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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1965, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesrnan, Eowmianvllle, June 16, 1985 Coathamn, 0, AntiSdi, ]Billi Rensberry, 19, Enterprise. K D Green, 1, Port Granby; Nancy (Intended for laut week) Duvall, 8, Antioch; Wendy On Thursday evening there Harness, 22, Clarke Union,, was a congregatienal meeting arke Twp Fi Id DayUnder 12 Boys- Jamie Su- et Kedron United Church te l e,11,Clak, ni,; tanEducation wing. ENR~â ~Under 12 Girls- I-ene KI**n- Sehool et present 24 senior' H ela ai îK endai, J bell1, i, Pt. Granby, Debbie students, 20 intermed.iates, 44 Weddinton, 7, Ci-ooked Creek; juniors, 41 primary, 20 kin- Two Room Schools Under 14, Boys-Robent Fos-, Under 12, Gins--Suzanne Karen Cox, M8 Oak. dergarten and 20 nursery su- Races teri, 13 Kendal; Nick Benne-; Wonnall, 4 Newtonvllle; Jean Under 14 Boys.- Bruce Ail- dents. Even with the thi-et' Under 8, Boys-Don Martin, ma, 9 Lockhart's; Jin itt, 5 Caîl, 5 Brown's; Becky Lee', dned, 2, Lake Short'; Don ycungest sections meeting dur-1 8 Bowns; ohnFox, 9Loc- Bowns. 5 Lskad.White, 8, Antloch; Eddie Cor- lng the church service, il is bai-t's; Jason Lee', 15 Leekard. Under 14, Girls - Gail Under 14, Boys-Bai-ny Haz- ig22CakeUon difficaît to find space foi- elI Undr 8 Gils-Vicie ar-Brown, 15 Leekard; Wilma elden, 9 Lockhart's; Gai-y Under 14 Girls- Ruth Scett, tht' classes. Tht' problemr will.1 UneTGui-ikeH r k,1 edl ae ron 5Lsad oet22, Clarke Union: Jeannie beceme more urgent as the 85 ris, 15 Leskard; Debbie Lang- Taasy 3Kna;KnnBon 5Lead o ulette, 14, Klrby, Donna childi-en on tht' Cradle Rol staff, 13, Kendal; Brenda Ste- Bickle, 4 Newtenville. Foster, 13 Kendal. phenson, 5 Brown's. Under 17, Beys-Douglas1 Under 14, Girs-Krista Bat- Cochrane, 19, fruterprise. reach Sunday school age. e.- Unden 10, Boys-Camn Wil- Mercer, 13 Kendal; Lai-ny tans, 15 Leekard; Kanen Bo- Under 17 Boys- Peter Su- Rev. Winnifred Bridges exr son, à Brown's; Clifferd Fet' Johnson, 15 Leekard; Neil hall, 5 Bnown's; Brenda Hend- therland, 14, Kirby; Gar-y plained ber proposed plan fo 15 Leakard; John Zealand, là Stepleton, 4 Newtonville. enson, 4 Newtonville. Black, 8. Antioch; Willy Ver- e. new Christian Education Kendal. Under 17, Girls - Manie Under 17, Boys-Bai-ny Wes- brugge, 22, Clarke Union. wing which would involve ex-, Undei- 10, Girls - Mange Counoux, 13 Kendal; Jane tern, 9 Lockhart'e; Allen Crow- Unden 17 Girls- Ave Ly- panding tht' chai-ch te the test' Allin, 5 Brown's; 3i-d Susan Robinson, 5 Brown's; Sandra ells, 5 Bnown's; Lai-ny Bnown, cett, 19, Enterprise. by one edditlonal span. Tht' Stark. 13 Kendal. Laing, 9 Lockhant's. 13 Kendal. Softball Throw new wing would project from Under 12, Boys-Bradley Broad .