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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 13

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....................................................................................................................................................................................................................- .-...-~.'---,-.- ~ i f t I I ~~~ D f51 ~ ~ new residerit el the flebekah TeoilHsia -~e eect Bernard Hi-i en Mr and Mrs. C. R. FarrowWekyRpr brating the Silver Wedding; Chairna Hospif i Dit. nniversarv of Mr. and Mr. For the week ni June 14-20 Wm. Nesbitt at Brooklini, Sati-! inclusive: C h i m n H s it l D s , 1urday night.i Admissions ............ 62 Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown lBirths. 4 maile...........4 ' Bernard Holden, Administra- meet iîn& heid on April i3th thisecutive meeting held ini Nov- were entertained by mebe rs Discharges ................. 68 #»r of Memnorial Hospital, Bow- year in Oshawa, which was ad- ember last it wvas agreed that, of their immediate famivSat- Major operations . .......... 10 (manvifl,( was rle - le1 le c te d> dresq ed by Ajan Hay. Presi- such a section would provide urday evening. to a dinner at Minor operations........ 21 .5hiin,~by acclamation of dent of the Ontario Hospital machinery wherebv the chiet the Village Motel, Welcome,, emergency treatments 29 the Oaio Hospital Associa- Association and Stanley Mar- executive officers of the Dis-tht occasion being their 4fth Vsting 3-8 p.m. daily.! tion'a District Hospital Council'tin, the Executive Secretary- trict Hospitals wouid meet on Wedding Anniversary. Fol- No. 7, for 1965-66 at the an- Trea surer of che O.H.A. a regular basis to discuss lowing the repast, al repaired P N nual dinner meeting of the ir. his report. -Mr. Hoiden mutual problems, and ta share ta the home of tht guests of! N YPOOL coumdll held at the Cobourg also toid the annual meeting pertinent information. honor where sorme 60 otheri Gou n d . CT eunry C lub oantat. hea ndshepLDi, strit Sc-, Very informative and en- relatives called ta express their, Mr. Wlaslev M cMahon is leur- 'lue 1. Tt Hn.Charma tav, ams Hpbun, shaajoyable meetings have been god wishes. Amang the num- rently in Workmen's Coxnpen- !S Sister Mary Paul. o! St. had. attended on behaif of Ithe held in December last and introus gifta received 'vas a set sation Hospital, Downsview,i Jolteph's Hospital, Peterbor- Dist rict Councla special mee~t- February. March. and Ma., of of Royal Albert china and a undergoing treatment for an ough. The Sec. - Treasurer, R. ýing called by the O.H.A. on this tear. In view- of the rnany chair. ,injury to, his back, G. Parker, Cobourg, 'vas eIect- meetings which Administrators Brenda and Carol Hender- This eomniunty wvas sad.j ed Vice-Chairman for the COmf- aeepce aatn the son 'vert overnight guests Set-, dened to hear of ftie passingi ing year. monthiy meetings for April urday, with their cousins, 1cf -,,r. Stanford Stapfles Of Others who attended the an- !and June were combined with Karen and Lynn Gilmer. Port: Orono. Deceased 'vas borni fluai dinner meeting of thet!the regular Trustee - Admin- Hope. here and for many years was* counceil froni Bawmanville in istrator meeting of the District. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis conductor on the* C.P.R. Hel addiionto Curiil CairanMc. Holden stated that T r acompanied Mr. and Mrs. had retired and had made his Holdn wre ien ughs,',:ý9 1 - ý:. hompson of Bowmanville on; home in Orono. Ht wasa Hoarden 'vrt Gn Huhes, .ltamnsections 'vithin this Dis- aweekend motor trip toso! th r. Bor Carra o emral .'trict No. 7 had been h tiu-illiamsport. N.Y. sRicf hard Ste .a n r Hospital, Rex Welters and pachticu- wes Tom Cowan, members of the ar ctiedurinthe ear.Wnd and Heather Lane, W5e also regret tn hear o Board. ,. ' ecmeddteeeuti-e Potoop of these sections. particularly se1ttwek h asn of Mr. Robt The 13 hospitals in the On-;te Acutns Scin end here with their grand- i 'Wrigiht of Janetx'ille. Decas- tario Hospitals Association i!Cehic metaîer Sastione , parents. Mr. and i'vIs. C. Lane.' ed 'vas a former metnber of i District Hospital Counicil No.: Sundayr guests wxith the Lanes TVanvers Council. We extpnd: '7 are the Oshawa General Hos- - "Ini iooking to our District includ'ed. as 'veil: Mr. and M.