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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 10

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.r- t e. - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- .LLITne C.nadian Statesmen, 13owmanv1JJe, June 23, 1965 handie buylng and pr eslgi Fteltd Day, Peterbor.ough, 1ný o! armprduc unilfarrier a receive a price and the gov- IJuior FE rm ers NewsU Round.... i uly. Tere will b. a reporter erniment wnuld tender te pack- ooov guim uw u ,u u on the scene fron'a the Durhamn ers and chain stores. * I County News staff, to givea easy solutint h tobaccocntoed Tefrtm tig fth However, the coursewleTre will be ata fpoo production. It is a political Rural Learning Association o0 economics mestlepa rpest capture 01n filmi W ith O. F. U . V ice P resident atef lerncv auef an y rect de 'Kingeldwad on un1th in the urbn evi prsur es ion the o mnts 5 of, prble becaums eifayrectad wasnghedwadon ue ltorn to.e sîînlevinog.cDress Cures i the m oenteof ve.rytsp hui e padcry fr o th e escatýi on s on stitewutheas d eanditeresotion r aLegswit ensand Screw' ; n ubi ewipeou quotas 'outlined a general programme littie more Drives. er tery.s adSe M eeting in Pontypool aune I t i re hteveynebefrteietr wsuin d nyDrivrlingtony A count," meeting o! th lea d with the heneficialHonr', îelated l'bcc.e,.Hoeysad d out 11 nlieed n podutio cotroling: Ue o raio nd ele¶esentially an ura held in PontypnoolHllF-Ottawa and stressed that alfarm and his father wsfr and lhoped that help could evsonIiotpoetreue h:eeforanwite roth. F:r uarnl n Clay, June Il. Speakers ,,.r-,members of parliament areed out of farm ing because of îv n eyi r d c r go p . ng t s h os l a es i ri - m m es î, W ie R Russe]] Honey, M.P., and Wal- dedicated tri the service of thCruh.Heoaeuhtdu-nr oecepandteinifrain n eeec ter Miller, 2nd Vice-Pres. of ýCanadian people and are con- ing the depression 80%ý of the purpose of the Standing Com-iservice, relationshiPS and liais- LerigAscato,49Hr the O.F.U.. a heef farmer cerned with the problemrs of ýpeople were on relief. He 'mittee of Agriculture, o! which ion role, youth travel project * S, Toronto 5, Ontario.. Darlington Townehip Cui from Tara, Grey County. Ithe agricultural industry but grew up in the depression ýhe is_ chairman. There are 60) and Indian Rural Learning'ý An old wise man once said, cil met in the Municipal Imemers ut s beng educd irojet. "There is no greater pressure B1uiling, Hampton. on June Kenneth Sinclair, county direc- perhaps were not aware that years of the 3O's and conditionsmebrbuiseigedcdPret.haf for, was chairman o! th*e meet- a problemn existed. He telt it at that time stuck in his mmnd. to 45. Il is an alI-party com-1 The night schools will be 1ta rom we know not where 1l7th, eputv Reeve Muir pre-' Ing and introduced the speak- %vas fair te say that until the He finished high school in 1938 mîttee, Liberal, Conservative, iheld in four to six lôcationsi'or know flot why". siding, Couincillors B u d a i-1 ers to gathering of 5() farmers !Ontario Farmers Union visit Iand it. was frustrating to many N.D.P., S.C., Creditiste. New across Ontario. The CB they are here! The'GbsadDonpeet ard ivneflt a good enough appreciation ias lhe way was barred to fur- legislation will give the com- iradio is going to cooperate as "-slow vehicle'" signs are now f Moved by Counicillors Budai ~Mr. Honey expres.ged his ap- about conditions of agricul-i ther education because of fin- mittee more power to make much as possible and locali ready for sale., Help proteet i andi Gibbs that Resolution 65-1 preciation for the opportunitv ture in Eastern Canada was 'ancial difficulty; aiso at that recommendations whereas be-!radio stations in the area yourself and the people who 1-11 be amended to read "Ac-, to crryon te dscusion & frpalized by members of parlia- time parents were unable to fore it was limited t eot wudb se ocoeaeqiig ahrta pr .1farm problerns at the local 1e-v- ment. provide medical and dental ing Io governiment. 