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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1965, p. 1

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"There's Something Woniderful About a Sparkler" Profession al photographer Neil Newton of the T nikle area caught this youngster with eyý5-,ide open in wonder during the annual f ire- works display at Tyrone on Monday evening. Huge, *xpensive pyrotechnies were filling the sky, with noise_ I 5. VOLUME' 111 14 Paes BOMANVILE. OTARIO WLouaDAYucA 2r. 1Qtpyun.- U M-bL.T?1D21 Coffee Club Connection Contrary to, rumors that have been cir- cuiating, Rev. K. J. Frampton, rector of St. John's, disciaims any connection with what is purported to b. a young people's Coffes Flouse on Ontario Street. So far as h. is concerned, there is no Coffee House, aithough it us true that eariiÎer a few responsible citizens had been discussing privat.Iy and as individuals the possibiiity of sponsoring some kind of club for young peopie in the town. If and when some sound proposais can b. worked out, with the support of ai authorities invoived the next step wouid be to approach any residents in what- ever neighborhood' might be affected. This appears to have been forestalled as a resuit. of rumors and premature actions which have naturaiiy caused great apprehen- (TURN TO PAGE TWO> Two -Year- OId Captivates Audience Judo Display, BTS Band About 250 Cubsý Plan Annual ThriIl 4,000 Spectators AtkIetit Dnv Prior tb Fireworks 'Show A wonderful celebra-tion ofi Dr. Keith Biliett, Chairman' Band wbich paraded t 1he, Victoria Day was provided byv of the Special Events Corn- High School grouinds. Ever.' the Bowmanvii]e R o ta r m-ttee, was in charge of ar- one was pleased by thbe excel- CIub's marvelous display ofIrangements for the giorious lent music, and also admired' fire-works in the Bowmanville displayo 'eok.H e h smart marching of thbe, Iiigh School grounds on Mon- assitd b the members of bandsrnen. day evening. More than 4,0001this comTnltte-e, Dr. H. B. The enormous throng of muen, women, and iidren Rundile, Alfred Allun, Dr W. people in the grounds t-bar-j from the town and districtIM. Rude-Il Edward Samuel and oughly enjoyed an entertain-! we-re thrilled by thbespertacti-,Harry Van Belle. ing mde-I airpiane de-monstra-! ler dispday. The huge crowdJ Captain W. W. Bagneli, 1ion steged by Terry Nichols.ý 1-be larges-t evpr 1o attend1 Chie-f Cadet Officer, wais in Charles Evans, John Burk. alI puch an event he-re, was e-n- commsand of the Ontario of BoWmanville-, and Bill Pat-I ehusiasti-a]ly appreciative. ýTraining School for Boyrston, Oshawa.j - - -The crowds of spectators! - also fou-nd thbe Judo Wres1-iing~ îeen iown~uee - TURN TO PAGE TWO) Donna Rogers, 17-year-old daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Ivan Rogers, l-orsey St., was chosen as 1-isý year's Teen Town Queen at 1-be anaîual prom Friday- evening et 1-be Lions Centre. Her Princesses were Cathy Hoar. Jane Oliver, Merridy Hatelv and Diana McMulieni. Miss Rogeers is standing in front of thbe large table .*illed with gis donated o 1the Queen by. local merchants. 1 m~.~ u ~ay 1 About 250 Cubs from this district wilI congregate on the Maple (rove soccer fie-ld thiç Saturday niorning for the annual Athieti- Day, starting at 10 O'clock. Cubmasters Ron Law', Earl Cox and Clare Mutton of Bowmanville will bu be-ad- ing up the affair, joined by Cubmasters from 0 t h e r Packs throughoat the arca. There wiIl be ail -sorts of races and gaines to test the Cubs and their athietie abil- ity. Parents and visitors are invited to be present to watch their YOungsters in action. The route to the grounds wilI be well signed. Museum Opens Doors, For Another Season With New Dis plciys ATHLETIC CURS - A late change of plans for Newcastle Cubs attending the Athietic meet on