r-. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ \ 0 is Cnain taesnaBonsnvi[,Jue 6,195Champions Receive Trophies at B. T. S. Athletic Darlington Council I________________ Road accounts amnounting Io ;to applY to the Ontario Mun $ 10,363.44 were passed for pay- cipal Board for approva] ment at the meeting of Danl- this proposai. lIgton Township Council held Councillor Budai m~ o v e r9cently li the Township Hall, that the Building Inspectc kftmpton, on a motion by Charles Warren, be authorize Deputy Reeve H. C. Muir, sec- ta attend a Trench Excavatoi ondied by Councillor Richard Seminar ta be held in Cc Gibbs. Reeve -A. L. Blanch- bourg. This was seconded b ard presided et the meetinlg Councillor Gibbs and cariet and ail members of councal 1Cauincillor Gibbs moved thE were present. the Township Cierk be ir Councillar Mary Budai, sec- structed to reply to a lettE onded by the Deputy Reeve, from James McGregor, Williar rnoved that the insurance re- McKnight, and R. H. Grahai port as presented be adopted, explaining that since the mal and that the township's in- ter is purely a local probler surance coverage be continued it [s suggested that the own on this basis with the excep- ers Iay charges under By-LaN tion that the coverage under 2111 ta relieve the situatior non-owned automobile be in- This motion was seconded b, rreased ta a lîmit af $1,000,000 Councilior Down, and carrieé and that caverage on the auto- Deputy Reeve Muir, second mobile fleet be increased ta ed by Councillor Gibbs, movei $1,000,000. This was carried. that the Raad Superintendeni A motion by Coundillor R. M. Short, be instructed ti Budai, seconded by Councillor undertake construction ii Carl Down was passed that vanlous locations as requiret approval be given ta the pro- instead of laying perananen posalI of the Public School pavement in 1965. This wa Board of Darlington Township carried. for the ralsing of an amount Deputy Reeve Muir, secondec of money estimated ta be flot by Councillor Budai, movec ini excess of $450,000, repay- that the Road Superintenden able over a term of 20 years, be authorized ta purchase ai lor the purpose of building electric welder, and this wa! îand equlpping a 16 room school carnied. i Lot 19, Concession 5, and Deputy Reeve Muir moveé that the Township Clerk, Wal- that T. C. Glaspeli be re. ter E. Rundle, be lnstructed quested ta assent ta the dedi- Attention Fariners! 108 TOU, NEEII FAIXN POND? MANCIAL, ASSMSANCE: 'Fe encourage the construction of- Faain Peads, *ie &svermment of Ontario will pay 50% of~ the cost of? mrnappoweclrond, up te a aximumi T" fas i rnarncu.o mis aqeâatoke tu larmers fer: * CNslte£Tu« A 14EW Po»~ *IMPROVIN( AN IEXISTING POND Te Apply. cessuif yow rCouety Âgriculturai RumpSo*twOR Agrultual Engma..r ifor ifooe. opplzcafm l. oom amda *tic* obtari. Depw.tMent ouario IepaxtuMeîat o0ÉErerg oi Agriculture anbd Resoexees Maagemnent »De.VIL A. Stew«', ater 1Ron. J. R. Simonjett, miristee HOUSES FOR SALE CHOICE 0F TWO DIFFERENT MODELS BEING CONSTRUCTED AT BEAUTIFUL qÇaràway C resceli a SUB-DI VISION Liberty St. S. Bownianville 10W DOWN PAYMENT Balance on convenient N.H.A. mortgage terrns et only 6/% interest. - ENQUIRE TODAY - De BEERS BUILDER Phone 623-2263 22 Parkway Crescent Bowmanville il- of d rs ýd. at n. m Lt- n- w n. y d. 1- ýd ýt, to .5:4.. Is PONTYPOOL, (Intended for last week> d ~Mani of the Lý.O.B.A. d from Paterboro, Victoria, Non-! n thumiberland and Durham t ~'4~ ..Hall, Pontypool, on Friday, d May 284h, with Wor. Sister ~' Kay Youngrnan, newly elected Conty Misitress, in the chair. Visitai-s includied Rt. Wor. Sister Cora Jothnston, Past Grand Mistress of Ontario East, and rany othenr proani- iîent anembers of the Order. At the conclusion o! the meet- i.ng supper was served