s) /j Mna. Inglest hs w-os circui t omriy ai RgeraDurim L"des'S&MtAh Courti e sud ion S niors yrone rojansseietoa-t3 to Rev. Jam es M I-11 1 m i j sD o CorieadMnSnos Trn rjn eeci- Rev. W. H. T. Fulton a St.hIBI 0 Battie For Lead pletely outplayed by the Zion Pau.s, ortHop,0th»Inerln- On Wednesday, June 2nd, teai to the tune of 5-0. The Moderator, was chairnian of CojMe defeated Hampton goal scorers for Zion were the evening and warmly wel- Bowmanville Canadian. Tire bases-loaded triple ini the first with Jean K.Iso's three-run 2-04.,Grant Down scored in L. Nemisz, B. Nemiisz, R. Skra- coed those attendling ta greet bufit up a huge 11-1 margin ta get the Canadians off ta a borner and Glda Croft's the'9irst half on a close-in ko, J. Oyler and R. MacLean. theinewmnse n i ie ~dwts dafnlinn drive and BrLan Howcroft On June 12 Solina defeated Rev. Keith Wilcox, St. Steph- six-rufl rally to defeat Port4-bue.Teocsaddduleheigloa scored on a penalty shot in Tyrone 2-1 an goals by E. en's, Peterborough, Convenor Hope 11-7 at the Central a pair in the fourtb, fifth and Peggy Raynes sparked Baw- the second hall, giving Dave Werry and Al Westlake and of Missions, brought- greetings ScIXool diamafld, i Durhami sixth and a single marker in manviile's 1-bit amsuit on Rogers little chance on both for the Trojans, the hard-work- Specia music included twc Ladies' soitbafl. action bere the second. laser Mary Boy with a pair af goals. ing Nick Segglen. duets by Mrs. Margaret Lee last Wednesday night. The visitors finafly bit the circuit clouts and a single Tyrone Trojans deleated One of the big upsets of the and Miss Doris Jean Robert- Betty Thertell held the visi- score-sheet in the sixth and while Therteil aiso added a Salemn 1-0 ini a very close week was Salemn defeating son, Port Hope, accompanied tors ta four bits and cracked a then expladed in the seventh single. gaine that could have gone Hampton 1-0 on a goal by by Mrs. C. Briggs, organist. either way. Nick Van Segglen Rolley Coombes. During the social hour, the McCuluhC re ho g scored the Trojans goal. Next gaines, Saturday and young couplewere surprise On June 5th Courtice de- Wednesday, are: Hampton at by a party shower, and they feated Zion 2-1. Brian How- Tyrane, Solina at Salemn,ZMon graciousîy thanked the gather- croft scored two goals in the at Courtice; June 23, Hampton ing for the warm welcome and firat five minutes af play while at Maple Grave, Tyrone at the gif ts reied Ca Part of the first haîf. In the Standings Mrs. Ashinore were in at- second half checking was very W L T Pis. tendance and Canon Ashmore close s0 very few chances oc- Courtice - 4 0 2 10 spoke briefly in welcome and curred for scoring goals. Zion 4 1 O 8 the relationship of Anglican d eil s e l a r 5 w Hanmpton defeated Solina Solina -___ 2 2 2 6 and Presbyterian Churches in 1-0 on a goal from D. Rogers Hampton 2 3 1 5 days gone by. Mrs. Cecil Wil- KCen's Men's Wear, with raced home witb the winner follawed by Dan Girardi's from a corner kick situation. TlMaple Grove - 1 î 3 5 son read a very interesting Gary McCuilough providing on McCullough's second single double tied it i the third, The shorthanded M a p l e Salem 1 4 1 3 account of the history of the the big bits tied Ken's Men'., that got past centre-fielder with neither team having Grave team held the Salem T, rone 1 4 1 3 church froin its very earliest Wear in the seventh and then Ted Dadson. scored an earned run. But Bob team to a scoreless tic. Top five goal scorers at