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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1965, p. 7

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Exchange Vows in Zion United Church regularly durlng the sum we are asked flot to forgi band in oun systematic velopes. iThe County Health Unit asked us for belp in ma If ive nigbties. Volunteersi We Çý happy tereport:tha: ý31 aere living and 19 were There is tebe a -Fait- Mr. s. K. Stewart, Worics present at the reunion. -~~- r. Work" weekend in Novern S u D ~ t e n e n t M r A l l n W o d l c k ,w i t h 2 0 t e a m s c o m i n g t o fromn hospital last Friday. . and Mrs. T. Woodlock,"' ewilbasdfobll His many friends and bus- Centre St., has completed his es. All ex Mu fr ir, lha Inmess acquaintances will be third year with honors at St. of Citizenship and Social happy to learn that Mr. Sid'Lawrence University and has -*.torpre ht15h Nichols returned home from ýaccepted an offer as a counsel- ~ eecnasdfrtec Oshawa Hospital last Monday. 'lor at the University. Allan Mrs. A. Marjerrison and her is currently working at Gen. Mrs. Down closed with ri niece, Mrs. George Hannah, eral Motors for the summer. ing a verse from "Be Stili recently returned from ai Mr. and Mrs. Egon Rietmu-j- ' nw yDr eri week's visit with relatives in iler were hosts for a farewelll-nes South Porcupine and Iroquois ýparty in honor of their par- There were 18 memi Falls. jents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riet- - ý ~ 'peet n 5o h Mr. Edward Kowal attend- ýmuller, at their home on Con- munity girls also. ed the state dinner for the 'cession Street, which was at- Shah and Empress of Iran he Id tee by many good friends;. at the Royal York Hotel, IMr. and Mrs. Carl Rietmuller - Toronto, on Tuesday evening, leavP' this Friday from Malton M May 25th. jby 'plane to return to their!' home in Bremen, North Ger- Mrs. M. Duckbury and Miss;m. Marjorie Clemence, Newcastlemn -.. were supper guests of Mr. and j Mr. an d Mrs, Leonard Jones, r4 Mrs. H. J. Babcock, recently,IR.R. 4, Bowmanville, are en- and visîted friends at Me- ýtertaining relatives from Eng- inorialHospit. Mr. Jones' brother and moria Hosptal.sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Webster Sr., Clarkson, were SundayEî nJneofoth aes..... .......... n guesa wth heirsonandEngland, plan te remain and make their home in Canada. daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs 'The other guests are aunts of G. R. Webster Jr., Janice and Mrs. Joes, Mrs. Edith Cook Karen, Concession Street. and Mrs. Emma Wixey, both Mr. John Twist bas success- of Oxford, England. TheyS I E a tully completed his second will visit with Mr. and Mrs.1 year Arts and Science course Jones until September when at Queen's University, Kings- they wil return home. ton, and is currently inl Ed- Mrs. T. W. Lee, accompanied menton with the S.C.M. (Stu- yhrduhesni-a dentChrstin Mvemnt. and granddaughter, Mr. and ---" Mrs. Mabel Thickson, Mr. Mrs. E. Rashotte and Deborah, ~.... and Mrs. James Haymnan and attended the first Higb Mass ~.