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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 15

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Blackburn'oi on Sunday In and Mrs. Clark Werry end The Canadian Seeral honor of Miss Stella Black- kfaxnily, ilwd ,Mrs. E. A.IEwavleJn 316 _____________ I. Werry end Betty Jane, Mrs. . C_ LASSIFIED __! Mr. adMns. W. Craig, Mi." m UjirîO eS Werry and fami1l i nformatiOflon t~ aer a (..Qds oi ThanCs' Auction Sales 1 Delly and Master Barry Ph il- Gai t a e s Cu tMe ui n ilWry trn fce Iw uldlke ta thank &Il1 Sale of household furniture, thy. Mr adM"IIu ey! holhdmys with their grandpar- Peterborough Ci eeFcoy ~ld r.Hco ot those who sent me cards, glfts,! Pethick's Auction Shed, on nolds and femlly. Mr. arid ueldin Il owmafvlVie I M.mdMs .Lrb prtdb er atn i aea con fteDs paid me visits and telephoned i1Saturday evening, June 26,1 Mrs. Bob Craig and fasnilv a- 1,et a r nd Mrs Lm. Ewytpe atoead Esefcrytatrctnuemeinhed ' ) whlle 1 was in hospital, aso 6:30 p.m., also garden tractor tended a famlly plcnîc atà i June 22nd, 1965. Iwhcre hieliait hadt two drinks mitted selling two windshield! .and Mm.nE, wanIle Mr. Oas8ocetsevr an cnl tMri inkin enig. Ciffori Petickauc-hiCrag, JnetviCeaniSudav, eansiOPPeDeso HaydMyysadEthanhe adPbPndrvinglineend kepMaythemoney andfemllyewre Sudey e. try wa bujt ontheantd'ks Auonioblehenu1at&u, Bill Wade. 25-1 tioneer. 25-1 whnsvrlbitdy ee23rd, speedîng 80 miles an hour s ince he a16ndrikg Th ofce ste htte sinc hewas16 ad dinkn Th fice staed hattheg'uests of MT. and Mrs. M.,concession of evr onigpata aaawspe~ celebrated. ;on Highway 401, $20 and costaiiceh was 21. Ne lnsisted1proprietor had laid the charge Stainton. shi.p by James'Abru odndfrmr~esedtif r ~~Th EEKLY ______________ or 10 dys. (CostableT. A. tat he hd made on nto make an exemple because Missà Pet Goyne, Courtice, in 1891. His fahewaon-hbndonJe rd Eb1i.IC Yardy, OPP) Cylvert CarlItelephone cali and that was tothis sort at thing was happen- r an ekt eevs-e faPtroog atrj'h 5mmes0 h - Ç eckHailtan wish ta extend Mr.WynTBcet wr vsi r f etr thanks and appreciation ta VESBROWNLESHis, April 26th, speeding 70hi5 lawyer. ingMa.lendaMm.ten et thetservice ltives, friends andi neigh- ý a Durhami County SlsAeaB O NS miles an hour an lghway; Magistrate J. D. Berger dis- centre. tosa i. n . Reg adth e whoe fmi rw il lb wi1 ttn Sales 4ena e$10ngand ncastr.. or becheeseayke .mOflsAchthemechDargtePor Fibrs for kindnessesfoa rb rn vr hr. ~Opm 0.$0adcss, ororalive days. missed the charge30 p.. Albert Tniblock, no knowvn. Mr. and Mrs. K, McGiI ani n Erastus W(o we p nJue1 n ehn utes and cards, during their 1Sellint Borne%, Cattie, Swine. i'.Jon Sîpon w s Cons abye H Coo, HOPP) Douglasl Terence W&aIton,. 17,; add ress, was charged June il1'boys were Sunday tee guestslKeefe factory: aitegrswî eosrt ai bereavement. 25-1* Calves, Sbeep, et. J. A. Reid 1teken iii suddenly last week-Ty etmaa 6hMg-Nwastle, pleaded flot guiltylwith stealing $57 from Walter of Mr'. and Mrs. Lyal Brock,ioM Ptrbrog; darha il as hl adinn o I wshtaexres m sncre ucio sle f ea etaeindMerand ospitl for eap an 35near Orona, no clear- to a dangerous driving charge Magill, RHR. 1. Janeiville. Ne ofawmanviîe.g inMor.ialHofiv t ayors. ýa lights, no license plate laid May 27th. He was defed-pleaded guilty. Dr. end Mrs. Clark Werry te fco nCvnil. ohr n ôe' ai Iws oepesm icr iedy.wejlight, no refectors, five