by memnbers o! Pride of Ponty- pool L.O.B.A. It is news when the Fire llibtu-ns. Mr. Clifforc i l lis was excavating with bis bulldozer to put a 1500 gallon tank in tihe bottom ai our Fire H-aU, Saturday. We are nal sure what happened but the dozer was burnt and the ce- mnent block Fire Hall was left, a shiell. It is vax-y unfortunateý this occurred as Mx-. Fallis bas' iielped on many occasions toi assist wit*h bis machinery forý . conmnity bettermrit. hosita aferspending eight, weeks there with a boas-t con-1 dition, on Wednesday. A few! hours later se was takeni back by ambulance ta hospi-' tai. We are glad to report shle is repoxrted ta be now in a the 3rdSem-anualAthitieBanueton hursayJun 3r atfavora ble condition. Following te2r eia a tltcBaqe nTusaJn r t Sors-y brepox-t that Mr. W the Ontario Training Sehool for Boys, the students retired ta the auditorium for James Boggs is not improvingl the presentation of awards and an intex-esting program. Superintendent John too fast in hospital. Anothe r Bain was chairman for the occasion and the guest speaker was IRon Ellis,' one of Brcaleypatiet Mrs. ent the newer and rnost popular mernbens of the Maple Leaf hockey club.' Upper sponding favox-ably in tih photo shows several of the trophy winners, James Deas, Dennis Mandemin, same hospital. Warren Gleiser, Harold Gare and Robert Kotar being congratulated by Mr. Qardens and tobacco <u*ot Ellis. Lower photo shows a model of an old naval cannon that Bicky Dybeck were iniured consàdeniablY 1b- is presenting ta Mr. Ellis. The evening concluded with several entertain'ing films, Potpo' uirSoitib including ne of the 1963 Payer's 200 at Mosport Park. ____I team deieated Millbrook i5-- - . - . in M .ilbrook on Sunday ev- 7 n ot 1, oes i uinte Agrologists own on the alignment ,eae yth on hoo se A. O. DIlrymple y Reeve Muir moved SRoad Superintendent Oned rg nz to xized to negotiate for b .C anurBiho Cxqoae eebrGr ,ase of lands required : .C aiuy rgtneiMilis a pane. D. i Gar' wideninig of the forced, <4usnte ?~~~o1A4=netMs apo-,D.Tpe, ,ugh Lots 17 and 18, tlgànt eW it nt i lese hdto! HouýgsCouitt«. on 4. This was sec- Sipring et thear ainnuail meet- Ontaurio Reiina rS ooe'oa ýz Councillar Gibbs îmg on Tlh'uirsday evening, May SMmdnrwnses ked to arrange -ed. 27, 1965. A Glenbune din- rewresentation, foî auir gk-oup ilion Down, seconded nPer macle thse mood for mak- at thse Agricuilt-ural Institute iciliar Budai, moved ing future plans, under chair- oi Canada since no one could Is and Milis be in- muan, Walter- Rutherford, travel ta the B.C. event. The bhat council wl Co- ideali. Information of inteoeest 1965 Presidenit accep>ted an in- in elosing the road in regarding Provincial' meet- vitation to have thse gx-oup and 24, Broken Front 'ng in Toironto tended by meet on June 241h aet the nm, if lhe necessary Ken W'niglht and thse comning Sanitlhfieid. Horbmicrxtirai Sta- etc., are furnisbed. Canadien evemntin Vancouver tion for an evening of inspec- cars-led. mnade menuiers wish tlsey tion te be ciosed wiith a prac- ion by the Deputy cou1d attend tihese inteiresting tioe application of the woirk ýconded by Councillor meetings aboya our local lev- ini the form i o straw-bex-ries vas passed that tise el. and criam.AI] agreed that )n prepared by Tot- Thse noxninsatng commnstteea the Profession Agrologist or- sand Associetes for siaite of officens was, paesent- ganization. was no.st heipful ent ta the crossing ed by Blair lieeney anid ac- ta correlate workers in aur P.R. and the roed be- cepted as: Presidant: A. 0.airea. May and ý,pring bring is 20 and 21, Conces- Dairymipie, Agricultural Re- e'dna Jaques ad: 'J! ysas r eaccepted by council presentatîve, Durhaen County,En auisi"Iyoar ion that thse wonk is Pest Presidlent: