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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 14

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- -w-. - ~-~.-- - - -. . -. - - -.........-. - DORRELL-Stuart and Helen Prout Family Picnic wiii be Dorreil are happy to announce hcld Sundmy, Juna 27, Cmemm the arrivai of a dughter, Lisa of Bmrlay Park. Sports, 4:30; Margaret, on June i7th. 1965, supper, 6 p.m. 24-2 at Oshawa Gemaral Hospital A sister for Darcy, Annie and J $ 1.00 Car Wsh, insîde mnd Melody. 25-1* outside. Place, Christian Re- _______Iform Chunch, Scugog St., Sat., LEWAMAN-liannv and Donny June 26, 9:30 until 4. 25-i are happy ta announce thea'r- rivai of their chosen sister, fliann Marie, born March 7, 1965. Proud parents are Bob end Marie Learnan, Bowmn- Engagement Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mac- ]Donald, Utica, Ont., ara happy ta announce the engagement of their daughter Shamron Dianna, ta Mm. Staphen James Barclay, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Barclay, Bowmanville. Marriaga ta taka place on Saturday, July 31 mi. 3:30 o'ciock in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanviiie. 25-i On Saturday. July 24th, 1965. Marilyn Anne, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orme H. Falls af Starkvilae, will be unîted in marriage with Mr. Charles Edmund' Trm, son of Mr. and Mms. Herber. E. Trîm of Stamkviila. The ceremony wiii take place nt 3:00 p.m. in Shiioh United Church, Starkville. 25-1* Mr. and Mrs. William J.- Smith, Bowmanvilla, arc pleas- èd ta announce the engage- -mnent of their daughter Ratai t..,p.p,,tn Mr- A.R ,,rene UNivira Monster Bingo, Thursday night at 8 o'clock, sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, Red Barn, North Oshawa. 45-tf Decoration Day wîll be ob- served at Cartwright Union Cemetery on June 27, 2:30 p.m. Speaker, Rev. Bruce Woods, Georgetown. 24-2 Last dance of the season, Tyrone, Saturday, June 26th. Clara Nesbitt's Musicmakers. Dances will begîn again Satur- day, September Il. 25-1* Opening Barn Dance, Sat- urday, June 26 at Jake Van Dam's farm, 3 miles west, one mile south of Millbrook. Coun- try and western swing music1 by Rythm Valley Ranch Boys. ___________25-1 Courtice Circuit Manse Com- mîttee are serving a meat and ipotato pie, strawberry suppero at Maple Grove Educational1 Centre, June 29th, 4 o'clock on. Adults $1.50, children under 12, 75c. 25-1* IHampton Sundmy School Annivemsary, Sunday, Juma 27 ai. 2:30 p.m. Guesi. spaak- cmr Rav. Nat Holmes of Harm- amny United Church. Spacial Articles for Sale Articles for Sale MIXED baiad hay. Telephome TWO ladies' sprimg coats, sizes 263-2675. - 25-i 16-18, ana new, nmvy mnd LADY'S bathing suit, naw. green. Phone 623-3622 after 6. Phone 623-5968. 25-1 25-1 W &TER for sale and delivered, HOMEMADE cabîn triler. 24 hour service. Cail 623-5756. sleeps 5: $295. Hoskin Genemal 29-tf Store, Blackstock, 986-4971. GIRL'S C-C.M26" bicyce,-ne25-2* ya l...Pcyne 23 ne49 TRAILER i0 x 5' 6" with 4' yeamold.Phoe 62-3 2-1'plywood sides. Ail steel under- ______________ ________-framing, measonable, 623-2432. KODAK mavie camera and 25-i * floodlight bar. Phone 623-7283. --- -- ___ 2.5-1 HYDROMETER, 50 test tubas; WATEîëel - tharmometer, 6401F, heavy Cmli Cliff Pethîck 263-2131. glass funnels. Phone 263-2015. __________32-tf ___- 25-1 STRAWBERRIES for sal-. K. KEYS eut automnaticmlly, whilc Rietsma, Orono. Cml Omona you wait, ai. McMullen Hard- 1177. 