Saturday lias just corne in. Thcy are 1-o meet at 9:30 instead of 12:30, ready to mnake the trip. t . -- -j j NEW MACHINE - Yesterday, th e Bowmanviile Police station took on a new sound 1-bat resernbles sorne daily newspaper offices. N Telex machine has been installed that \vill provide fast inter- communication hetween police offices throughout Ontario and also ties in with other receivers in Canada. It should be a rnost convenient addition. NEED MEN-- Due to the reorganization of the Men's Town League Softball League, a new team roster and schedule wil] be published next week. Due to a Iack'of players, they have been forced 1-o reduce the league to four teams. Also, ail play- ers are urged to be ai. Vincent Massey school grounds on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, armed with shovels and rakes to put the diamond in shape. No shirkers, pieu se! --FkM .t -1 k r TIRS-Pîcrakers aà' believetd4o havercauged, two f ires on Monday that kept firemen on their toes 1-o prevent property damage. The first was in the marsh south of the CNR station. It was blazing fîercely when firemen were called. There was a second blaze in Jackman's woods that could aiso have caused considerable damage. It is hoped that wit.h the 241-h of Mav in the a. + +,erD 117i1 With two additional roorns ]eginning Saturdav, thle be no further outbreaks f and a number of new dis- lvuseurn will bu open each day Darlington's dump, in tho Plays, Bowmanvillu Museum except Monday, and open blaze on the weekend se hes more attractions 1o offer Mondays wben a holiday, con. MargwillPu amagii 1-is year than in aIl previous tinuing through 1-o Tbanks- Pu am gi seasons. Saturday, May 29, giving.1 mental mink who promptl will be openng day for 1965,! A sad note this vear ithe born children by killing with the door at 37 Silver1 remembrance that Mrs. L. B. ons Street swinging wide tawiWilliams who made possible t t corne visitors et 2 p.n. Mrs. the establishment of a mus- CADETS - Tomorî-ow a] Aubrey Smith will egain be eum, died in March of 1-is BosTangShol. the Museum attendant. _year at thle age of 94.BosTang col r 1The beautiful 104 year aid - will take place, with 1hat Tik tho ouse presents a sparkling for the Rotary ieok Tikes orappaa outside, the rucent- music. Visitors will be W y restored columned verandah, resh witb white paint. + Piayer's 200 , Inside, a number of changes TOO MUCH - Due to1 have been made in displays by one day for preparingt O n ale ere commîttee of the Museum quite a few stories and p ýOn Sale Here 'Board in charge of this work. oe ni etwqk An unusuai display is that of ovrutl etwek Arrangements for the boxes and containers of al],. Player's 200 at Mosport on 'sizes aaîd uses, found in tWe OPENING - On Saturdav .june 5th give every indica- room on 1-le visitoî-'s rigbt as!- Street will Open its door! tion that it will be one of :he enters the Museum. ni. ! the- biggest sports events in lhe otiier portions of this, many new attr-actions, t; Canadian history. room, the Victorien riarlor re-; inspection. Those in chari An outstanding array of mains, but with changes and! very bard to make it Most top drivers in the- world wil additions, such as 1-be elabor- s oeotadso be present, driving some of :aie, pi] Iared beating 51ove, socre ouiandsho the faste-st and most glam- which is an outstanding ac- ppeied orous sports cars e-ver pro- quisition for- t-le Museuni. It dueed. was donated iast year by Mr. HONOR PASTORS A crowd of ou'er 50,000 is and Mrs. E. B. Duvall of Les-, Pastor and Mrs. Abraham expected, but those- in tîîis kard after 1-bey had seen ai-lKudi-a weî-e dulv honoured bv, area: have be-en give-n spe-cial rnost an exact duplicate ini the the- Bownîanvle Pente-costal1 consideration ta avoid delay Ductoa-'s Ilouse at Upper Cana- Suaidi- Scbooh hast Sundav on at thbe entr.v gates. Advan<-e da Village. 