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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1965, p. 11

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I out the season, the nuunicipality may enter upon the 'vas nead esking coundil ta de- 7:30 p.m. aIfaithe laie Harold Beatty, v .lle, ns.-Jioh Sow (Eih- sait! lands and have the 'veeds destroyed, ehargina- clare. a legal holiday on the Ail bills preentad 'vena Part Hope, an Saturday. 1 ei), Maukbam; Mrs. Donaldi day the anea holds hein fali utthorized ta ha paid, and Mn. and Mis. J.- DaKoker, Higgins (Irena), Sarnie; Mrs. the costa against the landinl taxes as set out In the Act. ifiS i~ uisatni. h etn vsajurd bibad Robert West-IRobert Kart (Marijonia), Nev-ý Tihe co-operation of all tizens la earnestly soileltai. will not cause the schoi taý heusen, Siarkviiae, 'vi'tbMn.!casile. ard Mrs. Harry Grace J losa ils grant. This, wouid ap- n Sarday, Eko. 29(gea),hi.lreto. a r 7i-arl D. J. Cunningham, ply ta tic DurhiamnCentral UIl *oMr d nMars. Tcks. Fawier ' 29Jean, Bunketn.an1 re ana Reeve Agriculturai Society F a inv V lguiS .d ~a emeniing bec ardi gu-ndcb.ldren. weltith i g onio l put ils. in1pouned the faon foris gar- Besides han husband, Mrs.! Cil Cterv hig thol cuncl. aNu~~ geanad à doon stap. ,Hardes-son 'vas predec«eaad i Ceci Careth old ouncllfiw SldJ Mn. and Mrs. W. Muldrew hy a daughten, Mrs. Rolandî that after spendlng $50 ha je and Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldraw, Bale Jr. (Elizabeth) in 19361 ieuihiaving toujble witicth Newvcastle - At tie Juna Oshaw, were ai Sunnysida and by twa broihers, George, V ' CE 0F IL Wl ~drain back ing up outaide 11 eeigaitau... fUi on thbe 'eekend. Leiler ai Hamilton ini 19841 YH e E O ECA SIATLEhorne. T'he trouble lies bet- 3 aniantalned Unit i ai a des- 7%e Higi Sohool students and John Laidier aio ria wenthie rwh a outb sida sert lunchean In the Sunday ares-e mi buay 'vitiing themr B.C., in 1949.I THE FIRST INSTALMENT 0F THE oi thbe noad erd il proves ta Schooi., exazns. Tic furaral service 'vasi ha ernd. Tha ail is es bad no'v1 Gnoup leader, Mns. Rose AI- MNis. Quaninill ai- heid irom the Morris Funaral! j as it wus befora, ha said, and, lin opened tie meeting by1 tenuded a get-togethar and pre- Chapel, Bowmenville on Wed- i 96 5 T X Sths cormes froRn Hoan's a- eding a poem, ented, sentatjonfor 1th.e chair leader rasday, Jure 9tb., and 'vas, 196 5 TA X S ag. H the ased Prmi- "Heant Gis." Everyane then . ield at Edwin Wîlson's, Sun- conducted bv Rev. Wm. K.1 sita bave Harold COuci'enjoyed a lovaly selaction of day Houslander ai Triniy Unied1 N I I D Edig anotien iole beside the'dEssertsand tea, served buffet Little Michelle QuantniIl,1 Churai. Intarment 'vas I' VVW D U Rickard Apîs., ti bisah done style. daugisten ai Mr. and Mns. Bo'vmanvilae Cematery. caniy ini thc morning and, The Newcastle Public Sciooi John Quantnili, lait Bowman- A.morg tha loveiy floral tri-I The municipal office will be open on the 1 uiiy 'filled in &gain before Chiar arrived and 'vare 'val- ville Hospital on Salua-day butes, evidence ai the esteenu %, 1drk. Pe'vio as gatioe by Mns. E. Woodiand, and 'vent home. in whici thbe deceased 'vas l8th, 22nd, 25th, 29th and 3th of June to ed. !,vba cangratuîated them on' Miss Gloria Quantrili, Pet- held, 'vera those iromn Good- Ha tien asked if ha cauud thair singing abiliîy and their'arborougi, was home fon tha year Depi. 2713 and Court receive payment. have thse services ai the lire success a