,.4ýmenWheel- in-,Moneyfor Cystic Fibrosis Research Bowmanville Kinsmen and Kinettes were well represented at the District 8 convention held at Bigwin Inn last weekend. Photo shows Bill Martin, Lilljan Hooper, Kay Kilpatrick, and Art 1{ooper, making friends with littie Maureen McChesney,. a seven year old victim of Cystie Fibrosis. Maureen is holding a golden wheelbarrow full of money donated to the C.F. research program by Kin. The Bowmanville club made one of the outstanding contributions to the fund. Gymnatorîum FiIIed for Impressive0Dedication AI Knox Chrîstian School Thp inipressive dedication with the School Chair campas- President Feddema gave a eeremony of: Knox Christian ed of students from Grades 8, scripture reading, Psalm 78, Schoot4 Scugog Street, was 9 and 10, singing 0 Canada, verses one ta seven. After- held in'he la e gymnatorîum followed by How Shall the wards A. Batelaan, a member o. ne 1 Jlich was fuI- Young Direct Their Way - of Knox Christian School o ta capacl Wr the event. (Psalm 119), and then "Our Board led in prayer. n Fedde a, President of Christian School Song". The An interesting program af the~ Knox ,Christian Schaal choir was conductedl by Jacob entertainmcnt was given by Society, presided. Uitvlugt, Principal of Knox PUPIlS from every room in the -hep rogram was opened Christian Shool. - schooi of more than 300 stu- -- dents. This was directed by their grade teachers. Spriîg rop y R ces Prirncipal Uitviugt ledth Sprig Trphy Race pryers in the Instrument of Dedication, and the students and poplein the audience re- To B Hed atMos ortlspoded. After this uplifting ceremony the parents sang Our Children Lord, in Faith &and Prayer We Now Present St art Saturday Noon MrT. ti TM. ivu1itoueth Even before tihe dust had Whio.h Roy McLaughlin. Tor'-1 guest speaker, John A. Vander- sete vr Mospoit Park, onto, is Presàdent, Ark. M.A.Ed., Grand Rapids, notflead oer fBwa- Nn rcsaeshdldMich., an' officer of the Na- no ha nd e t of o m a - N e ra e a e c du d tional U nion of C hristian vilMe, followdng John Surtees' on the Programme wih gets Schools of the United States viip cf the Piiayer's 200 be- underway at 12 noon. Fea- and Canada. lo . 4'e largest'crowd i Can- turc event wfll be the Dun- M r. VanderArk gave an in- adx ports history, plans lop Challenge Trophy Race of siigadeso h ujc weewe]l underw.ay for ano- 25 laps. sxxgadeso h uje wher exctn aem of "Doors". He spoke of the thr xctig an metat Siuice point,% will counit to- different doors giving people this track on Saturday, June Wards the Canadian aioloprtnieinificudn 19.championship, it is expected that of education, and empha- The ocoarÀin will be the that many of Canacla's More sized that the most important 154h animal Spring Trophy prominent drivers will1 be on door of ai] is the door offered Races, organited by the Bni- the starting grid. F'irsvt entryj by Jesus Christ. it EmpireMotor Club of -( TLRN TO, PAGE TWO> (TURN To PAGE TWO, Separatists Invade Newcastle fluuing the late hours of Saturday or early Sunday, Quebec separatist prowl- M, with paint brushes or sorne practical jokers were busy in the Newcastle area. Wy dtd quit. an elaborate job on the -C NR subway and on the paved highway ucmh side ci à1 When mnorning came, huge F'LQ letters in white. plus arrows id two X's let the area know they had been there, Police are ivestigating. 9l" 1- Decoration Day This Sunday This Sunday. at 3 p.m. Bow- manvIlle and area citizens will celebrate the annual Cemetery: Decoration Day. The parade wî]1 form up at the A & P parking lot at 2:30 p.m., led by the Legion Pipe Band. Those who require transpor- tation to the cemetery should be at the Library building at 2:30 p.m. A special bus pro- vided by the Canadian Legion wiil take them to the cerne- tery for the service. .Bits a n1 Only Two Fatals -in Nine Years Bowmanvilie la one of three amont the 38 towns in Ontario with a, population of between 5,000 and 10,000 that have been conmcended by the Canadian Highway Safety Couneil for having hm.8 seven fatality