days, which she had compiled went on ta earn a 5-4 vîctory Tew essoe arMeVieker ended that with a On Jne Cortie ad peset ae L Ne-liz 5 E.with the help of Mr. and Mrs. in the second extra inning at Th ueawinerus iscore fpir fourtb fraie home run and Sauina battled to a 2-2 dead- Werry 4, W. Wallroff 3, Nick W . J ooyad Mrs. Ken- Vincent Massey Park Thurs-ofuerdrusithfrs the 4-3 lead appeared ta stand lock. Cutc started the Van Segglen 3, and 'Brian neth Gilbank. It concluded day night. on Burgess' miscue and singles u ni McCulbg'sber'is s corig in efishalhnHo rot. with a list af all ministers wbo Ken's, who bad staged a by Wiseman and Jack Parker. U2utlog îs llcenryCoreyhae te Norsts atweka have been appointed ta this two-out rally ta win TuesdayThrotetalasunrn six-hitter, fanined seven and bail into the net. In the sec- Juniors because of exams. charge. Mr. Herbert Haoey night turned the trick againled aewihen Mout. uhwîedapi aeanbssc ond hall Ken Caverley scored tal fhsrcn rpt the when McCullough blasted a sigld withf twoek.Bug Coutie' scod oa tatCanadian Conference at Lon- home run ta force overtime, Bill's capitalized an a pair ess gave up eight safeties, six looke ie asbcon goalfo the ES LE O don, also ta relatives at Kitch- after Mel Burgess had retired ai Men's Wear errors ta score of them ta the Wiseman-Mc- Coourt ie tambut golafte E.E ener, Waterloo and a visit the first two batters. twice in the second, as Charlie Cullough combination, while Werry pumed in aut oataE macle ta former minister Rev. Alex Wiseman stroked bis Kilpatrick and Burgess singled. clamming five strike-outs and Wake things loin a golitl Miaister Weicamed F. Swann and Mrs. Swann and third single in the ninth and, An error by "Moe"' Richards issuing two bases an bals. brighter. The Courtice teain st Nestieton fami" lynowoantfod n seerned ta collapse after this At Nestleton PresbyterianMotPeant and the Solina teani peppered Church on Saturday evening, A heartýy vote af thanks was shots at Herman Prakken June 5th, the cangregations of extendedy Mr. Lloyd Clarke, B E T H A N Y which paid off in the dying Ballyduff and Nestleton gath-1,Raîlyduff, for the deliciaus .rinutes as Ron Baker blasted ered ta welcome the student 1lunhsoved, and Mr. Rich- -igi h bec ftePei a ein ihantpoi eby for the equalizer. minister Mr. Alex Ingles and ard avionthanked the ladies r s ina P ler spent sev-i i edben ' r. ca i otePs i day1even.ng Wthantroi brvdn h .sclnm George Wake, at Ajax. is ill in hospital. . James Fraser read a Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yoncbus, Mrs. Herb Cappins led the letter ai ftbanks froin Over- Spartan Santa Anna, Calif.; Mrs. Marie study and discussion period ,n seasmissions Relief for the Yoncbus, Kitchener, have been "God and His Purpose". We five bales oi clotbing sent shatters the myth LONG SAULT guests with Mr. and Mrs. must have faith in God wholrecently In this connection Frank Martichenko. reveals Himself through the te members ;greed ta send a t h t Wim in po lsSympathy ai the community Mrs. T. J. Jackson spent areas a. nature, history and1contribution af $10.00 for thatswi min po lsis extended ta the family ai last week in Whitby witb Mr. personal conscience. Faith is shpping expenses. mu t e xp nsvethe late Walter Park, Tyrone, and Mrs. Ross Hall. ablieving trusting, working Mrs. Gardon Chase rend the niust be expensive in the lossofa laving husband Alfred Wattling and Ray 'relations'hipta hIfe. God minutes i ande correspondence and