lie Uncie Jerry Tai-lw'eekard. Charlere No. 1750, Forestens, truck and iook up the iose enî Show. Robble Scoat, a ý r Ray Quantniili, Toronto, Oshawa. uinth elrsm evening member ai tha choir, favared visîled with Mn. and Ms-s. H. Palibearensvseets-ce sons- FakB. Pidgpor, and penhaps blo'v tie sand thc gnoup 'viii a solo, "Yel- QuantnilU. in-la'v Roland Bate Jr, Joe Fakback up out of thea cellr tai ow Bird," the sarne number Miost tobacco farinersareCuddanbee, Robert Kenit; twoî Cler-Trasuer.was gnanted. Uncle Jerry Show. Tic choirý uniew aaalarm or frS-t bits ert Hienderson, and a nepha'vj There seemcd ta ha a ques- sang tbree numlers, "Wben I'again. Jack Lenhandi. 1I ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ W as A Lad)" and "How Great! Thou Art," and "The Lord's Mnr. Woodland thanked the 7/e Vu ad . 9teachers, Mrs. Cronkwright, fe Mrs. Munro and Mrs. Tamblyn for the time spent training the h. ebhlidren and bninging them toI Mr Mn. rum Tilison, Editor Phono 987-4213 the meeting. 1d ocial arà ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ mi_ Mrs. Rose Allin added her E thanks and preaented each of the teachers with a smail gZt Joseph Peter Caulson, spi N em ra StA1J in oW Brownies Setokenofthirthanks. af William T. Coulsan, Tontc es S e 85 h Slai hirnremain- formerly of ecsle rt Meiiiuriui rainea nu WS 'Mai-'~ roppins t e ntand oiedi m ecsibsrcie theleaersin the rousing er of Mrs. C. Reginald Lave MuryPaterson. Before îeav- LL.B. Degree from Queen' D edic teda Unit d Ch rchlNewcastle - Last Wednes- ingthe members of the choir University, Kingston, wher Neoete-LstSudy' hiein his final year at Woodland. r. Pateso was given aBA. Degree. He 'viii antici seirie cnsnesaratinf he Borand hiileo MurayThe glowingcolours of the village by bus ta Oshawa ta Group 1 taok charge ai the Fnasn oat.M.Cu iotet nnvrar i hrh n terso urawho w Kingsmill, Price, Barrett, an( union was given an added 'vas kiile'd in 1940 while serv- wind0w s are particularly see the much awaited for Devotional, which opened with Fnasn oot.M.Cu note of iryteret at Newcastle ing with the R.A.F. striking 8.g8inst the newly movie, "Mary Pappins." Fol- the singing ai a hymn. Mrs. son received his early educa United Church by the dedica- The other p a i r, Christ finished 'valus of the churoh, iowing the movie, they again John Northrup read a poem tion at Crescent Pnivate School tio oftwopairs ai stained among the Eiders ini the Teni- and further enrhance the re- boarded the bus for home. hymn.we by the singlng ofai a ffaswindows. 1 pie, is in memory of Mr. and centiy renova'ted eanctuany. yn One pair, Christ Teaohing.l Mrs. Walter J. S. Ricicard. The windlows are the work of Newcastle Guides, Lois Bar- The Scipture reading, Psalmn e i t rf Butler in mernory af ber hus- ter at Newcastle U n i t e di is soon ta take up resîdence alang ta help keep order, along rup. Mrs. Wm. Barchard gaveA baMl, vwo died in 1936, their Church for over 25 years, in Newcastle. wt h edrMs en the Meditation and then led in àI son Fred, who died in 1929 while Mrs. Rickard 'vas ac- Among those from outo i thteo!drs r Kaop rayer. To close this portion àý1 Y NIRM tive in tihe wonien's vos-k af town attenddng the dedicatian Mms. Baiser and Mrs. Cali. ai the meeting, everyone join- the church. Il was Presented service were Rev. and Mm. The znovie was much enjay- cd in singing. Mms. Barchard,L Scout Troops by their five sons and daugh- R. H .Rickard, Belevile; Mrs. ed by the aduits as 'veil as on behaif