- - -. e ~ . e The Can&dian Statesnmn, Bawmanville, June 9, 196 of boyq and girls, 18, 10 and 1 sonsl before golng oni to vfit! t w1 MU O -20. Many do nlot play tnfs with Backsckfriends .u m U fl ".Ol attention tu the tact that Teen Subry visited bis daughter PFROM PAGE OE s onNriteltNw Townhalds ofni ann dance a ~anid son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs csi rwiePc.ldb Friendship Club Presents mo Van' i ,* a memlisM ainthe irea vter-1sýoc1I el thIrS.chi of Jethe opposing dellegation, General Assembly sessions of i f>e- rownioPaciledlbtion asked: "Where do tbey expect the Presbyterian Church of pie with norvnal chdrn n w, r.BhKee Gifts to Express Thanks to t aWe are fnt againstin os port Traffic CÇanada in Toronto. a oomff eig ten TweCdtd R ev. a n d M rs. H o u sia n or .Yse frday pm.Ja.leieaoerth ail sucess ofe mn aeteCbooP yo grtiud adthe tstis othae uiroeîng Moteai AveneTrn, At93am.nStudy Mr dMrs. N JfosephMar o l r unt aryaensosucstemnvleCbPckldb u CI6 .forrinity FriendshiPj table, tables1 affectionOntarioiercîety for Crîppaed theasphcBowoanthlle Cu Cburc metn d eta red. r He e 'n ss1la d r e e rn te with day t rn o a e u edIr th t h pp n d at 7 ocl c n a vll, w s rv ng hs cau, h ed i g of h r br t e C id en n t e h lp g v n a kbeutCu a te o t ~ ponc t he lu e t . Br diy ntrtin d he t o ta le la ps by Mr. ed act tii gm se ha tast t urav nn h n o t n L bet tet U tieW tan iB oSi eoSBrook la nb d ir n e es o g v r- L w t e ShBhm n il u -Ola FW. H. Cart, 5W t goup fody readn fwta rsa lod Asas. A. C g ale, n "SrAt f t9:3u3 pope ar aedtanegtaeacresot fteCRsaubway,issvolunterJecobson o ïc. u aeih loe tth ea. bhifift lb.Mh.I e s tkeapiofaion ar ein ote rAv tteuForto e hnJh okae6,WMitbyandClremoJosep isMentihsfed eas ac e y bMse lr -Frimanotfsathe e tdsiNtable ndMrs. C.ies, Ch abeair-I then pMr.sentd Nir. H nortiieast ofu-wa ild namte cien rn G .Bll ..5,Bw'lugadDeyi er uss atrSel l ofuTlan-tplace camtuldabeetaunavefore their.Tm.roneanEerizabethesCrescent, dWh tbynoanChure hson fraturdayaemphasai ed'estronnglynthat, the Muttonhither OstaMapSoeiGryve aiahfedngo e rther Ihndrof frandsthpextne y bPc e yCbMse 19Cnie of the season, besed man of the conmmittee, calledjder with a fountain pen and Club and Coffee House. They A passenger in the Carbella pedestrian, darted inoa-thenonDbiMClgwa a nerteadtcnbefEreCohestranCb W'MMw. Ihe beautiful sur- were pulfled on aur guests of, Both Mr. and Mrs. Housian- lieve there is a place for suich 1539 Bathurst St., Toronto, car. camn lwrgr tteIeedu epi tninns alsa gave a lift ta honour, Rev. and Mrs. W. K. edr q~àis, iu~gray ~ Housiaixier, by Mrs. Ken. der reponded graciously, ex- a club- and Coffee Hause, but sustained a severe back in- Mr. Dowisky wvas taken ta wedig. ment and in lifting hsmrl.Smsn h s ecsl tesiis Mgas anpressing their thanks for the nat in the hall prapased," Mr. jury in the accident. Mr. Memorial Hospital where hie Court Nestieton No. 1031 _______"A Cu Pak edb Cu trels an shubbey ad tead a ref drem.A.xaden- gifts. and appreciation ut the Van Nest stated reasonably. Strachan was taken to Me- was treated for a laceration ta Hoors "50 Year' Menibers wie lue efr