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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1965, p. 15

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Ta e or o;he anaia atmn, Ewave in 6 ~5 _________________ o~~~~~ly,$ n d coite, j g eytr- fi n 's cr w~ cit a i c ne Coming E__ts i Coming Events Coming Events Notices HTdheBo macaleroa. Costele.r .aeadceso iedy o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o f f h e m a n vile Hro n d .w a(C o n s t a b$e Priout Flramliily Picn-ic wilI be] Decoration Day wilIl be oh- Maple Grave SundaySchlool McNulty's Sports, Cycle & ý OPP) Johin Kennt oi,1ti~ e rv I - î~~~~~~~~~~~~ng over toward the curb. Mr. Wîldnman toid lis Wor- pi Bh peigo ih osabeJ idtl h eld Slinday, June 27, Cream served at Cartwright Union Anniiversary Services wilIlibe Toy Shops will lie closed Wed- June 151h, 1965 The cruiser was goiîîg 90 mil- ship that his client had a go- way 401 at 70 mi n bu or ehdocso och f Borie ^Park. Sports. 4:30; Cemetery on June 27, 2:30 held on Sunday, June 20th et liesdays until further notice. Gog eet,86B upper,fp.m._ _ 24-2 p.m. Speaker, Rev. Bruce 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Guest __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i-tf G og c et, 86 Bock es an hour and nfot ganng. day permit and tiad been (a radar charge $0 n te cr at 81 p. . o S n' r d-san s Boa Woods, Georgetown. 24-2 speaker will lie Rev. Basil E. A td - Srvcso ic Street N., Whitby pleaded W e iiefi the red roof fight on. driving for about a month. coetol o 10 days.d y prl 1 h i h G Th iIsad oa tStd-Srvcsofbaknot guijt ta a charge of care- ¶They sailed right through the Magistraite Berger placed Sylvia Goodwi.R.3,prngltHedddha Cr- unday, June 2th. Community Folk Festival Ln fOoo us os, and white pinto, 13 hands, 700 kaes driving laid March 21-t. red ligit at iLiberty Street the fine et $25 and! $21 coats Bowmanville, algd1,wsMs oawn h ~ c For reservations Phone Port Madoc Art Centre, No. 7 High- Mpei-. Rosi cathaptnon. Hop 88-257, oweTrael ay Jue 2th.Offcie opn-For further information tele- Woottoei, Whitb~y because of the bouse on the per's right to drive for two Agency ___ 24-1 ing by the Honourable Jamnes by the Sunday School and In phone Hampton 263-2347, m~ arnooOhw, southwest corner and the gar- yers. H1e granted the aocused MuerBno TurdyAuld. Performances at 2:00 the evening by the choir. On2-2 ThmsGnciOhwaeote rhws onr.w ek aplyiifn. nigt t oclckesono8d nd7:0 .m, eaurngCaa- edesay Jne23d e-242andd heco:th3wa divig geonth nrt-wstcone. woweksioCanha-in of ds Tp Fok Atist, Pp- gnnig et5:0 p.m supereast on Taunton Rond, folow- Anyone driving north or Robert Thomas Hayes,6 by the Junior Chamber ofd' o ok ritPp inning at ing te car driven by the ac- south on Liberty Street would Veterans' Avenue, p]ead e d IIjU E l M to ae Commerce, Red Barn, North petry Show, Wagon Wheelscwildrlen sner 12.5dui 241.0used. He said that Mi-. Me- flot have seen them coming.'c Ohw.4-fgqaea Dance r s ep ~ Gand Hn eity put on his signai for a "At Lambert Street." went King Street, May 24th, He was 21KIGS BandncgtThahelreia waters showero asK"rk'nd left hand tr eèereach- on Constable Parker, "they convicted and fi'ned $25 and Dae BandneetTeWel pca aerso rm ik1ig the urln befo rke pse nlesbudca oto 0dyAutIoidRabe (one mile north of Mosport, Kove. 9:00 p.m., Squar-e Danc-I Western Circle" Tonshi e and ton -Cla i-k ased hreastond e Ca ostordabl . 