. their 25th wedding anniven- Mr. and Mrs. Trueman H- sary. derson and tamily lef t Fridiy 1 BLACKSTOCK District Schoo? Athietes Compete ai Clarke High A»>roximately 40 niember closed with prayer. of the Federation of Women Mrs. Oscar Graham was Tealer enjoved a deliejous hôstess Ior the Anna Unit1 dinner in. Blackstock Recrea-I Tueeday afternoon. Leader; tion Centre Thursday evening.ý Mrs. K. Sainei conductedi Mav 2tth. Meal was serv&îd the worship on Pentecost." b he O.N.O. Club. President After the hymn n "Holy Spirit, L*" a Johnston. Maple Mrs. Murray Byers reed por - * Grove1[ trd uced te guestý tions of scripture and Mrs. ' SPeanllV Mrs. Walter Brnhý_anpi gave a meditation, wh.trip around the on Pentecost. A panel co-W woo 2"wjý she has Îusti sýstin flgo!Mrs. RoY Taylor,! CrnPleted. The McLean farn-lIMrs. Ros8 Duff. Mrs. Russel' ily7W~ Hampton entertained Mouli and Mrs. Geo. Skel; with music. A business meet- iding brought highlights of, ing and election of officers'Brazil which was 1oIlowd bv Clompleted the evening. a game of questions and ans- The Candace Unit met ,ýwers on Brazii. Business wF! the home of Mrs. Roy NI a. dea]t with and meeting losed Laughlin Tuesday morning with prayer. after which - with 10 members and three lunch and social time wus en.-1 ViSitOrs Present. After coffee;JOy'ed. Attendance, fine adults! brqak, Mrs. Romeril openeud and two children. !he meeting with a reading on Eight members of the Dor-1 'Confirmation in Iran." Mrs. cas Unit met at the home of~ R~h arenled the - rs Wm. 'Ross, Wednesday . shiO on "Family Lite."1 Chao- afternoon. The leader, Mrs. .»" it*: ters 11-15 of 'God and HislWalter Wright gave the cal] __-t, PurPnse" were given by Mrs. 1to worship, and following the . - 1Goidon Paisley, Mrs. Biakelsinging of hymn "In Christ : Gu*iter. Mrs. P. Romeril, Mrs. ' there s no East or West," she " Wm. Mahaffv and NVIrs. Neil led in praver. read the mni ........ Malcolm. Rcegu1ar business tation on 'GdsPayn o was deait with and meetingivan," and the seripture pas-, sage. Mrs. Ceci] Hill deait. with a portion of 'This Isý Trinidad." Mrs. Lloyd Wright,' ....... brought interesting highlights1....... àfrom an article written bv' e Bessie Touzel on 'Canada s Most Urgent Problems. Mrs." Walter Wrisrht gave a review of the book "Ship of Hope." I ~rS'A4(JA AT Mrs. Stanford VanCamp told Z~O~IFAZT//vOloi Doreen's letter written af- VA T 1% ter starting on ber journey hcmeward. Closed with hymn ~ iînnp~j~ 1662 and prayer, after which '"the hostess served a delicious lunch. The Mav meeting o! the i Esther Unit was held at theî Shome o! MIrs. Robt. Byrans.' uedyevening, wit 12;~ ens and one visiter prie-,. sent. The thmews or- -- Missions. Gnoups were form-1 cd and several questions i ' I thought out, followed by a~~# gencrai discussion and loc1t<1 J ing on the rnap where the , -.. -- varnos nmission stations spln~and meditatuon and gv h - soned ~by the dif!erent cu-1 h ches are located. The worship lof fenatony prayer. Trcasurer was conducted by Mrs. Bilil reported the bake sale held - O O OFerguson who led in prayer,lafter the last, General meeting redtescripture _ sagenetted $144851. This unit i, tro sev unch b the Antiqu Car Club on Fair Day. Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy summed up the meeting with a few chn- BOW M A VILLEsen sentences from a book on' R ECR ATION DEPTwas served and social time S.John*s W. A. meeting SW IMINGwas held in the Parish Hall Thursday Pvening, May 2th, with President Mrs. Ashmnre pnesiding. 