father. Seguin, Toronto, were week-seasb His Spirit and the which icluded a letter af Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams and end guests with Mm. and Mrs. s pirit sc ornýes au ydvretak rn onMlo family, Bowmanvîlle, were Robert Gilmour. . routsansd vamied means. We Society for the Blind for the Sunday supper guests af Mr. Mrs. Lauma Spiers, Torontohveth ense of His presence previaus dronationdai $5. and Mms. G. Baker. i the waorld ai nature, the tak onM.adMs an r.G ae.spent the weekend with Mm. loe i m n aetteLeanard Driver for emein- 4. ~~~~~Mrs. G. Kayacs and girls, and Mrs. Walter Neals. trdto of eigusathadbncaItbeir 40th wedding -w: ~Mr. SanGaleattndd he Mr. M. Mattbews, Assistant worship, through moral de- anniversary; froin Mms. Clar- 5th Wedding Anniversary af Agricultural Representative of cision, through spiitual-mind- ence Rowan and Mrs. Harold Mm. and Mrs. Jack Brummell, Rowmanville, presided for the ed people; above ahl, by Jesus White for Sunsbine boxes Bowmanvilie, Saturday after- Durhamn County 4-H Potato Christ. The Bible is the book during illness; imoin Mrs. W. noon. Club meeting on Monday ev- that reveals God, and ail oth- L. Rowan for floral tributes We're talking about ful size, quality pools with deep-diving Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk ening at the Marsb Hall. er revelatians iind their mean- at the death af ber husband. area -pools that last a lifetime. H'ow didwe bring prices visited the J. Vaneyk's, Sun- Mr. R. Rutherford, Fruit ing and interpretation there. Mrs. Chase also read an appeal awn? By using galvanized steel that won't rust, corrode,. a feno.adVgtbeIsetr i-Tu ecl h il h rmteMnesTwsi crack. warp, or rôt. By bridgetype construction, prefabri. a leno.adVgtbeIsetr i-Tusw alteBbeteionteMnesTwsi cated at the factory. Vos, mnass production keeps costs way, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Johnson cusscd weed control and how word of God because it is the War Memnorial Committee and wvay down. Beautifui vinyl interior neyer needs painting, were Monday guests oI their ta treat seeds; also modemn book in which God speaks for members agmeed ta donate scraping or refinishing. Guaranteed 10 years. Easy financing. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert metbods ai serving potatoes. Himsehf". $25.00 towards the building ai Five years ta psy. Corne in end see why Spartan Pools art Johnson. The class weme shown how Mrs. William Lawrence read a cenotapb. yaur answer - 12 suzes ta choose fromn. -ta use a hydrometer for test- ape "The Three-fold Un- Ms hmsJnig e (W E AHTDT ing liquid content ai potatoes.vng. parted for the manse commit- j partan GALVANIZED STEEL POOLS MGETNaCASHoronTODATp teean noted that the debt Miss Nancy Mrton was ap Mrs. Thomas Jackson gave a awed for earlier remodelling A DrND'S E E(TRIC SER ICE tpress Memb ers a he Unt talk on Christian StewardshiP had been paid off. Mrs. Jen- PH NE62-35 SATSMNChurch Women were enter- "We must give aur whole ile nings also expressed thanks ta Aq ,NDFS E ECTR C SE ICESTATSMANtained at the home af Mrs. ta God, time, talents and pos- everyone for their ca-opera- à PH NE62-358CLASSIFIEDS Earl Weathemilt for their meet- sessions. We must give an tion and belp at the recent PA) BOX 1499 - BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Telepbone 623-3303 ing on Monday nîght, with accaunt of stewamdship for aIl churcb supper, with special - 'Mrs._ThomasJenningspresid- of lufe. Tithing is important