14 mile east), Western Four ing. Aduits $1.00, children12 dasTwnhpieadwstrc ihcoddoerote Co-aleJ Bird testified Anch eaSalau r , sp n- a onSnday9. Sc.hoo i l n- E s TOWN F BOW MAN VIILE by a westbound car es e neg- south curb to avoid eing it. that he was called t il p m.D ~ ~ l A t a l a 7.epe esa.24ltl-Ecotdotiltt the turn. Mi-. Gai-na- Goii.g clown the bll e t the ta investigale an accident on D oil VI 1 o dbyvn&ing Branch -j Iladnîvei-ary Sevc, Sun-, uyc7-higa N TCE~added that thedMcVeity west of the Cream of B2rIey King Street East. Hie said bis ladSuperspo-Inear Sevics, undcarOTIE pun aroudnd ended Camip, we couic! see tihe tail- investigation ree iec sht St. George's, Newcastle,Tus June 27, 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. t Prorpertv' Owners up in the north ditch andi the lights of the fleeing car going the Hayes eil westbondi day Adutsicoo by MrS, s.Lloyd i after- Travel aireondltloned moor . Z estbound car continue n tup the hili at the cermetery. lied iun into the rear of an~o-f G reaC r B u! J1.Aue 2915:0, ciiren . * y .Lly Ayre andc oaeh (Waahroom equlpied D ST O W ES and etruck bs vehicle. As we rounded the curve at the, car parked on the north P.e1, 50. 4- in eveni ng y Enniskillen Mae For Information 'phono or write D SR YW E Joseph Arthur Fy, driver Lamb's Road we saw the side of the street facing west. Visit Our- Shoroma( unde 12,SOc.244Quartette. Rev. C. fugan, ~ C x r Notice is here y given ta ail of a westbound car, said that ghts ahead of us sw ing M . H y s e~ li e h t T r e Ca rn va & Street B.A ., B.D ., M inister. Thurs- J.hV aIp r o s l o s s i n o a d !e lied been sha ken up see- across the highw ay and into a w ie le a a c r co m g Dance, Wed. 23 June. Parade day, July 1, Haydon Sunday TAV A GE C iacodnewthteWe g a sx-car pliupon Higli- driveway. Corporal Freet'hy eastdonhehl ehaSprsCrfteYer starts 8 p.m.-P-izes for best School Annual Supper and R V LA E C inacrnewthheWe way 115end was driving very turned the spotlight on it and moyenovrt the il htanedS child's cntry in parade. Games. Variety Concert. Came and 85227Pr1H p onrlA3,16 .Se.3 13 carefully et 40 miles an hour fflw aprsnrunngaayhd o sen t he pitank d r SEIL FTEiEK pn .r i ae ent e t a i m e n & d a - e jo nc e x c e ll es s in :s u p p e r a n d2 4 -3 a n d 1 9 , th a t u n le s s n o x o u s s w h e n M r . M i V e ty m a d e t h e f - r c c r u n t il it w a s to o la te to a v o 1d f O A RML D1 6 ing AI ar w lco e. 4- tincet. Admssi n: duts, ___ __ ___ __ __weeds grow ng n their lands tuirn right in front of hirn. lie " here were two passen- hi'tting il. 1964 " M O M7 T he 92nd W erry Fam ily R e- childe n a nd c ert $175 0Co- C r dw î t e M n c pa i y o added t hat it w as sn w ing gers in the back seat of the T a f c t c e s A ~ s a o O P supperennd ert, l. 50; ars ofThans ihi hemniial ofTaf tcet:(Constable L"A bssiI union will be held et Cart- B___ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ andi blowing al the time and car and they gave us a rough j. C. Cartwright, OPP) Ger. - D R HATOBue ih cut m rdo wright Recreation Centre, cert only: aduits, 50c, childi-en We would like ta sincerely Bwaville are destroyed by the pavemen.t was wet. He time. Wiien Corporal Freethy rard Corkery, speeding 70' fo s-ft4 peeHtrnD * Blackstock, Ont., on Saturday 25c.