fret years ont of the laat fine years. The other two towns be. sides flowmanvllle to have achleved this proud record are ArnpËlo and Dundas. Hon or Fut he r Sunday For those w1ho may flot have seen other indications of *a! great event to take place this, weekend, this is a reminder' that Sunday, June 2th, willý be celc-brated as Father's Day. This is one day in the year when children and wives are encouraged to pay tribute to that great man of the house- hold who throughout the rest of the year la ignored. The chap who will be hon- ored on this occasion should have his breakfast in bed, his slippers brought to him, hisi bath drawn and his every whim catered to by Cther members of the family. He should be showered with beau- tiful gifta, without the bis coming in later. hý You know the fellow we are S( talking about. He's the one d, who hands over the pay cheque for mother to spend. He buys ar special size wheelbarrows, shovels, etc., so she won't hurt1 herseif doing the gardening. He doles out the dough or the weekly allowances that the kids complain is flot nearly big enougli to handie ail their needs. TWO GRASS FIRES IThe first and basic step 'in tendance Pin was presented to facing the future is the mak- A. O. Dairymple, and aone A kC -Ir A ing of a sound analyis Of the Year Perfect Attendance Pin s o nie present situation, James Love- was received by Alfred Allun. kmn, M.A., Toronto, stated in The presentations were made T his address at the luncheon by Art Ribey, the AttendanceToay for Fire metn f the Bowmanville Chairman. Rotry lubheld at the Fly-, The bîrthday of Dr.W.M ingDuchanMotor Hâtel on Rudell, who wî rsiden ofZIl~5nterco)m Sets Two Years Perfect At- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Recommendations wIll b. made te, the next United 'ounties couneil session that corclcompletely under- Kins m n C l bs D n e rite the cot of radio cor- munications eq uip m en t G. Roy McWillam, M.P. $1 0,P000 ta Resea rch patet nth oni; and make themn part of a Parliamentary Secretary tF'0C stc i rosis proi!cewre irecomul the Minister of Public Works, F r C s i i ain ewr"- assisted by Russell C. Honey, The deciston, *by fire aiMd officiate at the oening of the The research program of tislage snunt of rnoney municipal officiais represéntý-. new Post Office building in Canacdian Cystic F!bro si s laa Saurdaynat the Kinsen l~ otc h onhp Newcastle at '7:30 o'clock this benefitted by more tihon $10,- District Convention held at Ini Durham. and Northumber- Friday evening, June 18th. 000 as the result of a blitz Bigwig Inn, Lake of Bays. land was made at a meetin~g campaign staged by the 55 Maureen, who was diagnosed 1iCbugrcnl.I a Mr. Mc William represents Kinsmen Clubs of District 8. a Cystic Fibrosis victim when called by counties' mutual therlan - irmic f hi, Ne The Kinsmen and their wives, only 23 hours aId, appeared aïd co-ordinator and Cobourg Berunwick He as irst ewrt the Kinettes, organized tag on the labels used by the r heRbr lzibn edunwio tHe ous f Coostee days, distributed coin collect- Kinsimen in their drive for and Gordon V. Wright, emer- in 194, h a oseenf an M.P. ors, held bingos and sold funds for this cause. gency measures organization ctinuouslyd hsbncetatntm.chocolates in theirown terri- Ivn Jke rw, co-ordinator. Mr c iull im th pubish-e tories to i'aise thiastibstantial1 manville, thie Past District NEWS HELD OVER er of a week]y newspaper imont Governor,' who was the Co- Holidays have short-staffed bis homne town of Newcastle, Maureen McChesney, age 7, ord.inator of tihe Kin Drive the Statesman this week. Some N.B. Willowdale, took delivery of TURN TO PAGE TWO> news had to be hed over. jDiva dale Veterans Enterta ined by Leg ion Auxiliary No damage has been re- ported. NEW PASTOR -- On Sunday, Rev. W. K. Hous- lander of Trinity preached his farewell sermon here. He and Mrs. Housiander lef t Bowmanville on Tuesday. Rev. A. W. Harding will fi the pulpit during the surnmer and in September, Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D., wiIl begin