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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1965, p. 12

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12 nohamndian Statennmn, Ewmanvllle, June 1M. 1IP$§ SOLINA Satum.da7, June 5th, Mrs. and fanilv. Peterboro. were arv service. LktVd rd aoow n oses a.ges -fMr. and Mrs. Wes. Mrs. S. Hoekada, Mr. and * 3soefaneous shower for .HiIls. Mrs. Ernest Hockadav attend- lher nleice Mina Ruth Pasco ini Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crv- ced the 5Oth Anniversary cele- honor of ber forthcoeming mr derman, Mr. and Mrs. B3,.rryi bration of Mr. and Mrs. Jack =e.Thie guets were reina- Cowling Bowmanvijle Mr. and& Brummell, Bowm-anville. ti'.and friends of the future 1Mrs. Ken McMnn. Oshawa iMrs. Effie Balson, Mr. Har- bride. attended an executive meetingiold Balson were Sunday even-ý The EIdod Explorer group, for the Crvderman pienie at ing callers at the E. J{ocka- Wth their leaders,Mr.RS the home of L. Cryderman. ýday's. CrzWerInan and M rs. *GCea. Scarborougih. Mrs. Edth Leach. Miss RnOx, efljoyed a "hike" in Ms-Is. Marjorie Cryderman Pearl Leach and Mrs. D. Flett W. Hill's Woods Saturday. Af-! accompanied by Mrs. Graceiattended Decoration Servicel ter soMe gMes and a pîcnicý Wray, Oshawa, attended the:at Hampton. lunch, a short worEip period funeral of their aunt, Mrs. H.' Supper guests at the Doug, WUbS eld. AL returned home C. Rundie, Brighton. F1ettCs were Mrs. Leach and; tired but happy te have en-, Mr .and Mrs. Noble MVet- Peari, Messrs. Alan, Jim and' jOY"d an eutJng together. ýcaif, Oshawa, were SuridayiRoy and Miss Betty Young-ý hUIS Pat Kinox our treveli-1 the guests with Mr. and Mrs.' man of Tyrone. ing Junior Farmer js ny on Wes Werrx-. "Best Wishes- to Mr. and tlhe Orkney slands after ai Miss Ve ra Gibbons. Mr:. Ms-s. Frank Westlake for their isft Kt BsUgar, Lanarkshire,i Ruth Taylor. Toronto, werei'20th wedding anniversary on' SCOtland.j supper guests or Mrs. N. Wot - Ju ne 9th, when they enjoyed a Onl Saturday, Mr. and Mrs.I ten and Francis, following the motor trip and called on Mr. Joh Knx attended the Decoration Deay Service atýand Mrs. P. Vallincourt - t! Wtlevale DSchool "ICentenn- Hamnpton. Lindsýay. ta.John met agin manyý Mrs. N. Wotten and Francis Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr., Of 'Il first sàhool-day pais. I attended the Wotten familyspent Saturdaiy with Mrs. F. Mi nd Mms. John Knoxpicnic Saturday, held in Sol- R. Cook, Bowmanville. and- tamily were Sunday din-!na Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parkerý nber guests of Mr. and Ms-s. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser, and eidren, Oshawa, werei l*OWard Malcolm, Brougham.1 with Mr. and Mrs. Norrnan, Sundav guests at, the Frank' Wi. Bnci Mrs. John Knox'MeKeeHamtn noe a; Westlake's. Rnd fairnilY, Ms-. and Mrss. Gea. Mo r np to Montreal last, Mr. and Mrs. KarI Potter,ý Knox andi family attended1 week. Islington: Mr, Rae Middle.ton,! Decoration Day Service at Er-1 On Thursda. July 8th, the, Toronto, wit.h Mr. and Mrs.ý skine Cemetery and were later W.I. is having a bus trip to, Alex Potter. tea guests of 1&. and Nb-s. Belleville to tour the Quintei Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter, Charles Sus-phis, Broughamn. Isle. The bus will leave Kel-,visited nt Mr. and Mrs. Lorne, hIr. andi Ms. Stanley Mili- l&tt's store at 8 arn. Anyone Potter, Bowmanville. son and family were Friday1wishing more particularsý may. Mrs. Effie Ba.