\rs. our sympathyv pitaI, Memorial Hospital. cOuncil's future 1 set rnuch to'Rae Stewart of Toronto: Mr.:'D'et Gcoweî's from ail over B'owmanviile, Port Hope and be dont. The for-mation at 0. and Mî's. Ted Lane and son, Ontario congrtgated on Satur- District Hospital, the Cobourg 1HA. level of a District Coun- Orono; Mi-. and Mrzs. Charles day for t h l Forestry Field Da y, District Hospital, Port Perry ici] Service is in itself indica- Gray and daughters, Bowman-1 Lindsay District. The mcmrr- Community Hospital. Ross tv of a ineed ta have clsevl .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane, ing mias taken up after regis- MeoralHsptaLindsay, lasnbttn eduresPort Hope. tration h'v tallks by diffecentl Peterborough Civic Hoptl *adDsrc onis ehv rs W. H. Jlones, accon-i off icers of the Dept. of Lands:1 St. Joseph'sq Hospital, Peter- ýbeen fortunate ta have Geoige,pa11jed by Cheryl and John iand Forests. assisted bx' sorniej borough, the Uxbridge Cottage Morgan heading upc such a Cornish of Ocono and Ms.C.( local growers. Tht U.CW.' Hospital,.Rthtmocn Cntd M. Jones vsited relatives, iiserved dinnr at tht United; Hopti ihodHilli. the "Tht changing of district Campbellftord, Sundav after- Chîîircli ah noon. Tht afier-' Ajax and Pickering Gentral! boundamies wouid appeai a noon. ýnoon xwas spent on field de-ý Hospital, the York County Hos-, - step in the right direction. and Mrs. Ear NIcEwaî andi monistrations held east of *tht' pital, Newmarket, and Camp-- Bernard Holden IansîeahDitctCu-ýGrace Ann of Peterborough,! village ai Richardson Treti beliford Memorial Hospitai. jci] wîll perhaps play a more, vjsitedi Mrs. Ceci! Burlev on Far-nis. There weme two speakers ai September 3ird, 1964, to discuss active part once some fîrm Suniday. 'Jýlere is a possibilitv'Wei the dînner meeting on Thurs-f regional activîties. At thatiguidance is rcceived from tht' At Mr. S. J. Lancaster's, mav' lose our cartaker service1 day evening. Roger Siute. Toc time it was agreed to re'omn- OH.A. conceî'ning the Scape Of Sundav' supper guests wereiaît îhe C.P.R. station. We hope!i onto, director of the Association> inend ho the O.H.A. th1at a District Couincil activîties as Mrs. W.7 T. Nichols, Miss Mild- thîs does not happen. How-: Services Division o! tht On- 'similar Aninual Conference for set 15\; headquar-ters. and a î'ed Moi'se, Mrs. W. E. Nichols lever. 'e do hope that the pie-j tarie,'~ Hospital Association,. District Chairmaji and Sec"(- citai' indication of tht duties and Wilrna. ail of Port Hope, senît train service 'viii 001 heý spoke on Changes iri Hospital >taries be held, Mir. iolden saîdi. and responsibilities of the Mr. and Mcs. Wilfred Wood,idhanged., whicih has heen vervý Legisiation. George Morgan_. "I w,,ouid nMost sil'crciy district are detecmined. Mr. and Mrs. Reid W7ood and satisfactocy thte past few~ Director o! District Council, hope that tht OH.A inhendfsî"In this particular district it famil, Mi-. and Mrs. Harold years. Services Division of tht On- ta have such a conference as woîîid appear that our OWO1IWood and son enjoved a famn- Y Ourlo'ia1 U.C.Wl. ladies:ý tario Hospitals Assaciatiot i; district offices are changinginternai By-Laws are now out- ý icnîc, Suida.,aI Mr. La-lhave put on their two short gave an address on Distmiidt.constantly. and this prov\ides'datpd. and that tht rtvisiolv en ooS a hmn. plv