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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1965, p. 14

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14 "N uira m tam,Beowmoellle, :une. 14 'tu DEADLI N FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. 7 B_ ____ ___ Engagement Articles for Sale 1 Articles for Sale Wanted ta Rent -Ntcs _Îel-______________ 1_--_oties ___ ea1Esta-te for Sale.Real EstatfoSaeRaEsteoral ýNGLISH - Joyce and Jim Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Little WALTER for sale and delivered, 211" HEAVY duty electric A TWO or three bedroom -Taàxidermy -Fisb -mounted. V.L.A. LOTS for sale. Alwood iW7AN-TED bBu 5-o (nc ow) r hpp a-lre pleased ta announoe the 24 haur service. Cali 623-5756. range. Phone 263-2316. 24-1 house istraict by surîs- KehohePeter yiounice the arrivai of a daugh- engagement of their daughter if omnii rsr hn rn 7. 2- oe.Nwate974245. home with 2 bedron nBw 29,4f eho ue9h CrlGrrd, eM.Grl SMITH-Corona portable type-runngr'£ __214avle.CiHa to 1965, at M em orial H ospital, W ayne B ailey, 5son of M rs. eela kri w h ot n O rono Cou 6232604.rvae. R a n b1 e t. T l one %C re a m o f i. a r e y S A I U 3 e r o o 2 63- 2355vll . 2 .2C aA T L ter J il L ea , n u n e 9t , aro G i u d e t M . e , blaI c kE N r an geP hn e rn o am lw i er wi62r.2 4 -tf O ron o 22 16J after 6 c ! XT.mE k T ' O Oufni h e e r o m firepia , R D263-235a5 .3 be - r 72 -6 9 Bow mnanville. T an s ta Dr. Harry Bailey and the lte 35 r 16.24 1- _ _ - -prnDii 7 -3 8 Hubbard and maternîty staff. Harry Bailey. The wedding -2R4 Ys1dle-lage-i2,7e- SWVIMMINGPVJ..Lid e. oo irplc, EDbic._b 24-1 will take place on Friday, Juy RANCHERO style tent, 9 ft. x cellent quality. Cali New- HOUSE n good condition or N 0 W lre crot 4 ie lt om, ncî eoae n 16, 1965, at 7 o'clock in Kendal 9 ft., good condition. Phone castie 987-4744. 24-1 large unfurnished apartrnent i OPEUDALY n PrkiayCrescnC and ladcpdadoube garg, coet 100Dw M A R T Y N - H a r l e y a n d S h a r - U n i t e d C h u r c h . 2 4 1 * 6 2 3 - 3 7 5 2 . - -H E C a k . T l - t e a e d u h r s b i g r a -F O 1 6 5 S AN__ _ _ _ _ 2 4 - f G R A N D F A - - - b y a c i v i l s e r v a n t w i t hP Etw o 6 2 3 - 5 2 3 3 . 2 4 - 2 sen t .Ca lhn o lP e_ 6 3 5 6 .2 -1g ,o oe i n t e c u n r FOR salege aubyertenderrns- FfRa965ne 1002-2 CRE farPhni okbe ihoe ce fln.Ak o neMMre)aehpy1fMran r.WATER for sale and delivered. phone 623-2312 or see Page -3 ferred ta Bowrnanvilie. Cen- Admission ihis season wilIIbl ch lad ane-haîf acreloeatfl8rohusilng750fuipce teonne c ter) re hofapp,-r dMrMurray Mc- CalU Cul fPethick 263-2131. forRfrtherdetail.e-n2ertraly locted prferre Writ son, Trevor Thomas, weighing Knight of Bowmanville an- ____ 32-tf - o uTAE wo l.