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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1965, p. 4

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4ht gfi ~nin~n~nn nwmnnville. ,Yunc101, tPe. TI last week's S¶ttsmali. a lettet' fromn Mr,,. TrudY Sallnw.% look excep- tion to the manner in which Magistrate's Court wa s reported. Heu son had been chargecl with and pleaded guilty to lie- ing a found-în at a partyvvihere minous had cnnsurned a considerable quantity of bref. and liquor. The report dtd flot include any evidftrîe tital SaIIowi had NOT been * "ng Ihi.q was undei-standable lbe- c' -he had been cbauged as a i*i. Pwthér. &;, inmttatd that nu suceh testimony wm gihin mn his bhlaf dur'- Ing the case. She made furtie,' comment con- cer'rig flic attitude of the Chier of Polie that appau-entl 'v was tînt up te ber Pxpeefations, huit as we xvcue not there nt it-t time, the ('bief, if be ('ares to do so, will have to ucpl'y b heu as- sertiong. So fat- as we aaie concerned. WA hax'c found bim te lie cerpetent. fair, wpll versed ini bis Jobi and doing that Job in a conscientious mannei-. Mus. Sallows aIse suggested there ,wetyc, nlip.s ai the partr 'v ho werýe net chatrged. This max' le quite correct and police agrre thaï fuemn the amnount of booze ronsumed. ibere must bave been several othet-s puesent and dtinking durîng flihex'enîng. But. the 'v xer-e ot in the bouse wben the Iawmen arix'ed and nobodv te date bas voluinîeered the namien of thosp who skipped and xvete ilot caught. Wpwcîe quite distUrlicd li heu ini- tîmnatin thaf some per-sons chat-ged do Dot COMAtne o cout and SO Ibeir names do nof appe-au in the newspapei-. We are tnot sure hut she ma v also he in- tinmating that some who bave appea1ued in court dc, flot make the court news ,s pîiblislied. We know theî-e have beeri ,omm who fld iat the itames cf those whl ook paî-t in an escapade ai Mospoirt * white ago should have appeaued. but tiidn'l. Thisxvas flot fa'oitismliv ibis liRwspa peu-. Recause cf ibe age of cone etl thocte inxolved, bthv were ltried ini .lîîý'enile (Cout whî'e xve are peimitted Io pîîhlish dctails cf flice ffence. but tint flhcnames cf ibose cbavged. Wc also lcauned that ibere actual- lyt have liece in.3tanices xvbeue, if the .tffence is minou, tbe Justice of the Pr-atmlieue. wîil take a guilty plea, and Fpi flic fine. Under 1no cîu-cuIm.tanIces flors this puocedure applv if the offence s laid under the Criminal Code. This ctild b hebbcpi-ocedute that is refei-ued b 'h ' Mrs. Sallows, but it bas notbinq in do with thr police except that thev laid the original chare, Since Mr%. Sallows lihaq uaîsf-d fli subject cf publication tif Magiitt'ate'.% Court news in this newspaper, we feel it is about lime we again appealed tti oui' readers for their opinion. Are you interested in having this columtî con- tirîued as a regular part of The States- man? Do you feel it does any good ini deterring crime? Does it help vou par- ents who aie raising chuldren in point out by example how foolish it is to do îhuugs that will bring disgrace on themn and their farnilies? When thînking about this problem, if might lie as xvell to considet' the couire pictuî'e, net just this partictilar case that really bad ne eriminal sig- iiificance. This morning we visited a %vell knovn auea citizen in hospital fol- yoir, metnteni hiýs proetty Saturdlay atternoon, If these pbersotua an I@ ap- p.cinded and found guilty cf beating hlm up sbould the