îunp Unden 17, Girls - Connie Under 8 Boys- Gregory tht'uh at'essthornett' Wilson, 5 Brown's; Neil Bren- Under 8, Boys--Jason Le at, Lt' dnivewrieay towands22,tht'keemaîln nan, 13 Kendal; Dennis Ger- 15 Leskard; Den Mai-lin, Courcux, 13 Kendal; Elaine Carl Lowery, 14, Kirby'; Alan criek. Tt' apsth meting row, 15 Leskard. Brcwn's; Douglas Henderson, Parks, 9 Lockhari's. Stewart, 18, Oak. r enc h'toeoe etion 1 Under 12, Girls - Wendy 13 Kendal. Relaya - Boys Uniden 8 Girlks- Linda Cop- of il could be ueed as extra Wilson, 5 Brown's; Bt'cky Lee', Under 8, Girls-Vicki Han-; No. 13 Kendal, 5 Brown's, ping, 14, Kirby; Valert' Wihitt', seating space for speciel chunch E 15 Leekard; Marilyn West, 9 ris, 15 Leekard; Sheilgh Mc- :9 Leckhart's. !8, Antiooh; Cendra Dolny, 18, services. Besides this roem,c Lockhai-t's. iDoad okats ebeRly il Oak. land ont' of similan size below 1 Langstaff, 13 Kendal.No13Kna,,i Under 10 Bos- Bill Rans-'il, Sunday School dlass reoms, t Under 10, Boys- Clifford i-<o. edl 9 Lockhart's. bei-ny, 19, Enterprise; Kenny the' pnoposed new wing in- I Fet', 15 Leekard; Cern Wilson,,iCwig 2 lneUin cludes a langen kitchen and a 1 5 Brown's; Wayne Hazelden,i Softball Throw Roger De'wnes, 18, O.ak. large hall that could be used 9 Leckhart's. Under 8, Boys-Jason Lee', Under 10 Girls - Nancy for dinners, concerts, and nec- 4 S ee Unden 10, Girls-Ruth Chat- 15 Leskard; Don Marin, 5 DualcAtoh;Judynain en, 15 Leekard; Susan Stark, jBrcwns; Raîph Searle, 4 New- Brown, 1, Pt. Granby; Loi-na A Building Commitiet' was f 13 Kendal; Dale Demark, 5 'tenville. Lowery, 14, Ki.ny.appcinted te considen tht' plansE usBrown's.1 Under 8, Girs-Tina Burg- Under 12 Boys- Michael in detail and te gel a firm t fistUnder 12, Boys-Chris. Jorg- tes, 15 Leskand; Chailent' Hall, Môrnison, 8, Antiech, Jamnie price for its construction. A g g g a ensen. 9 Lockhart's; Neil Bren- 14 Newtonville: Brenda Steph- Sutherland, 14, Ki-by; David financial Comnittet' will de-a nan, 13 Kendal; Herb Robin- enson, 5 Bnown's. Ard, 18, Oak. termine how mach support r son, 5 Brown's. Under 10, Boys-Cliffond Under 12 Girls- Doreen thene would be foi- such ac Under 12, Girls-Becky Let', Fet', 15 Leekard; Gordon Rob- Pelt'i', 2 lak nien rjc.Tt onteswl 15 Leekard, Wanda Swerd- inson,' 13 Kendal; Wayne Haz- repent their findings te tht' i figer, 13 Kendal; Marilyn elden, 9 Lockhant's.i Business Direciory Congregation for e final de-ë 'West, 9 Leckhart's. Unden 10, Girls - Kathy£ ci sien in the' Eall. _ Under 14, Boys-David Bell- Lempen, 9 Lockhari's; Linda amy, 15 Leskard; Steve West, Langstaff, 13 Kendal; Kim i CCO ilnta n c ' Betty Jean Holies, 2, Lake c 9, Lockhart's; Tenry Stark, 13 Harris, 15 Leckharl's.--Shore; Karen Ccx, 18, O'ak.J lKedJl Unden 12, Boys-Chris Jorg-' RAY J. DILLING Under 14 Boys- Michael befuw you drive Undei- 14. Girls - Gail ensen, 9 Leckhant's; Philip Chartered Accountant MoGregor, 2, Lake Shore; Ed- b Irw.15 Leskard; Wilma Nicholle, 4 Newtonvilîe; Bian 93 Chai-ch Sti-eettdt oln,2,Cak n that nw car Turansky. 