-- 41trlylctdpeere.Wieb cnlanlt euiu -o 5 ls.15oz.,on onay Jnenounce the engagement f -TABLE,- - oden, 45" x 45", ex- Advertiser 632, c/o Canadian 50e dally and a lImited num- (New Park), situated near modern conveni cealha- H M T N - 6ro i tii ny agt Ptii on otacorfthMrs informtya ing . arbs,$50.adfrrd ar i eoig Bt, 1 6 ,a m eiil 2-1 AV iktiMrnCr m n eor e 23 00. P hon e cottage. N ew castle 987 4313. m anv ille. 24-l" av ai able at $10 a pers n or B ristow , R .R . , J n b i l , W a n f m , 1 m h n o h o r , h g a e e t rptl__-Bal, edest son of Mr. and 62-200-. 241 24-If , Janetvlle, W, aynsfo Deaths Mrs. Stanley Bail, Leskard. SPACE heater, (automatir KEYS rut automnatically, whiief For Rent $20 Per famllY, 0111Y until the Ont. Phone 986-4,144. 23-2 Bethany 2 r il. 2-'arsalwmaî.Akn -~ _____ - The marriage ta take place fan), aisa washing machine. Yeu wait, at MrMullen Hard- FIVE-romhou 135 Kin end of lune. Phone 623-5655 erg llee 1400 COWAN, Mrs. Morion- At Friday, Juiy 2nd, 1965, in the Cali 623-35.19. 24-1* 'ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- St. East. Phoe-23395.G4-oRprrse BLT U T rejutafeeot et.Gv the Harborne Nursing Ho mne, Baptist Churh, Bowmalvile, DRIED ra__ $ 8pe-t F O vile.3tfRhone,90 a d2p3fr3his se5. Lakefieid on Monday, June 14, at 7 p.m. 24-1 Browview Fr.Ci G Taw ak,6 a. i-TRE-bdroorn-aartmet,-1U REtel aiI PhoEA63500uLTriOndbvRtehm 1965, Morian Robînson, Orono,- Brown, 623-2523. 22-5 most new; power spayer for heated, aduit.Poe6330.rdasriet iloe.Bwavle fyu hiebltbfr aged 85 yeors, wife of the late Mr. and Mms. Robert Whit- - - power take-off. Teeho WiliallmeiCam, eaJame29srst eiCA e.wT ro toT AI ER 1ar tewth 4'. an 2 -i Teevsi n eric C. ho e oo Avmeb ng lo , tTorontiotaat. mi B b ah sa mother of M rs. Ernest Steph- are peased ta announe the Pliwood sides. Ail steel und er-1623-3102. - -1 I E o m d h u e i e - 6 33 8 3tf r O , Ll o e e t n 1 2-5 8 e n s ( G et a , c a m ar u g h M s. e n g a g e m e n t o f th e ir d a u g h te m fr a m in g , re a s n a b le . 6 2 3 -2 4 3 2 . G A R D E N tra c t r , c o p ie E a n v i e a v ila b e l n e w - 2 3 -3 8 3 a ctf r e , l T h s ne i y d or- E l n t n A e T rn141 C E F R M- b r g Austin Tuner (Audey), New' Mauree, te Wiliam John24-.I*Iwith plough and suffler, in Cli 987-4566 after 5:30. 24-1Ierg r to dadcenhm o n c sl ; M rs. Arthur Dooley T m i son n f M . and T T V I R Sgad condition. Telephone -R r g e t o nc m d e n h e f r ony Bla kstock 98 - 69b n wih sa c o s, m i - $12,500 with substantial downTîedLtinteLkmetsdlretaebue (lv)TootadMs r.WnA.Tmisn rn. T O S 623-2127. 24-i FURNISHED apartmnent, three and payment. I sprxg cote (Olve, ornt, ad TrshMs.wm A. tomiinsonlarona. $5-- raoms and bath. Available SuogAexclntbid field; sistem of Mrs. Margaret 7 o'clork, July 9, 1965, in the OSHAW~A Ipower take-off baller. R. Mac- Jl s.Poe63391 planeSrvc ateh,4ot ad rdcity rie atol 65Sauwrhgo edrbs adf~ Farrow of Newcastle, isa sur- Anglican Churrh of the Corn- 1 Donald, Leskard, telephone 9-4- Cmmrcil*nd1omsti 'ate hoehetanliaîfy vived by Il grandchildren and La ter, Toronto. 