W. M. Ruther- counltlrv bar- you',Il sanse a dentaken in 1966, and ford, Fruit and Vagetable tide ih at other Ëolk will mniss Reeve, thse Road Speciiadist: Vice Ps'esident: Ki-- Somnething withini youî' rident and the Town- Wnig1ht, Prince Edwerd Coun- th'sd cr illrie i rk be atthorized ta ty Farnien; ProvialCoun- answar t affitii" plan on behaif of the sellir: F. C. Paterson, Peter- l>orough; Secretaary-Treasurer: loi, Gibbs, seconded J. E. Armed Picton: Press OBILU ARY ciiior Down, moved Reporter: R. C. Banbuny, tter ha sent ta the Brighston, Directo-s H, Heeney DR. H. B. RICKARD Tobecco Company Smithfield, H. M. Websttî-, ythe action aof pet- Brig'hton, C. A. Chidley, Nia-' A well knownl 57-yeam' erected a sign in gara Spray, Cobug B. M- resident of Port Coîborne and Mproperty *l~ete 65 STYLES SIIADES AND COLORS PM. Tlacludes yrmm *,L£»& * ed C80e -- BIFOCALS J $17.95 Promos" - - Les. and cases 17 OND STREET EAST, 2nd FLOOR Brokna.u4pi xuru a ~te S mim. - Clssed Ail Day Wedneadai palm: reamfrnes re. OSHAWA, ONT. wi.lws tm PHONE: 728-1261 màoâ"cdIPMme z P 6UsM 9eoiMPerpin IrP Itte ýtownship !Il contravention of tne by-laws and o! thse di- rection of council. This wes cerried. Councillor Dowil was ap- pointed ta attend thse Ontario Municipal Board Convention ta be held in Toronto in Aug- ust. This was moved by Deputy Beave Muir, seconded1 by Cotincillon Gibbs.î -A motion by Councillari Budai, seconded by Daputyî Reeve Muir, was pessed that1 caUncil assents ta the passing( of By-Law 1484 af the Town-s ship oi Clax-ke. This cancern- ad thse dissolution of thea union1 school sections. Cauncillor Budai moved thatr Councilior Gibbs rnake ar-( rangements for the regulara cane ai the townsbip's TynoneV dump. This was seconded by . Deputy Reave Muir, and car- t ried.b Councillox- Budai, secondpda by Councillor Down, moved i that the report on the method o! pracedure fi-arn Advisorym Conrnittee on tise St. Marysh Cernant Company's application ble adopted as presented. This tg was carried. gi Deputy Reeve Muir, second- E ed by Councilior Gibbs moved IV that thse Township Clerk be T authorizad ta punchase a dask il and tYpewriter for the Com- p mitteoa of Adjustmnent, and I% this was carried. 0c On a motion by Councilior c1 Gibbs. seconded by 'Counillor ci Down, il was decided that the second mnonthly meeting of!pl the Township Counili durlng id Jusie, July, August and Sep- le tember be held at 7:30 p.m. on 1ý a day ta be set by Reeve ii »lanchard. u1entist, Dr. rHowarda. R iek Lard of 244 Clarence St., Parti Coiborne, died at Port Col- borne Generai Hospital on Saturday, May 8. 1965, in bisi 81st year. Born in Bowmanville he gnaduated from the University of Toronto Dental College in 1908 and went to Port Col- borne whene he has pnactised and resided since that time. He wvas a former town councillor and served on the Board of Educatian. Hie was a member of the Canadian Dental As- sociation. Active in church svork, Dr. Rickard was a member of Central United Chureh, lite memben of Central United Chtirch Board of Sessions, and a trustee of the church. He was a 56-year member of Beacon Lodge 12011 and a char- ter member of the Port Col- borne Lions Club. He was also very active in lawn bowl- ing. He was predeceased by bis wife, the former Henrietta MecCoppen in 1958. Sur'v vug are three daugh- ters, Mrs. Fred Davies (Mar- garet) of Toronto; Mrs. George Bidgood (Betty) of Ancaster; ',nrs. Kennetb Ostertag o! ronawanda, N.Y.; two sans, John and Donald Rickard of Port Coîborne; one sister, Mrs. M!abel Martin of Stratford; one brother, Bey. Roy Rickand of Belleville, and fine grand- children. Dr. Rickand rested at the Port Coiborne Chapel of Day- idson Funeral Home and serv-I ea were conducted in Central Uited Church, Tuesday, May lth. Interment wua in Oak- wood Cemietery. 