The ~sCanaim tat.eman, aowmanvma, lu»a s.Fles orelheug To BeatChrrs94 SP0 R g>p1C by Jini CI&k li o 'ak a epip I ~ ~~~~~~~~~F nk's V ar ety m v . a k ed apn f sî g e n f u B Frn ouUS7Uinto the Jr. Mens, otaItîs DnBs~ o race lastMa usand Jery il ~~I4 ~ trx>unaing hartm~' e de aeist in WE'D IRE TO HEAR Wear 9-4. A fine:rle tn fec <I [4j4g <~~~~~umoe.. ~~by Harvey Websterad oe FrCatan GogeM- From time to tinie we have mentioned in this column solid hittmng, enabled h e lo upe aro î that we'd like to hear from anyone who lias worthwhile iety club to gain th wn.vihBanSthGu Par news for this column. Without a lot of assistance not only Webster r acdstare n en. ia this space but the entire sports page would lie virtuafly McrKenzxe in the secndfaeun1. trailing 3-2 and 1osd n Impossible - and we would like te cover thie whole local U LTI run, four bit bail,ovrte sem eetyta tarpre iilie eev Cean Ouet e onHilghl- Scoring ilt let 52/3 trames.Mceze It eem rcenlytha tis epote hmben rcevin 1pressve, but ran it o-It lewer reports, or none at ail frorn some areas - and jun ~DD~ rol troubles, welkingfv at a tire when we hiave been se tied up that we are hIIE V ~ C* 1 a. fg ~ ~ I ~ is 1 1/3 innings o o ~ ~ E E E unable to caver many activities personally. It ta tougli Vo Fuels O utEiast KEraIEEfI/ 15 »12 Trr'ae, nbsfia o be in several places at the sanie time even at the best pear'ance on the bhi fo h ofc tiigies - s0 we're making a plea - we'd like to hear Stephen Fuels scored six a pair in the fifth and seventh. John Fowler was the game's maes, a on or us ni froni tue soccer, lacrosse, tennis, basebail, aoitball and otuer tmsi h irtadadd Krarnp's got three back in top hitter with four singles, four bits. Suiva e sumersprt puliiss.four more in the second ta the bottom of the first, cap- wbule Jim Gernsei belteti a lieved for Ohartran'sndit * su m mer sports pubilciats. build up a huge 10-3 lead, and < } J 5 1 3 f a e . lh i - . . -chd5 /3fam 1 1 t t t then held on te out-last italizing an a pair af Fuel's borne run and two singles and ners nicked "Sully'frie HO A OT HA!Kramp's Furniture 15-12 last errors. They picked up two Dave Werry collected three runs, On five bt.Fak HO AOT HA!Wednesday night at Vincent more in the thrd and another singles. Ray Crombie addeda nxy ackerel there Andy -or we should Pak. baes par n hefith bfoe ri- rileanforaBO a 2-0 le nhe M a s y p r .p i ng t e p ab f r ri - t i l a d s n l w t o i r s ta n d D o n B roiled into the driveway Sunday night with a sample of d sinigle provided most of the hili with a big four-run of singles. rpigsfte.Te tdt thei fising rowes. he opening frame damnage, sixth. Cornel andtewn ihatio usi h tlieir fishing prwess. ith "Jiggs"Cowling coming Terry Black, Grant Wright, George Stpea re twin, ihatigfrn ntetpo the Stepen potetingthesecond, to leati 5-0.Caran Between thern they hauled in 25 uanciîes- and threw through with a two-bagger in Bob Abbott, John Stainton, lead in relief. Harry Snow- s1laved the Iead toe- 9 ffer back have a dozen others. Included In the anes we saw was the second again with the Cowlingf and Vanstone each den failed te get past the sec- hallf of the innin'g,chin a bi soid 9'/ inher an lîk thy sy -tha's rety ~bases filled. Stephen's added ciaimed two bits to account endi frame, as Phil Foster taok MocKenzie, after a dul vm. ag od 19/y leag e an lket.y' pea tsingle run in the fourth and'for the Fuels' 12-bit total. aver the mound chores. Gog nifu IID e a sagtwalks. 