24-1 T U P Y T . 1Orono 4R9 after 5. Comm erciaiecedbath, heated; at Wel- thisthreteeat neor Tyrone.l rune geat-grndrhildren. The 1I- Rfieain-Ml olesad lk rnae sig late Mrs. Cowan was esting t Mr. and Ms. Charles F. 1361 Gibbon St. Dial 728-8180 BUYING or selilng fur itre came. Telephonen ttes owanile 0 ppiacscalWelcomne Phone BERT SYER pîe$.50cs.tanthreedrs iooactdBWMNILn-Imc Day orNigHappo:ianess ciiEler375-25694-1 Days -623-5774 Maple Grave: 5 BedrOonMon. large lot, NsDtn e lt 3bdombikbna thefe d rni F uemdal Hev etiesiBman illsar eltte ih eao, P op. Ham toe buines 63-294-f_ ___ __ ___ __ 6 -j ighs - 623317ubu gal ww, liin ro msvndngme som tiishngndeiin lo clse a shoos fdinip Lei eld uh n tthle dayow vF n- ae d nta o ter un te re- ___esdene 263-2695. 6-tf TWO-room funished aparî 2 kitchens 4-piece bath a d ojq sy $,70 mentHomevO ote entrance- aadyL anderetH ard war. extraHAstool.llCaNobe6usned forLpaymenard w a rem'enraceiyolandscapedsebato ing t en at he Ba low Fu - gem nt of tver a Sht R, NA Yar B AndT E mîc a H AM MER2'Miii, No. 6 Insuit one tor twa girls.2hainacretlot. obliga- n esd a y a t n o o n . F u n era l serv - K eith T ill o k , son o f M . a n d S R Y J oe 62 - 9 8.toh ni i s 2 a re l t : h e b d o m o e ra e ace 3 , r nt n p e t t i ice on Thursday, June 7th t Mrs. Berwynne D. Tilcok, frplough; potato planter, Pot o ne62- 395-tf $17 500. Give us an offer 2 part. Rev. Basil Long wili Bowmanville. The morrioge Orchard - Grain - Vegetables bgepce. miOhw OR-omhae ptairs $1,50.____usan____ ____Lrgelo officiate. Interment Orono will take place on Satumdoy, Weed Sfprays 728-0624. 24-2 patment, bathraam, laundry Vrk atd Near Highway 115 juist we nîu bsl.Pie C em etery . 24-1 Ju ly 17th , 1965, at 2:3 0) p .m . in X1.-T- -- T E _w a h er- r , frid g e an d st v e, p riv - _______ -n - - n o rth 'eca t e r offe at an $5 25 . er s.-i% St'onsAgia Cuc, JMW IH usEDws ar.,14h.p. ate e Newcastbult, -berî nl$520 deG O T A e o i H S . Jo hn'Angil icanMChurch, YY RCHARD 1 motrs. C mplete line f ît nta c. Available Aug. iDULL tools a en't necessoy. hor BUYJNGit -b dr or 24-LC EST O CHAR On No. 2 Highway. Tre- jWe shapen saws, chisels Spli level home. Master bed- SELLING W.F a k Re lEil ptl o Memaria Hon us- Millmt.nvouhiNewastle p1iaBeatty, Thor mmd ret p-phone 623-2158. 2-ipmuning s h ea rs, scissorsmorn has sliding doors wiîîî (onsult H. KEITHLdIelo pa, Bomn vi5 , 6 , an u sMi S. S uhNeci~pannc s Padd ak t -W 0 4-Lr-eImMJTED P n led lvng r on- L c l :W doay, Jun er1, a19 65 Admarn, In M vem oria m --- - 19-8__ -Ham pton, 263-2241. 12-tf W 4r or partrents-ov eèr-.knives. F. Crowe, 102 Elgin blo y a el d lvn o i. L cl R p . C A F R Johann Visse, aged65 yea -- ____CD___ __- of.