iltanre. sng re auriesu res t texirm-yearýs pent together in the in-Miss Corden suggested that marial Hospital by the Bow- the back ot the head, and re- On Saturda , May 99th Onai terwcastlamir. "B" luCubrrwPlatkheledm pending deperture train aur!trests of aur church and passiblY the old Smith Bever- manville Area Ambulance, and leased. Constable Tracy Davis Ba.MlomEesno em oi ?Ib lninbrs eredivdedcturc an ou grtitde ndFriendship Cluib. ages building on the narth- then was transterred ta Toron- was the investigating officer. Nestleton, Norman Wright ofbtt an th ls Hicrt fte*r eedvddcuc n u rttd niw est corner of Church and ta Western Hospital by the On Saturday at 7:45 a.m. on Enriiskillen, and Robert Wh't-Hgt u akldb u fftýo two gra&aps for gaines, appreciatian af theïr labours Mr. Bradley expressed the Division Streets might be used samne ambulance. Canstable J. Liberty Street, south of the ney of Toronto were gUestThsaî aofrhp a 1mre Playmng carpeti an wihile with u- It was in De- thanks ot our club ta Mrs. for the proposed club and T. McDonald, OPP, was the Lake Road, a car driven by bonir ai a banquet ta margiknbyMrgato.Ths a jýp lawn, others enji the cembe 1960 thaît oui, club iwasICarlton for the use ot ber cet- Cotfee House.J investigating officer. Gardon Stewart Adams, 43 for them, '"50 years' af actîx'j- ~O AEOEloe ytesnigo h t" he y te r t i Con-relreydet h f ae andbatiugrndfo Councillor Houper stated, There was a three-car col- Greenwaad Avenue, Toronto,1ty as Canadian Foresters. t~ le by Ms. A.Cale nd forts ot Mr. Housiander and' aur pienir, and ta al wha had "he R1raio"oOzte"isono 15aCo5okhwy, trc agar ai ndbak Bo O . O" ok a rarhd ferte eio ipllm SadtpFohees SK. Svmerti.The he original committeeon115 nda3nHigcontributeda uartaailankingkethis0. a ,.Aite the aine me hersoaricnlub has grown andos-.happy and m aie occsa should know what is needed opposite the Orono Fair it off. Damage amaunted ta the officia] representativelBand. It was followem ytehî~M' at aeasrp týrte' ain th, e pered inclub a r n. sioapy n d. oabe c- for the tawn. It ià disgraceful grounds at 8 'clock an Sat- less than $100. Constable John. tram Head Office in BrantkilSt Bowmanville Scot(optr ednPu' psi th~jezselves teth____________ ___ __isen f ar. Ap-xithat 9 i m ed rScuu-se ___ ___ _____ _____ ha a young man, who has urday evening. The drivers of McGuey investigated. or.A romaey9ed ySou ate o aynoth aaias hatrn ived in the town only four the cars involved were Ian At 12:05, just atter midnight bers and friends attended, icies the 2nd Bcwavl& ryrssî yM.Ct mnonths, (althaugh he had at- Joseph Robertson, 552 Gray on Sunday morning, a car cluding oeur Fraternal Super-j Scout Troop ledbySotaweeoloebyheLr' q4l o f ' of gt o ic"'1tne Bowmanville High Avenue, Stoney Creek; Geo. owned by Ernest Roberts, 29 vi-l1or Bro. Keith Clark andcMaster Charles Biggsi h tlrvrsi mio yeey ýhool ail year) should came Brunelle, Royal Oak, Michigan Brown Street, which was park- Mrs. Clark of Oshawa, otir Bowmanville Scout Topldlepeet (FROM PAGE ONE) therefore graups go Lip town the praposed club and Cotteejt council and criticîse recrea- and Peter Mýuzyka, Toronto. ed