dol- cd by E. R. Lovekin, New-j osal .J DyeEiaeh n on'i1~.. i a~trOcaahepdtemmbr thanks to Dr. Ewert, Father Acinsl a elett *poiaey1 1inntbl LU. rdc, UzaehnndJhnltedwýHýe Malane and hospitalsafo walnut antique furniture, cuj wish her a speedy recovery.1lars and costs, or three days;lcastle. jOPP, told Mis Worship that dele, Mrs. Sam Judge, Mer- each of the brotesigunCuc nFieJn 5 Floor1,aso rltsadoglass, old china, milk glass iMis. Simp.son is looking afterýDoflaId K. Havers, May t, David Lawrence Jolce, driverMr. and Mrs. Magili were et tha and Mary, Norfolk, Vir- and w'as reportedtkro th brass1,w colelatresdndglass , Danny and Se']ly while their;Highway 401, trailîci oo wdBth Brly usLies tstfid hks wehe temoeywa xnirr.Jon oedn L.fresebuin& friends who sent cards, gifts brssare, dooe lsi~ andfloerswhle waq ner sets, aid pitchers, elec-imte nhsiale. Jryn prscr 1 and that hie was taking the child- taken tram the lady's purse in peer, Michigan, were recýent o! tîhe brothers. hond flowrswil w intrical appliances, the estate of! Brown'@ Busy Bes met at costs, or five days. ýren omne from the Duth the lvn-om His inveti- dne ussetE .Wrys. ae Ie Pat 'Brîn. 2-1 he late William Byam, selling;'the home of Miss Jean Perrin Lonr Andrew Rosay, May sho nSuo tetws- gation showed that the thief Mr. and MNs. Arthur Tam-1 tinued et Fleetod UlI eevddrn 1n~ 1 ihu eev, Strdy nTedyeeinJn 5Bhi ecastle, no licensebound on Highway 2. Me said badl entered the back door, blyn, Cambray, Mr. and Mrs. 1904 when hie sol oMsr. nwsdcje aepyf I wish a thankneighb urs 26 ai his late residence, Tihe ladies spent the evening plate light, five dollars endihe bail siopped ta let two gone through the kitchen and W. Bowman end Laune were Ryan and RenwikThy aihncure""-ongfd I wshtothnkneghous Bank Street, Millbrook. Furni-j working on a quilt for Mrs. costs, or three days; Paul Kiss,'children off at the 8th Con- living-room and upstairs where suppen guests o! Mr'. and Mrs. tinued until 91i n 90 J and friends for flowers and iture sale to commence prompt- Millier. It wes decided to May 8th, speeding on Highway1cession with the big signal a green metal box cantaining R.J. Ormiston. Chrisiopher CuniikyUîg Nw are, il cards while in hospital and Ily a Iil a.m. Real estate ta postpone the annuel picnîc lin- 401, 70 miles an hour, $10 andllighis flashing on the top of papers'had been opened. Rub- from Keene andwaepoy h' since coming home, also nurs- Ibe of!redfrsl a ..til the third Tuesday in Aug- costs, or five days. ýthe yellow school bus wvhen ber boot marks showed his ed by them asaecddac. es and staff o! the Medical!Further particulans, sec bil!s.lust, as the prsident, Mrs. W.1 (Constable P. C. Harte-Max-lhe noticed a car westbotind path hail been out the frontBT1AT years when hie prhsdte ebr ilji i Floor and Dr. Ewert, Dr. Slem- Terms cash. Jack Reid, auc- Bennett, Is leeving Jtinc 3th wel, OPP) Robert PaquetteJpassing on his left. dor n arsste ade.A.N atr n usnsrnig avesTwsi e rs on and Dr. Rowsell. tioneer; Lawrence H a r r is, for a month's trip to the West. May 9th, speeding 74 miles an "I closed the door quick "'The officer said hie apprehend-i it on his own uti 92we naoe a oreo Cr Jenny Schwarz. 25-1 clerk. 