Swingin' 'Bows HoId Fourth Annual Banquet Expect 60,000o Player's 200 Tomnorrow, this area will witness what has become an annual phenomenon as crews, drivers and spectatprs begin arriving for the annuel Player's 200 sports car race et Mosport Park on Saturday. It should be mentioned that the sportecasters are predicting crowds of 10,000 more than lest year when the 50,000 mark wes reached for the first time. Alil roads in the èrea will be busy with incoming traffic ýwith the main flow coming Friday afternoon, continuing ail night, until about noor, day on Saturday when the préliminary races will begin. Top drivers from ail over the world will b. here including this week's Indianapolis 500 winner, Jimmy Clark who should be in an, optimistic frame of mid after winningsômethinM like $160,000. Advance tickets are now on sale here et Bryson's and Frank's, et reduced prices. Citizens are encouraged to welcome this influx of visitors from ail over the world, and give them every assistance to let them know what a fine area they are seeing and what extraordinarily hospitable people w. VLUME 1'l1 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2.1951 (~Ir 'n.. - - L p 4 JVDjL Trhe- walls of Maple Grove church hall were artistically decorated on Satuirday with murais de- picting famous Dodge City when the Swingin' Bows Square Dance Club held their fourth annual banquet with 'about 60 couples present. During the evening new officers were elected inciuding from left to right in- the lower picture, Spud and Gerry Robert son _Other , Amendments Approved (House Com.), Art and Gladys Etcher (Secretaries), Jack and Florrie Mann (Presidents), Ron and Marilyn Bilsky (Past Presidents), Audrey and Gordon Met-i caif (Vice Presidents), Eleanor and Jim Schultz (Treasurers). Upper photo shows the group in action, under the capable calling of Bill Carey. nicipal BPard Rules A e .s7.x L. - Change Swim Classes -to Meet' New Standards ~vuw awu -~ i au , ru, ~Due to the Red Cross regu- tnyuLitIi~i i.uning. n ngeiations ,regarding swimiming Il tis sumnier have been chang- cdta a straight six-week course, instead of the two The ntaio MnicpalBoar' tok art.Iuiýglast summer, the The ntaia Mnicpal oar Itak prt.i swimming staff were involved .1Hearing held in the Town1 The paragraph ta be deleted with many polm ftyn kesidentsHall auditorium on Tuesday wauld have allowed: "Fratero- ta get the children ready for R sd n smorning concluded with the alhich frontlson tw osthe tests. annauncement by the chair- .wihfotontesuhr To train the children pro- ,eport man of the hearing, A. L. limit of Wellington Street be- perly for Red Cross swimming R p rtMcRae, that By-Law 1916, tween Silver and Scugog tests, more time isrqurd ~ak i sBy-Law ta amend teZnnýtet. B odcigasx we Brea ins B-Lawas amended by By-, The local Odd Fellows and cOurse, the fundamentals of Law 1934 passed on May 3rd, Rebekahs had purchased prop- swimming can be taught pro- Mi.sç Glad * s Jager, 5 Con-'1965, will be appraved without erty on the south side ot Wel- 'perly and without trying ta cession Street, reported tao the a further hearing when it is îngtan Street in the hope of rush themn through. ]Bowmanville Police at 7:20 amended by the deletion af building a large stone and! To keep within the regula- -pro on Mondav evening last paragraph 5. R. L. Kennedy brick front concrete block itions of the Red Cross Water week that a youth had been was the other member of theladge hall there. i Safety Division and provide TUftN TO PAGE TWO) OntarioMunicipal Board whol In delivering judgment Mr hbetter service, the Recreation MRepaid tribute ta the fine Department felt that a six Mcra fe Odd Fellows and: week course was the only way \eVis IA nage s ~ r~ o th to keep within the Red Cross W in M nag rsAwad TuRN TO PAGE TWO) standards. Art Asher, the popular manager of the 'A & P Supermarket here, has brought another hontir te Bowmanville. He has been awarded the shield for the outstanding performance of his store during A & P Managers Week, 1965, by the directors -ofi the A & P. <TURN TO PAGE TWO? 9O0nt. Vice President- Instails 0f ficers B & P Women's Club Provincial Vice - President Jeffrey; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Dorothy Brown, Belle- Mrs. Lillian E. Dilling; Rec-i -ille, wvas present ta address oxding Secretary, Mrs. Jean Sth e May meeting af the Busi- Dcvitt; Corresponding Secre- ne 55 and Professional Women's tary, Mrs. Marlon Hoar: Treas- Club recently and nstalied the urer, Mrs. Kay Balil; Member-ý kOfficers foi 1965-66. ship Convenor, Mrs. Anna President, Miss Velma Gay; Watson; Prograro Convener, ist Vice President, Mrs. Marion Mrs. Rhoda Anderson and Miss Helen Devitt; Civic Canvener,, Mrs. Minerva Kerr; Inter- t national Canvener, Misses Acci Dorothy Virtue and Nora Hor- 'den nick; Sunshine Convener, Mrs1 Ro n - p Mabel Bgel itraMs Audrey Coakson; Ways and Roun Up Mca ns, Mrs. Aileen Turner; Bulletin, Florence Taolinsan. On Saturday