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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1965, p. 7

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Phonei Mns. V l4 Rbnson anc rs. (e -,i Vibleo f Calgary Alta., pel he weekend witl Mfrs.M. E. Leask. Miss Muriel LaTrobe ol Toronto was a weekend gues wlth her uncle, Mr. S. J Adams, King St. East. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson lefl Tuesday from Maltan Airparl to visit ber daughter-in-1aw, Mrs. Bill Hutchinson, in Ar- broatb, Scotland. Dan Cattran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cattran, Centre Street, has successfully com- preted 3rd year medirine ai the University cf Toranto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seto andi daughter Jennie, New Yorkt City, and Mr. Ming Seto, New Jersey, were guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Seto and Janice. Miss Wendy Lynn Beaton, nine, passed Grade IV Violin with first class bonaurs at the recent violin examinations hield in Toronto at the Con- servatory. Miss Vieki Varcoe, R.R. 4, Oshawa, will fly ta Denver, Colorado, this Sunday, where she is enrolled in a six-weeks' course at the Rocky Mountain School cf Horsemanship. Mrs. Robert Fairey, dauigh- * ters Bobbi Ann and Lorri, Mrs. AI. Ricbards, sons Marc and * Scott, Mrs. Edward Fairey and * Mrs. Lloyd Stainton holidayed last week at Lake Scugog. Mr. Arthur Taylor, Montreal, Que.; Mr. and Mrs. William Jones Presqu'ile Point, and M I~n McFatridge cf Win- :aipéaI'were weekend guests of Mrs. Jae Taylor, Ontario St. Mrs. N. Woodley, Welling- ton St., attended the funeral Stephens, Goderich, last week and v1sited friends at Gorrie and Harriston. Mr. C larence Woodley, Tyrone. also attend-, Church service followed ai <11Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sel Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dinner and f.~ :1 s nai family attended the Langmnan. Docherty wedding in Thorn. 623-3303 bill on Stra abr bher cousin and also soloit. fd sons of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichols YRundie. spent the weekend in London h Mr. Gordon Lamant is at- with son Niel and family. tending Grand Lodge of On- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beîgh- )f tario I.O.O.F. Sessions at the ton attended a family gather. rt Royal York Hotel in Toronto ing in Utterson on Sunday 1as a representative of Fior- afternoon. Tbey went nortli ence Nightingale Lodge No. on Saturday with grandsons t66. He also bad the privilege who were down for the Byers- -t cf heing appointed to a special Ashby weddîng at Welcomne on committee by the Grand Mas- Saturday afternoon and will -ter of the Grand Lodge of return the first cf tbe week. Ontario. Gerald Hill of Brockville d Dr. V. H. Storey attended visited with E. Barrowclough's lthe 5tb Anniversary Reunion on Friday of ]ast week. c f the University of Toronto ________ t Medical Graduating Class of 1915 on Monday night. The OI~TA~ 1annversary party was beld at OBIULALJ. cthe Toronto Golf Club. On Tuesday night the class mem- ALLAN J. TERPSTRA *bers were guests of the Med- The death of! AIon James ical Alumnae Association at Terpstra, aged six years and Hart House, Toronto. nine months, ocurred sud- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eggens., denly