___2- thank ur friends and neigh- date of lUNE 30, 1965, and hec! cle an amblanice to opened the door we were met miles an, hou n H*ha V-8 engine, atmtiO- July 17, 1965. Hot dish dnner brs of Tyrone and surround- throughout the season, the take M. McVeity and a lady wih a volle.v of aths and 401, April 23rd, $10 and costs transmission, powe rks msin eesara et 12:30 p.m. Sports at 2:30 "Bermuda Cruise" ing district foi- the lovely wed- mncpit a ne pOf aI, onge aMranv l Hopecabuseut t onalHer vda ys;-- Badlful ros ith match p.m. 24-1 ding gift of lawn furniture. uiiaiymyetruo eBwavle e aeoto h ead ury oe Batfirs W-oodvi ew Cammunity-Centr: Sept. i 7th - 24th Doug. ai-d Marg. Bai-r. the said lands and have the Magistrate Berger dis- and dernandedti t know whatý IEQAITigti.Bln -MntrBingo e y24-l* weeds destroyed, chartlng the missed the case, saying that was goin.g on. He came over' MINUENTS ANDTincarim. alance0 nw 192CHV g a e- - o n t e - B i n g o . T w e t y m t o t t h e c a r a d i s s c h t O U E T N gmstnydolr;f i ' Travel alreonditiondmtoc osts against the land ln taxes, the accused might have been adisse ht game-thirty dallai-s; $1.50j coach to New York then via Mn hnat h eeaha e n ateA.chai-ged wiiih an inaproper it had flot been out of Ihei MARKERS Sec these . . . R-odtoc n cd jackpot, and two jackpots at1 Queen of Bermuda iLodge, friends and neighbors The co-operation of ail lef turn but tifit the levidence yads4e9pni ie h for flatyfr.o1957-free M20 ond8pme. R e a-nt Poe rivie for flowers, fruit and gifts. citizens is earnestly solicited.idid not-warrant a conviction toucHe thed ad and rke RU 'ff k """""m1t57 PONTIA __ Y8pm, e an hoeo rt Special hnstDrAla WEED INSPECTOR, McalMc h 01'is bond back because it was 1 FFR Os a w .46-tf ý Sylvester, nurses and staff on , R.2'- m ns h t 1 e d n e ei g t e A P i B O . L D - R IWatch for Rexai ORAéNGE .Ll...JVLthe Medîcal Floor. R.Hetherington, WrdmnCiescent, Wit sodiverht. e henidwîigtee 156 S.LTD.~ri T A T A V L A G N C 4- _ _ _ 4 - 2 t , i h s s u t c a u s 'g d ri e r o ufi c ev i n s e s1 5 L SALE Thui-sday, June TR V LA E C Mrs. Ethel Preston. Munlcipality of Bowmanvile. was charged Saturday, Jtzne ta prove he was.'" coricl.tded Cholce of automairn uoai rnmsin 2~~ta Saturday, July 3rd. 24-1_24- bod, ilh eb aurn n lt auiam'e 8 Tremendous savings on house- 885-2527 Port Hope- .esWd, lutc.Th r% g cle ra ood runnlng cars o iin hold drugs, vitamins and, 4- 1wisli ta thank relatives _d___ was d Th e mntiJeAdams, DouglsHarnesandI CnatneoOrCutosSasmn rncdicines . . . summer toile-___22 and friends for kindnesses, WNEDIslpContate oye, ~>aiomBu Ogn,Sae tries and summer sunidries at I vsD, lwrsa ars-tc,1Tendersto Roald1-t rpr. .R.4, ames McQucJuniJerryo KeantaDanrKBrothey flwr n adecpytasotto n Manvers Rnl lreRR ,Bw stated that they were in front!LIITE Bi JURY & LOVELL, Your Rex- TEELN HOP ,whils in liospital and since Township from S.S. No, 8 mnil gj1,peddi~o ofPalmer Motors when Har I TEen ail tor, Bwmavile. 