in front of bis home, was District Organizer' Bro. D111I-1by~ Scout ïMaster Joh( te- W.Hru.Cbug h -David Fornatara on behaîflpnd bang around the streetslHouse is that it would inter- Ition facilities here. -Miss Tamala Godwin, 48 struck by a mater vehicle cau Lowden and Mrs. Lowdeniik the Ist Maie rv;rvîiaFidEectefo ~ftegroup of young people, because there is nothing elseltere with the residents in the, Neil Newton stuad up im- Mountain Ave. North, Stoney driven by Donald Hone, 23 of Whitby. Scout Troop ledbySotth Bo SctsCuilhe sud that they ail appreciatedifor thein ta do. ýsame block. imediateîy and stated that Mr. Creek, a passenger in Mr. Smart Street. Because of limited f,,ilities1iMaster Arnold Weh. h s'drse h ag ahrn the upportunity of bcbng ableî "lt we are given permission "Up ta now a goodly numn-IFarnataro was nat criticising, Robertson's car, sustained a Mr. Houe was afterwards our head table was placed on, Newcastle Scout Troou n h fSotGieCb n to speak ta council, and ex- ta provide a club for youngber of young people have been but trying te help the young leg injury in the accident. She treated in the Out-Patient De- the stage. Froa itiis vantage ]st Newcastle Roversldbrwis piain their hopes. ipeople in the hall that Miss ýat the hall day and night. people of this town. was taken ta Memorial Hos- partment of Memorial Hospital point, our able M.C. Vie MalÎ- Scout Master Wyn Colir u tic tld co ncil hat h had an Du en ha kindy otered here a no arkin spac Coun illar Glenh lmethe h- pitalbyvthlBawm nvjll Are f mr nerorinjurisi sufered fcolm intno uced he he d the ]st ithcrst Heghts cousiAs we are asembld fo I b ~~~~~~~~Ambulance, and received treat- the accident. Damage ta theltable ais follows: GUests ofilTroop lied by ScoutMse hssric u otdmnn returned ta Bawmanville High ta lend us, this situation would there. I would like ta know es said that Mr. Farnaitarouhad onRonald Robercslmthought should beotbeprmis $eIiool as a student this last be rectitied, and we would what they intend ta do. If this m eagodrenttnand ment iu the Out-Patient De- cars amounted ta less than horB.Macb ,msotatehatubsmdete yerafter two years in the have a place of aur own that Caftee House gaes through, it hae suggsteed tat i clb fo partinent. The accident was $100. Corporal K. Freethy, and Mrs. Emerson, Bro. Nor- Next in the pai-adE cm h ra rms ea hr.I Royal Canadian Navy. He said we could take pride in as being wiIl affect us financially. Wei lyeauggpedapl ou ldb ford . arqalsuoj iCq PaineiisaAul investigated. ýman Wriglit and Mrs. Wriglht,,Onitarie Training Sholfreow ip eaeacn - that durîng the months that we]l conducted, and where welare unable to retire and gota - theoetlîdne n rs!olsBn floe hehsbe eelehad found could enjoy ourselves. sleep at a decent hour because Nest, a member ot the oppo- riWhitney: Public Relations Di- Gud(e Coloî- Party, hnteGd e ahyuhad~~ a leof cboysiand fo gi g Mayor Hobbs asked Mr.' 0f the music and the young sition, admitted that there is Mlii Ur. .E.Cok ndIC oman lle Gd, agso 7 8 9 On 7Frnataro in .iust what man.Jpeople in the street. I like ta nJenoyialî who seor,ýMr. ook us wîll be madean ld b G ageas. oru7,18taro 