'also. The courses will be in h problem that Per'sists chasing" and that the minutes, .1 wih memers f the In orer tat th gathringcare for their children be-i He thanked the chairmninf he area of economics an d in creating a hzr steof the meetings of June an region, initiatedi last April hY present make nn~mistake aboutlcaue o! lack of money. These;and members for inviting him' - probl e fidlentfiat lwa Jn ec e dpc sra the mass delegation of farmn- his concern for the needs Ofpersonal experiences shaped'and said he had been an as-iales oythfrminývng B ptn hssi er tOtw.ii hlspythat ll a-sociate meniber for a number!Grey Couinty, 150-200 acres; on.B utn hssg Mvd' Cr t O t w .the Canadian people e told 'h ns e ni ~t aled a f. ' o*ý n y or q, pm ent and get- ______ y u n )c ilo s R idai ( ,Mr. Hone ttc. *s'o &sbscphlsph.M. years.- He hoped le would fanmer has douled and trpled igyuneghotedth ~~ j ~ v s t a t p d h e ~ . a s o! hica b ani ccph îl o s o p h y .tMr .r b e se n t n o tic e s o f fu tu re m e e t- Ih is e ffic ie n c y a n d y e t h e c a n - ti g o u n e h b r d t e academic ahilily and we must lings because the suggestions, flot provide a living orhsam h M inw c have a universal comnprehens- opinions, ideas and criticismfamily. Wives of farmers arewr eindb nier MiniterPearon ishe to Waltr Mllerexpesse li men fam inome gîe o te best osiblerspin ive medical plan SuIch as Prime lare helpful to him. returrîing to work to supple-!- You I2.iIJJ.J1lin troduce. He said he las ueaben prsnaniFresaesbiiig tection. The signs are madeY u 1 113 L nt nhe ho te prn b pesrofession of wh0m entcompli octops aethe pzig n-Orf he. b alumeno andtre nin h oltc'arn -have the opportunity te meet 'come with credit and a n o eayaumnm an r cause o! financial benefit liaspotabl.eared on ewre i t t ecoth e rfsino etdfrhsfn peh i!see atcl.itgain ndlteries to replace, no wires 10 liasticallife an he te -the House of Commons. He jean be reiated to whal corpora- irepair, and also, due te the N ELbealpaty iead besel e -ommended County Direclor lion farming has done te Cale- Icolour you have a warning ing ls phiosoph o! wattheK. Sinclair and couinly execu-;don, now a ghost town. Cor- fighit rclu uigtedy by Jon W. owryCanadian people should have. tive for effeclively arranging iporalions do not buy froni local ýlîght hours. The sign will not dasthe meeting at such a busy businessmen but buy wlioles- rust or be broken. It is very your telephone the iU a n le chsalbally the mernbers who partici- lion farming is not progress, o! equipmenîto another. The manager ~sta in politics in order 10 tition presented te the fiederalj the fuedal system whereby we 1haet0rr~i0 ytn n Hefet he1"rmrsUnongovernment for voluntarily1wîll be hired men on torpora- market. You tan caîl Don He'l h aresUintaking lime, spending Iheirilion farms, and what then î elhb phn,26-74 Bowmavill's ne telphnn diretnrywvlsho tn tomeOttawa was ipru-l1own money for gas to cover fto happen to the leirs o! thé myself, rono 236, 10 pla o wma n î e s s t e lep h ec ry îltn l onlst and be s pay ing h i prs-milea ge to acquire the 40,000 men hat are born with a love your orders, or any Ju nio r"$ 4 * 0 goln to res sho tly, so leas eh' k v ur lstin 2 onalev ss and oi n i ns g athe ir signatures on the petition. Th e for the ]and. F r e e b r i o r a e .A t r t i b Is your name spelled eorreetly? And m'bat about polnsadoiin aebenefit o! the petîtions was Bsc giulua ids r Ter eamie snin îl ae fe th A vour address and Phone nuniber? Have vont thouxht sehh e mad itnfo the tîeffci in that they reached by our forefathers built this Depariment o! Agriculture I AE abou aditinallisint? Ohermemerçof ôii reardng he eP'people o! aIl walks of lite andicountry from scratch. Agni- building a b o u th h d d t o l l i t n ? h r m e b r a f ô i r e a d g î e d e e s e c - a l e r t e d t h e p u b l i c bo t h e s t t l u t r b u i l t a n d s u s t a i n e d T h e J u n i o r F a nm e r F i e l d famllv and relatives. roomers or boarders would Idition o! agricuîlture. His sfdpesin htagiuture