25-2 ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- RERIER TO ,wshngville. 3-tf machine, mangette. Telephone SIX-PIECE kitchen suite. in- 623-2807. __25-1 cluding matching junior chair, SMITH-Coronm portable type- good condition. Phone 623-5959 wrîter, "Skywriter", private. after 6. 25-1* Cali -623-2604,.-,------- 24-tf HIAY conditioner, in top con- WESTINGHOUSE refmigemator, Idition: 5 baies No. 9 baler 9 cu. fi.., 2-humner stova. Tala- twine. Caîl 263-2668. Philip phone 623-3298. __ _25-1 Jahnson. 25-1* DRIED corn, $58 par ton, FOB 54" SPRING-FILLED mattress Browview Farm. Call G. and springs, excellent con- Brown, 623-2523. 22-5 dition, reasonable. Telephone Lions Camnival. Smtumday 987-4726. 25-i evening, July 10, 1965, Wmltona WINE chestenfiald with two Park, Newcastle. 25-2 chairs, gaod condition; ideal1 MASSEY-HARRIS sida daiiv- for cottage or mec. room. Phone. amy raka, good condition. Neil 3 R 4, Orono._, 25-1 Werry, R.R. 2, Nastieton. 25-i -___ -- __ 6 COCKSHUTT sida - dclivery HAM'MER Miii, No.6 Inter- rake, 4-bar with tmactor hitch, national; John Deera 3, 12" $50. Caîl Brooklin 655-3959, plough; potato planter, potato Walter Bcath. 25-i diggcr, packer. Cmli Oshawa -______ ,728-0624. 24-2 WINDOW and starm 771/2" x Pets Wanted to Rent Real Estote for Sale Real Estate for Sadie ALBlNOà-andcêhèckeredma-t-s. ROOM wanted by yC.ung mam. V.L.A. LOTS for sale. Awo 13 weeks, champ; affectionate Phona Bank of Commerce, Homes, Newcastle 987-4245. George Blyleven pets. Phone 623-5456. 25-1' 623-3375. _25-i11- REALTOR _______________ -A TWO or threa bedroom RED brick bungalow, 3 bd- Phone 623-5300 Help Wanted bouse in Bowmanvilie or sur- rooMsncly decmated and Bowmanvila: Thmee beld- FULL timawmitrcsses. , Reasonabie ent. Talaphone and double garage. Closetaro fam buglw uiiy Voyageur Restaurant, Wavcm- Orona 2216J after 6 p.m. school. Phone 623-5068._25-i raamn, full basemant, on V4 ,- - - Bwmnvle. 2-3- 24-2* acre lot. This nicaly decora t- EXPEiàRICED mn ýf or - TREo fu -romhn ORONO - Attractive modemn cd and clean home for on ly crtig an mchncyP'lwmtHed bryfourcher ongotaebungalow in traed mmcm on $12,500 with substantial dovrn custom wfam Phne 78-86 on wanvilly e pefemmbly by cdga of village, six oams, paymant. afe pmus. uton W8665Bwmnile rte Adartiserdoubla garage, circular drive- East Beach: 4 Bedroo m aftr 9p.m - - Ags 5 rt detsrwmy, xpertly landscaped, large frame home, hot and cald MENiý,wamaën, picasa nt fuill or 636, c/o Canadian Statesman, lot,' fieldstona fieplaceanmd wtm -ic ah aa: part timae work. Maka $35 a P.O. Box 190, Bowmanviîle. chimnay, a mca) huy. Phon e mnd lake frontage. Askin.g1 wack in yaum spare tima sali- 25-4 167 ai. noon or 6 p.m. 25-1' ing Rawleigh pmaducts. Full iprice $6,500 cash. tieavrge$0 $10-WieNotices PlrK waJ. 2Mapla Grave: 5 Bedronin Richelieu St., St. Henry, Mont- Dr. Starey's office will bha1bungalown, 2 liing batms ni ram. 2,5-1 closed June 26th ta July 8th. REALTOR extra stool. Can ha used foi., MEN or wamen, if you cati-25. a nd GENERAL INSURANe2E two fmle;2 ce lt in octr Mkio' ofic wilbeMemer f Ohaw & isthtClose ta school. Asking prict find 50 good custamers i otrMko'ofc ilb ebro saa&Dsrt $17,500. Give us an offer. your community, we will show ciosed for holidmys, July 3 ta RealI Estate BoardNarHgwy lS js you how easily you cao make Juiy 2,5 inclusive. 