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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1965, p. 3

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WOOEDDINHGHE waurn asoo eck:ie,'RndM.T<nson S of o SH" -Excha nge Vows in St. Paul's United Churci HOOER HUHES feaurig ascop1nc ille, e nother cousin of!~ Th arae fMs aily-pointed ïleeves and se"i-!the bride, was flower girl in al e.~ e arr H ge andMr. ary ,bouffant. floor-length skiti;shortwhite A-Uine frock ac- MainerHuheas oenzd . nr with a front redingote effect. cented by white lace and green ~* oewastl Unite Church. The gown was highlighted by velvet trinm. She carried a Necatl UiedChrc. ntraiTs of re-embroidered, rose basket of small rosebuds and ~ Saturday afternoon, June th, 'design Swiss lace on the bodice carnations. The senior attend- ~. *at 2:20 o'clock. The bride is front and extending down the ants were in floor-length white .. .. thedauhte ofMr.and Mrs. front of the gown. The waist ognawt mriee i-~laodugeewastle, an d back was accentuated bya uteroe, ndtee ir th ~T stesnof Mr. lace-trinmed self bow, and the raistne syingdwatetepire$ ' an lrs Fan ooper of skirt cascaded into a chaPel by green velvet ribbon. All Oshawa. For the occasion the train. Her shoulder length veil, wore strings of pearîs, and .. church was prettily decorated edged with roses, was caught hi o edad eeo with bouquets of pink gladio-ito a headpiece of organza roses ghereen velea t. hecredo liiandwhie hasa disis. and she carricd a bouquet of crescent bouquets of pink and Rev. E. C. Woodland was pink roses and white shasta white carnations. the officiating clergyman for daisies with trailing ivy. the double-ring ceremony, and Miss Elizabeth Kozub, New- Mr. Ron Hooper, a brotherlM Mr. Norman Williams played castie, was maid of honor andlof the groom, Oshawa,wa the wedding rnisic. Mr. Glen the bridesmaids were Misslbest mn and the ushers werel AllUn was the soloist. Donna Stark, Miss Karen Lee M.B ruc Hooper, Mr. David1 .. ...... --- Given in marriage by her Gorham, a cousin of the bride, Hooper, brothers of thegom1 both of Oshawa, and Mr. Kenl N oakes, also of Oshawa. Master' Lindsey Hughes, seven-year- old cousin of the bride, was ring bearer and carried the GET OREFOR OUR wedding bands on a white. satin cushion. The reception was held in PAIN DO LAR ITH Memorial Park Club House, Bowmanville, the bride's moth- ~ er receiving in a two-piece turquoise lace en semble.,,..... HIS FIRST QUALITY matching hat and crage o white carnations with blue tinted edges. To assist, the , ...... groom's mother chose a two- Lo E R a white chiffon lacean corsage ,ofr white carnations. . ............. Following the reception, the copl left for a honeymoon in MM the Laurentians, Que., the bride travelling in a yellow lînen dress with empire waist- line and white lace trim, white ., 'gloves, white lace hat and LUcorsage of yellaw and white carnations. Their home will be ... - at 109 Craydon Rd., Whitby, Ont. i~ td Mr. and Mrs. Larry Grayson Hancock are shown in the above photoaste e Ful goss- ol bae -houe pintCollegiate and Clarke Highý sign the register following their marriage in St. Paul s United Church, Bow- Fui lssol as-oueSchooî.; manville, on Saturday afternoon, May 22, 1965, at 4 o'clock. Also shown in the Flow oneasiy ad evnlyPrior to her marriage, seven~ photo is the groom's uncle, Rev. Edwin Hancock of Aurora, who off iciated. The SUGG11. LIST $10.95 showers were held in her bride is the former Miss Sharon Marie Bruce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland eStretches the y-e-a-r-s be- $9 1a honor. Mrs. Carol McKay,B twee paitingOUROshawa, was hostess for a per ruce, and the bridegroomn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, ail of twee pantig O R $onai shower and a mise- Bowmanvi]le. Photo by Brine Photography *Endorsed by Ieading painters PRICE GAL. laneous shower was given bv __ overee Miss Elizabeth Kozub. New- castle. SligW sNwateU tdCuc A mîscellaneotis shower was, GETI MORE FOR YOmUR I;uiI DOLLAR1uw ATw aiso held by