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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 12

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-- -..... - -- :...r<,. ~ .... .. - -. -. , - . .......................... - . - . . - 12 The Cwuan aistategma. Ecwmanle, :Une 23, 1983 Q ueen Sends Best Wishes! To Mr. and Mrs. Ben White j On Sixtîeth Annîversary Mu. and Musç. Ben White of White received their guessis Orono, celebrating their 601h assisted by their daughbeu Mus.i wedding annivecsauY, on dune j!Donald Graham and iwoi 13th, received a telegrarrio!: guandchilduen, Bannie and congratulation irom Queen 'Norma. Four genecations wereI Elizabeth. Mr. and Mus. White ' represented in the family with eelebrated the occasion with 'the infant son a! Mu. and Mus.1 un "Ai Homne" which was beld (Bannie) Lew Jeifs bcbng1 in the Orono Odd Fellows 'present. HIall. Dozens of roses decouated 1Over 200 people extended the coomn where the thuee-, their congratulations ta the tiered wedding cake centred1 couple who weue mauried inthe table.1 Pontypool on dune l4th, 1905.1 Paucing tea during the afler- Telegrams weue also receiv- noan weue Mus. W. A. Geuuy, ed !ram tbe Prime Minister o! Miss Sadie Brown, Mus. Geo. Newcastle's Post Office in 1912 couple weue the recipieols o! many beautiful gifts on ibisj îmamen tous occasion. Guesis were present tramý Barrie, Bawmanville, St. Cath- arines, Millbrook, Cobourg, Holland Landing, Bichmond Hill, Willowdale. Toronto, West Hill, Oshawa and sur- rounding district. Mu. and Mcs. White, follow- ing their marciage, lived on a faum west ai McBae's Chuuch. In 1919 they moved ta Ocono wheue they have resided ever since. Mu. Ben White, ane- Grant Tamblyn en behait of! Galhi iser ad ejNurses HoId lo manville, and his brother, w. Gra d Re un ion f Bryan Tamblyn, presented bis parents with a handsome thueg piece set o! Jet Liner luggage. In Peterboro Mu. and Mus. Tarnbîlyn, the! honoued guesîs, thanked their The Bowmanville Gradualeý hast and hostess, Mu. and Mus. , Nurses be]d their annual re- Bowman, for the lovely sur-, union on lThursday, dune 10. prise party, which had been ý in Peterborough. such an outstandîng success., Arriving ai Nothminsier They aise expuessed their ap United Chut-eh. Sunset Blvdi., puecialion and gratitude ta y bus, tbev eojoyed a bot their relatives, childuen. and dinner se'rved by a U.C.W. in-laws fou their congratula- graup. tions, good wishes, and the A tour bad been aruanged. wondeu!ul gis. There wece 31 membeus of the family present at the pauiy P N DO ta honor Mr. and Mms Ivison, S E LU V Tamblyn, the Silver Wedding celebranb.s, and everyane en- joyed a deligbful evenig. N1 POR1 OBITUARY MRS. MARIAN COWAN Canada, the Hon. Lester B. Carson and Mrs. E. White. Inn i9. He , theson of0Mr Funeral of Mrr. Main en 1946. He is the snfourMr. .ce:, Mr)i Pearson and from heo.'t h evnn forneeMsan Ms. icrWht o k». Cowan, 85, who died Monday, John Diefenbaker. A scrolIlLawrence Beal, Oshawa-, Mrs. Ivdi h ntrrs ra Jue1, 95 naLkei was received fromn Prime Min- Herb Smith, West Hill-, Mrzs 'e n h nepis raJnr1,s 96,ing hom whe e helsd Ister John Robarts of the Cyril French of Oshawa, and Mrs. White is the daughter of Church St., Newcastle, edufrsitghrme eeswheld- Provinc'e of Ontario and Alex ýMrs. Herb Murray, Orono. II.adMs .Bes om Dear Mr. James: June l8th, 1965 ýon Thursday, dune 17 al. 2 p.m. Carruthers, M.P.P. and Mrs.i poured tea. Small tables -vere, emb of o theool. e- I arn enciosing the photograph of which 1 spoke to '<ou this evening at the ýfrom the Barlow Funeral Carruithers personally extend- 'tastefully decorated w hebes fth aher B e igo u e otOfie syu nw ed congratulations. ispring flowers to serve thebehLogasstdwtteopnn ofurewPtOfi:asyucneetsos a cow crossing the inter-Hm.rno manyguets.tea and lunch. Both Mr. and section of Mill Street and the Kingston Road, as it was known to us in those davs,. The' Rex'. Basil Long, ot The "At Home" was held mn uss Mrs. White are charter men'- with the house on the corner in which the Post Office x1was located. Oronio United Church, o! 1,oth in the afternoon and Besides receiving message,; bers o! the Rebekah Order.-i TePs fie i n h~e ntcdtetoxhich Mrs. Cowan was a mem- evnn hnM.adMrsai congratulations the hav yTimes. TePs fiesign isquite distinct, ad1*aejustnidhetwowifl- br icae.Brilwsi eveingwhn M. nd s.dow boxes on the west window sis, quite likeP the one on our 1965 building. IJ Orono Cemetery. think Mr. Wellington Foster was the Po3t Master but 1 amn not sure: tepoo Palibearers were Calvin and was taken about 1912-13.thpoo Murray Dunn, Gilbert Hunter, I hope you will find it interesting, 'John Stephens, Bruce Norris and Douglas Dooley. T h eouroN es sncereiv,1 Mrs. Cowan was born in Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor W Mrgam Retinonw.n Mrs. Cowan and hrbs ~..ruu ( tiii~içi il' band, the late William James' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1'rr-By .~ e~e'ofîîtd,îg aseilmeig O n C o p î an who died in 1938, iarm- turned home last week after jAfier their honevmoon at Lake iThursday, dune 25th at. thei idi lreTonhpfr2 spending a few days with Mr. ýPlacid Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will Orono Public School '.with the WýdCak onhpfr2 :AI-_I A .vears before movingteOo and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass and 'taken up residence in an apart- regular meeting at No. 9__ 1 more than 40 years ago. ~~ NQ. Mrand Kie tret es, chol 2 5 th Wv e u u în g i'iii i ve rtsi/d.iiShe is survived by four, Congrtulaton,. Mr. Stanford Wesley Staples Y daughters, Mrs. Ernest Steph- Mrs. Ernest Hamim on their Mrs. Thomas McRoberts a retired C.P.R. conductor, late 1 i GeaScroog:Ms 59th Wedding Anniversary, spent a few days last week 'of Toronto, passed awav sud-!I Mr. and Mis. Ivison Tamb- and daughter-ijn-law,\, Grant where F .Tmln a-Asi unr(ury.Nw june 25th. with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc- denly ai, his residence on Cobb lyn Orono, were the recipients:and Gai], frome Monireal. ilton. gave a congratulatorv castie: Mrs. Arthur Dooley Mrs. Ada Hawley of Osha-;Bobecis and children at'HilI, Orono, on Sunday, dune of hundreds nf congratulatory After a deliciotis dinner the address tn the honoced couple, (lv) Ms wa and Miss Loretto Kilgan- Tyrone. -t,16.Fnrlwsio ad acyn etwsehpyculM.adM rs. and extended the best wishesCharles Huinter (Hazel) Lake- non o! Bowmanville speot last Mr. and Mi's. Wm., Moift the Wmi. Speers Chapel, in ; lÇvely bouquets of flowers and Tamblyn cnt the' heautiful of "veryooe present.j field. Thursday afternonn with Mr. and snns of