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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 11

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Dignita ries rresenr for Newc astle s Post Office OpeningBg"nun O tngJheCnainttea, cmnleun23195 l 9 tn BewmanviIlwspeet1 ekn xh Ms book. An intsinglte r dMs akR Coming Saturday trom Ms.HinyMrs R Newcastle>- Some of our time, in wh.ioh tihe boya plan- periences of hesi adJakosPnt local Scmouts that took part i ning to attend can make last Bishop Marhithfarorh'M anMrs. lihoa the Scout Field Day held at minute arrangements. T h e! meeting éloswithpaer n -lMaple Grove Soccer Field last boys will receive phone Albert lat week, ad Mr. agt Saturday, were Scoutmaster regarding this meeting, and' haif hour. Ms lanBie n ail Robert Shearer and Scouts are asked to attend. MMs W. W. a ap' tOhwimvdit ~ David SJearer, Rod Johnston, The final meeting for "A" visiting relative nS.Js oete aaeii h Frd Hobbs, J. Ward and Nor- Pack Newcastle Cubs was held' eph's Island. frhvlae mnan Tiflson. Monday night. with a i-emil-j Mrs. E. Darv ndMs . r.adM.KitWig, The oys eft he vllag der not to forget the Indian!< Argue are asiieOhwa i.Gre soon atter eight &.m., e9UIP-1 Cu6s leave Newcastle dressed! Russel Spinks.Ohw.woFegs< n r.CciH ped with lunch and dinner'in Indian costume and war îis just home fi1 optl eeSudvget fMr that they cooked over tihe fires anbttealoakaog MsBty lit for themn. A fuil and ac-panbttyasoakaln MiBttMArhretradMr.Lyd ritad tive day was held, witih pat- tiheir uniforms to change ift0tained some ldymm1rso rolscomptin ther sklisfor the officiai opening of the IG eg a against each other. It was dy Parents are still nee djSchool stafftoabreu'vsedhs wel pat tn pn. efoe tevto take tihese boys to the park i uprat the oeo e r.ArhrRh.Bwmn returned home, and while flin oor.Thr r a t, r .A n r.vle udy wasmos diapoiningto hefrom A, B and Brown PackiMcArthur, F'rida vnn. M n r.LwsWto~ leaders tihat so few showedl lnigt ttn.Aycls Misses MaryR erladPtHoanMi.JFrd, any interest, it is hoped from from parents would be appre- Vickey Hitcheno oiasNsltn eeSîdyget theenth'siam ~wnby heciated. Cars wîll leave the from Manîtoba r iiigo i.adMs o alr boys who did attend, that ',B"Pack t 8:30 arn. Revnd Ms. P oei n r.Ade .Dvt n there will be a larger group metnack elodaythei at Denis.MHlnDvit .win to represent Newcastle an-meut ng a also on Monasigt. he Hg colsuet ile eeSna usao otiher year.bunoafialevsth enjoyed a bec pat aUM. vdHiI The cous hve losd teireaders plan to give theni aýLaurel Brook PrFia'Ms omnHleOh Th cushv lsdterwiener roast next Monday evening.aa, as uetfM. d meetings for the season, ex- evening at tihe home of Cub-1 Mrs. GertrudeAas o-Ms Ood Wih n cept for a special meeting to master Doreen Nesbit They mnilsetMna ih iie h -s ftefmle be called- just before camplwill then close until the fall. her niece, Mrs. rel er.s ek The front of Newcastle's new Post Office was transformed into C. Woodland, Clarke Reeve John Stone, Rev. D. R. Dewdney and Mr. an*d Mns i egsn audyeeiggetsc a temporary platform on Friday evening for the officiai opening Postmaster Jack Wade; second row, United Counties Warden A.R I A ~ and Alan "pentSardyihtM-.ndMsFedTwn ceremonies. Master of Ceremonies for the event was the District L. Blanchard, guest speaker G. Roy McWiliiam, M.P., Russell C. B LA Ci T C and Sunday mihrltvsa eeM- n r~Wle Archtectofc te fefrthDepatmeneoflublieWors. IeM. aun- HonelM.eWewcatle IR.eeM.hddenuDoulasn.eCuniM.P.,Te