0 nd21ner it was planned ta operate retire ati1Il a'clack. nSthin, inndwthneille fo the Cotfee House, and if music o"I have noted yaung people pcole 0fuhese taes"Can hT ihe C.I.T. m et o n r1dand Jesse HestroaWa: Mr Rohre- r adokMrs Ro he Sti ouanyhel ale Gaeaar tar ups,1n u Mr. Fraao also tald ialone would be the entertain- onthe street as late as 2:25 a.m. clomuhssae. ngti h hrh aeet ner.HaodWteWi- boe' r esenthted t50 eieG.Wie my ed bCMap euelta ela enmn fee.and have heard noise as late Councillor E. J. Rundle said This was the last regular meet- by: Mr. and Mrs, Walter 'thee swthtei1a er .Wh ieuthenatai wtltît o i l thed a t he a d en Mert offred. e lid t t a s 10 minutes ta three o'clock. t a pa s for the oung în ott e sao. tis h p d a me Tyo e Mr N lon pn a d e t nd d hs h af't e wo L ue a t, M s. E tt d p r o er. H pu taet at the aaun e talof, Mr ornaisitareied th j is lots f noise between people's club menit considera- that a social levent - a hike or and Miss Thelma Rabbins congratulations on bchalf )f Cox and Mrs. William ree of this district. He said that be used. There would be folk 112 o'clock, midnîght, and onc tion, but that hie was neot sure picnic will be enjoyed after Bawmanville, and Mr. auJ i High Court and his beiýt The Sous cf Ulste lt pk oteSot.Gie there are gaid singers, excel- a. I They drive their cars that the hall on Ontario Street exams are clver. The girls Mrs. Harold Patter, Hampton, iwishes for the next 50 years. Baud, Oshawa, led Il ~ac-Bones u uso hi lents. ca and ae wi-mcldrea tir ndwitr iw noisily squeaking their was the place for it ta be la- were remiuded to save used were callers with Mrs. N. Wot-' Ou behî of Court Nestle- ing Browuie Packs. 7hsecl er.aiud d th d ring tî He tres," Mr. Hayman asserted. icated. postage stamps. Carol His lien and Francis.. ton. Bro. Oliver Roherer then'lent band bas tehnro eepaîe the fat ht o Miss Magaret orden aidj Maor Hobs s.ai that and Karen Yellowlees report-, presented Bras. Emerson andi ing ane of the only trefuei o falpoladta ýIsidtha drig te umer, MssMarart ordn aii Myo Hobssad tatlheWearedadtahepry rWgo "At present therki is 100High Schaol vacation manths I ha she had worked for the tîndcrstodc that the matter of e brietly ont the raily t IEruyaega arpr r Wright with a god lie-bar bands iu Canada. The rw-H ae epyfralpol entertaînment for teeyugi a lne ahv the Bomanv,,eRecrgt;niDe ths proposed clu havebthe attended at Camp Pretoria., .net Hockaday is able ta be ,and cuft-links set. ies marched in the floig0 vr ainht n ae people except the motion Pic- Coffee Hause open on evenings(Bwartm e fo r ears. M.De-tiscusosed ithbthetow n An trstn ak and is upand araund after his recent wBt (( Y- og order: the lst and 2dBw tuetheatre and the Pool hall,' through the week from Mon- csino Vctosw., accident. Bro. "Oz' Cook emphstical- manville Brownie Pacswr tureday ta Thursdy btenFornataro is wrong ta say therei1rector of Recreation, T. A. Fan- cusb sia Da "Vacti ons" a-Sevrlrltvsadfinsl ttdta ciiyi ildb r. ors leight sud 12 o'clock. O Fi-isno recreation for teenagers. ning. "I do not think yolu arc onl emedbtr. .Witced H a- evceradrtivfues al i n iesh ]ra