details of that court case, the magistrate's remaî'ks and their sentence lie published? We believe. evervone will lie ooking fori i and in- teuested te leain wliab actuallv hap- pened . . . and why, if lbeî'e is anY gced reasen. inî'nkv in anx' wavs we don't lîke publishing this type o! distuî'bîng information about friends, acquaintan- ces or even these w~e don't know. But w e de realize that it is legitimate news anid that if we don't puint il, somebodiv else wilI irt neighboî-ing newspapers. WVho knows if xvc are right ni, if the aulhorities who perUsLaded us in tbc fiî'st intarice bo depaut ft'om long estali- Iished policy and puint ceurt news wei'e corrmect in thinking that il WOUld acf. as a deterrent if we didn't glanoî'ize or seîîsationalize the court sessions, but talier featuî'ed the magistrate's com- ments. We would like te know vour feelings on the mattet'. so please take a few minutes and let us have vour cuimments. Tbev will lie appreciated. 6001) ADVICE lieue, readeis, is a little advice, Earl'v tonlied, and eaî'Iv to rise, Cut bhc weeds and swat bbe flies, Mind 'euu own business, don't tell lies, Don't get gav and deceive x'our Wives, Pav 'o or debts, tuse enterpt'ise. AND BUY FROM THIOSE WHO) ADVERTISE! c-1 C/l crs rairliinifnt lias dpx'oîed aIl its lie thus wck fIna ('onliriutaai'ç'or the dehate uega rdi ng r'îles changes desigtîed to ispeed up flic business cof Par'liament aind piepvpnt inter-minahle and î'epeii- tîcus dphRte. Early voptimistt that te cbaîtges tvoiiîd he appu'ove'd hl*v aIl pairties xvas disprllod car-Iy tlîis w'eek wben bbe Con- set-vativfePaut.v dcx'eboped, wbat v'as arnountinig b a filibuster as 12 mcm- lieus of thaï, Part\' t'ose enie after tbc ether t pî'olong bbc deliate. Tlhe î'cle af flie Opposition is te sct'utitîîze legis- lation intî'oduced liy bbhe(cxerirment, In recommend cliatiges in' the legîsia- lion and to act as a chueck on actions of flic (ovei-meitt whicb are il! ad- vised ori- i'usporisible. Thrre .vRs genei'aI supporit foi' tbc ru le-s diatges b *y tbc smallcî' opposition parties and bbe situation liecame acule w'hen thr Govci-nmcnit iiidicaîed ltai conifinur"d epetiî inLîsdehate miglit î'csulb- iri art eleccioît heing called il thie issurIoie1let bbc people decide lte questioni of 1-to01-P ef'fectix'e opet-ation of (.'anadïa's Parliamertt. Ori'lTucsda v of ibis xveekîhre xvas ail impi-ox-me it iii the cîisis situatIici-t whPen Mu.fliceietîaker agi-ced witb a uuggcsfîoîî of rPrime Mirlisîcu .Peau-soit that the wbolc, malter- should li et- so]t'cd antd hi'ouigbt lo a xvoie lix-.5 o dlock ontiFrida v. l'ho \whole rmaticu- ,viii IhpiyeforP e lie scîlcd lxbbe d <of this weck and 1J max- have ait oppot-- tunlity bIngixe >'vou details cf te changes inî a stîb.,zcqtent Repor-t. Leafing thietîgli lte 1961 Cemsus r'eports this xveck 1 toi--ed up some M"VHE:RF.1% MOISPOR 'l?" I>e'aî' F.ditea': W<hat a faýmiliar- q1iesticît Io people at'nttod Eittiskif- lett. i arn wurîîe il, is asked a nîeaî 'aîanv tlimes aritied Tya'ce and neighbouiig points avoliîad Mosoi*>It. intcî'osting facts on Dut-bain Colitv... In 1961 there wer'e 9,353 families iii Durhamn. The population was :39,916 an incr'ease cf 9,801 dui-ing the fen ycar peî-iod fuom 1951, ou an increase of 3-9.5 ,. TUhis was flot quibe as fast an itîci-ase as thal cxper-îeiced in Ontau-ic as a xvbole which inct'eascd by 35.6(fIc in the' same period. DLItiham's poputlationti ccrease of 9,801 in thie peaiod 1951-61 was made tip cf a net gain cf 5,628 on the' buîtbs- deailis ledgcî- aîd 4,173 lieing bbc net gain fromn immigiration. Titer-e xxere 39,049 peuple wlîr spoke Engi ish on lv. Thiî'ty-scveti Durham tesidents spoke Frenchi only and 715 wei-e fluent in bobli longues. One hundî-ed and fitteen Dut-hamites spoke neithet' English eo' Frencli. Maies oubnumnbered females byx 964. 