25-2 52 King t. W. 6115 3nort $600 monthly. Join the largcst Mcuty s Sports. Cycle 8 & 0f nileths Ne ewcasuit3e, weoffe aIl Canadian cnterprise in the Toy Shops wiIll haclosed Wed-Bwm viethscw elhit -doon direct selling field. Write fosi nesday nifute notice. Brand new 2-stamey,home on split laval home. Master bcd- detaîls and catalogue. Familcx,, ntlfutermon has sliding doors with ' 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 1 , _. - _-- 11L-f Fourth Street. Large living- balcany. Panallad living rooîn.ý 22-4 At Stud - Services of black romr and dining-roomn facing Must. ha sean ta ha appraciat-2 --- andwht pinta, 13 hands, 700 south. Loads of closets. Storms led. Priced ai. $13.900 with. UNUSUAL Opportunity-High lbs., six-year-old; fac $15 cash. and semeens. Piced ai. $17.807 $3.000 down. commission earnings with a For funther information tala- less $500 Winter Womks Bonus. Newcastle: 4 1 e d r oo a growîng 61 yeanaIdcampany phone Hampton 263-2347. Honsey Street. Real nice 3- trame home, garage, on large selling world famous Good- 24-2* hedroomn brick 1I ½ý-storey10 sigpic 890wt year maintenance products. -- -- home with garage, on spaciaus $1.500 down. Rod Tormo eaanad over $24.000 V/ork W'anted lot. Only $12,500.1 (not typical, but indicative of ________Vary scenie I10 acre lots. A potential) last yeaa. M. W. HIGH School girl dasiras work. 3 Badmoom brick bungalow few with nae'er-failing strearn Frank camned aver $13.000. 623-.5143. -2.5-* on Liberty Street S. Large lefi. Age no bannier. Divcrsified- modern kitchen. Pricad ta 25-1 'eBABY-SITTING job wanted. salI. Good termis. -----_ year-roumîd lina. Na invasi.- Phone 623-3437; rafemances..1 Ontario Street. This 3-bed-ý Jack icsir ment requirad. We taka came 95_ ly of ahl financing, shipping and - __ oomn spic and span 2-storay RALO collections. Stan. on part time CUSOm -mowin-g, crimping home is idam for a growing I RALO -1 14 SPACIOUS 3 bedroornhOuse, finished mec. roorn, fireplace, large carpant, 74' wide lot, fully servicad and iandscaped, on Parkwmy Crescent. Cmli 623-5233. - - -- 24-2 A. L. HOOEY~ REAL ESTATE BROKER and GENERAL INSURANCE 36 Liberty St. N., Bowmmnvlle Phone 623-7264 NEWCASTLE- - 3 Badroom bungalow, 1 yaar aid, large lot. Pricad ta salI - Only $2.000 down. Give us a caîl on this ane. ORONO -- 4-bcd room ailder hause averioaking Omono Park. $8.500 - Terms. LESKARD -- 4 scenic acrres with trout strcam, an good road. An ideal location for a summiner home. Only 53,600. B3ETHANY' - 228 acres nicar village. 125 workabIe, balance, pasture and bush with gond stream. brick house, large barn, $19,000. Terms. Owner moxiaus ta sell. 25-1 Tenders Wanted DURHAM COUNTI' TENDERS FOR VOCATIONAL ADDITION TO COURTICE HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE DtIRHAM COUNTY 'DISTRICT IIIGH SCH OUL BOARD Mr. usic by ý,-Sunday School ChorTet - 531ý", 2 wooden lawn chairs, basis if you lika. Write Conlanld baling. BUilkent, Phonne family. Rny$10.-Trs9 ing St. E., nomavl 't I , Il1 HgsnoMran r.Everyona welcome. 251 .'TAbinES-T trailers frsl o et w r i ng e r washing machine. solidated Paint & Varnish 987-4496. 25- arranged. 623-2503edTnerfroctoaA- -Olver Hogg, Minden. The i - ralr orsl o et Phone 623-23989. 25 -1 (Canada) Ltd., East Ohio Bldg., IDULL -tools-aren't necess ary. 59 Room home on a niee lot ~ DW iin l orie Hg marriage will take place onl Woodvjew Community CentreAuthorized Parts, Service. -_____ Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. 