4-I cinghm;as ussadfrmSchool (appi-oximately git ta acharge of danger- bat tdrove o! ugMtd 'onuments Convenient o-h4otLwC~ A L N CCTY Enniskillen Hall staff of Medical Floo and fi-s. 12 childi'en), ta S.S. No. 14 us drivin'g laid June 4th, De- ttheybv a drag race.,'pFnacn SATANTIC CNE 19 iRundle, Ewei-t and)Hallett for Carscadden's, cammencîng 01 eT anehwsE .Wl- ey said that wlien they re-; Box 13SRIE TTO TOUR rai-e. Betty Brown. 24- Sept. 7. Tenders ta be in be- man. fedHrper took off eagt atil 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby s ES O T Dfeaturing et rw . 2- foie July 5th ta Mrs. fiorothy otbe R Pakî tac a high rate of speed and the! hn W lb ES O T DgBristow, R.R. 2, Jan tvie. C n tbe R Pa k r t(d police crulser faIllwed at MOPhoneWk 8-35pen2 A g 1- ui8 abuous 1l'he famîly of the late Mrs._____ 24-1 His Worshi'p tihat shartly af- onc e. hak835 -. fer midnight lie and Coi-parail_______ __________________________ For informationPhn Continentals iWilliam John Henderson wish WANTED-Tenders for paint- Freetihy were sitting in thie hnetai thank aIl the kind neigh- ing interior of S.S. No. 7, cruiser east cf Palmer Motorsý 623-3265 Live Rock 'a'Rail Music ýboui-s and friends who helped South Janetville, and S.S. No. facing King Street, obse'rving -- - Blus.To Reorsin any way at the time of their 13, Lotus, in Manvers Town- traffir. 1He said that they saw COLIVER !'Rhymie'n le. o ecrs bereavement. Special thanks ship. Tenders wilI be receiv- an castbound car came almost TRA ELSER IC to Al tenger wlcoc.taMrs. W. Westover of the ed for one or bath; ciosing to) a stop and then take aff Admsson5c- anin 830Lodge Nursing Home and ta date July Sth. For further i- ai a veny high rate of sppeed' 223 4o 1'. 24-i the Rev. W. K. Hauslancler for formation Phonîe Blackstock1wi'th squealing tires. OE -- is words of comfort, 24-i.f 986-4344 ai' write ta Mrs. - - orahv rîsowR.R 2, We gave chase at one would like ta thank al Janetvilie. 24-1 cotneith fi er Te i- elatives anc! friends wha-wr eea po l i fie ca cn m crd ac!gits ado East o! Ontario Street lt pas- D TforR their visits while indbas- BOWMANVIL[E se! nà..bunc: SyleseranDVE'ttan the 'city for 5.5 years until m'aving ~5 * mhospital staff on Floor 1. Alsao to o w-anvleaya -o FO O D MRK ET pia thlc hospital for îhe beauti- IN81JLATION Theonravle a e aago.tiv fisupper for my wife and CONTRACTOR9 okri ig tetUie me~ on oui- anniversary while wreinKgStetUtd p AR AI Sa patient. 'BOYS' TRAINING SUHOOL O3huceji and was 618o a life M RDonald Carr. 24-I SEALED TENDERS wili be i-ember of Sunbeur Chapitei-, î'eceived by the undcrsigned, Order of th1e Eastern Star. We wish ta thank aur rela- un tii 3:00 p.m. (E.D.T.) on Mrs. Muiton was predeccas- tives, neighours and friennis f0Tîesdayune 29th, 1965 cd by ber husband, Nriann frRepaira ta insulation un La'wrence Mubton, in 1951, W e e s e v e h e R ig t t L m it Q u a ti ie sa n d ura u nde y i g ca m m un te s c w ni- l e , O' t r in n oo., ( Ru , M i . I in W r r Tof t n C a m s L o u sî m , c n n s te n ! i w t-S c I s u riv end a d a is- MI LLEh t o a l h RReetent cil B Potîlr Deandta s e Yeveron all.A PansaSpcsfcatonsa n ! fr, rs.LeHielo.lcuttPlanfosh Ioelygifl prsened owmnvindOntaer.,Ru irsof.orotosnte ai _ L L ES cLIFTI M special ihanks ta the commît- Tender Documents may be ob- (Lela), cf Bowmîanvifle.Ms- ~ *G J I A I E D E PST R F NCY BRE DS tee andc ail thIo:e who toak taineti from, or viewed at Mutton was alan p rdcasdGE ant evening.s-Ro 6630, Department of! y a brother, William, in 196,3.