13 Kendal; Karen Greenwood, 13 Kendal. -62-361ieon; tevngB24ark e 8, nih 'Hante-Maxwt'll, 9 Leckhart's. Under 12, Gils-Becky Lee',1 LEONARD JAMES BROOKS' Undt'.i 14 Girls- Susan Naturally you're anxicus te Unden 17, Boys - Lai-ny 15 Leekard; Wanda Swend- Charlered Accountant Morii-on, 8, Antioch; Donna b invstmnt nd Johson 15Lesard Dogla fier,13 endl;Wendy Wil- Trustee' in Banknuptcy Cochrane, 19, Enterpi-ise; Deb- protcct your ivsmn n Mercer, 13 Kendal; Bai-ny son, 5 Bnewn's. Suite 205W 725-9953 bic Asseltine, 18, Oak.t Y.our family's welfarc. Wc'll Western, 9 Lockhani's; Unden 14, Boys -- Robent OshawaShnpping Centre Under 17 Boys- Petei- Su-v oc app tohel yo obain Under 17, Girls -- Manie Pester, 13 Kendal; Randyl-W -.H S hrad 4 ib;Gr ~chap t hl >ouotan Coanoux, 13 Kendal; Jane Green, 4 Newicnville; Steven WM . .COGGINS iBlak, 4, irb ily; Gary I qulyato insurance-de- Snr et okeîsChartened Accountant Bac,8Anoh;WlyVr Rult fobinson, 5Bnown's; Snr et okats Second Floor, 22, Clai-ke Union. oendable insarance becked by Laing, 9 Lockhart'e. Unden 14, Girls .- Karen'; Nw:bayBidn Udr1 il- v y Is agency and The Hartford Dean fig Throw Harte-Maxwell, 9 Lockhat';' C Ne. iban& Bilding n deSs e 17 Gtris- aedLa Grup o nr aîl ask, 3 enl l Phone 623-3612 Giîson, '22, Clarke Union; InuaceGop CBn s Udr 8,nos -Doh en lle, 4, Brwn,15 Leekard. - jKathceti Clark. 7, Crooked Lody. 5 Bow's;Ralh eare, ' Under 17, Boys - Lai-ny WILSON & BURROWS 1Cneek. LoaNewtonville, Qi-ville Thentell, Brown, 13 Kendal; Lai-iv Chartered Accoantants 13 Kendal. Johnson, 15 Leskard; Allen 114 King Si. East. Oshawa, Ont. Ba î ho Unden 8, Gins-Tina Bai-g- Crowells, 5 Brown's. Part ners. Unden 8 Boys- Carl Low- ST À aàt'esv15 Le: Mard Chailet Hll Unden 17, Gile - Maie Ronald F D. Wilson, C.A. ai-v. 14, Kirby;, Tracy Adamns, 4 Newkhatnule Mr Cut, Ceai-eux, 13 Kendal; Jane Rab- G. Edmond Burrow.s, C.A. 2, Lake Shore:; Jin Moffat, Undr 1, Bys-ougasInson, 5 Bnown's; Sandra Phone 728-7554 18Undeti Grlo- Cnd- Sne 10,Bos-ougasLang,9khantr's cGirs-C8,r Hendersen, 4 Newtonville; Lig okats HALL, PERRIN & CO. onr,1,Oa;Cndja J M SMichael Young, 15 Leskerd; Obstacle Chartered Accountants Dickeion, 1, Pt. Granby, J'en- Roddy Cenveth, 9 Lockhart's. No à Brown'e, 9 Lockhart's, Ring Street - Newcastle et Phoenix, 22, Clarke Union. Inauane. * RoI Esîte Under 10, Girls - Debbie 15 Leskard.98-20ndr1Bos-aylD- Yonman, 13 Kendal; Dale Long Distance 36V igS.E saany,1,Ok o lr,7 King nt. IL nowmsn-sin. Demank, 5 Bnowns; Debbie Dogla MeiengRoentFos.72-6 Osa3a9CrOak Cr okb Plerk. 7- Battams, 15 Leskard, oga ecr oetFs 2563 roe re;PtrNk Office RecaMene Unden 12, Boys-Sem Palm-- ter, 13 Kendal; Lai-iy John-son, Williamr C. HeUl, B.Cotmn, C.A. leus, 2, Lake Short'. 'a r, Brwn'; Pili Nihols, avi Belam, 1 Lekar; DvidG. erkn, .A, Unden 10 Girls - Loi-na 123-5081 623- 493 t'i- ille'; Philp enichil, Garyd Buggins, R15 LGeean, eidGP'-kn ~Lcweiy, 14, Kirhy, Brendaý 13 Kendal. Bienn4 Newtonville. i-e,1swl, 7, Crooktd Creek; 4 Netcnîll; Nil aryHuglns RedyC h i r o p r a c t1c Wendy Hlanness, 22, Chai-kt ______________________________ Hep, Step and Jump .EWNMNDC Union. Under 14, Boys - G. DWI MNND.C Tnden 12 Bos-David Ard, -.T.. n t S2;11 i1 Chiropnactor I n2,1s..,. il*..,..a *.fni-A West, i9 Lockarta; nBillveic- en, 13 