- - -- Statesman office will be avait- ISt., Bowmanville. 24-7-x Must be seen ta be appreciat-, 9646 lcsok17 brh S. omnil wife of the late John Andew ALIN£iÏ-In loving memomy J.L od, w TIh r o wool. m k b e July s, urnised ar - A -A - - $ 00d venings: Cm986263-229 de Groot, dear mother of J- leur dear dad and grandfather, FOR HE DGES, ETC.o k gu. omar - dom ap$13,e90avalabl im-__ e, 24i 62-339 co o ( r . R i h B u m e - H aro ld A l uin , w h o p a ssed aw ay I T E S ,esti 1 m a es . W ad e l e da p t e A vil a b e_ __S_ _,00_d w te)obarn aviile; GeeideJum 1a199 mnsnp Free medaey are madrn, . . Newcastle : 4 B e d r aoni- -iMebrshaadDstît ter, Bwmavile;Geetrude un 17 199.v WITE J3jJjstim-es.Harry L. W ' ,heated, equipped with sm.e lui-lng &£eatina frame home, garage, an lar ge T0 1RalEtt or (Ms .A o) saa n oa eal a eoi . Phone Newtonville 786-2256.stvPl lo.Aknpre$890it JuKilcu ( M s. C. A. Ba ), Os aw , nd T day r li d ad g memomirest.l A it Sizes - N ice C lusters a-t nm d frig, free television eriaIlot -__ 200 Acre Stock ,itd Grain Aie, Orono, Resting at the 0ftfAd h our er ad o n ta rest il- an d parking. Respansible'2.5 Nelson St. Bowmanviiie $1.500cdown.RALO M a ris FumSer ai i n C h e , Bow: A n t oned w o hi f1 ai s - F e n c e P os t jG E N Er A .exc t micond ft ign - aul o l , no c i en. A p- E R N IE P E R F E C T few scen ir 10 acre lot s. A 99 K ing S t. E. B w a v ie g o a n x el n ai ma vrie S rv ce in c A re the o days wtaroex ell nt ondtio ; 7 p1y Statesm an O ffice, Bow - fej th nev r-faiing Stream62 - 5 3n a el on Friday at 2 o'rlock. In- Aeteoe h oe l and Pales ýyeams aid, mnedium size; food manvilie. 2-ff LMIN EAIGlet atd Bîleoa.Hai e r m e n t B o w m a n v ille C e re - b e st. A il2 4-1 I T H I R D S T. 3mp aB e dro o m eforc es sale. $ 4 3.5 0 0 - T er m s.ft f ery. In lieu of fiowers dona- --Sadly missed by daughter Al onthajfreer - - - Phone 623-3540 24-11-- om th man eT. a nid 2 cefm ihfotg tie s o C na i Ca ce S - g Donabdle. M 63-D . M i2on -d1dal W 'anted-,taBuy _ Phome Box 1599 c i e t y w o u l d b e a p p e c i a t e d . a n d c h i d r e n B n n i e , V a l e i e , 1 - IT T T J-6_2- p i c eP O.D m txr ,1T9F .i n g r o a d l a m i n m i r o s e - a i e L k e r B w l y tians t Canadi n Cancr Sa- Iene, so -in-ia Dave m d C a 2-025. 24-1 SE boat m - ý 5 - 10 h.p. 178 Ontario St., B owmanvilleJOf li e wi i e tk ch n nd b h. $ 0 0. Ter ir i w. us lsed a 2412-i 19;3pe bdom utPhone623-2796. 24-i - - REALTOR Trs 24i R REberca md Ja in e 4-o ew on lle 7 6-d8oubl$4; e e dr om29 suite a c - . - - 1C on tract Trmarp ey 1800 -Te ms -M - . 1 d o u b leTd r e s s e r , $ 1 2 9 ; k i c e n S T A N D I N G h a y , a y a m o u r t . B . .m n v i . - 1 4 F r a n k S t L I B E R T Y S T . S t e y n d2 0 A r s i t b i c h o e Couch-At the Hotel Dieu of a deor sister, Viola, who Cattl e, Hog and "*sute, .