AnawUnt me at he Pesient rs. . AsmoreMou.andsrsJ.eitunJoi-nMr.aA'huMr.ewianddWMi ders. shown here addressing the large audience. Flanking him f rom and former M.P., W. Frank Rickard. Vice President of Newcastle's'home of Mrs. John Carnaghan presiding. Mrs. Ashmore readý ston and gils Beevle.imM.adM-..r T- lef t to right, Rev. F. K. Mýalane, Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Rev. E. Chamber of Commerce Harold Falk is not shown in this photo. on Wednesday afternoon with the opening prayers and con- 1 visited his parnsMran i, adDoldE- ----seven members and two girls ducted the devotional from Mrs. J. A. JohntnSud.nikln, r.ndMs da present. Leader Mrs. K. San- ] the Gospel of St. Mark, which 1Mi-. and Mns o rdunHr ~aa Newcastle elîs opened the meeting with was in keeping with the T1ri-i'and Mrs. Arvell er ii- M- n r.Bî aaf a poem on Stewardslhip.Ar- nity season. Treasurer gave aedMad MrsLin rd and bosMstd udywt rsonas ter the singing of the hymn, good financial report. Dorcas' burn, Toronto,Saud. Ms Wm Canuh P ro a Dear Lord and Master, and: Secretary i-eported the gift of Mi- and Mrs.RseMon-Fnk nin ivr Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Car- tihe Lord's Prayer, Mrs. Ross!a quit top from Mis. R. joyv isited iad Mr s.E- veth of Grand Prairie, Alberta, Duff read the scripture pas-i Br-own. Sunshîne committeel es t Belyea, Brone udy E AHTDI Phoo 97-413 are guests of Mi-. Carveth's sage from Luke 12 and Mrs.1 reported on cards sent out.1 Mr. and Mis.eneh Mr.Buc iisn dio hoe97-23 brother Cecil and hîs wife for1 Carnaghan gave the commen-1 Plans were made for the bake. elîs visited Mi-r n r.A- FRODAPINE à1 a few days. This is Mi-. Car- tary. Mrs. Murray Byers con- 1 sale at Caesarea, with Mrs 'thur Pearce, OkilSn hog cudpeeta nuiu c veth's second visit to New- ducted a very heiptul questioni Han-ýy MeLaughlin and Mis) day. TT MN Loud pevet a inunius c-castle since lie left here in and answer period on Stew- John Hamilton conveningr Mis. W. J. HefoTrn, LSIED cdent. 1912 and hie will no doubt en- ardship. Attention was drawn same. Mrs. A. Carter, who bas- spen t iast wekadMse 1'I ree G u îdc es L.eca e Scoo n AIso, it bas been noted, that ýjoy renewing old acquaint- to the item on last Sunday's been a valuable member of! Doris Hamilto n ahy eehne6330 ifie o 10yeas aothedar lacesandfidin seera ne bulei- e Chung Chi Collegei the W.A. and who is --moving Pai-ker,. Toronto pn h Anh, ilearnl ithut 1buildings and homes in what Chapel in Hong Kong, where ght or reflector, drive around 1Ihe once remembers as farm Rev. Walton H. Tonge is __________________________________________ now in a beat-up car without land. chapdain. It is to Mrs. Tonge O n H eri ag e C ap H o li a y tasig. Whndota h:t n<1wCAF., Goose Bay, Labrador, bales of dhildren's clothiing, CALIFORNIA JUMBO 36s, SALMON FEH o Newcasle> T e thr e locl!own provin e, ha kept theV ncouv r. Durng th adlsowhto rLc.A.W . Beverleis*y Gilkesa w eR.sthate thise aie C.W . g o endsrythe tan ý o o c r o n r a d d r v r ý h o eof a e t , M . c ne b a l e eta in g g o n e dv ry i e-îI f I t h_ Girl Guides, Eleanor McCrac !girs well occupied. perind, ex eal sightseengiby making him or her cooper- a n. C a. iks e- y n a d Mzph fe un h E-* u ken, Beverlv Rickard and, Beverîx and Eleanor w i tours have been aratnged solate by ridin g their bike prop- en rle Casy le. -hym . ip. Afor lnch leav Oshaw bvtran ontha th caper migt hve rly an wit nodefcts toreofas competed a