7ew1 er ________ LhartranMs increased their lead t - SOUNDSEASY! nyres lflWflthe third, witth DonMcr- There were 11,774 holes-in-one recorded officiaily south WI W' D w n hatUU e m2sr'iplthebgbo.Wie of the border last year, but the most unusual was one nmade Weser asbanngCatE 1 by a 56 year aid New Eagland business man. Pîaying around iby Jim Clarke slng effeotivedy for the lar winneas scorî-ng. Chartrans final two runs in tietpc W'ytes moved in front 3-0 aae hOrol usi - with only a putter the golfer cme to a 150 yard hole. He cn uStta us~ ad hirs a- s coin ahaie helat f h ha, as tîYh ~ ou e ry A eTH E IC S bunkr, ouncd ntothegren, it he lag he 4i~erî h~atîa s iens h. Ken Coverly's tree Spark" Clarke reached first walked and Don MMre bukr one notegen i h lgstick and drap- . beaOn Mîdvght r was the big blow w tii on en error by Whiyte's short- cracked a round-trpern I ped into the cup. Seems ta me that one at least was registered *Q."'Why On lamd thev lird I and DîckS a rail letng P.tksopioe th fan.Guy free pass and Iwo Errr o ~L. andDik Sat af clletig Prk foloed it asingle, iowed McMurtersclotbýP at Bowmanville's Southvicw Course in the sanie manner. win in as înany ineetingsiz te ens Silivana atas hdter nyn or aarssle Sa what's se unusual about a shot like that! downing the siumping Mcns afsboe tt a s Deno is pli inlasrai of she am e rewinlg. Chamre as ae hetnn egnses tl a 7 Near tbis n-2t oneaise.robablybrmare aaongsthehinespoflLeal uelSaftfathefîxture.fStatI Wear crewxtonei6-2,balnimrealJr Mheenne ofthe top of the sixth. Siilv 1Stata got George Mikelson on in the fifth, scored therfnlc eaiglsees hte one this reporter might register, if we ever manage to turn upped his pitchimîg mark to drop.ped a single ta, rightan automatic infield fly rul- run in the bottonmo h0e1 hyr bnigeerasern the trick. It happened wbcn a 16 year aid scbool girl was 4-1, tossiiig a fine tiee-hitt- field with Iwo out, but died îng, but Burns MacMillan enth. Two infielti erosndwelfgtgruhortafi er. He fannred five, walked on second, when George BaIl singied scoring bath runners. hits by Brian SmithanGu orbnngvrahtsee playing the third round of ber life. She toppeti ber tee shot nc and retired the first 17 fanned. ýThe comeback was snuffed Parks, gave the lasr hd rynmemk hs ok1k on a 119 yarder and the bail dribbled dawn the fairway, * men. His plans for his sec- Whytes moveci into a 5-0 OtWe ae opt afnlrua. Both cluswr hteurad iI' otm botm0Steve Burns atscodadsreesi across a sand trap and into the hale. 3.od n-itra h cr edge in the btmof the la-th seet.esdar ofpisptca The odds against holing out a tee shot are 6,000 teoane, Ardent'fishermen in this area might well trail were endeti when Dennis Sul- ning. 'Coan' Osborne reaoh- Garth Linton fa nied. Arounti the Bases:-o c oehsifehutbespl hivan singled in the sixth in- ed first on Sullîvan's error, Aroýund the Bases: Briani Murter with a homradc om n i aywyo but you'd neyer prove it by a California golfer wbo shot these two gentlemen, Sam Black, lef t, and Jerry Kean, in il While Stata w~as hand- Bayd was safe on Burns Mac- Bradley and AI Farrow pro- triple sp'arked theVrey prenaonmeIseng turee ini the saine ycar, two of them on the saine 330 yard because obviously they have found the fishing hale cuffiuig ftieopposition. his Miilaii's err-or anîd AI Far- vi'ded Whytes wýith their of- cllubs performa n ce, hI~bten40 n :0p hale - and get a ioad of this - twa of them back to back! of the year. On Sunday, they caught 25 speckled trout mates turned in a strang ef- row