Kendal; David Bellamy, là Leekard. Under 14, Girls - Gail Broewn, 15 Leskerd; Wilme Turansky, 13 Kendal; Karen Bickle, 4 Newtenville. Under 17, Boys - Lai-ny Johnson, 15 Leekard; Bai-iy Western, 9 Lockhert's; Don Crowells, 5 Brown's. Under 17, Girls - Marie Ceuroux, 13 Kendal; Con-nie Battame, 15 Leekard; Jane Robinson, 5 Brown's. Highest Two-room School- Lesherd No. 15. Highest Pupil: Girl-Marie Couroux, 13 Kendal; Boy- Lai-ny John-son, 15 Leskard. Highest Ruia-8 Antloch. Hlghest Urban-iS Leskand. Rural: Highest Girl - Ave Lyceti, 19 Enterpnîse; Highest Boy-Gary Black, 8 Antioch. Urban: Highest Girl-Marie Couroux, 13 Kendal; Highest Boy-Lai-ny John-son, 15 Lesk- ard. One Room Sehoola (Rural) Races Un-dec 8 Boys - Kenneih Ceaithami, 8, Antioch; Gregory Tomlinson, 22, Clarke Union. Umder 8 Gxls- Linda Cop- ping, 14, Kinby; Janet Phoen- ix, 22, Clarke Union, Candi-a Deodny, 18, CO.k. Unden 10 Boys- Peter Nik- laus, 2, Lake Shore; Carl A GOOD MAN TO KNOW! is'your Glen Rae Dairy Salesman MR. ELTON BROCK: Eltoa wss recently appolnted toi Route Auper. visor . .,. ie han bemn a teady employet' of Olen Rie Dalny for the past 20 years. Born and educated in Bowmaaville he Joined the' sales staff of Glus Esc Dairy et an early sgt', and bulit up a route ln the south ares of the' town, whlch bas grown under bis careful guldance to the. point where It la so big tht parts of l had te be shiocted te another salesmîn three dlfferent times. Mr. Breok supervises sevea routes which caver Bownîaaville, Newcastle, Newtonvlle, Hampton, Znlakillen snd ZMon. Iton la mîrrled t. the' former Hilda Cowllng and they have three boys and a girl, residlnt at 102 Queen St., Rowmanville. PHONE 623-544 FOR HOME DELIVERY Glen Rae Daury Kin4 St. W. Bcwma Jel office 15 Elgin St., cor. cf orsey St. Phone 623-5509 Office Heurs: By appointrnent D en 1al1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bownianville Office Heurs : 9 a.m. te 6 v.rn. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office kHours : 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephene: Office 623-5459 DR. E. W. SIS SON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. I1, Bowmanville Phone 623-5604 Office Heurs :1 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Closed Wednesday - Sunday In sur an ce DONALD A. MacGREGOR Life, Auto, Home Insurance 9%~ King St. E., Bowmanville Phone 623-5962 Land Surveying_. MERRILL D. BROWN P.ENG.. O.L.S. 121 Queen St. Box 1111 Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 L eg a HODGINS & MORRIS Barnisters, Solicitors Notanies Public 14 Frank St. Bowmanville LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Rarrister, Solicitor Notai-y Public King St. W. Bowmanvllle Ph cnes : Office 623-5688 Res. 623-5553 E. RICHARD LOVEKIN BA., LL.B. Bariijter - Solicitor King st. W. Newcastle Phone 987-4633 I Heurs: 9-5:30 -Wed., Set., 9-1 STRIKE and STRIKE Baruters, Solicitors Notaries Publie W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Edward C. Wildman, B.A., LL.B. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvill. Telephone 623-5791 Morigages SADIR HAMILTON - ORONI' Phone 1 r 18 Firsi Mortgae.Funds Residence - Farma Business Properties Optomeiry KEITE A. EILLETT Oni.- 1 tometnist 143 King St. E. - Bowmenville Office Heurs: By eppointinent Telephone 623-3252 Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fnl. 9 a.. to 5p.m. Tburaday evenings Wed. and Sat. - 9 -12 Antiech; Donnie Hille, 22, Clarke Union. Under 12 Girls- Kai-en Coethani, 8, Antioch; Karen Ccx, 18, Oak; Mai-ion Adams, 22, Clarke Union. Under 14 Boys - Bruce Aflldred, 2, Lake Short'; Eddie 1Cowling 22, Clarke Union; Paul Parry, 18, Oak. Under 14 Girls- Kay AIl- dned là, .nrriàe; Susan Momnisexi, 8, Antioch; Mon-tee Verl1xrugge, 22, Clarke Union. Un-der 17 Boys - Gary Black, 8, Antiooh; Willy Ver- bnuigge, 22, Car-ke Union; Carl Haick, 18, Oaik. Unden 17 Girls- Judy Fe- ren, 14, Kiirby; Sendra Gib- %on, 22, Clai-kt Union; Ave Lyceti, 19, Enterpnise. Broad lump Unden 8 Boys-- Gregory Temllnson, 22, Clarke Union; Allen Stewart, 18, Oak; Gene Gelder, 16, Cowanvîllt'. Unden 8 Grl-Linde Cop- ping, 14, Kirby; Marie An- drews, 16, Cowanville; Can- dia Dclny, 18, Oak. Under 10 Beys-Craig Coh- rene, 19, Enterpnise; Ricky Siven, 22, Clarke Union; Robi Par-y, 18, Oak. Und-er 10 Girle-Nancy Du- vall, 8, Antioch; EVaine Phoe- nix, 22, Clarke Union; Peggy de Witt, 16, Cowanville. Under 12 Boys- Wilfred Glifford, 8, Antioch; Jamie Su- therland, 14, Kirby; Donnie Hilîs, 22, Clarket Union. Under 12 Ginis-Irene Kimu- baIl, 1, Pt. Granby; Karen Cex, 18, Oak; Doreen Pelle- tier, 22, Clarke Union. Under 14 Boys - Michael McGnegor, 2, Lake Short'; Don White, 8, Antiooh; Eddie Cow- Iing, 22, Clarke Union. Under 14 Girls- Janet Du- vail, 8, Antioch; Ruth Scott, 22, Clarke Union; Jeannine Oullette, 14, Kinrby. Under 17 Boys -- Gary Black, 8, Antiooh; Peter Su- therland, 14, Kirby; Willy Venbrugge, 22, CIrkeht Union. Under 17 Girls-Ave Lyceit, 19, Enterpnise; Sandra Gibson, 22, Clarke Union. Relaya Boy-,- 8, Antioch; 2, Lake Short'; 22, Clarke Union. Girls--- 7, Crooked Creek; 1, Pt. Granby; 22, Clarke Union. Mixed- 18, Oak, 19, Enter- prise; 8, Antioch. Obstacle Race 18, Oak; 19, Enterprise; 22, Clarke Union. Long Distance Race 2. Liake Shore; 14, Klnby; 2, La-ke Short'. Hop, Step and Jump Under 14 Boys - Bruce Alldred, 2, Lake Shore-, Don White, 8, Antioch; John Rob- inson, 22, Clarke Unilon. Unden 14 Girls - Ruth Scott, 22, Clairke Union; Cathiy OCatham, 8, Antloch; Jeann- ine Oulette, 14, Kirby. Under 17 Boys - Gary Black, 8, Antloch; Willy Ver- brugge, 22, Clar-ke Union; Carl Hlck, 18, Oak. Under 17 Girls-- AveL- ceti, 19, Enterprise. Sandr Gibson, 22, Clai-ke Union;ý KXay Clark, 7, Crooked Creeh. th1 u lgt Me ulWt dcated the flags and handedi son (Akela ot the "A" Pack),! Meanwhile, at another meet-'ý and John Glover, (Akela of 1 MRS. FRED G. 8mfru Sault Church unUl It waa dis. ing, it was decided to raise the "B" Peck). Scout Master F'oUowîrng an illneas of two contlnued. money for the Building Fund Bill Werry received the flag