Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1965, p. 13

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T - Students Perform Durîng Knox Christian School Dedication on Thursdayl The Canadian Stateuman, Eown-ianvllhe. .Tune Il, 19~S - t B 4'> t .4 WON $0 FAR! fi l le'al EVERY CARO HAS AN EQUAL CHANCE! j are = @Fo aqda s nhost cn Oe'vwndtca t hsesut* VA<î,Ç btg luit g rne" I'e s the Raft the exîtite , of the çbail -n' Guaranteed Quality Meats MEATY DELICIOUS IDEAL FOR BARBECUE CHUCK STEAKS 5 81 Dommen, Martin Road (Won $113.64)t FRESH OR FROZEN BEEF STEAKETTES 49Pc MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF WIENES BOOGNACRYOVAC 12's WIENES BOOGNA Cooked Picnis an1-lb.1 ifl Pkg. 49c jPkg. 39c ,7c bý BOMANVILI.E, ONTl. (Won $113.64) MRS. K. LEMON 64 Simpson Ave., BOW<MANVILILE Rereived $26.32 MRS. J. COLVILLE 24.5 Lihpriy St. N., BOWMANVILLEP Received $26.312 (>nIy ai Donininin DOMINO LIQUID DETERGENT 24-oz. Container 3 c New Lat'ger RICHMELLO ANGEL CAKES 16-oz. Si ze BLAý ~ o -f Unsand if%~ xas hold tit v i clay '<"îngj . .liîr 7 onened imi thp UtiIrd where flev. r.flomer cated ftit' îîrn Caîîaidiý whieh x-jýrii iiie Fnllnwltng t I ,rd ,qpr v ir'r, 1t1rf ( 1; dc IRIntiinîe uviti tn !Io centrie 'iiiûiuno 'Bptty Bî'adhîîrn i ad Wrxight 1 ic \d il 11lould co d-i.'1 e pic 'lItaItin f 1011 lnîîoîhri' or Pion ili ' of tht'r U«cric fitl And ac The, Sprîzi- T"ý,>) b'- Ihr C C' W Iiîd the' Rec-reation (C-itri ~ - Il tine Wh. lvi Pt'r'îidriîî i\j. 1t11)] wreo îe Il NI:-,,à-0 naghainitt roricrd t h speaker of rhp aftrino Michéipi ,tçhii or' Gardeui ('111h. , ino(lem CHECK Pittsburgh Scari (The, AT 1OUR Pi Abernel 33 KING ST1. W. g u1 lrro Dorr-eil. Ruhx' Vpu ston eend Mr. Earl Dorreil e r spietl ithewpekrd wi1th C K ST C Caip i'opoîtrd a sicîflwiSutida « 7diîieî'guiests tof her sister Mr. And Mws. Frank -~~ oauiqnrft for the "aip- Fed- l Mr. and Mis. Gro. JrhnsIon,' Cook. Btraverî,on, foi. tht" 11irilts expiai n i iîg 'kli' c ciatioîi. T'Liank ou cards fronn-Cadmus.M'.aidMr aitiIa- Rrîi-pa-< acih flowe- i i ltIl Ra thc Girl (Guides and 1Itl&pn)Mr n i. Xlh 1m1 -ii Moii-1 mattiier'. This Itas fluiiii-Dorrel wrî'e ceadi. Tir-ami r tet"MMr. anid M us-.WiIk iinfi, lier a id fa mi a t tendpd lEh- 7iîî. atiritete-it1ogNircît Ma-ao 1 ni rnported Cbo n1 Atd Mi. an eecr Aiîi îsav Stndaly Chlt-il. Mr. N d Nlýl(Illllr Plf-- $0260 oil bau)d, Decided I Mo J . Johîîstoîî,, Stîîda.y «aiîd LIePeiper gtiesis ()of 1-1 drd- c h hik tegi - io ir\ te onu sfora hall MiS. Georgi, Wolflr s as1t-r. And M'îs. Fheu' ,Snowcen,~ iail FI-21V ng wlio liad ali i adN' ,}hoWc1H gamie Moiday es-eiiiîiz, 1t 41. itrodîng a Caltadiain Wnmni-'. oîrîc (htde ttie apir a ot 'Ilir o l(a riip A nd 1model!P ~~Clubh Coiuvrtt ion i n \c î!ielso r <l1a pýsafter oal-h drmint r.s- vl\Vt r edit r~.p've orl urbcî' rîd othcr atd H M rs - 11arI'w oou MrKeel fi L.a11I t holi. vcciv lot eres-t ing. Ltii iîth pjt.Wr(i ' p M l«. an i s . H B.' le' RîdI '.IuiHc Iu<rp~ s-r 'd bv the' li0otst\'-5 idi Miss duta L '<<tr' Torontot, peîî)1;1 ý-mp 1dîîî g a ItI iltel-est- _:rohr, ttN11"t<tts i. R. Brxyalits atteîtded 3a G Ii ar r ts. (1 i tg ar'e', T orontoer in R o)w rna uvillp e- 1 if' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Srvu w'asotr alohl iat dl gliti o siW i aime, orott. -e,î for Miss Lu V[ aq-- as w('11 i t tonfi rnmilg :, h u1ns Chui euh. sitida muri - Mit. And Mis.R av Bad low. s alol¼ u 'n i' ii \ul'li plans itildi' o il IÇt i Anîd Miiss Pctt ' . Mi-. aildi î-'îtîtraY gliests of' M rs. 1,s- iÀ o taKx 'lnwlk e aîotut M't" cla nItiw- rîR'abi i oua! d Robl I Rr':is 've Mis. Rob è, 'e. -t aiaîu-îc .\ I Is La\ wuiie' o pa-aed a l< s- Ivaaiîd I -Vi u. aliîd M rs.W:1 ' i Pl 'eu. Ms ly Sano * ieti ii bt V '.c' insil' ci 'iîdc-î i. alî 'd v<v oîde'ad MIS.iss.<xt 'N dMis. Mort Richards, Row- .Ws ds K . a nlk liî " < .w~t< îuetkn h îdM.(io t'iîg, M I'-.namti lit".anid ,-eekerid gLIPSt 1_il an~Ai.ui d R B M 1li0 nu .iceAnd Mis. Oscar (;rýalhaiMr. or thr, 'vîsweî'e Mr. and hclut t pon ring teMr. aiid o ccl MdsrMiaidN s. Lawrenicer M,- aîd M îs. Marwood MtKee. u lf ahe.L n n r' W-I- socrialIi ir î'ime ruigîi a I atIinii ii.0')tI 1a w'a. uvc:rtie anong the nimî- fiCil RhiffOsharbrwa. r n s 111 lasttan ioh ta t iîdîîîg le ur'rkriid \lilit 'h110 Called OtM.anîd frnibe- a tit hipa icti s, '\l'. aîtd Misa..I--1 Fred Bi-'adhurîî ! alleîîtviî rhrr Souirie Tbbc tiiil,r it 'iIV<< hi' N1'l1 l. Law"i', Oiaue all, Sita i o- ' O'ig 'uth S i te i o, 0 ' ( N O t0 ît nail 1 > a.11th. liii ('a lio i <1 as ii 1 r Im s- aI.ý a l1111,-s-< it r o thtcirl 1 t1,11 vrdd iIr, Ali- lilC I. lniI, (I, 3'\i1 n i-k.(lia-, Pr of i lie -e p ic-.111 etsai'v MN11. oidru, s ior N ' al i ui Keit b >nîý-I r~~~~~~~~~ Mns iiissî<îCi<g i int\r (roî rgi' Wor-tl'AliR a tareor tilt' gi-niaiit'l Mis;s b ,ilii <01 îî et sIi Mr- ie i' 5oimc ellid .i .0 'odîgo a rmicfLusito 'r'oi. îe , atiie- unart îiimoot' a'id Toi-ntr preserit: M mt eIrý wrrei ( alli s-e o iald MI'. iîhrd.otrdta Co- îidn mpo. Sîinday,. Arrange- band adctptir ha h -,îîrn\î- uîîîî as ci-galis-i giatulatinns Mi'. And Murs. Mi-,and lMis. Noîn M- ~icaie-bi- ieitelisbrugieT 'PîCi was 110 service int.itbc Bi-adburu-1. Fred 'is a former Najît'ý, Cnlhot'ilpwere Rtiesýtg 111ilitedCliiii ccl Suridlay itle Carit îvîigilit reaideoit. of Mi'. and Mcs Cail Wright to Cadmîtws Aimijvr - av, Mr. anîd Mis -AuIStinL Ja- Snîîidav to 'îIesda ,and ai AIMv hichi a go0d îîaun-froin he-e nier, Rowmnanville, \tisit e cd teulded the fîineu-ab onMi ) I T N I i atirnded. Mi' anîd Mrs.- Ernest Lai-mer Frd Hamilton. sill-rie s npalv s xen- n Miss Editdî Lai-mer of Mi'. aod MIrs. fi-aid Wii-, prd Mes. Fred Hamiltont and' Miiiiiedç)sa, Monday. t.Oîa: Mr. and MNI a OUR PRICES ON - amlitv, also Ihs slter auid Mi'. a'nd Mis. Gbleuît ,ar- 'HuihMuiphv. Rowmnanvile:, hl'ntltri's at-idfamibies , on telme' and boys-. Mt. aund Mus.-'r. 