0Op ene d w' hf .Hymn o! AI] Nation,,." Dc- votional period was taken bv CLA SSES M«-rsHarry MLaughlin wJ1o 6 WEK CO RSEannounced that the Deanerx'- ýmeeingwoul bein Oshawa. June 23, and il \;,as dcce Lett% TE JULY 5th to put a hamper for 'canned aoods" donations in the vesti- ý PLTD AUGUST l3th bule of the church for twoý -. ~Su ndays before this dt- FIRST TEST - JULY 3Oth lOhne 'gel ell aryad tôbirl 3th day cards b\ Little Helpers SECOND TEST - AUG i3t secretar ' v were sent ictie last meeting. A successful REGISTRATION FEE - $4.00) Per Person ote'Da spprad al quilting wene also reported.1 A10 -1 ff $7.00 Per Family It was decided to have a bakpe NON-RESIDENT - .00 Per Person sale at the Lake in JuIy, and: to clean the ehurch June 8th., Rocentl,,, athletes froin 13 district sehools competed at Ciarke High School $9.00 Per Family This part o! meeting was clos-' for places in the Central Ontario finals held at Kenner Collegiate, Peterborough SenirsIntemedate, Juior, Beinnrscd with "The Prayen o! an last Saturday. These photos show some of the events in progress including at Creamn of Barley Pool IPrayer for AnglnWorld bottomn the senior high jump, with B.H.S. entry John Kilpatrick clearing the bar Missions" and the Benril at 5'1V" On Saturday, he set a new record inu Peterborough, jumping 6'1". Learn to Swim - Training School Pool t ion by the president. Ms. __i Ashmore then showed a film REGITRATON D TESentitled "New Nations Ch,,I- REGISTRATION DATES lenge Christianitv," wbh N E W rO 4 N. II I (AT LIONS CENTRE) gave those in attenda n i mucbL L MAY 3lst - .IUNE lst - JUNE 2nd - JUNE 3rd seto n choutreai-dîng th Clarke Township Teachers1 nesday, and with them asttend-, night to spend the weekend, 8:3 a.. t 5:0 PM. 6:0 t 8:0 pm. Y suEct. Lunch and sedheld thein regulan montbvied the suppen here. lai their cottage at Lake Ken- 8:3 a. . t 5: 0 p m. 6: 0 t 8: 0 p m. y I ss rg e a P a d M n. m i ng ai, L ckhart's Schoo, ' M esdam es W ilred W ood, isi s. In Agu.last Monda.\ aftrrnoc-n. Reid Wood and Harold Woodi Much credit is due Mr.. Frinformation CaliMs .H Fruo Nd rs. Neil O'Contîcîl and'attended the shower for bride-' Vinkl, lae'fth ~gn of ~i Miss Plat Fenguson, Don Mln, hi1r-4fCooug er eet Mis anen Wodai1Bave1,an tioe asng 62-31, et. Rcraio M.Ro eruon ns-Bl1vstos-ihho prntMn hehmeofMs.Cier'dhr s el sth irsthm OUTDOOR "REC" ROOMI STRFT(ii VflIIID lIflhlE AITnAnne ..à UNDERLAY 1/"x4, 4, Waterproofel gud 23 shoots et more 129 C H A IN I IZ R s e t al F n i g K t (za lv a n iz e d R m d a i i F n i g K t 13 qug.. . 2" Moab Complete kit incides chain 381, 50 j, oll 4.9m lInk and clips, Une posta 42" 50 it. Rlo,, 9.50 with drivlng device, top 41, 0 i. fOI, 9.Il rails, hracing w re and Vinyl CoatedInt u io s 14/11 gouge . ..2V Moabnsr c o s 'fl 50 f. fRll 1. As Low as 69c ft. Dependable Friendly Service aBElAVEàR LUMBER 96 King St. E, DoWmanvile Phone 623-32U !lers et ?&n. M. Kmball'a. !The Ca.nadian Statesman, Bewnmanville, May 28, 1963 Mn. and Mn.. Harry Wonrell,: Terry and Suzanne, spent the'tn Stna,. n et upeget.e r weekend at tiieir cottage attos tudetM.Peruprget, Sunday, e ; Halstead's Bach. Holstege's. Fred Henderson's. Mn. George Pethiek of Tor- 1Mu- and Mms. Reid Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Tonyr Ton andt onto, driving a new car, was and famuýly were Sunday visi- son of Newcastle, Mr. and in the village Monday, calling tors at Mn. Mcl Maybee*s, Co- Mrsq. John Ton and boys of on friends. bourg. Port Hope wene Sunday visi- Miss Donothy Stapleton,I Miss Sandra '%IcGreger waos; at Mn. Anthony Ton's. Kingston, was bomne over the a iweekend guest of Miss Carol Mn. and Mms. Wilfred Wood holday weekend. ýPeck. wenc visitons in Toronto oil Mr.VanLonden and fam-i Mn. and Mrs. George Hen-j Sundav wit.X Mn. and Mms ily, BowrmanUiie, were visu- derson of! Pou-t Hope were Ken Smith. 1.291