at Memoriai1 Hospital, Guelpb, recently spent a week- Bowmanvdlle, on Sunday, M'ay end with the latter's parents, 30, 1965. He b:ad not been ill Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Conway. and wa's stricken at bis homne On May 2th Mr. Eggens grad- shortly before hie deatb. uated from the University of ewsbr a dotn Guelph with lst class honours, Hlertason atk admnton, Bacbelor cf Science in Agr ibetsno-Jc n l culture. Mr~. Eggens is alsa a Terpsfra. He and bis parents, graduate of Royal Roads, Brit- who were both born in Hol- ish Columbia, and of the Royal land, lived at 11922 - 49th St., Military College, Kingston, Edmonton, for three years, Ontario. then on the Base Line Eas't, Bowrnanvile, for one year. On Thursday evening, June Mr. and Mrs. Terpstra and 1th, St. Paul's Jr. Choir met their children bave resided at in the Lecture Roam for a 5:30 19 Prince St., Bowmanville, luncheon. Miss Sunsa n ne for about two and a bal Graham, Treasurer o! the Jr. years. Choir, arranged the party, as- sisted by Mrs. George Graham, MIan James attended Knox Mrs. Leland Millsan and Mrs. Christian Schbool wbere he James Patterson. During the was a Grade 1 pupil. He was social period Miss Georgeann a member 01 Maranatlia Chris- Graham, with a few well chos. tian Reformed Cburcb. en words, expressed the grati- He is surv'ived b~y bis par- tude of the Jr. Choir ta Mr. ents, Jack and Alice Terpstra, ]Beaton for bis outstanding a brother Theodore, and a sis- leadership and training, and ter, Sylvia Elsie. presented hlm wlth a record- ing. Miss Efleen McQuarrie The deceased rested at thej1 on behaif of the Jr. Choir Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow-i presented Mrs. Beaton. Wendv manville, with funeral serviW' Outstanding iaycee William H. Stacey, left, 15 Carlisle Ave., Bow- manville, was honored on June 5th at the President's Night of Oshawa Jaycees when he was named the Outstanding Jaycee cf the 'Year. An employee of General Motors, he bas been a member cf Oshawa Junior Chamber cf Commerce for over three years and bis wife bas been treasurer of the Jayoettes. While she congratulates him on the award, President-elect Tobie Couture looks on with approval. Courtice N. School Field Day Resuits eti. andi ,ennifer with gifts of Iée. in the Rehobotix Christian Re. Middle Distance Race: Sen- Bow1r Intermediate Boys, membrance. A cake inscrib-i formeti Church, Bowmanville, lor Boys, Terry Flintof!, Non- Paul M night, Ron Van d1e1 Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Hoop- ed with the wards, "Best of on Wednesday, June 2nd. The iTa ieGog ca;WleSa abr uniorý er, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brunt, Luck Mr-. anti Mrs. Beatan" service was canducteti by Rev. Intermediate Boys, Brian Ey- Boys, Carl Wilson, Jixny. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kilpatrick, centreti the table. Two con- John C. Venbrugge, anti inter- mann, Paul MeKnight, Ricky Harnelinck, Fred Ryan; Sen-1 Mn. anti Mrs. Invine Brown tests closeti a very enjayable Ment was in Bowmanville Allen; Junior Boys, Doug Mc- 1cr Girls, Joy Watson' Eleanorý andi Mr. Wm. Martin attendeti evening. Cemeteny. Knigbt, Terry Allen, Terry Grahamn, Shirley Gosick; In-1 the Kinsmen Club District 8 Pelbeaersw er eMems. Baker; Senior Girls, Joy