2,5-1 jWe sharpen saws, chisels, near school. New furnace. i$3,5k0farm NrTn. HueSho"wl arcie nu Saturday, July 24th, 1965, ati-Monster Bi n go. Twenty Miller, 9 Tudor St.. Harwood BUYING or salling furniture pruning s h ea rs, scissors, Asking $9,000. Easy ternis. hsoc as m dea r ncenncs3f0p. can Church, Bowmanvîlle. igames-thirty dollars; $150 INUAIN lwn eË- Hampton: business 263-2294 - REQUIRES St., Bowmanville. 24-7* $2,500) 25-1 Jackpot, and two jackpots at od, wîth rock wool. Work- residence 263-2695. 6-tf l__ ,.1 eron uglw 2t 25,000. theficofPtadBk 1$250. Door prizes. Next manship guaranteed. Fe ASR lmnî idn,2 VOULDERS A B AA RS fis Bidra ot.buN ngal ar $3 o n. so A avsSre.Trno nai Marnages I Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, estimatas. Harry L. Wade, year guarantea - adds to resale SIDE FLOOR , i furnare. Only $8,500' lsaatet 0 0 an enls ertr-raue 4fHITE - BROWN - In GÎrace Ohw.44 hn etnil 8-26 value. Windows, doors, awn- HEAVY FLOOR and iÂ4A>L~ L~1l Terms. Immediate possession. Ample water. Fui rc urhmC- é hapel, Ontario Ladies' Col-1 Pontypool United Church-_______ 38-tf ings. Lamne Allun, 1 PrinceoutDsritHg jeeWhtbon Saturday, -Garden Party, Wednesday,, Niagara Brand Chemicals St., Bowmanville. 25-21oe aes 2 eso t omnll Listings Urgently Required!$800 colBad,Bomnil SPRAY ERN-IEPemker Call Today! MAPLE GROVE. . e-HguShoBwavle %une l9th, Elsie Grace Brown June 3th, from 4:30 p.m. untilMAE ALprs ER CTrobuglw itatchdnano was united in marniage ta al served; followed by two USED washe hp. PbllgEloewîence ,Samuel Everton White. Dr. S. plays put on by Pontypool for motors. Complete line of $2.22 - $2.41 per holîr PLUMBING & HEATING enns garage, closcd in brewa.Dainsm pcfiton ,,. Osborne officiated. 25-i* U.C.W., "Miss Tîlley's Chi"Orcliard - Grain - Vegetables Beatty, Thor and Crosley ap- 1 Steady Work 'hn 2-50A. Code-- 623-2645 $12,900. Terms. myb bandfa h ___lnd____ig heCaoresVeed Sprays pliances. P a d dy's Marke,'Phne62-340P. Kowal Jr, - 62-68 RO.Brc hmeoAcîietondpstfa S§HORTT - GLANVILL-Mr. 'Admission 21.00 and 50c; plays JIM WRIGHT Hampton, 263-2241. 2t Brw Bog Fdy ..Bx1595-quesre.Nwci ,adMrs. Robert Glanville, ialone, 35c. 25-1 HILLCREST ORCHARD RED cabhaga, green cabbage & MACH. CO. '78 Ontario St., Bowmanville - water furnace plus ner ah ~esfo ehnclm ____________________th__27_ShrmanN.__Hamlto room. Only $8,000.Trm.EeticlSbCnatsrea ofrrag their dauherOange Lodge Association and ___19-8 Van Belle, R.R. 4, Bowmanville LI 9-6594 ota Cre ry Jh F.DW h BWMAVLE oma Isabelle, ta Mr. Terence aiLOB--lais r -rial --AMN -MORE (1/ mile E. of Bowmanville on ____ 1-8 REPAIRS - CABINETS REALTOR room home in commerill-sav i eoioybfr q.Shortt, son of Mr. and Mrs. invited ta attend the Bowma-_ Hîghway 2). No sale on Sun- DO SPENCER 'omnil - 14 FakSt. cation. 600 sq. ft. o tr snaJl 2h16 ~P. Shortt, Mill St., New-:vle hrc ard n Sun- LATEX -uUTSIDE .dy 21* Machine DONo Ponvle ra23Th950Iowest or0,900tende, eastle. The wedding cere- day. June 27. Teprd il T~~T ANT SEDRTRpral ye olFtes623-3411 I Poe6335 ra 1,0.Trs Th prdeSEEWITR otal tp- , BURKETON. Largefre o -kcesrî ceîd 3nony took place in St. George's lune up at the Bowmanviili"l US AIwritar with case; 3 dressesi 1-tf Osh0acrwa, wtlroed lanrth Atnrac tiov e o Pe4ln. akr& oi Anglican Church, Oshawa, on wgh School grounds at 10:301 ai spring coat, size 22i2,': ' oahneI -i~-J0 shwwt ome a trciv iigqat ~'riday, June 18, 1965. Mr. and a .S'vC f t al Tbb'crbd u ayo E ngine LaI SETI TANK 'homne good size barn. Asking ers. $15,500. $5,000 dw.Acîet -13rs.mT.SSrvict areStowPhoney-baUnitar _____oe erators Irnooning intthsarends hofUie Church. 