26-2 While there she will take in hUr o ighway 401, $15andJhe continued. *No matter how ýed the transient oniy a short In an exhibition softbali it wscnetdmaa~i~fa naisadSno ,t:---he Calgary Stanipede. costs. or five days; Lawrencelmany times you tell them flot distance away and found only1 gaine here Sunday night,l0perative busines ne î iies" ihtedt ab We wish ta express sincere 1,Tn!e Mrq. Eva McIlroy left Mal- D. Wright,,May 9th, speedigttekd utjm f n w et nhm Bethany defeated the o otnudvisfOuC~ ltr - iton on 'Phursday ta fly ta 9 iles a hour on Mighway1run across the rond. There is' rîeamîtd te te,10ntario Mydro Team, withithis capaciti' untl12.'h A nho!tatdeeo and relatives who called ta ex-! Deadstock Service Gose Bay, Labrador, wîîIere 401, $10 and costs, or five days; a slgn onthrro the aofteemer- c iue ost1eDrdn the score o! 7-6. aoiwafrm aybN-bnan lsIssrv<.r. pres ther bst wshes on he Hghes Cah Pnces or ead will snd two weeks with Dorothy Perdue, June 3rd, gency dor saying, 'Do fot passI"He also sait ie badl stlen' Mrs. Cecil McGill, Toronto 1vem ber and thee w r 0 Wli m P llpwoUc occas io!r s501he heddighest dCashPple fr Stck w Taunton Road, no license, $20 whcn lights are flashing.' fo h ahlcChrhAn-th ekedwt e ikrotsoeae ycp nz n r.Wl ocaso ofAn5tnivduhesninlwadadcoto iedas eohrcasrry and also or the then[$57 fo locall hu pet'teweknluckhr ml ruesoe AnMr. andaMrsanR.aW.t.aaddcosîs, or five Sytoc(ThemotherMcaraasdcomingRfrom thin Lindsay and spent it. Thisma'her. Mrs. James McKin- fa rmers wh o 'Pie pUc o eslp h u hi Iovely cards, flowers and gifis1 BURRETT FUR FARM !son. While ihere she wilî at- accsdhdbe hcc aiws nd the car that haed ias a falsehood. Me led meinn we rceivd antha occsion Phoo Lng Dstane Jtend thie graduation of her yean when she salit she bail passed me veered ta bis left ta the heavy overcoat lie is 1 Offa Staples, who has been 1 end delîvered ii otetrces rdcs Mr. and Mrs. Ernent Znt 65 necag o, granddau.ghîer, Donna, who woffîcer, this yeaoteshe admittedtoshoulder9" rleei h 6 5 0 ( o h r e t ,y u f t e r i c s e oe s ih e a ntt d p ased it o th s u h w e r n ( E t r nte: I w a a p a tie n t in P e te rb o ro u, h t r . I 9 9 t e b s n s 1 M s d i o c î x r s (Jc)Brummell. 25-11 next veer wilI be ettending sehdnn. ifi arDpnmn about 86 degrees in court) Hospital for miany weeks, bas dwinled. Creaeie wresdtehàk o!fcgou (Jack) Depi. p~~4tf ee. Ru~oug e r esid ent o! Atcar a th o u r tsp hrt ihse ctwas di table up the ro d. e had M rs. Helen Chaplain spent ter fats. Local fa r rs e m dof h n om an to h r- To a&R the kind :f:riAre.Lc.No nds of lge av eahrs ol.! re M enkins, Stcabate o rtnsport insectaa îdwhchhoha lftona iclcretrnd hs om. ffrig eterpoosfo bt-o rs Watenltfo fxeus Salem Comrunity I wish t Cash on the Spot r.Dv Reid and sonCernera Corporation, charged the eastbound car and that hiebenegigodfrmhue the weekend with hier family to be raising morec-ieat ga onite itand stores in the neighbour- in Trent River. hogs and needEdte ki The llbnom tig epesm icrthBrampton spent lest wimpaired driving May hadl ta veer over ta bis left hoad. He gave me the namel asai Gore ,cotmilk frthon-.fcordui. an eress s fnrere Dead or Crlppled Farm1 witb lier arent4ç, Mr. and Mn. 24h n Highway 401, pleadd ta avoid being struck head on e f eor Te el Jun Ngat a v ry enj ya le ve ing F - telok Pieke U 263-272 ly. GeoreSte phde Nn e a ble ot guilty. e was defendedby t be W alon car. e said e Tarnd o addr eess ! h s nbr o e n T n n oe for , w a cosd in ovper 199aJ davey Junreie d 8, a nd or e Tl;on alc 2322 as hn itn ed rcha Nwete by John Stephenson, Toronto. turned his car around and pur- Trnobtteewsn