montAis, the death fM. frie brhubnrd with a Giant Auction sale and on behaif of the Scouts. FrdG mlh Ofure at G.sideah, the aed lasr Faîl Fair in September. There The new flag for te Cubs Mezuorial Hospital, Bowman- vived by one Bon, Fred of will be a booth selling home was the gift of. Mrs Bruce ville, on Sunday, June 6, Bowrrmnville, a dax.4Iter, baking, and refreshment stands MacDonald, the first Akela of 1965. She was in her 9th Grace at homie, and by two and other leatures whlch havethe "B" Pack. year. grandd'M&den, Çloria irsÊ11 flot been decided as yet. During the service Mrs. Or-i mer Sarah~ Cathrinel Kiddj Bob. , Recently theie was a special val Selleck and Mr. Jack D'aughter of the late Wil- Mr.S ths 1 uvv- evening church service et Ked- Francis sang a duet. hi ndSrhKid hefà aboheOTKd ~ ron United Church te dedicate On display at the service wtas bei-n in Caledon Town- NothVancuver, B.C., and a the new Canadien flags cf the were the awards the local Cub ship, Peel County. Sbe attend-nmeof icsad ph i2lst Cubs and Scouts. The 21st packs earned at the recent ed Inglewood Sdiols. -Onue r fnios n npi [Scouts, Cube, 25th Guides and Cubaree. June 26, 1907, she maried .The funeral service was [Brownies, and representatives The "A" Pack won the Dr. Fred G. Smilth who suvvs held from the diapel cf the icf other groupe paraded te the I. J Metcalfe Trophy for per- Mrs. Smith's chief interests Northcutt & Smith F'uneral service in uniform. fect attendance, which they centred around her borne and Homne, BowmianviUle, on Tues- Rev._WinnifredBridges de- share equally with the 3rd family, but as long as her day, June 8, and was con- -Oshawa Pack. They won first healt.h permnitted she was ducted by Rev. Chris Dugan, in the' fitness gaine, end second keenly interested in conunl- <of Tyrene. Intei-ment was in OBIT ARY for Semaphore, and a Menit ity affairs, and in church Bethesda Cernetery. JOH A STINON Awerd. Randy Watson, repre- work. For over 50 years she Among the' beautifuj floral JOHN . STANTON senting the "A" Pack was had resided on their farm pro- tributes, evidence of the es- ThedethotJon lbrtasked te lead the Grand Howl perty in the Long Sauit dis- teem in which the deceased STintonoagd JohnyAlberct86et the' end of the day. .tricet. She was member of Ty- was held, were those from Russett Ave., Toroento, occur- h'""Pc 1 aMrt eeUiedCieoedhdL.O.B.A. 1244, Tyrone United red ai the Maynard Nursing Awmad, and Bawards loin ebe neie cLn1 Curch, Long Sault Club 50 Home, Toronto, on Thursday, Compss and Baloon 1ofîngh - and Goodye ar Exmployeesf conest. Terewer 17cf tbarn Beef Producers A-SSOCia-,Dept. 2713. Nephews cf the May 27, 1965. '18 boys et the Cubaree. to nabsti oAlso Son cf the' late Mr. end Mr. and Mrs. Qi-val Selleck tino, u n eAlso deceased were flower bear- Mrs. Thomas H. Stainton, the and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woed ýand Stayrnor on Thursdas'. ers. Pallbearers, al neigh.. deceased was bei-n at Ennis- attended the General Motorsi Mrs. Carl Porteous is a Pa- hors, were