25-l* IVcMVULLEN cîining seat with mattress, Planer OperaIr PUMPING 1$30,000. Ternis. BOWMANVILLE. be-__ - -bermuda, Antigua and Ja-HA D AR also baby rocking horse. Al15 100xeiec eiale HTWSHN TBE Acre farm, brick home, ro home with large itceFrR HAR WA E iem i god ondtin nd ys.exerenc dsiabl, HITWAHIG SABESal modemn convan lances. room. Very attractive thaica. Upon thair return the "Grand iies ngo1cniio n must lie able to raad blue-BRanhnbue Asngom.skg$190.AÀETor tPhn Phone 623-5408 ireasonable, Phone 623-2994anbasetlieno own work. ThoeT AMPKIN$12,9 eauple will raside at 554 Wetr Circle" ,-irnt n et6 w wr _BETM KIS $500.Tris FIEPC Pernhill Blvd.. Oshawa, Ont. '3n King St. E. Bowmanville ---- 2 1-4htrs. weeks, plus overtime Phone Newtonville 786-25.52 175 Acre form with gond in Bowmanville. Stree aa.TRE. eroat 25-1 23 days 25-1 OFFICE Equipmant -- Type O RTSCali Colleet 4i-t pneu, Ecre rtradrcsirdpi and 10 acre lake. AskingILen BISSELL, Whitby68-1021 _____hpHeefr ulLieo cators, cheque wniters, filas, Brown Boggs Fdry.lCARPENT 1.0.Tarms. Wl AKOooiR1 UN~HDaatat he fumniture. We bulyy, sali, rent, & MA8C . Cl.REPAIRS - ALTERATIONS HIGHW AY FARM with A i ~OSTERT - Suddenly, at July 17 - Aug. 8 CAMPING service. Largest stock, budget 275 Sherman N. - Hamilton, DIIN hl nw A-1e.P ue82-51 51 MJemorial Hospital, Bowman- Travel aircondltioned motor terms. New and used. Low LI--94 DITOS ulinspj elypine, Entelle LEASK, 62351Zofi tdbah vial iî .ville on Sunday, June 2th,tonAig$4,0.Trs coach (Washroomi equlpped) EQUTTTMTNT ovemhead, low prices. Bill 2- BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS Excellent' soil. Close toaa -2-1lt________ 1965,. Teresa Ann Mostemt, For information 'phone or write BA-Q Hamilton, R ag1an (North 2- GORD. FLAXMAN k Real siale g $45,0a00, nt fa u .ged 15 days, helovad infantl ARB- SETS Oshawa). gia 28-tf HIGHWAY F A R M, 100oW. rankRa daughter of Dirk and Patricia R____Ntices_23-324_1_Acre______rick hme, a . <Beootsma) Mastert..Service TRAVE OWE Notis I 623-3244mAcrswih roneieck oe, ailLIMITED ~Jl 5 mvshl nteMri uea R VL AGENCY LAWN CHAIRS T V TOWERS Txiam Fshmutdoem cnnice. w 21 thpl ow ale ois unes-8 5- 57lo t o eI5 uPhone Orono 371. 24-3 b - ars. Asking $30,000. Terms. 177 Cbnrch St.. Bowmn vh AT ad c, oia L e, ot lay at 2 o'clock. InPort Hope135 Acre farm with 8 rom- tae23np1t-339r3sed owmavll seeteyI 2-1 4-3OSHWA FRANK BIK ed home, 2 barns, drive _shedOsaa n 2 4 - 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ I . . J b I l I i V V I i . I ~~~~~~h n o u s e , e t c . A s k i n g $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 . M m e s a a a d D s r c o m x e l n i h n , n ~iwanle eetr. 51 H-aydon Sunday School An- T UPYLD Trenching Ternis. Real Estate Boa.r ac:$1 a ek rt VbLVER-At Memoriai Hos- niversary Services, Sunday, Po. Box 728.TVBowmanvilîe 1,tl Bwavllo on ue 7 :0 n :0 ..85Kn t.W omavla361 Gibbon St. DiaI 728-8180 . SEPTIC TANK 100 Acre farm with in' 200) Acre Stock and ri .pia, BJun 1 196, Souen.Mon usic 2yS2S30asstd 7:3aftem- Pho R ne 623-3134 nvile aor Night - Bill Leask, Prop.ISALTO roomed home, large barn, han farm, large