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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1965, p. 12

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12 The Canadiari Statesmnan, Bowmanville, June 2, 1965 mintain1ng a hlqh level! M olmf'ifl 6 Isandards in the field of wel.CIjp J c jE Dq r tyn tteRyeglteUie hrh r,, ld SjaJLIII aniganlhomre.MrSrol The Children's Institutions Mr. and Mi's. A. Y(uga he ites r.Foec E uemntAt ito cdiand 1em41y attendedth ElGrnw dKenda;M. Re o t f o u e "-P r lsc by Mr. Ceeule, is anotherl aE» MDrar sr Repor fro Queen s ark mredfrnen:ctin the:fied w s e , nsp crin r guests ofM. of hunian betterment. This Act, fljo yB . S . I s e t o Mrs. D. Flett. Ms ea evc a by Alex Carruthers,, M. P P. provides for an increase in the!h~efonBro' provincial subsidy, on con-i Mrs. N. Leach, Smha srn.o John Bright, an eminentmittee, this opposition faded in in towns of over 45,000 popu- struction of buildings and newý y dY nLa arade, won y aetof Capt.h ranc nh 18,r .C.L., witl vsitng M . an Mr.AHoe O fhsdy British Parliamentarian in onelthe face of almost unanimous lation. additions, from $2500 to $5,M Youn'te frman. May 13Hadwauonsce b. 1tfhe support st er 00pe ed oul tepr-27th we had *a much-needed Ail on parade wr hakdCamp of June 13-26. BaasiOrono Cemeteo British House of Commons 'S' Thwekasbrutbckaptthe people o! our ackhap, ovius assistance. If the organi- amwhch ended in tisse for by Major L. P. Tigglers, re- Buildings, classrooms, and Datirnoe, aie nMs.L aierrswere.s quoted as saying: :memories of one o! the storm- coemmunities, was the intro- zation purchases an existing the Boys' Training School Ca- presenting Lt.-Col. W. 0.shops were open for *nse D ye. uslHoeGrln e "Palaces, baronial casties, iest committee meetings o! aiduction o! legisiation by thelbuilding, the grant will be LIp det Inspection to be a success. Paynter, (C.D.), Commanding tion by visitors, after they had Mrs. Eva Bagg adMr.ctSneGooPrc great halls. stately mansions,ifew sessions ago. This was the Hon. Louis Cecile, Minister of t a maximum o! $1200 for The program kicked off at Officer Ontario Regiment (R.I enjoyed tea and cakes in the Giadys Wight, Bowniil ogn CaleCoe n doo ot akea ntin. heaccaioawhnote.cty ! t- ublc Wlfre.eac be ths thured 1:0 .m.Oit th "MrcPOnbCliCc. lso byMr.Gar Idinng all senttheweeendwih M Jaes rd nation in every country dwells tawa presented a private bill One bill, introduced by Mr. d îaca upr o a oo h aesudrcmadrwY, Director o! Adminis- As a visitor, your scribe M and M ms. Lor ehre In the cottage; and unless the.asking for legisiation to per- Cecile, The Department lo y ae intese homes wihlo! and etheMajor etB.MThlltS ton rpesenting Hon. would ike to add his persoa r n r.Ce am Te wahr sain a ahîne there, unless the beauty apartments in that city. The ed to encourage municipalities to 75% o! the actual costs. Drum and Bugle Band. Reform Institutions, and by of interesting events. topped Laura and MuirielGifn.msnrtel hu nha- cf your legislation and the ex-;Ilegisiation was designed to re- to unify their wel!are agencies The local Associations for Nxwstearvlo h onBiSp.o ... b eneoshsptlt.Lindsay. spent ltheween ceilnceof ourstaesmnshpeIrvethecos o!watr ad udertfeautorev c th Reardd Cilden illbe nspctin prty fonosdpbctiion. ad Ms. . Rhm.taton n te wrld are impressed there on theisewerage services resulting county counicil. gratified by Mr. Ceciie's an- General Salute, Inspection o!f- On Sunday afternoonanev feelings and conditions o! the from thîs type cf construction. The amendments provide nounicement o! the Amend- Ranks, March Past in Columns ening they ahl visitedMran people, rehy upon it you have, Miss Charlotte Whitton, as that the provincial government ment to the Homes for o! Troops, March Past in * W N E Mrs. J. E. Griffin, Lindai yet to learn the duties O! gOv-' the mayor o! the city at that will share 50 per cent cf the Retarded Children's Act. Column of Route, Advance in Home and Sehool Associa- burnie, Maryland, and also honor of his birtýhday,Jue. T/ESO> A