'lhei'c weu'e 105 maIes in Durhamn fer cadi l10) females, Ruala - ur'laîi population Nxîas di- xided 21,'299 r'ural and 18,617 m-baî. 'l'le rualtia population was suîldivided into î,908 fat-ci uesidents anad 13,391 îîon- farin i'siderîis. Claini frtms tLindeurte uiew Daii'x' Policx' ai-e l e lcmailed blils xeek ta ail shippcî-s cf maniufacuti-ýing miîk anîd ct-eam. Any pi-oduicet- who lias flot re- 'eix'ed bis l'orm lix-JUite l5tli, 1965, sbould get cne fî'oîî bis processiiîg plant oi' by writing tu "Data Pî-ocessing Ser- xiccs, Canada Depai-Iment of Agriiul- tut-e, Ottawa." Ib is planned that cheques foi- SUpplemeiîtarv payments xvii] le mailed this summer se it 15 impor-tanttbeiave dlaim Ici-ms filed as secti as possible l\'Is. W.J.. Ba'add aîîd seiu Geuald antd Dudle * , Regina, Sask., ai-c visiting hex- pair- eots. Mi. and Mu-s. J. C. Duid- 1 ey. Pics. Charîlie St intson aitd pet-c- v Neller, and Biuglers illian Gocdxîinan ad W. E, Wilsoan, Bai-riefiefd. speitt the weekend at Mis, I. Edgerton's. Police Magistrale W. M, Hoa'sey anîd Mis. Hot-se ' vcdc- bî-ated the 6ist annivea-sari'cf theit- wcdditîg oit ,uite 14. On tht' same dav Mr-S. Hoî'st'Ycelebi-ated bei' R3rd bia'thda -. Mr-. anîd Mus. J. J. Ellioti. Peter-bor-ough, speat the' weekend xitlt bis brother, Ma'. Alex. Elliotu. Miss Gladys Westawav, Oshawa, and Drunîmnet M. R. Westawax-. Rarrietield, spenti tht" weeketîd ai hoite. Mliss Reta R. Colt', soprano nernbeî cf te IVethodist Choit' andi piaitso f the S.S. orchestr'a, lias possed het Pt'iina-x Exaaniitaticn at tht' Conserx'aiorv of Musi c, Tor'oato, Pi-of. Aý. S. Vogi, examninerin itVocal, xvini iîg Firt-s Class liteors. Mis- Jetittîe Meru-haîti passcd the sane cxami. Bout ar-e ptipils of Miss- Heleit R. Marii. "What Happetii te .Jîtes". the' piesen tati katof th s farce hi Bowîîîaîîxi île Draiatici Co. piox ed te he onec of te brigît test and nit enetier- taie i g excîlis ihai O,1ioicu hiaxu-beetu cliv ileged te attenud. White al]lte -lai-- aciers aî-qiitied theittselxes inosu ciedi tabhic, pî'rsonial mentiunt m igi hi, inadc tif M isscc Fboiu-sGalbrith ailutici Flort'nce Edsa il anîd VMesrs. SianleY F. Eve usoît A. L, Nichiois, and W. Giatefield - 01,o1to Nevvs. Di. aîtd Mis. R. W. Clark vi.,ited fietîds iin Potîtypool. Ma-. and Mis. Harîv 1L. Mai-Ivit and fanti llv. Sliatiiî- accu,. Sask,, art' xisiiîîg his fatîrî aînd othet relatix-es Mis. L. A. 'loe atteî,idedi- ed ihe Execuitixe m-eeting of Souîth Durliant S iiîie d ay Scîtool at 0ietno. Fî'ida v. Misses Allie Briagg anîd Ethel Okp speni tht' week- entd xith Mus. W. LloYd, Oshawa. Mus. Alex 'l'ay'ltr lias heeni visitiog lîeî-danIglui-I,IMr-S. S, J. Huglisoat. Mu. Nathan Eggleîea i xii- ed friends ai Oak Hils, near Stirling, last xieek. Mrs. Foote, Carlisle Ave., hias rettir-ncd fi-ont visiiing hem' daughtcrs it Tor-onto. Miss Eva M. Smith aeceat- ly visiled fricîîds in Toronoî. Miss Pearl Par'sonts, DarI- ington, xisited hei' aunt, MIS. A. Gtull.v, ,INIORIAT. IHOMPTY WEEKI i' REPORTI Wcek of Jone 7-13 inclusive Admissions 69 Biî'ths, 5 maie, 1 fernale. 