n weekend with his parents, Mr., fis bure of my retirenient from ieach- Margwill Fur FarmAgia hnhawe g Corporal M. Nimigon, Opp, sued the accusoti until bic over- te btht namre. He told endi Mrs. Addison Scott. she iftv hic h loC U T in. R ub . rgg YRN Sunday and friends were en- tostifjed that hoe bad recoivod took hlm. me lie bail a suit jacket too David Carn annd Lynde CarrwU t ing. <>N tertained afier et tlhc Stephon- information ta check a Peugottl Constable P. C. Hlante-Max- but so far I have been unable Picto,,spnt he eekndams of 0'O a . 25-1 Licence No. 389-C-65 son home. WIilo bere, Lyn station wagon westbound about;well, OPP, said that hie badl ta find it. I think the $57 is with thein grandparents, Mn.1 w«n odt lhml es _____ 4-t! ~~receivoti word that lber hus- 11 p.m. Ho stated that when laid the charge when Mr. Par-in if ."an Ms.RsCe.Mr.TJnigsedtw We wuldlik tatak ~~q Iband, Bave, bail been in an ho spotted it, the vehicle was ry describeti the incident. F is warship remanded the Mn. end Mips. Thomas Jen-' humaorous pooms,"eMo Wewud 'etotk tE accident end was hospitalized. golng 40 miles an hour and Douglas Wallon took the acusi in custody until June nings vieited with Mrs. FsanklCow Moo" endi" usadMLIL ITN EVC w opparunlty ta t ankd al o sd e M - --- H ow eve , since th n lho hRS a l theo ther ea vu holidayistand and stated that lho w a 2 t .Pru8sak end fam ily in W il-, Looks A t The In stt t . o s î e b r e h who ere o knd a d co sit- îLIVLbeen able Ia return home, sc0 traffic was streaming by ai 60,on bis way ta keep an appoint - Phyllis Jean W allace, Orono, owdale duing the. weekend. Mr.s. Harry R yî3 rsd d O h& D s r c prassuin g urthe lnesM ndA, h araeto omn we hope lie recovers realimiles an hour. !ment in Oshawa. He said thai pleadeti guilty ta failing ta, cabeuingo urmtherillns A Tid Tho1 o omu- - hepClb[frtwausns J. de GrOot. Special thanks taý ion was helti et church last quickly. 1 "Wibh Mr. Jenkins were hoe saw the bus stop and that stop et a stop sign June 111h.. A 4-H Sheep Club frbaebuinsssesin Dir. A. B. Sylvester and nurses Sunday. There will be service The annual M. & S. Club'threc small children in sleep.ýhe thought itlihait starteti up Conviction brought a fine of' -HShepClb a n- members agneed t ieaR a end saff ! Thid Flor. es usual ai 9:45 a.m. next picnic was held t tahe s chool ing bag% in the back seatIl agaif. Ifo admittoti that lho $5.00 aind $7.00 caste or fjv- cently been formeti for Dur-' donation o! $10.0f 1 r-Ett or HrChiltren. Sunday. This wilî be Rev. C. on Saturday afternoon. Wea- continueti the office. "is fae could sec the warning on the days. h- Colnesiîh Mr.5 , waînes oeiMan orsTws Mr 25-* Dugan's farewell service. ther was ideal. and the fol- was flushed and blot hd i ack o! the bus and that hoe Constable D. Anderson sat- Cooe, steledr.R5,Bwn- ISalem U.C.W. helti thoir' lowing won prize: Pre-school eyes heavy and ho mle fbi rse h dul oW dMs alc a es-vOhr eéuie ofcr, Juemeigettecuc.boysSte-von Dost; pre-scbool alcohol. I anresled him and white line in passing it. tid nCuchSretadchOsen woýro James Byen-s, Ca-ý Cocu aMil ofiheta tank a.i Mrs. Butter , ithe presidéint, girls, Doroon Curson; girls, cbarged hlm with i* rd Maistrte sixgmrntsnddlai thfedoe ! ersto t J gnvan, préesident; Stuart Ayros,: Cecil Mills wish to thank all y6-8, Rosernary Crowells; boysdniving. At aur office where'sneiiooi mnh n'tteleo o ivrS th idnihosadfinsconducledthebsies. 