hnat ektie Cbuncil Orga-ni-zation. an excellent oppoîtunity forýOf these qIjould be undertaken' Mrc and Mrs. Adami Stec aîîd I large audiences a, St. Ma'rv's. District Hospital No. 7 new appointees to become a- uigtht niexi year-. Mr. farily of Elizabethiville v'kit- ! t iffoid and Cadmils. L 'ca>i Council Chairman Holden prî'-rquainted xx 1h their couinheir-Hoidel, poinited out. e r.A Ruon una.adote iien'vi ae sented bis annual report. Pieparts ini other districts. and District Couricil Chaîrnian Mýr. and Mcs. Dan deMvioov a chance ,ta set these star ac-! toid oi twa meetings of tl i :wiîh the O.H.A.'s current:floldemi concluded by' thank-:arn famiîy of Ntwcaste 'vertors litre on June 301h. District Executive, ont an tint thinking on District Councîliing ahi those who had gvenISuiidav, visitors at Mr" '. G. M17. and Moes. R. J. Payieý 4fh of November. 1964.,agnd actîvîties. hini he]p and assistance dur'- Velet',. attended the wedding o!f c chit on tht 5th af April la st. 'Perhaps the rnost ý;ig1ifi- ing the past vear. and he par-, Mr. and Mrs. Ar'nold Wade Teddv- Goddard. Bowmanviile.I Mr. Holden also reported an cant happening during tht PaSt!ticuîarîl, thanked tht Secre-îattended tht bal game tai aîd'M.iss Carient Smith of' a full meeting of tht Disti-ict year has been the foimatiotl'tarx'-Treasurer, James Hep- Littît Brilain on Suida% aftpr- BeihevîlIle, o audx Council held on the sanie dateaof an Administrator's Sectioo'buî sdî loMcyn rs'rde ot-e niStd Chumc ]ast year. an a further gene!rai 'vithin this district. At tht t'C" 'Ron ss Bc lown Mand andivMs.' Brdge S thet sonito! Mch. N EWTONVILLE F. Henderson and s.~ Laurence Gaddnrd (Ida' Mr. and Mis. Willis Farrow held ant the Shrine Club in' B3EFORE PA INTING N Ir. and Mis, Lewiîs Woodiwith Mr. and Mrs. F. imrleevl. of Shaw's were ecent visitors 'vert Sunday supper guests at CHECK 013 R PRICS ON 'vth Mr. and Mrs. Wîlfred Chemang with Mm. adMs CH C'9J PIE NWood.- ýPhil Gîlmer and faniily.ST R VIL Mr. and Mîrs. Bill Wade and Mrs. O. Edgertan andMis. S A K IL Pittsburgh Canada Paint 'Mi'. Harry Wade attendtd tht C. Farrow attended tht month- M adMr lxneA ldd Fellows' banquet ai tt1 ig0thhtoma- len and faî'îily. Woodvile, Royal York Hotel, Toronto on ville Nurses' Association 'ail 0 T last week, S afe*sWednesday tvening; r h oeo Mrs. L..Byka with hem mother. Mrs. Victon. lcr& s " hx" Wadt who had been attending Zion, Mna vnnFro (The Dbripless Peint) ýthe 3-day session thece rie- Don't farget to turn eut toi:Mr. and Ma.Brian C'asweli turning home with ber bus- cuc etSna o'ln and famiiy 'vert Sunda dib-: SOU N'U (cofioed wod resevatve)band and Mms. B. Wade. Bill for tht Sunday School Aîi-~nx SOLF (remaineddthere forsthtaThurs-1versamy at 10 a.m. Parents- nrgueksts -witih Mmr. and Mrs.i ¶ i dav n rdvsessions. bring your children, don't jusî Hardst.Ws vile AT' VOUR PAINT HEADQUARTERS Masti- Bob Henderson spentI stnd theni. Tht faithful loi Mrs. Ida PI ui, Toi-enta.ý a couple of days with Rolph ýcers and tachers need visitr.ed M. urtocn~. ioufMclan Mupportt. m' A I PAINT& 'De Jong ah Orono, foliowing fI spor.Neili and family, Oshawa,î fl C~AiI'IlAf~ft their final exams last w'eek. a&pent Sunday ai Mr. Warren! WALPA E Mr. and Mms. Milton j C'ason's were visîtors in Oshawa lest ~Mr. Murr-ay Curtis and fri-'! 33KING ST. W. omnil Th ursday ai Mr. A. Redknap's. nFnlnFls eeSn, Mrs. C. M. Jones and Mrs d, e elon e aiMr. reFlsn-! SA. Rowe joined the rtst of W . and Mrs. Hioward Quanj their former schooi class at a I trili 'vert guesta with Mr. and reunion dînner, last Thursdav I Mrs. Ewart Robinson, Sunday. held at the home of Mrs. Brc r n r.KihRw wo attended included Mca- Dear Sic.: visited at -Mr. Howamd Far-i Hear e! H ar Y l Jiri Adamis, Mrs. Ken Ware an isRuth Hancack, ail of read vour paper eveyrwS Toronto: Mrs. J. Enmerson, wttk end enjoy it verv cr. and Mns. Fran.k Walkeri WE NOW HAVE A SUPPLY 0F THOSE Mrs. W. Teeple o! Bowman-'nruch. Howevec. 