ai Unit 1, thankedT n i s a ters, al ai whom w'ere pre- H. G. Martyn, Stratiord. and by the children. the group for inviting them. T u s at sent: Mr. Stanley Rickard, MiessCaraol Marty'n, Toronto; Some ai the Brownies look Rev. and Mrs. Woadland Cltose Season Beaverton; Mrs. F. C. Fanr, Mrs. Eric Pearce, Willowdale; forward now ta the big event then showed sldes ai their Newcastle - thsrie Toronto; MT. Garnet Rickard, Ms-. and Mrs. J. Spicer, Tor- af Fiy Up into the Guide Coin. recent trip ta Bermuda and rapid.1y *rz.ching, the Re. Newcastle - Newcastle 1îst Bowmanvîlle; Ms. H. M. onto, Mr. and Mrs. Rice lion- pany. This event takes p lace related in a mosi interesting C-tàttiConÙeet- Lze step. A and isi B Scout Tnoops Buxton, Bethany, and Mr. eywell and family, Wiilow- an Tuesday, June 22nd. A way, the places of inieresi chat ped up the pa.ce ta hn44he: combined an Manday evening Brenton Rickard, NewcastIie, dale; Mr. and Mnr. Ewart mother and daughter supper they had seen.1 the sinnmer activities. 'I ta have a 'viener roasi as the The ceremony af dedicatian Clenrience, Oshaiwa; Mms. R. will be held fini aet six-thirty Mrs. Glen Aflin thanked the1 Softball and has-dball anc nicans af ciosing Scouts for the.'vas perfox-med by Rev. E. C. K. Squair, Bowmanville. p.m. Woodlands for sharing their represented irom the village, summer seasan. The Scouts trip, through pictures, with the wv h e e osatv met et the community hall, and'DI' L U.C.W. if the O.B.A.le boue actirve faned uns 1 wo an I ,jVeMs. Cliii Flintof announc- playing in a league. with Or- xnarched ta the schooi where i O o eI l ed that the General Meeting, ana, Newtanvililean We ofhe noy l bfir and lot d in s ta be held on June 6th, would core. Ai ht dags tan ca l inks a take the fam ai a pot luck News about ur Sunim r Aed nothrdmeeing , thi e!I eIesupper. Paygrund 'il be up and heuld ngT hutB rsdy e enin N e w ca te CI..o LJf l IO rs A shrt business period fol- coming jusi as soon as schoal usula nighf thatB n opm e ets i-ilwed, and the meeting clsed is ver and the 'eather a bit t ern by ai tnumb ae a ONwith the Mizpah Beneiction. armer. Part in the Scout Athletîc Day, 9r wah onpls being heid an Saturday, Juneý e a i for aur Red Cross Swining 19het aduntu alely fo !e'caeveralhe Acute H adaches PeWees D cia w classs mut aoaheaid. In an- So~ccer field. This is the fiist, Newcastle - Terglrta cal in, he added, "This is tian of peninits. Permits aredet, opt asvnw k in many years this aea havelcounil meeting was held in 'ome than il as been in being issud ta tear do'n act course, the classes must begin grea numen a theScous,'evening. One Counicillor, Bob I don't like it anc bit, and I'd people had -ta have a permit Rgsrto on a sofibail game betwcen New- Waiton, 'vas absent due ta a like ta see it ail cleaned up." ta reýbuiId. Now, there anis- The Newvcastle Boys Pee Wee held t'vo nights this year for castle and Weicorne is planned!fal] causing injury ta bis arm Council then nanied other es a four doller cost ai adding League are off ta a gaad start evcryonc's convenience. You ai Weccme for that sainie af-1ý and shoulder. Places as bad anr even 'vorse, stucco ta bouses. Sanie on on winning aven Kendal ta a wilhab able ta register at the ternoon. If cnough Scouts, omnt al nTus choase the Athietit Day then A letter 'vas read fromiarîd icdt that ail shouid bc counicil felt thai this 'vas in- score af 13-3. This game 'vasCamutyHlonTus mare information 'will be taken! George Noden regarding thel