6 -8, Ken Boyd, girls g-Il, 1 took him and the children, cancelleti his right ta drive for'and poed ia the side of vîc"-resident; Ted Skinner.éUC who helpet inifany way et the decidet Iotahave a picnic nt Kablhy Bridger; bor. liebwis very uncoopera ivo e anc year Wirs.K. Feachnorth-bound5 car. BidShe hosat-11 lecra tar un;-Cpeaiivt Heher eaWoBethnyOMreBUrepoteHOMEST time of Ieir Mrs K Fletho's on l 1. Cameron W ilson; girl, 12-16, talkd long distance ta Scar- Albert C. Alexander, 1211 no previus record.B th n, pea r p tr.-V J Span nurs o the m onilorss- Wen iag eno!d-hlier i- Georgie Smpo:by 21,borough ta his wife, lus law- Wardeîi Avenue, Scarborough, Cliffrd Brannigan, 206 King Among the coming event.s pitl ndtaRev J Rmoiling. Mns. Craig gave ceil ta Bradley Wilson: papor plate yen, a neighbour anti bis bouse- pleadeti not guiîîy ta îeeving Street E., plended not guiltyby OON K pita an toRev J.Romrilrace, Kathy Bridger ai-d Dale keeper. Mis wife soundeti as ifthe sceneofo an accident May ta impaii'ed dniving, May 241h. and tour o! tic Agricultuiral: for bis words a! comfonî. wormhtp: soveral hymns were Dom-ark; sack race, Bradley she was in the same condition123rd. He stateti na one cls'elHo dmitted having thnee College andi ferm, an June 28.ý oe 25-1 M ns. o. CRei nod Mnyes. h rde nt eeDmr keeper finaliy came for theeam. and hoiedilintonded ta son anti saitithat tbc poliept i Aejno a ttc GeMs r raliS aclt ievoin al W.thBrer nd ace eMark hw;chiltiren." report il in tbe mornin g. wene justIlying in wait forj Peterbo'oug Exhibition oni 3 BEDR OU G L W MaronandRusel*mo-irs. Dug ionldv"ws gpraer know youn koces, Peggy Boyd, Constable J. W. Cartwright,:- Constable L. J. Mahoney,1 hiro wben "they shouiti be Aut2d M arlonH a t i s s o So- t e r' r a d n n " n v " s g v n a n d i T m W ilso n ; k ic k t h ' ,O P P , sta e ti th a t lie a s a ti O P P , sa i t i eh o w a s o n p eI n i o n w a tc h in g fo r m o rn e o ! t bc o t - A n g lic a n C h u r h W o m e n o nL a gL o s5 ' x 2 0 ke>Nee is a hn terby Mrs. Bob Collacutt. Ouri shoe, GwenHuhe;tl o detarien, office andi Highway 35 about 2:30 a.m. r guys in town". The Anglican Church -'- relatives andi frientis, alga their gucst speaker wes Mr. Ed.,,ae' o Hges elonheerdteaccueibrtigtowenlew'adie Cn-. Constable R. Parker tld the men met ln the Parish Hall! sans Rick anti Jiro, daughter Vouni man, who gave a venygusmth OPP for erresting lis chiltiren. stable P. DenHoeci that hoebadl court hie hai been advised by o! St. Paul'a Chus-ch on frm 1 Karen andi grantison Kevin, neetn n informative'l nunuber of candies, Rosemary The officer said that the mave- stopped a car westbaund on anothen matorisita watch for Thulrsday evening, with Mips. for the mnemnoablc Party beld talk On "Conservation." Sx'-1 Crowells. moents o! the accuseti were very Highway 401 east a! Bennett the Brannigan Cadiliac. Me Noei Wood presitidng anti erthemn et Lions Centre, oral mon also attentiet theý Following suppen, a bail slow and that hoe was certainly Roand, thet liait been involveti sait iehohi foliowed il t le -g the dcv'otlional service, For Appointett npetMdlHm .ne 19 Plhe occasion Of! meeting. Mrs. E. Twist anti game took Place wit'h the untien the influence o! alco- canlier in an accident on Migb- an King Street, weaving from assisteti Wv Mns. Levi MoGiliUC L -251 eW ding Annivens- i'Mrn Bob Craig favoreti withl chu-tmon vst thein parents. This ho]. way 35. the centre ta the curb in very reading tbe scripture lessoni Oui' sîncere thanks. a d uet "Mow Great Thou Art."