cout h asttyin .. led h e2 Pc day eveuings they would like Thee osdmitoenReteatisn lcimentbu ou eel thnesueedTaps. iwa of Mrs. Norman Mutton, largcly maintained hb suchby Anne Westover, Pci f AH LD Y ta keep the Coftee House open Centre.sHlaWstae athu ebrsa eNeieteit ak h a litle ater taCboutre.3 for ditterent kinds of recrea- Miss Nan Allin. TorotofrmryMsHid Wstac attummbras e eehe14Pkhe rdB - 'clock, Mn. Fornataro explain- Last Friday sud Sa turdav. lion.' hie said. sud Mr. Charles Allun, Bow- of Salins. We extend sincere ooigtngt ax11 rwiePc e ~ Mk orrsrain ed.He dde tht o Saur-nîgts t te hll her thyi Atthepreenttim tonci I anvlleuwee Snda te sypaty t he daghtr Ms. ro.Rober xtededlusitsBron OlBrrswJ. . M. NW ad aoi dayevcing itwoldlestbetropseta eavether cubRudchud iat iv ya pemisionntostofMr.su Mr. Ws. uthWadertToonthsd hansdtesh laie oftheDoDld.sulid.TanandldiappintTa.,t Yellowlees. he!itr r.Ll olctU.C.W. fur the delicious mca! Mrs. Clifford C. Anderote N BOIGCAG ~~open ramn eight cloc ta 12 coffee bouse there werc 50 or to proceed with your plans JURY rae hchte ereiad oe t 60 people, sud as noise sud withaut certain commitmnents. rs. Faye Vice sud Mrs. al rv.xha he evdsdhpdM Bowmanville Boo o'lok.that it could be repested on Pack led by ts Tawn w, NelNwtu mR , usic rase, this came straight By-Law 1428, passedi in 1946, Mary Milîson attendd t S .i ally, Tomainsd Fave Lang-a langer scale 11u the future. Mrs. TFhomas Weh st& OVEL Nil ewsadthat th1,En-roup tad my bedroom ou the sec- governs public balls. The anus Nurses' Graduation Alumnaeimaid spent Sunday with thAevuu fdnigsdHmtn rwi skldb RVLAEC tart teCofdte ta rop ndfloor of aur bouse next is ou the owner, vaniaus stipu- dinneir at the Kinsmen Stadi-iWm. Affin familv. isJ A f eli fo dancngwed. linptBr owIrs.Ovil PPEa2-36 of young people wbo wn adoar," Miss Corden declared. lations cao be made, sud uOhwafhe94lls- Cogauatosibought c onluon ae- lîduaiu sd aMr! w - guidance tram ouse eed She alsa claimed that the pro- the By-Lsw is contravened a mates sud their husbnsee Hancack who successfullyom joaeocainMs. oeGeltMpe ___________ dus onilrgr-posed Coffee House would de- charge could be laid, sud a later cntertained at the homeipleted lier year at Teachers': - i îgdus hours, sud regula- precilte the value of the fine imnposed should the ver-lot Mn. sud Mrs. Stanley MilI- College, Peterborough. S h e frotians. e siw d at ns' adve property in the neighbohod. dit be guilty. son., as joined the staff of Ontario tulramcouil ud b ra Depuy - Reeve Ross Stev- iI woud like ta suggest thtil M. Elgin Taylor xas Sun- Street Scool, Bowmanvlle. -- fudylly ureceiv e d.a n M r. D o no answer ta a question froim eus asked if this group hait the owner of this hall situv ay us fM. u .Dn Mr. sud Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Coucilor m Hope, M. sed oCaft e n osetand said a -Law 1428. It bas il pages, Taylor sud family sud they Mr. sud Mrs. Charles Lang..