li/z.year and social time, ail enjoyed'- CdySoswow l eaeOhw vtano httecmesmgi aeery'adwtnodfcs toro duty at Goose Bay, and' viewing the beautiful flower C ATLU Cany toks wo wllbe jly8th. Representatives of a first band view of B.C. heni-, iyl safety checks mav y î now be stationed at Tien- gai-den. aumer, in eritae Cinaeam th5 th~e Quebec Girl Guide Coun-'tage. ble made at any time, not justîtonw heese ae u e- Nine meinbers of the Dorcas NW CR PNAIE R WN FES, RENNoiG AD dun'ea re of f inal inrm ration i will meet the Guides in The girls have been work-iwhile parked at the shool.' tnew dutie s hon Moake Unit eN EWoyed WNAdIVsday af-F de-l o fnalinormtin r-'Montreai, vwhere they wili be ing at odd jobs for severaliThose who left their bikesýnwdteonM da UiejydWdesya- gai-ding their trip and camp-: guests in the homes- of sister mionths so that they' could help !home to avoid the check, r At lier summer home on iLîro d Wright eaero Mrs. ternLoondatrihteaer fMrs. C BG ag ia in. Guides. The weekend will be l finance this wonderful ex-1 hid them in the bushes or fieid 1the lake front, Lake Shore Rd., Walte rgt opened the l The gils have each been, spent sightseeing in and, penience. are reminded that they can be Mrs. R. L. Cartwright was te Wrh assigned to a patrol, and are1 around Montreal. The Guides! They have also receivediriding to the pool, hall gameilhostess to 30 ladies of the meeting with Cali to Worship. cB receiving long, newsy, infor- will l.eave the city early Mon-, some financiai assistance to-Ion going home, and an office, Samanitan Club, Toronto, îast After tihe hyrnn, Jesus Shal niative letters from their pi-e- day, travelling by bus to the, wand travel fromn the local can come along and givei week.. This was heid as a Reîgn, was sung, she led in _________ camp Pati-ol Leaders. Tbîough campsite "Lac Adair', 12;Association, the Central Aiea,i safety check. Bte i hr n ici ocoetesa-I prayer, read the sciipture N.i RD these letters they are becom- miles fromn St. Jerome, in the! the Ontario Council and the ýup now, befoi-e you spenth'0 The Evening Branch of 1 passage fi-cm Luke 2, gave the OTP»N NA&VELS, ing acquainted with the1 Laurentian mounitains. Canadian Centennial Commîi- SUMMer waiking to bail îerg' huc sre acmed pryeortad g Guides fi-rn other parts ofý Candy will leave Toronto'ssia. for which tbey are verygaines and pool. wonderful lunch to the ladiesof rs aic Canada, who will also be shar- Union Station on July 9th, toi grateful. 1 Most parents seem to be Iwbo found it a i-cal treat to be MVarlow gave a very inteîest-: LARGE SIZE 72'sCOKN Ing tiheir tents, their duties,' travel across the breadtb ofi News of their travel and ehind this safety check 100 out lunchheThi Is andînio'd" Mî., their songs, gantes, fun andîCanada. Representatives of experience wili be sa i ercent. Let's make it ouriaof thelcit, ndwho îavhed i and inormativeMr.t W.k!OnRA N G ES j heritage of their home town.i the British Columbia Counci wt tei red ndnib uins obv aloi wie cie sure topped anything Wrgh gave a summary ofý Getting aIl their equipmentîwill meet the Guides in Chil- bout-s thi-ough this page, as)jn AI condition and keep all Mr. and Mrs. James Reekie . okjs iihdsuy-2-bcel therigt -ly takn dre __the_________aulreortofhidh madena Mria wwonderfulic mae fin-erulfinozeni th zrghtwalp with a stoi-y"be tkndrcl oti ap aprafl eoto tî' ________ n on aiwr e tish tbe tth eieg formuto ,7tiehato Itg ap rr~ a eeigb eitvswobd~~a tdy.meetingecsse ab« ___ mn