~ ~ Carl were guests on Sunday celebrated by Mrs. Lee's of their aunt, Mrs. Christena nephew, Rev. Clair Hickson, Noble, Baltimore, Ont., the in the Sacred Heart of Jesus ot<easion being Mrs. Noble's Roman Catholic Church, Pet- Dth birthday. About 50 rela- erborough, on Sunday, May ~o .D N A tives were present to wish her -30th. They were guests at a DENTAL->~ a "happy birthday". dinner in his bonor at the 1hon-i----ao-ephtow------e i Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock Club Aragon, Peterborough, Mr nd Mrs Nelson Keith Fice, soni h bv htwr ntdi apent the holiday weekend inl following the service, and also marriage in Zion United Church on Saturday afternoon, May 15, 1965. Formerly -O Ottawa, guests of their nephew attended the reception held Miss Susan Georgina Shipp of Taunton, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K E N -O er and Mrs. A. L. Ashton,1 Twenty-five members of the George ShippCitnOt.adth bridegroom i h o fM.adMs Richard and Cathie. Mr. and 1Bowmanville L iîo n s C 1 u b Nelson Fice of Tauniton. _____ -Photo by Ireland Studio O P RN Mrs. John Ashton and Mary, imarched in the District A3 Pickering, were aiso guests at ' convention parade held in St. Shool Anniversary services the Ashton home on Sunday.'Catharines, last Sunday. They nxt Suday. Priuasi HUDNUT QI Miss Helen Vanstone necent- were1 ldby Branch 178 Royal Comdn.g Events. ly neceived word that she has Canadian Lego Pipe Band. The Tyros enjoyed the FL SH UL successfully completed ber first Clubs.from Quebec, as weil as weekend camping at the homel year General Arts course at Ontario, were also represent- o4f Mn. and Mrs. Alan Stephen. Quen' Unvesit, ingto. e. eve mmbrs f he es wishs fr sped W e d i gs"6-12" INSEI Miss Vanstone leaves shortly local club, Herb Goddard, recovery to Mr. Ken Shackle- for Windermere, House, Mu-,Laurence Goddard, Fred Cole, ton who, is a patient in Me- E D N L Q skoka, where she will be on Ed. Leslie, Ted Miller, Ralph mcn-iaî Hospital following an the staff for the summer Kelvy and Jack Dunn remain- oeain rnntsPrdi in St. Catharines until the Master Jeff Lehman, AMb- T P A Dr.H. 'egusn ttede convention"s conclusion on the 45th anniversary reunion lWednesday (today). buýý i rn pents Mr.ek nd TithT of the 1920 University of Mr. and bis gra.dparents, MW. and . Toronto graduation class in Hilltop Drive, town, were-- mnedicine, held at the West- lasnl surprised at their L E X .9 buyHtl ooto e-lesnty fKLEENEX TIurda bursdyHotay, 2th. Of the89 Ev9in, May 28t. The fare- BETH N FICE SHIPP and ushering were Mr. Alan: nesday May Sewring, Taunton, and Mr. original members of the class, - elPry was attended by I inUie hrh a- E S Y 2 P 20 couples and during the ev- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Coch- bZo ntd brh a-Ronald Pierce, Oshawa. , an ee uss tte e-urday afternoon, May 15, 1965,' A reception was beld hoin____________ en ng's festivities M r. and M rs. ra e e e gu s s t the e - th ev. C harles C atto united Da in t n ow s p H l , G. Schmidt were presented ding of Helen Fee and Ray in anigeSua Gorîa Hampton Toheries Herl anvlle , wth hin pices Mn an Bnwn eldin rinty nitd Shipp and Nelson Keith Fice, received wearing a beige 8m il Mns. Schmidt will leave on Cburcb at Omemee last Sat-Iboth of Taunton. The bride -time wt mth ,ýue7th for Lorraine, Que., urday. Their daughter Rose the daughten of Mr. and MVrs. 1sheath rme wih at- :wbere Mr. Schmidt bas been Cochrane was the flower girl Gog bp fCitnO-jing lace and