tiianks ta the conveners, Mrs. ai aur monetary possessions, Bob Ryley and Mrs. Allan but the truc christian can give Beer. Mrs. Addison Scott was nathing more or less than total autborized ta purchase saine commitinent ai himself and ail new cups and saucers for the bis possessions ta Christ and chumcb kitchen. ILs wrk".The hostess served lunch, Mrs. Eari Argue had charge assisted by Mrs. Vincent Jack- of the worship service, assist- son. Mrs. Han-y Ryley ex- C H ILD R EN 's H.iswork". Addison Scott and pmessed the thanks ai the: Mrs. Han-y Ryhey in the scip- members ta Mrs. Weatherilt ture readings, meditation and for the use of ber home and *prayers. ail who had helped withth SPARADE YELVERTON LA SE S(Intended for last week) response to the tot- -. we1 45 C A SSE A ather bu.sy week bas1 over 100 attended end are in-' 'FRIDAYe*JULY 2nd FULL LUNE 0F AMUSEMENT BOOTHS Get Your Tickets on Special Draws 1965 OLDSMOBULE "88" 2-DR. HARDTOP Lndieço Auxiliary Draw- Attendance Prizes Ijust been tcrmànated at Yc verton. On T1hursday sitei noon the ladies ai the U.C.'A met ait the chunch for Uicj June meeting. Most oI th~ business was in connectia with Yelverton's Annual Gar den Plarty on Friday, June 11 (sec Coming Events for de tails), and the building o cupboards in c'hurch ball kit cinwhich Mr. Murray Mal colm, in a fit ai procrastina tion, is curently if belatedi in procesoI constructing Tencw additions promise t( make for greater efficience and convenience and mor attractive working conditions Also on Thursday, most oJ thc community's "Mers Maies' enjayed an outing - thE "lSwine Swillers" congregatcl at the Swine Improvemnenl Conferenoe at Guelph and thE "Bull Shippers" loaded onc cx ths three buses which buzzsc thein off ta Simlcoe County an Durhami County's Bcd lin provement Assoc. annual busn tour. Fist visit was at the fai-m of Mr. Henry Davis, Utopia, who specialized or feeding of! Holstein stcers witb eniphasis on roughage corn silos with bunks and inumproved pastures. Frian heurs ta the Beattie Bs-os. (Ross and Irwin) at Staynom with top quallty feeders, mostly Hère- fard and somne U. crosses ini groups af 2- eaoh - a lovehy sight ta even an Angus beef- man's eye. "A step froni the ridicuâous te ths sublime" as anc Hereford apostle put it. The Beatties grow no corn and possess no silos with cm- phasis on top notch perma- nent pastures - soins fields have been down aver 20 years and stîll in Al condition. The brotibers own sanie 800 acres and have arouind 1400 feeders on band at rnoettUies - a very attractve and efficient op- eration superiicialiy at least. Alter lunch we were weloom- cd at Calvin I-eland and son'a f ar at Everitt where wc looked over bis Polied Here- ford Breedixg Herd and then inspected bis feedlot wtuere he was in process af fattening off Holstein steers frein bis dairy berd - ta be redy for market in August (but didn't state which year, '65, '66 or 1967). Thr Durhbam County BefImprcii ent Assoc. cxe- c utive were gratified aet 1-' debted ta "Dal"- aur geniai1 r-Agi. ReP. for contiacting Mr. N. McRuer, Agi-i. Rep. ai Simncoe hi- Caunty, for arranging Uic .le visits and pruovidin~g uq aI 'n with such an interesting day. r- j On Friday evening a tars- 1, weil pamty was bcld for Mr. Land Mms. Howard MeMullen who have departed aur coi- Dfmunity and now reside in Port Perry. Mr. Art Rowan was a capable if somewhati subdued M.C. for an enjoy-1 y able PrOgramif aiyou weren't Sallergic to piano muusic. FOl- O owing Uic Queen, Miss