$49. Trade-in: TV, e- Caii 623-2353. D. Pasthumus. RPAIRS- CABINETSS.hl oeo a cditiomed; space-sover, wash- 351 Liberty St. N. 14- DON SPENCER Poe6335 shopping. Omly $.0. wmalsra rgntsa Sundmy, June 13, 1965, Edna The pearly gates wcre opened, i W. Bwmnvlle 63-781 bcylemut b1i 1od.o50 23Acrhoe mr, aragew t 7rems tet m n nPosetm on T h m p o n C o c M a t , e - A g e n t l e v o i e s a i d " c o m e " , F e e d r s , W t e r e r s F a r r w l n2 - 3 2 48 1 * i6.P h n22376 5-3- f1 -t3s kn41 1, 5 0 e m d 3 , 0 0 c. 1 0Lc niOa rsTS .~B e h loved wife of the lofe Clar- Mdwf aewisusoen Feed CarthonFans3OFFIC9. -p23lt1y, nid feath"r 1,cre farm wit$3,goo 0 BLD.LOSohihyam.Gdstamfam ence W. E. Meath, in hem 83rd She gcntly entered home. Stalis, Fe at.Fn.OFC Equipment- -Ty-pe- 'LV polrndeahr11Acefmwi or-13D.OT yeor; dear aunt of Mrs. Philip -Lavimgly remcmnbercd by Fig 'Brooders, etc. writems, adders, cashiers, dupli- tirks. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Beth- SETCTN buildings. Stream and- 1o east of Newcastleomoong900-$.0do. (Jane) Nind, St.'Cthiaines. sister Miidmed and George. We carry a fuil Une of quality fumtumche. We, el ente7 Tlcolc.PU PN ar erm g$1,5ote ach r ilsixfo$7. Brcbusantmm the 24-1I ____________________________,28-tf irurisns furlilsi f M ms. e a td rcte d F nat thl___ ___ a y service. L a gest stock, budget IW H IT E W A SH IN G ST A B L E S 4 0 A r a m w t x e l n E T B A H u m rl n t f f r , 1 WHnm e, 89 d ntr Fmeet S . Brai' >In lo ing m emayter mes. N ew and used. Low FIRST ca f H olstin- heife rs ' 1 " 400PK N SAuil ing . ar ge i vere rue-lot W T e u i u ns e 2 0 c e i pi u h 3 . 0 Ch arnm e, O trSrvc a het, of t. BA rE L-n o rVi og la my o EQuipment at Popular Prices o e hd, lw prices. Bill and young cws due in tw a ! ER T TO PK I b ining sth Lau g e p r iery . sk- t-$800 down. erur Ca thearies. Srvie wsed of ydea mother13Viola. Hailovreagl1a n (North or thre weeks. Phome R2lphhPhone Newtonvi.le 786-2552 cEoARn.3Beoo OvmokmR Le- in the chapel, Tuesday, ~~~~at passed ey un 1, 96. an Phone' 2-tNDvi, 63224.16tfCl oleet74-tf52ing $50.000. Temms. - * 10:30 amm. Intemment tok y lips canneotfell hem how tan riar ___ _ _______Oshawa).______ - -- -Davis,_ 236Acr2284Y.FAM cttag in he illae onat-205/ arms, xcEgt sot, lery. 24-1 M y h a t cann t te il w a n e dMll B E NJ M IN - M O R EA C R A G Eto p stai ng a y r ' A R P w ith excellent buildings as a tractive lo i. A s] i g $ . 0 t r y br c o e a n 0 p l a c e i n B ot ena v ill e C e r n e - m c h I m i s ahh ee,6i ll-p a y t o p p r c e . c , Cal N T R Y g o i n g c n c e r n . 5 .5 H e a d o f $ 1 0 0 0 d o w n . 