8 Dischargel . - 731 Major oPea-aton -14 Mirnnci pteration., 27 Eainigcncy tratmettts 16 Visiting houas 3-8 paîti. daïly Ata 'oiing lad 1 cati t- rail going with mx' father ln Nlospçi-t, fltjn a cettle ranch, iak atR cattie for- Mi. Albertiluisln 'Ioi-csnto for. ;daighter, 10 pi'ox'ide rfeed foi' people cf the' nation. Now Ibis lai)d ji; prnvidiieg anmusemnt Ie the' people er Conîgraitulatiis ai-c ex- teaîded io Miss Volet Os- borne, daitghteî- cf Mu. antd Mrts. Eve teti L. Osbornae, Wellilivtout St., mwho at lthe gradutirg exet'cises cf the Wellesley Hospital, Fi'idaY, tcceix'ed the' Sir Johît Ealort pri:'e for gettea-al proficieîcx antd theorv att tht' Junior' yea r. T'le reeitoi*lv fornied B.AL[ S. aîtooliatg teamL'art-led off severi-a hoatoas Rt the shoot- in mgoatch-ltfoi' high scbools aed <-llegiaies it tht' prov- atn-e. Tht' rompetilloît took plat-e ai the' Long Brancb Ratages, June 8th. Tht' team was composed cf Bill r-own, Jatuk Colville, Tom Rehder anîd Alan Tambîvît, Th e tt'am as a whole lied for' sixtît place. R. M. Aitîslie, 'ommert'icial tt'aclit' nal B-.. S.. sîipeax-iaed thetr aianîing alid instiUCt ieg. Allait Lobb. Carl Be, Dontald Feigesoît. Collette Fea-gusoît, DoitAntdersonî, Isobelle Naylnran îd Bri'ce Leaisber',-, pai'ticipated 1n R v-entaI of tht' pupi Is of Edruiard Bai-tiett, viollitist, held lin Simr-op St. Chîîîîh, Oshaxia. 'luesda v eveîiîtg. r\lss RiuIh James assistcd xxiih a group of i-ocal ment- Boh Steven'îs' garage ai Ilte eiasu end cf Bx'malx'ille xva-. looied Monda - night. bitlthe îchher \,\as ex-ideait- Ix- dli.îuirhed belcie he \%-as abl hIo 1talie meuch -Mu, Stex'enîs nitoed i bal a fait-- 1 ' experisixe dr-ill bad beeti ta ke JVr.,. C'. Bell lias receix- ed word ftror heu soit lait xxli tisla aiieîtd iing Emoi-y t7it teraitv ai Allanta, Ga.' that he has passcd lis first yeau science cour'se iit fli-su (-ass hoitoisfle wilt iit be home tuti] Septemi- beir as lhe la ccîîinuing tht' stniî"coturst'iincadert' t coiplete lthe ti wo 'ea is' (-eUI Seilai 18 motl-s, .Ni'. anîd Mis. ALibî'ey' Col- lins expect to lcau'e Bow- niati-le titis uueekeitd te lake uîp resideie in Toi-ot-t t1. M". Collins lbas beeut a(-t-etntaitt at tht' local Bank of Ccmmpa'îe and bas a-e- (-elxed a move tr the braaicb ai Qupen anad Univer'sity in Trontrîo. île will be i'tplac- ed by Mu. E. Waud, Tor'on-to. Miss Alice Lee', Toronto, x isited bei- aotber, Ma's. S. Lee'. prici- îo l'ax'ing for Gecri-gaî Bay wbeîe she will spend the sLXîmmea', MWiss Selma Baritt wlio la holidavi-g aI home bas passcd bei' secotnd yt'ar exacts it Political Science and Ecoîtomies xvith 3rd class honlors, at the Univer-sity cf Miss Heleati MaseI. Dieui- lion. Ottawa Civir Hospital, is holidiavingj with ber par- catta, Mu. anrid Murs. C. H. Masn. Newcastle: M issq Ressie Clark. R.N.. Port Hope. visit- Pd hpu mother. Mus. MerukleY Clark. Da-otto: Mis% Ruth LoRaîî, n-nAiai 111e Horspital, ta holi- daying ait home. the natiotn. Lately, wciliai-e heen reading of lte poiu- lion oif wate'î'itear large ctiles. Men are wotîdplî'hîg w:hat effect ibis wil] havr on the future diîîk iiiig w'aier fot' the' nation. Let's w<iuderIltow our i' xestot'k wili get fi-egh -iater iii fui- tuire v-ear.s if ail ou' st'eam.c antd spingLq are puîýchased foi' oui' nation's pleasute, Oit Mospoî't prcperty smali àpuings provided water foi' 100 Lalintorle vear. If xxe do itot have fi-e-qhhMiatea' for t'ait-le, what wili the nationt cat fournmeat? Orle woniders wfhat the' futua'cin10 01vears bas