ctwsad ehv --..d a s oigups o benefit frnm havlnz their narnes llsted In the tele- a agood efe t osf deresinAtharcltre ownadwehvebensodDans omnPuao o Parliament and issufnigeAfu er csolown the river to protect sec- Juniors had better gel in phn book. If votre a businesgiman, y a 1ls ain ans~te were ý LIti on coming from Greyiondary indiustry. Industry lias lshape, if You cani. Also, FamnilyYu aorîh cmetl a g i u t r C o ui n t y a n d p a s s e d b y t h e t r f r t c i n w i e f n - N g l i v n d s r a d a extra listingsm to show other fin ue fr ou and therv is a bettex' under-: FU or f ietrsg-ersarfpeon h l aro- sonig a s eena pseand s are <s l ' eporôfed sierpng ci business - Io asoriatevouîr naine and residenre standing now than twononths OF Ubar ! iecos su- refoed te buyi apo-s1a he fnl lasI r telephone number wifh vour flrm name - or te~ ago. gested that a repeat mardi be tected market and selI in an drawn 1 wiii pass them along. escrflybeddfrh pmo gýCItLr staged by the National Farm-lunprotected market. 1 Durhiam County Junior Far'- cornfort every doy for everyi sho afer-ournumersforvn andi vour ke, hepoh-n ! giclur rs Union if the goverient Feed g'a in Pol icy1-Cu rrenit mers are sponsoriog a home aiy emloee. emmbrexralitigs A ltte oq s that o! pricing: fanmers are!doe.s not take immediate neces- grainpoiesctrg vr- beauÎtification contest, as a enplyes.Reebe, xta isILs a 111e o t. ltgetting enough moniev fori icesctrii et mak Itealerforpepleto inl vn. orany ther rodci kep ho sary measures 1o assist agri- ical integration subsidy slould centennial project. The Jujnior chageshi ourlising oranyaddtios, uitourJaheas wih oherse mscultuIre froni ils depressed be paid diî'ectîy b faner, not Farmers contacted organiza- ' @ willbuild <his hom, fory chacesIn nurli-ing oranyaddtio%,cal ou abeas wih ohersegent istate. He said there is stî'ongbroken and cor'poration farn, lions in lie countv13loile Business Office wtthout deiay. o te <conomny. aiainiiîl onr f Fnr h agtie o u ln te interested n Hays' national far'în polc,< gtto i h o .yin ams hve bec fi I.elwo,,1d b neetdi w f iho e 0 n-et ga- ams i ntin- He n o!o this resolution. system of bechnological know- lelping with sud, a prograni. drive fromn dowvtown oîhowe corne o! $4.500, a parity of! H stated tiat aithougl he1liow a nd cani,îîow produce Wîhe>nth program is finalîz- eve ndrdyfrocp incomne to put farmens in a was giving Mr. Honey bou- ýtlree blades o! grass instead o! ed, we shalln give you tie fulOvC n ed o cu psto h * dustia~l (r-quels fon lis excellent speech one; lybrid varieties, cnoss-lèdetails o! ils implernentation. Severol other inociels nds, psi Tonw d vork-wa on lehli!o! fa riens in the 'bneeding, etc., and this is a1Te Department of'rcl-cso but t n instiuted to achieve ths goal. 'ele las takes ever.v woniderful thing and should e lue office ha-, releaed a 31AKING A LONG DISTANCE SHORT ýHe then desc'nîbed tie henefits opportunity to express lis used te feed ail hun ypoe news bulletin on thi'ee scliolar- o! the dairy poliv. A supple- opnos rgaî'ding governo- o!fie xvorld. A 'oyd Fodslips that max' le obtained in Afrîend o! mine, retunning frornia famuly \'aca- 1ientary payient'oin last years lmciiis attitude îoward arCLI and su cocu, Ue DramCuit.Ifyuhae-ri rider Afoop5 eure Hlon out West this spring, is totally convinced of production Of 2.5C a 100 weigît bure. an uplus food used for the not received any information otUrd NAlciyum u in50,000 ls. 20e up to He mentioned tic delegation gond o! mankind. on these scliolarships and ar'e ciraimionl fterest. lie wis om o! ho îng ai ad or res rv tio s lon 010000 lbs and ]Oc on a l m ilk o ! 