aiternoon ati The officers were instaIled,, 2.03 a ciotk there was a twvousing the candie ighting ser-i car collision at King and Scu- vice and responses. for their! gog Streets. The drivers of part of the installation. The1 the cars involvcd were Earliexecutive afficers were chal-ý Douglas Hanson, Mill Street,llenned and instructed in theiri Newcastle, and Mary Graceduties. In ber remarks ta the! Smith, R.R. 1, Tyrane. Dam-!club, Mrs. Brown chailenged age to t.he two cars was lessthe members ta 'grow your-: than $100. Constable John !self and help your fciiaw mem- McGuey investigated. ; bers ta grow aiso.' She stressed At 2:40 p.m. on Friday two programs must be instructive,ý cairs coilided on the Scugag-ýinformative and entertaining,1 Road two miles north ofýwith the airos and objectivesý Bowm.anville. The driversof the club uppermost. were Clyde Buffett, Yange Velma Gay, president elect, Street. Toronto, and Arthurithanked the Club for their Alln, R.R. 1, Bowmanville.,help and support in the past Some damage was sustaineditwo years and asked for their by both vehicies. Constablecontinued he]p. She had ap- George Evans, OPP. was thejpreciated ail their assistance ini investigating officer. the past and thieir confidence Oni Saturday afternoon at in ber, in eiecting her for this 5:40 o'clock there was a two next terro 1965-66. car collision at the intersec- Reports of ail conveners tion nf the Taunton Road and were presented and adapted., the Marivers Road. The drix'- The repart ai delegate, Mrs. ers were Frederick Lionel Florence Tomlînson, ta the Byam. Tyrone, and Bvran provincial Conference in Sault CoMes. Kawartha Heights Ste. Marie. wvas enjoyed by ail Bolevard. Peterborough. Con-1present as Florence took themn stable J. W. Cartwri.ght, )pp on an inaginary trip by plane! wuz the investisati.ng officer:i<TURN T0 PAGE TWO) Scouts, -Guides WiII Parade This Sunday This Sunday afternoon wilI he a grala day ln Bow- nianville when Boy Scouts and Girl Guides frein this district will gather for a parade and worship service. The parade will move off at 1:45 a.nd the service will start at 2:30 p.m. Several bands wiil prol- vide music for the event and hundreds 'of Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownien RlOng with their leaders are exPected to participate. The parade will form UP at Central School, march snuth on Silver te King, east tn Liberty and South te Memlorial Park where the service wili take place. FIRES - The two fire aiarms that sounded this morning were tripped automaticaliy at Memorial Hospital. There was no fire, just something faulty with the system. Tuesday afternoon, the firemen answered a cail ta the home of Mrs. Moliy Whalen, Gravel Pit Rd. South, where a space heater was biazing out of control. There was no damage. t t * i ~ t t INVESTMENT - Bruce Richards and Ed Frey- man with nunibers 38 and 150 respectively, were $50 winners in the 3rd and 4th Km Investment Bowmanville Born Now Internationally Known Returns to Present Concert ýW.II Receive His B.A. Degree îAllun D. Jamieson, eldest son of Mr and Mrs. Oscar Jamiesan, 1156 Edmison Drive, Peterborough, Ontario, will receive his Bachelor of Arts degree from thé University of Western Ontario, London, an June 3. Mis grandmother, Mrs. D. H. Jamnieson of Bowmanville will attçnd the Convocation. Allun has accepted a position in thel administrative offices of the, iManufacturers Life Insurancel t t t t i. GOLFERS - The Chamber of Commerce annual Golf Tournament last Wednesday at Erinli drew 48 competitors with winners being Don MacGregor, Don Gilhooly, Doug Chant and Dave Kerr. Bill Cole aiso wan a prize for nearest bail to the hole and there were other draw prizes. Good time was had by ail. Art Hooper was in charge of the event. UNCLE JERRY - Many from this area who have watched Uncle Jerry's Talent Show over Channel 4 every Sunday marnîng wili have an opportunity to see him in person Friday night at Newcastle. Local talent will provide the program that shouid be most interesting. t t t1- j t FLOWERS - An interesting article by Elsie Lunney appeared, compiete with color photos, in the Famiiy Herald of May 29th. It featured flowers from the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, R.R. 1, Hampton. Mrs. Tink has won many prizes at horticultural shows, fali fairs, etc. for her unique floral arrangements. WINNERS- Recent winners in Mulder's Anni- versary Draw were: $20 Gift Certificate, Mrs. T. Eeuwes, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie; $15, Mrs. C. F. Staman, E.R. 5, Bawmanvilie; $10, Mrs. H. Semp- lonius, Waverley Rd., Bowmanville. t 1t t t t SAFETY - W. W. Bagneli advises that this is Red Cross Water Safety Week. If the weather continues as cool and wet as it is this morning there won't be too many worries about people getting into trouble swimmîng or boating. But, certainly it is a good time at the start of the season ta be learning life saving methods and pre- cautions that should