brick homer odFU ,2 YDay1 16,SmebE ui y .. site natr--14P ouse, drive shed. Asking barn, excellent soil Lctdaatin v' ,~ver, aged 87 years, heloved noon by Mrs. Lloyd Ayre and 2P-tfe40-t Hamptn 2632270 only $3,000 cdown. nean Bailieboro Healhfocstasmn fiewil b .usband of Violet Barkar, dear in avenîng by Enniskillen Maie H mtn2327 <father of Pansy (Mrs. Alvin Quartette. Rev. C. Dugan, LivestTT -For Sa-eNT 0 T T CEr -t' 100 Acre farm with 6 roomn- sale. $43,500 - Terni.aalbeuyii;frie -Iowson), Douglas and Noreen B.A., B.D., Minister. Thurs- Cattle, nog and. l ----uetacoplins ecavd d home, good size haro. Large Fisherman's Paradîs 3imditl.Bthaemdm 4Mrs. Wayburn Adams).Sr-day, Jiily 1, Haydon Sunday Puty up etHEREFORD calvas. Gardon bI Bowmanville Police De-1. CUTOM'TA ie Akn $200.Tns.sei5, acres,00 witnotg. etd aeipdwt tv .Iews edin theaorisSchoo Anul SppE ndBarrie-,Phone 623-2197. 25-1w- ' .'±I.Bowmanville Homes: Yure Cvas el 'oMarleris ho olnnceat.Supperand oeeder ______ --partment re hedges obstructing ;onWne da C ae 3:30Bowmnile î anexCoceret. Camerand Fees Waterers, Farrowing LARGE Welsh pony, sund view of motorists, 1 herby B LLDOZING 5 UNIT A P A R T M E N T'r 00 Acres with 27,500 hit o arig epnil tmntBmavleCm-onet Adiso:autStalls, Feed Carts, Fans, land spirited, suitable for teen- 3eeBIDNG BUal octd a resrayt temn owavleCeecnetAmsin:autagers; inake offer. Talephone No. 1370, cepasd by1By-Law HaodC.!od Excellent invastmant. Asking Pontypool an Highway15 ttsa fie omn tery. 25-1 supper and concert, $1.50; Pig Brooders, etc. Hampton 263-2532. 25-1 N.17,pselb Bowman- $aodC od 27,000. Ternis. $12,500_-_Ternis ,1chl_______12 7c.__« e aryarulagisoftueiy I Ih PHONE NEWTONVILLE 5 Roomed, naw, brick home 100 Acres with 12mm 'WERRY...Suddenly, ai. R.R. 4, cent only: adults, 50c;, children O4Eyerefod; ana lectnicstordvle T940: ilJat Parkway Crescent. Auto- -om,_bar_1_0_x_3_' Mowmanvil1e, on Monday, June 25c. 24-2 Jamesway in gond condition. L. J.78226matic dishwasher. Monthlv oey.ctdna e- \at' ou t21. 1965, Pemcy H. Werry, in Equlpment ai. Popular Prices Wood, Phone 623-2001. 25-1* "No hedges bordering on 24-2* paymcnts $100 monthly, taxesitonville. Ower oin aFLDfrWtro4 4sT7t Stud-Servîcasaci"Bemua ofie h elack o teTwnoý_icudd U.S.A. Only $,0018d,0Pon023381 pf Laila Carr, dear father of ,ATthe steets the ownf- ilcudkd. 25- jai 4thyerbelve hsbnd"Bemua ruse Vanstone Flour adwiepna 3hns 0 Bowmanville will ha kepi. amy1 UPHOLSTERING 7 Roomed bungalow. Mod-don___ 'Gardon, Joyce and John, dear arncoveiechiteBdrom. 00Scni aresn13 at- AYa(ald reenh700an ~onof r. ndMrs F.A. Sept. l7th - 24th adFedMill lbs., six-yeam-old; fee $15 cash. higher than 36", and shah be Sae Dllas! aveyouncest- Asking $9.000. 10ny with5,00tacrs, odQuniy.Cli cwrzBa. , jon f M. nd rs.F . ad FedFor futher information tele- trimmed ta this helght withinerfie ladars rae-up hl» ski.-$900. s tre ,0fram boue 1.0 e2-85 ,Werry. Service was hald in Travel airconditioned motor Bowmanvilie - Phone 623-5777 phone Hampton 263-2347.tremfrae ous. th MrisFnea _____cah__NeYr__ va242 hneHmpo 2324* 25 feet of any corner of the ered. Free estimates. samples 10 Roomed brick home, con- termis. LV o1xy l te 13owmanville on Wednesday at T24-2'r i- Budglen otherhme.rrngd xelento incarne hmet. P o'cock. Interment Bethesda Qucen of Bermuda - _________ ___sreet. A penalty wil ha1im-Budkent TrsAr»e Exeln ne home. Excellent home site 12.tik.MFltRR.,Beh Cemetary. 