a coat to match T~ ecostal transfrrred by General Motoiýs. for the wedding party. tro n the bridegroom ,- with beige aceessories and aT U iThe deligbtful party was ar.j William Sheen spent last1 the son of Mn. and Mrs. Nelson 'corsage of yellow and bronzeT rage b M, ndMs.A weked it rind i Ok-ýcbrysantbemums. She Was ~ 4#l INE (hurch Marlerriso'n and Mn. and Mrs'Iville and Toronto. inOk1FcTutoi msc,"h assisted by the bride's aunt,ý N E 75Liberty St. M. 1Bob Manierison. Rev. Wm. Piercy and Mrs. Lord's Prayer" and "0 rles Frsantubeng, iah nda Mr. and Mns. Robent Morris Pîercy were i Kingston lastIfect Love" was played b u eshnugsetan June 6th i were teget fhnna week attending the meetings oaist is onMcatjacket with white accessonies, PENTE C OS T thepri e at oan~ord grad fte hlBpr o f ampstonMis Jas M antheus adbîdgo supiepryadrunion of oftUninte dCuhBa0ofHmtn and a corsage of wbite chrys- children o audy a was musical director for the marriage by her uncle, Mr. mother, who wor iki ~ U 29h tthe home of their cofrec.Frank Shewring. The bride ' thdes wt lc bdie W U S U N DAY daughter and son-in-law, Shin- Mn ninsfomhn t gown of French organza oven ha acesne adapn TAI Sunday Scbool: 9:55 arn, ýley and Ronald Hewitt, Scar. tended the golden wedding an- taft a tld wt and white corsage. borough, Ontario, to mark the H ersary of Mn. and Mrs. Swiss lace top with short Later the couple left on a Closing rally of lcaonoMrMrisrer. ally McMahon in Peter- sleeves and scalloped necklinc, oton trip to Ottawa and Loyalty C arnpag ient frtC oodan Tire Mrs. McMahon were former sequiins, and a full-length train ned a pink linen sheath with f-JIPI il ar..Psor'da present for the occasion were Mehres dents. !of Swiss lace flowed from the matching three-quanter coat, »umLmarn.« subject: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jacobs, tu s Edgar Been bas ne- shoulders. A cononet of seed white accessories and a white subject: Paula, Peter and Donna Marie t rned fro mn visiting with er pears and opaque crystas igadenia corsage._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~HAST E GLOY 0F of Milton; Mrs. Audrey Mon-prntMIlndMs.Ccl' held ber four-tien, cdouble:-______ rGOD DEPARTED ris, Susan and Donna of Toron- Talbot in High River, Alta. shoulder-length veil. She car- frTr7'sg.Lit10 Miss Blanche Racicot, o! ied a bouquet of white ice- 18s, ugLit10 FROM THE CHURCH?" ito; Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Mon- Trno asbe h uest 'ber hryantbmum ris, Lori Ann and Robent of Trno abe teï brg crsnhmm and red' of"eCa h ersstranlaohr- 7p.rn. Rev. H. Grant Leerborougb; Caroline, ofaber sistenr and rt HAe--'Yuletide roses entwined with MisLaRoeafrr spekin onthesub e eine, Chistene and Wesley, n.adar. .A.M-ivy in a cascade.MisLl oeafr r 'ebeîdren of Mn. andeMns. Hew- aster. Ms1eog ocrn missionary of China and Trini- a , lTE WAOS ' ittre f r and M sset, gan- A Taunte onc h arn of' da, was guest speaker at tbe "TEW GN it n r.Bset rn- The women of St. Paul'sITutn a0h mto fýaBA YER ARE OMIG" othr ofMn.HewttAnglican Cburch beld a suc-lbonor weaning deep pink crys- gezeralmUnit C hurc EWoen ARE COMING" mother of r. Hewitt.cesful garden party on Satun-,tai organza over taffeta. The!ee ntdCuc oe WED., JUNE 9 !day, with many attendingIbridesmaids, Miss