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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1965, p. 16

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BASE LINE ftg. Boy Van Camu a nd Min. Gsant Bennett have'been lhoetees for afternconr teas i honoear of friends and neighboura in recent weeka. Mrs. A. Wemy'm, Torontbo, has been e'1sti Mar. and Mrs. Itoy Von Casn naid renewing other 9rendsIp as well. Mrs. Hérold Woodward and mrs. Win. Woodward, Toron- to, spent Tuxeday with Mns. George Coombs, Jack Coombs end Jack Woodward. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cry- derznan recently attended the Silver Wedding Mmnivemery celebraton for Mir. end Mn. Jeck HoL-m of Newoestle, whklx was held in Orono OddfeUow's Hall. Mmr. Fred Wright spenit an etternoon recently with Mirs. R.obert Storey, Bow'manvâle. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Coom. bes, Osha'wa, were Friay ev- enaing oilens wilh MSs. A. B=ne and Miss Grace Bar- iies. MT. and Mr-- Gamn Beggs, Tor. Mist Margaret Beggs, Duiýi1, Ireland, were Satui' day evening tea guestis of Mr. mbd Mrs. Roy Van Camp. Mr. and Mis. Samn Van Camp thcowed pictures of faTnM~y In- terest to the group during a pleasant get-to-gether. Mr. and Mrs. H{oward Cry-i dermnan and family w e re guests at thxe wedding of thell lormier's nephew, Mr. Ray-, Mond Twist to Miss Suzannel Schwartz ini Cadnius Unit.e Chuzeh on Saturday, June 12th. Mr. JameSs Cryderman '%vaS organIst for tihe occcasion. Mr. and Mms. Arthur Paats and fanù.ly, Ebenezer, and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Shiels and famnily an~d Mr. Lorne Mar- tin, Oshawa, were Sunday callers with Mr .and Mis. Fred Wright and faniiy. Mr. and Mis. EIrnest Foley, Bownxanvi11le; Uns. L. Hookin, Mr .and Mrs. Edward Foley end MU. Donald Foley were Sunday dinner guests cf mr. ernd Mrs. Arthur Bames, Grace and Ted. Mrs. Sam Snowden, Osh- ilwa; Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalf, Oshawa, were Mon- rlay dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp. S TARK VILLE M--. E. Forresteir bas ne- turned to lier h«ane at West- Port atter her sojouoen with bier sister Mms. A. Dobson. Mas m rUkvn Pala, Bouw- xx=nvdie, sSt lthe weekend at licuxe. Mr ad Mm. Cadi Todd were in Belle'vlle recently. Mr'. end Mirs. Ba-an Oasiwell end faaiily and Miss Norma lialIowel1l were Suxday even- ing dinner guestsa t Mr. Llew HmULoweU, s. mir. and Mrs. Albeer Dr=.n 7noexd, HartneY, Manitoba, vis- Ited is. A. I>obson last week. Mr. John Stone, Orono; Mr. Pnd Min. Oharlie Hoit, Tor- -onto, visited tiheir inother, Mm-. F. Stone. Mr jand Mi&s. Llew Heallo- weIi vLsited Mlii. W. Stutt, O'o'no, recently. MT, and Mim. Ormne Falls vere in Belleville recently. Mr. and Mmr. Howard Far- sTow visited Mr. and Mrs. CGeorge Knox an'd famiiily, Sol- !na. Mis. L. TIOdd has retujrned 8fter visiting MT. aind Mar. MeKnieglt, Mulbroa'k-. TIhe Shiloh U.C.W. iheld iiheir June meeting at Mrs. Llew HlaUowell's hSme, Wed- nesdlay e-venin.g last wee.k with thie President, Mmr. jim Stark li charge. Mrs. Baran 'CaSWOU h lid charge cf thie de- votion8l Portion. Rev. White read a poem. The president directed tihe business discus- ision. Mrs. Caswiell conducted E COntest and lunch w'as ser- ved. Mrs. Haflowell was hear- tily thianked for the kind hosPitali'ty et her home. Mrs. Cari Todd invited the ladies (Lo neet at her home next month. Service at ShilWi was we]l Mr. Rawan, aged 72 years, died suddenly on Wednesday, -lune 2nd, as a result