rappeti bis tim'i.d hit of fensive leadersohtp, eachl coi- Ken Baker coatinued i o-(ody hog rdy Haly mackerel there AndyM! h9 bt fart at the plate and in flic the nigiht. Osborne scored, lectiiig threc bits. Ken Cover- rid hitting, with a doul(n hruhy noal xei The scasons ~~~~including these three huge ones that weigh in beween field. Thy tagged Chartrans but Farrow was out on Guy iy, Dick Stata, AI Osborne single.H isbotdbsec.Stras o,6an Th esnsloîîgest hale-in-anc was a 400 yarder by three and four paunds each. The only information con- Dennis Sullivan for 10 hits Parks relayr to second base, and BIie ikrdal ikd vrabi .2,ts op am 'te1:0am a left-bander, and the iongest by a woman was a 221 yard cerning the spot they have found is that it is within and com[nitted only anc errer. Brian Bradley then hanier- up singles for the winners. the regu1ars in the laue *ce. This is a feat not restrictcd ta the great and near great 20 minutes drive of Bowmanville. Charurans. who droppeti 2-0 cd a homne muiîta endthefic GUY Parka, Burns MacMil- Larry Paquett ended alnty _________ ai2-1 det-isiorîs ta Whytes ian and Dennis Sullivan pick- or ta any particular age. Exre'~ . ariier thîs year, trailed 1i i- ed u'P the 01n1Y hits for Clhart- speedy recovery and qu For instance an 84 year aid gentleman knocked In a EtaInn Needed for th-e first four frames.Hl as n tck etings eunt cin 110 yard ace and a youag nine year aid holed out a 157nn g by Biaine Pickard, Ai O-EII is Nearly aans in Vhraee mei srtuntMaton'S yrard tee shof. breadAI Fairow, gaver cr lineup have managed sharp defensive playslth The longest hloe-in-ouic in record is a 427 yard shot by bottorn of the second. While Catch W hyt s, Bih Bates, Wiytes stanriaut the loac double play ffi Lau Kretlaw of Oklahoma City. Wonder if he's the same K n s R ly t i Stata was maewing down third sacker, ivas missing hard-fouglit contest. guy better kaown as a major league basebail pitcher. Gu.yhartrans, Sullivan was ts- Buenthe J. m<il, ONTARIte vctryle .t Bu Fall Sho r mtghL nsilsp. ihi, hedd- hes vp icthe st: ' AIL TTO t f t tsaw Rhonda Kavaaaugh bit, won't be back in action for.a and two lasses. Standigo____________ DRAFT - HO HUM st ph à Fuels 6 m3 for two omas whileic - by Jm Clarke few gaies and everybody n averages wilI appear i et ~~~ ~Linton aad Shirley Morris a the league wisbces -Willy"aweksppr It right be an understaternent ta Bay tliat the N.H.L. triple each. Wliyte's (Jpdolstery stcoc off a eksppr draft diint create any excitement. Oh the awners traded Kens Mens Wear, neid within ue out oi gaiuiîg the la the Mutton - Rotary game'a seventh inning raily by Eldis around a bit of rnaneY . some rnaking ten grand in lesa scareless for six innings, came win when Vern Grubin's home Karen Mimner and Debbie Sel- Shaes last Tue.sday night ta than 24 hours. But for the ardinary sparting fan - ho hum. UP) with three runs in the run sparked the big seventh ]ers calected two hmr n gain a tbread-tbin 5-3 verdict The clubs have ta Dut their cards on the table when seveath ta tic the game, andi inniag rally. After Bill Nich. anc single each. uin Jr. Mens League Soiftbail scoreti three more in the extra oison waiked, Don Bagneil Jaync Marshall twa singles, i actioni. Dick Stata ehalketi upý the session begins - so why not give the fans a break frame ta defeat Stephen Fuels homeredte ta ie it up. while Kaye Stephenson, Deb- lus third win of the season as anmd publish the list of protecteti players, ta create a little 6-3 in a Men's Town