taken inta consideratian. deed not "Building" onto the played in the local bail park, day and Friday, June 17'h home ta parents as ta tume ai unheaalty waish w'atar, oiIý Councillor Harve Bonathan property, but it could of but because of the lo'v degree and l'8th, between the hours ]eaving and reiurning. ta the; and sewage rising up jusi 30 asked if the County Health cOurse be assessedi higher the temperature there 'vere very af 7:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. The village and 'vhat fodc is nced-i feet from bis býouse. This js Unit couldn't be contacted, ta nexi yee.r, t'he saine as,îifa'v fans oui, and those who feaf $2.00 far t e firetchl cdi for cook auts. 1-o'vevcr. if! harmful ta is own. and sec what they might do. The aluminum sidin.g or awnings 'vene there have attcnded and $1.00 for each additional too rmany Scouts choase bal, other childrcn piaying around Reeve remin'ded him that wei'e ifl5t5lled 'vannier hockey games. Pitch- child ao' the same family and then Newvcastle will flot par- ýdue to the danger of îailing they couid stop it tociay.bu Another letten conces-ning îng the seven innîng ganie for $1.00 for each Tadpoie regis- ticipate in the meet hecause mm flie f iith, also the odor what about tomorrow. a"Welit insurance of chi'dren at Wal- Newcastle, was Mike White, tration must he paid et the ta enter thîs conipetition a could cause îllnass, he 'vraie. said Counicîl1la r Bonathan, tara Pool during Red Cross wîth Timmy Wallon as catcher. tÎme ai registration. Il 'vill good attendance is raquîred, The letter futher statad that ý'can't 'va take them ta court. Swimniung lassons, was re- Anather victory for the Pee aiso hein ta sipeed up the pro- One mare snccual meeting Mn, Noden lied spoken ta men and prosecute?" ceivad fnom the recreation Wees is crediiad this trne ta cess if ecd applicant is aware wili ha caled- later in the he feit were eiders ai this vil- 'If il is cornsng fs-arn the cSmmittee. Are the childnan the girls team. They played aif'vhsch class he or sha 'vas sumrner ta niake final pîans'lage. and their rep1v 'vas, that Elnihurst Hotel, and or the insured the Welton',s iheir firsi game on Monday M for the Scout Camp. Ail par-! it lied been ta a o tpesnpae"sgated isurance aci, or council onght againsi Onono and wvon, ý ens who are having boys at- ears. don't worry about it., Councillar Fred Couch, "they who? C oun cil feit they 11-9. Pitching for Newcastle, A tend re re~nde ta hve MnNode faittitis'vasneg-1have large lots, much biggas woulcin't carry tham, as iheir 'vas Joan Kmalwt e thamn go for a medîcal cak ative thinking on tîheir partlthan mosi have. Can't they insurance is for town prapar- Arn Hoar as catcher. Tbî-s coam m un it y 'as uP and fîll out the camp anad ha asked for sometliing ba aslced ta put in langer sen-. ty only, and a.nly in a case af The follawing is the W.O.N- shocked on Manday avenîng and suhmit ta thaScutaster' ta ha dore about it. tic tanks?" negleci, such as a brokan N. Sofibail League schedule xvhen it'vas learned that by July 9th. Mn. Noden was present "l'Il meke a motion we piece in the sidewa]jk oausing ion girls, 14 years and under, Mrs, Ceci Mîl1s (Leone) had Iwhen the ltter was seed, write ta the Health Dept, lniury to sameone. Th e y Jure 17, Welcome et Newcastle sudd'eniy passed away in andvoied imslf lon wih akin inormtio an whtdidn't fcel Mn. Waltor's in- June 21, Welcome et Orono Memonial Hospital, Bo'vman- ard voicad "hoilialng Itheak i ng inforalse