Gananoque visil- Toronto on Tiiesday. Interment! plants, and many beautiful weddîng cake, which had br'en Hie c'alled on Miss Myrtle, There ai-e Il grandchildren and Mrs. Laverne Patterson Pd Mrs. Sheldon Moffat and 'was in the rrI plot, Orono gis on Saturdav. d, une 12th, imade. iced and effectivplv dec- Tamblyn. Toronto, who on be- ad nine great-grandchildcen. and son Gary. !Mr. and Mrs. Evan QuantilîlCe tr. thSivrAnesayoter orated bv Mrs. F. G. Tamblyn, hait ni the huothers and si- Also surviving is a sisier, Mr,3. Mr. and Mrs. Ernesti Bush, and niher relatives in Orono Mir. PeccY H. Werry, age 46, wedding. Hamilton. fer,; prc'sented the honored Margaret Farrow. Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. payetto lnieeiy epe fMsf.G -ooe, Alrenîhrn people, After dinnrr ic, bu rsts a-cul with a pair o! silver Mrs. Cowan was predeceased Miller, near Trenton-, Mvr. and Mr. and Mus. Adam Sharp passedt away very suddenly al including Russell C. Honev 'soifhled in the living-room 1 nnree dishes. ytoduhesadneo. Mrs. Russell Van Home of 'of Enniskillen; Mrs. Fred Lew-!R.B. 4. Bowmanville on Mon- IM.P. for Duuham Coîunty, and ____ WhîItby, visited Mus. Fred eus. and daughtecs ai Peter-iday, dune 2lst. Funeral an Mus. H-oney, called during the Tamblyn. ,borough called on Mr. ;and Wednesda:v Inierment iniaiternoon to offer their best Visitors with Mus. A. Young- IMrs. Wm. Bobinson an Sun-iBethesda Cemptery. wishes in person, and more hubad ndBev.and Mrs. Idy Mrs. Wm. Seymour with Mr. ýthan 200) iriends and relatives ubal anE . og er Mr. W M.1 fis.Jms u1c n rs aol«vmor. ere preseni during the even- Basl E Log wrp rs 1 r. nd rs.Jme rutier- lad ort Hareldinermoues rug Mr. and Mrs. Tamblyn Gillis, Mrs. W. Martin, Mr and îîd and son ferry of t.Cau M r. nt e d ir. . . ebatd ieiJSlnrg.d Mrs. T. C. Graham of Fenelon IMnnesota, U.S.A., have been lot r ndMs B .Whitelcelbap hiSlvrWd Falls, Mr. and Mrs. A. dones holidaying tin Orono district on their 60th Wedding Anni-iding Anniveusary with a de- . of Ennismore. and staying with her mother, verysary, Monday, un 4t.lightfully arranged At Homel ... ai Cedar Dale Farm. their----------- Mrs. Braytoo Stinson of Cal- ýMus. George Mocton. Patients tram Ocono and dis- home, Orono. landr atendd ih Lews - Mr. and Mrs. Boy Mercer of[ trict in the Memoujal Hospital, Cohbledick wedding on Satur- Kendal; Mu. and Mus. Harry Bowmanvilie, are Mus. RobI. Mr. and Mus. Tamblyn re- day and is now visiting ber1 Meccer visited Mrs. Mary Lux- Glanville, Miss Tina Burgess, ceived, and Mus. Tamblyn brother Mr. Robert Glanville'on, Mu. and Mus. Bay Hughes Miss Wendy Cox, Mus. Harryîakdrinteangac- and the their cottage on KushogiBowe. Mus. Luther Bauraball, sage of sweetheaut roses on Congratulations to Mr. and-Lake, nouth o! Minden, on ýMrs. dames Ginn, Mus. Wm.isbe racngindss he ir Mus. Byron Brooking, the Sunday. Malle% ', Mus. Howell Bowland, snGatad i ieGî former Miss Donna Porter who The Tamblyni Famîly Picic eMus. Bobi. Stewart, Mus. Ne)- \Vith their baby daughter, '.vs aclrk n he coo Bd was beld lasi Satuuday' at the, lie McCausland, Mus. James, Stacy, wece there- from Mont- &White Store, on their mac- Waltona Park, South o! New- BRichards, Mr. Lyall Lowery, raadM.adMs ab ,rag, atrdNMa 21n, ncastle. ýMrs. Annie Shewchuk ai B B Ilyn's daughter, Judith, and ~iage, Satrday, May22nd, b Ms. Jean Bacc, Mis. Boss:], Ocono; Mus. Oliver KnapphiryugrsnBcais St. al's ,ntdCuch o-and Mus. Babhot of Erie,1'Su. ai B.B. 2, Orono, and inasstd Mr.andMus AlredElliottiPenosylvainia, visited Mr. and ihe Oshawa Hospital, Mcs., Yellow and deep purpie ir'is ealle on rs. Fed B i-Mrs. Alex Watson last week. Richard Mouton, fth Line. In weue eifectuvely ai'ranged as come o Saurdy.The Antique Auto Baily ýthe Sirathaven Nursing Home, decoration in the spaciaus liv- Ros Coblelic ofwas held in the Orono Pa rk on1 Bowmanville, is Mus. Walter bogroom. During the afler-M Mcs Bss obledck niSunday afternoon. The day Couch ni Ocono. ýnoon John McMackin, Oshawa, IVewcastle held A trousseau tea iwas billed "Henry Ford Model - - attended ai the donc and was et ber home, Satuuday aller- A Day". Many featuces wereý in charge ai the guesi book. Wa a rioon, June 121h, in honor ai arranged for the day and aInT T~.VT the dining-uom ibte table ber daughter Miss anahsiotopesweoîred UIJ LIfLLwas centced with an attractive Cobbledick, buide-elect. Among ta those competing. Neauîy al MR.VR .IEFED thcee lier wedding cake sur- the Orono guests were Mrs. budced antique.alitas wece mounted by a pair ai silver we o *~rr Lwimohe o teon dispîay.T eh d Mn belîs and exquisitely iced and gromtobe M. obutLe- Mus. Marian Robinson Cow- dy ue1,16,o is decorated with white and sr Mrs. Ross Lewis, Miss Fae an. widaw of the laie Mr.!VeaAlie 14he19iedoai heu pink roses and tiny lavebirds Lewis and Miss Julie Schmid. William dames Cowan o! home in Oshawa. Born Dec. aiThe cones iheacwih r y o u r 1 9 6 Mrs. Thomas Fairbrother o! Orono passed away afief-a29 9,a t eteoO t e tbewslgtdw a Newcastle, Mu. and Mus. Carl lengthy illness ai the Har- the p896, ai Nesniareton, Ont ta1.9 6 Biligsatene te ntri ore'Nesiglaie Robert and Alicepnktesinlresve Biling atendd te Otaro brneNuringHome, Lake- IJackson, she atîended Lindsay candelabra. Horticultural Convention heldfedo due4h FueaHghcoîanPtroaih Those who puesided over euehlstowe.1fed nJ n 4h urd HgSholand etro- hthe tea and caffee cups duuing Guelphlast eek. was in Ûuono onThusaNormal Sehool before te ieuon ec MsrEi Mr, an Mrs.Llew Hllo- une lTtb. Rex'. Basil E.* Longi ing ta teach in Cartwright neau loGatoa uta well of Starkville recently ln!ficiaied. Inteument was no heur home. Mrs. T, Gablyn; Mu. S J. oav visited Mrs. Wm. Stuit. the family plat, Orono Cerne- She was married on dune 27, Gauden Hil; Mus. John Brow Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hend-!tery.123 0 eryWlla Se erson and Miss Dorothy Henry Mu. and Mus. Roy Langmaid fi'eldaod Mus. Frd Tamblyn, in: o! Toronto, Mu. and Mcs. Dean nif Solina called on Mu. and ed hipeecosdhe fn iOrano, aunis o! Mu. Tamb- Hodgson ni Aliax; Mrs. Russell Mus. Wm. S. Mofiail. Jnaî,198nAbote Wiliord.Jacksohni Nesletan, Secving in the aiternooîu Vi Trtue anvMs. Lore hrs. .e e r ane obsriu.irn- died in 1963. were Mus. Brian Taylor, Osha- o!Tyon vste Ms.D.G e hmefrmMeoralHo- Murs. Sheffield s survivedi wa; Miss Vieki Coller, Hamil-é Hooper. pitl, Bowmanville. A' sstrMu. . . ofat Congratuilations te Mr. and 1Mu. and Mus. Wm. Staple- (Mbl)n Wlanan e Miss Laura Bowman, En- tws Mrs.Robrt enryLew thýï1n 01Newonvlle prere Mabl) o Welanfinebe dfilM;ssssMMarilyn mm, former Miss Sandra Dar 1ecntdinner guests n r.iohrsdnsa saa h n aiy andteMissyn, ano Cobbledick of Newcastle, on John Morris and Calld wsfr onyer mm their marriage in St. George's 1Mus. Cecil Robinson. asumnyeasam be Orono. One eased wife. Be prepared Anglican Chucch, Newcastle, The Clarke TwshpPub-n ico ietU Duuing the evening bbc i for impulsive di.