35 to 40 farm ers m eeting The federal gove unm nt as involved in agriculture and th(- route. He" says the longest distance the,)naeledov'er 100,010 ibs. In addition lie C nnsenvative, N.D.P., S.C. a nesponsibility to tle basic would like t-o know mr'e - PHONE was ot lon th higwaynt ll - ilwasthethediffenence of bIc nationland Liberal cauîcuses tic day indlustry o! agriculture by about them, vou may write or frustrating distance !rom motel toeliotel Io motel av.enage pnice and $3I.,30f i on ýolwigtemrch and dis- regulaling prîtes and decian- phone Mn. A. O. Dainympie,NECSL looking for a place to stay the finst night out. The pnîce set uinder Stabilization 'cussion in lie Liberal caucus ing and exposing monopolies. Agricultunal Represenlative, NW 'SL Act wil l e paid dinectly bolciticized some o! tle placards Mn. Miller concIuded, blat Ontario Depariment o! Agri- distance was atten le call-ce the nexti the fanmer ai the end o! île 'dispiayed, stating thev were as long as tle government in- clIture, Box 730, Bowrnan- 2 V L A Serviced Lots ~tpoe iyfrreservations, and knew that tom- dairy year as a deficiency paY- hansh and citical o! Minister stitutes policies tb depopulate ville. The tincee possible fotalequrtrswee aiin fr he. en.o! Agriculture Hays. Mr. Mil- the' rural communuties the selolarschips are: E. A. Sum- including survey -$ Mn. Hone *v hoped lIai sonie sresacd it is always being Pai'mers Union will not lie mers Memonial Fund,.O.glawa sysem f dficenc pmensýsresedthat lie fan'er must quiet and if thc present gov- & District Real Estate Board$30. direct to producens o! othen present a better image to lie erniment does not change farm Sciolarship. a n d McLean agnicultunal commodities cnuldi consumer and Public and that policies that do depopulale tle Founidation Scholership. be made. lhe Lainiers Union organizers rural communities lie gov- Just anoîrber couple o! ne- ' eTu e oeW Quocs î~Oi u spechin ravllig ehautiv miesernentshould not come te mindens and that is bo Junior Capital investment, 54% above neglecting them !farms and itle country for an election. Farmers. Don't forget Peter'-f FOR DRIVERS AND YO('NG SCHOLARS '49 level; wagcs 94, - 4611 families for days ai a lime, ' Foilowin'g Walter Miller's bonouimhJuirla.Toe increase; 21% agric. aid -have always taken advanîage'address teewsrbta 'i r cetenirdayin île- It'% that tinte of vear again in remind Bowman- 110% 14 yr. period.i to do Public relations work te froni Mn. Honey. A question ricultural section must send in vile drivers that energetie vouisters ti1 sonlie Fanmers have become more ibctteî' lie farniers' image toerand answer pernd ensued. thein entries no Iater than out o! sehool and Playlnt wherever the-ir faney ta!1's. efficient yeî ar'e not î'eceiv îlte public. But this is ex- Loti Wood t.lanked tic August 2nd to the Ontario thei.O!cousewecanan d (e ten ovr ndpr ces to repay crd ~Hv iîutwe arîry speakers. Tic lenigtly mepet- Depantment o! Agriculture,' policy las doubled. Ilis n . Hyswio nepresents agnicuil- :ing adjourned at a* lie murI164 Hunteîr St., Peterborou. over to watch out for cars and nnot b play where helpfuli !flai-er cao justifv. uci lt rtfl aysal h lunch was sevedi. Also, the Junior Farmers% It's dangerous. But we'd ail feel better If we knew borrowing. Credit is ntot'a when lie makes statements 10 that driver% were maklngr a speclai point to watch substilute for adequate fanres.rdo VlIIaela! ont for thent, too. pices; in orden to sustain cred- tuheg pssrla hi i we must lie able t, make i64 was a record year for agni- a profit to rcpav boans. Ci'edît culture. Fine pnint and sta- Ineidentally, the Beill Piactire of making a "cine Isdpipnv sgodlt tistir's uîdeî leadline state- of safety" arounti a parked vehicie before trig isou ashdp or trN i s olutio ciipoeths1ficfle up no onl seres t feret ot imrude t ntrs Longternisolu tionis i entYci ran dwis, e adin or etsfro i b neah a car or ruc - it x aso For this purpose Nationai Iîle lcadlines, risc up and pro-up n to l e v sI e rto tI P u e ty u gt r o g t r o ui n i rc s: e r a w les eai g .. or etsfro beeah acaror ruk -It s asoan Marketing Boards must le !test on govcrnment spending ldeal way for a driver to eonstantly remninti hirniSpîf ctîiîdaduîi an more monev on agnicultue ntif i otiîigrspniies o aey.At h t aeishrdpad t accptthe rrN Hsiuunfirb an etc prsen to dam poiig or smnall, offers a full banking service. And r * A M an d F M S T E