1 feel tÈt and Mc. Jack Wa1l'ke, Toron-' ville; Mcs. L. White of Maple court news col i ey1t.wr u dînner guests. MUCI* TALKED ABOUT i'Grave and Mrs. Alvin Jones, w î hMrout 'and'h Mis Lrence alioeh 1 Port Hope. In tht first place, 1 do not ie. wv M. and avcn \1an- Mn. and Mrs. McNall lrwini faim. theocouBrtlev, Mr. andfair. IFriday evening caîhers nt Mr.;MY second reason is, I 'anpeffrevetLale Mr. Bruce Buriey of Port Ipapiers onîx-. ' si at Mm. Lhew Halle- 1 Tumniber With Each $3.00O'Hope 'vas in tht village lest; Howevtc. vyour equest for "eli.'hmiseyeein at GiPurchase Coupon week, visiting relatives here, opinions on this subject bas 11-s. w. Hill. por't Hope. prior ta leaving for Gemmnanyi given nie another ide.a. Why viqitpd h11 itA',rs ica' MrndGereSBiR id, e- castje, war sa u.ndv gMe. anit/hMrs. Land Mrs. Pev For Su ndayv M.and Mrs Fred Todd. Garde-n Hill, ai Mc. Rois Tordd's. Miss Noreen PrOtse, Ton- oto. Mm . W. Prouse and Mr,! Charlie Prouse. Osaca. 'vert' guests at Mcr. Merleyv Robin- M.and Mns. Sid Hahiowell spent Sinday evening aI r Lloxd HaIlowell's, 'g Rtc. Ramjît, Carmton, was 1-ecsarx service Sunda ' after- nmon, along with Rev. R. C. m ore .White. Rev. Ranmvts neasage~ easuîy wutn adus wuasctntred on the Lord'si e siy w t a words ta Moses. "gpeak unIe' thp hlre fIs-a.e] ht thtv go forward." The fine f Co mere A tom tic avigs lanservice was tmphasized hy Comm rce utoraticSavigs Pan murFir of Shiloh choir underý tht direction of Mcs, West- Just êli us how much you'd like ta Save each rnonth. Then wýe If make all thé esr ihbeuiu ut reessarv transfers from your cheq'j -g ta your sa.,ngs account. There's no cost huv Mr. Laverne Farrow. WpI- t o.thousands of Our customers have found th:s simpie plan halps tnèrn save. care. and Mn, John Groene- Vl Wtýsleyvilhe, CAN DIA IPERALMiss Li n da Wesîheuser, CANADAN IMEIALnti-e-n-training et Kingston. 13ANK 0F COMMERCE has beer having a holiday ai homne and returnéd tabe- ___________________________ Mrs. Westheuser dxiving toi. CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT 1NSPECTED RED BRAND BEEF LEAN SKINLESS BONELESS CU N CUB5 DEEP CUT SPECIALS SMOOTH 'N' CREAMY HILLTOP PEANUT BUTTER 24-oz.A Jar 49C 4 FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS CRISP 'N' CRUNCHY ROSE BRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES 3 16-oz.Of Jars 8 c RICH MOIST TEXTURE Agi Varieties DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES 218-oZ. Pkgs. 8 c IDEAL FOR QUICK LUNCH GATTUSO COOKED Spaghetti?z 10lo SERVE ICE COLD DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE - GRAPEFRUIT PIN EAPPLE - ORANGE 48-o z. Tin 39C YOU CAN'T 105E DOMINO WHOLE 2-1b. ONIONS Bag 9 c FARM HOUSE STRAWBERRY CREAM 12-oz. Hillitop TEA BAGS ~ Here's a super-econy blond cf flavour-rich Ceylon and Indic tecs ... for thrifty shoppers who love a good cup of tec... but also love a real good velue. Try Hilltop Toc Bogs todoyi PKG. 519 Ali merchandise sold at vomir Dominion Store Limited là unconditionaIIy guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Values Effective ln Rowmanville Until Cloalng Time, Saturday, June 26. 1965 King St. and '4impsor Avernie Ytîghwa~ No. 2. Eàst INII M DACERN BRAND BREAKFAST Sausage~: 49c FRESH PRODUCE MEXICAN No. 1 CANTALOUPE JUMBO SIZE 4 CALIFORNIA GROWN SUN KIST VALENCIAS S59cdoz. CALIFORNIA GROWN RED i b 3 9 TAAP S TY RP 9 SWE (Won $113.64) MRS. A. PFLANZER BOWMANVILLE. ONT. MRS. K. LEMON 64 Simpson Ave., BOWMAN VILLE Received $26.32 MRS. J. COLVILLE 245 Liberty St. N., BOWMANVILLE TASTYR-cRIPEd-$26E3T WATERMELON ........c HOUSEHOLD NEEDS PASTEL COLOURED CUPS & SAUCERS 3 for $1,,OO SW UN CONFIDENCEI IMM Fresk, Fum « Pr«essed or@ -MMCTEDI ,q m King St. and 'Simpsor -'tventto> Drïnk

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