'eaing. Wertern Hospi'tal, Trsla ovto.W.eare bqodz* Banquet 1&- Ric-hardRuekjelni nwhere lie [s undenrciin.g oh-i1be heaig f.aSe re or*. RAY GIBB'S 181 King St. E. Ha See your local Studebaker Dealer SALES & SERVICE GRAHAM 0 'S GARAGE àydon (j .1 C'A NAD&'S NEW .ABOI.JR CODE/Hon. Allam %ÉEahen. Minisier of laàbour, m sneueios "'Our' new Canada Labour Ciode ilas beeri calied a'first,' Mr. MacEachan. Woufd you agrce?> Rrieflv. Whso dves this C ode apply tae. te -el down x) Specrhuns, MI hai. exacdy. does it promise in tilose cmnPiOvces Who are affected by ?. 'N'Omm ýaid the ucw (Ode app)iie tIo industries unden- Federali.urisdiction. %4 uid .\Ou nanie tihein ' "Yes, andiil is ane of the niost. all-enracing. Canada bas a righ tauha proud of it. t sets higiser standards than have beeix set for ony other counÉvy 1 ime*w. Otier comlries 2re takirg note of lite way Canadiata Pwriament: is ensinlg thait more woekers Maire 1ih Ibis country's growth."l "it applies to industries which fail iinder Faderai jurisdioÊtj... and may well prove Ia be a guide for other industries. The Governmentitiself, which is a large employer il ils own rigisi. wili talke the lead by applying lte Codes standards to il% own faderal ernployaes." "As we soid, il sets muinimtum standards-and -I stress tha etse are minimun , becouse, of course, a lot af -workers already enJoy bigher standards than the Code sets. Fiïrst. it sets a standard 8 houar day and a 40 hour week, witk overtinie limitad tb 8 hours a wueek, and paid for at tinie-and-a-half. Second, il sets the mnimaunm wage rate for ahi i e nd wonieu over 17 years of age nt $1.25 ait hour. Next. il provides f'or two weeks annuai vacation with pay, after One year's service, or 40,Z of wages as vacation pay f'or those with front 30 days Io a yeer*s service. FinaIIy, if, stipiolaies fliat aach ernplovee siait geL eîght statutoirv hoiidays wifi pa.ý a ya Oir geL a fui day Ott' in lieu of thse holiday.'" 'Thse ('ode covers imierprovîncial or international rail anîd higbiwa ' transport. primjar 'vfishing ivisre the tl.Jer,,eil ,4ork f'or 4sages, air iransport. radio and '11 , shipping, bani.s, uranium Hminiilg. grain, eicalors. fiolr anidte<i ntilîs sand 'arehiiuing. sced cleaninmg milis. interprovincial or internationalI pi peu iiC% and ferries. intcrprovinialIfor international 'elegraplrs ani relephones. umosi ('rOwAn corporâhieuns suancneor h»o olimer %flaller iuiislriî.' If you are flot sure wlether you are covered hy the Canada Labour (Standards) Code, write te Department of Labour, Ottawa. w y s,, What's the price of a beautiful '65 Studebaker? than yo..,,.u guessl Seinfe o naiîe ay ge, iiale oia -jtiodraet ý,pi e-igg el ileýe-iti1 trie extra Va ue leatures you get a.,;standard 0quipni ent on eiery St ocebdKer i 00el Wifdsield washerE, aiunied tusi'oroofingbg 1" wheels for [ongertire Ille, pdodeci dashooard, coiI-cýpring toan cd,,sIîîon seais, luxunojs dooi-todoor rugs (on îiany modeis), StUrdy Arinor-G::ard tramie construction !or added safety and strengtri, iiil instrumentation, roomy interiors with pienty of hip-rorn for six aduits, ceiling toom for hais as weii as headý, fiat floors for easy getting in and getting oît. And asoiid 19*gauge steel body that's thicker than other cars n.ifs class. Ail standard equipment! In the Daytonad Spor, Seciaii. u eveni get ai, Araziîîg iî.nsistorized ignition for .ire-hre stim~ nproved engnie pellormadnce, longer lie for plugs and points. Ar ..nandard equipment. (A veîy iow-cost option on ail other mnodeis.) Wher: you add rip ail tihe quaiity fea[iires you gel: in a '65 Studebaker, you rte going .o gues:s higuî on the price1 t ore iii 'Lke a Iou' take a drive, make a 0da! Sis C A NADA 5-Ow N CAÀ R 0 1 ma $11095 i ow "»%%v