tionend'ihtsurance would caver theirnexi- Newionville et Newcastle ville. The sincere synîpathy of t ein later.g "WI io r I pako f any, lga se ps o tke " m cepi for those payig their Jue 24, O ono ai Welcome this community is extcnded 5w im min gmam smhîg ahappae taak, said daily or season fee ia vute Newcastle ai Nawtonvill ta thie bes-eaved ubn n 0 depi. sards sameone up fram don't gaitaao much satisfac- Pool, anîd faitt hiat probably it June 28, Nawionville at Orono farniy, and al ather relativ- Coor, hy-cekil el in e e a o otewuud hava ta cae from the Welcome ai Newcastle s, aiso Mn. and Mrs. John K1<itratun arVevcaki.tilhn hn'acng ie Rcreation Comimittea. Coun- June 30, Orono ai Na'vtonville (Ted) White in the passing w ~ .u M~~wue the People at fauli rot ta do O.W.R.C. This 'vas agreed ta cil wîî îlook into the mattci- Newcastle ai Welcame ai ber grandfather Mr. Park, THURSDAY iTha eolea fal o Conougas tthe R eevme asn dnmmadately as lessons are July 5, Orona ai Newcastle ah ailier relatives. .Th popl e faltgo n s te eev asurciMr.Noenabout ta bagin veny ahortly. Ne'vtanville at Weiconie Miss Susan Laird, Mr. and deoe ad outiCn't eet aaiaey, udstr nitrgJuiy 7, Newcastle at OrnoaMrs. W..Laird, 'vene guests and FRIDAY heoe aod n. an Iw eaa hywudsatoni ih1 Cauncillor Bonathan 'v5 July 8, Welcoma ai Newtonviile a oler-PasL edn themtado something aven Il 'vae read to, council, that ase ytv iitr !th fl 2 ec iOooet Léakafiild last Satunday, JN 7had1 t a oefocn a law ' a mer of~ara council can be BaPitist Churcfh if they would Newtonvilleaet Newcastle tihe bride beîng a niece. JUNE l7th and Re hea o g las Cu nn - appointd as Superintendent ha perm lttd ta build Ê July 15, Orono et W lcorne r. H . Fiy n r 7:0 .m o :0 .i. h Rai eeve Dod uglst wo ed oto n e adcué n tihe v7est vew Newcastle ai NewtonvilleMs .R oe,-r n 7:3 p a . t 9: 0 p m . ei sa d b d i ri ju s k n w i W e d a nt ol n d a p id H e ig h s d e v e lo p m e n t; h o p e - j ffly 19 , N e w to n v ille ait Oro n a M rs. W n. L a i rd B b a n d at Community Hall] if the Healtb Unit or the On- ion the job as thaugiha 'vwere fully in the park site. How- Welcome at Newcastle Alex 'vere also guesis ai the ta-rio Watar Resaurces Com- rot a memban af cauncil. At aven, the by-a or the de- July 22, Orona ai Newtorvilla Twist - Swartz weddmng ai mission should ha the ores titis meeting Cour c 111 a r velopint is fon one family Newcastle ai Welcome Couab 'vas appointed ta the dwellings onilr, and the Reave All game ta stan a 6:45 p.m. OBTT V Job by the reave, and ha '11 l c t Awesn'i ot t ned 4.LI.LARYJ O FFICIAL OPENING ha bepaid the amount ai $60-00 teehy-1aw. NDt ta-he was LZ B H ILE r.W Jh O neUor ou h ak d but aViez-s mi.ght 'vent in mn.. A E., I'L- NEW CASTLE P S F ICtlcie n thanadarit b Speakig ai the xank sitej Churdi services 'vere held John Henidersan occurred et aeay, as ha 'vas intencîn.g ta Cauncîllar Couch -esked if hr ihSna cola h og usn oe do a gaod job, and tiare 'vana tiey couldn'i hava a bull- usuel. Newcastle, an Sunday, Jure ROY M c ILLIAM , seea lae leayhg zer corne in ta levai off On Wedinesday aiternoon, 6, 1965, iollowing an ilness Pariaenar Scrtay'v iti 'veeds, and ha was gaing tai lard. Il 'vauld help its fthe United Church Womnen ialmosi twoyeas. e'a P hm en t ry Seubl e taory ta ,gea ater vem igt awav a, parance, and tire were eld their meeting ai M m in bger th e lattR b Miniterof ublc WrksFrank llter was present uldozers in tha development M. McAlsterls home. About erDaughernd