1 0 , 4 ' x 6 ' c y ~ t a t v MIL - tMmra e-Gdatone knows how 1 miss7 24-iadatr7pm osencae ulln fLK CG vilS ALmaial on Gon. ber --24--4211pm.ADDITIONS ncw machinery. Goodmikrmsuerctaensnd 00Aesib12om HOUSE PAINT mdBIJILT-IN CUPBOARDS cotrci As in 36,00 bac a Cer clAl o 19a65ow a vil , an on- In a home that is nesome H elpms Do ielile__hy a , o a .M l H l a t d I G O R D . F L A X M A N 'I rm .veniences. Own e by oc b rn, a n 1 0' x 3 , ste m belve wfeof Cci Mll-SdlY missed bv ' ghr F RE E ZE R S MMUjNWAITRESS wated. pl!DIYAR,19Aceaqdt0'$75. D o i 3 l, B m in e 4 th e o m ,B a b a r a da P i. 2d -1gh f e r O ly m p ia R e s ta u ra n t, B o w rn a n - 6 3 - 2 4 4 aF Anc R M , 15h 0 A c e a s t5 0ili.CR Ee r io vi g t beo e wf Calgar ; H A R W A R E19-8 c f Holstein cattie. Machinery . 4 Bedroo brno e pu e r t B r b r a , B ov a n vil l n d a r h , B a r r a a- n d P h i . 2 4 - 1 o r 1 9 6 5h A R D W A RE-5 4 0 8 M W- - - P d o w m moth r a Joy eofalaay; ARRELL---ln ln eMary ýD' ULL i e- a resses. App-_ y-_ - I ighwaY location. Aski g apar ient. 3' x 6' Io,00 A rsîmrl as f N w «Il at borne. Resting at teo erthehe Volt My ;Voyageur Rsarn, vi RANK B I K f,00 eri.Ample watr. 0 Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- Barreli, who passed mway 8 CU. f t - $189.00 36 King St. IR. Bowmanvillie ley Rd., Bowmanviile. 2,1 -T,1chi0 Acremmd srn riing trt 155 CR 3AR meretreen. Akig 9.00 chape nvil.Sriei heJm 3-93 ~-~ OSMI ful henefits SPI TNi simeam. A s k i n g $12,000.Tyo.GndbgsHos-em, chaelonThursday at 2 Yousuffercd with cour:age, j115 CU. f t. - $2090MiimuEmwage Apy nTimsiasEPICTAKm rn , d rncnb incs ce ûcIcock. Interment Pine Grave yWr kncw nat your pain, Minimum Livestck For aîein!t T3 hed Cerneterv, Prince Aibnui. ut t Was in vain. . __For-Sersnt ligDthnn NTALTO AR AM ce.lhargmen 2,0-$350roctagbKealH Y24ou-1a e eî 2 C . ft. - $ 2 9 0 'H R EE Poled H ereford buls. _ - -2 -1 HTeth po d.nd.9 0 $1 20 21When God called you home 25jft 29o obeik ecsl, AN~t 5 cko' apa 6-20Goad buildings. Open Guern dw 25 cu. f t. $249.200cES.miikbcontracNewcastlmgACROOKEtD$50EEK. 3koBcd- down. fPARK-- At Sunnybrook Hos- to His gorden of rest, Ont.24-1i mare fuil or part time selling - - ____CR TaanoonStuda, tS truc wbat they soy, LOW DOWN PAYMENTF mo2scpwiisirweifulhorprttis oololin4 $42,000. Terms. jroom bouse on 2omso edi-7ro rc as pital, Trno nStraITI 27 hAND ailsllRaleiCUroucTIoo o- 20 Acres with 7 raomed;iand. Schaol at 1onr0 o June 12, 1965, Walter F. Park,' e tkes only the bes. 1 AN TERMS TO SUIT :i or part, Phone Newton- portunity for reired men.,one oatdmmtCfUrS.TO My5750 Tms Trn in bis 78tb year, beioved bus- - Lovingly remcmbered by jvlle786-2283. 24-1* Write Rawieigh. Depi. F-140- homkeg .000 TemmsthofO. OIfrAyW$7,500.oTe 1R1 aeStgo ero band f Heln Tayor, RR. 1,HACKNEY boy mare, three 40 ihle tS.Hny OLD ESTABLISHED FLOU R Len BISSELL, Wlt 6-10ctaewt a< rn o (:Mrs. Lloyd Skinner), 1Doris naIving memory, health reasonSforDselisng. Ask-'24-1 boat with 18-hpHamotdr,.caooe (Mrs. Arnold Geisherger), Eva of Alymer H. Bcech who poss-Içl. marc bmed again. 