League Gary McCullough apeneti bic MeMullen, Diane Cowle. he hooketi up with EIlis' Jiinl o. interest. thriller last Tuesday night et the eighth with a double andi and Brenda iMoffatf a singlelCoyle in a great pitohers duel. ib Inerit -Vincent Masscy Park. scoreti the eveafual winner an each. For the losers, Judy Ai-IStata allowed six hits, oaly t tebnspikt p n un"a"Rihrs snl.lison banged out a borner andione for extra bases, wihile EIE fl J( itg/ CROTHERS AND KIDD in the first on a pair of errors, Bagacil aise collected a pair a single, while J. Davis bit, Coyie gave Up just threc safe- ~j/j A andi appeared ta have if wrap- of singles -ta leati the winners, two singles. Mary Davcy, J. tIics, as fhe laser. Onie wasa -R 5 That must bave been quite a nîceet et Varsity Stedium peti up whîen they atideti a witb Grubin addîng a single Cowle and Lynn Sf acey a'hntrb Wse aA oyi Thursday night. OnlY wish we were there. 0f course the pa ir in the sevenfh. Amother ta bis circuit clout. Abhott's single each. ; tbe fifth farme, as the win- f e r t h high-light vras Bill Crothers finally beating Peter Snell in miscue apeiedtihle gates as twa singles eccaunteti for haîf; AEBLl tia ele>uers scorcd threc tinxes. Stata; Iiii i, h P i e the 880. Altbough the tirne was slow, Crothers rnate Bob Abbott's single provided the Fuels hit ttal. ln the îtoruî Series Basebail 1amnned eighrt andt wadked buti mnendous ràcc, althougb for a timrue in the stretch, It appeared Starting pitcher Bob Williamns five of themn in the seveaf h League game playet iet Mcm- onie wîligs Coyle hifd w lie wes boxed ini. fosseti a sfrong four-bitter, but and cighth. He fanacd four igYanePar and etda mora own wildness anti severel wild Ted Hoa efane tYankeesionantiwaMetsa bir.tWlliamsthrows by lus mates, hurt a 10 15 Now Bruce Kitid dint do amîy runniag, but lie dîiTeHorcntifctcisodwlkd a1ai.tiilars na eighf al fie, whiee fine aftcr comiag an in flic sevenfi. lied four strike-outs, while Cardinels defeateti the Cerds fn pitching performnance. prdc i ud ol iadthe next day we reati Hoar blasfed e two-ouf borner îssuiuîg fhree bases on balîs antiflf 7 jujth Gats'vllp took a 1.0 led in thbe 20 .5- 9 how Bruce was fthc guy who calleti the shot. ActualIy Jir n l the ciglifl with anc on ta Hoar cleimeti a single strike- cI litwns7theGans w. bottom of flie first. Bill Ba- 20 Hunt wes on the bal fao - about a week or two erlier. clincli the victary. ouf vicfim anti welkcti anc bat- emeo the s Saturday. tes droppeti a sinle Vo centre- ' ______George_______________ter._______for_______________ fieid, Steven Burns walked However, thats beside the point. Now Kidd's amateur LaeGoreS phnw sf . June l9tb antiD tt'sgone a Mets vs. Cerdinels -9:00 a.m e Stt' rone a atatus is being questioncti because lie is a sparts reporter. d Dakesv wns-90 in Pcar'sarfcefy If be beti been workiuîg as a meclianie or in an obscure DagrBsl ns 1:0 arne sori ate's.crifie wi- offi jb, nthing would ave-bUen- sait. ut-bcaus"»ruce --0 -PIL àOU-% âI e.mDr bolibctista oati flc-s1cks Tolephon. 