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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1965, p. 16

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le The Canadian Statearnan, Bowmanville, Jufle 23, 19853e in e ux ia yt eneonducted the Golden Bar TwyOlS er ano; h ltCurie o:ayd ____________________i on. 4 nd Lai es Ax liry Parade o C m t r 1eryBaý1ya Lu I ~ ~ ~ ~ L a a i e s ~~~~~P a t R u c k sth u l, h er yl B l c k la c e a n d L e te n a n t S i l y a u i g a i C u y a ~ h and Debbie Beerthuîzen. Locke.Bt. Clarke School Board I Linda Ellis, Jili Van de The Guides and 1ane.Tepoga lsdwt Wakrand Barbara White'.entertained with sansadte ign i"GdSv h dondsiiver wings and "flew games and five Guide rniQun" gates. Kathy Allen "walked To il Befoe S pt Up" ta Guides. To Fii Beore ept.Jil Van de Walker received her Writer's and Toymaker's The Clarke Township Pub- Greenwood stated that when a j Badges and Barbara White her lic School; Area Board held school is closed and the st-3rd Year Service Star. their regular monthlv meeting dents are moved ta another Brown Owl Audrey McGhee on Monday evenîng at the school that the board wauld made the following presenta- Craoked Creek Sehool. Dur- ýbe responsib1e ta supply trans- ~ tions ta the 2nd Courtice Jrag the course of the meeting .portatian. It was also noted, « Brownie Pack: Golden Bar, t was revealed that the Board however, that no busing would ~ î Hawke and Dianne hes yet one teacher ta secure. be subsidized within a two Christi; Golden Hand and The vacancy exists in the mile radius of a school. Mr. Wings, Susanne Welsh, Sandra senior room at Brown's. It S te ph e ns on recommended, lAtkinson, Pat Irwin and Lau- was pointd out that a number 'schoal guards for highwav' anne Reynolds; House Orderly A D O of Boards stil] have teachers crossings and felt they would'î4 ýBadge, Arleen Strong,Pa ta hire and that teachers are :be setting a precedent by bus-, Irwîn, Dianne Christi atd hard to get who are willing ta ing students dloser than thePat Weh:T marPt teach in the smaller schools. two miles. Mr. Greenwood. ' .t........ Jrin and WanaElotAh A A T E Mrs. Hoy, principal of the and Mr. Wannan then nated 1tLuneRyod;Mn Newtonviile School, asked the that students in other areas . trel, Kimn Hawke; Collector, Intentions of the board in had ta walk along the high-! Bowmanx'ille Legion Pipe Band led the parade of Day service. They. are shown here, during the cere- Ki1sk. -er ev Ki Hwk.A -ya Srv RUST CRIF AE setting up the education sys- wav. Legionaires and Ladies' Auxiliary memrbers on Sunday manies. ýice Star went ta Susanne terr in the Newtonville, Port' Dr. Taggart brought the to BowmanvilIe's Cemetery for the annual Decoration Welsh and a 3-year Service Granby and Lakeshore schools discussion ta a close when he '- __-__---- _----- Star ta Sandra Atkînson. foauortroomis at Newtonville. The Public School Board anothier year. Dr. Taggart ' NEi L:, Golden Hand Test are: Service,'upwards fr3 r5yas The transportation cammittee was reuse ame ihsi htMneswsPLI, < LIi i~ Intelligence, Health and Han- are to consider the possibilitythe Tawnship af Clarke Coun- cing educatG uion, for the s dîcraft ignoss showingý, of setting up specific classesincil t ics hecaigotchiin o ew ark foroSgpst theear ly b pybe af the tests required for each ofyerybchqe then tre achools wh o Union School Sections, ýDarlington.Ht! - j these were held by the e autharizd nctctfo ai ai sudnt wnttath N w s and Providence. These! The- Finance Comînite O ur ~ fl( I1 s j VhîGodn d rcivn Canadianin rac onil colweth orto sections involve bath!W. Wannan and Dr Taggàît E U W P reenUE io nEly UE/ Cooldnmpananicqg tovileshol he heforClarkce and Darlingion who are are to look after the necessarysope a a ind Wi ngs and trustfn. rom eeopnd uh agrablstoppeed at