- was much enjoyeti but the, Mr. Jenkins tld bhe courir "The car lied broken down heavy traffic. Twice the of- anti Mrs. Dougflas Smelt loat-i Marion anti Snokey. iA oc'iel time was enjoyeti f-parents, we believe, were the-that hoe hai been vlsiting biislanti the lights burneti oui," hoe ficer bai tnieti unsuccessfully lng tbe prayers. Mns. Norman _________heeetng.____ m inother-in-iew et Presqu'le cantînueti. I fook bim ta a ta fiag down the driver be- Boothby reporteti a profit o! 2-39 A verv plensaîut eveningi nearby taxi. The accuseti ad- tween Brown Street anti Tom- $144.81 train tbc recent Gar-' XLSViGN wish ta thank muuvfrientis was enjoyeti et the shool last The ladiesLIME --mtteti that hoe hied been sooth- porance. tien Party.Teldswr- anrte gints son ti muwllo I in àav hona MieaR w agsj : B SEL Party --Ho n ors bounti an Mighway 35 antibaad "He turned north there anti invi-tedtit attend a fnientilyl- anor tomenty b etifl carIsln niorvowenMame uBas l B U Eveered ta avoid a northbound stopped four on five foot oui visiting course for elderly y < ~ K A S A ELd was in the baspliai, also tbank retirement. iTe. eil ndle u f he crmth urb ecrass the drive- people sponsoreti by the Maen- W *F A YoutoDr.Mcenzethenus. onraulaios t te fl- in o regu e monl eet-o, /Vr. MV~rs Ilavesiroati into the guarti rails. e Way by the post office," con- vers Township branch o! the os and staf! on the First Floor îowîng on successfllîy passingi elhbour Club was belti on' a hoatilight anti hati gone ta a steppeti outi mia traffic anti h was eagreeti ta donate $10.00' oma v le m oial sp i lt a B w- eond ea m a: n . Jon ws t n i- o e Of sdy R ofer o tte V Ve d 2 5 Y e a r s nearby service station t a ave w oul ti have been run dow n if tow ards th e pr pos ot M anv rs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ toMrs. Bon Maogkamp antivd, y:M.EirSakeon Poo eeoevnmmes;O aurii veibcfentier pulleti out off bis I latitfiai pollet i hm back. Mis Township Cenotp1h. Mr. Perey Mare. vriy r rcSakeo hr er lvnmmes nStra vnfg, Jonc whoel. IHe coulti have phonoti eYos were blootishot, lis walk Husbancls altend te b soc-1 bis !insb ycan et Carleton Col- anti five visitons prosont. 19, about 125. frientis anti ne-Zar office from thero. Demnage unsteatiy anti bis speech sior- 1el bouir thal fallowod anti the! Mrs. Louise Hodgson. loge, Otta-wa; and Mn. Lanny Thank-yoo cards wcre reati latives gathered ti aheb Lions 1ta bis car was about $300." roti'. nemainden of the evening was - 25-1l Cooper, bis first year at from sevenal people as well as Centre ta bonor Mn nt rs agistrale R. B. Baxier gave Mis Worsbip reati the tra!!ic spent playing Shub ebad ~ - IN QLLIY Guelph. University. the Cancer Society. A Top- Russell Hayes on the occasion h lte ben efit a! the doubt record o! bbc accused-impain- anti badminton. Alnho Sevenai fram Ibig district pcrware pitchein anti a cro- of their 251h wetiding anni- anti dismissei the charge. cd tiiving conviction May barbecued hot dogs was mer- - P40NUMENTS AND aitended t-ho Goodiyear picnic cheteti doily were donatedti f versany. The enjoyablo parîyý William Ronald McDoneld, 1962, fine $50, anothen in No- yod. MARKERS ai Cobourg an Saturntay. the club by Mns. Rex Fowler was a rrangeti by M-n. anti Mrs. 117,RR 1, Port Hope, ploatieti îemben, samne year, fine $150; At thue