in store foi, uts as a lia- tion. Msi ourto ont' rpad- intiihis wilH keow. "*Where Are the Signs?" Let'.q make it coanniiiîv projeets ýto have sîgnls on eoîneî's eading tle Mosport. Let's mrtke visitot's feel au home e inii' cômmuîtitips. Mospori is here toa,;tay. Onur rommittities bot'dea'ing Mo.s- port ntay be on the' verge of iometihirt.g woa'id known. Whcen yen sec cars froctn xveaier.n suad casterin pro- \'inilces, United States iin- ciutdiutg Fi-rida jist tiani- ing mieestate, it inakes onit' feel xvc wiii .oathe n ithe ma p. As 1 a-nli xritiig (mit Il1' kite4hen ta-hie, tacsng art-ac-- ing b.v liv t ie Itutidrcttes. My neig'hbou intg îvillage cf T ol'toe'miist hi' giad in sve .Suitîdayv moî-ning corne a fier a bigtaee ai Mozpoî't. ('ais, cars, anid more rai-s. Finally, 1 iai itre 'lv hopp fb î'aiw toiniglît, becatise ws' on the th tbconcession or Dariigtan ctanhat-dix-.we fori, ci A liait J. Weri'v, En nisk llena. Suntder'lantd,( ltitarie, âmeot'3M, 196i5 1)eAî-Sir' The 500(1 rernheî-s cf ii 41st Animal Bav of Quinte C o it t'l.e tic-e î'epreseî'iiilig some 193,00(l peisos livintg le the easteî-n portiont of Ontar-io wisb io pnuicl ' vcx- pi-'s cita-rceîîceaîî tuer lte c-rei-i-e vxen Is inithe' Do1- Ini n 'ail Rept hlic. Yenrs siiitei-el- J. NPexvinî Reed. Sec relai-, Ba *v cf Quinte Coii ei-enc-î. P.S. - AîiY crîîespoitdetiîe aî-isitig outtof th s iettei'ma 'av be ue-diî'evied in Rex' John Romneril. COLI[-i ce, Otitia 'le, oi- tbe Pa'eSS CnIci (l]O'ieun this aiea, Rex. fi. A. Meilox',, B.A., DD., 82 McLalughlia Boulievar-d, Oshawa, Oni. 69 Bloor Street Fast, Toi-ente.5, Ontario 7ih JUne. 1965T Dear ir u: Some xeaî-s age. 'l'ii- tar'in Canîcer Treatment and Reýseai'ch Fouitdaiion rec'eiv- cd a iegacy fî'or the eti of the larte Margaret M . I Horsey of Rowmn,xillr for thet' ieatmteni of needx cari- cer patients fîrom the Tmnn of Bowmanville. Althougb the doctois And other possible inucî-estedf parti es in Bowrn'anville were nctified of this be- quest aau the time end sîub- sequently there still remaiîus an unspent balance in thi.9 bequest, we are therefore dî'awing il, te your attention at this l-ime, If volt katcw of ait 'v can- cer- patients fî'om the TIowua cf Bowmaitville, whose his tor treatment pr-eent ilaxî'N kind of a financial pî'ohlcm to them, will you please eitt us know at this office giv- ing te ltasme and address cf the patient. thc name of the doetor in charge cf the'case and copies of the dctailed bisL which vou woid like paid from this fitnd. Yntîi-n ta ith fol ly A Reply to Mrs. Sallows' Letter To tbc i-nom in \whucb 1 liel. Wbcr-, fî'm mv lied, I sec ther loudg, As thev go saiîinp li'. Wlierîi 1wakrrî un bthrmiirtug Sunshine inîs the tu-i-e-top-. golti. 'Cross the sîreet arc soimmer gardeuis, Whic'h ar-c lcx'lv 1 lieboîti. Theru cite nighil thu-c w-as a uitrw Shilliing Ibepc tLgirtl otîds cfgîur, Anîd we'ier glad to havr tiuis wîindoi,, Iii our bempoi-ary "homei." (-75 YJouninan s Columan TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE s Sugar Spide~ By Bill SmiIey A SEN'lIMENTiAJ. l'NIIN(C Th'lis is a limtuleof vxcar ux\01( '11 'u<uil te'-aer lias nmuxprc i-nnmouns (nirf ilu stî-rtgest lIci uts lic bonesI - is relief. As end of tcrm uîeam-s, tbe nx'euxx'br'Im- iîîg c-cîtitîblv that v-ou ai-e goieg b bn aie a siteke, ciorsuait riuîuîing straight op the xxa Il, ori hut ist toto teai's inc front of the cîass. liegins te fade(, But îbcu-e ai-e cther fcclintgs lut- x-ulx'ed, anud the c'onîiiatioîî of inci- lieus i-csuuîîs in a bittea-swcet coctra- dict ion:' vou'uc ýglad i's ox'cr. huitxvoit liate tri sc h end. 