air ahe RiOb asse yand epoka about a meeting ha naw anyway. Wbetban thedae dozer attendad. Mmr. White rLadeam SahAn liiseebyhd attandeci reccnîîy ion equipnieni WOuld take that pi'aslded- Mrs. Rass Beatty Banken, the former Isabel Fine Chiais. Atiis meeting, or not 'vasn't krosvn, but i i gave the chapter from God LaidIler 'vas borniai Ber-wick- RUSSELL C. HONEY,4t- beevrese ag aCucilrCoo' oet a n i ups.Th iue nTed rlnad-4 M n d rssHrld.o Mn. aritd Mrs. oharldCor-i Baey vsited biGmreenAcres Blanh CHome,GreeroAcres NSung om, rrtra Mru nd .3S .Mro M.arcmaid bMrs . aSdMron aclOsboanie by Mn lMrs wEreanl sore vnvilgau ato nere Fniday evein, r- aitons M~nr.guntset the sie-, Mhnr. of rd rs Cerch- euv, Mr. Rabi Miln, 'vbo akor il' yname . gAlue irbrn aei thurnepti- sI ..~~ gerduTe i edi o ce ibi CovariTuea rnto 1aona Conocaio nng , orota Wcnsatulati ns ohbrg. A15 cohnr.atulinonsa s bter Johnde TAlva brarys been s1i awared a bur$3, Mr.p vlad ai $3S.S. Mrtn TORONTO'MDOMINION ac. arid Ma-s, S. S. Mos-t ar.copanialby thProvidencw, men. thei Alukn, Providee copaget t wi akdet hi cott ag et T i Le. J £ff- Mn.le Frank OlîffMandfi vill e, v Site velin an dy hr Ê Mms. FdSavnonFdy1 WherepLe emake the dfference r.PtHrbr1 Ms. aMy rs e t Itqurbut, .E- .G A T aae Ms-s Myvnrt ebi, Mnt.,-R .LWTN aae mc ee tror it, sbl, Ot.,Bw anil Ba ticir cousins, Mr. and Mr-.--- SPiÉIÀL LOW PRIaES * ON NATIONAL BRANDS *1 At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. » Fri. -sot. 4 I VP 127. 620 or 120 SUGG. LIST 65e each KODAK FILM SUPER SPECIAL 2for9 7c lié LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 14-ai., sugg. lut 98c 77c ,.MAALOX LIQIJID .. 12-oz., sugg. list 1.75 1.47 jiiie CO.PYRONIL PULVULES 25's, sugg. list 2.25 1.974~ lié VITALIS HAIR TONIC -- 7-z., sugg. I4st 1.07 8 7c Ill KOTEX Feminine Napkins s-. ugg. lijt 51c 2 for 87c i:~ Polident Denture (Ioanser -- sugg. liat.89c 77c I"BAYER ASPIRIN _ î-où's, sugg. liat 9c 77C SCRESI ----69C value'61 ill AFTER SHAVE LOTION - su«, ijt 2;5 177 WATCH FOR THIS AD) È&CE E i'à 1CKSON'ls DEUG STORE 1JOINSOIrS DRUG STORE IALEX NcGEEGOE, DRUGS JURY & LOVELL IS-EMTS PAPACY1 The C st/e C. P. were ci J->rsonaf onto, nTornto, and at the Collee O, Miltaire Royale, St. Johns,ý h.Que. before attending Queen's Pra e.University., Anniv Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard day n entertained members and ocle" VS friends of the Rickard family admin ýe following Sunday's church ser- s vice at which was dedicated a U.C îe pair af stained glass windows at the m, in memnory of Mr. and Mrs. W. * 'son0 id J. S. Riclard. As well as those June iwho reside locally, guests had MeE acorne from Belleville, Strat- Of ve: 1,1fard, Oshawa and Toronto. Potts, theine a the L ai wa )r S wimmin g .l "B less inity Hall red were aind Frida y b venor, Jones in lest year and w-hether or were - not lie or she w8s suiccessfu1 thing - in cornpleting this class. As ons ýr in other ye'ars, the ae for JunE oarticîpation in the Red ross et the rec&. - is seven yearso age Mrs.< re Tadpole -1ass is a class of of the Ifour to six 'ý,ars of age, must readin be four as of tiae first of July, NIM 1965. les of' The Recreation LX....'mittee M1\. j is very pleased with the bver- ville c wheliing response to the r~ e nt cent Talent Show, and wish ta publicly congratulate ail contestants on their perfrm- andj ance, poise and sihawnanship. vte o ýIt was an excellent show be- ed and gcause of the performances, of serveci .these children. 