ýon was a Sevening guests of Mr. and Mss contact Mrs. Murray Vice. [Thursday tea gueet of Mr., InSmith, Toronto. The MiII-1 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boy-' and Mrs. Rae Pgascoe and farn-ý son family were S'un<tay call-. son, Scarborough: Mr. anýd ilY and later, attended the W.. er-s of! MT. and Ms-s. Wm. Cas-r, Mrs. John Boyson. Whitby, 1 meeting where everyone wel- Newtonvilje. iwere Sunday visitors with Mr. 'ornecd her to t.he special; Ms-. Ernest bas-mer, Black-l and Ms-s. Burney Hooev. Grtn'dmother's Meeting. ftock, andi Mis Edith bar-i Miss Helen Baker, Toronto;', Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson mer, Minnedosa, Manitoba, Ms-. Howard Ormiston and Da-, and Dorothv. Beavcrton, wcre, were Tuesdey supper guest s vrid, Mr. and Mrs. Barnv Cow- ' Sunday ca llers of Mr. and Mrs. 1 of Mr. and Mn-. Harvey Yel- ing, Bowmanville., with the! Russ Vice and Mr. F, veretti lowleea. Tom Baker's. ,.: Vice. On Thus-sday, June 10, Mrs.ý Mr. and Mrs Éruce Taylor We are glad to learn Mr. B. James, entes-taineci the pu-land familY céý,ed ou Mrs. Russ Vice is jimproving nice]yl pils of the Jr. room of SauinaiJohn Malette. Wvýoodiville. frorn the rccen.t buros he re- Sdhool. The class was trans-1 Mr. and '_ýrs. Don Taylor ccived. We hope to have vou~ pusted to B'owmianville, wherc and familý;< Mr. Elgin Tayl'ori out. around again soon. t.hey enjoyed a visit to thelcalled o,,.'Mn. and Mrs. A. E.1 Mr .and Mrs. Ror Langmnaidi Library and the Zoo. De Nurc, Peterboro. ;were Sundav callens at Mr. An spoliogy to Ellen and Mn. and Mrs. Harrv Knox and Mrs. Will Moffat's, Orono. tans-y Crydermnan who also atter ,ed Erskine Decoration, Mr. and Mrs. Chai-lies Lang- teck Part in Mrs. Payne's mu- Ser e and were Sunday tea m raid and famnily attended Eb- sic recital. at MeLaughlin bib- guc,.Xss of Mr-. and Mrs. Hilton'enczer Anniversary Service ras-y, Oshawa. Ti.nk, Ebenezer, and aLso at-i and were tea guests of Mr.i Mr. andi Mrs. Tom Westlake t(ended the vning annivers- and Mrs. Garoctt Govri, Knox School Choir Opens Dedication Ceremony Principal Jacob Vitolugt welcornes guest speaker Board President Simen Feddema welcomes John-A. ------A-- lareaumencem Majorettes B ring Home Many Trophies Majorettes froni the Harvey 85.1, Dianne Yurkowski 64.7, Dance Academy competing inBrenda Henning 83.8, Inter- the Baton Competition heldimediate Solo. 13 years. Leslyn on Saturday, May 28th at the1 Chamber-lain 82.7.' Dundas Arena, again succeed-! Duet 0-20 years. Marilyn Sed in bringing home a largeCross and Marilna Else,"ýd number of trophies. The 'place wîth 82.5. Oshawa and Bowmanville j Majorettes won trophies in CCorps, Dance Twirl, Solo B W ' Twirls, Duets, Militas-v and B O N Fancy Strut. The Tartan Lassie Junor Remembes- the annual Home Corp uner aptin ena and School Club pienie fon Cors, nde Catai BrndaSatus-day. June 19th at the Henning, placed third. Mem- ýschool! bers of the troup xvere: Bar-!i Congratulations to the new- bas-a Schaefes-, Marilyn Elsey, îyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Susan Connors, Karen Hogan, lHooper, oce Elaine Hughes, Gayle McNally, Dayle Wilson, Iwho were marrîed mn New- Patsy Blake, Kathy Weldon, Debbie Zakas-ow, NanyYicastle United Church by Rev. Linda Bryant. Marilyn CrossUuE. WoladonSau-dy and Carol Mcbaughlin. Recently Mr. Dayrell Pic- The Novelette Junior Dance kering haci the misfos-tune to Twirl, placed third with 70..3. injure his hanci quite severey The members of this team while working at General were Dayle Wilson, Gayle Me- Motors. SNally, Patsy Blake, Cheryl Master David Hughes had MeCune and Leslyn Chambes- 'the misfortune to fracture his lain. hand at school. Strut and solo results xverei Mr. and Ms-s. Robes-t Simp- as follows: Novice Fancy Strut, i'son spent last week holidaying i10 years, Marilyni Elsev, 7th;Iat Sudbur-y. Advanced Fancy Strut. 