623-2186. AGN atdt d airIPOENWOVL eaing $16.500.fTrsl__Est-$7.000 Temns (Ms. Ewert Bragg). Service co-4 c l .A E T w ne e si ae d away ini Sunnybrook ling4-,tin tAar ers1 B wmn wos bld inthe Mrris umera pîta, Jun 17, 954. T N AT Sud-Srvices of black ville area. Retaîl price $8.15, 786-2246 Newcastle Homes:PerKoar. Ctgelt-2cmîars , e d atfret hm and white pint, 13 hands, 700 per baie for top quality guar- 4.eter 7 ro mc, rik om ChY apel, o w m llc . n T ue s- t 1 W e loved him too dea ly 6 1c lb . bs., six-year-o d ; fee $15 cash. anteed 10,000' tw ine. A ppl - - 24-* wh 7cr o ri e trcl v'R ALhom eam p n st s. W li a d a y at o' ioc . 2t 4-1ni F o bis m c m ory ta fa d e an .F R 0 N 1 F o r fu r h e r in fo rm atio n tele . A d v ertise r 633, c/o C a n a d ia n P O S E I G h ea t d , 2 b a h ro m , d u be a d ( E E A N S RE p o e t.i4 0 0 - T r s B e t e s d C m e t r y 2 4 1 j F r m a r l v e l k e d î e a ~ F R N 5p h o n e H a m p to n 2 6 3 -2 3 4 7 . S ta t e s m a n , P .O . B o x 1 9 0 , B aw - U l a u n d r y t b s. L a r g elot. e w c a tl e E x e p ti o a l VADR AST A M»Our lips need mot spemk39lb 24-2* manville. 24 -I1 Save Dollars! Have Your. cheat- launroomtdbunLagalowt.h Meinher of Oshawa&Dsrvbdom2soc rc oe An rD E A A ST A M e- 11,a r196at5,in u' * fad F st F oz n M N o w m n , ir you ca ti ered. Free estim ates, sam ples a lim ode mn conveniences. C ent- ' ari al Hosupier, FBowrifaoviile, s 1 C ars f r S ale MENd 0 o wome m s ira y ocated. Over 12 a re 1 2 King st. W . 6 32 5 aa e rs i mne n f rite upein ber 67tb o rifotn wlsNo Extra Charge -- wndwsmm B mnvli thete. efhgraoredy ycar, beioved wife of Gerlof Wbere il seldom is seen..5 CHEV. station wagon, very your community, we will show, Bldget TermsArranged scrnd B3 w bngao ~ c n lv nldda Vade Gms, ccgn Street, -L ovingyrmbeebyhsF1 pyrfezrorlke good shape. Phone 623-2578 you how emsily you can make $15.900 Terms.raiedsres Bowmovîlie dea mothr r ife Selia od frniiy 24-ellthgandnfed teer eef e-. 2-i $00 motbly.Job he lagesîWHYTEBRbc..PH24-ERl6 $omed, ierticall heat larehlot Hasmodemail fmn- Bedrom bngalo wit ________ i eri, lbrt !fore the cattle go to grass. 1 ~ ail Camodian enterprise In the '102 King W. Phone 623-5252 cd bungalowwyh to eaot. c m ern iig.Aga'-crgrglarge loer. roorn, « J a n , H i l a n d ; J e G e r , A b m , G A R Y - I n o v i n g m e m o r v I 6 1 A U S T I N A - 4 0 , g o d c o n - i e t s l l n i l . W r i t e f o - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A i m i u ms t n e g , M a a d r h o e . e l a u e î c t i ch a t n , a d s a <Mrs. E.GMuideron direct selling field. ie iAu iu . Mn le oe Jarob, Ebe, le TFqroukjcf my dear husband iliM. ~VIL.JVJ~Jdtone ie.Apy4 eal m atalogue. Far e, JCBJGS extras. Excellent lcto.