Kathy 'y Bristow favored wîth a tap ,e dance aocompanied by ber Smather. Miss Jaaiice Stacey fpi-ovided two fine vomil solos accomipanied bY sister Caral. e Miss Canduy Malcolmn enter- i tained with a tap dance nuni- It ber assisted by Mrs. David e Wilson on piano. Misses Mar- 1 leahb and Darlene Malcolmn i Pravided a Piano dueit and a 12Piano solo for encore. miss Judy Robinon wltb a hunior- anOus reading, "Husbands" was e a weloome 'change ln Pace. Mr. Carry Bristow wMa sfeatiure attraction for ths adolescents witih two vocal numbers with bis own guttar accaniPanmmnent. A piano duet folhowed by Candy' Malcolm and Adele Page, wtb a piano saloe by Adèlie as encore. A lively piano duet was execut- cd by Anne and Barbar-a Wil- son, Pamela Stinson and Mitzi Malcoam we-e asisted by Ruthu Wilson on piano in a tap dance routine. David Gray mnd Ian Page tearned up for a piano duet, ioilowed by a Piano solo by Jennii eM- Gi. Min Vaneeta MoGin as- sitdby Mms Wesley Mc- Mhnonpiano sn two vo- cal nuibers and dedicated the encore "May you alwaya walk i Sunsli-ne" ta the honored guests. Mim Marguerite Wil- aon 4avoired With piano instru- mnental. 'hue tria et Candy Mâloekn, PaIn SitIoen and Mitzi Malcolm Provided a l change oai pS witiu Vhs "Chaudston". Mrs. Drhy Bristow carlier in the pro-i gram set toes a tapng with a medley aof vely tues on ber ..ceordlon. Mur. and Mmns Howard Mc- MUklen were invited te aSets on the platfornn, a coSuge and bautonniene pinned on, and a poetc addreu cempoa-. .1d by Mit .M hm be5e-at The eCanadl stateeman,BeowmavM. juMQe , leu driver was read. The address - reviewed the McMulUens' past eeosnihosedwl odacgpres89ltbi bki es and drew attention ~ n i b o s a d w l- o a c n r w n o b U ta their contributions tao ur ing workers ln this Swmum. d on that ocasln. omunitls. They were then ty and wile we wiii thein m ebe tmm S Psented with gifts, twin the iest in teieii new ataace a few days this wi ahs tbe lmpa and florl cnte we hope they WI continue to Pital. T1rust eh s a bck tà plece, an pccsional chair and regard tis neglborhood as nos-nSIa good ealif. Llarge' wall muirmor. Howard home. AUl were pleam et1m 3& Îmade an eloquent rePly ini ex- On Saturday aiternoon and Emie Laine weil mg pressing their thanks and evening the pupiàs oi tic attend the f unction ln the - Mabel elo voiced her appre- Muir Sdool ai Dancing Wu Frida.y eveninig. CiatiOn. Lunch was served and vided ther annuel dence p~ Congratul a t i oans ta OUÈ a so c ia l b o u s, w ith d a n c in g t a v u e , " HI- a p p y F e tei U c~ I x T Y o music provided by Drothy Academy Theatre oi Lindsay, wlio Iis oôidoined Into *6 and Garry Bristow, concludcd the cumnto f tedious ninistry tis week. thc evening. The eoniittee weeks Of sewing costumes end in chiarge comiprised Mr. and relucarsals. Those :froni this The St. Lawrence Seaway Mirs. Jim Gray, Mr-. and Mrs. vicinity ParticiPating on the pemmits large ocean freigbtera Cbiff Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Ken prograin were Mises Jane ta tmavel froin the Atlantic te Gray, Mx. and Mrs. Art Row- and-Peggy Russel, Miss Kathy the head af Lake Superiar, qà an, Mr-. and Mrs. David Wîl- Bristow, Miss Candy IMaholin, distance ai 2,700 miles à"~ son and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miss Panela StInson and Miss some 400 miles longer than the Stinson. Howard and Mabel Mi'tzi Malcolm..Ail are ta be distance by ship fon HalifaX have proved thenselves as cmended for their displav ta Glasgow. 1