10' Mrs. Ruth Crowells entered years, Marilyn Cross, 3rsd; Nov-i Toronto General Hospital last ice Fancy Strut, 11-14 years, week fo'r ts-eatment andi will Brenda Henning, 5tht Advanc- spend practically a montli ed Fancy Sts-ui, 11-14 years,ithre, Patsy Blake, 7th; Novice Mili- tas-y Strut, 10 yeass Cindy- Chamberlain, 1lSt. Marilyn Cross, 3rd. . vA m Novice Solo, 10 years, Karen - I U Hogan, 78.5, Novice Solo, Il Y U yeas-s, Carol McLaughlin, 82.0, ~ Nancy Yuill 82.2, Linda Bry- WSA E ant 83.4; Novice Solo, 12 years, Susan Connos-s 77.9, 4th, Dieb- «. bic Zakarow, 76.0, Barbas-a V Schaefes-, 76.0; Novice Solo, 131 A K years, Dayle Wilson, 80.4, 4th.î Intermediate Solo, 10 years, Marilyn Cross, 78.4, 4th, Mar- - ilyn Elsey, 74.4; Intermediate Solo, 12 years, Gayle McNally, 81.4, 4th; Intermediate Solo., 13 years. Cheryl MeCune 84.7, 4th; Intermediate Solo. 14; P W R years, Joan Major, 85.3, 2nd. Advanced Solo, 8 years, Linda Fers-il, 82.3, 4th; Ad- vanced Solo, 9 years, Cindy 2 Chamberlain, 79.3; Advanced - lqw lqw w lw wl w, - -- ----1--- w q q ý w w i w 0CA VALE 4ZÇ....... Be Ready for Summer Fun ! with a re-conditioned trouble 1959 CHEV. BISCAYNE 4-DR. SEDAN Automatjc transmission with customn radio. m free 1958 PONTIAC PATHFINDER 4-DR. SEDAN Custom radio, white waII hi tone Coral andi White. s-es. T' O.K. USED CAR TRADE 'N TRAVEL TOME! 1964 CHEV. 4-DR. STATION WAGON Standard transmission with power brakes and powver steering, windshield washers. One owner, License X9888. Here is that holiday transportation you've heen looking for! 1962 CHEV. 4-DR. STATION WAGON Colour is Scafoain Green, a one owncr wagon. Here' is niany miles of trouble-fs-cc holiday driving. 1962 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. SEDAN Automatic transmission, custom radio, wheel dis<e. Here is a weII kept one owner car. 1961 CHEV. 2-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl. engine with autonmatic transmission,i Clean car throughout. custoin radio. 159 CHEV. PANEL TRUCK 1964 CHEVELLE 4-DR. NOVA SEDAN V-8 engine with automatic transmission, cuistom radio, windshield washers, power brakes andi steering, wheel dises, white wvall tires. A real heauty' 1963 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. SEDAN 6 evl. with automatie transmission, custoni radio, wiiidshicld washcrs, chrome dises. 1962 OLDSMOBILE 4-DR. SUPER SEDAN Automnatic with power brakes andi power steering, cîistoîi radio. A one owIler automobile. 1963 CORVAIR DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN The big engine with 4-speed transmission, custoin radio, wvindshield washers, wheel dises, white waIl tires. A s-cal sporty car. 1963 CHEV. ':!.TON FLEETSIDE PICKUP ROY ejte LOUIE PHILLIPS ~L~L U .................. Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy 11, Corvair, Oldsmobile F85,,Oldsmobile 88,DtaSrie COURTICE TwO BWMNV0L1 PHONE 728«6206 LOTS PHONE6325 c 1962 CORVAIR MONZA 2-DR. Automatic transmission, custonm radio, chrome dises, white waII 1957 CHEV. STATION WAGON ..................................................... $275 1960 ENVOY 4-DR. SEDAN........................................................... $475 1958 CHEV. DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN ............................................... $550 1959 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 1 V-8 engine with standard transmnis. HOLS ýlIll%% V I I '4 w0,. 1 , a à% w 04 m qpm

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