Wat-, termediate Girls, Brenda Mer- convention belti at Bigwin Inn,Pabeer wereMess son, Glenis Heeley, Debbie tien, Linda Summerall, Lin da Muskoka, Thunsday te Suntiay 11'~r!TT Raiph Sneda, Joe Bouma, Morden; Intermediate Girls, Bennett; Junior Girls, Kathy of ast week. WES.LIYI1IL Martin KUipers anti George Caroline Taylor, Bat-b McFar- Pettersen, Kathy Allen, Marie, Hiemstra. land, Carol Livingstone; Jun- Nesbitt. During a convocation o! the There were 19 ladies pres- Among the many eutflinGrls, Linda EIlis, Marie Tu OWa:Sno 'University o! Toronto last batfi'rC u a:Sno Boys,~ %veek, Hawardi Rundle neceiv- ent for the meeting af the floral tokens were tho_%e from Nesbitt, Katihy Allen. Richard Ellis, Doug Bradley,l eti an M.A. tiegree freim the U.C.W. helti at the church on Bunley Bus Lines, anti theFit Yard Dash: Senior Terry Flintaf!, Norman Lilev;i' Excelsior Life Insu rance Com~- Bo)NfysTeryFlintoff, Grave Intenmediate Boys, Ricky AI- *University. John Rundie, his Wetinesday aftennoan, June !pany. Bnet omnLly ne-ln nr onrwkAe * brother, bas receiveti word b 9th. In the absence o! Mrs =meite By ai McKnight, Muir, Da ni Summerscales; bas successfully completeti 2ndGe. ufod prsdnh .- ..B-aRssKaeyJnor os, ery ak, year metiie at the «Uni- Go ufrpeiet h Eymann, Rs eteJno os er ae, vrtyof Toronto. They are business anti progr-amme were j! uno osTry aeFred Ryan, Doug McKnight, in chaig o! Mrs.John Gon-Fr-aser, Shane Irvine; Shane r e; Senior Girls, _______________ elivce-prestet h et entior Girl, Bat-b Gosick, IB a raGosi, Gi eb in eopne wthprye adGail Baxtlett, Shirely Gosick; Dalee G Uhm ula Wer- rngopealwa netiwiterer anibIntemdaeGirls, B rend a nick; Intermediate Girls, Ban - Ni ai cliwa aswrei y sug-. Mortien, Bannie MeGee, Wen- nie McGee, BonnieBihp iBu1An ule gsin odas !ipo-,ty McGee; Junior Girls, Lin- Marlon Ellis, Brenta Monden; ig the strawbenry festival. da Euls, Kaotihy Allen, Marie Junior Girls, Marie Nesbitt, BO ile There were several whicb will ,Nsit KtyAln Pentecostai beaeupninutngd! High JuoV: Senior Boys, Sanidra Bisbop. shudeiiae servi ex_ d Sprague, Marty Sisson, Relay: Senior Boys, Mike tent tîr some wai mg. ord ~,.Geve Ben net Interm ediate Ruckstahi, Rick Elis Ter has been receivetingbyWMrsdH Boys, Brian Eymann, Paul Mc- Flinto!!, Norman Liley; Inter- Ausin hatth seondchitiKnigfht, Walter Sikora; Junior mediate Boys, Ross Keetley, 75 Liberty St. 8. being assîsteti witb educatiano- Boys, Ji:r Hamelink, John Randy Allen. GordGahm in Hng Kng i a oy. hen rasr, Shane lt-vîne; Senior Paul McKnigbt;, Junior Boys,1 Patr e.A urBT.program was presented by Giràs, Barb Goeick, Glynis John Frasern, Mark Keetley, Phone 623-5100 the group led by Mirs. Groene- . Heeley, Joy Watson; Interme- Guy Jolhnson, Jirn He me inick; veltianti antined th stuty <h Giffie, Bredia Mot-ten, Senior Girls, Bat-b Gosick, Joy Sunday School: 9:55 a.m. of Triiiidad. Mrs. A. Austin Ceaol;JMe atoe , Linda u B artso, e b;iaeMedartienGil reati the acipture tesson antidzal;Jtio biUuaBt-htt nttmdaeGrs *"Father's Day" Mrs. A. Clat-ke led in prayer. E&sLîndia Nesbitt, Knathy Brenda Marden, Bonnie Mc- Mrs. A. Tbornntyke tispîayed Petterson. Gee, Matian Ellis, Lindia Sum- 11I a.m. a picture a! the flag shawing Runnin,,gBroad Juimp: S.en- met-all; Junior Girls, Marie "AM DE