conclusion o-fthé, ~ i S!M Current, arrivedb~ ceos from the sale o! articles Jack Ha yes, M. anti Mr,;.IWilliam W. Turnbul Jnc 16. year in Oshawa, 20 days in Rose presened a gifta oM. plane on Friday Mr a bon day were atidedt t te fonds. Con- Richard Hayes anti Mr. anti Me was remandeti out a! eus- jeul. Mis licence bati been ne- anti Mrs. Moward Rin.gbolm,- IF STAFF(RD vioit withblber parents, Mr' tests were contiocteti by the Mn.!. Moi McNulty. ioty unbil Jonc 20bh for pro- insiaieti February lst this year ln necognîition Ci thcir récent We Reserveth RgtteLmtQatte BRS T. anti M-ns. W. Craig, and'othler 'hostes.s- witb Mrs. Jessie Gib- Onterarvabcan-sentence report. afici' twa years' suspension. raige gvng a pci[ 4 BRSLD. relatives, son winning anc p riz e, antivd sryide a s p-esn-e---onsfabe1 L .TDT-1 i, Te ineiiiews$0 ecm s.Rnhl R vd- ar Ple y a tiMvr. fanm c ttil so ! m aster o ! ew s, M . endi M ine. Ron C e- s r a , M . an ti M rs. Ve n curdling t be m îk star er! A F R E S H 19 5 R M L R1 6 And SEve $$ $ - a wrein cve 1tsipM i , creromi" ant i d nna themens and boys, Mr. Murayl Perige Anti girls. O 5awa ninber of romplex changes ; fcay vening, on hehaîf of--those Axtorti, IlmpIon, Mn. antiMn. anti Mns. Ivan Sharp andi anti in timee fluiud sub- DALI " A m .ri c a n " 4 . b R . - BM r. A n d. e se m let an i th vse 'in ble i's re d W ni iu a n ti fam ily Jg irls w p i'e S u n tay te e uo t sta n ce o ft h e b c ilk w as tra n s- J I E lD M. > 2b s 4 9 Mn. nti rs Ciffod wlta to tend, prosent eti hnbidtielowmanvilc Mn. anti Mns. È,oM.1o andi Mns. T. Wcnry, forMmer tooba ikind onef<hecse."l_________________________ CONVERTIBLE 4 cri., automatir transqmis- son wCne oentained àet a at no !2 er wt ~WihBtyantiLawrenre.i REcent visitns 9o Mins. F n. Toa n n i n g s GR E8 Demonatrator. Bright Yi- alan. Gleamlnt hlaek witî~h arbecu@e dinner at their soî'srpunse o! monevý. With uwcll!Mi'. Herbent Wright, Lintiai Toms wscro Mns. W. Fodreoo itrs n i N o ~<. 1McINTOS 10w wlth white top. Great bine Interior trim. r home. Mn. andi Mn.Maroldie host-n words Mn. AntiMme.lanti Janet. Mi's. Bradiford is' Blackstock, Mn. end Mns. W'I- kînis tif dclbe cnow mn' s savings here! Real good! Wilson anti Totit, Ocsawa, f ' -lys xpe'ei thortak pningii kwihemfrdWilaCeserea. iA ma___ , n Hye eprme tei aksspndngths ee wthhelfedWilimrfactureti and gavp genénal in,.J- honon o! P'atber's Day. ;for tac meinarable party andi feniiy befone ntunning home' Mn. anti Mris. Russell Ormi- formmatian on tb hees i 196 CEV 158CHV. rs K C Hopins im pn-i gifti marking thein anniver-, to Arizona. stn attendeti the Tambln dustiy. "nPle da-ry industry inr r3 9 SA INW G N SA INW G N %heMn. anti Mrs. Kenne!h 1rtegl vnig h ry id niJh pn le ak audya aînlCanaeda . ints IH inomé lime with ber dau-l sarv. -Mn. anti Mrs, Clarcure Av-rpicnic o auda aonn is a (u rthird basic_______________________ In beautifd condition. Biue with matching trim. Hentic' anti familY et Cooks- hall lied bceîu beautifullv- weckenti with Mr. anti Mrs. ýMn. anti Mr. Antirew Scobi - is known the worlti aven \Ve FRESH CELLO PC atpr biu h white top. Good runnlnc engin@ and - town. decanateti wibh pink and1 W-me Moore, Cono, Ont. Goderich, Mr. anti Mns. Max' manufacture many tiîf!erenb m Sec thîs repday wagon! dlean throughout. Mrs. Rex Fowler entertain- white streamers. white belh-zz Mrs. H. Ashton, Mns. A.iRalîjard, Messrs. Ross andikintis, with a type for everyU * I£ - AT