Barbar-a on May' 27tb, 1965. frmoutside points. Zakarow and Miss Judith Miss Rouse, who was intro a t 7:30 p ,r. SA L E M fo Piano Recital W addell, botb o! Oshawa, w e du e y r. Gln ickell, mr ucdb Ms GenPPkl Serice A srvie ~f onfrmaiono!A piano necital by the pupils in light blue and a deeper was sent to China under the Faniî Night Srie Asrieo ofr tofMns. Jeanne McMahon wasjblue, respectively, and the:auspices of the Woman's Mis-. and was beld at church on Sunday 1given in St. Paul's Panish Hall 1 flower girl, Miss Kathenine sionari' Society. Youth Service: wben Brian Blackburn and'on Tuesday nigbt. PlayingSh rigTanooeple erngteefo 1922 to, SpeialSpeker David Shackleton wer re solos wene Sonia Vizino,lpink. 1949, Miss Rouse spoke of the FS rutr: ev.A.Kuda, .Th ,ceived into the membrsbip "Country' Dance"; Timmi' Mit- Their gowns were styledî Chinese as "ber peopfle". taatr: ev.A. udr. BTh.of the chuncb. The choir pro- ce1- Sep1ye1nPr ietiaî ibsopd ek'Fo 90 o15 on e gmtrI MÂPLE fGROVeCEdanSaean omnvf. im ,N cen-' iSympathi' of this communi- spent the 24th weekend wtli gss wre gueta at th wed. it asj t i h extended to Mr. and Mrs.'i er sister and husband, Mr. ding of their nephew, à&. akingJ C. p. Swallow in the passing' and Mrs. Ed Jennngs, Eden Roety c hel n icWU ony wene o! hem mother, Mrs. Fred j Milîs, and visited other places United Churdi. Ashton, Toronto, and ta ail! of interest. R v t n S o d n h w h a oten elaivs; lsoto n. Mn. Wm. Snowden and so ville, visited his porenbta, mber, and Mrs. Cecil Mîlîs and fam- Steven, Rexdale, wene FridayadMr.lodSwenaa D our il' in the passing of is fa- visitons witb h i r n - e an es t weelc. den m urch- then, Mn. Charles Mills, En- mother, Mrs. R. R. Stevens. ets. niskillen, and ail members o! Mns. Fred Kent and son Mn: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dur. jran the famili. Jim Kent, and Mrs. Wm-. Mun- Rdss and fwmUl, Ebener, 1A- Mr. Harry Freeman attend- daY, Brantford, were Sunday wer Sunday supper gue*la o ýmes ed a conference in Kingston visitos with the latters sis- er parents, M. and Mi'. 1,. ancer last week. Mn. Harv Free- te-in-law, Mrs. R. R. Stevens, C. White. man and Mns. L. C. S nowden and niece and nepbew, Mn. read- visited th atter's daugter and Mrs. H. J. Brooks. GET CASH TODAT and and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. S. S. Morton FOR OLD APPLIANCES fank- ti Pritchard and boys, were Sundai' evening visitons throiigh Manotick. witb the f onmen's sisten and UTATESMAN bers Mr. and Ms. Cecil Mils, busband, Mr. and Ms. Wm. ASIED com- Miss Barbara Mils, Messrs. Munroe, Baltimore. LSMD Ivan, Bill and RalpGi MilIs Mn. and Mns. Monley Bur- Telezihon. 623-3808 t I.D.A. 'tii CREAM- Antiseptic Mou' JICK FOAM PERM/ 5 by Sylvania, AG-1B, sugg. à CT REPELLENT VID SHAMPOO-- fDEODORANT -- rRAPS ----- Destroy at iSUES ------- ------- LY Bath room Tis break "itoh*ý " ak n utitones closed the worship with pray Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minîster Tbuts:Dean June Hy- month was a penny sale with- tentained us witayethn land, "Barn Dance";usta Dawne hn our club. Sitysi bthyong and old Telephone 623-5023 a nJ Alex McCabe, "Four Leaf'were donated and a s bstBai.Frascn ubn aossakigatdbi Clv4 ;Pny n ayCr- ilpoi wsetnd i orhysn Brazilian fol k