be taken to prevent water accidents. t t t t t URGE BAN - A meeting of the United Counties Fire Fîghters Association in Port Hope last Thursday urged that in future there should be a ban on the sale of firecrackers to individuals, to prevent costiy fires and accidents. Many of those who attended the Rotary fireworks show here wili agree because youngsters were tossing them around with very littie concern or caution for other people in the large crowd. One lit on a youngster's head and more by good luck than good management didn't injure him. The show itself was quite safe under proper supervision but those who brought their own were a nuisance and a menace. COOKIES - It is hoped that everyone bought a package of cookies from the Brownies last week- end. Notification of this project was supposed to appear in this column but the note about. it was lost in the pile on the Editor's desk. Our apologies. They stili have a few lei t if you would like to heip. j- t t t .t j. BOGUS BILLS - Police report that a bogus $20 bill has been passed in this area recently. Appar- ently, it is a good-Iooking counterfeit, but the paper feels thicker than bank note paper. This bill is numbered H/E5341954, with the back plate numbered 12 and the front 16, with the 6 slightly biurred. Those who are handling money would be well advised to be alert for further attempts te pass similar $20 bilh& Mayor PresentsPee Wee Trophies Ray Dudley, a native -of Bowmanville, and Professor of Piano at the University.of Cincinnati College Conserva. tory, thrilled the large audi- ence in Trinity United Churc.l on FridaY evening with bis mastery rendition of a com- plex musical progratn on the piano. This wonderful con- cert was sponsored byr the Bowmanville Rotary Club. George Vice was the ehafrmnan of the comm.ittee in charge.oS arrangements for, the event. John Bain, president cd the club, welca«ned the quest artist, and also paid tribut* to his mother, Mrs. Cecil Dud- ley, who had contributed se much to his career. Mr. Dud. ley received a standing ova. in. Ray Dudley opened his pro4 gram with a favorite selectioit of his, Sonata Opus 53 lIn C Major "Waldstei*n". by Bee- thoven. This had been writtesi ini Switzer]jand, and the powe erful presentation ably con-. veYed the echoin.g and re- echoing of perfect sound in tihe Aups, and in the Second and Third, Moveunents the glorous coming of the dawn. Gaspard de la Nuit by Ra& vel, repusted to be the fmnest plece of miusic written for the -piano in the lent 50 years, was superbly played by Mr. DudI. ley. The fifrt port, Ondine, (TURN TO PAGE TWO) L ittie NHL H4ockey Team s' Praised for Sports manship On Monday, May 3lst at the A deliciaus roast beef dinner Legian Hall, the Bowmanvilie was served by the Legion Little N.H.L. hockey teams, Ladies Auxiiiary, convened by Atom, Pee Wee and Bantam Mrs. George Diliing, who inci- were honored at a banquet ta dentaiiy, is an ardent support- bring ta a close their '64-'65 er of the hockey group. Fred seasan. Severai parents and "Buck" Cowie, coach ai >the friends were also in attend- Atom team, extended a hearty ance.. vote af thanks ta the ladies on Head table guests werc: behaif of ail present. Gardon Hawes, Whitby, 3rd Mr. Hawes presented O.M.H. Vice-Pres. O.M.H.A. and Mrs. A. (A.M.) Fînalists crests ta Hawes; Mayor Ivan Hobbs and the Pee Wee team, and spoke Mrs. Hobbs, Keith Carruthers, briefly about, bis associations Port Hope, Past Pres. Little with Bowmanvileé in the past N.H.L. af Ontario, and Mrs. lyears.,tMr. Hawes aiso cam- Carruthers; Jim Caliaghan, p limeed the Pee Wees for Coaksville, Little N.H.L. Pres.1their effort and conduct in of Ontario, and Mrs. Callaghan the final game in Georgetown, with Bowmanville Little N.H. and whiie they did nat win L. Pres. Edward Rundle andIthe èhampionship, he felt that Mrs. Rundle. ýthey did acquire something far IPres. Rundle praposed the 1mare vaiuable in the friends Toast ta the Queen, and Secre- Imade through the sportsman- tary Don Gilhooly said grace. (T URN TO PAGE TWO) Champions at Cub Ath1 CaMise50 On the evening of Miyi' 24th at 10:25 o'clock, Gerrit Juin Nysnan, 14 Bu wo Road, Rexdaie. reported te. the Bowmanvilie PFollce* Station that hi. car, whlçh' had been parked at thé rear of Rehoboth Christian, Re- formed Chiurch, S c u go g Street, with $500 locked ini the trunk, had been stolea. Constable lan Snmith in.? vestlgated and later recov. ered the car behind the Knox Christian Sehool with Ietic Day I 'i The chilly weather on Saturçlay for ced those in charge to speed up evpU at the annuai district Cub Athletic Day held at Maple Grave soccer fleld-whel2. over 200 youngsters took p art in the rnany events. Stephen Batrie, left, of 3rd Bowmanville Pack won the B graup for 10 and 11 year olds and Paul HRt, wi the Agrouping for 9 and 10 year olds. lHe is a member of. tihelit Huicreat HII packminthe Zion.area. . iuc rer uopy 22 effl Ray Dudley n" 9 9)ieces ICar 1 ý Pïanist Oits and Thief