ernment." ýtîme, presented a very strong administration costs of a count- This bill is dEsigned te give Review Order, General Salute, itien met Thursday, May 2th. spent a day in Washington, John Bright's words could case, and, in a heated debate, ty's consolidated welfare ser- greater encouragement to the March Offof Fîag Party, A r~jes e f the years pro-D.C.' 1T AR UILY6 T E have significance with respect she won the support o! the vices. The sharing by the prov- chain of associations for re- March Off o! Troops. grains reveaied a wide range Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Esta- AOBITUARwREI/I to the work of the Ontario committee for her legisiation. ince in these costs is a new tarded children throughout These young fellows did of interesting topics and brooks and Pat, Courtice, M r. Legisature during the past, The Hon. Wlfred Spooner, departure. This aspect o! wel- Ontario to provîde residentiai themselves proud in aîl their speakers. Atten da nc e has and Mrs. Frank Siffer and NORMAN JAMES SPI UE BS L CRCAN wek Minister o! Municipal Affairs, fare responsibilities has tradi- facilities to operate in con- manoeuvres, which the audi- been disappointing. O hr aîy saa eeget fh et !Nra ae H TC Nk On Tuesday last the Stand- vindicated Miss Whitton's tionally been an obligation of junction with special sehools ence appreciated. day night the picnicsandaus o! Mr. andTMrs. A. Kofwlton. Ing Committee on Agriculture! stand last week by introducing the local municipaiity. for retarded chihdren. The second part o! the pro- -tip were discussed. Mr. Mur- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. CookSroe81easocuedt BfF /N me o h ups fdiscus-ýamong other amendments to The new heilto il l h egisation wiii aI rincnssedo mnsr- Memoniai1 Hospital, Eomn met fr thepurpoe o! he Muicipa Actpermisive ow fo the mployent o a Th hegihatio provdes a grarcfnssted,! demnstralray riffih, MicheltshCor spen the eekenMwithMr ilvlle oo Mendy MaylOth ing the Milk Act, an act, ithMuiiaAcprisv o frteemly n Oa increase in capital grants froin tions such as map reading and ners Schooh, literally put us and Mrs. Cifford C o o k, 1965. He had been inhoptl3 which it is hoped wilh, after!hegislation to ailow municipali- full tisse wehfare officer and $2500 to $5000 per bed for new camouflage, emnergency meas- back in the ciassrocin whiie Georgetown, and attended an- frfu ots nmie twenty years o! indecis-1 ties to levy a special tax on qualiified staff to carry out the construction, and up te a maxi- tires, hunter safety, rifle aim- he explained some of the new niesrfevie.Te Lor Sor othsaeMr.n Ion and unrest, bing about builders o! new high rise weifare programs. mum of $1200 per bed for ing, sighting, cleaning. h Ataysevce.Thyalo So fth lt equality and stability to On-lapartinents. Four such units are already existing buildings. Acrîgt h xmnn approachVo Arineic in an called on MT. and Mrs. Ted r.Jne pohted' Accrdig t th ex ' i entertaining and informative McBride and Mrs. J . Coo ers asews SboulieDrln tario's dairy industry. 1 The bihl covering these established in the province. Maintenance expenditures officer, Capt. F. A. Mclnnis, mne.'r.Ba to. JC. Cook on Twnshipandi n de This meeting was well at-j amendinents also alhows for These are hocated in the coun- paît anrS.,B mpo.tnTwsi ad tended by representatives froin the dissolution cf police vil- ties o! Wentworth, Prince Ed- wihl also receive increased as- (C.D.), the boys taking Junior Choir __ -ewll r.V . iloBo-LreSul ý_ol »l branches of the industry, lages under certain circuin- ward, Welland, and the Dis- sîstance from 50% te 75% o! in the feregoing were wellcotiuTuractice ihl Mrs.Vile . E.WMltsonrBEva ngal .ho.H i and, although there was someî stances, and grants the poweritrict o! Sudbury. Ahi are op daily costs for supporting a qualified and should give a cnti neofThusaye vein anvile Mrs . A rt uvan predeceased by his mie h ppsition to the bill in com- to establish boards o! controllerating very successfulhy, chiid in this type of home. good account o! theinselves