iar tig as much as pos- site, "Tsoona" in the Rockv wondei-fui and exciting Heri-! Trenton Airpont on Saturday elta td.Bsns a end kit the orer indg j us t ik.Te oniget70ihegrmiese ivig he ui cfden af. n thei rltwocivden, obi ng o adHs upse a Lionls r p e not seen thein in 31jý' yars. witih hynin and Benediction. have occasion whereby he or The Reekies bave been sttin-Lunich was set-ve ytehs eo ccae mst inwereby ihe t, n witb the Aîmy in Germn tess and a social visit enjyed. ed many1crsCh ckfr ariviM ts. Keith Van Camp, was tsteEAT ithe MEATa onsa & O P I' C )fficers C heck 'inar flash ight , an Forgarnivawhere tnohesto tie rihr nîÀQungest chRit ldwIyA. Rd rndSte thein more safety than n ih'DnaMre a on ots o h shrUi, at il. s o picte cl s' nS t.J l 0 kic's sister's, Mn. and Mrs. men'xbca's and on entr t D efective B icycles billks and fi i g t cid-~ atJ I William McLean of Beaver St. tendcd. Leader Mis. Brucel wîl knw hatlitienigt nd- Ncwcastle - Oui- local Lions Somne 25 relatives wei-e on Mountjoy opcned the meeting! Newcastle-During the past arecas follows: (1) Handiebans ing is donc, but they a relhave planned a dinner meet- hand ta wclcome the Reekies with a pocin "Giving Thanks".f ceyerai weeks, Provincial Pal- and Grips, (2) Bell or Horn, eqipdfreegnls ing for the 28th of June ta home and a panty followed siitr s. 3,as h ice Officers of the Bwman- (3) Brakes, (4) Red Reflector, The ed refecton and re- linclude thein wives. The They ae staying as guests of Meditation was ead by sev- ville Detachinent have been (5) Reflective Tape, (6) Mud: flective tape is aiso a sinalli ladies' night will be heid at the McLcans until Thui-sday ci-ai members daing parts surrounding ai-ca. Befare this (8) Wheels, (9) Seat, (10) ýnight, a must to have on alborough. At this time, the Mrs. Rcekie's relatives in Ham- the offering and dedication. safety check of bikes was made Chain, (11) Pedals, (12) Lights [bike s0 that athers can spot newlY elccted officers wiil be ilton and district, then wiîî i-e- Rail was called and calîs made ithem when thein b theLion of he trn t Gag tawntobe sta- ieported. This unit, as well asi O E E S B T O the officers visited the school îIn Newcastle Cadet J. Coe btte elctrtpe cebrug b . h Los f their ond at Ay Bas thre.thetw wb me inthep childien eplind oinandstbl Ptxpiainedtth rflctrtap. etandoghClConstablete rm BsethPath to Camerneteli,., them, for thein own safety this checked the bikes. Apparent-il Constable Conneli also said i At their last meeting con- Fathen of Mrs. McLcan and were pleased to accept the in-j1 ROUND STEAK D<OAS1 was soon going ta be donc to l sme bikes have no lightthat he had neceived many jsiderable turne was spent in Ms.RekiMn. WilliamvtaintvitTiiyB - Hos n are 2'., 1. 9 sed fon the Newcastle Cen- ;the village extend their svm- lay reader, again toak charge* * Houseand arde 12-z., ugg.list1.69 tennial Project. pathy to Mi-. and Mrs. Fred 0f thie service in St. Jobhn's M 41 K ecp in mmid the date for L oe r 'v and famnily in the sud- Church Sunday morning.Mr jjý thi. ervent. Saturday evening, den passing of Mn. Lowerv's George Wolfe nan a tape re- RA ID BUG ILLE SPECAL 1 17 1JtuIv io1th at Waltona Park. brother, Edwand, of Toronto. conding of another of Canon '~ R ID UG ILL R SECIL F thes Pa sAqhnare's sermons. All are happitosec Canon Ashinor> JOf a ke - (Famow 12-egg R«ae BAND«AID PatcStrips DA Seil66c il arô ex unday ollnghs E CK ft& tA i<"Anniversary, with Rev, Harv1 N G L C Newman cf AU i auta