ATE" a diagonal black stripe bard- NEW CHURCH PRESIDENT ior. Boys, Bd. Sprague, Tenry Nesbitt, Kathy Allen, Lintia ereA itMwiteEoLareAMr. race'S.WeIs1aFlintoîf., Normian Liley; Inter- Neabitit, Santira Bishop. barud . Sh hete, xpnaineti ChnstianScenc.elteaberatimediate Boys, Btian Eyunann, Long Distance Race: Senior bachekmeaun.e! hecalsanti CrcitianSerneom San AnandRoss Keatley, Brati Iliffe; Jun- Boys, George Navak, Bob 7 p.m. ph enn f h oosan attoerfo a n o t-, o Boys, John Fraser, Shane Walker, Mike KOU,; Seniar biSIGNS THAT gave the motta "Together we Texas, was nameti presitient et 1 -ine, Fred Rô'an; Senior Girls, Glenis Healey, Joy PON OTE aspire, together we achieve". the June 7 Annuel Meeting of Girls, Bar.b Gosick, Joiy Wat- Watison, Debbie Martien; POINT T THE Te leader, witb Mesdames A. The Mother Church, The Fîrst son, Elida Kirtley; Interme- COMING 0F THE Clarke, A. Tborntiyke, H. Bar- Church ai' Christ, Scientist, in diate Girls, Caroline Taylor, Senior Champion - Terry 10ISCHIT owbuh A. Austin, assisteti Boston, Mass. itf,1pons LORD hEU HITy1byMrs. GroneliS.sg____ Brenda Morden, Bonnie Me--Fiof,1pins the national antbem af Trini- - Gee; Junior Girls, Marie Nes- IenaMedenCh1pins. Wed. June 23rd dati anti Tobago. A film strip 'bitt, Kathy AIlen, Lintia Bis. àrnaMrie,2 ons FamilyNight ervice o nin itiaihomSR schols, EBENEZER Distant B.all Tbrow, Senior Junior Champion - Xath Faias shoSrvce of n ihmsstil ls Boys, Terry Flantoff, Grave Allen, 23 -points. churches, industry, olti and (Intendeti for last week) Bennett, Doug Bradley; Inter-- BIBLE STUDY: new buildings anti landiscapes, Th'le June meeting o! the mead iate By, Paytnann, NE "SPIRIT-FILLED with commentary. Duning A!ternoan Unit, o! the U.C.W. Junior Boys, John Fraser, N WTON VILLE LIVING" preparation for the social time, was helti Tuesday, June eth, Iiae tvine, Fred Ryan; M,- anti Mr. BuoWhmt LVN"a recortiung o! folk sangs was at Ebenezer Church anti open- Sh"enior.irls ebbeWMatien playeti The group wene eti by singing hynin, "O) ca Barthett, Darlene Gra-neo!Nwstewrevs- YOUTH: thanket for thpir gaod pro- Master Let Me Walk ýWith haîn Intermediate Gi rl1s ors wîth Mrn, anti Mit-. Willis * 'BGSUPRS?>' gramme by Mis. Clarence Thee," followed by prayer by Bren'da Mortien, Caroline Tay' Farrow, Tues"iy. Nichis.Mns Tub.]or, Bot-b McFarland; Junior Mirs. H. Trim weni. ta Cas- "Tou Are Neyer a Stranger There were 57 at Sunday Several thank you notes Girls, Arl-ene Keatley, Katby tleton, Wednesdlay, to spenti a School on June 13;, with Patty were reati, anti Mr. G. Annis Allen, Santira Bisbop. few tiays with the Bai'leys. lu the Pentecostal Church" Payne playing the concluding gave the Treasurer's repart. Accuracy BaIl Tbrow: Sen- A plastic demanstration was ___________________ ymn anti the intermediate rsG.Tbanceite ior Boys, Doug Bradley, Lean- heldtiait thbe home o! Mrs. Mili- girls cosing with prayen. FMiiy Gh tubbfo uneelthe ard Bowler, George Novak;, igan on Wetinestiay evening. with Pot Luck Supper starti ' hnterniediate Boys, Rantiy Al- MM. anti Mmr. Wm. Staple- PII ~ i at 6:30 anti the Manse Cong len, Rick Watson, Bt-ad Iliffe; ton er suppen guest.s with TIIIIT UNITED Ln.URCH mittee will be holding ther Junior Boys, Terry Baker, ssMrMoisi Oan Animal Supper at Maphe Eric