eacheiaininsignposthoos adnd rocm er olrqure opnd uha-,gea el'hliv acoe anigaiteshal n a Te Courtice Girl Guides lioti, Jennifer James, Nettie ýsented tire following badges: ,told which was lier easiest and ditional busing. Mrs. Hoy alsolo ut these joint sections. Clarke 'ca]l tenders for such work. aîdBowis ed hir Fly- jPaats, Cindy Siblock and! Child Care, Suzanne Carpen- iher most difficult test ta pass. askd i se wuldreeiv aUnion section bas already been î Mrs. Wynacott has been hir-lup and Presentation Cere-!Moira Huston. Each was given ter; Gloria-Joe Pulflen and Bon- A«rnIHw ro h wee ta aîow im tacary utpoiteeau t at f te wo ubic ch ol. Th se reorvth rch on Mon ayive inghenrole an alPw relie zn, ealh nd megenTheod wihes ta the gils ea supply for one haîf day agre uo. .R.Bsheur echmsc ith roomnies ai Ebe ee nitge a lged and e as se was 'zn e cGhe;asnomer, nCiii- odwies rreetedi t eirE v-IN theduie ofa ricipl n hemeîîtioned areas were not was instructed to contact Mrs. Mav 31, 1965. icamed ino the Company with ý Helper Badges were won bv 'n hi ak aetrGie theour o aricl. nthe bo 1 closed out that the taxpayers Westheuser and Mrs. Merkle V The program began with verses and a sang. ýGail Walter- and Vicky Orms- jKn th e dcs tonerwGcades gave no decision. wld aetahl pyt who would teach music inithe singing off "0 Canada",J Presentation of Proficîencyitrup- Fire Brigade, Kathyithe e Guides and Karený The board hopes ta have the1 costs of the new i 6-room j the other area schools. It was afier which the Guides form-j Badges in the 2nd Courtice !Red".tone, L in d a Laturski, Hawke led in praver. four roomis in aperation in 1 school which was ta ha built propased ta divide the schools 1: d their Horseshoe and the! Company included: Firsi Class, Cheryle Fulton, Bannie Mc- 1 The District Commissioner Newtonvîlle around the first lin Darlington. :between the two teachers. Brownies their Fairy Ring. ýKaren Hawke; Second Class- Glhee, Gloria-Jo Pullen. Anie Evelyn Hawke gave Seric o! the year. It was also reparted at the Il xvas also noted that nat District Co mm i ss ion e rSusan Atkinson; Cook-Mar- Wiggan1s. uan aretr tastihe folwing Gies Mr. and Mrs. Donald Evans'meeting that no agreement had ail teachers were ordering Evelyn J-iiawke welcomed thre garei Go * ne, Donna Johiison-Vie Renold andBon011114 \vears-Brown Owl June sought inforriation if the child-'been reached with Manverssupplies through the secreiary. parents off the girls and gave and Anne Walter; Fire Bi- isop Wiier, Linda LaiurskiJames, Brown Owl Audrey 372 Bay St., 3 ulpS. 3Msisg . ren east off Highway 115 from! for the closing out off the New Tire board is ta hold a [a short address. ýgade. Karen Hawke, Donna'and Bannlie McGhee. A 3rd McGeeadanyOlDrsTotoariOrli the A!tioch area wauld belPark union School Section. It 'special meeting on June 251h: The following girls xvere;Johnson and Anne Walier; Year Ser-vice Star went ta esoe:3yas-aii bused ta the Orono school in is on this area that the Mo-mi Orono, with the regular fenrolled in the 2nd Corirtice Laundress, Karen Hawke. 'Linda Latîrski. Eesyn Bishop andCaptain September when the Aniioch !spart .assessment exisis and it':meetinig ai No. 9 an July 12. !Guide Company by Captain1 Captain off ihe Ist Countice! Brown Owl June James, ofinlge Ormstrup; 2 years-Lieu- sehool is- to be closed. Mr. is understood that Manvers -Orono Times. Jige Ornistrup: Lorraine El-!Company, Evelyn Bishop, pre-Ithe isirtieBo iePctnt Sena Ftn ad asMMlaMtheMBi rSHAREbâi OpnIréIt "TlI9pm I -e- ILMIU LAWN Io h ....... aICS N aMLMNU HI Io h . . . . . . . . . . . (CSINDCRY a JKTHNHN eIEU ESR -AC P... *SMALL UTILITY SHELF *5-CAN SPICE SHEIF AIL SUITABLE FOR CUP130ARD DOOR Kt <ail screws suppied) a EXCELITE SECONDS Atiorted colors end lengths. 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