RA TIC LL RE UC D IC S . * d several fients o! Mrq. r nt i pnk rosettes. Miss Aut- Sharp anti Mrs. R. Sharp ei-J Frank Lee w cno last J da Sts . This produt has ln EARE CLEARING OUR OLDER MODELS Fred Wright on Montiay aften- ney Hayes anti James Hayes, bendeti a trousseaui tee inîevening callers et A. Werry's i been recognizeti bv urto-I -- - n an n h non o! er irt da . nece ant so o! the ennve- b nan o! use Sanira Houe n. nti Mn. Manlti As--iustriotitonr-t ooe veue A R SEE THY ETD AY' MRCESn nti nsR abfer irtGi-e-; ni"env coupe noftiheogNnicr- et br ome et Sanraio, on Mr.tond rc ant oldAsh t- hO dmtsi fo vntue.. hE HMTO !Mam Oond , rsoe rnt olýsarv operespnibe or bbNc-at ho ea t - ton oneti CaFr'e dDoasgate-i cheese x forOntarh o eFRESH STRA BRISA RVN Contat On cf ur Curteus Slesmn: -at.roo rg. eir itb n.nt1 artstic e fent. hebeafortbe. Mant i rs. BII Kv ndd a bbc hoe o s D . ati rîtain fa-nexeda bb auG . AI Cotc n fOrCutosglse: Mns. .1. A. Bannes. whicb 'vas contreti with a Paul, Toronuto, were Suntiay, Mns. L. Kensev. Wcston. Ply." Mina. Jennings distribut -________________________ Bud Fogg, Sales Manager Sundav' vizitors witb Mn.':tbree-buened wedtiing cakeývisitorqeta R. Sharp's. Mi's. Alox Thuraton, Fone-l' d rociPes for ueing aImaitý anti Mrs. Howanrd Cntermaný' flanked by 'wbhite ant i slverJ Miss Elsie Oke is visting: Ion Fells, vIsiteti M. and Mns o vory type of ceese. Jerry Kean- Dan Kearney anti famiiv were, M. anti caîdle.9, was aIea dornedi relatives t Manitoba. I L. Lamb and ogether teyi M. Vinent Jackson red Shop and I<N Conv'enient on-the-spot Lowv-Cost Financing Mns. Carios Cryderman, Osh-! witb cxquisitc bouquets of 'Mn. John Donlanti, Lapeer,!ý visîteti Mn, and Mrs. Don an article eoneernlng the Pine Sv .; 3 we. Miss Caroline Betty, - pink anti white carnations. Michigan, Mns. Sain JutigéiLem-b, B1allieboro. G-nove Cheefte F'ctor ai Mav trüknMiss Kathv anti' Dancing for the nemaintien anti girls, Norfolk, Virginia, Mn. F. Toms eccompaniediJLakefieid, orwned by Howa-rti n-a Murray Twist, Sale-m. Mn. of thbe eveninizcng e teýwere Tbunsday visitons e r Mr. anti Mms Wilbur Toms ofr Andrews. sixty fermes- in SERVICE STATION Gordon AllUn, Newcastle. andijhappy event. bc;anti Mrs. F. Dorlanti's. M. Pomple Milta fthe Decoration'thle as-ca .upplY the milk forUT ~ IA Mn. Ross Melcaîf, Mampton. A week earlier, ai- Salon-' Miss Betty Jane Werny ac- - Service on Suntiay et Pinel hl$ feetory. Mira, Jackson a LmsaK O p e n f r o m 7 & r .m . u n t i l 1 2 r n ld n i g b t M @ o a d C y e m n a . e u e 1 , M . a d M s In e r . a d M @ .1 G o e C m t r , P i c l a e c m e t n t e p o Be urete skfer~'or FEEtendoti a receptian on Fnricay 1 JacÙ Hayes weo hsts for e, L. Weern anti Susan on week-!'bent.1 grai motto, "nhe farm tle tbc Be sre t askfor our REE venin,al Sqlcm for Miis !tmrIlv barbecue nri when endti t Skooamatia Lak<'. Thursdav evoninig calIons ab foond facior-v o! the nation,, "";HELL TUMBLERS" with gis purchasein. Ruby Brag. R former Base thr n ivc-sanî' ride. anti M. and Mr.5- tânI Trp%&!nM" anti Mrs. A. Weny were let's kep bbc assembly lio 77 King St. W. -Bwnnil Linè teacher. who is retiringigroom were presenteti witb 'anti Doreeon.--itened Decona- IMns. Judy Jutige, Martha anti rolling." froîn the profesion, an electric carving knie. f ion Service at Fine GroveiMa.ry, Norfolk. VU'BU1IIa, Dr,1 Mn.e Earl Weatheri.It gavc'

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