25-I TRACTORS Cars IPosed of mot les% than 55.00 IHT RS POSEY 6Rae oe oac acres, treed, minutesfoay.Pne'r13olet _________________ Phone or write 6 RomedhomSalete ___________25-1______________Carsfor Sl 2R-O. POSER . shw.$,60-Tr - - ~and flot more than $10.00." ! 102 King W. Phone 623-525?. eto omnil n1. saa 660-Trs In Memoriam RO\VE 3 Intnatnl ;7 ersel 2wit195623ONT6AC. 2T-1ephane uestail rasidents of __37-tf acre lot, 175 feet highway 20Arswt rc osWL a 5abl o 3-pin htc; erusn 0-5 _ , 23260. 251 i _ - - -- frontage. N e wlIypainted.1near Millbrook, 160 crshy an aou. Cl 13ABRMrgt-I Town of Bowmanville toacatlNcey workabie, stream ariginae n6325. .Pshms i ~RABUN, arare ITRAVEL A EC Cockshutt 30, Ailis-Chalmers '57 DODGE Custom Roya.0 J iN< TTRCy andscaped Ipoct.225)-2,00Lbry t . 5l .~ovng mmoryof ar ie'~ A ENC CA, with Plow, fisc. Cuiti- Phane Orono 2 r 11. 25.1*1accordigl.1 7 Roamed home, located east downî. .FRTcî lîti efr mnohe hops1dawy6ue38-22 Port Hp vator and Mower: Internation- '58 STRATO CHIEF V-8 4-dr., B. R. KITNEY, BPRES-FJNCS0 town. Small barn. Asking' ~~ 1963. Hope . . - ~~in AI shape. Phoane 623-3495 h o î CLEANED ý$6,ooo with very li)w down 215 Acre tfarnneaiMl-adyun OASdei Jffother you are not forgotten, - 24-2 al B250 Diesel wîth 3-point 2-iJ25-1 PLUMBoG REPlRice.meit.brook, 2 barns, drive shepgo he ekt hn ap Though on earth you are no LICENSED - hftch amd Mamure Loader. 25-1HEV-1 PHOMN HATON COUNTRYLVNG om-pan, 2 cracks with ponstes ai,228& 6t more; W1 '5N7singUSED. 2-door hardtap, 6POEHMTNCUTLVN,6 ed bungalow withbmilkmode Still in memory you arc "- Nrsn HomeEQ PM N cyl., standard. Apply 40 Duke 263-2i151e uglwwihalmdr pletely modernnzad with us____ 25-i Mail ,Street. 25-1anveniancas. Attached gar- fireplaces, 3 bathrooms= ul. ear As you always were befoma. LINTONHURST Manor has International 46 Baler, Inter- 163iMCl ta trckanc: m ga. Smali haro. One acreinsv.$500-Tam. UAANEDeevsoad ber fmmily. 25.1* senior ciicknsnbcd.o.r uoxd573,Mowrsi263-2619. $50,000 - -el -Lovingly remembered by ail licensed accommodation for natonai 3-Bar Rake, Used 6, owner; 15,000 mileage. Phone .O ox54,B manville1ot. Asking $12,900. Termis. 4 Bedroom bungalow itraosevclailmk. patients, rea sona bl rates 7'aMesersCase Forage ACE63-N26nB19.Y 825-m1 om 2-car garage, large ec.roTlvso evc o hn JnJBBARD - In loving me- Phone Orono 371. 17-8 Hmtrwt Corn Head and 1957 METEOR sedan, deluxe, 5 celt x elln lectnic heating, 1ýndsae 2-83 3t -_1______condition,____________ garden soil. Asking $8,500. and fenced. SunsetRod ofada ubnOi-Pick-up; international Forage go odto,îwmlae EXCAVATING Low down payment. $19,500 - Terms. rwha passed away June 27, "TE______urinHoe_45.____72-031. __ f TOWNSHIP OF LING w:lNCHNG HAYON,4 edrom om 16Yo3. er ubnOiv TELDE NrîgHm Hretr lt onHa 58 PONTIAC, a uto ma t ic, DARLINGTON Sand, Gravel, Top Sali and on good size lot. Asking located, 2 bathrooms, Z)ea Olver nowthywor iscommodation available. Kind and Cutter Bar; Dion Forage 32,000 miles, ance owncr. Tale- ilDlvrd$,50 o onpyet erovr, hyw r are, Nurse 24 hrs. Visitnrs Box and Wagon, International phone Newcastle 987-4661. NOTICE F111 D WAEiiERVICE 0 o dw ayet fieplace, lot 66' x 165'. Apla eSrve Thy wiîîing hands wiîî toil wloe hn r.Wmn. No. 91 Seif-propelled 10' Comn. 2- 24-H nes Rou ATlERatsRViCE BU rge hmeoprs n exeltcodin.2630Cm rca oeti ___________ o PoprtNewercasonbleRtes in8o744are5oom Yo 4 -Temms. no more, W2tvrNwasl 48-252. ine nternational No. 91 Self - '64 dCHEV. Super Sport con- 623-5756 - BOWMANVILLE acre. Low taxes. Asking Scugog St. - 2-family rc ergrto Il olr trloin uc, d kndanropelled 8~ Combine; M.