- Fornataro said that the gouP that perhaps they bd gai offa copy 's available in the Town enjoyed .plesntturo temaidi were Sunday dinner ~,~ had at ben aeratng a a o Ibmwran foo. erk's oftice. After studying Automofi*ýe Museum, Oéhawa. guests of Mn. and Mrs. Orville.. .. cotfee bouse, but there had pone u ahmta hthis By-Law Sully, the awuer M.sdMsHaodLr- Lunn sud family, ee bee metngstadicus pan, eter that thel' had sent 1Iothe proper manuer and the A. Rosevear, Hampton, sud _________ For a Quality Bu3 on sud the baud had rehearsed council nequested permissioncudtenmkaplaioinrBkto;M.sd nsJ.oouh a lte odl uedthere. H sskst tr ofeBue u atter wud corne betore M suad Mrs. Ralph Larme-, ta tar a offe Hus, ad icoueilfo cosidraton, th Backtoc, atenedthe ex- élievmafreman up thes yaungMayor explaiued. ecutive meeting of the Larmr Cou ir grueo ple did nat know that apposinagthehpmeofMr.and theestblshmntossarofe l.enMiss Helen Van Dusen theunica h oeo r u Hueai the location Mn aymai 0 thedelea.. coundil that she i hela HrvyYellowlees. 'PROM PAGE ONE) Cad.illMr.plnned, toof thens. Banve Cacfil'c tated that the d:ifficulty with tienneinbu ayon of the Coffee owner oftheb building, sud had AC 2 Glen Fraser sudi Street. The petitioners n Boeuse, asked the young people bought il for tbe purpose u t' 5ds lito irBse, use cuelt rti h -SEE - COMPLETE how they proposed ta contral develaping a Hobby Centre speut tbm weekmnd with Mn. 1îlots for park purpases sud ta it Mr. Fonnatano replimd that sud aiso ta provide a placetndedns R.C. raer sud sotdmveLoib as ondasfosabpis up ta now the club had uiot gnoups ta get together. atei dImrc IMsot rud sso spsil . . . . .' K IH S IHbegun, sud there wasnoui-- ,M. udMs.R FasnM. "The cammittebas inspeet- ganiztioncaînletmdas yt.asd Mrs. Doug Flett, Mn Allan md the location in question ac- K~uun SMITHizawhon Pe:p s ca e US !IIFraser sud Miss PPter o mpndypnv At SERVICE Someppe Ibd came th'SAL EPatterson b ahneOresentD !ONTARO MOTR SALS halland tlkethboutsteacauDa rY of tbm Department of Educa- 'ONARO OTR AL~S Fire, Automobile and hl u akdaottecu, banquet beld aitheb Airpont, tion, Recreation Branch, sud OSHAWA Liab~iity as memnbers, sud he wslantIDnws1dcag saa are of Ibm opinion that tbm PENE:th.at tndesirable people would o u udySho n -Tusa'v ue1tteares in question is samewhsat PHONES:Low Rates on Farm and e eut out when thm club is vmnsary services held ou Sun- Salins W.I. will hold thein smaîî for necreatianal purpas- Business - 725-6504 Rural Properties foed day. June 6th. Bis sermon "Graudmathers" meeting when es. Thee i s abutting ]and Lealdence- 728-6952 MORTGAGE FUNDS Ted Bate, s member of the "Ue Travelling Guide" in the Mrs. C. Milîs, Dbstrict Presi- soullu of these lots which AVAILABLE dlgto fyugpal aftennoon was especially for dent, will be guesi speaker. mihbecurdtaemn Over 100 Cars Contact alsondesdcucl esî the childrmn. In the evening Mi. sud Mrs. Clarence Vicetharsiqutbnhwer, Conlbe tct .a23764mue shre saed u ti.H a hr udyTan. i sam LtîeJsnsdLn Cy- tih 0f ai ustionsidoee ta _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s r c r e tia&f o Vb7a g g r u p as-N o-x c- 1l g g a e e m an.Z i n, p e u sIe w-a y g b e h a ar d taAb m aWm y-o Daad.Ni.,Mte oeofD.an r. e.along fIbm south bouuntldar !A ad ny usi onu rs B.SURE TO SEE -. i1Havdn n.a-j rs. Werny, Oshawa, bu honaun 0f Memoniai Park. Youn commit- b n nyo reft