'This is stm'onget', 1 thiaik, for the' teaciier of a cas whichi is gi'adtuating. Wshether i's I'romi public ,tchoetl or high school, that last class is a bit oif a <rushei', sentinientaîly. Some oif ilitese kids vîotithaxe taughb foi trfouri.'i-ca s. TheY- ai-calrnost like membets cf, 'ouî familv: iî iitating and loxabl,?; fitd -and su lIen; pu'ettv-a n d itumel>- t-cal peuople, nîtstat isl ns. I ve-e is Jantet. thte girl xx'iruwxa s stucli a gaxxk i G rade if0. Site xas atigular aund axvkxkaud; site abwa ' slitad a Cold: Site xxre hu o-snutlîi'erIelli' she de.,pised bex-s; site xxanted tut ie a unissiiîttal.'vini Afuica. Anad htok ai liet' ititu, gtiniitng tîpi ai votion it Utclasi daxv xitb brîse txvu Pearl 'v iexs Sie's uilt likc ,Bau-dot; Ste bias poilse ant d site loxes brui-s; anid site's oftIHtke a course in mcdel itg. Tlteue's Jim, iin thc back seat as uISoal. Ie Gi-ade Il1ite was, b>- vpcipulaî' agreeent tof bis tcachcms, te most obnox ieus k id i n scitocl - Sutr! v. s'l fisit, slex'enl>- .IFax'orite quest ion: "Wbadda we hlafta Icarn aIl this' juik Ici'?' And look ai hirn îî.w: surk, sel- fish. slov'eni *v. Ohnoxiotis. Bt t 'ou've disrovered lie's human. Once ini a wltule lie (.racks a siti le ati outa ujdesi joke. And vuv diso%,-Ptrcd he lias hmains. Alil he npeds ik a strong-minded i nzn wvonan to tur him ini ai gond citizen. Antd i bei-e's Nauîcv, wbc xvas a i cal rip a coutple cf >'rarq ago, anîd is gciii off tr I'cac.hers' I'oîlegc. 'inletîttu 's a ulm And lioîcp'!s Rpr, who wants fin lcadrienot, autrl basn't. a boe, but will niake smmc voman a fine husband. A-nél tbcu-c's Ken, mihn huoke thp high jump îec-ot-d, and Port, ui'bo hu'oke Ilis lcg skii.and S vIx'ia. w-lin hionkp [p flic ie't cf vver->-trenîage maIe iuthble seboci hy jtîst xxalking arnuînd andi looking sn AndclKvvx-iî.tbbc 'ooili&ll hero, whn u, lb)tlt tc fILunk anti go lo work ini te st.peî-maukcml; and Peter; wlio bau 1-lîed bis rt'a- <wcu twîce and gets in fi.lis ont xeckeuîds, and lias naî'rowlyV avcided jail; and .John, the poci, who is StilI îviîug tri gel people bo foum a pir-kel liuue becau-Se tbc principal wnnt bPl lii cg-rîw a bea id. I'x'clien ieaebing foi' five y eauxs înîxx',And 1 hax'ct't mn'laîvillusions. .I ai-n ncit "dedicaîed". 1 doni'b go arnunel la lking aboutt the jnv of "se-eing yoting muiids lox't- I(e(k, anything wilI 11( (rx- lr i f -inu LIî-<uxx-erîugli fertilizet' a îîîulaid. But thcm-e\ a special satisfaction ini ieac-hing teenagers, even though it's fouigler than workinig in a sait mine. There ks a sense of reality that 1 don't think 1 t'oLld find in another profe%- hi <li. Yotiî aie ntîdpalirîg '.xitiltottandi trials, like the lâw>'er; oct symptnmç and cures, like flc doctor; nor surveys and str-esses, like the engincer; nor grîcds ar-d set-v'ices, like Ihe business-. man. Ycu ar-e daing in î-aw humnanity, xx'hetî'i-eut tangle witb teenagers. Sot'>' for bcing sentimental thix xxeck. Buat tridav my home Iormn gave me my pi-es-cnt fou bbe year, half-a-dol- lai' a xx'ack, and Fim stili a bit misty- cr-d. tt's a dvsk set with fwn pens, ut- itame rtcube.and a theî'momnetcr i'il tthat dorst't xvni-k. Tlab's helter tuait la:;t x-eau. wberi I got a shirt that didîî'ît. at fie, yan hpfore, when 1 pot ialcruîm pcxvdet-, shavinR lotion and cîlicut asseautpr maIe stir.kiam that 1 utexcu' lse, 