Gosick, Jim. Harnelinck; one vngletwkad Organist - Mr. Arthur Collsori, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Grave the lest of Julie. Senior Girls, Joy WatsOn, aise calleti on Mrs. C. Rjobin- 1 ~Marilyn Mitchell, Elea non son. S DAUN 2Oh195Mits, K. Hopkins then asked Grtahamn; ntet-mediate Girls SUNAY JUE 0th 165the ladies to save any pliable Luntia Sunmnerail, Debbie Vet- Mr. andi Mis. Bill Watie anti Il am. MoningWorhipplastic botties ta be useti for zal, Wendy McGee; Junior famuly were visitors at Mn. il .m -Monin Wrsipcna!ts tiuring Bible Vacatianal Girls, Kat'hy Allen, Eva Mc- Joh Meneilley's, Thursday Rev. A. W. Harding School. Farland, Katiby Pettersen. evening. The committee ini charge of Slow Bicycle Race: Senior Mn. end Mrs. Frank Gilmer WILL PREACHth pragram was Mira. Carl Boys, Ricky Lowe, Terry Tre- were in Barrie on Thursday. Down antiMra. Oscar Irwun, vaîl, Terny Fluntof!; Intermme- Fielti Day was helti et Ken-1 SUNDAY SCHOOL anti Mra. C. Down then asketi diate Boys, Alex Muir, Ted dal On Fniday foi- alI the Mrs. Wes Dawn ta present the Wennick, Ronnie Van de scbools in fthe township, ex- Junior, Internuediate and Senior - 9:30 a.m. : film "~Fields o! Sacrifice." Mits. Walker;' Junior Boys, Terry cetN0ateadOoo Primary and Kindergarten - 11:20 a.m. !Carl Down stateti that with Baker, Fred Ryan, Rantiy Congratulations te Mr. anti Beginners - 11:00 a.m.semn odwrinpgesi Boomer; Senior Girls, Marlene Mrs. Cecil Burley, 48 years _____________________ that coulti easily become bot Graîhami, Shirely Gosick, Je- mannieti on Saturday, June 12. ...~ ~-~ -~ wans, that people ini charge o! net Hun-inick; hIntermediate Mn, anti Mm. Trueman H-en- -~countries anti beatis o! gavera- Girls, Marian Elhis, Marg Fra- derson--iand famîily le!t on Fri- mument shoulti be nemintied o! serm, Bonnie McýGee; Junior day night taespend*the week- R e ob ththe horrors o! war andi the Girls, Kathy Allen, Ann Kint- endi at thei- cottage at Ken-1 Re ob t many hundretis o! thousantis ey, Cathy Dean. iassL1ake.1 ~ hrs~ n Reor e C urh who lost their lives ini the hast 2Tree-Legged RaceSeio Visitors at the mansla~ Àshowed scenes froni many Of narti'Bowler, Ed. Sprague anti Lancaster, Mrs. T. Hâenderson, Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister the countries ravageti by war. Mike Koîl, Ricky Elis anti Mr. F. Gilmer. 623-5023Some thungs time can neyer Tim Zavitsky; Interniediate Mr .and Mits. George Staple- Telephone 62-02beal. Boys, Rosa Keatley andi Randy ton, Miss Dorothy Stapleton, Whip Service was openetiAen,ý Paul McKnight & Ber- accom-panieti by Mir. anti Mrs. bysunging bymn, "Christ for ry MMani, Mot-e]y Liscum Clare' Mattn of Leskai-t, M aranatha the World We Sung," anti Mr. and Ricky Allen; Junior Boys, were tuner guests in Tor- Chritian Refomed hurc ~ The 5ogfring was gathereti Bakere, Shane Irvine and Fred end Ms. 0. J.Henierson. Christian Reformed Churth by Mrs. G.Annis and tiedicat- ynTer Ak adEi M.KnStptoofo- Revy Henry Van Andel, B.A., B.D., Minister ed b r.C Down. M Gosick; Senior Girls, Gail onto was home over- Sundaey. Down cantinueti ber worsblp Bartiett anti Debbie Mortien, MT-. and Mira. Fred Hender.! Telephone 623-3492 service by statung that many Glenis Heeley anti Bat-b Gos- son were Saturidy evenung nations are expt-essiug nation- ick, Shirley