Mrs. Dorothy suhes, Oshawa, and a pantry shwrby Mrs. Wm. Cali and Linda, Newcastle. A linen shower was given by Mrs. K. oakes and Miss Donna Stark Mc rg rHad ae n Oshawa. M...anso..of Mrs. Reta Gorham, Oshawa. Bowmanville, were bostesses 95 for a linen shower held at the 95KING ST. W. IMITED PHONE~i 623-5211 iformer's home. A miscellaneous ________________________________________ ower was held by Mrs. Norm i Parrish of Athens, Ontario. HIAVE~ YO 1 ALWAYS WANTED A (IIANDF'ATHEP CLOCK? « JUST LIKE ....... GFANDFATHER'S ~~ , . PLUS. . . AFEW XRAS: ...... " AM and FM STEREO RADIO " A RECORD PLAYER with 6 Speakers 30) Watt Output ELECTRIC CLOCK has heautiful gold-façer! 'g~ pointers and numerals~ C ornes in Juxury nattural wnod finish, ebony black , -, Or whit e to match your decor. by Admrai It's spare-saving toon'l'ou have to see it, Le believe if ,,. and see our display. We have a Special Price on this 4 Corne ini un it! HARRY LOCKE TV FOR HIS SPECIAL Bowmnanville DAY, JUNE 2Oth Send Him Your Warmest Wishes With a COUTTS HALLMARK CARD Gifts that are sure to please ... "WALLETS " KEY CASES " WRITING CASES ~PENSof ail kinds 4~Corne in and sece COFFEE MUGS fre "BRIEF CASES "DRINKING GLASSES *CRIBEAGE BOARDS "PLAYING CARDS our large selection of rom around the world! NEW READERS' SALE.-. to introduce boys and girls to the NANCY DREW - HARDY BOYS AND OTHER SERIES Reg. List Price $1.39 INTRODUCTORY OFFER98 (A Limited Time fe! RICKABY'ys "BG 20" (Since 1881) BOWMANVI LLE M 'I MVr. and Mrs. Gary Hooper are shown i7i thc abovc plof o rnlloxvir>g heir marriage in Newcastle United Church on Saturday afternoon, Juînr 5, 1965, at 2:30 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Janis Elaine Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes of Newcastle, and the groom -is the son of MUr. and Mrs. Frank Hooper of Oshawa. Photo by Astor Studiro -3 Jeeias fihr-first wo>mar -nnunuu Engagd emIentI eIected froni this aies of the province. Repreenta, vo- wer e- sent from. he ares încludiný Oshawa on the xvost. Kingston on the casi. sud Peterborough on the north. Mrs. Frank Lewis, President -of the Ontario Women's Lib- eral Association, deli v e r e d greetings to Dr. IewetU, M.P., frorn Primo lVinistor T. R. Pearson ter ari Extertiat Affairs MiitrPatil Martin, i hp prczsicfrntMi-ss Enijd - .-Rogees, Brighton, presided sduring t.he annuial meeting of - the Central South Onta'rio I oMrs.MLiheral Association. M s.M Ja<ks;oii, Peterbor- - oug, x;a elcted mesident of the IS30c!ation for 1,965-66, and MLrz C, Regnald Lovekiii. - Newca st le. wa, elected vice-ý presidetit for the coming year.i - - * A Panel discussion was heldj Sduring the afternoon session' ,led by Members of Parliiaent sfrom the area,JIlon. E. j. Ben- son. Mirister of National Re- Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Alldread are pleased to an-: venue and M.P. for Kingston,j nounice the enîgagement of their daughter, Mary Flor- ý Russell C. Hlorîcv, M.P. fori ence toMr. esle GergeJusicesonof te lt.ýDurham COunI1-,, Robert Tem- ence b r. esli GergeJustceSOf of he pie, 1~MP.for tHastings South, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Justice, Willowdale. andi Dr. Jewett. M.P. for Nor- The wedding will take place at 4 p.rn., ýJU]v" 17,f thurnberland Count '. Topies:i 1965, at Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. !discussed xvcre the Canadai - ;Pension Plan. Water Pollution, Tho,ýc who aitei'ded fromi: ýElect Mrs. Reg. Lovekine western Part of Durhamý CounIv w e îs.C eiad Lovekîn. New*ca stle, Mrs.! Clifford C, Anderson and Miss Vice President of Wade, INcwca-stle, Mrs. Milton ýW omen"s Liberal Assn. ýTamblyn, Mr. and _Mrs, O. W.i Rolph, and Mrs. Carman G.: Dr. Pauline Jewett, M.P. for en's Liberal Association heid, White, aIl of Orono. Mrs. S.' Northumiberland, w as the on Saturday.aftea-noon at the G. McMurter and Mrs. Glen-: guest o! honor at the luncheon Glenburne Motel, just east off holmne Hughes, both were un-' 'orickr t.o the meeting of the Brighton. More than 175 ablie to attend because of ill- j Ceatral