of a heart attaclc suffered while mowing his Iawn. He was bon in Manvers township, son of the late Mr. and Mmrs Valen- fine Rowan and had lived ail hi,: lifetime in the Bethany area. A tanner, in you'nger years, lie later opemted a feed, grain & coal business and wm a madxin.y ageMi until retirement a tew yesm aao. le wem a member of the Unitied C3xurch and &Mw active in aIl cosnmunity He la eurvived by hie wife, thxe former Gertude DeweUl, and a brother, Fired Rowaai of AMoairul, formeirly of Peter- boroe. Predeoeased were en ifnt du4hter Lois, a brogm rEhmnoe Bowmn, and two uOes, 14,,Warren Bell A of HUSEOD IEN ndFBRC Il' lfick 'N Ihirsty BATH TOWELS E# 88< Fir-sts and substandards in the group. Patterns range f rom bold stripes, blooming florals ta con- servative solids -- wîth a colar range from cool ta hot ! Assorted sizes. "Caldwell" HAl TOWELS EACH 5W Substandards. Wide assartrnent of qualities and colors. Varioti, su-zes. "Coedweir FACE (LOTS ONLY 4 FOR 88 Wide assortment of luxury qua- lity face cloths. Assorted quali- ties, sizes and colors. These for- molly retail up ta 98c each. Hand Embroidered PILLOW CASES PAIR 1.4 7 White an white embroidery work- ed in six exquisite designs. Fine quality white cotton. Generous full size. "Lady Gait" DISH (LOINS SALE FuR 84 ln pastel checks with whipped edges. 16"x 16". Chinook Flannelette BLANKETS by "TEX-MADE" What a law, low price for theý,e firmly-woven flannelette blank- ets. Worm as a Chinook wind blowing across the prairies1 Whipped ends with attractive pink or blue striped borders. Site 70" x 90" Reg. 4.99 pair SALE 3,99 PAIR 54me 80" x 90". Reg. 5.99 pair SALE 4,99 PAIt Sixe 80" x 100". Reg. 6.99 pair SALE 5.99 PAIR ""Esmond»" BLENO BLANKETS SALE 3,e99 EACH First quolity. Perma-nopped fibre wîth satin bound ends. Assurted colors. 72" x 84". CHIP FOAM PILLOWS SALE 1.19 EACH Weillfilled wirh softesi fouum. Piped floral caver in assorred co- lors. Approxirmately 18' x 26". WOVEN COTTON GINGHAM In 1 and 's checks. Sa washable and color- fast. Red/white, blue/white, green/white, tur- quoise/white, pink/white, yellow/white, just ta mention a few of ts many colors. 36' wicths. Regular 69c yard, yard 5 8 WOVEN COTTON SEERSUCKER For summer sportswear t hardly has an equal1 Needs little or no ironigq. 3'à stripes. White stripes olternate with pink, blue, yellow, green and many mare colors. 36" widths. 9 7 ý Regular 1.19 yard, yard "TUMAE"HOMESTEAD SHEETS This famous fabric cornes in pure bleached white. Extra long lengths with plain hems. Slight flaws will hardly be noticed. Size Size 81 "XI04" g7"14 Sale 1!*9 achl £ each 2 c 26 PRINTED FLANNEL TABLECLOINS First quality. Coated with heavy duty vinyl, these 4 flannel-backed tablecloths corne in ossorted de- 1.4 signs and colors. Size 52" x 52". Sale ! ... each m Size 52" x 72". Sole'........................ 1.94 each HOMESPUN BREDSPREADS First quality. lmported spreads in gay plaid designs. Assorted colors. Twîn or double bed sizes. each HEMSTITCHED PULLOW CASES Heavy dutv ±îrst quality. Snow white.0 7 Pair 97 KITCHEN TERRY TOWELS :1: g Il: Outs.t'endinig savings on "Caldwell" sub- standards. Size 15" x 30". SCREEN PRINTED FLORALS 49c EACH. WOVEN STRIPES .......... FOAM RUBBER PILLOWS 2oR57ý First quolity'. Alil ofa~rî îbber pillows witb ïippeieci end cave rs. Whiîe. Approx4mateiy 24"'x15'/2"x5". eoci- 31.77 FEATHER 'M FOAM PILLOWS Snugly-filled pillows with a mixture of chipped foam and feathers. HaIt aand half. Floral or striped ticking in assorted