'VIav Iy1add. Ihaf wP iri bhospital, Whiîc w' sometimes fume auid fret, Ilaxo cnstant kind atter-tion, Which wc nevr should forgPt. Sci. wlien îou'i-e tiot so frisky, Arid witb lîs you at-e heset, Th'e besb place k bbhohspital, AIl is said, - and no regrets. -Marjorie Cunningham 12 n" ,i Bt3owniaîîx'ullc Mcinuuîal llupital, EDITORIAL COMMENT PROCLAMATION I. Ivan M. Hobbs, Mayor of the Town of Bowmanville, hereby declare SUNDÂYJ, JUNE IOth.. 1965 Oit jun ir I ft h, s iereT. W\hîtie. aged ninrtv sex'e e, was hu rirrd ti Orono (7emetr. and 1 deeplv re\re heing illiahie Ioattelicd the filIeerl- becatisr of a prexious cornmitmeint. Mi-S. White wxas not relater: to lus in an 'v wav- except. bY those intangible ties of neighbowrliness wvhich she dis- penised with such lavisb biand. VVben, at the age of twent 'v-four, I ,vas demnbilized in 1919, and I feit restless, 1 was invited te accompany a Toronto acquaintance on a \'îsiîteI Pnnit\pool. le have a look at a semii- ahandoned fat-n which he had purchas- ed. \Ve xxent liv train, and walked the twîî and a haif miles furn Ponty' pool station to the fai'm. In doing so, xve trudged pasi the farm e(ifMr. anid Mrs. George White. George, and ni\-fî'ietid (Aif Fatîdemyer) lbad aravmet, Se il %vas inatîtra I fo- thernto have a hîjef chat cxc r thbe îoad tenue, Si ralîgers, on lthe hack ceîîuessioil 'ads. wrrc rallier scarce in those dav s, and thle "a vs welconied a n epporl- tuntiv, to meel Sotnc one from Ille "eut- side". xv ihd iffering viexvs on polit ics, religioni, proieb iltion, and xvomP n. se eoge 'as lhappy Io havea'cleue to quit hoeing crn, and sit in lthe bouse, oo te hot a fterneen sutn. te discuss, xxilh Alf. xx'ieher lte latter sbntîld pa * bis î'nad ta\, or corne fromi Toronto te do slatute labour. Il xvas then thal. 1 made the acquainianre of Mis. W'hite. xx'hen she placed helonre me , a gelwtrous Cutletf îesh, tb'ubaîli pie. smothered witltaan incht ofrxxhipped cream. 'aitou imagine whai a deliglit Plt wxas. te a healthv v>Oungi buck wvho badni seen cuer fre h bnbar-h pie, ou vhipped cream feu- five vea's. Vl'ite gods of old, quaffed ainhrosia \vhichi wxas sîipposed te he lte "Iixi ng end" cf good food; te nie, Mus. \Vhite*s delcc- table pic liad amnbiosia liacked off the mnat. Wlten offei'ed a second piece, 1 aucepted. on condition i 1Pa'v forit . Well' needless te sa 'v, my offer xvas spurined. And, se il, \ent. foi' lte wentx'-six yea us thal on r xxo faintilies i ived on)i adjoining iarms. l'le filîsî vi ier, wlthti l'ai-Ili he Wilîite's xx'ouiin't a Iloxv me te lI jv iti mi*v oxx'n liuse. bot aI xavs pi'oxided a Cemîortahle bcd. anld the hosi of meals, free, xvbich 1 bax'e always' appi'eciaied herause cf being hioke. and verýy ltile remunerat ive xvck axailahle. After our mauî'iage. in Torontotheli bitde, and 1, hopped the 5:15 p.nv "r-at- t 1e-" for Potifypool, w~hpiuc Mr. White met n% xih horse andl buggy, and tçiok us In bis home, wheue w@, qayed Imr a iiik. niil xve got mur nw shack, sprucvd tup; ex'en then, Mrmi, White xxanted lis to stav longer, motWbe- Cause she m'as nlever happier than hs extending hospitality, and because she liked vounger people around her- she had a lively disposition which leound an otiet xvith voung people. She had Me chljdren of her own. Fexx wornen. of my acquaintance, have beco so indlustrious as this lady. Exen xxhen she wa.s well past 1h. sevent *v' 'eai mark, she tramped the fields, lookifiR for the rnilk eno. She helped