his pastorate at Trinity. Mr. Ward is now the minister of First United Church, St. Catharines. He and bis wife have two children. CUT RECORD - When music director Murdoch Beaton and bis family set up their new home in Florida, they will have something to bring back memories of early Sunday morning choir prac- tices here. The Legion men's choir that has achieved considerable recognition under bis direc- tion, recently cut their first record, including most of the numbers they have performed locally. We can visualize the Beatons sitting outside in the warmn Florida sun on a Sunday morning, listening to that record'that should make them feel they are right back home in Bowmanville. i. i. It DIDN'T MAKE IT Sometime during Tuesday night, an attempt was made to break into the pro. shop at Bowmanville Golf & Curling Club. Fortu- nately, the protection provided by steel bars and wire mesh must have discouraged the would-be thieves. Provincial police are~ investigating. WINNERS- Don Moore with number 188 and Jack Reid, number 55, were the winners of Kin Investment draws five and six. They each won $50. Incidentally, Mr. Reid, the Town Clerk, had a bad scare last week when he received a phone cali from Caesarea Marina informing him that his boat had sunk. Fortunately, only the stern and the motors were partially submerged. due to an open plug. The boat was soon back in action again. For a while Scuba diver Reid may have thought he would be searching Lake Scugog's bottom for his boat. CHANGES On Tuesday, there was a 10 page advertising spread in all daily papers in the prov- ince, announcing proposed alterations in federal electoral bouridaries. At the moment, the changes will be of particular interest to politicians and prospective candidates, but the general voting public will get into the act if and when there is a federal election. Durham's boundaries will be extended eastward to include Cobourg and three townships in Northumberland. Weekly newspaper publishers are understandably miffed because their papers were not included in the gigantic advertising prograni. Oddly enough, many of the weeklies have much larger circulation than several of the dailies used. VISITORS This is the Saturday when memn- bers of the Durham County Club of Toronto make their annual bus expedition to the home county. We won't see 'nuch of them in Bowmanville, but Orono t L ,Ied Church will be the scene of their evening supper. Our best wi.shes for good fr weather, but nobody around this parched area ez would really be too unhappy if the weatherman tI chose Saturday to provide a real ail-day down- jo pour. J~UU 10eCFer '.opy NUM.BIiU 2 Legion Choir Presents --Gift to Departing Director Followîng church at St. Paul's on Sunday morning, the end of June. Bill Orme, far right, expressed the the members of the Canadian Legion Men's choir who choir's sense of great loss and also wished the Beatons Lad sung during the service, gathered in the Siu-iday every happiness in their future endeavours. Gifts were SchooI to honour their departing music director Mur- presented on behaîf of the choir by Rae Abernethy, loch L. Beaton, his wife and two daughters, Wendy left, and Dick Perfect. and Jenifer. They leave to take up residence in Florida WiII Officiate This Area'Ifs Firs! Growth At Qpening !Was Due to Furs and Fish Historian Teils Rofarians, On Sunday afternoon, a busload of war veterans from Divadale Lodge at Sunnybrook Hospital were entertained at the Legionl Hall on Queen Street by the Ladies Auxiliary. At the conclusion of the en- joyable afternoon's program and luncheon, the ladies gathered outside the hall with parcels for the men to take with them. The ladies are shown here with one veteran i a wheel chair who was the lest one to board the bus for their Toronto home. Au.xiliary President Mrs. Ron Richards is standing, on the< ibus steps, saying goodbye to the v-Wtors- who were de- lighted with the outing. I ~ ~îrnTb uittafrn VOLUME 111 16 Pages BOWMWANVILLE. ONTARIO.. WEDNESDAY. lUMP' IR- 1ê'i9 càà eieces . ý 'te