çpla!s oM'affection Township Chucch wheue she attended the moe han 200 people who on_________________65.____________ oar i hod- or us n public. Buut he firm. Don't ]et heu on Stuuaydun îgt. 165.'li Scooi reaBoad hld-Aiteunoon Auxiliauy and the 'called to extend best wishes Io Camea Unit. Mr. and Mus. Tamblyn, alsol drîxe il nuul nc,\t week. The Ausf uneral h .omenjayed an excellent concert! theArmtrog Fnerl CaP- by the Ocono Brass Band, who' eOshawva, al 2 p.m. on Wed-i honred and stirpuised the s nesday aficiýnnn, dune 16, Silver Wedding celebuants by GET ORE OR Y UR ýwibh interment ai Nestieton playing on iheir ]awo. Ivison i Cemebery. Tamblyn bas been a member! oaf Ihis band since be was a O BITUARY 'lose ai the donc on the evening were Roy Beatty, MRS, ELVA M. Me,ýILELLAN Touanto, a cousin ai Mus. I. O W E D R O S ,Jinc 141h, 1965 ai the Toron-Ms lnnieJ. s. , am ton, ro-'el.I ussW The death of Mis. Elx'a Meule no, a brother ni Mu. Tamblyn, i Asdsr'c tto L o E B O McIellan occurued on Monday, ýand Russell Best, Hampton. H'1sytîg I o Genecal Hospital as a iesuit and Miss Marilyn Tamblyn, lke Wl.1ges\' ni traffic accident, Saturday' , Orono. weî'e in charge ni the -onît be seeîng much of A -i U U L A T E X on the Mac-donald - Cartier 'guest. book in the. evenmng. vou around here asuv more. Freewav at Sevenson Bd. DurinR tbe evening thoe B yab ueo o h r n ei M ie d àUo She resided at 28 Durham who presided ove7,r the tea and B sbti fppteeoc .5KING ST. W. LIMITED PHONE 623-5211 fo te serl trvice on faPO)ý' nOcasion. We.ner.a\. 1 I. lober- Arather ýurpu'i.emwas uin 219 KING SITETL EAST ment was in Erskine Ceme- .3tore for the honnued couple tery. iwith the arrivai et their son' ce the Ethfrom Uuum IM., a braneh of Johnson & JIonw. a modern industry on the wes. tern outskifls of Peterborough.' nPe tour proved mostin.- frntive and interesting. Gel Cash Today For OId A le Ces1 STATESMAN Phone 623-3303 UNION DAY [HOPEI WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 DANCE to the Music of Mart Kenney THURSDAY MORNING Gigantïc MaI'orette Baton Twirling Contesi Contest Featuring :i300 - 500 Entries THURSDAY NOON Mammotli Calithumpian Parade, Floats, Bands, Novel Entries, etc. THURSDAY AFTERNOON Resumption of Baton Twirling Contest . THURSDAY EVENING Junior A Drum and Bugle Band Competition 5 eof(ianada's besi ,Junior A Jirui-n orps wili cornpete Sponsored hY thp Kinsmen Clubi of Port Hope mce. rou expect bring home Rambler Classie?0 isingl-ambîious son. Hell beg t vaut' car at least lwîce a week. Atnd now that you've baught * car like this, maybe he'll admit you mrally aooe 'wuîh it"! New respect fram car-pin k attendants. Thcy might ev.en start calling you -Sir"'. Try to keep the sii.e olbyour lips wkiuhin reason. ws ires One rather self-satisfied Rambler dealer. He knows you ce going te bc happy. AMnd s uyow family. And So is has family. Classie W*Iw em f L UN" al aS yow R.ambler deaWes today. Phono 623-3356

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