'V&'aI1 t e r, Murphy a1nd' Canad p ~ tididptiideatJi cf Mu.% FrIed i îeî a'e ît isEdtrG it id s FiýMr Ca ad aint Harnîltoît. satuiay. Larmei. of Miîîoedosaý;. calle-d phy. Tx'i-oii, were Sitndav Glad ta l'epni't Calnil ASlî- o i.Wler a'r.alsûo gtîsts of Mu'. anti Mr's. RO' moreis g'~n -t la-1 Mi'. aRie]Mxs. Lrslit, Graham. MclLtg.hIiin ad familv. Fe's Ihix" terl- trem' oPeterbor'ough Mijllrook. Stîrirda' Mr. aud iMurs. Jacks Weh DripIess Paint) Iopia stwrk l.sjo\,(.p af -Sau iî fiîl ak'Ie: MI'. a,îdi M iss Ed 1h Larmi-e, N hitt oîough, s-p aRitttli vekn'MueciI Scvaudfm diosa. Manitoba. wa.s gutst 0f witli Mu And NMus. Wm. ed MaISi. Nerrllvc'astrv au nd ra.ç nolored wood presrati% e) Mu. And Ms.Erni.mliau-ues f i-. ewStlHlxrv a, ter odîisittd rinimr-hamt' alîîd SuIndAv afterîooîîuet f r. Hmr 'AINT HEADQUARTERS lnIus thr i'andji. ueal l RII i n M-r'. anîd Mrs. Mu, and ï(s oda e- LleGaan.ilro. Iilit te disposiuion of titir I PAINT & glisoit. Toronto. visiter! Roi XlMr. anici M's-. Merv *vn (;!'a- persoîïtal it-orne in I.Q64, Can- IL . ~aîd Bi'! Fec-guso;iu arld M!-,.Iiani spent Sito d a Y 'ý' ith adians spen t 529.4 billin on 111V , WALLPAPER ceeu ii . T'hucsda ' . finslrenlnFis onaumei' Rends and service%, NIrM Weil- Swaiti. "niniln. Mr'. ite(i Mrs. Wilbêtt Ar- paid $3.4 billion ini peusonal Bossînaî~ ic Al'E& mn i l lis -, lotheis an atd cs-lie iut T'ihîtrdav wjtliMuicCltaxe.-, almi werr beit fai lle-a' \A i ci mi- Viini-ciiti ,'Ajc'hpr.witlt $2,1 billon in pcisàonab DEEP (UT SPECIALS GREEN GIANT NIBLETS KERNEL CORN 4' Tins 6 9C RICHMELLO SALAD, DRESSING i 6-o-z. 24-ox. A f Jar 297C Jar 49 C TULIP COLOURED' MAÀRGARINE: 3 1ib. *f DOMINO CHEESE SPREAD i 6-oz. f Jair 97c LYNN VALLEY GREEN BEANS 4 1 5.0z. Tins 49C LUNCH EON MEAT 3 9c KAM 2 89c 6 for 59c TOGETYOUR COMBINATION eSERVING CARTI AND STORAGE RACK' Featured t$tis week and next .. .rals easily a nd effortlessly on 2 iR. clear castors. Has capacity ta store up ta seven tray .,> ablest Sturdily constnmcted -flexihte - the year 'round hostessi j 12..oz. Tins Fresh Produce Specials Ontaio Growr, No.' New F rmn Green CABBAGE 21017 39C CALIFORNIA GROWIO HONEY DEW MELONS ige. -sîze 39c MEXICAN No. 1 FIRM Tomatoes 35 5W Southî African Growni Fancy Crisp Tasty Granny Smnith APPLES No. 2 DOMION COUPON SERVING CART -', cv~oaWITH THIS Wfl'NOUTCON nd~m ~$2.39 $6.00PURCHASE CO4PON EfflRESJNE 26, 196. THIS COUPON. WORTH 1WO TOWARD PURCHASE OF SERVtN0 CART - - - - - - - - - ~tnre Llnled ....un*oditi nalv guarantecd 5f~ fDruuz'~ to <ire 100% satisfaction. HPwuE.EU RCII~ 14E RESERVE THE RIGOT TO IMUT 1 ma&WMW l" da a ?ral , I altuen Effective in Bowmanville Until O UNTISCID Coi Tîme, Saturday, June 19,1965 L I4ung St. and Simpson Avenue on Higbway No. 2, East M t 's, Ni> -r ~'--'-' w pmsw"mofl& a L5A4a Ail merchandise sold at your Domininn The Canadian Stateoman, Bowinaný,llle, 3une 19, loU -- lob F 1 jlý il ý89C

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