0f course,' the - khigilhlight of the evening was nthe appearance of "Uncle 1Jerry" whro did a great job. eWe wish to thank Miss Tina uand Mrs. Glady-s Brown for etheir wonderful numbers bet-fo ween a'cts. May we express .our sincere appreciation to sMr. Fanning and Mr. and Mrs. LJack Eilbeck who help e d 1with the judging, along with 1Uncle Jerry. Theirs was no Jea-sy task, but diýd a wonder- Sfui job, bastly, we offer con- cgratulations to ail the winn- 'ers and wish them ail the best of luck in their' future ap- Ç peairance on the Uncle Jerry Show.c GROVE sCadmus on Saturday, the groom being a step-grandson af Mïrs. Foley, and a nephew 1of Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Laird. 1This conmunity wishes bath couples many years of happi- 'Swallow. On Sunday, Mr. Bruce Garrard and and M~rs. C. P. Swaliow lamiiy, Keswick, were Sun. callers an Mr. and Mrs. dayr visitoirs ai Mr. and M=. B'arlow, West Hill1; Mr. Oharlie Garrard. Mfrs. Mail Densezu, Tor- Mr-. and Mrs. Albert Loc her sister. and Mr. Henry Ashton, Port Hope, called on Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grahamn on Saturday HAYDONevening. Mrà. Thompson acon-mpen. 1ied Mié. and Mrs. E. R. Ictice for Sunday Sho Thompson and Mms. F. Purdy versary at 10:30 on Sun- ta visit Mr. Purdy's sisfer, Ghurch service et 1:30 Mrs. Grahanm, Bobcaygeon. k.Sacramrent will be Thýy&li called at Fenelon istered. Fals on Sunday. ý.W. meeting was held Mr. and Mrs. Ajlbert LoCk ,home of Mrs. Thomp- and Mr. Henry Ahton, Port on Wednesday evening, IHope, c-alled on their uncle 9th. Mr. Henry Ashton on Satur- eting ospened by reading day evening. Mîr. Miltan Sie- rses by President Mrs. mon called on Mr. Henry ,after wihich we sang Ashton on Sunday aiternoon. ehynin and repeated A iamily re-union including ýord's Prayer. Devotion- a goodly number of frietds as aýbly gîven by Mrs. and neighbours was held at Ig based on Roieans 9th the homie of Mrs. M. A. Oie- er, 2Mt verse. A hymn sen on Sunday. They includd ed Assur a nce" was Mr. and Mrs. A. Olesen and family, FIleshert-on; Mr. and iutes of May meeting Mrs. M. Olesen and fa-milý,r, read and approved. Mr. and Mrs. J. Olesen, Tren- kYou notes 'vere read ton, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Oie- ie flower and card con- sen, Trenton, Mr. Cam OIe- Mrs. Blackburn. Mrs. sen, Oshawa; M-iss Cazmpbé1l, and Mrs. Blackburn Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Vuer- put in ta pack the cia- rith and Liane, Trenton. etc, leit at Mrs. Camer- Mvr. and Mrs. Roy GrathQn and faimily, Messrs. Tom and e rnee'ting is ta be held Debbie Potts, attended the Shome of Mrs. G. Tabb. Grah-am re-union at Stoilff. Carneron's meeting. ýville on Sunday. ;Jones was in charge ?Mr. Arthur Read attended efoilorwing programnme: the boat racing et Peterlbtn- ig "The housewife" by ough on Sunday, when WIS Alfred Garrard. A ser- son Clayton oame in firstin 1films were shown by his clasas. B. Sayer ai Bawman- Mr. and Mss E. R. Thanip- on Cancer, al-so a comn: son and Cynthia, Bowmran- ry with questions andville, were Saturday callers ,s. at Mrs. Thonipsons. Cynthia Thompson aur hostess stayed avernight with her r,z, Sayer weire given a grandmother. )f tanks. Meeting clos- Mr. and Mrs. J. Abbott, da 'ti#-cious lunch was Buýrketon, were recent cailler$ 1by hd&ts and group. a.t Mrs. Thonpsons. need money r any woit.hwhile purpose? k Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 16, 1963 il t-&

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