'Past.ors' Sunday'. Each class[ tickets may be- purchased ai An autlientic oit] 1-ie boxIpresented the Pastors with an a savlng of 25e from Bryson's 51ove. rescued from oblivion appropriate card with thuir Srnoke Shop, Frank's Smoke ,bY Mrs. A. L. Blanchard of god wisbes. Mrs. Kudra was Shop or The Trading Post Hamapton and donated by hur, presented a lovelv bouque~t ofI ona *lithaAWS u Indus May Draiw Receives Masters1 Mr. and Mrs Heyland attende tien si the Ur Guelph Iast Fr their son, DougL bis Master's Science. Mm~ Geo. Crc tertalned at a dinner triven fi and hi% wife, Jo Mr. and Mrs. Heyland returne Foye, Que..o where he is a B1f the WiId Life D Province of Quel f rom thle sarne cause. At he Tyrone area, another ýnt smoke pouring over upsetting those tempera- ily protected their newly and eating the little af ternoon at 2 p.m., the innual Cadet Inspection it fine band that played sdisplay providing the velcomed. the holiday eutting off this week's, Statesman, )ictures have been held y, the IMuscum on Silver rs for the season, with tastefully arranged for rge have been working t attractive for visitors, themn their efforts are There were cats and dogs being carried by young models during the Bow- marnýville High School's annual 'Home Ec' Fashion Show last week, but this littie lady ith her tongue out, stole the show. She is two-year-old Lori Ellen White, being escorted down the ramp by her cousin Lorraine Hodgson. Obvi- ous1 not suffering from stage fright, she couldn't resist waving ta her audience a s s h e w e n t o f f s t a g e ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MayForm K-40 Club Eleci Bill Kîlpatrick President of Kînsmen Club Bill KI.patrick w&,% elected Cranfield, &Ul Oshawa Kins- President of the Bowxnanville men. Kinsmen Club for 1965-66 et Flans were cotmnpleted for zr; the dinner meeting of the the Mamimoth Street Bingo te club held et the Flying Dutch- be held by thbe Bowrnanviile man Motor Hotel lest week. Kinsmen Club thiis Friday He wi]J take office in Sep- evening, Wray 28th, on Tem- temihar -e offher- new- Perance Street. The totail pro- nem-bers of the executive. ceeds from 1is event will be é. Duke Brunt wili then be Pst for aid in Cystic Fibrosis Re- ~ President. searcth. Other afficers elected f>rt There was a discussion re- --r...........- the coming year were lst Vice grding the possibility of President Roy Corden, 2nd chartering a X-40 Cub in Vice-President Bob Fairey Bowianville in oonjunction Secretary Bill Martin, Regis..o 1the local Kinsmen Club for, trar Eugene Murdoch, Treas- mexbeis who have reaehed uýrer Jack Harris. Three dir- the Kinsmen age lirit. ectors, John Geddes, Bili Tne date for the Kinsmen Slaght and Tony Molloy, were Csrivall was set for Friday, also elected. August 27th. The members of Jack Lander, Stan Dunn, the Bown1aavil-le Kinsen Lyle Parker and Ken Nicks Club who wil attend the were elected Honorarv M/em- Kinsmen District 8 Conven- bers for one year. The club tion ta be held t Bigwin Inn as a regular membership of on June 9th o 121-b axe Pre. 46. The scrutineers for the sident Duke Brunt, Art oop- election were Tom Russeller, Bil, Kilpatrick, and Irvine George Russell, and Monty (jake) Brown, 1-e fomer ____ Dstric-Govenor3111Ih ilpa trie-k Sta rt Tennis Extension of Rights May for Beginners Reduce Basic Freedoms Tensfor beginners as startlng at the Tennis Courts atth iosComniySa ys Crown Attorney Centre. It wil be every Wedniesday niorning from With every extension of the in his address at the luncheon 10 to Il o'clock. righits of the individuel into meeting of the Bowmanviîîe Mrs. Len Lucas wiIl be In ne-w fields there may well be Rotary Club be-id et the Flying charge. The fee for the a reduction in thbe safety and Dutchman Motor H-otel on F r1- se-ason Is $2 for anyone liv. freedom of those who obeY day. Ing in Bowmanville, and $3 the law, and wîsh to live civ- ilfred McMeciian received for out-of-town people. For ilîzed and orderly lives, Geof- e Four-Year Perfect Attend- A tt r n y f r h is a r a, a r e d- "; I .' re se n ta tio n Attrne fo ths a _____red was made by Art Ribey, the Attendence Chairman. The birthdeys of Tom Rhe n nr Guide Glenholme Hughes were cele- brated by their feliow Ro- 1ariens. 