- aUeIye.yMilers a1 owrolad~ IAINHoward and Mabel McMullen. Public Works, East Block, The remeins rested et thc - S btoIg now çarry à Mtn uzat. f5l MILNO LICD 2-iParliarnent Buildings, Toronto Armstrong Funeral H o mnitc M I L A N O S L I C E D 2 , O nt a ri o . O sh a w a , fo r t hc f un e r a l se r - ^ l « t ý y JM OcA$175.00 Bic! Bond, a 100% vice in tIc chapel Saturday. C nomal wear. h will. b. eardo rpae r SAV Wewis taexres ou si- Performance Bond anda50 Rev. John P. Romeril of Cour- VIENNA 7 ea cere thanks anc! appreciation PaymenlIBodll b eur ieUiei Iuc odce HO E TYErelatives, nurses and staff of Tenders will flot be cansid- in tihe family Plot et Union Siraihaven Resi Home, nurses ci-cc unlesa made on foi-ms Cemctery, Oahawa. FRESH LEAN and staff of lai Floor, Memar- aupplied by thc Department. CE ial Hospital, for their many Thc lowest or any tenderý 'POPUI.ARPIE G s of ki-dtemarnycthards J ssaryeccepted. Pentecostals andc beautiful floral tribuies; riepuîy Minister, c ALL-STEELI Club 50, Tyrone L.O.B.A. 1244, Department of Publie Works, DRU i-nc United Church, St. Ontario. 23-2 C ose Sa s R PalsU.C.W., Goodyear Em- -S p e Anfoesiad Ect.21, ou-in- rseHldteal uto TH awenMîePeteo - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pister, Rc v hrîs.flugan, r; TTh ao Mrs H Wiata] huch ioin ssnr glass, ami chine, milk glass, a'I làm iirsre aan brasstvere, colared glass, din- afeLborDy16 F ~ner sets, aId pitchers, dlec- 1 9 ~ ~ ~~~rialaplacethe estate of CSO W TH MSM S RN u r, with~~ouf reserve, Saturday,'ON C03 TAPE wood26.tOhos nd arulidblad SOUTH AFRICAN LGE. SIZE SWEET - iîc e fferd for sale at 3 p.m. I$0 Nàî EL NEW CROP Terms cash. Jk Reid, auc- N à~~~~~E L ~~~c tineer: Lawrence î ar r is,ý Noted for Quality Craftsnansip in;iu.Batfladsuryicîdb kepa. J dz clerk. 26-2 M ylcavera metal cam. Wing BLOCK PLANE ........$5.80 etaaop w4ololf ORANGES 5 Auction sale of 47 head of 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS bni ad iShothon cttl, 5 federon Large Lots 75" x 200'O s aa Wo FRESH - LUSCIOUS qu pm nt, 2 tractas, fuil line Mf c2 u, Stra wberries 3 Ps.hushold furniure nclu r 420 $,10 a nearly new chesterfieid suite, several pieces of walnut fui-ni- For- Appointment to Inspect Model Home PHONE FREE turc, property of Mr. Raymond COURTICESHPIGCNI PHONE FRE Chapman, Lot 30, Con. 6, SHOPIN 623-3541 DL R lrwnship onemNTLIIT wes ofKibyselin wtho,,728-1611 728-1617 D L V rY C -ese T n s hip a J nc m ile C A LL3 -8-191 Furniture Sale,'la commence XLSVpGN prompîly ai 10:00 a.m., follow-EXLSVAGN D YKSTRA&', FOOD cd by machincry and livestock MARKET !tiroughout sale. For fuitherl W. FRANK REAL ESTATE MUd. priuas e bil.Terima1 UALLONm THE N LAAM m UuuunON « 7 KigS.W o iaiil cash - Farm od Jack Rid,! 7 H R HSR E BOWMANVILLE ' L W U m f E , .-- 77 King St. W. - Bowrnan~uhle auctioneer Lawrence Harris, 1 7 C UR H S RE TT Iclerk. 24-I p. r

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