at uTihenCofrmtun ad l an chihdre, r. riuwr former Ella Tennant. , P"Camp Ipperwash during their TeCnimto n oyWnaae.Bokiwr A farmer, Mr. Sprole et :i r< Ç Ik A major step in the devehop- two weeks o! intensive train- Communion service was vecy guests Saturday evenîng Of West in earlier yearsadlv-- .kB menytmofas taki'en on F nalng, June 13-26, when 80 o! well attended Sund*ay evening. Mr-. and Mrs. Leon Moore. cd in Saskatchewan fr1 "Hi ihere' Im Jam es D.avid last ek w it thke nFit of m go into camp. Rev. C. Dugan, B.A., B.D., Mr. and Mrs. Raymond years and in the PeaceRie latie y tthe Wiiamduc- he display o! precision drill address was "Conformation or Clapp were recent vîsitors Of district for 25 ycai-s "rte1 M E A C T Minister o! Education, o! ahbllb the band, whihe playing Cnimto hc?'TeMr.n r.Gro 12 years he had vd te stahis colees ! aplid as far out o! the ordinary Confirmees for Tyrone United Belleville. with his sisters, Mrs.Foec Science and Technology. This and brought admiring coin- Cud ee Ms yd ldbseMs ec c rewo n r te legishation will previde a coin- ments frein the appreciative Luke. Maxine Alidread, Bey- Coy hack to her home after- ____ ~~pletely new level o! educto audience, as these boys acted envy Hall, Lynn Ski'nner, Lee spending the winter with her . . . . . . . like veteran professionals. Skinner and John Hamilton. son, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Mc- o! hparinreiporance t e r The gymnastica were of a M.r. R. D. Hodgkin'son, Au- oy and family, Toronto. ofn arei aionce to ourvery high quality, and ike ail rora, spent a few days with Mn. Alex Guest, Toronto, is toesalih oleg ocll.the events, reflect great credit his daugbter, Mrs. J. Woole iig Mr. and Mr.T.C teesabis acohee oc on. .>the instructors, Capt. W. and r. WoodIey. Dodd. H O U S E Space wilh not permit a fulW. Bagnell and the partici- Miss Pat Woodley spent thei Mr. and Mrs. W. Rocker discussion of this important pants, especîaîîy when we con- wee'kend with Darlene Rowe, 'and son Colin, Hamilton, Mr. bill at this tisse, but suffice aider the limited tisse (frein Bowm'anville, while Kerry and Mrs. Ken Wa'rnen and it to say, the legisiatien pro- four to five months) plus the Rowe spent the weekend with daug'hter Elizabeth, Grim*sby, vides for the ceat o! these col- turn-over o! boys due te grad- Dianne, Susan and Jimmiy spcnt the weekend with Mr. F~SL leestebebrn et !uation. Woodley. and Mrs. J. Gibbs. Sundayi - povicil fnds ad ges an Not te be overlooked, was M'r. and M'rs. Aubrey Rae' callerýs were Mrs. S. Nash and tewards making a reality Of the excellent deportinent of and fa'mîly, Newmanket, spent Miss Mavis Nash, Detroit,, CHOICE 0F TODFE E TM DL the promise, and the stated all boys on manoeuvres, as the weekend with Mns. H. Michigan. policy o! the governinent, te well as the lads seated in the Windsor, Betty and David. Miss Diane Falladown. Bur- BEING C NTU TD A provide, through education and "bleachens". This one itemi Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kra- lington, spent the weekendi training, equality o! opportun- refhects great credit on the mer and fa'mily, Port Col- with Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Vin- E UTFL ity te aIl sectors e! the popu- school's staff, as weil as the borne, spent the weekend with tue and John. laton ad te ulestdeelp-boys theinselves. 1Mn. and Mrs. Carl Clark Mr. and Mrs. Char-les Had- (7 . .. eto! each individual toth Many people wene pleased: Donny n.:ramen is staying den, Blackwater, wene Sundav r.,i,. ýc ? e c n limît o! his abîity. te note that Bert Munday was with Rickey Clark for holi- callers of M.r. and Mrs. We. r :%Dam....'.~... Two announcements by1 weil enough te be present. days. Mr-. an-d Mrs. Bert Me- Jewell. Tea guests wene Mn.! ~;Z ~'ï~ ~Prime Minister Robarts during, a ifci edtrin enadcideBwa- and Mrs. Erie Moore, Pur-' the past week are alsaofo par- how many o! the audience 'ville, were supper guests of ligton. sUBDVSO ~~"xr ~~~~ticular significance te local eerlaie ! h os the Clas. Sunday evening Mn. Gordon Hilîs, Hannon,lS.S omnil c izns but ail parents o! ail beys visitors were Mr-. and Mrs. viierhsprntM.and' Liberty S.S ~ ., ~" N\-.The firat e! these, a proposediwere, this year, notified o! the Wiliard Clark and children! Mrs. A. HilIs. pnevincially subsidized 52 mile occasion, by special invitation, and Mn. adMs .Sie, M.Abn iî eure LOW EO N PA M N ........................... '.'