Church. C ORICIDIN 25 tàblets, sugg. list 1.49, SPECIAL 11.09 W hen V isitors Fail W it 9 ...hpeaer NA IN family ize - 100 tablets, sugg. list 1.29, Special -9 c îTo S o L p fo ar he Men St~Cud ft . J 10ein S Johnson's BABY OIL 10 oz., sugg. lst 1.29 Speclal 99 C 4i Newcastle - With Black- arôt tepi tcher Erie 1rd H<>ldéri wen't to h u- Jo ng n' Ay P WD R'th11 e gamne between themn and witb bis bat, kecping Mîkeaon Hill, Satuidav'night, ta ie li A YPDIE ug.liUt 98c, Special 77C the Newcastle boys Pcc Wee bis tÔes.1 the skies through thbe tée- je» .PaHSr eR*g. Pv4o. .a"M,5% - SAVE ¶e *yCrce 11vrei.oRg 4.BV ugg. i last week. a gamne wal; The anly "aiod-timer" ta get' dne t~ SoIirIQUEBeauty Bath Oil, sugg. list 1.69 i4 e lnay. with os tc fath-around the bases, was Joe tyRbaiIippl PIeLrge2i . n theLYERCAE MXES21-citinS9 ci-s playî n h a nIbiav. Lewismnigt tealfisba te, bl iPnyQaly eDa) R.*.7Bv uecrc asmwa na-h aae awyCnrBackstôck." Ail ~~~~~~~~anced game. witb the Pee Wces ihomne. The score is question- about 100 relatives and friends DEL. MONE PEURHS 284m cihmn3 9c XDLDTRET~asx ol SAN Ro-On * rnsug ist .25, Spcal9in thc field witb thie correct able, so in al] fairncss it will gathercd in bonor of M .. Wit o Cler M eg. 2 pkm . a-BAVE oe OrgePk. ..Pr. gUS-AES nube of players,th fathers nat be publishcd, but ta any Henry and bride. Mr-. and flair et Mis ____ 9 "laseCrnd to fled a bit out . o big league looking for pa-Mî-s.Henlry were married in SCOTTES FACIAL TISSUElpkos of 4m039c AAAlABA S pgio9 spec. offer 1.89 value, 1.49, .D.A. Special-- iI practice and needed the asss__ s a- afi n covr n o hi e 't ance af saine of the Pee We ng' Newcastle wiîî not b ding trip motcred to bis homie Wplayers, giving thCn, as mang a n o hi odtr ers".1 aunity. Gary is a sôn of, ANN PAGE PCA MO E SBox of 12, augg. list Si _____- as 12 out in field at any ancen n ! b-odt MrM. and Mis. Melvillie Hen te. Th adtmr"tai gpatOfiawa. (formerly of Purple .Teurnire, "Little" Kim in tbe bail game were BobiHll Shoîtiy the happy cu K WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK . tns idîgi utalmtiee Francis Tuffard, JoepIe will matai- ta ht loP -.zst rough ta stand bhind thoe and s, Eric Foshay, Bill White in the Yukon where be is sta- BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE ' catcher. seemned ta fînd itan Bruce Tilîson. tiôned with thc Arniy. - ALL PRICEà INm UE8 ORE A asier ta stand bchind Uic In Saturday's gaine against Mis. Ford (nee Smithi) of H8A Bi5%Ptvweu" I R@ST RE JOHNSONU S DaUEUIST pitcher. Ail in ail it was an Welcome, at Welcomc, New- Sôut2i River, Newfo>undlanid, .*U AN D evenmng of hilariaous sport. castle lbut by a score o! 7 ta 6.1 called Wednesday, and M.r. rMo* à = UQICDR SOONO Pitching for the Pec Wees, Howevcr, in that only nineland Mis. Vincent Aa'dier, STRDV _TM nR A q ike Wbite was in a tizzy triy- boys even showed up ta play,i BowmazWillc vicited Sunday ~~h oa M Y & LOVELLST T SPA M C ing ta pitch to the diffcrent ia lot of créddu is certainiy ac- witb Mr. and Ms ibr hcights o! the fathens. but ail cônded the boys who dîd their Archer.__________ _________i k AL ___À& L l. L A&I six feet cgt af Bruce Tilson best, and played a very good i St. John's W,.A met in tht _______________________________ 3330M - A Awaî &truck out. Giving a real ,ame. Pria1 Hall June 17th, witi ...........................................................................................................i~

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