John Kinghor n sd thj.e morthcoming marniage of tee has investigatcd this matter HOOVER Zion, with Mr. sud Ms. F.three cousinç, aud necommeuds ta, cauncilJ Elizabeth Arden's laughing, liltinfoe-ap Blackburn, 1Mn. sud Mrs. Elmer Hug- that Ibe Memoniai Park As R G S A P O R Ohwa- ev. C.D R15ug lusMr Psu td famthe " , b îathe ner ltu e~igfragrance is timneless as a dream fsimri J. Dugan, Tyrane, Miss Stella Producens" icie aI Coîborne chain liuk feuce ta be installedI cooling as breezes off the flowerfedofGae ~~~~Blacekburn, Town, Miss Joyce on Saturdsy. as they requcstcd". This re-a, vrywy:so __________________________ Gerald Shckleton. Jn 2nd aI the home of Mrs. PauChnCirauthe(hrilalbg) W rBleGssngapofuin Mr. and Mms. L. Seavery, Gardon Leask. Mns. John Public Propenty Committce. (e ForYou Covenenc . '.Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. Nelson Knox opened them meeting su mist iL, snend thesm e UPHOLSTERYSHAMPOOER Wilkins, Town, Mr. Lawrence Mrs. E. Thornton led the wor-sra , IIOOVER COSTELLATIONON TRNTHAL OESquair with MT. sud Mm. L. ship period. Theme wa3lJfoe-isd ni!Bu rs I~~~~~~~ *lwrkse inua if!s nai've Bluees s i hag r * ull pIlpsent - AS BUTTEMrs. Ted Hoar ansd Dianne, v"H elgOtes". ns.cNESLgeONblossomning now at fine stores vrwee 0 Outl Oro "101 111010Î4111 AS ABOUT TE . . .Newcastle, witb Mr. and Mns. of the study ,perioJ on "Hasn- . anMi.CrlsGs, ASHER ,. IN-DRReynldsYER Peterborough, visited Mn. sud fl, (;a , D Lxe Per nue.1. Su lu45,W.0W.Dsi~Pwe.. ( ii .0 __________________________#_49__095 4n Srav..5.(xi.Perfime Mist, 6.(X,? FlowerMît~5 n ( _________________________ Mn. and Mrs. Bob Davies Mn. sud Mrs. Bill Coak, Mrs. R. Davisoa- and fanàly. ickr f1ahSa,30.PruefrBt ATTENTON' AHooverRepreentatie wi be atour sore ~ eniskile, Ms .veorg Rchon.d l;Mrs. Ho.aR. Mr. sud Mrs. Reg. Sutton ýcAso ahSa ( e~m o aha-dBd 0t 85 maur. n x. ereAr ok M.adMr.Hwrdo rno and Mn. and Mrs. AND FOR AL MITED 'rIMEOY A T E N I O ! H o v r ep es nt ti e il b a o r t o e n ou . M iss B rth a A rm oun, W estlak e snd S an d ra, B aw - K en G r y ad D a'v id of l otus ! l e G r s - t w th G f SFriday, JoncIlth, frein 2 p.fl. 'tii 9 p.m. and Saturday, June l2th, Hampton, witih Mr-. sud Mss. maniville, were Sunday visita ni wes-c dinuer guests of Mr..ad! leGasDs1gP'e ihGl ~.uiiié ~flLunn ror Leanng robemsto lm!W. Cnaig. ut Mn. sud Mns. Frank West-! Mrs. George Bo'wers.~Bu rs utn ae îhGftHn op30 - ri su..'i .LBigYu lenn rbest i!M.ad Mns. Ross- Lane sud lake. Bu rs lw itui-. PI t~~~~~~~~~ am ily, S haw 's, M iss R uby M n. sd M rs. Sid P ed a, r . M n. s d M s. Louis Feltz G a s F o e M s n u f P f, 4 0 Lane, Miss Donna Wilcox, Stsyner, sud Mn. sud Mrs. of Mitchell brougiit ber par- Town, with Mr..amd Mms. L. Geo. Rahm, Gneeubank, visit- ents Mr. and Mrs. Onland Mo Richards. ed Mrs. F. Westlake Sr. Ratiner ta visit with the Non- companied Mn. a'nd Mss. Bu-.Etfie Balsan is around tbc fanilies before leaving on a PHONE 6fl-3901 bert Stacev when Uîey visited neighbburhoel for a visit. tip ta Sasketchewau. Kn t .BW .NVLEPOl 246 Tindale, Brampton, on Tues- M. Y. tl rvine Wottn,i land vbsted thm Kennth Gil- : (py M- IaAnt ndMs'aI n teGatTo-