Grosick anti Janet visdtorsat Mir. Bey. Hend-i #Vorship Service -i alism, with fierce pritie, witb Hunmeniek; hntermediate Girls, son's, Bowmanvi.lle. Smuch demauti for better Wendy McGee andiCai-cl Liv- Mr. anti Mits. S. J. LancaS- WBsi srie :0a.i choals, medical centres andi inîgstone, Marion BUis and ter attendeti the Masonîc ser-1 Worhipserice 7:3 ~.horne. Matexialism is being put Blythe Beerthuizen, Lintia vice in Orono, Sunday morn- i "Prociaiming the whole counsel of (Cod" abeati o! Goti. With matenial Summerali anti Brenda Mot-- ang. progress we mnua! ahso have tien. Junior Girls, Marie Nes- 1&t. andi M"r. Don Stapleton spiritual progress, anti tepenti bitt anti Linda Nesbitt, Unda anti Lois were visitorsaet Mn. Back to God Hour Broadcast on the power that Goti alone BUlis and Kathy Allen, Mary J. H. MRMeKglt's ini Mill- CKLB Oshawa - Sunday, June 2th, at 9:15 p.m. ca give us. Petryhm anti Ann Xifley. brok Sunday, bringing Mrs. Mrs. Irwiîi closed tbe imeet- Walk: Senior Boys, Martin Loi-ne Toddt home with them. ing with prayen. Nrm%nian 4eLoad Sna usawt n n Mm .RaYmond EBrxe wert Mx. and Mrs. Chas. Waters ci Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Charlit Reeder of Oshawa, Mm. Hert GËmon of Bownnville. Miss Dia-ne Burley cf Oah awla was a caller with Mrs Cecil Durley Sunday after. moon and a supper guest witih Ms,.and Mm,. Phil Gtilnier and faznily. Mir. and Mrs. Cldnton Brown aocornpa.ied Mr. and Mis. F. Henderson, Peter and Carol to Belleville sunday, wtieré Uhey visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jo!y. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blliott were supper guests of Misg Katie Stewart, Kendal, cn SundaY and ettended the Sun- day Sohoal Anniversary ser- vice held in the ev.ening in that ohurdi. T7he guest speak- er weas Mr-. Allan Beech, son of~ R me iT>Ifl ter on this charge 26 years ego. Rev. Eu. Igene Beecb. Otihers froni ber IWhoa attended thLq service were Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, Miss Anie Nesbitt, Mr. F. Gilmer, Mrs. Roy Best and her mother, Mrs. Walkey, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster. M. an-d Mrs. Bill Wade andi boys were, in Cobourg Sunday afternon w1here Messrs. Bill and Grant Wade were umnpir- ing a baLl game. Mir. S. J. Lancaster was in Toono onda~y on a business Mm. H'arry Wade lett MOI,- day morning ta attend the three-day session cf the Re- bekeh Assembly of Ontaria, being held at the Royal York. The W.O.N.N. girls, sof*t- bail league is in action here this week, witb fthe first borne garne Ret the scihool on Thurs- day night, 17 o'clock, when Newtonville entertains Wel-1 conne. Plan ta turnouot andi Several members of LOL 82 A. Code, 623-2645 Evenings: support the home teani. attended Orange Churcb Par- P. Kowal Jr., 623-5868 PO TY OO The Canadian Statesnian, Bowmanville, June 16, 1965 7 A l~arge number o! neighbors: ade in Tyrone andi Bailieboro in Peterborough. We extend ýbadfriends gathered at the'on Sunday. aur sincere sympathy ta those Orange Hall for a Presentation, 1- to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Des, Several !rom here went to who mourn. S. Grossilliers who are leavingl Toronto the past week to pay Our- local bal teamn fel toi rthis community soon. They their last respects to Mrs. Em- pieces