Me&srs. Walter killen and attended sehool 25-year Club dinner at thel tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,! Vaneyk, .Sm atrMr there. He was predeceased by Royal York Hotel on Saturday~ Peterborough. h,'aodMry GB- rie wife, the former Florence evening. They were among a Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr and ker and G. Kovacs. Pye. group cf about 1,000 whol Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cevan-i The deceased was a member 'travelled by special train to!spent t'he weekend with Mr. lof the United Church of Cana- Toi-onto. After the banquet, l and Mre. Creighton Carr an d da and was a choir member' the men were presented with family at Picton. (or many years. A stationary rings and the' ladies with cern-ý Pupils cf Bethany public OUTl W/TII THE OL D engineer, he was employed at pacte. seheol accomrianied by sorne -- the Women's College Hospital,' cf their moxthers and theirl IN WiTH TrHE NEW use fr a10yer eiotaad Mrs. Mrs. Mervin Smith j'AV p/ P /IN Tronte, for 35 years. He was teies, Na#r noyd HAV6lT rnotorman with the Toronto BETHANY a bus trip to igaaFalls on MUA 7S SI/IQE TO Street Railway. His favorite :W&Iii&Bday. recreation wae horseshoe pitch- ([ntended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mar- Yi .ng and he, was an enthusiastic Mms. Helen Ketchmarr, Mr. shall, Port Hope, visited with devotee cf the game. and Mrs. S. E. McMaster, Buf- Mr. and Mrs. Hiarold Green on Mr. Stainton is survived by tale, N.Y., Deibert McMaster, Sunday. one son, Clifford, ot Toronto, Tonawanda, N.Y., Mr. andj Presentatlon to and three grandchildren, John, Mrs. E. R. Racicot, Weston,I Mr. and Ms. Malcolm Smeit Janine and Anne. Aise sur- have been guests with Mr. andý On Saturday night in St. viving are a sister, Mrs. Win, Mrs. Alex McMaster. jP.aul's Parrish Hall, Mr. andý Moore (Christina) ef Bowman- 1 Lawrence Steer end h k Mrs Malcolm Smelt were r- -I 1 ville, and a brother, Wallace daughter Miss Lynda sented with the gift of a bed- of Toi-ente. Saskatoon, Sask., are visitingi roomn suite, in henor cf their The' funeral service was with Mr. and Mrs. David Mc-1 recent mari-nage.______________ heId from the' Truli Funeral Maesters, M.r. and Mrs. Mansell Ernie Youngman read the ug Hlome, 2704 Yonge St., Toron- Wright, Mr. and Mis. Ernestladdress cf congratulation% end pI to, on Monday, May 31st, and Cavano and many ether ti-Igood wishes, with Neil Finney, ,1 1 ascncedby Rev. Wm. ends throughout the' area.r aea n Reed and Rev. Milton Sand-! Miss Floie h sa iethiam presenting the gafts. 1 E PR N ES. erson. Interment was ini in Ross Memorial Hospital, The evening was pleasantly H-ampton Cemetery.1 Lindsay. sp ent in dancing to music pro- E* g4 Palîbearens were nephewsl Earl Weatherilt accomrpani- vide by tht' Pontypo i-*r> î'. 'LAl of the deceased. , cd other members of thne Dur- nute Ramblers. MAPLE GROVE RED & WHITE Maple Grove CORNISH'S RED & WHITE Orono PECK'S RED & WHITE Newtonville

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