South Ontario Wam- 'gueste joined in honoring Miss niess, WEDDING The Canadin Statesmnan, Bowranville. June 16, 1963 HANCOCK - BRUCE th back waïstline. Theiri where the guests were re- headpieces were bows o« the ceived by the b.ride's zother. On Saturday afternoon, dress materiai s<ah brie! ve-l. For the occasion she worea May 22, 1965, et 4 o'clock The flower girl was. littie trwo-piece silk kniit,' dusty Mis Sharon Marie Bruce1 Miss Sandra Bruce, niece of rose suit. Stie was assisted by adMr. Larry Grayson Han- 1 the bride, wfho wore a short, the groom's motkier w h o cock exchanged marri a g e, full-skirted frock of white chose a two-piece enemnble of vows in St. Paul's United silk organza highlighted by a turquoise blue silk shantung. Church, Bowmanville. Thelmauve organza cunimerbund. Both wore wlhite acceories bride is the da' of Mr. Cascade bouquets of white and their corsages were of and Mrs. Rowland Bruce and'carnations and mauve 'muris wlhite carnations. the gi'oex is the son of weiýre arried by the bride's As the couple eît on their end Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, aili attendants. weddin~g trip, the bride was of Bowmaenviile. The groom'si Mr. Patrick Gould was wearing a two-plece, pastel uncle, Rev. Ediwin .Hancock best man, and the ushers pînk wool worsted suit with iof Aurora o.fficiated, assisted were the bride's brother, Mr. black and white accessories by Rev. H. Turner of St. Milton Bruce and the grooms and corsage of pink sweet- Pa.ul's United Ohurch. brother, Mr. Jon Hancock,i heart roses. Thev are resid. Standards of white flowers' ail of Bowmanville. The bri- ing in Bownanville. formed an attractive sett - de's nephew. Master Garyl Prior to the wedding sev'er- for the ceremony, and the! Bruce, was ring bearer. ai parties and presentations wedding music was played by A reception wias hehd aet the were held in honor of the Mr. M. Beaton, cihurch organ- Lions Centre, Bowmanville, bride and groom. ist. The soloist was Mrs. K. Hull of Bomanville. ri Given in miarriage by lher ,L father, the bride wore a, y U e ne s L u l fioor-length sheath gown of, wlhite silk onganza with -aW scoop neckline, long pointed i sleeves, and chapel train' DEFINITIONS - EXPERIENCE caught at the waist back by a:1 wide self bow. Lace accented, 1. .1 form of knowledge acquired only two ways by the gown at the and1 doing and belng dose In. feried a border just abovel tihe hemldine. TPhe cha.pei train;. T 1a, 1o The name we give our mistakes. borde . He boufant shoul-ý der-length veil fe.11froni a: 3. The mistakes we Mie to, and should remember. single flower headpiece form-; ed of organza petiais qnd e- cented with seed pears. She* carried .a cascade bouquet o! yeilow sweetheart roses, white crnations and teph- CLOTHES CARE HINT: a.notis.1 Permanent Pleats! The word "permanent" in this connection Mrs. Patrick Gould w'as is relative. Rarely la there a permanent pleat! matron o! honor end the bri- desma'ids were the brides sister, Miss Pamela Bruce, DECORATION DAY - BOWMANVILLE CEMETERY and Miss Jeanette Marsden,SU D Y J NE 2 h, 1 5 ail of Bowmanvile. Thev UD YJNE2t,16 were in formai length gownTis of mauve siik organza wl ti sýcoop necklines and elbow- t lengtlh sieeves. Ful'iness was £A~ given to fthc sheath skirt *4bK/N)5W M.A. g.. - < 4 ni soft foids fal'ling from a self nsjaterial bow and fhower at MEXICAN, SALMON FLESIL, FULL MATURITY, LARGE SIZE JX~B36s CANTALOUPE ."39C CALOMMA JNG CHERR.IES Luscioeas -FSrEaink . 1 i rad 'h45C ""49ci "eCh 9 k,3 9t PLUEMES CAL WORNSA SUMO$, No. 1 GRADE GRAPES RED CUTT!NGI. LARGE, TAST( BERRIES, SiED WHITE NAVEL SLIEDWHTE ORANGES BREADLARG E ?YE72s 4o 7969 lu OWO ~ ~ad gummmtmd go~ A'P CORN CARNAT)4 EVAPRAliED AêP PEAS QLJAtPrV srM êi t7" cffla POR Cke Kin t SHOULDERS CHICKEN wl UTs FRESII ÀBREAST 8UPER-RIGHT RAé4D, SKINLESS, ALL MEAT PORK SAUSAGE oz 1- le & 59c M~ADE -A- OVEN REAWDVVAÀC PAO S% t. 10 LO. AVERAGE TURKEYS ri43e 20 King St. W. I 27 KING ST. W. FOOD STO RES m . PLUMS T#e49c MILK

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