11- was announced t 1-at Presideni John Bain haa ,been appointed by District .s Governor-eîect Jack Hughes, ~~Oakville, 1o bu Zone Repre.. snaiefr th onwoint er- Proud Moment for Gil ~ senativ for1-be comagyer _____ duced 1-be- gue-at speaker, toîd the club 1-bat Mr. Bonnycastle _ satt. bora in Wini c,,andre- ~~~ ~ceived has e-ariyeucio a .t there. He w e t -o Toronto ta n a ! rt is p a y . ~..' law et Osgoode Hall, and Bonnycastle serve-d ia the MusicFestval a BHSRoyal Canedian Navy, and if- wihteBe-Il Te-le-phone Co. 's Favorable Comment toad otea. Tron-ar wit ths frrnMr.Bonnycasti. The Industrial Art and Art turned wooden bowls for nuts (UNT AETO HiS ýDaspiays and thbe Mey Music ýaad coiorfulhy panted wood- EV TAFI H ~ ~ :Festival et Bowmanville- High e-a book racks. Among thbe Scbooilest wuek were- out- metel work sbown we-ru centre Rasi h rawr tandingly successful. Thepunches, sheet metai trays iammed on Monday night and edthe displays in 1-bu Girls' and hammers witb beads ofouincaonf htIWU e reGynaesium were i mpressed, ease-hardened mtaI, be llke . ere durlng the tS s. J. Forbes and the large audience Jo 1-e Grae 10 ectio ed Convoca- filled the- Assembly Hall for I1-be-rae1 scinFrtntl t nlvrstyaitherMyFsia nW-n-- e we-re a number of ex- FrualY.thr-' . IvegtOfteMyFsiaonWde-cellent trays for glasses. The-se f ~ atal accidents, althou i 3w- rlday when day evening tboroughly un- had removable- sliding wood- manvile Area Ambulan e h lasreeivdjyte uicapor. e-n boîders for six glasses, and .. - several cali., to tra.nport vlc- Deaee '~ The Industrial Arts Displeyithe trays had rabbete-d edges tisEoet ecidents te ho.ptat in the gymnasium was par- and dedoes. Professionai look- and police we-re onte lr roskerry en- ticularly interesting, and it ing baebail bats miade by the ... 4 ~ « all weekend to kep traMe Graduation wuhl demonstrated advances'Grade 10 students by lathe . - moving without incident. for Douglas in knowludge and skill acquir- turning were- also exhibited. On 401 at New oan. ed by 1-be boys undur 1tbe eble of 0one v i e=W J. Douglas tutelage of L. G. Jobaston. The- Grade 10 metal work After a tremnendous aniount of effort, studying and working on Girl Guide When they were &rIauEs. ied 1-o Ste. The Grade 9 section of theshowni was also more elabor- bagsSsa tce * civdhr r. -on '- '- nngwhnsh wsfr -the cotage on Sundy Indtitrial Ats Dispav in-te. The-re were hand-forge-d bades, ouswtan AlhRouenvd nr.rSewardonth e sdayh evenngMr. aen s ws. aherusadcmnb lologist mith cludcd exemples of *Wood- drift pins, scoops and quick- peetdwtCnAl on od.h . heduhe fM.adMs Anold tue- rUsh ad caer. tsf )ept. of the working, drafting and metal set clamps made on metal Etcher, Orchardview Bivd. The presentation was made by Division Cm iioner the occupants went te aut bec. iworking. There were welli TURN TIO PAG TWO) Mrs. W. M. Rudel, left. The honored Guide's mother i.a at right tsi and color, but this child's eyes were focussed on and, fascinated by the tiny sparkler. The same facial ex- pression could be seen at any of the several fireworksi displays throughout this area. . 9- ITKM.& 'Lu. loq)a 9 1 Ir F107. 1 lui lmnuàdllj lý VOLUME, 111 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. MAY 26. 196.% 1 (le Polm I'nrlr 9)ieces Recreatio.n Office, 623-3379. %)i 1 ýý.i*ts a n d mon""

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