n Sunday evening and h were presented with a purse anuel Bruno who died of a were eaten by Bailieboro. id of money on Saturday nigt. eart attack in_ Civic Hospital1 Beter luck next time boys. Lunch was serveti after the, ,n Presentation.LJ l P* Pontypool's oldest citizen Home of ~the IIIJek à, was laid to rest in O rono '1 ~ M ~ ~ M ~ W ~ E .e Cemetery hast week. Mrs.1 ýn Rose White was in ber 98t1 year and w~as the widow Of tt h at George W hite urb s prdecesedber several years! ago. Since his passing, she ati ýS~ - ived for sanie ture with Mr.i -and Mrs. Geralti Fisk. The County Farniers' Union! helti a weli attendeti meeting' in the Orange Hall on Fridayl Sevenrng. The guest speaker -was Mr. Russell Honey, M.P. SMr.. Robert Halbran isi e spendng a few days at isl ut -home n the village accompan-1 e ied byi bis niece, Mrs. Clifford Olver cf Toronto. Mr. Halborani is in bis 96th year. Mrs. Jean Morrisan, Scar- borough, spent the weekend ý witb Mr. and Mrs. R. J.I Payne. à \ à Large cangregatians were à " >,W: z present at bath Anniversary Services at the Unitedi Churcb1 Above is pictured a centrally located on Sunday. Guest preacher was 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW the Rev. Fullerton af Keene United Cburcb. A fine service Attractively landscaped ...oil heated o! song was rendered by a local Mdrt ae choir witb Mr. Les Fairburst, ModQuet eigTaxesoo a s o r g a n is t . a e t eR a u e e g b u h o Our ob con-1 Priced f0 Sel at... ... .... ..$15,000, gratulated on getting up twa,- Cntc short plays which they wîll! otc present at aur Garden Party the last of this month. Thesel E E O A r eio plays will also be part a! the 52 King St. W. Phone 623-2453 Bownianville programme at Liffard and Cadmus in the nean future. vngs SHOP and SAVE at I.D.A. 1 SPECIALS GOOD 'TIL JUNE 19 VP 127, 620 OR 120 SUPER SPECIAL KODAK FILM SUG(G. LIST' 65c EACR Zfor97c I I PEPTO BESMAL for UPSET STOMACH ------ 8-oz., sugg. lisi 1.25 1.0 7 LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC------ 14-oz., sugg. list 98e 77c MAALOX LIQUID - ----.--- 12-oz. sugg. Iist 1.75 1.47 CO-PYRONIL PULVULES--------- ----- 25's, sugg. list 2.25 1.97 VITALIS HAIR ------- - 7-oz., sugg. list 1.07 8 7c CASTORIA------------- --- -- sugg. list. 65e 5 7c Lady Patricia HAIR SRY---------- -sg.list 99e7C KOTEX Feminine Napkins ------------ egular or Super, sugg. list 51c 2 for 87c POLIDENT Denture' Cleanser - sugg. list 89, 7 7c %ff eirnuu, za-oz.-.Reg. 50C J7 B3AYER ASPIRIN 1 00S, SUGG L IST 99« 77C CREST 69C valIueC The Tootbpaste that reduces cavalies 61c Sail into Dad's Heart witl, OId Spice SUGG. LIST 2.25 ýAfter Shave Lotion by SHULTON 1.77 PHILISHAVE SPEED m FLEX SHAVER This Rotary Electric Shaver has twin flexible hcads that automatically adjust to lit every curve and contour of a -man's face, sugg. list 27.95_ 24.951 Prolessional barber type trimmer for neai, sharp side burns. 5 surgical blades for Gillette FISHERMAN'S SPECIAL you buy two 5-blade dispensers of SPECIAL Gillette Stainleis Steel Blades. SUGG. LIST 1.45 1.29 ALEX McGREGOR 0 DRUGS.0 <ING ST. W. - PHONE 623- 5792 51 M 23e95 1*29 PRESCRIPTIONS 1. D. A REMEDIES 5 b Il Ge M I I SUHBEàAM SHAVEMASTER SHAVER, ;et a Red Royal lure FREE when SUGG. LIST 1.45

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