ber hutsband haul in the erops, slook the coni, and pile wnod in the Shed, ' 'et still fourid time te hp nvigbbetr womnirtat fhreshing, and \wvod ciittilig time, or with a sirk bahy. Il the Cliturli îvaqhaving a fnwl asup- Pet, or st ua\wlbir*'v festival, you can bêt "Amii Rose*" wotild donate, as rmuuh. or rnoote fond tItan an' o ne else, pay her admittance fee. then work her head off xvaiting on table. washing dishes, and Cdean ing up. Ourî x'unigstc us always uefcut'ed Io Mis. White as "Aunt Bo.e," and have neveu forgoîten heu many kindne4se., oxti' a long pcriod (if time. 1 imagine lthai mosi nf the people who attended heu funeral, xveîe indebled to her foit past fax'ouî's, generuLsly granted, which xvas titis lady's "almr. Recauise eof failing eyesight, and a geiteral lireakdoxvn of health, het' last monils werc 1no1 bappy onles, 80 we, xvbo knwhelie est, ai-e.uelie-ved thal, liei' tînliles are ox'er. She will he v memhî'edfor ber stinny temper,i diisîriousn-ess, arnd desire to hplp others, h .v a large cirIle of relatives, and others Whoe werç' Iîappy to <'aIl heu "fî'iend." xv as anl bonour tb hf> requieslM( te act as- a paîl-hearer atlier funeral. Wiîen 1 could flot at'tond, ou,' son, Art., teck ni«v place, Ihus proving hix affee- lion for Mus. White. and his sense of dut.v te bis Did. 111spite et file eli-repeated riPtar~k thiat people, arimn'i as sociable as fhoy eîeweî'e, 011ir fainil ', by their loyal acis Io ach othpr, and ac.quaintances. i efîieibo is asseit ion. rPer'haps, it wax herause onf theit' observances of Mrs. hi'sgencrous nature thât ihey, in turn, fix', toemulate het' oxample. 5h. xvas good ici know! DECORATION DAY in the Town of -Bowmanville and urge ail citizens to support the Decoration Service at the Bowmanville Cemetery on the above date, commencing at 3:00 p.m. Parade forms up at A & P Store parking lot moves of f at 2:30 p.m. For those wishing transportation to the Cemetery, bus will leave the Library at 2:30 p.m. sharp. IVAN M. HOBBS, Mayor.1 r-iL4c (sc/tor In the Dini and Distant Past Fron the, Siatesînan Files Report from O! tawa By Russell C. Honey, M.P. 49 YEARS A(G< 25 VEARS AGO (.Ju1ne 22, 1916) (.Jîîne 20, 1940) p k Utbe afl4ian 4n tt#imn bIîzherm cmtiîraîya Glecil Fmily Iouunali EstabJshed 111 years ago n 1854 Aiso lncorporatinq @ The Bowmanville News £urorz,«a.(ed H ThAeS Newcastle Jnd:pendent LIE The Orono News L Authrisel t S"ndClms Mil y te Pst ffie Dptottwcendtoipnyment ct pesteqe 1acents JOHN M. JAME:S GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS Anvc. MANAGBR Busîwvss MGrm. SUBSCRLPTION RATES 34.00 ci Yenr, strictly in advance $5.50 a Year in the Ujnited States AWoa&ii *v.ry pî.oeulima wuttho toiren tlaflvod ea liebt. Conadton Stieaznuu acctepts ale-u Inhi n If$ ceaumun n nthe. lnde sltinding thet i wdllnet bho jb[* for amy errez in amy advertisemen* t*'Iabod b.suuder aneesc pico edf urh ndvertu.mont e equeei i n wzitlag by the.advertis.r emd rtiuraed teTni. Come4ten siotoamezbuiess office dut, *ignM hy the adverls.r and witb *uchi en"m tcmrrcl i.a lwnl ied in writfnq theteon. crotdi ln ht caeIf amy errer en mote tu lmet emrqe*ed Iy the Cirnodien SlefIhoMfU iCtsfbility shahllf* excoed inh eC ottifbn et tii. entre rIt dkt ctch Cdvert.mpnt ers thepi. * ocoeupied by the uet.d errer berna te th, whle apelee occupied bv eticb adverta.ement. I"r<aî a Hospital Window loi Juane 1 -- 1 -LÂ COIllieil /Or (bels

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