7234631 * Te next activity on e or sisséFc wutc easdfettificCbs8fa0.m IT~~err.ul Bil n tosson; z 95 -3-i95 tnicflevelis sheduld fo anti Francis Cowlcs one 5. Dave Tabb led flic winners a n uStrefneý .5-39 VJune 19. On this date the Fo fic asrs ou Sescaning witli fivc goals and' GENUINE t h 1Q~ten durnpeti a drive ta lef t!A-Wo iFohi e osnti anc esist ,one assist. Alan Aberaetly LAHRSOLE * '95 fieiti, thaf WootIrock tinappeti,' KINSMEN ____ goals__ andone________scoredti wo goals anti Kevini 1 o score Rancock. Jini Coylei . ýNSMÈEN '~~~Tennant. Obrea v P R Boy Scouts wilI be "Doing: Bob Turncy scoredti lree HUSH PUPPIES $ .4 5 bouncedti oObrce hr BRING TRIS Their Bcst" et a Scout Field hueRoibe ofatf FOR MEN $14tA eît Ve am at th e al. PAS Dy, esgnti a ho f!ieand Doug Heaning clieketi forAoutite Bases: Bainei C.SPEC lAI 1/2 PRICE PS patral whaf ifs capabiifies are. ea goal eech. Stephen Daey, Pickerti wifb a sacrifice fiy,249 47 ~~~~~~W guerenfce that all patrai wes crediteti witli an assist. $TES(Uat w B' a i te thé will be kemit busy shering fun,GRL SFBAL(dgt Prlced tram__r top offensive star for Wiytcs. and FR D Y J N ay long. Thene will be a In the Mitiget Senies ganies AIBod's born ergesige F I A ,J N 4 ompetifive aspect foalal this,1playeti et Ccntral Groundis lest Barete f exas icege snge- flicwinnr'sother sae-~29.95 Pý ss ad there is a great opportun- wcck, Tigers defeaf cd Rangers, ies. KINMENSUER CAR iyfor the expenienceti patrol, 5 ta 4 and Tigers 17, Aces 12. FL IE0 E' odWUacat i rs KINSM EN SUPER CAR to ~~~show whiaf if cen do, anti'lInflic Ranger - Tiger game,:FL IEO MN' GedWDa i BlCrs for the new pefral fa sec what Deblile Sellers bit a borner for HUSH PUPPIES sey led thc lasers et fthe plate~ - - B I 11 G O - ~will be expecteti of t in flic the winners. bitswith 'n lethepaidrpgski bits.siWrays IB G 0 m uture. The Tiger - Aces game sew Rantdill anti John Hancock ati- ai the The Tooswiîî be reccîving a aumben of cdeanbiswt inlahrndpgk e ige. the etflc Tof this event in a Delibie Sellers lifting a tripler Wallace, in addition to, a per- --' - TH 'E. fe a s h s m y b ah anti e single. Karen Sire ddtif c 2 fan 2 af bat, was a - PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE fcw days.bThis niainbles.ther cis Buras a singie anti triple. short notice, but gef your pe- ai Judynbi tasiglesFan- rpe trol ta if; wben flic day us over A j sn t efieciy o hcr-- OVER 7, 0 IN PRIZES including you'Il be askiag ta niake .jisAlice Chittick lied a single anti ugg orDu Aas loersp erfrelid. "oc" Iil a anannual af fairî oern l lriaMto imes for Ellis, also tumne imn! Nw1«specifici ear trom dealer of your choice or Anîd of course, no worfliwhilc, Fgeoruic asher uyAlsn a fine garne in the outfleld.9.5 10 $3,000 Cash; $1,000 HI-La Gaine; $1,400 Big Snowbafl Scout event canendt wifhauf Sharlene Cala. Berb Deboo bitBill9.95 1.50 - 2.00 2.95 uji bang-up - - E .* ameon l ficient self la Whyt e infietiOOSING THE RIGHTGFT SEA Y T (5 nm);$8ganss.$40Snobal gameno. 601rgusiip anti fun. Parents are n- !double antiborne rua. 1 as was Steve Burns. C gor vited fa share flic cairede-j Doult fortet te bur the onemypc o vl ship of this camp fine, andti f GIRLS SOFTBALL (Banta m) Bates anti Coyle, wbo fin-r!fM E' -L:eattend as spectators turing fl,ýIc telaflcBntani Series game es ished 1-2 in fthc 1964 batting - Plus 4 Early Bird Games (Share the Wealth) day. There miglit even be aplayeti Saturtiey noraiag et race, arc iaviag tiifficuity!WA at 73 parent or two esked ta belpICentral Grouands, Robson Mot-ý 9Kn tre ct gctting unfracked lhis sc*ason,, E a7:0with parts of flic programme. lors dcfeated Rotary 16 fa 14 49Kn Sre Ws ofer. Botes is currently et' Mamy re and Valuabi. Door Prises Let's ail get togeflien for this 'andi Muttons tiefeateti Rotary BOWMANVILLE 3 21at oi 1,bt i- 5 TEMPERANCE ST. N.BO MN LE -Sec your local Troop Scout- ý20 ta 9. unes fer belkw thlicr usueli ers ler tue tictails. j The. Robson - Rotary Sarne averages. r