.....commuter train service frein mainly because hast yean, foiteBwanie Burlington on the west te enta travelled fri as an M.ndM.anSehsMm il Hospital feeling Blneo ovnetNHA irgg em S,.Dunbarton on the east, with away as North Bay and Sault Sutton, were Sunday dinner much Ïmproved. ,. --'.. .... .... fast trains operating on a Ste. Manie. Penhaps, next guests o! Mr-. and Mrs. W. H. Mns. S. Nash and Miss Mavisi at onl 61% ineet .................... ~twenty minute schedule, and year, relatives wiil be invited Taylor, and supper guests o! Nash, Detroit, Mich.. were, Mc have a major effect on the who is thene, and frein whence Serry to report Mrs. Annie Mrs. R. Gibbs, and were sup- .0 - growth and developinent o! they came,. !te oa Hatherly and Mrs. Frank per guestsalaong wit.h Mn. T.; E R!..h. Branch 178 o h oa Werry in Bownîanville Mess- Gibbs at Mn. and Mns. T.~ pardlth toutipo ne. Canadian Legion, Bowman- oial. Hospital and Mrr. T. Janczyn, and visited her is-iD e .~. ~uu-~:. ~ ~ Sconhytheintodutio cfville, was represented by the Barr in Oshawa Genei-al Hos- ter-i-n-law, Mrs. T. Gibbs, inBULE S,. legisiation by the Prisse Min- Prealdent, Keith Ferguson, pitai. the hospital. '4~. .-...~o ...........ister te guarantee portability Chaplain John Living and'Mn. and Mirs. H. Skinner ac-: Mn. and Mns. James Reyen-iPoe6326 s'.o! pension plans in conjuniction atCMaidM.adMs osg lfMnay orHln'P the panduPneioedPlant they being on hand(eprsn Sharp and visited Mrs. H. whene they will visit bis par- .?.g.g-Ms.wek .y he.proince.o.Que-anawardtethebescdtnGregg and Michael in Glen-ients for two weeks. Mn. and1 ......bec, will guarantee pertability .. ... . . . ~~ .~. - . . ~~o! a worker's pension benefits ... . . .. .. ~J~5~îi55~ anywhere in Canada. ; ................:~~ .... ... ... ... ..Indeed it was a week o! S..,. ~ . ~ ~Y' ~pregresa in the developinent o! * ~ ~ ~legishation designed te advance human epportunities in the .i.. . .. province, legishation that wasi perhapa refiected in, and sym- bolized by, the unfurling o! the New Ontario fhag in an AIL impressive ceremony on Fni- day merning in front o! the Litte Jaes avidHogath ho ws ilmonhs ad whn te abve potoparliament buildings. .I Litte JmesDavd Hgart, wo ws 1 mothsold hentheaboe poto Emnbodied in the folda o! thîs was taken, is the son cf Mn. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth Jr.,R.R.3, Bowmanviile. beautiful !lag are net only the He is the grandson cf Mr. and Mrs. David Bothwell Jr., R.R. 3, Bowmanviile, traditions e! a great past, and and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth Sr.,Ceurtice; and great-grandson cf Mr. Davidbuaswl the hitrp!orwo!miofean -Bothwel Sr.,cf R.R. 3, Bewmanville. _-_Photo by Aster Studio ebut a elfturoe. o a Teen Town Queen 1At the Annuai Teen Town Prom held at the Lions Centre recently, the decorations were beautiful, the music excellent and the food most appetizingly uerved by the Kinettes. But. the most interesting part 01 the evenings program was the selection of -!x~ Qu,.n .nd loue~ Princesses. Donna Rogers wu chose» Receives Her Crown Wlant to buy a boat? - Get a Commerce Anchors-aweigh Loan by the judges for this high honor and Is ishown here The choice is yours. Whether it's a boat, an antique crystal set, a camping trailer, a holiday amr on her throne, being crowned by last year's Quen Lana Morrison. The Princesses, from lef t to right, are a hi-fi or whatever, you name it. One of numerous Commerce bans can be taîbored to your needs. Phone or visit McMu lierCtyHar evd Htl n iaethe Lown Depariment ofany Commerce branch. CA NA DIA N 1M PE RIAL B3ANK 0F C0MMERCOÈ q

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