R E O R A D IO ,es ahh sle b ena ize b ig producers (O 1000Is) ARECORD PLAYER sur Miiercri icize l Mn. Milieu' said il wsdffnî only here il possible for you bo do ail your 'b !find help in île propoganda, wit 6 Sp ak rsoM . M ille r r teeastse banking under one roof. A branch bank is, Solid State Ail-Transistor dairv prograi i ia l 30 Watt Output farner must waih a year for in effect, a service centre and everyone on ELECTRIC CLOCK ýalso using ast 'Veaî's cost o! the staff is there to help you, to ok aiter has beautiful zold-faceddfiiny ametsaigaloubakncoresyad pdi. pointers and nurnerals. ýth~lai last'yea's"cosi o! produr-o reo sl a d pe diy poiners nd umerls.tionolas no relation to lhis *cornes in Juxuri' nattural ars A ncw fanmer would 001t receive a supplementary wood finish, ebony black payrnent as le has no last or white to match your decor. Year's Production. He feuIl tat THE CHARTERED BANKS the deficieîîcy paymenîs slouhdi lic made everv three montis SR IGY U O M N T by A m r ion a regionai hiasis as blene is SR IG Y U O M NT by A d iraia practirai difference in areas and seasotîs. Hef, eitthis Through 5,6,50 branches, ail across Canada, woiildin't le difficult witl D. the chartered banks bring fuil-range hanking It's space-saving ton! Vou have to see it, to believe it . . . Corne in Muc <gisaton i peliti.1 within the reach o everyone. an eeordipay ehave a Special Price on this unit! naneuvcnring and te basic a n s c u r d i p l y . W ei n dl u s t r v o !n t a g r i c u l t u r e is li - ing uised for political expedii- Banker's' Assoc-iationl report on how !an-rcachîng tie Agri- cultur~al Departmenî las pro- HARRY LOCKE TVi gressed. In Gre *vCunyi 20 King St. W. Bowmnanville wSîih 50-100 acrp farrrs, vet veda living for large i rýand Down thit aceounts for 1965, on a trial bad&a at the 'Ithe montu o! May, 1965, as sum o! S500.0O for that period, listed herewith b. paid: Sal- b lie paid monthlv. aries (1-15) $1.431.60. (16-31) Moved by Councillors Down $i,59.3:Walfare SI,372.88; and Budai that this meeting 'General $1 7.417.23, Roads$,-fajon. 176.13; Roads Pay List (1-15)1 $2,001.63, (16-31) $2,185.68; sTotal $32,544.98. Movcd by Couîcillors Down M/A TW I and Gibbs mnat this Counicil TW A approves tic action of île 8F£COMJE >/SE4 Beihesda Cemeterv Board in enlarging its Cemelery. FfMYt/'A V Moved tw Counicillors Buda i(NTýUTV and Gibbis that this Council respectfulhx' î'quests that thecRIIIM I Counicil o! thc United Coun-: AL#AYS tics o! Northumbcrland & N/CE Durham gîve consideratioui 10 a petition for reduced speed .huimis on Couîity Roads in île vicinit of t.he Village o!' Hampon.reccnlvforwanded ~- ly tle Rex'. Chas. Catto o! Hïampton. Moved b v Couîîcillors Gil}is anîd Down tlat th ic ext meet- ing o! Counicil le leld Frida.y, IIrf oe . Juiyv 2, at 1:30 p.m. - ' ~ - Movcd by Counicilou's lowîî _ __ _' and Gibbs tuai A. E. Cra- ford leetcieaged to keep lotli 16 TEMPERANCIE ST. TowtishIip duîmps pushed laek n a înaiîner saiisfactoî~v h Counîcil, foi' tIc balance o! _____________________ New compact Home - - -UNTIL JULY lIst >ve Date Price Increases To $15,000 :LAY BRICK AND'STONE AS SHOWN yment as Low as $11000 oyrew home w'Ni th .-.. ~ -~ ind living quart--.--.' lrmDnfous quiet ymember ofthile * :j""" ~ ~ yo n eutflHALL. le: est of Osh cC -20 minutes - completely , iN E poncy. syl<c ta select individucf spci- - 't-.." ýpiir o f eur 987-4245emen 43 Avaiable il Be Completely Finished Reody for Occuponcy e >OD HOMES N A o r cN e H o n e m o rîg e q e t n e xr a 1- Ttim end customn built kitchen cabineti ln rnehogony. 2. Herdwood fio,, thrcughout j J, Cframie til.d hothroom with ,weeesed fixtut 4. 100-amp. electricai service. ' S. Platered 'weils ed designed ceilinps. à. Vinyl tiied kitchen ed hothroom. 7. i.ond:eoping. 3 s N EWCASTLE .1 p a a a - --4 -~~~ -~~~~ ~ - - -~~-- - - - - - - - ------ - ---- --- -r T- -"- >1 1 NHA or conventioncil riortgage et no extra will be as low es $81.85 . . . including prin. in Mha .. ....

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