colors. Approximately 20"x26". eac h Heirloorn BEDSPREAD S SALE 10.88 AI Substandards of luxury quality. Heavyweight and reversible for extra long weor. Antique or Sno- White. Twin arîd double bed sizes.. Screen Printed BEACH TOWELS Sy "CALDWELL" Substandards of heavy quality. Slight f laws will flot affect wear- ing quai ities. Assorted colorful designs and colors. Size 30"x60". EAC-8 1.6 7 First quality. Variety of designs and colors. Sîze 36" x 60". Reg. 2.59 Sale ! Printed BLEUD BLANKETS SALE 5,97 First quality blankets with ail- over screen printed floral de- sign. By famnous-for-blankets "Esmond". Assorted colors. 72" x 84". Siock up now for the mony gift occasions that wilI be corning yaur way . These are luxury quality imported linen pieces at drastic reductions Assortment includes hand worked pillow cases, vanity sets, runners, bridge sets, luncheon and banquet sets. Shop eorly while selection is ot its best PRINTED TEXTURED LINEN Limited quotîty of bioken spring ranges. As- surfed patterns and coIors chose fram. 45" widthis Reg 2.25 yard.1 s ta ;u lar .7 yard COTTON PRINTS Eorly 5ummer mill clearance. Washfast, color- fast, Marvelous for summer wardrobes and home decor. colors. valuesi Assorted designs and 36' widths. Regulor up ta 79c yard. yod 44 zý EACN 1.97 LINEN TEA TOWELS sALE 2 FOit77 Sa sturdy and absorbent. And their gay pastel stripes addanoe' of cheer ta every di'shWa.slin'g task. Fringed and unfringed. "Lady Jacqueline" PRINTED SHEETS These f itted contour sheets wi elastic corners have an oll-ov screen printed floral design. P' sorted colors. First quality. Do ble bed size. Sole ! 2.67 ea. Twin bed size....... 2.37 Matching pillow cases.. 1.271 COTTON BROADCLOTH Canadian milI clearance of pre-shrunk broad- cloth. Washfast and colorfast. Makes up beauti- fully ! Assorted pastel shades and wh-ite. 36" widths. Regular A A values up ta 79c yard. yard (414- PRINTED SYNTHETICS Crepes, surahs, photo engroved prints. Woven of "Estrons" and ocetate yarns. Such well-known nomes as Sun Kist, Miss Ameri- ca and Monet. First quality. 45" widths. Regular 1.98 yard. 1.67 vith me r 'o.- Pr. ""Wabasso" PERCALE SHEETS Substondards of exceptionally generous sizes - Up ta 90"x108". Bath hiemstitched and plain hems. Pure white. SALE 3A47 EACH "Waboeso" Metch;ng PILLOW CASES Hernstitched:and plain henîs SALE 1.57 PAIR "'Tex-M ode" FI"[E* SHEETS EACiH2.79 Famous Homesteod quality in pure bleached whife. Elastic cor- ne..Double bed sire. d 1 ieSize ........2.69"e. MATCHING PILLOW CASES 42" x33" ....... 1.24 Pr. "Te x-Mode" Printed BORDER MHETS Printed borders in a wide assort- ment of designs and colors. 81 "x 100"......3.47 ea. "Tex-Mode'; ,Fitte, Flnnel.tte Sheet.. Sturdy quality, heavily napped. Fitted contour. Substand- ards. Assorted colors. Double bed ixe. Sail.. 3.47 ea. Twin Bad size ........ 3.17 ea. 11MPORTES COTTON PRINTS Sumr-ner clearance of Pomper ed and Srnart Set, among other well-known fabrics. Save Up ta S1c o yard! Spring oeid summer '65 patterns and colors. 45" widths. Roguler 1.49 yard. 9 s REMNANTS .SaVings Up to 5070!e Reduction on ail spring '65 short ends and dis- contirnued materials. Synthet ics, ocetotes, "Es- trons", cottons, prints, plains and spuns in the group. 36" to 54" widths. ;: ...................................... ............................... ................ .................. . , c. ;;;;; :: : ................................ :-:Mý .- ---- 1 4,19 r

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