$.0.Trst ut n ccdyrSne od Servic was bsd, 9teàMorrs away June 9, 196.TTP r adio, 1-good conditon.iCmn.-i- Weatocm, ewrasle -987-45224-1i ruoner; Mansey-Barris 10' s.p.f-1275 Sherman N. - Hamiltoni- - cd bungalow with ail modern bedroom bungalowonLbty______________ __________Caeorge_______ct ck Se vi e I -69 H ave U s C heck canveniences. Atached gar- Street. Very well k pt Ha __ __ __ __ __ __ __24tfR IM A Reste w th; Cas or H e age Harv ' e ast o c e v c aI - 5 41 - ge. S moall barn. One acre modern kitchen, et.r g g e Personal IMEMCYRTATS Pick-up; International 16 For- an Cash Prices for Dead - Your Car for lot. Asking $12,900. Terms. Oshawa, near So(bGM- OTAGSacm u. -- cf and Crlppled Farm Stock Machine ae ar strandh er BURRETT FURt FARM T o it r Sum m er Drivingi n good size lot. Asking $7.00. al moder n veine.A bl. Frtadscond or .. monthcr ofKenneth Charles Monuments - Fiat MrkersFCutteBoBa r; ag on ool,,<,,erBrakes BETH AY, casie 135 ihom ______1______ Wand rsGeeo nyNewt n dinfedau Disinctven«FoeBxand ttrWarDon Phone Long Distance s1 -Exh usîsem an5 1/aacr lot Askng $.500 Zeih650(n hret Yu nieLah rks EHN,8 roomned home taeo omnil rNw ucnUly 2-12 1t knwig hemweebu 152 Sime St. S., Oshawa NEW 7-TON WAGONS Depi. Agrir. Lic. No. 351-C-65 Pae prtr BfEry -IgntienSystem n ih 500areot.wn Oý50 sler 2omedo on nkto n or fort Hpe, otîe- 723-1002 -728-6627 w/Tires 8195.099 _4-tf '. deraeTrsAerhus-Cl:seolfittesAnie~ba mibe P o e 85 4 1 a a : e416. Office Eve igfjfl V.%* m s x ei n e d sr b e fe o r ais v rl f ut t e phne85-41,arscoe22-3 [ I CO'w AN Cash on th e S o utbe able te read blue- Ail iork Donc by 2- frDm or"" prints and set up own work. Donald MountJoy 623-31614 place ta iive. Ony0,0.PoeNecsl 8-65 Lost !fo Dead orCrippici Faim 40 hrs. weeks, plus overtimel ___________________________3_3151_erms HYGENIC Supplies-(Rubber--- Equiprnent 1t .Piekel up promptly. O AE iesiMcais GrLfin 2-75Trs W reia akrFx goocis> imilec poitpaid in GLASSES and bmrown case Mj Telephone ceilect 263-2721 TOPRATS L l iseWersnîa - Orono 1649,j Listings Urgently Rqic!Pt plain semisci evelope with wlth clip. Caii 623-2483. 24.1* 1 1 Ca. M wî u aIrw oa dy y 9i~ ue ogfin-9749;Cal Today1________ Pice bits.Six amnples 25c, AT Mosport, Bell & Hwl Po 162-69 gj'LoieC Df I2322Pvelg:honiWit aesIya 3 4$ .0 . M il O d r o ie r m r a e a r ff r 3 4 KnuS . E B ome. t le Y R N 2 5 & M A C H . C O .5 in S .L.e romnil e y li C R o b bie-6 2 .7 1 5 98 . C o e - - - 6 2 - 0 5 ai m r n l g s l c r c $1.00 MailOrderinovi camea. RewartUf7er.134hengmsnE.N. - Hamilton'RON pet. -2& Nov.-Subber Ce., eci. Contact O.P.P J Bw Lerne Perrault, Oreus Licence No. 389-C-65 LI-9-6594 Phone 623-3134 Ros Davîdscu - Bcthany 30r- P. Kowal Jr. * 1356 hn 6-91 ht cc 1, Humfiles Ont. 1-52 manvilie. 24-11j~4:~2- 9IL2- 41b.2- l-

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