rsfr.shing relief fast ... orryoui er, "To a Wild Rose"; Donna: treasury. isong "Thanks To God", unden Hov and Gloria Mitchell,' This past week was a verythe direction of thein leaders money back! 41/2 oz. jar - 79j uuuuuuiIIa ~~"Boy Scout's March"; Mary disbeartening week for the Ms hre ikl n r._____________ Pat Bradley and Nancy Brad- Belle-s, out of twenty-six'Grant Down. 1 I . n'. II~~~~fl ~~~ley, "Fahry Belîs"; a trio by members, thene wene thirteen President Mrs. Carl Down J______________ Chritia Re orme Ch rch Jennifer, Vaneta and Marlene pigs (a member who gained expressed the appreciation of Re. eny anAnel BA. BD. Mnite ~ 'Rsear Satngweight during the week) withý the wornen to the Explorer Rev Hnr Va Ade, .A. BD. Miiser %Vltz atoalgain o twenty-five girlswo il en the floti Telephone 623-3492 The 'Misses Mitzi Malcolm; pounds. There were also two too 'distant future, United1 and Pamela Stinson of Yel- turfies (a member who bas Church Womnen, and to Miss! Worship Service - 11 arn. venton perfonmed several tap: not lost weight on gained),: Rouse wbo even though sh dancing numnbers. Miss Van- and eleven witb a loss of is "retired" is indeed eus Worship service- 7:30 p. eta McGill, also of Yelventon,lt-wenty-two pounds, showingjspeaking to mani' chunch j sang 4.The Lank in the Monn" a total gain of three pounds gnoups. "Pocaiin hewhlecunelofGd" an "oTh fnMbenet".BrbraCo r tney was ou n o:Munie Stns e al UPclamin th whlecouselcfhed" a fdiBal nofMe ne", fo brCor th w ek. Annur o Msun e lts eeasol Rac to(id ~ourRradcstpnogram was a piano duet by queen for the montb, losing comning home on funlougb n Rack o Godflou BroarastPbyllis Youngman and her twelvr roounds. Marion Kil- will be speaking et the Region-' CKLB Oshawa - Sunday, June 6th, at 9:15 p.m. teacher. Mrs. McMabon -Tbr boumne was a close runner-uo a] Confenence ho Onono on Parade of the Wooden Sold-, losing eleven and one-haîf Octoben 26th. iers *», poundo for the rnonth. t Even though we dont meet rRIPOLON ,BLETS Rapid relief of seasonal allergies and hay Lever. SPECIAL IRIN ZELIEF from Headache, NeL Gentie laxative in chei For aduits orC 16's, sugg. li PERSONNA STAIN ES TE For that fresh shave feeling shave after shave . . . Men report 10 to 15 and more shaves per blade. PRESCRI PTION ALEX McGRI even membrane itching You can Set futi blessed relief from Itching, chafing, rashes. dry skin eczema ... even embarrassing mems- brane u:ch (vafmnaland rectal itchig). LANICANI à medicatcd formula 5 KING ST. W. *DRUGS.e 1. D. A. REMEDIES EGOR ONE 623.5792 E SUGG. LIST 1.19 ýthos---16oz.botle %price 2 for 49c -------------- sugg. list 1.85 1.6 7 \NENT-------- sugg. Iist 2.75 2.29 ist 1.80-159--- M213, sugg. liat 1.92 1.69 - - -- - -- --sugg. list 89e 7 7 - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -oz., sugg. list 1.39 1.1 9 ts in the home ad cottage, 25e each 3 for 69c 200's, Special 2 for 3 3c isu . 33c value 2 for 27c 10's, SUGG. LIST 51c CTION SPECIAL4 3 HELENE, CURTIS SPRAY NET Keeps hair in place ail day, even on damp, humid days. Just arrange hair and spray. 7C 6-oz., sugg. Iist 98c 1OO0's, SUGG. LIST 99c SPECIAL 7 iritis, Neuralgia and Rheumnatismn winq gum form. Children. C ist 55c SEIL 4 4 )Wl 79C 1 a 5 KING ST. W.

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