-H. vertible, 327 four-speed; bal- .LJL.TLlR.J1 WEEDS&BY M $7.500. Low down payment. home, good dlean home, rcd PoeDM!SE --re lpe TOCmie .H ac fwrat.Telephone BARNES POT ERY, Amomd a.$580-$.0 on ýýoone an emrth lifind like Lost Chipper PTO8Combine, M.-H.800 - $2,800nto% 'o.10 efpoeldSahr 6158 - 25-1 Notice is hereby given ta ail PLUMBING & HEATING home. Ail modemn conveni- Centre Street - 3 bedomNgt 4ie.37 1-__acI misdou. 1Mn-0" e kten rng,3-o Sc-preli Swedahe58r, m GENno t o r persans In possession of lamd, SALES & SERVICE ences. New sidîng. Nice clean bungalow on lange lot.$180LadHd ..-Saly ised y if2Mi- backapetwhitten; owrang. 3pitHthGrs dadwith transmission. G. Deruy- In accordance with the Weed 24-HOUR !home. Asking $11,000. Terms. -$1,500 down. e w r, iPhne 23-289_25____ Phonerade, 623-2289. R.. 3 25-1ook Clamaitrl 12,196,bSc. ,PTO ManureE: ew,7932-5543.eickAve2--3 25- bmc an wit. Rwad.Ftilize5rbu.preadr, nea - 3. R 32i5-ok Cl Cnra c, 90,Sc 3 3Oil Burner Service ed brick home with campant, ac uglw o 7'x15,_____ __________________ofnd_9,____ Nlss oxiusE WerCA'SL E: e w 7bath- Fra nickun ave.w 3,emoootn E75'R tOurdear fthalmter and Presentation Portfolio. Phone Manure Spreader, Case graund four-door sedan, 6 cyl. stand-ed roigo tarui TILE BED S rooms, double lmundmy tubs. vil'ns et ras. omaenesois randprents, Wha 1 asda 623-2694 or mnail ta Antan For- drive Manure Spreader, Inter- ard. radio, good condition, within the Municipality of. PHONE Large lot. $22.900 - $5,900 down, hone Oewopse w 'etr Kn t . Apt.' 6. ntoa ruddieMnr $1,450. Phone 623-5269 after fmrlington, are destroyed by HAMPTON 263-2288 NEWCASTLE, 5 roomed 7½Ars a u b th22,t n5-1ce 15:ad. 25-1 date of July 17th, 1965. and _ TYRONE 263-2650 bungalow. Centrally loctd. home, double garage, aio et ohr of Knmt hre ay ri w m e s gi. '58__PONTIAC__Parisienn-2- throughout the season. the Ovr ,i acre lot. Aluminum ing, 3 pe. bath, approx fu an E nei G or ,ora oe you bath pace Spreaer. '58 PNTIAC Parsienne 2-windows and screens. Askîng miles Oshawa, close to scal nwn e hraot ,;-Lovingly remembered by In Memoriam NE W 7-TON WAGONS door hardtop, V8 automatic, munîcîpaîîty may enter upon Have Us Check $12,500. Over 300' paved road franaepes otc 3 atnS, 4heir daughter Marie and wTrs-$9.0 oe-rks n teig >randchildren. 25-1 RflvIA.R w/Tres 519a0doexcraestacndition., the sai lands and have the orCrfr Atrhus-al:skn$1,0-Ter ? ETO-niom mmr M Mjjbj ('iCOWA..N623-2445. 25-1 weeds destroyed, eharging the YurDon oraldr oui - Caî 23-A6ing $17.500-3T393Pn opOtaio o ae f Robert D., who passed away Dti dadDsic i uN IEquipment 1-oom and Board :~ac ::st utInthe lAcdtax. u mr rvn!Guv Lelanc- -23-3715 Aler 9 P.M.: 2une i6th, 1960. Dvile l isicie ____________________7i lunshine fades and shadows Monuments - Fiat lWarkers Co ROOM and board available. The co-operation of allBaks Engins SyTuneup IdsoWlerama Orono 1649 Joe Barnoski78-22YGNCSpla (ube M fuli eirafrayne0. Phoe Nwcastle 98R7-4675. citizens la earneutiy solicited. Baks- luxtSytm ner Jorirensen - 987-4491 Fat Yeo -- 02377gdsmildp tidh - -. -33 Bx9., %d'4»» Cffl p I 1 -.-à -..- --dr- -

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